function main() { echo "<br>In test driver<br>"; echo "Database Host: {$CHAPRDB_HOST}<br>"; echo "Database Database: {$CHAPRDB_DATABASE}<br>"; // $rows = dbGetPackages(); // $rows = dbGetPersonalities(); // $rows = dbGetOrder(24); // $rows = dbGetItems(31); $rows = dbGetOrderCustomer(2); print_r($rows); }
$orderListLink = getSpecialVariable("orderListLink", $config); $packingListLink = getSpecialVariable("packingListLink", $config); //echo "to edit the order part, I'll call " . get_page_link("$editOrderLink"). "<P>"; //echo "to edit the customer part, I'll call " . get_page_link("$editCustomerLink"). "<P>"; //echo "to ship the order part, I'll call " . get_page_link("$shipOrderLink"). "<P>"; //echo "to go back to order list, I'll call " . get_page_link("$orderListLink"). "<P>"; // // HERE'S WHERE THE ACTUAL GOOD STUFF IS! Up to this point we have // be doing a lot of setup. // // The plan is to paint a screen describing the order, in a non // editable format. Buttons will be available for working with // the orders. // first, retrieve the order, which has the side effect of validating it $order = dbGetOrder($oid); $customer = dbGetOrderCustomer($oid); if ($message || $errorMessage) { echo "<script type='text/javascript'>"; echo "setTimeout(function() {"; echo " var userBox = document.getElementById(\"userMessage\");\n"; echo " var errorBox = document.getElementById(\"errorMessage\");\n"; // we could make the boxes just dissappear like this // echo(" if(userBox)'hidden';\n"); // echo(" if(errorBox)'hidden';\n"); // instead they actually go away, moving all data up echo " if(userBox)'none';\n"; // and we could ALSO cause error messages to go away, but we don't // echo(" if(errorBox)'none';\n"); echo "},5000);\n"; echo "</script>\n"; }