コード例 #1
ファイル: coming_events.php プロジェクト: iCaspar/SalsaPress
    function widget($args, $instance)
        $obj = SalsaConnect::singleton(true);
        if ($obj && $obj->on()) {
            $template = $instance['template'] != '' ? esc_attr($instance['template']) : '';
            $event_number = $instance['event_number'] != '' ? esc_attr($instance['event_number']) : 4;
            $link_to_cal = $instance['link_to_cal'] != '' ? esc_attr($instance['link_to_cal']) : false;
            if ($link_to_cal) {
                $options = get_option('my_theme_options');
                $options['cal_options_page'] = !empty($options['cal_options_page']) ? $options['cal_options_page'] : get_bloginfo('url') . '/cal/';
                $cal_link = substr($options['cal_options_page'], -1) == '/' ? $options['cal_options_page'] : $options['cal_options_page'] . '/';
            $screen = !empty($template) ? "&condition=Template=" . $template : '';
            $template = !empty($template) ? "/t/" . $template : '';
            $obj = SalsaConnect::singleton(true);
            $stuff = $obj->post('gets', 'object=event&condition=Status=Active&condition=Start>=' . date("Y-m-d") . $screen . "&limit=" . $event_number . "&include=Event_Name&include=Start&include=End&include=This_Event_Costs_Money&include=Description&orderBy=Start");
            if (empty($obj->chapter_filter)) {
                $chapter_link = SALSAPRESS_SALSA_CHAPTER_BASE;
            } else {
                $chapter_link = $obj->chapter_filter;
            $chapter_link = SALSAPRESS_SALSA_CHAPTER_BASE == '' ? '' : '/c/' . $chapter_link;
		<div class="salsapress_coming_events">
            _e('UPCOMING', 'salsapress');
<a href="
            $secure = str_replace("http://", "https://", SALSAPRESS_SALSA_BASE_URL);
            if ($link_to_cal && $thing->This_Event_Costs_Money == false) {
                echo $cal_link;
            } else {
                echo $secure . '/o/' . SALSAPRESS_SALSA_ORG_BASE . $chapter_link . $template . '/p/salsa/event/common/public/';
			" style="margin-top: -8px; float: right; font-size: 50%;"><?php 
            _e('Full Calendar', 'salsapress');
			<ul style="margin-top: 10px;" class="event_list" >
            if (count($stuff) > 0) {
                foreach ($stuff as $thing) {
                    if ($link_to_cal && $thing->This_Event_Costs_Money == false) {
                        $link = $cal_link . '#' . $thing->key;
                    } else {
                        $link = SALSAPRESS_SALSA_BASE_URL . '/o/' . SALSAPRESS_SALSA_ORG_BASE . $chapter_link . $template . "/p/salsa/event/common/public/?event_KEY=" . $thing->key;
				<li class="event" ><strong><?php 
                    echo date_smoosh($thing->Start, $thing->End) . ': <em>' . $thing->Event_Name;
                    if (strlen($thing->Description) > 16) {
                        echo better_excerpt($thing->Description, 200) . "<br>";
				<a target="_blank" href="<?php 
                    echo $link;
                    _e('Sign up and more details', 'salsapress');
            } else {
                echo '<li><em>' . __('Big stuff, coming soon!', 'salsapress') . '</em></li>';
        } else {
            echo "<!-- Active SalsPress to use -->";
コード例 #2
ファイル: form.php プロジェクト: iCaspar/SalsaPress
    public function render()
        // Checking and making sure the query was successful
        if (!isset($this->form->key)) {
            return '<!-- Invalid Salsa Query-->';
        if ($this->obj == 'action' && $this->form->Status == 'Inactive') {
            return '<!-- Petition #' . $this->form->key . ' is inactive -->';
        $options = get_option('salsapress_options');
        $chapter = isset($options['salsapress_salsa_chapter_base']) && strlen($options['salsapress_salsa_chapter_base']) > 1 ? '/c/' . $options['salsapress_salsa_chapter_base'] : '';
        $fallback_url = SALSAPRESS_SALSA_BASE_URL . '/o/' . $options['salsapress_salsa_org_base'] . $chapter;
        $form_return = '';
        if ($this->obj == 'event' && isset($this->form->Maximum_Attendees) && $this->form->Maximum_Attendees > 0) {
            $no_cache = SalsaConnect::singleton(true);
            $attendee_count = $no_cache->post('count', 'count_column=supporter_KEY&object=supporter_event&condition=_Status=Signed%20Up&condition=event_KEY=' . $this->form->key);
            $waitlist_count = $this->form->Maximum_Waiting_List_Size > 0 ? $no_cache->post('count', 'count_column=supporter_KEY&object=supporter_event&condition=_Status=Waiting List&condition=event_KEY=' . $this->form->key) : 0;
            if ($attendee_count >= $this->form->Maximum_Attendees && $waitlist_count >= $this->form->Maximum_Waiting_List_Size) {
                return '<div >' . __('This event is at capacity and will not accept additional guests.', 'salsapress') . '</div>';
            } else {
                if ($attendee_count >= $this->form->Maximum_Attendees && $waitlist_count < $this->form->Maximum_Waiting_List_Size) {
                    $form_return .= '<div >' . __('This event is at capacity. You will be added to the waitlist.', 'salsapress') . '</div>';
        $inputs = explode(",", $this->form->Request);
        if ($this->obj == 'event') {
            $this->form->Required .= 'First_Name,Last_Name,Email';
        $required = explode(",", $this->form->Required);
        $states = __('Alabama,Alaska,American Samoa,Arizona,Arkansas,California,Colorado,Connecticut,Delaware,D.C.,Florida,Georgia,Guam,Hawaii,Idaho,Illinois,Indiana,Iowa,Kansas,Kentucky,Louisiana,Maine,Maryland,Massachusetts,Michigan,Minnesota,Mississippi,Missouri,Montana,Nebraska,Nevada,New Hampshire,New Jersey,New Mexico,New York,North Carolina,North Dakota,Northern Mariana Islands,Ohio,Oklahoma,<option value="OR" >Oregon,Pennsylvania,Puerto Rico,Rhode Island,South Carolina,South Dakota,Tennessee,Texas,Utah,Vermont,Virgin Islands,Virginia,Washington,West Virginia,Wisconsin,Wyoming,Armed Forces (the) Americas,Armed Forces Europe,Armed Forces Pacific,Alberta,British Columbia,Manitoba,Newfoundland,New Brunswick,Nova Scotia,Northwest Territories,Nunavut,Ontario,Prince Edward Island,Quebec,Saskatchewan,Yukon Territory,Other', 'salsapress');
        $select_state_text = __('-- Please select', 'salsapress');
        $state_array = explode(',', $states);
        $state_abvs_array = explode(',', $state_abvs);
        $state_select_string = '<select id="state" name="State" ><option value="">' . $select_state_text . '</option>  ';
        foreach ($state_array as $key => $state) {
            $abv = isset($state_abvs_array[$key]) ? $state_abvs_array[$key] : '';
            $state_select_string .= '<option value="' . $abv . '">' . $state . '</option>';
        $state_select_string .= '</select>';
        $diff_fields = array('Zip' => '<input type="text" name="Zip" id="Zip" fillin="Zip" maxlength="5" size="6">', 'State' => $state_select_string);
        $diff_labels = array('State' => __('State/Province', 'salsapress'), 'Zip' => __('Zip/Postal Code', 'salsapress'));
        if ($this->obj == 'event') {
            $triggers = $this->SalsaConnect->post('gets', 'object=event_email_trigger&include=email_trigger_KEY&condition=event_KEY=' . $this->form->key);
            $this->form->email_trigger_KEYS = '';
            foreach ($triggers as $trigger) {
                $this->form->email_trigger_KEYS .= $trigger->email_trigger_KEY . ',';
            $fallback_url .= '/p/salsa/event/common/public/?event_KEY=' . $this->form->event_KEY;
        } else {
            if ($this->obj == 'action') {
                $fallback_url .= '/p/dia/action/public/?action_KEY=' . $this->form->key;
            } else {
                $fallback_url .= '/p/salsa/web/common/public/signup?signup_page_KEY=' . $this->form->key;
        $title = $this->modes[$this->obj]['print_title'];
        $title = "<h1>" . $this->form->{$title} . "</h1>";
        $description = $this->modes[$this->obj]['print_description'];
        $description = "<p>" . $this->form->{$description} . "</p>";
        $extra = '';
        $below = '';
        if (isset($this->options['event_compact'])) {
            require_once 'simple_html_dom.php';
            $this->form->Start = fixDate($this->form->Start);
            $this->form->End = fixDate($this->form->End);
            $html = str_get_html($description);
            $ftimage = $html->find('img', 0) != null ? $html->find('img', 0) : '';
            $description = better_excerpt($html->plaintext, 500);
            $location_url = trim($this->form->Address . ' ' . $this->form->City . ' ' . $this->form->Zip . ' ' . $this->form->State);
            $location_name = empty($this->form->Location_Common_Name) ? trim($this->form->Address . ' ' . $this->form->City) : $this->form->Location_Common_Name;
            $location = empty($location_url) ? $location_name : $location_name . ' (<a target="_blank" href="http://http://maps.google.com/maps?q=' . $location_url . '" >Google Map It</a>)';
            $location = empty($location) ? '' : '<li><strong>Where:</strong> ' . $location . '</li> ';
            // used for calendar			$url = isset($this->options['event_url']) ? $this->options['event_url'] : 'http://'.$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"].'#'.$this->form->event_KEY;
            if (empty($obj->chapter_filter)) {
                $chapter_link = SALSAPRESS_SALSA_CHAPTER_BASE;
            } else {
                $chapter_link = $obj->chapter_filter;
            $chapter_link = SALSAPRESS_SALSA_CHAPTER_BASE == '' ? '' : '/c/' . $chapter_link;
            $secure = str_replace("http://", "https://", SALSAPRESS_SALSA_BASE_URL);
            $url = $scure . '/o/' . SALSAPRESS_SALSA_ORG_BASE . $chapter_link . '/p/salsa/event/common/public/?event_KEY=' . $this->form->event_KEY;
            $social = '<div class="social"><iframe src="http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?app_id=194627797268503&amp;href=' . $url . '&amp;send=false&amp;layout=standard&amp;width=54&amp;show_faces=false&amp;action=like&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;font&amp;height=21;" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:54px; height:25px;margin-bottom:-4px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>';
            $social .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="http://twitter.com/share" class="twitter-share-button" data-url="' . $url . '" data-text="Just signed up for ' . $this->form->Event_Name . ', you should too..." data-count="none" data-via="busproject" data-related="busproject:Follow us on Twitter, we\'re pretty hilarious\\">Tweet</a><script type="text/javascript" src="http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js"></script>';
            $social .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<g:plusone size="medium" count="false" href="' . $url . '"></g:plusone><script type="text/javascript">(function() {var po = document.createElement(\'script\'); po.type = \'text/javascript\'; po.async = true;po.src = \'https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js\';var s = document.getElementsByTagName(\'script\')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s);})();</script>';
            $social .= '<br><em>Link: <input onClick="Javascript: jQuery(this).select()" readonly="readonly" type="text" value="' . $url . '"></em></div>';
            $gcal = ' (<a href="https://www.google.com/calendar/b/0/render?action=TEMPLATE&text=' . $this->form->Event_Name . '&dates=' . date('Ymd\\THis', strtotime($this->form->Start)) . '/' . date('Ymd\\THis', strtotime($this->form->End)) . '&details=' . better_excerpt($html->plaintext, 500) . '&trp=true&sprop=website:' . $url . '&sprop=name:' . $this->form->Location_Common_Name . '&location=' . $location_url . '&pli=1&sf=true&output=xml" target="_blank" >Add to GCal</a>) ';
            $below = $social . '<ul class="deets">' . $location . '<li><strong>When:</strong> ' . date_smoosh($this->form->Start, $this->form->End) . $gcal . '</li></ul>';
            $form_return .= $title . '<div class="event_compact"><div class="description">' . $ftimage . $description . '</div>';
            $extra = '<h2>Sign Up</h2>';
            $end = '</div>';
        } else {
            if (isset($this->options['salsa_title']) && $this->options['salsa_title']) {
                $form_return .= $title;
            if (isset($this->options['salsa_description']) && $this->options['salsa_description']) {
                $form_return .= $description;
        if ($this->form->object != 'event' || $this->form->No_Registration != 'true' && $this->form->This_Event_Costs_Money != 'true') {
            $form_return .= '<form class="salsa-form';
            if ($this->obj == 'action') {
                $form_return .= ' action';
            if ($this->obj == 'event') {
                $form_return .= ' event';
            $form_return .= '" ';
            $form_return .= 'action="' . $fallback_url . '" method="GET" target="_blank" ';
            if (isset($this->form->redirect_path)) {
                $form_return .= 'redirect_path="' . $this->form->redirect_path . '"';
            $form_return .= ' >';
            $form_return .= $extra;
            $form_return .= '<input type="hidden" value="save" name="operation" id="operation">';
            $form_return .= '<input type="hidden" value="supporter" name="object" id="object">';
            $form_return .= '<input type="hidden" value="Web" name="Source" >';
            if (isset($this->form->Default_Tracking_Code)) {
                $form_return .= '<input type="hidden" value="' . $this->form->Default_Tracking_Code . '" name="Source_Tracking_Code" >';
            } else {
                $form_return .= '<input type="hidden" value="(Added via SalsaPress form - no tracking code set)" name="Source_Tracking_Code" >';
            $form_return .= '<input type="hidden" value="' . (strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'], 'HTTP') === false ? 'https://' : 'http://') . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . '" name="Source_Details" >';
            $form_return .= '<input type="hidden" value="' . $this->form->organization_KEY . '" name="organization_KEY" id="organization_KEY">';
            $form_return .= '<input type="hidden" value="' . $this->form->chapter_KEY . '" name="chapter_KEY" id="chapter_KEY">';
            $form_return .= '<input type="hidden" value="' . $this->form->email_trigger_KEYS . '" name="email_trigger_KEYS" id="email_trigger_KEYS">';
            foreach ($inputs as $thing) {
                if ($thing != '0' && $thing != '__v2__' && !empty($thing)) {
                    $form_return .= '<div class="salsa-input">';
                    if (!isset($diff_labels[$thing])) {
                        if ($thing[0] != strtolower($thing[0])) {
                            // If a custom field - use Custom Fields to display label
                            $form_return .= '<label for="' . $thing . '">' . __(str_replace('_', ' ', $thing), 'salsapress');
                            if (in_array($thing, $required)) {
                                $form_return .= ' <span class="required">*</span> ';
                            $form_return .= "</label>";
                    } else {
                        $form_return .= '<label for="' . $thing . '">' . $diff_labels[$thing];
                        if (in_array($thing, $required)) {
                            $form_return .= ' <span class="required">*</span> ';
                        $form_return .= "</label>";
                    if (!isset($diff_fields[$thing])) {
                        if ($thing[0] == strtolower($thing[0])) {
                            // Detects if is a custom field
                            require_once 'simple_html_dom.php';
                            if (!isset($form_html)) {
                                $form_html = file_get_html($fallback_url);
                            $el = $form_html->find('textarea[name=' . $thing . '], input[name=' . $thing . '], select[name=' . $thing . '],
								textarea[name=' . $thing . strtoupper($thing) . '], input[name=' . $thing . strtoupper($thing) . '], select[name=' . $thing . strtoupper($thing) . ']');
                            // Added to accomodate weirdness I was seeing with TIME
                            if (isset($el[0])) {
                                // Can find
                                $parent = $el[0]->parent();
                                while ($parent->class != 'formRow') {
                                    // Makes sure selecting the .form row from the div - nothing earlier
                                    $parent = $parent->parent();
                                $html = $parent->innertext;
                                // Capitalizing first letter of label
                                $label = str_replace('_', ' ', $thing);
                                $uplabel = strtoupper($label[0]) . substr($label, 1);
                                $html = str_replace('>' . $label, '>' . $uplabel, $html);
                                // Adding a small space next to "required" * span
                                $html = str_replace("<span class='required", " <span class='required", $html);
                                $form_return .= $html;
                            } else {
                                // Couldn't find the custom field in the HTML - falling back to normal form
                                $form_return .= '<!-- could not parse ' . str_replace('_', ' ', $thing) . '-->';
                                $form_return .= '<label for="' . $thing . '">' . str_replace('_', ' ', $thing);
                                if (in_array($thing, $required)) {
                                    $form_return .= ' <span class="required">*</span> ';
                                $form_return .= "</label>";
                                $form_return .= '<input type="text" name="' . $thing . '" id="' . $thing . '" fillin="' . strtolower($thing) . '">';
                        } else {
                            $form_return .= '<input type="text" name="' . $thing . '" id="' . $thing . '" fillin="' . strtolower($thing) . '">';
                        // Just a normal field - displaying normally
                    } else {
                        $form_return .= $diff_fields[$thing];
                    $form_return .= "</div>";
            // Setting up groups
            if (isset($this->form->PreGroup_Text)) {
                $form_return .= '<div class="pre_group_text">' . $this->form->PreGroup_Text . '</div>';
            $optional_groups = '';
            if (isset($this->form->optionally_add_to_groups_KEYS)) {
                $optional_groups .= $this->form->optionally_add_to_groups_KEYS;
            if (isset($this->form->groups_KEYS) && !$this->form->Automatically_add_to_Groups) {
                $optional_groups .= $this->form->groups_KEYS;
            $optional_groups = preg_replace('/0\\,/', '', $optional_groups);
            if (isset($optional_groups) && strlen($optional_groups) > 0) {
                $form_return .= '<p class="join_group">' . __('Join a group', 'salsapress') . ':</p>';
                //If groups are optional, grabbing the group names
                $group_pull = explode(",", $optional_groups);
                foreach ($group_pull as $thing) {
                    $i = 0;
                    if (strlen($thing) > 2) {
                        $group = $this->SalsaConnect->post('gets', 'object=groups&condition=groups_KEY=' . $thing . '&include=Group_Name');
                        if (isset($group['0']->key) && strlen($group['0']->key) > 2) {
                            $form_return .= '<div class="salsa-input">';
                            $form_return .= '<label for="' . $group['0']->Group_Name . '">' . $group['0']->Group_Name . '</label>';
                            $form_return .= '<input type="hidden" name="groups_KEY' . $group['0']->key . '" id="link" value="true">';
                            $form_return .= '<input type="checkbox" name="groups_KEY' . $group['0']->key . '_checkbox" >';
                            $form_return .= '</div>';
            if (isset($this->form->{'required$groups_KEYS'})) {
                $required_groups = $this->form->{'required$groups_KEYS'};
            if (isset($this->form->add_to_groups_KEYS)) {
                $required_groups = $this->form->add_to_groups_KEYS;
            if (isset($this->form->groups_KEYS) && $this->form->Automatically_add_to_Groups) {
                $required_groups = $this->form->groups_KEYS;
            if (isset($required_groups) && strlen($required_groups) > 0) {
                // If groups are not optional, creating hidden links
                $group_pull = explode(",", $required_groups);
                foreach ($group_pull as $thing) {
                    if (strlen($thing) > 2) {
                        $form_return .= '<input type="hidden" name="groups_KEY' . $thing . '" id="link" value="true">';
                        $form_return .= '<input type="hidden" name="groups_KEY' . $thing . '_checkbox" value="on"><br>';
            //Setting up Tags
            $tags = $this->SalsaConnect->post('get-left', 'object=tag_data(tag_KEY)tag&include=tag&condition=table_KEY=' . $this->form->key);
            if (!empty($tags)) {
                $tags = array_map('getTagName', $tags);
                $form_return .= '<input name="tag" type="hidden" value="' . implode(',', $tags) . '">';
            if (isset($this->form->PreInterest_Text)) {
                $form_return .= '<div class="pre_interest_text">' . $this->form->PreInterest_Text . '</div>';
            if (isset($this->form->tag_KEYS) && strlen($this->form->tag_KEYS) > 0) {
                $tags_pull = explode(",", $this->form->tag_KEYS);
                foreach ($tags_pull as $thing) {
                    $i = 0;
                    if (strlen($thing) > 4) {
                        $tag = $this->SalsaConnect->post('gets', 'object=tag&condition=tag_KEY=' . $thing . '&include=tag');
                        $form_return .= '<div class="salsa-input">';
                        $form_return .= '<label for="' . $tag['0']->tag . '">' . $tag['0']->tag . '</label>';
                        $form_return .= '<input type="checkbox" name="tag" id="tag" value="' . $tag['0']->tag . '">';
                        $form_return .= '</div>';
            $email_opt_in = (string) $this->form->Email_Confirmed_Opt_In == 'true';
            if ($email_opt_in) {
                $opt_in_text = isset($this->form->Opt_in_Text) && strlen($this->form->Opt_in_Text) > 0 ? $this->form->Opt_in_Text : __('Confirm Email Signup', 'salsapress');
                $form_return .= '<div class="salsa-input"><input id="Receive_Email" checked="checked" type="checkbox" class="checkbox" value="1" name="Receive_Email" style="margin-right: 10px"><label for="Receive_Email">' . $opt_in_text . '<span class="required">*</span></label></div>';
            $required_text = __('Required', 'salsapress');
            if (count($required) > 0 || $email_opt_in) {
                $form_return .= "<p><label class='required'><em>* {$required_text}</em></label></p>";
            // Loads in event connecting data
            if ($this->obj == 'event') {
                $form_return .= '<input type="hidden" name="link" value="event">';
                $form_return .= '<input type="hidden" name="linkKey" value="' . $this->form->event_KEY . '">';
                $form_return .= '<input type="hidden" name="_Status" value="Signed Up">';
                $form_return .= '<input type="hidden" name="_Type" value="Supporter">';
                $form_return .= '<input type="hidden" name="event_KEY" value="' . $this->form->event_KEY . '">';
            } else {
                if ($this->obj == 'action') {
                    $form_return .= '<input type="hidden" name="link" value="action">';
                    $form_return .= '<input type="hidden" name="linkKey" value="' . $this->form->key . '">';
                    $form_return .= '<input type="hidden" name="action_KEY" value="' . $this->form->key . '">';
                    $form_return .= '<div class="salsa-input">';
                    if ($this->form->Allow_Comments) {
                        $form_return .= '<label>' . $this->form->Comment_Question . '</label>';
                        $form_return .= '<textarea name="Comment" id="Comment" ></textarea>';
                    if ($this->form->Allow_Anonymous) {
                        $form_return .= '<p><label for="Anonymous">' . __('Display in list as Anonymous', 'salsapress') . '</label><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="Anonymous" id="Anonymous" value="1"></p>';
                    if ($this->form->Signatures != 'Do not show signatures') {
                        $count = $this->SalsaConnect->post('count', 'object=supporter_action&count_column=supporter_KEY&condition=action_KEY=' . $this->form->key);
                        if ($count > $this->form->Signature_Minimum_for_Display) {
                            if ($this->form->Signatures == 'Show number and most recent signers') {
                                require_once 'simple_html_dom.php';
                                if (!isset($form_html) || !isset($_GET['start'])) {
                                    $form_html = file_get_html($fallback_url . (isset($_GET['start']) ? '&start=' . $_GET['start'] : ''));
                                $start = isset($_GET['start']) ? (int) $_GET['start'] : 0;
                                $box = $form_html->find('div.signatures', 0);
                                $box->find('b.number', 0)->innertext = $start + 1 . '-' . ($start + 25) . sprintf(_n(" of %d signature", " of %d signatures", $count, 'salsapress'), $count);
                                $box->find('tr', 0)->innertext = '<th class="number">' . __('Number', 'salsapress') . '</th><th>Date</th><th>' . __('Date', 'salsapress') . '</th><th class="comment_loc">' . __('Location', 'salsapress') . '</th><th>' . $this->form->Comment_Question . '...</th>';
                                $path = preg_replace('/start\\=\\d+[^&]/', '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
                                $connector = strpos($path, '?') == false ? '?' : '&';
                                if ($start == 0) {
                                    $box->last_child()->href = $path . $connector . 'start=' . ($start + 25);
                                } else {
                                    $box->last_child()->href = $path . $connector . 'start=' . ($start + 25);
                                    $box->last_child()->prev_sibling()->href = $path . $connector . 'start=' . ($start - 25);
                                $form_return .= $box;
                            } else {
                                $form_return .= '<p><strong>' . $count . ' ' . __('Total Signers', 'salsapress') . '</strong></p>';
                    if ((int) $this->form->Signature_Goal != 0 && is_numeric($this->form->Signature_Goal)) {
                        $goal = sprintf(_n("This petition has a goal of %d signature", "This petition has a goal of %d signatures", (int) $this->form->Signature_Goal, 'salsapress'), (int) $this->form->Signature_Goal);
                        $form_return .= '<p>' . $goal . '</p>';
                    $form_return .= '</div>';
                } else {
                    $form_return .= '<input type="hidden" name="signup_page_KEY" value="' . $this->form->key . '">';
            if (isset($this->form->PreFooter)) {
                $form_return .= '<div class="pre_submit_text">' . $this->form->PreFooter . '</div>';
            $action = __('Sign Up!', 'salsapress');
            $form_return .= '<div class="salsa-input"><input type="submit" id="salsa-submit" value="' . $action . '"></div>';
            if (isset($this->form->Footer)) {
                $form_return .= '<div class="post_submit_text">' . $this->form->Footer . '</div>';
            $form_return .= '</form>';
            if (isset($this->options['after-save'])) {
                $form_return .= '<div class="after_save" style="display: none;">' . rawurldecode($this->options['after-save']) . '</div>';
            $form_return .= $below;
        } else {
            $form_return .= '<button onclick="location.href = \'' . $fallback_url . '#register\';" >Click here to sign up</button>';
        $form_return .= isset($end) ? $end : '';
        return $form_return;