function client_country()
    	author: angshuman baruah
    	subject : client country with country code 
    	year : 2016
    $current_place_ip = current_location_ip();
    //  for local use static IP
    $finf_geo_details = unserialize(file_get_contents('' . $current_place_ip));
    return $finf_geo_details['geoplugin_countryName'] . " (" . $finf_geo_details['geoplugin_countryCode'] . ")";
    //return country name with code accoring to location
コード例 #2

	author: angshuman baruah
	subject : Country-wise-Currency-Converter ver 1
	year : 2016
	Please give feedback to this email
include "currency_converter.php";
$amount = "10";
$from_currency = "USD";
$convertable_amount = currency_converter($amount, $from_currency);
// jst only call this function for currency convert
$currency_code = currency_code();
// get currency code
$client_ip = current_location_ip();
// get client IP
$client_country = client_country();
// get client country with code
echo $convertable_amount . " " . $currency_code . " for" . $client_country . " with Client IP : " . $client_ip;