function dashboard_section_news($params, $return = null)
    global $smarty;
    // Set the dashboard code name here
    $name = 'news_info';
    // If the section is disabled then skip it on dashboard
    if ($params['mode'] == 'dashboard' && $params['sections'][$name]['active'] === '0') {
        return $return;
    // Define basic data for configuration
    $return[$name] = array('title' => 'News and Information', 'description' => 'This is example of dashboard section explains how to build your own widget', 'active' => 1, 'pos' => 70, 'size' => 'medium', 'frame' => 1, 'header' => 1);
    if ($params['mode'] == 'setting') {
        return $return;
    // Add content for dashboard in 'dashboard' mode
    // Define either content or template name or both
    //$return[$name]['content']  = '<h2>This example dashboard section explains how to build your own widget</h2>';
    if (!($content = cw_cache_get('dashboard', 'rss'))) {
        $rss = simplexml_load_file(constant('NEWS_RSS_URL'));
        for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
            $items[] = $rss->channel->item[$i];
        $smarty->assign('rss', $items);
        $content = $smarty->fetch('addons/dashboard/admin/sections/news.tpl');
        unset($rss, $items);
        cw_cache_save($content, 'dashboard', 'rss');
    $return[$name]['content'] = $content;
    return $return;
コード例 #2
function cw_get_lang_vars($code, &$variables, &$lng)
    global $tables, $app_config_file;
    global $cw__langvars, $current_area;
    if (is_null($cw__langvars[$code])) {
        $cw__langvars[$code] = cw_cache_get($code . '_' . $current_area, 'lang');
    if (!empty($variables) && is_array($variables)) {
        foreach ($variables as $lang_name => $_v) {
            if (isset($cw__langvars[$code][$lang_name])) {
                $lng[$lang_name] = $cw__langvars[$code][$lang_name];
    if (empty($variables)) {
        return true;
    $variables = array_fill_keys(array_keys($variables), '');
    $cw__langvars[$code] = cw_array_merge($cw__langvars[$code], $variables);
    $labels = db_query("\n        SELECT name, value, tooltip\n        FROM {$tables['languages']}\n        WHERE code = '{$code}' AND name IN ('" . implode("','", array_keys($variables)) . "')\n\t");
    if ($labels) {
        while ($v = db_fetch_array($labels)) {
            if ($app_config_file['debug']['show_langvars']) {
                $v['tooltip'] = $v['name'] . $v['tooltip'];
            if (!empty($v['tooltip'])) {
                $lng[$v['name']] = '<span class="lng_tooltip" title="' . str_replace('"', '&quot;', $v['tooltip']) . '">' . $v['value'] . '</span>';
            } else {
                $lng[$v['name']] = $v['value'];
            $cw__langvars[$code][$v['name']] = $lng[$v['name']];
        $cw__langvars[$code]['updated'] = true;
コード例 #3
function cw_product_search($params, $return = null)
    global $tables, $addons, $current_language, $config, $app_config_file;
    global $cart;
    global $smarty;
    global $target;
    $fields = $from_tbls = $query_joins = $where = $groupbys = $having = $orderbys = array();
    $from_tbls[] = 'products';
    # kornev, merge standart and additional variables
    if ($return) {
        foreach ($return as $saname => $sadata) {
            if (isset(${$saname}) && is_array(${$saname}) && empty(${$saname})) {
                ${$saname} = $sadata;
    if ($data['where']) {
        $where[] = $data['where'];
    $query_joins['products_stats'] = array('on' => "{$tables['products_stats']}.product_id = {$tables['products']}.product_id", 'only_select' => 1);
    # kornev, all of the inner joins are replaced by left join && not null
    # it works fastly because mylsq do not optimize the tables order is query and we are able to play with it.
    $memberships = array(0);
    if ($user_account['membership_id'] > 0) {
        $memberships[] = intval($user_account['membership_id']);
    $query_joins['products_flat'] = array('on' => "{$tables['products_flat']}.product_id = {$tables['products']}.product_id", 'only_select' => 1);
    $fields[] = "{$tables['products_flat']}.*";
    $fields[] = "{$tables['products']}.*";
    if (!is_array($data['warehouse_customer_id'])) {
        $data['warehouse_customer_id'] = array($data['warehouse_customer_id'] => 1);
    $query_joins['products_warehouses_amount'] = array('parent' => 'products', 'on' => "{$tables['products_warehouses_amount']}.product_id = {$tables['products']}.product_id and {$tables['products_warehouses_amount']}.warehouse_customer_id = 0 and {$tables['products_warehouses_amount']}.variant_id=0");
    $fields[] = "{$tables['products_warehouses_amount']}.avail";
    if ($current_area == 'A') {
        $fields[] = "{$tables['products_prices']}.variant_id";
        $fields[] = "{$tables['products_prices']}.price";
        # kornev, TOFIX
        if ($addons['product_options']) {
            $fields[] = "if({$tables['product_variants']}.product_id IS NULL, '', 'Y') as is_variants";
        $query_joins['products_prices'] = array('on' => "{$tables['products_prices']}.product_id = {$tables['products']}.product_id", 'is_inner' => 1);
    } else {
        $fields[] = "min({$tables['products_prices']}.price) as price";
        $fields[] = "{$tables['products_prices']}.variant_id";
        $fields[] = "{$tables['products_prices']}.list_price";
        //        $fields[] = "min($tables[products_prices].list_price) as list_price";
        $query_joins['products_prices'] = array('parent' => 'products', 'on' => "{$tables['products_prices']}.product_id = {$tables['products']}.product_id and {$tables['products_prices']}.quantity=1 and {$tables['products_prices']}.membership_id in (" . join(',', $memberships) . ")", 'is_inner' => 1);
        if ($config['Appearance']['show_views_on_product_page'] == 'Y') {
            $fields[] = "{$tables['products_stats']}.views_stats";
    if ($config['Appearance']['categories_in_products'] == '1') {
        $query_joins['products_categories'] = array('on' => "{$tables['products_categories']}.product_id = {$tables['products']}.product_id", 'pos' => '0', 'is_inner' => 1);
    # kornev, we should add filter by attributes names
    if ($data['attribute_names']) {
        $att_ids = cw_call('cw_attributes_get_attribute_by_field', array('field' => array_keys($data['attribute_names'])));
        if ($att_ids) {
            foreach ($att_ids as $k => $v) {
                $data['attributes'][$v] = $data['attribute_names'][$k];
    # kornev, filter by attributes
    if ($data['attributes']) {
        if ($data['attributes'][PRICE_ATTRIBUTE_ID]) {
            $data['price_min'] = $data['attributes'][PRICE_ATTRIBUTE_ID]['min'];
            $data['price_max'] = $data['attributes'][PRICE_ATTRIBUTE_ID]['max'];
        if ($data['attributes']['substring']) {
            $data['substring'] = $data['attributes']['substring'];
        foreach ($data['attributes'] as $k => $v) {
            $a = cw_call('cw_attributes_filter', array(array('attribute_id' => $k), true));
            // If attr is number and presented in filter as predefined ranges,
            // then range attribute_value_id is passed as criteria, not real value or real range
            if (in_array($a['type'], array('decimal', 'integer'), true) && in_array($a['pf_display_type'], array('P', 'W', 'E', 'G')) && !isset($v['min'])) {
                $result = cw_product_filter_get_price_range_values($v[0]);
                if ($result) {
                    $v['min'] = $result[0];
                    $v['max'] = $result[1];
                if ($k == PRICE_ATTRIBUTE_ID) {
                    $data['price_min'] = $v['min'];
                    $data['price_max'] = $v['max'];
                    $data['attributes']['price'] = $v;
            if (in_array($k, array('price', 'substring', PRICE_ATTRIBUTE_ID))) {
            if (!is_numeric($k)) {
            // Only real attributes must e converted into JOIN sql statement
            if (!is_array($v)) {
                $data['attributes'][$k] = $v = array($v);
            $query_joins['atv_' . $k] = array('tblname' => 'attributes_values', 'on' => "{$tables['products']}.product_id=atv_{$k}.item_id and atv_{$k}.attribute_id = '{$k}' and atv_{$k}.code in ('{$current_language}', '') and " . (isset($v['min']) ? "atv_{$k}.value >= " . floatval($v['min']) . " and atv_{$k}.value <= " . floatval($v['max']) : "atv_{$k}.value in ('" . implode("', '", $v) . "')"), 'is_inner' => 1);
    if (!empty($data['by_pf_s_attr']) && !empty($data['substring'])) {
        $attr_pf_s_where = array();
        foreach ($data['by_pf_s_attr'] as $attr_id => $digit_flag) {
            $is_def_values = cw_query_first_cell("select count(*) from {$tables['attributes_default']} where attribute_id='{$attr_id}'");
            $attr_type = cw_query_first_cell("select type from {$tables['attributes']} where attribute_id='{$attr_id}'");
            if ($is_def_values && !in_array($attr_type, array('textarea', 'text'))) {
                if ($data['including'] == 'all' || $data['including'] == 'any') {
                    $search_words = array_filter(explode(" ", $data['substring']));
                    $search_words_arr = array();
                    foreach ($search_words as $word) {
                        $word = addslashes($word);
                        $search_words_arr[] = "atd_pf_s_{$attr_id}.value like '%{$word}%'";
                if ($data['including'] == 'all') {
                    $value_eq_sql = " (" . implode(" and ", $search_words_arr) . ") ";
                } elseif ($data['including'] == 'any') {
                    $value_eq_sql = " (" . implode(" or ", $search_words_arr) . ") ";
                } else {
                    $value_eq_sql = "atd_pf_s_{$attr_id}.value like '%" . addslashes($data['substring']) . "%'";
                $attr_value_ids = cw_query_column("select attribute_value_id from {$tables['attributes_default']} atd_pf_s_{$attr_id} where atd_pf_s_{$attr_id}.attribute_id='{$attr_id}' and {$value_eq_sql}");
                if (!empty($attr_value_ids)) {
                    $query_joins['atv_pf_s_' . $attr_id] = array('tblname' => 'attributes_values', 'on' => "{$tables['products']}.product_id=atv_pf_s_{$attr_id}.item_id and atv_pf_s_{$attr_id}.item_type='P' and atv_pf_s_{$attr_id}.attribute_id = '{$attr_id}' and atv_pf_s_{$attr_id}.code in ('{$current_language}', '') and cast(atv_pf_s_{$attr_id}.value as SIGNED) in ('" . implode("','", $attr_value_ids) . "')");
                    $attr_pf_s_where[] = "atv_pf_s_{$attr_id}.item_id is not null";
            } else {
                if ($data['including'] == 'all' || $data['including'] == 'any') {
                    $search_words = array_filter(explode(" ", $data['substring']));
                    $search_words_arr = array();
                    foreach ($search_words as $word) {
                        $word = addslashes($word);
                        $search_words_arr[] = "atv_pf_s_{$attr_id}.value like '%{$word}%'";
                if ($data['including'] == 'all') {
                    $value_eq_sql = " (" . implode(" and ", $search_words_arr) . ") ";
                } elseif ($data['including'] == 'any') {
                    $value_eq_sql = " (" . implode(" or ", $search_words_arr) . ") ";
                } else {
                    $value_eq_sql = "atv_pf_s_{$attr_id}.value like '%" . addslashes($data['substring']) . "%'";
                $query_joins['atv_pf_s_' . $attr_id] = array('tblname' => 'attributes_values', 'on' => "{$tables['products']}.product_id=atv_pf_s_{$attr_id}.item_id and atv_pf_s_{$attr_id}.item_type='P' and atv_pf_s_{$attr_id}.attribute_id = '{$attr_id}' and atv_pf_s_{$attr_id}.code in ('{$current_language}', '') and {$value_eq_sql}");
                $attr_pf_s_where[] = "atv_pf_s_{$attr_id}.item_id is not null";
            $return['substring_search_alternative'] = true;
        if (!empty($attr_pf_s_where)) {
            $where[] = "(" . implode(" or ", $attr_pf_s_where) . ")";
    if (!empty($data['by_pf_attr_numeric'])) {
        $cast_types = array('decimal' => 'DECIMAL', 'integer' => 'SIGNED', 'yes_no' => 'SIGNED');
        foreach ($data['by_pf_attr_numeric'] as $attr_id => $attr_limits) {
            if (empty($attr_limits['min']) && empty($attr_limits['max'])) {
            $attr_type = cw_query_first_cell("select type from {$tables['attributes']} where attribute_id='{$attr_id}'");
            $_cast_type = $cast_types[$attr_type];
            if (empty($_cast_type)) {
            $ps_numeric_val_limits = array();
            $_min_limit = min($attr_limits['min'], $attr_limits['max']);
            $_max_limit = max($attr_limits['min'], $attr_limits['max']);
            $ps_num_table_alias = "ps_num_" . $attr_id;
            if (!empty($_min_limit)) {
                $ps_numeric_val_limits[] = "cast(" . $ps_num_table_alias . ".value as {$_cast_type}) >= '{$_min_limit}'";
            if (!empty($_max_limit)) {
                $ps_numeric_val_limits[] = "cast(" . $ps_num_table_alias . ".value as {$_cast_type}) <= '{$_max_limit}'";
            if (!empty($ps_numeric_val_limits)) {
                $query_joins[$ps_num_table_alias] = array('tblname' => 'attributes_values', 'on' => "{$tables['products']}.product_id={$ps_num_table_alias}.item_id and {$ps_num_table_alias}.item_type='P' and {$ps_num_table_alias}.attribute_id='{$attr_id}' and " . implode(" and ", $ps_numeric_val_limits), 'is_inner' => 1);
    if (isset($data['by_pf_attr_multi'])) {
        foreach ($data['by_pf_attr_multi'] as $attr_id => $attr_value_ids) {
            if (empty($attr_value_ids)) {
            $ps_multi_table_alias = 'atv_pf_multi_' . $attr_id;
            $query_joins[$ps_multi_table_alias] = array('tblname' => 'attributes_values', 'on' => "{$tables['products']}.product_id={$ps_multi_table_alias}.item_id and {$ps_multi_table_alias}.item_type='P' and {$ps_multi_table_alias}.attribute_id = '{$attr_id}' and {$ps_multi_table_alias}.code in ('{$current_language}', '') and (cast({$ps_multi_table_alias}.value as SIGNED) in ('" . implode("','", $attr_value_ids) . "'))", 'is_inner' => 1);
    if (!$data['substring_exact']) {
        $data['substring'] = trim($data['substring']);
        $data['substring_prepared'] = '%' . $data['substring'] . '%';
    } else {
        $data['substring_prepared'] = $data['substring'];
    $search_by_variants = false;
    if (($data['search_sections']['tab_basic_search'] || $data['flat_search'] || $data['attributes']['substring']) && $data['substring']) {
        $condition = array();
        $search_string_fields = array();
        if (empty($data['by_title']) && empty($data['by_shortdescr']) && empty($data['by_fulldescr']) && empty($data['by_sku']) && empty($return['substring_search_alternative'])) {
            $search_data['products'][$use_search_conditions]['by_title'] = $data['by_title'] = 1;
            // TOFIX: both $search_data and $use_search_conditions is undefinde
            $flag_save = true;
        if ($data['by_title']) {
            $search_string_fields[] = "product";
        if ($data['by_manufacturer']) {
            $search_string_fields[] = 'manufacturer_code';
        if ($data['by_productcode']) {
            $search_string_fields[] = 'productcode';
        if ($data['by_ean']) {
            $search_string_fields[] = 'eancode';
        if ($data['by_shortdescr']) {
            $search_string_fields[] = "descr";
        if ($data['by_fulldescr']) {
            $search_string_fields[] = "fulldescr";
        if ($data['by_ean'] && !empty($addons['product_options'])) {
            $search_by_variants = true;
            $condition[] = "search_variants.eancode LIKE '" . $data['substring_prepared'] . "'";
        if ($data['by_manufacturer'] && !empty($addons['product_options'])) {
            $search_by_variants = true;
            $condition[] = "search_variants.mpn LIKE '" . $data['substring_prepared'] . "'";
        $search_words = array();
        if ($config['General']['allow_search_by_words'] == 'Y' && in_array($data['including'], array("all", "any"))) {
            $tmp = stripslashes(trim($data['substring']));
            if (preg_match_all('/"([^"]+)"/', $tmp, $match)) {
                $search_words = $match[1];
                $tmp = str_replace($match[0], '', $tmp);
            $tmp = explode(' ', $tmp);
            $tmp = cw_array_map("trim", $tmp);
            $search_words = array_merge($search_words, $tmp);
            # Check word length limit
            if ($search_word_length_limit > 0) {
                $search_words = preg_grep("/^..+\$/", $search_words);
            $stopwords = cw_get_stopwords();
            if (!empty($stopwords) && is_array($stopwords)) {
                $tmp = preg_grep("/^(" . implode("|", $stopwords) . ")\$/i", $search_words);
                if (!empty($tmp) && is_array($tmp)) {
                    $search_words = array_diff($search_words, $tmp);
                    $search_words = array_values($search_words);
            # Check word count limit
            if ($search_word_limit > 0 && count($search_words) > $search_word_limit) {
                $search_words = array_splice($search_words, $search_word_limit - 1);
        $search_words = array_filter($search_words);
        $search_words = cw_addslashes($search_words);
        foreach ($search_string_fields as $ssf) {
            if ($config['General']['allow_search_by_words'] == 'Y' && !empty($search_words) && in_array($data['including'], array("all", "any"))) {
                if ($data['including'] == 'all') {
                    $tmp = array();
                    foreach ($search_words as $sw) {
                        if ($current_area == 'C' || $current_area == 'B') {
                            if (in_array($ssf, array('productcode', 'manufacturer_code', 'eancode'))) {
                                $tmp[] = "{$tables['products']}.{$ssf} LIKE '%" . $sw . "%'";
                            } else {
                                $tmp[] = "IF({$tables['products_lng']}.product_id != '', {$tables['products_lng']}.{$ssf}, {$tables['products']}.{$ssf}) LIKE '%" . $sw . "%'";
                        } else {
                            $tmp[] = "{$tables['products']}.{$ssf} LIKE '%" . $sw . "%'";
                    if (!empty($tmp)) {
                        $condition[] = "(" . implode(" AND ", $tmp) . ")";
                } else {
                    if ($current_area == 'C' || $current_area == 'B') {
                        if (in_array($ssf, array('productcode', 'manufacturer_code', 'eancode'))) {
                            $condition[] = "{$tables['products']}.{$ssf} REGEXP '" . implode("|", $search_words) . "'";
                        } else {
                            $condition[] = "IF({$tables['products_lng']}.product_id != '', {$tables['products_lng']}.{$ssf}, {$tables['products']}.{$ssf}) REGEXP '" . implode("|", $search_words) . "'";
                    } else {
                        $condition[] = "{$tables['products']}.{$ssf} REGEXP '" . implode("|", $search_words) . "'";
            } elseif ($current_area == 'C' || $current_area == 'B') {
                if (in_array($ssf, array('productcode', 'manufacturer_code', 'eancode'))) {
                    $condition[] = "{$tables['products']}.{$ssf} LIKE '" . $data['substring_prepared'] . "'";
                } else {
                    $condition[] = "IF({$tables['products_lng']}.product_id != '', {$tables['products_lng']}.{$ssf}, {$tables['products']}.{$ssf}) LIKE '" . $data['substring_prepared'] . "'";
            } else {
                $condition[] = "{$tables['products']}.{$ssf} LIKE '" . $data['substring_prepared'] . "'";
        if ($data['by_sku']) {
            $search_by_variants = true;
            # kornev, TOFIX
            $condition[] = (empty($addons['product_options']) ? "({$tables['products']}.productcode)" : "(IFNULL(search_variants.productcode, {$tables['products']}.productcode)") . " LIKE '" . $data['substring_prepared'] . "' OR {$tables['products']}.eancode like '" . $data['substring_prepared'] . "')";
        if ($data['by_tags'] || $data['by_shortdescr'] || $data['by_fulldescr']) {
            if (!empty($search_words) && in_array($data['including'], array("all", "any"))) {
                $tags_condition = "name REGEXP '" . implode("|", $search_words) . "'";
            } else {
                $tags_condition = "name LIKE '" . $data['substring_prepared'] . "'";
            $tag_ids = cw_query_column("SELECT tag_id FROM {$tables['tags']} WHERE {$tags_condition}");
            $query_joins['tags_substr'] = array('tblname' => 'tags_products', 'on' => "tags_substr.product_id = {$tables['products']}.product_id", 'only_select' => 0);
            $condition[] = "tags_substr.tag_id IN ('" . join("','", $tag_ids) . "')";
            unset($tag_ids, $tags_condition);
        if (!empty($condition)) {
            $where[] = "(" . implode(" OR ", $condition) . ")";
    if ($data['search_sections']['tab_add_search'] || $data['flat_search'] || $data['product_types']) {
        if (!$data['status']) {
            $data['status'] = cw_core_get_required_status($current_area);
        if ($data['status']) {
            $where[] = "{$tables['products']}.status in (" . implode(", ", $data['status']) . ")";
        if ($config['Appearance']['categories_in_products'] == '1') {
            if ($data['category_id']) {
                $data['categories'] = array($data['category_id'] => 1);
                $data['categories_orig'] = array($data['category_id']);
            if ($data['category_ids']) {
                $_categories = array();
                $_categories_orig = array();
                foreach ($data['category_ids'] as $c_id) {
                    $_categories[$c_id] = 1;
                    $_categories_orig[] = $c_id;
                $data['categories'] = $_categories;
                $data['categories_orig'] = $_categories_orig;
            if ($data['categories'] && is_array($data['categories'])) {
                if ($data['search_in_subcategories']) {
                    $categories_to_search = cw_category_get_subcategory_ids($data['categories_orig']);
                    if (count($categories_to_search)) {
                        $where[] = "{$tables['products_categories']}.category_id IN (" . implode(",", $categories_to_search) . ")";
                } else {
                    $where[] = "{$tables['products_categories']}.category_id IN (" . implode(",", $data['categories_orig']) . ")";
                $condition = array();
                if ($data['category_main']) {
                    $condition[] = "{$tables['products_categories']}.main = 1";
                if ($data['category_extra']) {
                    $condition[] = "{$tables['products_categories']}.main = 0";
                if (count($condition)) {
                    $where[] = "(" . implode(" OR ", $condition) . ")";
        if ($data['productcode']) {
            $search_by_variants = true;
            # kornev, TOFIX
            $productcode_cond_string = empty($addons['product_options']) ? "{$tables['products']}.productcode" : "IFNULL(search_variants.productcode, {$tables['products']}.productcode)";
            $where[] = "({$productcode_cond_string} LIKE '%" . $data['productcode'] . "%')";
        if ($data['manufacturer_code']) {
            $where[] = "({$tables['products']}.manufacturer_code like '%" . $data['manufacturer_code'] . "%')";
        if ($data['eancode']) {
            $search_by_variants = true;
            # kornev, TOFIX
            $productcode_cond_string = empty($addons['product_options']) ? "{$tables['products']}.eancode" : "IFNULL(search_variants.eancode, {$tables['products']}.eancode)";
            $where[] = "({$productcode_cond_string} LIKE '%" . $data['eancode'] . "%')";
        if ($data['product_id']) {
            $where[] = "{$tables['products']}.product_id " . (is_array($data['product_id']) ? " IN ('" . implode("','", $data['product_id']) . "')" : "= '" . $data['product_id'] . "'");
        if (!empty($data['serial_number'])) {
            $warehouse_condition = AREA_TYPE == 'P' ? "and {$tables['serial_numbers']}.warehouse_customer_id='{$user_account['warehouse_customer_id']}'" : "";
            $where[] = "{$tables['serial_numbers']}.sn LIKE '%" . $data['serial_number'] . "%' {$warehouse_condition}";
            $query_joins['serial_numbers'] = array("on" => "{$tables['serial_numbers']}.product_id = {$tables['products']}.product_id", 'is_inner' => 1);
        /* kornev, removed - the manufacturer is attribute now and search is going to be done in another way
                if ($addons['manufacturers']) {
        # kornev, attribute should be selected in another way
                    $fields[] = "$tables[manufacturers].manufacturer";
                    $query_joins['manufacturers'] = array(
                        'on' => "$tables[products].manufacturer_id = $tables[manufacturers].manufacturer_id",
                        'only_select' => 1,
                    if ($data['manufacturers']) {
                        $where['manuf_condition'] = "$tables[products].manufacturer_id IN ('".implode("', '", array_keys($data['manufacturers']))."')";
                        $query_joins['manufacturers']['only_select'] = 0;
                        $query_joins['manufacturers']['is_inner'] = 1;
                    if ($data['manufacturers_substring']) {
                        $substring = $data['manufacturers_substring'];
                        if (!$data['manufacturers_substring_exact']) $substring = '%'.trim($substring).'%';
                        $where['manuf_condition'] .= "$tables[manufacturers].manufacturer like '$substring'";
                        $query_joins['manufacturers']['only_select'] = 0;
                        $query_joins['manufacturers']['is_inner'] = 1;
        if ($data['avail_types']) {
            if ($data['avail_types'][1]) {
                $where[] = "{$tables['products_warehouses_amount']}.avail > 0";
            if ($data['avail_types'][2]) {
                $where[] = "{$tables['products_warehouses_amount']}.avail_ordered > 0";
            if ($data['avail_types'][3]) {
                $where[] = "{$tables['products_warehouses_amount']}.avail_sold > 0";
            if ($data['avail_types'][4]) {
                $where[] = "{$tables['products_warehouses_amount']}.avail_reserved > 0";
            if ($data['avail_types'][5]) {
                $where[] = "{$tables['products_warehouses_amount']}.avail < 0";
            if ($data['avail_types'][6]) {
                $where[] = "{$tables['products_warehouses_amount']}.avail = 0";
        if ($data['product_types']) {
            $where[] = "{$tables['products']}.product_type in ('" . implode("', '", array_keys($data['product_types'])) . "')";
    if (($current_area == "C" || $current_area == "B") && $config['General']['disable_outofstock_products'] == "Y") {
        $where[] = "{$tables['products_warehouses_amount']}.avail > 0";
    if ($data['search_sections']['tab_prices'] || $data['flat_search']) {
        $query_joins['products_prices'] = array('parent' => 'products', 'on' => "{$tables['products_prices']}.product_id = {$tables['products']}.product_id and {$tables['products_prices']}.quantity=1 and {$tables['products_prices']}.membership_id in (" . join(',', $memberships) . ")", 'is_inner' => 1);
        if ($data['price_min']) {
            $where['price_min'] = "{$tables['products_prices']}.price >= '{$data['price_min']}'";
        if ($data['price_max']) {
            $where['price_max'] = "{$tables['products_prices']}.price <= '{$data['price_max']}'";
        if ($data['weight_min']) {
            $where['weight_min'] = "{$tables['products']}.weight >= '{$data['weight_min']}'";
        if ($data['weight_max']) {
            $where['weight_max'] = "{$tables['products']}.weight <= '{$data['weight_max']}'";
                if ($data['list_price_min'])
                    $where[] = "$tables[products_prices].list_price >= '$data[list_price_min]'";
                if ($data['list_price_min'])
                    $where[] = "$tables[products_prices].list_price <= '$data[list_price_max]'";
        if ($data['list_price_min']) {
            $where[] = "{$tables['products']}.list_price >= '{$data['list_price_min']}'";
        if ($data['list_price_min']) {
            $where[] = "{$tables['products']}.list_price <= '{$data['list_price_max']}'";
    if ($data['search_sections']['tab_additional_options'] || $data['flat_search']) {
        if ($data['flag_free_ship']) {
            $where[] = "{$tables['products']}.free_shipping = '" . $data['flag_free_ship'] . "'";
        if ($data['flag_ship_freight']) {
            $where[] = "{$tables['products']}.shipping_freight " . ($data['flag_ship_freight'] == 'Y' ? '>0' : '=0');
        if ($data['flag_global_disc']) {
            $where[] = "{$tables['products']}.discount_avail = '" . $data['flag_global_disc'] . "'";
        if ($data['flag_free_tax']) {
            $where[] = "{$tables['products']}.free_tax = '" . $data['flag_free_tax'] . "'";
        if ($data['flag_min_amount']) {
            if ($data['flag_min_amount'] == "Y") {
                $where[] = "{$tables['products']}.min_amount <= 1";
            } else {
                $where[] = "{$tables['products']}.min_amount = 1";
        if ($data['flag_low_avail_limit']) {
            if ($data['flag_low_avail_limit'] == 'Y') {
                $where[] = "{$tables['products']}.low_avail_limit <= 1";
            } else {
                $where[] = "{$tables['products']}.low_avail_limit > 1";
    if ($data['search_sections']['tab_anagraphic'] || $data['flat_search']) {
        if ($data['blank_descr']) {
            $where[] = "{$tables['products']}.descr = ''";
        if ($data['code']) {
            $search_by_variants = true;
            # kornev, TOFIX
            $productcode_cond_string = empty($addons['product_options']) ? "{$tables['products']}.eancode" : "IFNULL(search_variants.eancode, {$tables['products']}.eancode)";
            $where[] = "({$productcode_cond_string} != '')";
        if ($data['without_code']) {
            $search_by_variants = true;
            # kornev, TOFIX
            $where[] = !$addons['product_options'] ? "({$tables['products']}.productcode = '' or {$tables['products']}.eancode = '')" : "(IFNULL(search_variants.productcode, {$tables['products']}.productcode) = '' OR IFNULL(search_variants.eancode, {$tables['products']}.eancode) = '')";
        $query_joins['products_system_info'] = array('parent' => 'products', 'on' => "{$tables['products_system_info']}.product_id = {$tables['products']}.product_id", 'is_inner' => 1);
        if ($data['creation_date_start']) {
            $where[] = "{$tables['products_system_info']}.creation_date >= '{$data['creation_date_start']}'";
        if ($data['creation_date_end']) {
            $where[] = "{$tables['products_system_info']}.creation_date <= '{$data['creation_date_end']}'";
        if ($data['modify_date_start']) {
            $where[] = "{$tables['products_system_info']}.modification_date >= '{$data['modify_date_start']}'";
        if ($data['modify_date_end']) {
            $where[] = "{$tables['products_system_info']}.modification_date <= '{$data['modify_date_end']}'";
        if ($data['created_by']) {
            $where[] = "{$tables['products_system_info']}.creation_customer_id = '{$data['created_by']}'";
        if ($data['supplier']) {
            $where[] = "{$tables['products_system_info']}.supplier_customer_id = '{$data['supplier']}'";
        if ($data['sold_date_start'] || $data['sold_date_end']) {
            $query_joins['docs_items'] = array('on' => "{$tables['docs_items']}.product_id = {$tables['products']}.product_id", 'is_inner' => 1);
            $query_joins['docs'] = array('on' => "{$tables['docs']}.doc_id = {$tables['docs_items']}.doc_id", 'is_inner' => 1);
            if ($data['sold_date_start']) {
                $where[] = "{$tables['docs']}.date >= '{$data['sold_date_start']}'";
            if ($data['sold_date_end']) {
                $where[] = "{$tables['docs']}.date <= '{$data['sold_date_end']}'";
    if ($data['tag']) {
        $query_joins['tags_products'] = array('on' => "{$tables['tags_products']}.product_id = {$tables['products']}.product_id", 'only_select' => 0);
        $query_joins['tags'] = array('on' => "{$tables['tags']}.tag_id = {$tables['tags_products']}.tag_id", 'only_select' => 0);
        $where[] = "{$tables['tags']}.name = '{$data['tag']}'";
    //   if (in_array($current_area, array('B', 'G'))) {
    $fields[] = "IF({$tables['products_lng']}.product_id != '', {$tables['products_lng']}.product, {$tables['products']}.product) as product";
    $fields[] = "IF({$tables['products_lng']}.product_id != '', {$tables['products_lng']}.descr, {$tables['products']}.descr) as descr";
    $fields[] = "IF({$tables['products_lng']}.product_id != '', {$tables['products_lng']}.fulldescr, {$tables['products']}.fulldescr) as fulldescr";
    $query_joins['products_lng'] = array('on' => "{$tables['products_lng']}.product_id = {$tables['products']}.product_id AND {$tables['products_lng']}.code = '{$current_language}'", 'only_select' => 1);
    if ($data['by_title'] || $data['by_shortdescr'] || $data['by_fulldescr']) {
        $query_joins['products_lng']['only_select'] = 0;
    //    }
    if (in_array($current_area, array('C', 'R', 'G'))) {
        if ($config['Appearance']['categories_in_products'] == '1') {
            $query_joins['categories_memberships'] = array('on' => "{$tables['categories_memberships']}.category_id = {$tables['products_categories']}.category_id", 'parent' => 'products_categories', 'is_inner' => 1);
        $query_joins['products_memberships'] = array('parent' => 'products', 'on' => "{$tables['products_memberships']}.product_id = {$tables['products']}.product_id", 'is_inner' => 1);
    if ($current_area == 'C') {
        if ($config['Appearance']['categories_in_products'] == '1') {
            $where[] = "{$tables['categories_memberships']}.membership_id IN (" . join(',', $memberships) . ")";
            $where[] = "{$tables['categories']}.status = 1";
            $query_joins['categories_memberships']['only_select'] = 0;
            $query_joins['categories'] = array('parent' => 'products_categories', 'on' => "{$tables['categories']}.category_id = {$tables['products_categories']}.category_id", 'is_inner' => 1);
        $where[] = "{$tables['products_memberships']}.membership_id IN (" . join(',', $memberships) . ")";
        $query_joins['products_memberships']['only_select'] = 0;
    } elseif ($config['Appearance']['categories_in_products'] == '1' && $current_area == 'B') {
        $where[] = "{$tables['categories']}.status = 1";
        $query_joins['categories'] = array('parent' => 'products_categories', 'on' => "{$tables['categories']}.category_id = {$tables['products_categories']}.category_id", 'is_inner' => 1);
    if ($config['Appearance']['categories_in_products'] == '1' && $data['get_category'] == 'Y') {
        $query_joins['categories'] = array('parent' => 'products_categories', 'on' => "{$tables['categories']}.category_id = {$tables['products_categories']}.category_id");
        $query_joins['categories_lng'] = array("on" => "{$tables['categories_lng']}.category_id = {$tables['categories']}.category_id and {$tables['categories_lng']}.code='{$current_language}'", "parent" => "categories");
        $fields[] = "IF({$tables['categories_lng']}.category_id IS NOT NULL AND {$tables['categories_lng']}.category != '', {$tables['categories_lng']}.category, {$tables['categories']}.category) as category";
    if (isset($data['avail_min'])) {
        $where[] = "{$tables['products_warehouses_amount']}.avail >= '" . $data['avail_min'] . "'";
    if (isset($data['avail_max'])) {
        $where[] = "{$tables['products_warehouses_amount']}.avail <= '" . $data['avail_max'] . "'";
    # kornev, TOFIX
    if ($addons['product_options']) {
        if ($search_by_variants) {
            $query_joins['search_variants'] = array('tblname' => 'product_variants', 'on' => "search_variants.product_id = {$tables['products']}.product_id", 'only_select' => 0);
        if ($current_area == 'A') {
            # kornev, TOFIX
            $query_joins['product_variants'] = array('on' => "{$tables['product_variants']}.product_id = {$tables['products']}.product_id AND {$tables['product_variants']}.variant_id = {$tables['products_prices']}.variant_id", 'parent' => 'products_prices', 'only_select' => 1);
        } else {
            $query_joins['product_variants'] = array('on' => "{$tables['product_variants']}.product_id = {$tables['products']}.product_id AND {$tables['product_variants']}.variant_id = {$tables['products_prices']}.variant_id", 'parent' => 'products_prices', 'only_select' => 1);
        foreach (array('weight', 'productcode') as $property) {
            $fields[] = "ifnull({$tables['product_variants']}.{$property}, {$tables['products']}.{$property}) as " . $property;
    foreach (array('products_images_thumb', 'products_images_det') as $products_images_type) {
        if ($data['has_' . $products_images_type]) {
            global $available_images;
            $exclude_names_products_images = array($available_images[$products_images_type]['default_image'], '');
            if (is_array($data['exclude_filenames_' . $products_images_type])) {
                $exclude_names_products_images = array_merge($exclude_names_products_images, $data['exclude_filenames_' . $products_images_type]);
            $query_joins[$products_images_type] = array('on' => $tables[$products_images_type] . ".id = {$tables['products']}.product_id AND (" . $tables[$products_images_type] . ".filename NOT IN ('" . implode("', '", $exclude_names_products_images) . "') OR " . $tables[$products_images_type] . ".image_path like 'http://%')", 'is_inner' => 1);
    global $allowed_products_sort_fields;
    if (!isset($allowed_products_sort_fields)) {
        $allowed_products_sort_fields = array();
    if (!in_array($data['sort_field'], array('rand', 'productcode', 'title', 'orderby', 'quantity', 'price', 'product_id')) && !in_array($data['sort_field'], $allowed_products_sort_fields)) {
        $data['sort_field'] = $config['Appearance']['products_order'];
    if (!empty($data['sort_field'])) {
        $direction = $data['sort_direction'] ? 'DESC' : 'ASC';
        if ($config['Appearance']['display_productcode_in_list'] != "Y" && ($current_area == 'C' || $current_area == 'B') && $data['sort_field'] == 'productcode') {
            $data['sort_field'] = 'orderby';
        switch ($data['sort_field']) {
            case 'rand':
                $sort_string = 'RAND()';
            case "productcode":
                $sort_string = "{$tables['products']}.productcode {$direction}";
            case "title":
                $sort_string = "{$tables['products']}.product {$direction}";
            case "orderby":
                if ($config['Appearance']['categories_in_products'] == '1') {
                    $sort_string = "{$tables['products_categories']}.orderby {$direction}";
                } else {
                    $sort_string = "{$tables['products']}.productcode {$direction}";
            case "quantity":
                $sort_string = "{$tables['products_warehouses_amount']}.avail {$direction}";
            case "price":
                $sort_string = "price {$direction}";
            case "product_id":
                $sort_string = "{$tables['products']}.product_id {$direction}";
                $sort_string = $data['sort_field'] . ' ' . $direction;
                // special case to order by rand(seed) field or custom field
        global $custom_products_sort_string;
        if (!empty($custom_products_sort_string)) {
            $sort_string = $custom_products_sort_string;
    } else {
        $sort_string = "{$tables['products']}.product";
    if (!empty($data['sort_condition'])) {
        $sort_string = $data['sort_condition'];
        if (($current_area == "C" || $current_area == "B") && $config['General']['disable_outofstock_products'] == "Y") {
            $query_joins['products_warehouses_amount'] = array(
                'tblname' => 'products_warehouses_amount',
                'on' => "$tables[products_warehouses_amount].product_id = $tables[products].product_id and $tables[products_warehouses_amount].variant_id=$tables[product_variants].variant_id and $tables[products_warehouses_amount.avail > 0",
                'only_select' => 0,
    $groupbys[] = "{$tables['products']}.product_id";
    $orderbys[] = $sort_string;
    $orderbys[] = "{$tables['products']}.product ASC";
    if (isset($params['product_id_only']) && $params['product_id_only'] == true) {
        $fields = array($tables['products'] . '.product_id');
    $search_query_count = cw_db_generate_query('count(*)', $from_tbls, $query_joins, $where, $groupbys, $having, array(), 0);
    $search_query = cw_db_generate_query($fields, $from_tbls, $query_joins, $where, $groupbys, $having, $orderbys);
    //var_dump($search_query); die();
    if (!$data['limit'] && !$data['all']) {
        $_res = db_query($search_query_count);
        $total_items = db_num_rows($_res);
    # kornev, optimization, we don't need to pre-calculate the amount in some cases
    $page = $data['page'];
    if ($data['count']) {
        return $total_items;
    } elseif ($data['limit']) {
        $limit_str = " LIMIT {$data['limit']}";
    } elseif ($data['all']) {
        $limit_str = '';
    } else {
        $navigation = cw_core_get_navigation($target, $total_items, $page);
        $_objects2load = $navigation['objects_per_page'];
        $_first_object_on_page = $navigation['first_page'];
        if (isset($navigation['preload_objects'])) {
            $_objects2load += $navigation['preload_objects'];
            $_first_object_on_page = max($_first_object_on_page - $navigation['preload_objects'], 0);
        $limit_str = " LIMIT {$_first_object_on_page}, {$_objects2load}";
    $products = $pfr = array();
    if ($params['count_only']) {
        return array($products, $navigation, $pfr);
    if ($total_items > 0 || $data['limit'] || $data['all'] || $data['attributes']) {
        $products = cw_query($search_query . $limit_str);
        if ($data['limit'] || $data['all']) {
            $items_per_page = 20;
            if (!empty($objects_per_page)) {
                $items_per_page = $objects_per_page;
            $navigation = cw_core_get_navigation($target, count($products), $page, $items_per_page);
        /* kornev, not used now
                if ($data['query_manufacturers'] == 'Y') {
                    $query_joins['manufacturers'] = array(
                        'on' => "$tables[products].manufacturer_id=$tables[manufacturers].manufacturer_id",
                        'is_inner' => 1,
                    $manuf_query = cw_db_generate_query(array("$tables[manufacturers].manufacturer", "$tables[manufacturers].manufacturer_id"), $from_tbls, $query_joins, $where, array("$tables[manufacturers].manufacturer"), $having, array("$tables[manufacturers].orderby"));
                    $p_manufacturers = cw_query($manuf_query);
                    if (is_array($p_manufacturers) && is_array($data['manufacturers']))
                    foreach($p_manufacturers as $k=>$v)
                        $p_manufacturers[$k]['selected'] = in_array($v['manufacturer_id'], array_keys($data['manufacturers']));
                    $smarty->assign('product_manufacturers', $p_manufacturers);
        # kornev, query features for the additional product filter
        if ($info_type & 1024 && !($pfr = cw_cache_get(array($search_query . $limit_str), 'PF_search'))) {
            $pfr = array();
            # kornev, we need that for the breadcrumbs
            if ($data['attributes']['substring']) {
                $pfr[] = array('attribute_id' => 'substring', 'name' => cw_get_langvar_by_name('lbl_substring'), 'type' => '', 'is_selected' => 1, 'selected' => array($data['attributes']['substring']), 'values' => array());
            # kornev, firstly select all of the attributes to build the filter - without products count
            $attributes = cw_call('cw_attributes_filter', array(array('item_type' => 'P', 'pf_is_use' => 1, 'active' => 1)));
            uasort($attributes, '_sort_pf_by_pf_orderby');
            if ($attributes) {
                $att_ids = $ss_att = array();
                foreach ($attributes as $k => $v) {
                    $att_ids[] = $v['attribute_id'];
                    // Mark price attribute with special flag is_price
                    if ($v['field'] == 'price') {
                        //$attributes[$k]['attribute_id'] = $v['attribute_id'] = 'price';
                        $attributes[$k]['is_price'] = 1;
                    // If slider attr is passed in data, then prefill special array for sliders
                    if ($v['pf_display_type'] == 'S' && isset($data['attributes'][$v['attribute_id']])) {
                        $ss_att[] = $v;
                $query_joins['atv'] = array('tblname' => 'attributes_values', 'on' => "{$tables['products']}.product_id=atv.item_id and atv.attribute_id in ('" . implode("', '", $att_ids) . "') and atv.code in ('{$current_language}', '') and atv.value != ''");
                # kornev, we have to select all of the slider attributes separatelly
                // general selection of all attributes, values, prices for all products according to search query
                $attribute_query = cw_db_generate_query(array("atv.attribute_id", "atv.value", 'atv.item_id', $tables['products_prices'] . '.price'), $from_tbls, $query_joins, $where, null, null, null);
                //$atv = cw_query($attribute_query); // It takes a lot of memory and don't want return back even after unset()
                $tmp = $prices = array();
                if ($p_result = db_query($attribute_query, null)) {
                    while ($v = db_fetch_array($p_result)) {
                        if ($v['item_id']) {
                            $tmp[$v['attribute_id']][$v['value']][$v['item_id']] = $v['price'];
                            // Use price (to calculate min_price later) instead of dummy flag "1"
                        if ($v['price']) {
                            $tmp[PRICE_ATTRIBUTE_ID][$v['price']][$v['item_id']] = 1;
                # kornev, for the sliders we should select all of the values - so without the appropriate condition for the attribute;
                if ($ss_att && $config['product_filter']['is_slow_mode']) {
                    foreach ($ss_att as $id => $v) {
                        $__query_joins = $query_joins;
                        $__where = $where;
                        if ($id == 'price') {
                            $flds = array($tables['products_prices'] . '.price', $tables['products_prices'] . '.product_id');
                        } else {
                            unset($__query_joins['atv_' . $v['id']]);
                            $flds = array('atv.attribute_id', 'atv.value', 'atv.item_id');
                            //                        $__where[] = "atv_$v[id]. "
                        $attribute_query = cw_db_generate_query($flds, $from_tbls, $__query_joins, $__where, null, null, null);
                        if ($p_result = db_query($attribute_query, null)) {
                            while ($v = db_fetch_array($p_result)) {
                                if ($v['item_id']) {
                                    $tmp[$v['attribute_id']][$v['value']][$v['item_id']] = $v['price'];
                                    // Use price (to calculate min_price later) instead of dummy flag "1"
                                if ($v['price']) {
                                    $tmp[PRICE_ATTRIBUTE_ID][$v['price']][$v['item_id']] = 1;
                $atv = null;
                unset($atv, $ss_att);
                # kornev, for now the fake price attribute is used - we should move it to the attributes array
                # kornev, TOFIX - move price to attributes
                //                array_unshift($attributes, array('attribute_id' => 'price', 'name' => cw_get_langvar_by_name('lbl_price'), 'type' => 'decimal', 'field' => 'price', 'pf_display_type' => 'S', 'is_price' => 1));
                foreach ($attributes as $ka => $v) {
                    $images = array();
                    if (!$tmp[$v['attribute_id']]) {
                    # kornev, array_multisort problem with numbers
                    # kornev, name will be replaced for selectors
                    foreach ($tmp[$v['attribute_id']] as $k => $pids) {
                        $v['values'][$k] = array('name' => $k, 'id' => $k, 'counter' => count($pids));
                        if ($config['product_filter']['show_from_price'] == 'Y') {
                            $v['values'][$k]['min_price'] = cw_func_call('cw_product_filter_get_slider_value', array('value' => min($pids), 'is_price' => true, 'current_area' => $current_area, 'user_account' => $user_account));
                    if (isset($data['attributes'][$v['attribute_id']])) {
                        $v['is_selected'] = true;
                        $v['selected'] = $data['attributes'][$v['attribute_id']];
                    # kornev, we need to apply some order by to the fields
                    # kornev, also we have to add the images for the selectboxes and multi-selectboxes
                    $dfv = cw_call('cw_attributes_get_attribute_default_value', array('attribute_id' => $v['attribute_id']));
                    if (in_array($v['type'], array('multiple_selectbox', 'selectbox'))) {
                        $sort = $images = array();
                        if ($dfv) {
                            $prepared_dfv = array();
                            foreach ($dfv as $k => $d) {
                                $prepared_dfv[$d['attribute_value_id']] = $d;
                            foreach ($v['values'] as $k => $d) {
                                if (!$prepared_dfv[$k]) {
                                $sort[$k] = $prepared_dfv[$k]['counter'];
                                $v['values'][$k]['name'] = $prepared_dfv[$k]['value'];
                                $v['values'][$k]['description'] = $prepared_dfv[$k]['description'];
                                $v['values'][$k]['facet'] = $prepared_dfv[$k]['facet'];
                                $v['values'][$k]['orderby'] = $prepared_dfv[$k]['orderby'];
                                // if the type includes swatch - find the images
                                if (in_array($v['pf_display_type'], array('W', 'E', 'G'))) {
                                    $images[$k] = $prepared_dfv[$k]['pf_image_id'];
                            # kornev, some problems with values - TOFIX - move to attributes
                            /* doesn't work
                                                        if (count($sort) != count($v['values']))
                                                        foreach($v['values'] as $k=>$d)
                                                            if (!isset($sort[$k]))
                                                                db_query("delete from $tables[attributes_values] where attribute_id='$v[attribute_id]' and value='".addslashes($k)."'");
                    } else {
                        if (isset($dfv[0]) && $dfv[0]) {
                            foreach ($v['values'] as $k => $d) {
                                $v['values'][$k]['description'] = $dfv[0]['description'];
                                $v['values'][$k]['facet'] = $dfv[0]['facet'];
                    uasort($v['values'], '_sort_pf_by_counter');
                    # kornev, if slider is used - limit the number of chunks to 50
                    if (in_array($v['pf_display_type'], array('S', 'R'))) {
                        # kornev, slider should be sorted in another way - as the deciaml/integer numbers (sql sorted it as a string)
                        $min = array_shift($v['values']);
                        $max = array_pop($v['values']);
                        if (!$max) {
                            $max = $min;
                        # kornev, slider with one value is not possible
                        if (!$max && !$v['selected']) {
                        $v['min_name'] = $v['min'] = $min['name'];
                        $v['max_name'] = $v['max'] = $max['name'];
                        if ($v['pf_display_type'] == 'S' && is_numeric($min['name']) && is_numeric($max['name'])) {
                            $approx_range = ($max['name'] - $min['name']) / 50;
                            $start = $min['name'];
                            $is_price = $v['is_price'] && in_array($current_area, array('G', 'C')) && $info_type & 8;
                            $values = array();
                            $values[$min['id']] = cw_func_call('cw_product_filter_get_slider_value', array('field' => $v['field'], 'value' => $min['id'], 'is_price' => $is_price, 'current_area' => $current_area, 'user_account' => $user_account));
                            $current = null;
                            while ($v['values'] || $current) {
                                if (!$current) {
                                    $current = array_shift($v['values']);
                                    $current['name'] = $v['type'] == 'integer' ? intval($current['name']) : floatval($current['name']);
                                    // Foolproof if numeric fields contain text
                                } else {
                                    $start_prev = $start;
                                    $start += $approx_range;
                                if ($start >= $current['name']) {
                                    if ($current['name'] > $start_prev) {
                                        # kornev, we need calculate the taxes for the price;
                                        $values[$current['id']] = cw_func_call('cw_product_filter_get_slider_value', array('field' => $v['field'], 'value' => $current['id'], 'is_price' => $is_price, 'current_area' => $current_area, 'user_account' => $user_account));
                                        $start_prev = $start;
                                        $start += $approx_range;
                                    $current = null;
                            $values[$max['id']] = cw_func_call('cw_product_filter_get_slider_value', array('field' => $v['field'], 'value' => $max['id'], 'is_price' => $is_price, 'current_area' => $current_area, 'user_account' => $user_account));
                            $v['values'] = $values;
                            $v['values_counter'] = count($values);
                            //                            if ($is_price) {
                            $v['min_name'] = cw_func_call('cw_product_filter_get_slider_value', array('field' => $v['field'], 'value' => $v['min'], 'is_price' => $is_price, 'current_area' => $current_area, 'user_account' => $user_account));
                            $v['max_name'] = cw_func_call('cw_product_filter_get_slider_value', array('field' => $v['field'], 'value' => $v['max'], 'is_price' => $is_price, 'current_area' => $current_area, 'user_account' => $user_account));
                            if ($v['selected']) {
                                foreach ($v['selected'] as $sk => $sv) {
                                    $v['selected'][$sk . '_name'] = cw_func_call('cw_product_filter_get_slider_value', array('field' => $v['field'], 'value' => $sv, 'is_price' => $is_price, 'current_area' => $current_area, 'user_account' => $user_account));
                            //                            }
                    } elseif (in_array($v['type'], array('integer', 'decimal')) && in_array($v['pf_display_type'], array('P', 'E', 'W', 'G'))) {
                        $v['values'] = cw_call('cw_product_filter_get_price_ranges', array('attribute_id' => $v['attribute_id'], $v['values']));
                        // Images collection
                        if (in_array($v['pf_display_type'], array('W', 'E', 'G'))) {
                            foreach ($v['values'] as $kk => $vv) {
                                $images[$kk] = $dfv[$kk]['pf_image_id'];
                        if (isset($data['attributes'][$v['attribute_id']])) {
                            $v['is_selected'] = true;
                            $v['selected'] = $data['attributes'][$v['attribute_id']];
                    # kornev, assign the images....
                    # kornev, TOFIX speed up is possible here
                    if ($images) {
                        foreach ($images as $kk => $dd) {
                            $v['values'][$kk]['image'] = cw_image_get('attributes_images', $dd);
                    $pfr[] = $v;
                // foreach $attributes
            unset($attributes, $tmp, $dfv, $prepared_dfv, $values, $images);
            cw_cache_save($pfr, array($search_query . $limit_str), 'PF_search');
    if ($products) {
        $cart =& cw_session_register('cart', array());
        cw_load('taxes', 'warehouse', 'cart');
        global $accl;
        cw_call('on_prepare_products_found', array(&$products, $data, $user_account, $info_type));
        $ids = array();
        $ids_options = array();
        foreach ($products as $k => $v) {
            $ids[] = $v['product_id'];
            $ids_options[$v['product_id']] = doubleval($v['price']);
        # kornev, TOFIX
        if ($addons['product_options']) {
            $options_markups = array();
            if ($ids_options) {
                $options_markups = cw_get_default_options_markup_list($ids_options);
        //        $is_assigned = ($user_account['customer_id'] && cw_warehouse_is_warehouse_assigned($user_account['customer_id']));
        foreach ($products as $k => $v) {
            //            if($current_area == 'C' && $is_assigned)
            if ($current_area == 'C') {
                $products[$k]['avail'] = cw_warehouse_get_avail_for_customer($v['product_id'], $v['variant_id']);
            } elseif ($current_area == 'A') {
                $products[$k]['avails'] = cw_warehouse_get_avails($v['product_id']);
            $products[$k]['display_price'] = $v['display_price'] = $v['price'];
            # kornev, TOFIX
            if ($addons['product-Options'] && !empty($v['is_product_options']) && !empty($options_markups[$v['product_id']])) {
                $products[$k]['price'] += $options_markups[$v['product_id']];
                $products[$k]['display_price'] = $products[$k]['price'];
                $v = $products[$k];
            $in_cart = 0;
            if (in_array($current_area, array('C', 'G')) && !empty($cart['products']) && is_array($cart['products'])) {
                foreach ($cart['products'] as $cv) {
                    if ($cv['product_id'] == $v['product_id'] && intval($v['variant_id']) == intval($cv['variant_id'])) {
                        $in_cart += $cv['amount'];
                $products[$k]['in_cart'] = $in_cart;
                $products[$k]['avail'] -= $in_cart;
                if ($products[$k]['avail'] < 0) {
                    $products[$k]['avail'] = 0;
            if ($info_type & 128) {
                $products[$k]['image_thumb'] = cw_image_get('products_images_thumb', $v['product_id']);
            if (in_array($current_area, array('G', 'C')) && $info_type & 8) {
                $_tmp_price = $products[$k]['price'];
                $products[$k]['price'] = $products[$k]['list_price'];
                cw_get_products_taxes($products[$k], $user_account, false, '', $current_area == 'G' && $user_account['usertype'] != 'R');
                $products[$k]['list_price'] = $products[$k]['display_price'];
                $products[$k]['price'] = $_tmp_price;
                $products[$k]['taxes'] = cw_get_products_taxes($products[$k], $user_account, false, '', $current_area == 'G' && $user_account['usertype'] != 'R');
            if ($products[$k]['descr'] == strip_tags($products[$k]['descr'])) {
                $products[$k]['descr'] = str_replace("\n", "<br />", $products[$k]['descr']);
            if ($products[$k]['fulldescr'] == strip_tags($products[$k]['fulldescr'])) {
                $products[$k]['fulldescr'] = str_replace("\n", "<br />", $products[$k]['fulldescr']);
    return array($products, $navigation, $pfr);
コード例 #4
 * Scan tmplates dir and declare hooks for all files named as hook pattern, eg:
 * file.tpl@label
 * file.tpl#pre
 * file.tpl@lable#post
function cw_addons_scan_skin($skin_dir)
    global $app_dir;
    if (!($skins_hooks = cw_cache_get(basename($skin_dir), 'skins_hooks')) || defined('DEV_MODE')) {
        $skins_hooks = array();
        $files = cw_files_get_dir($skin_dir, 1, true);
        foreach ($files as $file) {
            if (strpos($file, '.tpl@') !== false || strpos($file, '.tpl#') !== false) {
                $file = str_replace($app_dir . '/' . basename($skin_dir) . '/', '', $file);
                $type = '';
                list($fname, $type) = explode('#', $file);
                if (empty($type)) {
                    $type = 'replace';
                $skins_hooks[] = array($type, $fname, $file);
        cw_cache_save($skins_hooks, basename($skin_dir), 'skins_hooks');
    if (!empty($skins_hooks)) {
        foreach ($skins_hooks as $hook) {
コード例 #5
function cw_manufacturers_product_search($params, $return)
    if ($return[2]) {
        foreach ($return[2] as $k => $v) {
            if ($v['field'] == 'manufacturer_id') {
                // This approach with all manufacturers in cache better works for huge amount of manufacturers over 1K
                $all_manufacturers = cw_cache_get(null, 'manufacturers_all');
                if (empty($all_manufacturers)) {
                    $all_manufacturers = cw_query_hash("SELECT manufacturer_id, manufacturer FROM cw_manufacturers", 'manufacturer_id', false, true);
                    cw_cache_save($all_manufacturers, null, 'manufacturers_all');
                if ($v['values']) {
                    foreach ($v['values'] as $kk => $vv) {
                        if (!isset($all_manufacturers[$vv['id']])) {
                        } else {
                            $return[2][$k]['values'][$kk]['name'] = $all_manufacturers[$vv['id']];
                if (!$return[2][$k]['values']) {
    if ($return[0]) {
        global $tables;
        $attribute_id = cw_call('cw_attributes_get_attribute_by_field', array('field' => 'manufacturer_id'));
        if ($attribute_id) {
            foreach ($return[0] as $k => $v) {
                $product_id = $v['product_id'];
                $manufacturer = cw_query_first_cell("\n                    SELECT m.manufacturer\n                    FROM {$tables['manufacturers']} m\n                    LEFT JOIN {$tables['attributes_values']} av ON av.value = m.manufacturer_id\n                    WHERE av.item_id = '{$product_id}' AND av.attribute_id = '{$attribute_id}' AND av.item_type = 'P'\n                ");
                $return[0][$k]['manufacturer'] = $manufacturer;
    return $return;
コード例 #6
if (APP_AREA == 'customer') {
    cw_addons_set_controllers(array('pre', APP_AREA . '/search.php', 'addons/' . seller_addon_name . '/core/search.php'));
    cw_event_listen('on_build_order_hash', 'cw_seller_on_build_order_hash');
    cw_addons_set_hooks(array('post', 'cw_doc_place_order', 'cw_seller_doc_place_order'), array('post', 'cw_product_get', 'cw_seller_product_get'));
    cw_addons_set_template(array('pre', 'customer/products/additional_data.tpl', 'addons/' . seller_addon_name . '/products/seller_owner.tpl'), array('pre', 'customer/products/search.tpl', 'addons/' . seller_addon_name . '/products/seller_section.tpl'));
if (APP_AREA == 'admin') {
    cw_set_controller(APP_AREA . '/user_V.php', 'addons/' . seller_addon_name . '/core/user_V.php', EVENT_REPLACE);
    cw_addons_set_hooks(array('post', 'cw_product_get', 'cw_seller_product_get'));
    cw_addons_set_template(array('pre', 'main/products/product/details.tpl', 'addons/' . seller_addon_name . '/products/seller.tpl'));
if (APP_AREA == 'seller') {
    /* Map controllers from seller area to their real location under addons/seller/core */
    if (!file_exists($app_main_dir . '/seller')) {
        // There is no symlink /core/seller, map all files explicitly
        if (!($addon_hooks = cw_cache_get('seller', 'addon_hooks')) || defined('DEV_MODE')) {
            $addon_hooks = array();
            $files = cw_files_get_dir($app_main_dir . '/addons/seller/core', 1, false);
            foreach ($files as $file) {
                if (strpos($file, '.php') !== false) {
                    $file = str_replace($app_main_dir . '/addons/seller/core/', '', $file);
                    $addon_hooks[] = $file;
            cw_cache_save($addon_hooks, 'seller', 'addon_hooks');
        foreach ($addon_hooks as $h) {
            cw_set_controller("seller/{$h}", 'addons/' . seller_addon_name . "/core/{$h}", EVENT_REPLACE);
    } else {
        // Symlink is used, everything mapped by filesystem
コード例 #7
function cw_shipping_get_list($params)
    global $tables, $config, $smarty, $addons;
    global $current_carrier, $cart;
    global $saved_rates;
    if (empty($products)) {
    $to_address = $userinfo['current_address'];
    $from_address = $config['Company'];
    $current_carrier = $cart['info']['current_carrier'];
    if (isset($saved_rates[$order_hash])) {
        // if used quote
        if ($addons['quote_system'] && isset($cart['info']['quote_doc_id']) && !empty($cart['info']['quote_doc_id']) && isset($cart['info']['shipping_id'])) {
            if (isset($saved_rates[$order_hash][$cart['info']['shipping_id']])) {
                return array($cart['info']['shipping_id'] => $saved_rates[$order_hash][$cart['info']['shipping_id']]);
            } else {
                return array();
        return $saved_rates[$order_hash];
        if ($warehouse_customer_id != 0) {
            $warehouseinfo = cw_user_get_info($warehouse_customer_id, 1);
            $from_address = $warehouseinfo['main_address'];
    if (empty($userinfo['customer_id']) && $config['General']['apply_default_country'] != "Y" && $config['Shipping']['enable_all_shippings'] == "Y") {
        $enable_all_shippings = true;
        $smarty->assign('force_delivery_dropdown_box', 'Y');
    $what_to_ship_params = cw_call('cw_what_to_ship', array($products));
    $key = md5(serialize($aa = array('to_address' => $to_address, 'from_address' => $from_address, 'what_to_ship' => $what_to_ship_params, 'order_hash' => $order_hash, 'extra_hash' => cw_event('on_collect_shipping_rates_hash', array($products), array()))));
    if (!($rates = cw_cache_get($key, 'shipping_rates'))) {
        $rates = cw_func_call('cw_shipping_get_rates', array('weight' => $what_to_ship_params['apply']['weight'], 'to_address' => $to_address, 'from_address' => $from_address, 'cart' => $cart, 'products' => $products, 'userinfo' => $userinfo, 'what_to_ship_params' => $what_to_ship_params));
        if (!empty($rates)) {
            uasort($rates, 'cw_uasort_by_order');
        cw_cache_save($rates, $key, 'shipping_rates');
    if ($what_to_ship_params['apply']['items'] == 0) {
        foreach ($rates as &$r) {
            $r['original_rate'] = 0;
    # kornev, it's required for original_rate saving
    $saved_rates[$order_hash] = $rates;
    if ($rates) {
        foreach ($rates as $k => $rate) {
            $tmp_cart = $cart;
            $tmp_cart['info']['shipping_id'] = $rate['shipping_id'];
            # kornev, warehouses fix
            $tmp_cart['info']['shipping_arr'][$warehouse_customer_id] = $rate['shipping_id'];
            $calc_result = cw_func_call('cw_cart_calc', array('cart' => $tmp_cart, 'products' => $products, 'userinfo' => $userinfo));
            $rates[$k]['rate'] = $calc_result['info']['display_shipping_cost'];
            $rates[$k]['tax_cost'] = price_format($calc_result['info']['tax_cost']);
            // TOFIX: Why rate info contains tax for whole cart
            // parse delivery time "3-4 days" to "3" and "4"
            if (preg_match_all('/\\d+/', $rate['shipping_time'], $delivery_time)) {
                $rates[$k]['min_delivery_time'] = $delivery_time[0][0];
                $rates[$k]['max_delivery_time'] = $delivery_time[0][1] ? $delivery_time[0][1] : $rates[$k]['min_delivery_time'];
    # kornev, only available for each products shippings are enabled
    if (is_array($products) && is_array($rates)) {
        $res = null;
        $common_delivery = array('min_delivery_time' => 0, 'max_delivery_time' => 0);
        foreach ($products as $product) {
            // Find longest supplier delivery time among all products
            if ($product['system']['supplier_customer_id']) {
                $product_delivery = cw_user_get_custom_fields($product['system']['supplier_customer_id'], 0, '', 'field');
                if ($product_delivery['min_delivery_time'] > $common_delivery['min_delivery_time']) {
                    $common_delivery['min_delivery_time'] = $product_delivery['min_delivery_time'];
                if ($product_delivery['max_delivery_time'] > $common_delivery['max_delivery_time']) {
                    $common_delivery['max_delivery_time'] = $product_delivery['max_delivery_time'];
            $ps = unserialize($product['shippings']);
            if (is_array($ps) && count($ps)) {
                if (is_null($res)) {
                    $res = array_keys($ps);
                } else {
                    $res = array_intersect($res, array_keys($ps));
        foreach ($rates as $k => $v) {
            if (is_array($res) && !in_array($v['shipping_id'], $res)) {
            // Increase delivery time by supplier delivery..
            $rates[$k]['min_delivery_time'] += $common_delivery['min_delivery_time'];
            $rates[$k]['max_delivery_time'] += $common_delivery['max_delivery_time'];
            // ..and re-build shipping time into string
            $rates[$k]['shipping_time_label'] = $rates[$k]['shipping_time'];
            if ($rates[$k]['min_delivery_time'] == $rates[$k]['max_delivery_time']) {
                $rates[$k]['shipping_time'] = $rates[$k]['max_delivery_time'];
            } else {
                $rates[$k]['shipping_time'] = $rates[$k]['min_delivery_time'] . '-' . $rates[$k]['max_delivery_time'];
    } else {
        $rates = array();
    # kornev, final save
    $saved_rates[$order_hash] = $rates;
    // if used quote
    if ($addons['quote_system'] && isset($cart['info']['quote_doc_id']) && !empty($cart['info']['quote_doc_id']) && isset($cart['info']['shipping_id'])) {
        if (isset($rates[$cart['info']['shipping_id']])) {
            return array($cart['info']['shipping_id'] => $rates[$cart['info']['shipping_id']]);
        } else {
            return array();
    return $rates;