コード例 #1
ファイル: arctag.php プロジェクト: lz1988/stourwebcms
$pv = new View($typeid);
$num = count($lanmu);
$listnum = "0";
for ($i = 1; $i <= $num; $i++) {
    $limit = 6;
    $article = "";
    if (!$tagword == "") {
        $where = " where webid={$sys_webid} and tagword like '%{$tagword}%'";
        $sql = "select {$name[$i]} as name,aid from #@__{$lanmu[$i]}  {$where} order by aid desc limit 0,{$limit}";
        while ($row = $dsql->GetArray()) {
            $row['name'] = cutword($row['name'], 20);
            $row['name'] = str_replace($tagword, "<span style='color:red;'>" . $tagword . "</span>", $row['name']);
            $article .= " <dd><a href='{$url[$i]}show_{$row['aid']}.html'>{$row['name']}</a></dd>";
    $alllist['num'] = "当前显示 " . $tagword . " 相关信息{$listnum}条";
    $alllist[$lanmu[$i]] = $article;
    $alllist[$lanmu[$i] . "url"] = "arctag_{$tag}_{$i}.html";
if (is_array($alllist)) {
    foreach ($alllist as $k => $v) {
        $pv->Fields[$k] = $v;
$pv->SetTemplet(SLINETEMPLATE . "/" . $cfg_df_style . "/" . "raiders/" . "arctaglist.htm");
コード例 #2
ファイル: article.php プロジェクト: jcmwc/fleet
     $tabcolonne = array("Nom d'url" => "nom", "Type d'élément" => "libelle");
     $update = true;
     $delete = false;
     $search = false;
     $notview = true;
     $couleur = "etat_id";
     $valcouleur1 = 1;
     $txtcouleur[0] = "Publié";
     $txtcouleur[1] = "Non publié";
     $_GET["pere"] = $_GET["arbre_id"];
     $_GET["lang"] = $_GET["langue_id"];
     $filtre = "listversion.php";
     require "../../include/template_list.php";
 } else {
     if ($_POST["save"] == "yes") {
         $_POST["abstractseo"] = $_POST["abstractseo"] == "" ? cutword(strip_tags($_POST["abstract"]), 125) : cutword($_POST["abstractseo"], 125);
         $_POST["titleseo"] = $_POST["titleseo"] == "" ? strip_tags($_POST["titre1"]) : $_POST["titleseo"];
         switch ($_GET["mode"]) {
             case "suppr":
                 //marche pas
                 $txtmsg = "L'élément a &eacute;t&eacute; supprim&eacute;";
                 $szQuery = "update " . __racinebd__ . "arbre set supprimer=1 where arbre_id='" . $_GET["arbre_id"] . "'";
                 //modification de l'ordre
                 $sql = "select pere,ordre from " . __racinebd__ . "arbre where arbre_id=" . $_GET["arbre_id"];
                 $link = query($sql);
                 $tbl_result = fetch($link);
                 $sql = "update " . __racinebd__ . "arbre set ordre=ordre-1 where supprimer=0 and pere=" . ($_GET["pere"] == "" || $_GET["pere"] == "0" ? "null" : $_GET["pere"]) . " and ordre>" . $tbl_result["ordre"];
                 log_phantom($arbre_id, "suppression du noeud");
                 //rafraichissement de l'arbre