public function responseMsg() { //get post data, May be due to the different environments $postStr = $GLOBALS['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA']; //extract post data if (!empty($postStr)) { $postObj = simplexml_load_string($postStr, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA); $fromUsername = $postObj->FromUserName; $toUsername = $postObj->ToUserName; $getMsgType = $postObj->MsgType; $PicUrl = ''; $textTpl = "<xml>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<ToUserName><![CDATA[%s]]></ToUserName>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<FromUserName><![CDATA[%s]]></FromUserName>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<CreateTime>%s</CreateTime>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<MsgType><![CDATA[%s]]></MsgType>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<Content><![CDATA[%s]]></Content>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<FuncFlag>0</FuncFlag>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</xml>"; $imageTpl = "<xml>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t <ToUserName><![CDATA[%s]]></ToUserName>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t <FromUserName><![CDATA[%s]]></FromUserName>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t <CreateTime>%s</CreateTime>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t <MsgType><![CDATA[news]]></MsgType>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t <ArticleCount>1</ArticleCount>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t <Articles>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t <item>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t <Title><![CDATA[%s]]></Title> \n\t\t\t\t\t\t <Description><![CDATA[]]></Description>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t <PicUrl><![CDATA[%s]]></PicUrl>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t <Url><![CDATA[%s]]></Url>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t </item> \n\t\t\t\t\t\t </Articles>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t <FuncFlag>0</FuncFlag>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t </xml>"; $musicTpl = "<xml>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t <ToUserName><![CDATA[%s]]></ToUserName>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t <FromUserName><![CDATA[%s]]></FromUserName>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t <CreateTime>%s</CreateTime>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t <MsgType><![CDATA[music]]></MsgType>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t <Music>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t <Title><![CDATA[%s]]></Title>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t <Description><![CDATA[%s]]></Description>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t <MusicUrl><![CDATA[%s]]></MusicUrl>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t <HQMusicUrl><![CDATA[%s]]></HQMusicUrl>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t </Music>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t <FuncFlag>0</FuncFlag>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t </xml>"; $msgType = 'text'; $ctype = 'text'; $contentStr = '(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……'; $moretext = ''; if ($getMsgType == 'text') { //取消自动回复 if (d_isautoreply($fromUsername) == 0) { $ctype = 'type'; $contentStr = '正在输入...'; } else { $keyword = trim($postObj->Content); // $contentStr = $keyword; // $webchat_textmsgObj = new webchat_textmsg(); // list($contentStr, $ctype) = $webchat_textmsgObj->dotext($keyword, $fromUsername); $webchat_secretmsgObj = new webchat_secretmsg(); list($contentStr, $ctype) = $webchat_secretmsgObj->dotext($keyword, $fromUsername); } } else { if ($getMsgType == 'image') { $ctype = 'image'; $contentStr = '亲,谢谢您分享图片~'; $PicUrl = $postObj->PicUrl; } else { if ($getMsgType == 'location') { $wechat_weatherObj = new wechat_weather(); // $contentStr = $wechat_weatherObj->getweatherbylocation($postObj->Label,$postObj->Location_X, $postObj->Location_Y); d_setposition($fromUsername, $postObj->Location_X . ',' . $postObj->Location_Y); // $webchat_baiduObj = new webchat_baidu(); // $contentStr = $webchat_baiduObj->poi($postObj->Location_X, $postObj->Location_Y); $re = '以"找"字开头,后面跟上关键词,搜索周边你要去的地方' . "如输入:\n" . '找饭店' . "\n" . '找KTV' . "\n" . '找电影院' . "\n" . '找ATM' . "\n" . '找银行' . "\n"; // $contentStr .= "\n--------------\n"; $contentStr = $re; $ctype = 'location'; } else { if ($getMsgType == 'event') { if ($postObj->Event == 'unsubscribe') { d_setunsubscribe($fromUsername); $contentStr = '你不要我了..'; $ctype = 'unsubscribe'; } else { if ($postObj->Event == 'subscribe') { d_insertuser($fromUsername); $wechat_globleObj = new wechat_globle(); $contentStr = $wechat_globleObj->welcome($fromUsername); $contentStr = secret_welcome() . $contentStr; $ctype = 'attention'; } else { if ($postObj->Event == 'CLICK') { $webchat_clickmsgObj = new webchat_clickmsg(); list($contentStr, $ctype) = $webchat_clickmsgObj->dotext($postObj->EventKey, $fromUsername); } } } } else { if ($getMsgType == 'voice') { $motion = array("我好喜欢你/:@>/:<@", "你的声音真好听/:B-)", "我会一直陪着你的/::>", "好吧 其实根本我听不懂,我只能理解文字", "爱我就常来找我哦/::,@", "嘿嘿 声音很动听/::D", "/::)", "/::P", "/::\$", "/:,@-D", "/:,@P", "我喜欢你", "好吧 我承认我都听不懂 要不您打字吧"); $contentStr = $motion[rand(0, count($motion) - 1)]; $ctype = 'voice'; } else { if (strstr($postStr, 'unsubscribe')) { d_setunsubscribe($fromUsername); $contentStr = '你不要我了..'; } else { $msgType = 'text'; $motion = array("/:@>/:<@", "/:B-)", "/::>", "/::,@", "/::D", "/::)", "/::P", "/::\$", "/:,@-D", "/:,@P", "我喜欢你", "我会一直陪着你的"); $contentStr = $motion[rand(0, count($motion) - 1)]; $ctype = 'motion'; } } } } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (strstr($contentStr, 'Oops')) { $contentStr .= "\n【重新获取回复m】"; } //过长,截取 if ($ctype != 'imagesearch' && mb_strlen($contentStr, 'utf-8') > 570) { $index = mb_strpos($contentStr, "\n\n", 300, 'utf-8'); if ($index === false || $index > 570) { $index = mb_strpos($contentStr, "\n", 400, 'utf-8'); if ($index === false || $index > 570) { $index = 570; } } $moretext = mb_substr($contentStr, $index, mb_strlen($contentStr, 'utf-8') - $index, 'utf-8'); $contentStr = mb_substr($contentStr, 0, $index, 'utf-8') . " \n 【查看更多回复c】"; } ////////////////////////////////////////回复消息 $time = time(); if ($ctype == 'music' && !strstr($contentStr, 'Oops!')) { //点歌 $index = strpos($contentStr, '*'); $index2 = strpos($contentStr, '*', $index + 1); $index3 = strpos($contentStr, '*', $index2 + 1); $title = substr($contentStr, 0, $index); $link = substr($contentStr, $index + 1, $index2 - $index - 1); $des = substr($contentStr, $index2 + 1, $index3 - $index2 - 1); $hqlink = substr($contentStr, $index3 + 1); $resultStr = sprintf($musicTpl, $fromUsername, $toUsername, $time, $title, $des, $link, $hqlink); } else { if ($ctype == 'voice') { $filetime = time(); //得到时间戳 $filename = date("YmdHis", $filetime) . rand(100, 999) . ".mp3"; //图片保存的路径目录 $resultStr = sprintf($musicTpl, $fromUsername, $toUsername, $time, '听我说', '', "" . $filename, "" . $filename); } else { if ($ctype == 'image') { //分享图片 list($username, $link) = d_getimage($fromUsername); $resultStr = sprintf($imageTpl, $fromUsername, $toUsername, $time, $username, $link, $link); } else { if ($ctype == 'imagesearch') { //图片搜索 $resultStr = $contentStr; } else { //其他 $contentStr .= $this->getending(); $resultStr = sprintf($textTpl, $fromUsername, $toUsername, $time, $msgType, $contentStr); } } } } if (!(strstr($contentStr, '正在输入') && d_isautoreply($fromUsername) == 0)) { echo $resultStr; } /*if ($ctype == 'voice') { $get_file = file_get_contents($contentStr); $fp = @fopen($filename, "w"); //以写方式打开文件 @fwrite($fp, $get_file); fclose($fp); }*/ //插入数据库 if ($ctype == 'image') { d_inserttext($fromUsername, $PicUrl, $postObj->CreateTime, $resultStr, $time, $ctype, $moretext); } else { if ($ctype == 'share') { d_inserttext($fromUsername, $postObj->Content, $postObj->CreateTime, $resultStr, $time, $ctype, $moretext); } else { if (!strstr($contentStr, 'Oops!')) { d_inserttext($fromUsername, $postStr, $postObj->CreateTime, $resultStr, $time, $ctype, $moretext); } else { d_insertpoststr($fromUsername, $postStr); } } } } else { echo '亲,你真的无话对我讲吗?'; exit; } }
public function dotext($keyword, $fromUsername) { //database $ctype = 'general'; $contentStr = '真是太感谢您了~'; $moretext = ''; $keyword = str_replace(' ', ' ', $keyword); if (strlen($keyword) > 0) { $keyword = str_replace('誰', '谁', $keyword); //关注的时候 if ($keyword == 'Hello2BizUser') { $wechat_globleObj = new wechat_globle(); $contentStr = $wechat_globleObj->welcome($fromUsername); $ctype = 'attention'; } else { if (strstr($keyword, '加你') || strstr($keyword, '微信号') || strstr($keyword, '推荐')) { $contentStr = "搜索微信号 ie8384 就可以啦\n还可以直接把我的名片发给你的好友,步骤如下:\n" . "1.点击右上角按钮,显示出iCoding的详细资料\n" . "2.再点击右上角按钮,选择 推荐给朋友\n" . "3.再选择你的朋友就好了\n 如有需要可以加我主人的私人微信love_icoding"; } else { if (strstr(strtolower($keyword), 'icoding')) { $contentStr = "i就是爱,coding就是编程的意思,所以爱编程,也爱你,这就是我iCoding。只想好好为你服务...\n\n"; $contentStr .= "让你朋友搜索微信号 ie8384 就可以关注我啦\n还可以直接把我的名片发给你的好友,步骤如下:\n" . "1.点击右上角按钮,显示出iCoding的详细资料\n" . "2.再点击右上角按钮,选择 推荐给朋友\n" . "3.再选择你的朋友就好了\n 如有需要可以加我主人的私人微信love_icoding"; $ctype = 'icoding'; } else { if ($keyword == '帮助' || strtolower($keyword) == 'help' || strtolower($keyword) == 'heip' || strtolower($keyword) == 'h' || $keyword == '菜单' || $keyword == '目录' || $keyword == '工具' || $keyword == '功能' || $keyword == '你知道什么' || $keyword == '你都知道什么' || $keyword == '你能干什么' || $keyword == '你都能干什么' || $keyword == '使用说明' || strstr($keyword, '你会什么')) { $wechat_globleObj = new wechat_globle(); $contentStr = $wechat_globleObj->help(); $ctype = 'help'; } else { if ($keyword == 'e' || $keyword == 'E') { $contentStr = data_getEnglish() . "\n\n再来一条回复e"; $ctype = 'english'; } else { if ($keyword == 'c' || $keyword == 'C') { $contentStr = d_getmore($fromUsername); $ctype = 'more'; } else { if ($keyword == 'x' || $keyword == 'X') { $contentStr = data_getjoke($fromUsername); $ctype = 'joke'; } else { if (strtolower($keyword) == 'w') { $contentStr = "【科普知识】\n" . data_getkepu() . "\n\n再来一条回复w"; $ctype = 'kepu'; } else { if ($keyword == 'a' || $keyword == 'A') { $webchat_baiduObj = new webchat_baidu(); $contentStr = $webchat_baiduObj->getzhidao2($fromUsername, 0); } else { if ($keyword == 'b' || $keyword == 'B') { $webchat_baiduObj = new webchat_baidu(); $contentStr = $webchat_baiduObj->getzhidao2($fromUsername, 1); } else { if ($keyword == 'm' || $keyword == 'M') { $webchat_repeatObj = new webchat_repeat(); $contentStr = $webchat_repeatObj->responseMsg($fromUsername); } else { if ($keyword == 'p' || $keyword == 'P') { $rn = intval(d_getnewsflag($fromUsername), 10); $webchat_baiduObj = new webchat_baidu(); $contentStr = $webchat_baiduObj->getnews(trim(d_getnewsstr($fromUsername)), $rn, $fromUsername); $ctype = 'news'; } else { if ($keyword == 'n' || $keyword == 'N') { $position = d_getposition($fromUsername); if (strlen(trim($position)) == 0) { $contentStr = "找周边地点,请先发送位置~\n界面右下角有个加号,点击加号就会出现几个图标,有个是位置的图标点下然后点发送就ok了"; } else { $webchat_baiduObj = new webchat_baidu(); list($poi_str, $pagenum) = d_getvalues($fromUsername, 'poi_str', 'poi_pagenum'); //$contentStr = $poi_str.$pagenum; $contentStr = $webchat_baiduObj->getPOI(trim($position), $poi_str, $pagenum); d_setvalue($fromUsername, 'poi_pagenum', intval(trim($pagenum), 10) + 1); } $ctype = 'poi'; } else { if ($keyword == '2') { $webchat_sinaObject = new webchat_sina(); $contentStr = $webchat_sinaObject->hotnews(); $ctype = 'hotnews'; } else { if ($keyword == '10') { $contentStr = data_getjoke($fromUsername); $contentStr .= "\n【再来一个,请回复x】"; $ctype = 'joke'; } else { if ($keyword == 'yycs') { $webchat_lyricObj = new webchat_lyric(); $contentStr = $webchat_lyricObj->getvoice(); $ctype = 'voice'; } else { if ($keyword == 't' || $keyword == 'T' || $keyword === '今天' || $keyword == '19' || strstr($keyword, '历史上的今天')) { $webchat_wikiObj = new webchat_wiki(); $contentStr = $webchat_wikiObj->gettoday(); $ctype = 'today'; } else { if (preg_match("/^点歌(.*)\$/", trim($keyword), $match) || preg_match("/^点播(.*)\$/", trim($keyword), $match) || preg_match("/^歌曲(.*)\$/", trim($keyword), $match)) { $contentStr = "暂不支持功能。"; //$contentStr = "请以点歌两个字开头,后面再跟上歌曲名,如输入:\n点歌 突然好想你"; // if(strlen(trim($match[1])) == 0){ // $contentStr = "请以点歌两个字开头,后面再跟上歌曲名,如输入:\n点歌 突然好想你"; // }else{ // $webchat_lyricObj = new webchat_lyric(); // $contentStr = $webchat_lyricObj->getWXSong(trim($match[1])); // if(!strstr($contentStr, '找不到歌曲')){ // $ctype = 'music'; // } // } } else { if (preg_match("/^aaaaa([\\s\\S]+)\$/", trim($keyword), $match)) { if (data_insertjoke($match[1])) { $contentStr = '添加成功!'; } else { $contentStr = '添加失败!'; } $ctype = 'joke+'; } else { if (preg_match("/^找([\\s\\S]+)\$/", trim($keyword), $match)) { $position = d_getposition($fromUsername); if (strlen(trim($position)) == 0) { $contentStr = "找周边地点,请先发送位置~\n界面右下角有个加号,点击加号就会出现几个图标,有个是位置的图标点下然后点发送就ok了"; } else { $webchat_baiduObj = new webchat_baidu(); $contentStr = $webchat_baiduObj->getPOI(trim($position), trim($match[1]), 0); d_setvalues($fromUsername, 'poi_str', trim($match[1]), 'poi_pagenum', 1); } $ctype = 'poi'; } else { if (preg_match("/^翻译(.*)\$/", trim($keyword), $match)) { $webchat_youdaoObj = new webchat_youdao(); $contentStr = $webchat_youdaoObj->gettranslation(trim($match[1])); $ctype = 'translation'; } else { if (preg_match("/^:(.*)\$/", trim($keyword), $match) || preg_match("/^:(.*)\$/", trim($keyword), $match)) { if (strlen(trim($match[1])) > 50) { $contentStr = "太长了,请一句一句来~"; } else { $webchat_youdaoObj = new webchat_youdao(); $contentStr = $webchat_youdaoObj->gettranslation(trim($match[1])); } $ctype = 'translation'; } else { if (preg_match("/([^0-9]+)的资料\$/", trim($keyword), $match) || preg_match("/([^0-9]+)资料\$/", trim($keyword), $match)) { $webchat_baiduObj = new webchat_baidu(); $contentStr = $webchat_baiduObj->getbaike(trim($match[1]), $fromUsername); if (strlen($contentStr) == 0) { $contentStr = "我也不知道哦...要不你说的简单点?\n------------\n试试输入:\n提问 {$searchwords} "; } } else { if (preg_match("/([^0-9]+)的新闻 \$/", trim($keyword), $match) || preg_match("/([^0-9]+)新闻 \$/", trim($keyword), $match)) { $webchat_baiduObj = new webchat_baidu(); $contentStr = $webchat_baiduObj->getnews(trim($match[1]), 0, $fromUsername); d_setnewsstr($fromUsername, trim($match[1])); $ctype = 'news'; } else { if (preg_match("/^快递[\\s]*(.*)[\\s]+(.*)\$/", trim($keyword), $match)) { $webchat_expressObject = new webchat_express(); $contentStr = $webchat_expressObject->kuaidi100(trim($match[2]), trim($match[1])); $ctype = 'express'; } else { if (preg_match("/凡客[^0-9]*([0-9]+)/", trim($keyword), $match) || preg_match("/^([0-9]+)[^0-9]*凡客\$/", trim($keyword), $match)) { $webchat_expressObject = new webchat_express(); $contentStr = $webchat_expressObject->kuaidi100(trim($match[1]), '凡客'); $ctype = 'express'; } else { if (preg_match("/如风达[^0-9]*([0-9]+)/", trim($keyword), $match) || preg_match("/^([0-9]+)[^0-9]*如风达\$/", trim($keyword), $match)) { $webchat_expressObject = new webchat_express(); $contentStr = $webchat_expressObject->kuaidi100(trim($match[1]), '凡客'); $ctype = 'express'; } else { if (preg_match("/顺丰[^0-9]*([0-9]+)/", trim($keyword), $match) || preg_match("/^([0-9]+)[^0-9]*顺丰\$/", trim($keyword), $match)) { $webchat_expressObject = new webchat_express(); $contentStr = $webchat_expressObject->kuaidi100(trim($match[1]), '顺丰'); $ctype = 'express'; } else { if (preg_match("/申通[^0-9]*([0-9]+)/", trim($keyword), $match) || preg_match("/^([0-9]+)[^0-9]*申通\$/", trim($keyword), $match)) { $webchat_expressObject = new webchat_express(); $contentStr = $webchat_expressObject->kuaidi100(trim($match[1]), '申通'); $ctype = 'express'; } else { if (preg_match("/汇通[^0-9]*([0-9]+)/", trim($keyword), $match) || preg_match("/^([0-9]+)[^0-9]*汇通\$/", trim($keyword), $match)) { $webchat_expressObject = new webchat_express(); $contentStr = $webchat_expressObject->kuaidi100(trim($match[1]), '汇通'); $ctype = 'express'; } else { if (preg_match("/速尔[^0-9]*([0-9]+)\$/", trim($keyword), $match) || preg_match("/^([0-9]+)[^0-9]*速尔\$/", trim($keyword), $match)) { $webchat_expressObject = new webchat_express(); $contentStr = $webchat_expressObject->kuaidi100(trim($match[1]), '速尔'); $ctype = 'express'; } else { if (preg_match("/联邦[^0-9]*([0-9]+)/", trim($keyword), $match) || preg_match("/^([0-9]+)[^0-9]*联邦\$/", trim($keyword), $match)) { $webchat_expressObject = new webchat_express(); $contentStr = $webchat_expressObject->kuaidi100(trim($match[1]), '联邦'); $ctype = 'express'; } else { if (preg_match("/中通[^0-9]*([0-9]+)/", trim($keyword), $match) || preg_match("/^([0-9]+)[^0-9]*中通\$/", trim($keyword), $match)) { $webchat_expressObject = new webchat_express(); $contentStr = $webchat_expressObject->kuaidi100(trim($match[1]), '中通'); $ctype = 'express'; } else { if (preg_match("/天天[^0-9]*([0-9]+)/", trim($keyword), $match) || preg_match("/^([0-9]+)[^0-9]*天天\$/", trim($keyword), $match)) { $webchat_expressObject = new webchat_express(); $contentStr = $webchat_expressObject->kuaidi100(trim($match[1]), '天天'); $ctype = 'express'; } else { if (preg_match("/圆通[^0-9a-zA-Z]*([0-9a-zA-Z]+)/", trim($keyword), $match) || preg_match("/^([0-9]+)[^0-9]*圆通\$/", trim($keyword), $match)) { $webchat_expressObject = new webchat_express(); $contentStr = $webchat_expressObject->kuaidi100(trim($match[1]), '圆通'); $ctype = 'express'; } else { if (preg_match("/全峰[^0-9]*([0-9]+)/", trim($keyword), $match) || preg_match("/^([0-9]+)[^0-9]*全峰\$/", trim($keyword), $match)) { $webchat_expressObject = new webchat_express(); $contentStr = $webchat_expressObject->kuaidi100(trim($match[1]), '全峰'); $ctype = 'express'; } else { if (preg_match("/韵达[^0-9]*([0-9]+)/", trim($keyword), $match) || preg_match("/^([0-9]+)[^0-9]*韵达\$/", trim($keyword), $match)) { $webchat_expressObject = new webchat_express(); $contentStr = $webchat_expressObject->kuaidi100(trim($match[1]), '韵达'); $ctype = 'express'; } else { if (preg_match("/宅急送[^0-9]*([0-9]+)/", trim($keyword), $match) || preg_match("/^([0-9]+)[^0-9]*宅急送\$/", trim($keyword), $match)) { $webchat_expressObject = new webchat_express(); $contentStr = $webchat_expressObject->kuaidi100(trim($match[1]), '宅急送'); $ctype = 'express'; } else { if (preg_match("/国通[^0-9]*([0-9]+)/", trim($keyword), $match) || preg_match("/^([0-9]+)[^0-9]*国通\$/", trim($keyword), $match)) { $webchat_expressObject = new webchat_express(); $contentStr = $webchat_expressObject->kuaidi100(trim($match[1]), '国通'); $ctype = 'express'; } else { if (preg_match("/优速[^0-9a-zA-Z]*([0-9A-Za-z]+)/", trim($keyword), $match) || preg_match("/^[^0-9a-zA-Z]*([0-9A-Za-z]+)*优速\$/", trim($keyword), $match)) { $webchat_expressObject = new webchat_express(); $contentStr = $webchat_expressObject->kuaidi100(trim($match[1]), '优速'); $ctype = 'express'; } else { if (preg_match("/ups[^0-9]*([0-9]+)/", strtolower(trim($keyword)), $match) || preg_match("/^([0-9]+)[^0-9]*ups\$/", trim($keyword), $match)) { $webchat_expressObject = new webchat_express(); $contentStr = $webchat_expressObject->kuaidi100(trim($match[1]), 'UPS'); $ctype = 'express'; } else { if (preg_match("/ems[^0-9a-zA-Z]*([0-9A-Za-z]+)/", strtolower(trim($keyword)), $match) || preg_match("/^([0-9A-Za-z]+)[^0-9a-zA-Z]*ems\$/", trim($keyword), $match)) { $webchat_expressObject = new webchat_express(); $contentStr = $webchat_expressObject->kuaidi100(trim($match[1]), 'EMS'); $ctype = 'express'; } else { if (preg_match("/快递(.*)\$/", trim($keyword)) || preg_match("/物流(.*)\$/", trim($keyword))) { $webchat_expressObject = new webchat_express(); $contentStr = $webchat_expressObject->help(); $ctype = 'express'; } else { if (preg_match("/^歌词[\\s]*([\\S]+)[\\s*]+(.*)\$/", trim($keyword), $match)) { $webchat_lyricObj = new webchat_lyric(); $contentStr = $webchat_lyricObj->getlrc(trim($match[1]), trim($match[2])); $ctype = 'lyric'; } else { if (preg_match("/^歌词[\\s]*([\\S]+)[\\s]+(.*)\$/", trim($keyword), $match)) { $webchat_lyricObj = new webchat_lyric(); $contentStr = $webchat_lyricObj->getlrc(trim($match[1]), trim($match[2])); $ctype = 'lyric'; } else { if (preg_match("/^歌词(.*)\$/", trim($keyword), $match)) { $webchat_lyricObj = new webchat_lyric(); $contentStr = $webchat_lyricObj->getsinger(trim($match[1])); $ctype = 'geci'; } else { if (preg_match("/^(.*)歌词\$/", trim($keyword), $match)) { $webchat_lyricObj = new webchat_lyric(); $contentStr = $webchat_lyricObj->getsinger(trim($match[1])); $ctype = 'geci'; } else { if (strstr($keyword, '新闻')) { $keyword = str_replace('新闻', '', $keyword); $webchat_baiduObj = new webchat_baidu(); $contentStr = $webchat_baiduObj->getnews(trim($keyword), 0, $fromUsername); d_setnewsstr($fromUsername, trim($keyword)); $ctype = 'news'; } else { if (strstr($keyword, '雅安') || strstr($keyword, '芦山')) { $webchat_baiduObj = new webchat_baidu(); $contentStr = $webchat_baiduObj->getnews($keyword, 0, $fromUsername); d_setnewsstr($fromUsername, trim($keyword)); $ctype = 'news'; } else { if (preg_match("/^百科(.*)\$/", trim($keyword), $match)) { $searchwords = trim($match[1]); if (strlen($searchwords) == 0) { $contentStr = "亲,要使用名词百科,只要先输入'百科'两个字,\n再后面加上你要百科的名词就可以啦,如:百科 喜剧之王"; } else { $webchat_wikiObj = new webchat_wiki(); $contentStr = $webchat_wikiObj->getwiki($searchwords, TRUE); } $ctype = 'baike'; } else { if (preg_match("/^请问(.*)\$/", trim($keyword), $match)) { $searchwords = trim($match[1]); if (strlen($searchwords) == 0) { $contentStr = "在问号?后面加上名词,就可以得到这个名词解释了,比如:?爱情"; } else { $webchat_baiduObj = new webchat_baidu(); $contentStr = $webchat_baiduObj->getzhidao($searchwords, $fromUsername, 1); if (strlen($contentStr) == 0) { $contentStr = "我也不知道哦...要不你说的简单点?\n O(∩_∩)O哈哈哈~"; } $ctype = 'zhidao'; } } else { if (strstr(trim($keyword), "?") || strstr(trim($keyword), "?")) { $searchwords = str_replace("?", "", trim($keyword)); $searchwords = str_replace("?", "", trim($keyword)); if (strlen($searchwords) == 0) { $contentStr = "在问号?后面加上名词,就可以得到这个名词解释了,比如:?爱情"; } else { $webchat_baiduObj = new webchat_baidu(); $contentStr = $webchat_baiduObj->getzhidao($searchwords, $fromUsername, 1); if (strlen($contentStr) == 0) { $contentStr = "我也不知道哦...要不你说的简单点?\n O(∩_∩)O哈哈哈~"; } $ctype = 'zhidao'; } } else { if (preg_match("/解梦(.*)\$/", trim($keyword), $match) || preg_match("/梦见(.*)\$/", trim($keyword), $match) || preg_match("/做梦(.*)\$/", trim($keyword), $match) || preg_match("/梦到(.*)\$/", trim($keyword), $match)) { $webchat_dreamObj = new webchat_dream(); $contentStr = $webchat_dreamObj->analysis(trim($match[1])); $ctype = 'dream'; } else { if (preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z]{1}[0-9]{1,4}\$/", trim($keyword))) { $wechat_trainObj = new wechat_train(); $contentStr = $wechat_trainObj->getcheci(trim($keyword)); $ctype = 'train'; } else { if (preg_match("/^[0-9]{4}\$/", trim($keyword))) { $wechat_trainObj = new wechat_train(); $contentStr = $wechat_trainObj->getcheci(trim($keyword)); $ctype = 'train'; } else { if (preg_match("/^提问(.*)\$/", trim($keyword), $match)) { $searchwords = trim($match[1]); if (strstr($searchwords, '图')) { $webchat_googleObj = new webchat_google(); $searchwords = str_replace('图片', '', $searchwords); $searchwords = str_replace('照片', '', $searchwords); $searchwords = str_replace('图', '', $searchwords); $contentStr = $webchat_googleObj->getimages($searchwords, $fromUsername); if (!strstr($contentStr, '找不到你要的图片哦,看看别的吧~')) { $ctype = 'imagesearch'; } } else { $webchat_baiduObj = new webchat_baidu(); $contentStr = $webchat_baiduObj->getzhidao($searchwords, $fromUsername, 1); if (strlen($contentStr) == 0) { $contentStr = "我也不知道哦...要不你说的简单点?\n O(∩_∩)O哈哈哈~"; } $ctype = 'zhidao'; } } else { if (preg_match("/^公交[\\s]+(\\S+)[\\s]+(\\S+)[\\s]+(\\S+)\$/", trim($keyword), $match) || preg_match("/^地铁[\\s]+(.+)[\\s]+(.+)[\\s]+(.+)\$/", trim($keyword), $match)) { //if($match[1] == "石家庄"){ // $contentStr = d_getshorta(''.urlencode($match[2]), 'bus'); // $contentStr = '点击查看'.$contentStr; //}else{ $webchat_aibangObj = new webchat_aibang(); $contentStr = $webchat_aibangObj->getbustransfer(trim($match[1]), trim($match[2]), trim($match[3])); //} $ctype = 'bus'; } else { if (preg_match('/^火车(.+)[\\s]+(.+)$/', trim($keyword), $match) || preg_match('/^火车(.+)到(.+)$/', trim($keyword), $match) || preg_match('/^(.+)到(.+)火车$/', trim($keyword), $match) || preg_match('/^直达(.+)[\\s]+(.+)$/', trim($keyword), $match)) { $wechat_trainObj = new wechat_train(); $contentStr = $wechat_trainObj->getzhanzhan(trim($match[1]), trim($match[2])); $ctype = 'train'; } else { if (preg_match("/^中转[\\s]*(.*)[\\s]+(.*)\$/", trim($keyword), $match)) { $wechat_trainObj = new wechat_train(); $contentStr = $wechat_trainObj->getlieche(trim($match[1]), trim($match[2])); $ctype = 'train'; } else { if (strstr($keyword, '火车') || strstr($keyword, '动车') || strstr($keyword, '高铁') || strstr($keyword, '列车')) { $contentStr = "【列车车次查询】\n输入车次,如:T31\n" . "【列车站站查询】\n输入格式如下:\n火车 上海 杭州\n"; $ctype = 'train'; } else { if (strstr($keyword, '空气')) { $keyword = str_replace('质量', '', $keyword); $wechat_weatherObj = new wechat_weather(); $contentStr = $wechat_weatherObj->getair($keyword); $ctype = 'air'; } else { if (constellation_isxingzuo($keyword)) { $webchat_constellationObj = new webchat_constellation(); $contentStr = $webchat_constellationObj->xingzuo($keyword); $ctype = 'xingzuo'; } else { if (preg_match("/^(.*)VS(.*)\$/", trim($keyword), $match) || preg_match("/^(.*)vs(.*)\$/", trim($keyword), $match)) { // $webchat_constellationObj = new webchat_constellation(); // $contentStr = $webchat_constellationObj->xingzuovs(trim($match[1]), trim($match[2])); $webchat_namefightObj = new webchat_namefight(); $contentStr = $webchat_namefightObj->fight(trim($match[1]), trim($match[2])); $ctype = 'name'; } else { if (strstr($keyword, '星座')) { $contentStr = '查看星座运势,请输入星座名称,如:白羊 (如需帮助,请输入:帮助)'; $ctype = 'xingzuo'; } else { if (strstr($keyword, '歌词')) { $contentStr = "【歌词查询】\n按歌名搜索,输入格式如:\n歌词 东风破\n按歌名歌手,输入格式如:\n歌词 东风破 周杰伦\n(收录歌词不全请见谅啦,我会继续努力的)"; $ctype = 'geci'; } else { if (strstr($keyword, '翻译') && !strstr($keyword, '不')) { $contentStr = "亲,您要翻译吗?\n以'翻译'开头,后面跟上你要翻译的词句就可以啦~如输入:\n翻译 一见钟情"; $ctype = 'translation'; } else { if (strstr($keyword, '天气') || strstr($keyword, '温度') || strstr($keyword, '气温')) { $wechat_weatherObj = new wechat_weather(); $contentStr = $wechat_weatherObj->getweather($fromUsername, $keyword); $ctype = 'weather'; } else { if (strstr($keyword, '每日一条') || strstr($keyword, '每天一条') || strstr($keyword, '再来一条') || strstr($keyword, '美文') || strstr($keyword, '励志') || strstr($keyword, '好文章')) { $contentStr = "每天21时-22时左右发送\n" . "点击右上角按钮,\n弹出界面后,\n再点击'查看历史消息',可查看以往发送的文章"; $ctype = 'one'; } else { if (preg_match("/^(.*)人品(.*)\$/", trim($keyword), $match)) { $webchat_renpinObj = new webchat_renpin(); $contentStr = $webchat_renpinObj->getdata($match[1] . $match[2]); $ctype = 'renpin'; } else { if (strstr($keyword, '公交') || strstr($keyword, '地铁')) { $webchat_aibangObj = new webchat_aibang(); $contentStr = $webchat_aibangObj->gethelp(); } else { if (strstr($keyword, '我是谁') || strstr($keyword, '认识我') || $keyword == '我') { $contentStr = d_getusername($fromUsername); if (strlen($contentStr) == 0) { $contentStr = '不知道诶,你告诉我呀'; } else { $motion = array("/:@>/:<@", "/:B-)", "/::>", "/::,@", "/::D", "/::)", "/::P", "/::\$", "/:,@-D", "/:,@P"); $contentStr = '我知道呀,你就是' . $contentStr . ',我最喜欢你啦'; $contentStr .= $motion[rand(0, count($motion) - 1)]; } } else { if (strstr($keyword, '你是谁') || strstr($keyword, '你谁') || strstr($keyword, '你叫')) { $contentStr = '我叫iCoding,初来咋到,请多关照。宗旨就是不断提升自己为大家服务哦。如若需要帮助,请输入:帮助'; $ctype = 'myself'; } else { if (strstr($keyword, '主人')) { //$contentStr = "想要人工聊天吗?\n如果你是女生,请加qq2028088627;\n如果你是男生,请加qq2970216773。\niCoding客服随时陪你聊天"; $contentStr = '如有需要可以加我主人的私人微信love_icoding'; $ctype = 'zhuren'; } else { if (strstr($keyword, '自动回复')) { //$contentStr = "想要人工聊天吗?\n如果你是女生,请加qq2028088627;\n如果你是男生,请加qq2970216773。\niCoding客服随时陪你聊天"; $contentStr = '如有需要可以加我主人的私人微信love_icoding'; $ctype = 'zhuren'; } else { if (strstr($keyword, '机器回复')) { //$contentStr = "想要人工聊天吗?\n如果你是女生,请加qq2028088627;\n如果你是男生,请加qq2970216773。\niCoding客服随时陪你聊天"; $contentStr = '如有需要可以加我主人的私人微信love_icoding'; $ctype = 'zhuren'; } else { if (strstr($keyword, '聊天')) { //$contentStr = "想要人工聊天吗?\n如果你是女生,请加qq2028088627;\n如果你是男生,请加qq2970216773。\niCoding客服随时陪你聊天"; $contentStr = '如有需要可以加我主人的私人微信love_icoding'; $ctype = 'zhuren'; } else { if (strstr($keyword, '方军') || strstr($keyword, 'fangjun')) { $contentStr = '你说我主人吗?他还没有女朋友呢,你给他介绍一个呗~'; $ctype = 'zhuren'; } else { if (strstr($keyword, '生日') || strstr($keyword, 'birthday')) { $contentStr = data_getwishmsg('生日'); $ctype = 'wish'; } else { if (strstr($keyword, '端午') || strstr($keyword, '粽子')) { $contentStr = data_getwishmsg('端午'); $ctype = 'wish'; } else { if (strstr($keyword, '微博') || strstr($keyword, '微薄') || strstr($keyword, 'weibo')) { $webchat_sinaObject = new webchat_sina(); $contentStr = $webchat_sinaObject->hotweibo(); $ctype = 'weibo'; } else { if (strstr($keyword, '头条新闻')) { $webchat_sinaObject = new webchat_sina(); $contentStr = $webchat_sinaObject->hotnews(); $ctype = 'hotnews'; } else { if (strstr($keyword, '睡觉') || strstr($keyword, 'sleep')) { $contentStr = "睡觉?你要睡觉了呀?那晚安哦~/:bye"; } else { if (strstr($keyword, '晚安')) { $contentStr = "亲,晚安哦~/:hug"; } else { if (strstr($keyword, '笑话') || strstr($keyword, 'joke') || strstr($keyword, '爆笑') || strstr($keyword, '糗事')) { $contentStr = data_getjoke($fromUsername); $contentStr .= "\n【再来一个,请回复x】"; $ctype = 'joke'; } else { if (strstr($keyword, '/:') || $keyword == '你好' || $keyword == 'hi' || $keyword == 'hello') { $motion = array("/:@>/:<@", "/:B-)", "/::>", "/::,@", "/::D", "/::)", "/::P", "/::\$", "/:,@-D", "/:,@P", "◑▂◐", "◑0◐", "◑︿◐", "◑ω◐", "◑﹏◐", "◑△◐", "◑▽◐", "╯▂╰", "╯0╰", "╯︿╰", "╯ω╰", "╯﹏╰", "╯△╰", "╯▽╰", "/:&>", "/:<&", "/:kiss", "[街舞]", "/:#-0", "[挥手]", "/:skip", "/:turn", "/:kotow", "/:circle", "/:<O>", "/:shake", "/:jump", "/:<L>", "/:love", "/:ok", "/:no", "/:lvu", "/:bad", "/:@@", "/:jj", "/:@)", "/:v", "/:share", "/:weak", "/:strong", "/:hug", "/:gift", "/:sun", "/:moon", "/:shit", "/:ladybug", "/:footb", "/:kn", "/:bome", "/:li", "/:cake", "/:break", "/:heart", "/:showlove", "/::)", "/::~", "/::B", "/::|", "/:8-)", "/::<", "/::\$", "/::X", "/::Z", "/::’", "/::-|", "/::@", "/::P", "/::D", "/::O", "/::(", "/::+", "/:–b", "/::Q", "/::T", "/:,@P", "/:,@-D", "/::d", "/:,@o", "/::g", "/:|-)", "/::!", "/::L", "/::>", "/::,@", "/:,@f", "/::-S", "/:?", "/:,@x", "/:,@@", "/::8", "/:,@!", "/:!!!", "/:xx", "/:byebye" . "/:wipe", "/:dig", "/:handclap", "/:&-(", "/:B-)", "/:<@", "/:@>", "/::-O", "/:>-|", "/:P-(", "/::’|", "/:X-)", "/::*", "/:@x", "/:8*", "/:pd", "/:<W>", "/:beer", "/:basketb", "/:oo", "/:coffee", "/:eat", "/:pig", "/:rose", "/:fade"); $contentStr = $motion[rand(0, count($motion) - 1)]; $ctype = 'motion'; } else { if (strlen($keyword) <= 2 && intval($keyword) <= 30 && intval($keyword) >= 0) { $wechat_globleObj = new wechat_globle(); $contentStr = $wechat_globleObj->getfun($keyword); $ctype = 'number'; } else { if (strstr($keyword, '游戏') || strstr($keyword, 'game')) { $contentStr = "<a href='' >俄罗斯方块</a>"; $contentStr .= "\n<a href='' >贪吃蛇方块</a>"; $contentStr .= "\n<a href='' >Chain Reaction</a>"; $contentStr .= "\n<a href='' >Bubble Trouble</a>"; $ctype = 'game'; } else { if (strstr($keyword, '俄罗斯方块') || strstr($keyword, '游戏')) { $contentStr = "<a href='' >点击玩一玩俄罗斯方块</a>"; $ctype = 'game'; } else { if (strstr($keyword, '贪食蛇') || strstr($keyword, '贪吃蛇')) { $contentStr = "<a href='' >点击玩一玩贪吃蛇方块</a>"; $ctype = 'game'; } else { if ($keyword == 'or0fun65320') { $contentStr = d_getdatabase(); $ctype = 'admin'; } else { if (strstr($keyword, '去你妈') || strstr($keyword, '艹') || strstr($keyword, '屄') || strstr($keyword, '你他妈') || strstr($keyword, '鸡吧') || strstr($keyword, '鸡巴') || strstr($keyword, '我操') || strstr($keyword, "我草") || strstr($keyword, "卧槽") || strstr($keyword, "傻逼") || strstr($keyword, "wocao")) { $contentStr = '请文明用语,谢谢。'; } else { if (strstr($keyword, '小黄鸡') || strstr($keyword, 'simsimi')) { $contentStr = '她才没有我厉害呢! 我叫iCoding,上天派来帮助您的天使~'; } else { if (preg_match("/^你知道吗/", trim($keyword), $match)) { $contentStr = '知道什么呀?'; $ctype = 'zhidao'; } else { if (preg_match("/^你知道(.*)\$/", trim($keyword), $match)) { $webchat_baiduObj = new webchat_baidu(); $contentStr = "【提问只要以?号就可以啦】\n" . $webchat_baiduObj->getzhidao($match[1], $fromUsername, 0); $ctype = 'zhidao'; } else { if (preg_match("/([0-9]{4})年([0-9]{1,2})月([0-9]{1,2})日/", trim($keyword), $match)) { $webchat_wikiObject = new webchat_wiki(); $contentStr = $webchat_wikiObject->getnongli(trim($match[1]), trim($match[2]), trim($match[3])); $ctype = 'nongli'; } else { if (preg_match("/^([0-9]{8})\$/", trim($keyword), $match)) { $webchat_wikiObject = new webchat_wiki(); $contentStr = $webchat_wikiObject->getnongli2(trim($match[1])); $ctype = 'nongli'; } else { if (strstr($keyword, '农历') || strstr($keyword, '阴历')) { $webchat_wikiObject = new webchat_wiki(); $contentStr = $webchat_wikiObject->getnongli('', '', '') . "\n\n-----------\n快速查询农历,\n输入格式有几种如下:\n今天农历\n 20130710\n 2013年2月3日"; $ctype = 'nongli'; } else { if (preg_match("/^名词(.*)\$/", trim($keyword), $match)) { $searchwords = trim($match[1]); $webchat_baiduObj = new webchat_baidu(); $contentStr = $webchat_baiduObj->getbaike($searchwords, $fromUsername); if (strlen($contentStr) == 0) { $contentStr = "我也不知道哦...要不你说的简单点?"; } $ctype = 'zhidao'; } else { if (preg_match("/含(.*)的成语/", trim($keyword), $match)) { $webchat_chengyuObj = new webchat_chengyu(); $contentStr = $webchat_chengyuObj->getdata(trim($match[1]), 0); $ctype = 'chengyu'; } else { if (preg_match("/以(.*)开头的成语/", trim($keyword), $match)) { $webchat_chengyuObj = new webchat_chengyu(); $contentStr = $webchat_chengyuObj->getdata(trim($match[1]), 1); $ctype = 'chengyu'; } else { if (preg_match("/以(.*)结尾的成语/", trim($keyword), $match)) { $webchat_chengyuObj = new webchat_chengyu(); $contentStr = $webchat_chengyuObj->getdata(trim($match[1]), 2); $ctype = 'chengyu'; } else { if (strstr($keyword, '表白') || strstr($keyword, '我要说') || strstr($keyword, '告白')) { $contentStr = "想要对ta说出心里话?请按格式输入,先输入字母\nta"; } else { if (strstr($keyword, '听歌') || strstr($keyword, 'music') || strstr($keyword, '歌曲') || strstr($keyword, '点歌') || strstr($keyword, '点播')) { $contentStr = "暂不支持功能。"; //$contentStr = "请以点歌两个字开头,后面再跟上歌曲名,如输入:\n点歌 突然好想你"; } else { if (strstr($keyword, '藏尾诗') || strstr(strtolower($keyword), 'cws')) { $keyword = str_replace(' ', '', $keyword); $keyword = str_replace('cws', '', strtolower($keyword)); $keyword = str_replace('藏尾诗', '', strtolower($keyword)); if (strlen($keyword) == 0) { $contentStr = "获取藏尾诗请以'cws'开头,后面跟上内容就行啦,比如输入:\ncws 我爱小敏"; } else { $wechat_moreinfoObj = new wechat_moreInfo(); $contentStr = $wechat_moreinfoObj->getCWS($keyword); $ctype = 'cts'; } } else { if (strstr($keyword, '藏头诗') || strstr(strtolower($keyword), 'cts') || strstr($keyword, '我爱')) { $keyword = str_replace(' ', '', $keyword); $keyword = str_replace('cts', '', strtolower($keyword)); $keyword = str_replace('藏头诗', '', strtolower($keyword)); if (strlen($keyword) == 0) { $contentStr = "获取藏头诗请以'cts'开头,后面跟上内容就行啦,比如输入:\ncts 我爱小敏"; } else { $wechat_moreinfoObj = new wechat_moreInfo(); $contentStr = $wechat_moreinfoObj->getCTS2($keyword); $ctype = 'cts'; } } else { if (strstr($keyword, '英语')) { $contentStr = data_getEnglish() . "\n\n再来一个回复e"; $ctype = 'english'; } else { if (strstr($keyword, '十万个为什么') || strstr($keyword, '科普') || strtolower($keyword) == 'w' || strstr($keyword, '常识') || strstr($keyword, '知识')) { $contentStr = "【科普知识】\n" . data_getkepu() . "\n\n再来一条回复w"; $ctype = 'kepu'; } else { if (strstr($keyword, '急转弯') || strstr(strtolower($keyword), 'jzw')) { $contentStr = "【脑筋急转弯】\n" . data_getjzw(); $ctype = 'jzw'; } else { if (preg_match("/签名(.*)/", trim($keyword), $match)) { if (strlen(trim($match[1])) == 0) { $contentStr = "获取为您设计的个性签名,如输入:\n签名 林心如"; } else { $webchat_googleObj = new webchat_google(); $contentStr = $webchat_googleObj->getqianming(trim($match[1]), $fromUsername); $ctype = 'imagesearch'; } } else { //取消自动回复 if (d_isautoreply($fromUsername) == 0) { $ctype = 'type'; $contentStr = '正在输入...'; } else { if (mb_strlen($keyword, 'utf-8') > 50) { $ctype = 'share'; $contentStr = d_getshare($fromUsername); } else { //知道 关键词 $wechat_globleObj = new wechat_globle(); //敏感词 $namesArray = $wechat_globleObj->getwordsarray(); $arrarycount = count($namesArray); $twittersearch = true; for ($i = 0; $i < $arrarycount; $i++) { if (strstr($keyword, $namesArray[$i])) { $twittersearch = false; $contentStr = ""; break; } } if ($twittersearch) { // $webchat_twitterObj = new webchat_twitter(); // $contentStr = $webchat_twitterObj->gettwitter($keyword); // $ctype = "twitter"; //图片/照片 if (strstr($keyword, '图') || strstr($keyword, '照片') || strstr($keyword, '壁纸')) { $webchat_googleObj = new webchat_google(); $keyword = str_replace('图片', '', $keyword); $keyword = str_replace('照片', '', $keyword); $keyword = str_replace('图', '', $keyword); $contentStr = $webchat_googleObj->getimages($keyword, $fromUsername); if (!strstr($contentStr, '找不到你要的图片哦,看看别的吧~')) { $ctype = 'imagesearch'; } } else { //Simsimi $webchat_simsimiObj = new webchat_simsimi(); $contentStr = $webchat_simsimiObj->chat($keyword); $ctype = 'simsimi'; for ($i = 0; $i < $arrarycount; $i++) { if (strstr($contentStr, $namesArray[$i])) { $twittersearch = false; $contentStr = "不知道啦"; break; } } } } else { $contentStr = "嘘。。说点别的吧~"; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } //猜测处理 if ($ctype != 'share' && $ctype != 'zhidao' && $ctype != 'baike' && !preg_match("/^提问(.*)\$/", trim($keyword)) && (strstr($keyword, '怎样') || strstr($keyword, '怎么') || strstr($keyword, '为什么') || strstr($keyword, '为神马') || strstr($keyword, '为啥') || strstr($keyword, '如何') || strstr($keyword, '怎办') || strstr($keyword, '咋办') || strstr($keyword, '哪') || strstr($keyword, '咋么'))) { $webchat_baiduObj = new webchat_baidu(); $contentStr2 = $webchat_baiduObj->getzhidao($keyword, $fromUsername, 0); $contentStr .= "\n\n--------------\n" . $contentStr2 . "\n获取更多满意答案\n请以'?'开头,如:\n? {$keyword} "; } else { if ($ctype != 'share' && !strstr(trim($keyword), "?") && (strstr($keyword, '是什么') || strstr($keyword, '是谁') || strstr($keyword, '是誰') || strstr($keyword, '誰是') || strstr($keyword, '谁是') || strstr($keyword, '在哪') || strstr($keyword, '什么意思') || strstr($keyword, '什么叫') || strstr($keyword, '什么叫做') || strstr($keyword, '是啥') || strstr($keyword, '啥是') || strstr($keyword, '叫啥') || strstr($keyword, '啥叫') || strstr($keyword, '什么是'))) { $vowels = array('是啥', '啥是', '啥叫', '叫啥', '什么叫做', '什么叫', '是什么意思', '什么意思', '是什么', '什么是', '?', '?', '是谁', '谁是', '在哪里', '在哪'); $searchwords = trim(str_replace($vowels, '', $keyword)); if (strlen($searchwords) > 0) { $webchat_baiduObj = new webchat_baidu(); $contentStr2 = $webchat_baiduObj->getzhidao($searchwords, $fromUsername, 0); $contentStr .= "\n--------------\n" . $contentStr2 . "\n获取更多请以'?'开头,如:\n? {$searchwords} "; } } else { if (strstr($keyword, '你是人') || strstr($keyword, '机器') || strstr($keyword, '你是真人') || strstr($keyword, '假人')) { $contentStr2 = "对,我不是人,但是我喜欢你。真心的。"; $contentStr .= "\n--------------\n" . $contentStr2; } } } if (strstr($keyword, '功能')) { $contentStr .= "\n--------------\n查看我的功能,请输入 help "; } } else { $contentStr = '大爷,您说两句吧~'; } $namesArray = array('傻逼', '生殖器官', '交配', '约炮'); $contentStr = trim(str_replace($namesArray, '**', $contentStr)); if (strlen($contentStr) == 0) { $default_msg = array('你知道吗?回复help 可以选择很多实用的功能呢', '突然好想你', '我想我爱上你了', '在你孤独、悲伤的日子里,我和我主人会一直陪着你', '干嘛呀', '你说呢', '哦...', '不要这样子嘛', '呀没得呀没得', '没有你的天,不蓝!', '想你想你好想你', '我以痴心,静待你芳心,海枯石烂我不会死心', '我知道你很忙,但是还是很希望你能多跟我说说话', '我是不是很笨呀', '想和我主人聊吗?那么请留下你的联系方式吧~', '你是怎么找到我的呀', '我们在一起吧', '发张你的照片吧 发嘛', '我主人要是在就好了', '亲~', '亲爱的,我在呢', '冬天是色狼,总是“冻”手又“冻”脚的……', '知道大人物是什么吗?就是一直不断努力的小人物。', '热烈庆贺小白菜翻身,以前1块3,现在3块1。', '风好大,鸟都被吹起来啦!', '据说某公司招聘,先把收到的一大堆简历随机扔掉一半,因为他们的招聘理念是“我们不要运气不好的人', '我的理想是实现我的梦想。', '吃亏的时候不要忘记占便宜,这个才是“吃亏就是占便宜”。', '如果说吃鱼可以让人变聪明的话,那我得吃下一对鲸鱼。', '成功离不开四种人:高人指点,贵人相助,本人勤奋,小人找茬(监督)', '除了自己,没人能为我们的快乐负责。', '很多人闯进你的生活,只是为了给你上一课,然后转身离开。', '人生为棋,我愿为卒,行动虽慢,可谁见我都会后退一步!', '人生不如意事十之八九。谋十事有一事能成,当感恩。', '如有需要可以加我主人的私人微信love_icoding', '我很幸福,因为我爱的人也爱着我。', '亲,觉得好用de话,把我推荐给你的朋友好不好呀~~', secret_welcome()); $motion = array("/:@>/:<@", "/:B-)", "/::>", "/::,@", "/::D", "/::)", "/::P", "/::\$", "/:,@-D", "/:,@P", "◑▂◐", "◑0◐", "◑︿◐", "◑ω◐", "◑﹏◐", "◑△◐", "◑▽◐", "╯▂╰", "╯0╰", "╯︿╰", "╯ω╰", "╯﹏╰", "╯△╰", "╯▽╰", "/:&>", "/:<&", "/:kiss", "[街舞]", "/:#-0", "[挥手]", "/:skip", "/:turn", "/:kotow", "/:circle", "/:<O>", "/:shake", "/:jump", "/:<L>", "/:love", "/:ok", "/:no", "/:lvu", "/:bad", "/:@@", "/:jj", "/:@)", "/:v", "/:share", "/:weak", "/:strong", "/:hug", "/:gift", "/:sun", "/:moon", "/:shit", "/:ladybug", "/:footb", "/:kn", "/:bome", "/:li", "/:cake", "/:break", "/:heart", "/:showlove", "/::)", "/::~", "/::B", "/::|", "/:8-)", "/::<", "/::\$", "/::X", "/::Z", "/::’", "/::-|", "/::@", "/::P", "/::D", "/::O", "/::(", "/::+", "/:–b", "/::Q", "/::T", "/:,@P", "/:,@-D", "/::d", "/:,@o", "/::g", "/:|-)", "/::!", "/::L", "/::>", "/::,@", "/:,@f", "/::-S", "/:?", "/:,@x", "/:,@@", "/::8", "/:,@!", "/:!!!", "/:xx", "/:byebye" . "/:wipe", "/:dig", "/:handclap", "/:&-(", "/:B-)", "/:<@", "/:@>", "/::-O", "/:>-|", "/:P-(", "/::’|", "/:X-)", "/::*", "/:@x", "/:8*", "/:pd", "/:<W>", "/:beer", "/:basketb", "/:oo", "/:coffee", "/:eat", "/:pig", "/:rose", "/:fade"); $contentStr = $default_msg[rand(0, count($default_msg) - 1)]; $contentStr .= $motion[rand(0, count($motion) - 1)]; $ctype = 'default'; } return array($contentStr, $ctype); }