コード例 #1
 public function get_datagov_json($orgs, $geospatial = false, $rows = 100, $offset = 0, $raw = false, $allow_harvest_sources = 'true')
     $allow_harvest_sources = empty($allow_harvest_sources) ? 'true' : $allow_harvest_sources;
     if ($geospatial == 'both') {
         $filter = "%20";
     } else {
         if ($geospatial == 'true') {
             $filter = 'metadata_type:geospatial%20AND%20';
         } else {
             $filter = '-metadata_type:geospatial%20AND%20';
     if ($allow_harvest_sources !== 'true') {
         $filter .= "AND%20-harvest_source_id:[''%20TO%20*]";
     if (strpos($orgs, 'http://') !== false) {
         $uri = $orgs;
         $from_export = true;
     } else {
         $orgs = rawurlencode($orgs);
         $query = $filter . "-type:harvest%20AND%20organization:(" . $orgs . ")&rows=" . $rows . '&start=' . $offset;
         $uri = 'http://catalog.data.gov/api/3/action/package_search?q=' . $query;
         $from_export = false;
     $datagov_json = curl_from_json($uri, false);
     if ($from_export) {
         $object_shim = new stdClass();
         $object_shim->result = new stdClass();
         $object_shim->result->count = count($datagov_json);
         $object_shim->result->results = $datagov_json;
         $datagov_json = $object_shim;
     if (empty($datagov_json)) {
         return false;
     if ($raw == true) {
         return $datagov_json;
     } else {
         return $datagov_json->result->results;
コード例 #2
 public function match_agency_slugs()
     if (php_sapi_name() != 'cli') {
     $agency_slug_api = 'https://idm.data.gov/fed_agency.json';
     $agency_slugs = curl_from_json($agency_slug_api, true);
     $agency_slugs = $agency_slugs["taxonomies"];
     $this->db->select('id, name');
     $this->db->where('no_parent', 'true');
     $query = $this->db->get('offices');
     if ($query->num_rows() > 0) {
         $parent_offices = $query->result();
         foreach ($parent_offices as $office) {
             $this->run_match($agency_slugs, $office);
             // Search for child orgs
             $this->db->select('id, name');
             $this->db->where('parent_office_id', $office->id);
             $child_query = $this->db->get('offices');
             if ($child_query->num_rows() > 0) {
                 $child_offices = $child_query->result();
                 foreach ($child_offices as $child_office) {
                     $this->run_match($agency_slugs, $office, $child_office);
コード例 #3
 public function validate_json($url = null, $json = null, $headers = null, $schema = null, $return_source = false, $component = null)
     if ($url) {
         $json_header = $headers ? $headers : $this->campaign->uri_header($url);
         $errors = array();
         // Max file size
         $max_remote_size = $this->config->item('max_remote_size');
         // Only download the data.json if we need to
         if (empty($json_header['download_content_length']) || $json_header['download_content_length'] < 0 || !empty($json_header['download_content_length']) && $json_header['download_content_length'] > 0 && $json_header['download_content_length'] < $max_remote_size) {
             if (config_item('proxy_host') && config_item('proxy_port')) {
                 $ch = curl_init($url);
                 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
                 $proxy = config_item('proxy_host') . ":" . config_item('proxy_port');
                 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, $proxy);
                 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; CIO.gov Digital Strategy JSON crawler)');
                 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, 1);
                 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
                 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
                 $json = curl_exec($ch);
             } else {
                 $ch = curl_init($url);
                 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
                 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; CIO.gov Digital Strategy JSON crawler)');
                 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, 1);
                 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
                 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
                 $json = curl_exec($ch);
             if ($json == false) {
                 $json = curl_from_json($url, false, false);
                 if (!$json) {
                     $errors[] = "File not found or couldn't be downloaded";
         if (!empty($json) && (empty($json_header['download_content_length']) || $json_header['download_content_length'] < 0)) {
             $json_header['download_content_length'] = strlen($json);
         // See if it exceeds max size
         if ($json_header['download_content_length'] > $max_remote_size) {
             //$filesize = human_filesize($json_header['download_content_length']);
             //$errors[] = "The data.json file is " . $filesize . " which is currently too large to parse with this tool. Sorry.";
             // Increase the timeout limit
             if ($rawfile = $this->archive_file('json-lines', $this->current_office_id, $json_url)) {
                 $outfile = $rawfile . '.lines.json';
                 $stream = fopen($rawfile, 'r');
                 $out_stream = fopen($outfile, 'w+');
                 //$listener = new DataJsonParser();
                 $listener = new JsonStreamingParser_Parser_Listener();
                 $listener->out_file = $out_stream;
                 if ($this->environment == 'terminal' or $this->environment == 'cron') {
                     echo 'Attempting to convert to JSON lines' . PHP_EOL;
                 try {
                     $parser = new JsonStreamingParser_Parser($stream, $listener);
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     throw $e;
                 // Get the dataset count
                 $json_lines_count = $listener->_array_count;
                 // Delete temporary raw source file
                 $out_stream = fopen($outfile, 'r+');
                 $chunk_cycle = 0;
                 $chunk_size = 200;
                 $chunk_count = intval(ceil($json_lines_count / $chunk_size));
                 $buffer = '';
                 $response = array();
                 $response['errors'] = array();
                 if ($quality !== false) {
                     $response['qa'] = array();
                 echo "Analyzing {$json_lines_count} lines in {$chunk_count} chunks of {$chunk_size} lines each" . PHP_EOL;
                 while ($chunk_cycle < $chunk_count) {
                     $buffer = '';
                     $counter = 0;
                     if ($chunk_cycle > 0) {
                         $key_offset = $chunk_size * $chunk_cycle;
                     } else {
                         $key_offset = 0;
                     $next_offset = $key_offset + $chunk_size;
                     //echo "Analyzing chunk $chunk_cycle of $chunk_count ($key_offset to $next_offset of $json_lines_count)" . PHP_EOL;
                     if ($chunk_cycle == 0) {
                         $json_header = fgets($out_stream);
                     while (($buffer .= fgets($out_stream)) && $counter < $chunk_size) {
                     $buffer = $json_header . $buffer;
                     $buffer = substr($buffer, 0, strlen($buffer) - 2) . ']}';
                     $validator = $this->campaign->jsonschema_validator($buffer, 'federal-v1.1');
                     if (!empty($validator['errors'])) {
                         $response['errors'] = array_merge($response['errors'], $this->process_validation_errors($validator['errors'], $key_offset));
                 // Delete json lines file
                 $response['valid'] = empty($response['errors']) ? true : false;
                 $response['valid_json'] = true;
                 $response['total_records'] = $json_lines_count;
                 if (!empty($json_header['download_content_length'])) {
                     $response['download_content_length'] = $json_header['download_content_length'];
                 if (empty($response['errors'])) {
                     $response['errors'] = false;
                 return $response;
             } else {
                 $errors[] = "File not found or couldn't be downloaded";
         // See if it's valid JSON
         if (!empty($json) && $json_header['download_content_length'] < $max_remote_size) {
             // See if raw file is valid
             $raw_valid_json = is_json($json);
             // See if we can clean up the file to make it valid
             if (!$raw_valid_json) {
                 $json_processed = json_text_filter($json);
                 $valid_json = is_json($json_processed);
             } else {
                 $valid_json = true;
             if ($valid_json !== true) {
                 $errors[] = 'The validator was unable to determine if this was valid JSON';
         if (!empty($errors)) {
             $valid_json = isset($valid_json) ? $valid_json : null;
             $raw_valid_json = isset($raw_valid_json) ? $raw_valid_json : null;
             $response = array('raw_valid_json' => $raw_valid_json, 'valid_json' => $valid_json, 'valid' => false, 'fail' => $errors, 'download_content_length' => $json_header['download_content_length']);
             if ($valid_json && $return_source === false) {
                 $catalog = json_decode($json_processed);
                 if ($schema == 'federal-v1.1' or $schema == 'non-federal-v1.1') {
                     $response['total_records'] = count($catalog->dataset);
                 } else {
                     $response['total_records'] = count($catalog);
             return $response;
     // filter string for json conversion if we haven't already
     if ($json && empty($json_processed)) {
         $json_processed = json_text_filter($json);
     // verify it's valid json
     if ($json_processed) {
         if (!isset($valid_json)) {
             $valid_json = is_json($json_processed);
     if ($json_processed && $valid_json) {
         $json_decode = json_decode($json_processed);
         if (!empty($json_decode->conformsTo) && $json_decode->conformsTo == 'https://project-open-data.cio.gov/v1.1/schema') {
             if ($schema !== 'federal-v1.1' && $schema !== 'non-federal-v1.1') {
                 if ($schema == 'federal') {
                     $schema = 'federal-v1.1';
                 } else {
                     if ($schema == 'non-federal') {
                         $schema = 'non-federal-v1.1';
                     } else {
                         $schema = 'federal-v1.1';
             $this->schema = $schema;
         if ($schema == 'federal-v1.1' && empty($json_decode->dataset)) {
             $errors[] = "This file does not appear to be using the federal-v1.1 schema";
             $response = array('raw_valid_json' => $raw_valid_json, 'valid_json' => $valid_json, 'valid' => false, 'fail' => $errors);
             return $response;
         if ($schema !== 'federal-v1.1' && $schema !== 'non-federal-v1.1') {
             $chunk_size = 500;
             $json_chunks = array_chunk((array) $json_decode, $chunk_size);
         } else {
             $json_chunks = array((array) $json_decode);
         $response = array();
         $response['errors'] = array();
         // save detected schema version to output
         $response['schema_version'] = $schema;
         foreach ($json_chunks as $chunk_count => $chunk) {
             $chunk = json_encode($chunk);
             $validator = $this->campaign->jsonschema_validator($chunk, $schema);
             if (!empty($validator['errors'])) {
                 if ($chunk_count) {
                     $key_offset = $chunk_size * $chunk_count;
                     $key_offset = $key_offset;
                 } else {
                     $key_offset = 0;
                 $response['errors'] = $response['errors'] + $this->process_validation_errors($validator['errors'], $key_offset);
         $valid_json = isset($raw_valid_json) ? $raw_valid_json : $valid_json;
         $response['valid'] = empty($response['errors']) ? true : false;
         $response['valid_json'] = $valid_json;
         if ($schema == 'federal-v1.1' or $schema == 'non-federal-v1.1') {
             $response['total_records'] = count($json_decode->dataset);
         } else {
             $response['total_records'] = count($json_decode);
         if (!empty($json_header['download_content_length'])) {
             $response['download_content_length'] = $json_header['download_content_length'];
         if (empty($response['errors'])) {
             $response['errors'] = false;
         if ($return_source) {
             $dataset_array = ($schema == 'federal-v1.1' or $schema == 'non-federal-v1.1') ? true : false;
             $json_decode = filter_json($json_decode, $dataset_array);
             $response['source'] = $json_decode;
         return $response;
     } else {
         $errors[] = "This does not appear to be valid JSON";
         $response = array('valid_json' => false, 'valid' => false, 'fail' => $errors);
         if (!empty($json_header['download_content_length'])) {
             $response['download_content_length'] = $json_header['download_content_length'];
         return $response;
    echo $mime_color;
    echo $office_campaign->governanceboard_status->content_type;

    // TO DO - when we have agency files at a valid url, put the checks back
    if (property_exists($office_campaign->governanceboard_status, "valid_json")) {
        $governanceboard_valid_json = $office_campaign->governanceboard_status->valid_json;
    } else {
        if ($governanceboard_http_code == 200 && ($governance_board = curl_from_json($office_campaign->governanceboard_status->url, false, true))) {
            $governanceboard_valid_json = true;
        } else {
            $governanceboard_valid_json = false;

                        <tr class="<?php 
    echo $governanceboard_valid_json == true ? 'success' : 'danger';
                            <th scope="row">Valid JSON</th>
                                <span class="text-<?php 
    echo $governanceboard_valid_json == true ? 'success' : 'danger';
コード例 #5
 public function assemble_org_structure()
     $url = 'https://idm.data.gov/fed_agency.json';
     $agency_list = curl_from_json($url, $array = true, $decode = true);
     $taxonomies = $agency_list['taxonomies'];
     $return = array();
     // This should be the ONLY loop that go through all taxonomies.
     foreach ($taxonomies as $taxonomy) {
         $taxonomy = $taxonomy['taxonomy'];
         //        ignore bad ones
         if (strlen($taxonomy['unique id']) == 0) {
         //        ignore 3rd level ones
         if ($taxonomy['unique id'] != $taxonomy['term']) {
         //        Make sure we got $return[$sector], ex. $return['Federal Organization']
         if (!isset($return[$taxonomy['vocabulary']])) {
             $return[$taxonomy['vocabulary']] = array();
         if (strlen($taxonomy['Sub Agency']) != 0) {
             // This is sub-agency
             //  $return['Federal Organization']['National Archives and Records Administration']
             if (!isset($return[$taxonomy['vocabulary']][$taxonomy['Federal Agency']])) {
                 // Make sure we got $return[$sector][$unit]
                 $return[$taxonomy['vocabulary']][$taxonomy['Federal Agency']] = array('id' => "[," . $taxonomy['unique id'] . "]", 'is_cfo' => $taxonomy['is_cfo'], 'subs' => array());
             } else {
                 //                Add sub id to existing agency entry, e.g. [id,sub_id1,sub_id2] or [,sub_id1,sub_id2]
                 $return[$taxonomy['vocabulary']][$taxonomy['Federal Agency']]['id'] = "[" . trim($return[$taxonomy['vocabulary']][$taxonomy['Federal Agency']]['id'], "[]") . "," . $taxonomy['unique id'] . "]";
             //            Add term to parent's subs
             $return[$taxonomy['vocabulary']][$taxonomy['Federal Agency']]['subs'][$taxonomy['Sub Agency']] = array('id' => $taxonomy['unique id'], 'is_cfo' => $taxonomy['is_cfo']);
         } else {
             //        ELSE this is ROOT agency
             if (!isset($return[$taxonomy['vocabulary']][$taxonomy['Federal Agency']])) {
                 //                Has not been set by its subunits before
                 $return[$taxonomy['vocabulary']][$taxonomy['Federal Agency']] = array('id' => $taxonomy['unique id'], 'is_cfo' => $taxonomy['is_cfo'], 'subs' => array());
             } else {
                 //                Has been added by subunits before. so let us change it from [,sub_id1,sub_id2] to [id,sub_id1,sub_id2]
                 $return[$taxonomy['vocabulary']][$taxonomy['Federal Agency']]['id'] = "[" . $taxonomy['unique id'] . trim($return[$taxonomy['vocabulary']][$taxonomy['Federal Agency']]['id'], "[]") . "]";
     $orgs = $return['Federal Organization'];
     $cfo = array();
     $non_cfo = array();
     foreach ($orgs as $key => $org) {
         $org['name'] = $key;
         $id = $org['id'];
         $id = str_replace('[,', '(', $id);
         $id = str_replace(',]', ')', $id);
         $id = str_replace(',', ' OR ', $id);
         $id = str_replace('[', '(', $id);
         $id = str_replace(']', ')', $id);
         $org['id'] = $id;
         if ($org['is_cfo'] == 'Y') {
             $cfo[$key] = $org;
         } else {
             $non_cfo[$key] = $org;
     $return = array_merge($cfo, $non_cfo);
     return $return;
コード例 #6
        	<th>Content Type</th>
        		<span class="text-<?php 
            echo $mime_color;
            echo $office_campaign->digitalstrategy_status->content_type;
            if ($http_code == 200 && ($digital_strategy = curl_from_json($office_campaign->digitalstrategy_status->url, false, true))) {
                $valid_json = true;
            } else {
                $valid_json = false;
		<tr class="<?php 
            echo $valid_json == true ? 'success' : 'danger';
			<th>Valid JSON</th>
			<span class="text-<?php 
コード例 #7
 public function validate_datajson($datajson_url = null, $datajson = null, $headers = null, $schema = null, $return_source = false, $quality = false, $component = null)
     if ($datajson_url) {
         $datajson_header = $headers ? $headers : $this->campaign->uri_header($datajson_url);
         $errors = array();
         // Max file size
         $max_remote_size = $this->config->item('max_remote_size');
         // Only download the data.json if we need to
         if (empty($datajson_header['download_content_length']) || $datajson_header['download_content_length'] < 0 || !empty($datajson_header['download_content_length']) && $datajson_header['download_content_length'] > 0 && $datajson_header['download_content_length'] < $max_remote_size) {
             // Load the JSON
             $opts = array('http' => array('method' => "GET", 'user_agent' => "CIO.gov Digital Strategy JSON crawler"));
             $context = stream_context_create($opts);
             $datajson = @file_get_contents($datajson_url, false, $context, -1, $max_remote_size + 1);
             if ($datajson == false) {
                 $datajson = curl_from_json($datajson_url, false, false);
                 if (!$datajson) {
                     $errors[] = "File not found or couldn't be downloaded";
         if (!empty($datajson) && (empty($datajson_header['download_content_length']) || $datajson_header['download_content_length'] < 0)) {
             $datajson_header['download_content_length'] = strlen($datajson);
         // See if it exceeds max size
         if ($datajson_header['download_content_length'] > $max_remote_size) {
             //$filesize = human_filesize($datajson_header['download_content_length']);
             //$errors[] = "The data.json file is " . $filesize . " which is currently too large to parse with this tool. Sorry.";
             // Increase the timeout limit
             if ($rawfile = $this->archive_file('datajson-lines', $this->current_office_id, $datajson_url)) {
                 $outfile = $rawfile . '.lines.json';
                 $stream = fopen($rawfile, 'r');
                 $out_stream = fopen($outfile, 'w+');
                 $listener = new DataJsonParser();
                 $listener->out_file = $out_stream;
                 if ($this->environment == 'terminal' or $this->environment == 'cron') {
                     echo 'Attempting to convert to JSON lines' . PHP_EOL;
                 try {
                     $parser = new JsonStreamingParser_Parser($stream, $listener);
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     throw $e;
                 // Get the dataset count
                 $datajson_lines_count = $listener->_array_count;
                 // Delete temporary raw source file
                 $out_stream = fopen($outfile, 'r+');
                 $chunk_cycle = 0;
                 $chunk_size = 200;
                 $chunk_count = intval(ceil($datajson_lines_count / $chunk_size));
                 $buffer = '';
                 $response = array();
                 $response['errors'] = array();
                 if ($quality !== false) {
                     $response['qa'] = array();
                 echo "Analyzing {$datajson_lines_count} lines in {$chunk_count} chunks of {$chunk_size} lines each" . PHP_EOL;
                 while ($chunk_cycle < $chunk_count) {
                     $buffer = '';
                     $datajson_qa = null;
                     $counter = 0;
                     if ($chunk_cycle > 0) {
                         $key_offset = $chunk_size * $chunk_cycle;
                     } else {
                         $key_offset = 0;
                     $next_offset = $key_offset + $chunk_size;
                     //echo "Analyzing chunk $chunk_cycle of $chunk_count ($key_offset to $next_offset of $datajson_lines_count)" . PHP_EOL;
                     if ($chunk_cycle == 0) {
                         $json_header = fgets($out_stream);
                     while (($buffer .= fgets($out_stream)) && $counter < $chunk_size) {
                     $buffer = $json_header . $buffer;
                     $buffer = substr($buffer, 0, strlen($buffer) - 2) . ']}';
                     $validator = $this->campaign->jsonschema_validator($buffer, 'federal-v1.1');
                     if (!empty($validator['errors'])) {
                         $response['errors'] = array_merge($response['errors'], $this->process_validation_errors($validator['errors'], $key_offset));
                     if ($quality !== false) {
                         $datajson_qa = $this->campaign->datajson_qa($buffer, 'federal-v1.1', $quality, $component);
                         if (!empty($datajson_qa)) {
                             $response['qa'] = array_merge_recursive($response['qa'], $datajson_qa);
                 // Delete json lines file
                 // ###################################################################
                 // Needs to be refactored into separate function
                 // ###################################################################
                 // Sum QA counts
                 if (!empty($response['qa'])) {
                     if (!empty($response['qa']['bureauCodes'])) {
                         $response['qa']['bureauCodes'] = array_keys($response['qa']['bureauCodes']);
                     if (!empty($response['qa']['programCodes'])) {
                         $response['qa']['programCodes'] = array_keys($response['qa']['programCodes']);
                     $sum_array_fields = array('API_total', 'downloadURL_present', 'downloadURL_total', 'accessURL_present', 'accessURL_total', 'accessLevel_public', 'accessLevel_restricted', 'accessLevel_nonpublic', 'license_present', 'redaction_present', 'redaction_no_explanation');
                     foreach ($sum_array_fields as $array_field) {
                         if (!empty($response['qa'][$array_field]) && is_array($response['qa'][$array_field])) {
                             $response['qa'][$array_field] = array_sum($response['qa'][$array_field]);
                     // Sum validation counts
                     if (!empty($response['qa']['validation_counts']) && is_array($response['qa']['validation_counts'])) {
                         foreach ($response['qa']['validation_counts'] as $validation_key => $validation_count) {
                             if (is_array($response['qa']['validation_counts'][$validation_key])) {
                                 $response['qa']['validation_counts'][$validation_key] = array_sum($response['qa']['validation_counts'][$validation_key]);
                 $response['valid'] = empty($response['errors']) ? true : false;
                 $response['valid_json'] = true;
                 $response['total_records'] = $datajson_lines_count;
                 if (!empty($datajson_header['download_content_length'])) {
                     $response['download_content_length'] = $datajson_header['download_content_length'];
                 if (empty($response['errors'])) {
                     $response['errors'] = false;
                 return $response;
                 // ###################################################################
             } else {
                 $errors[] = "File not found or couldn't be downloaded";
         // See if it's valid JSON
         if (!empty($datajson) && $datajson_header['download_content_length'] < $max_remote_size) {
             // See if raw file is valid
             $raw_valid_json = is_json($datajson);
             // See if we can clean up the file to make it valid
             if (!$raw_valid_json) {
                 $datajson_processed = json_text_filter($datajson);
                 $valid_json = is_json($datajson_processed);
             } else {
                 $valid_json = true;
             if ($valid_json !== true) {
                 $errors[] = 'The validator was unable to determine if this was valid JSON';
         if (!empty($errors)) {
             $valid_json = isset($valid_json) ? $valid_json : null;
             $raw_valid_json = isset($raw_valid_json) ? $raw_valid_json : null;
             $response = array('raw_valid_json' => $raw_valid_json, 'valid_json' => $valid_json, 'valid' => false, 'fail' => $errors, 'download_content_length' => $datajson_header['download_content_length']);
             if ($valid_json && $return_source === false) {
                 $catalog = json_decode($datajson_processed);
                 if ($schema == 'federal-v1.1' or $schema == 'non-federal-v1.1') {
                     $response['total_records'] = count($catalog->dataset);
                 } else {
                     $response['total_records'] = count($catalog);
             return $response;
     // filter string for json conversion if we haven't already
     if ($datajson && empty($datajson_processed)) {
         $datajson_processed = json_text_filter($datajson);
     // verify it's valid json
     if ($datajson_processed) {
         if (!isset($valid_json)) {
             $valid_json = is_json($datajson_processed);
     if ($datajson_processed && $valid_json) {
         $datajson_decode = json_decode($datajson_processed);
         if (!empty($datajson_decode->conformsTo) && $datajson_decode->conformsTo == 'https://project-open-data.cio.gov/v1.1/schema') {
             if ($schema !== 'federal-v1.1' && $schema !== 'non-federal-v1.1') {
                 if ($schema == 'federal') {
                     $schema = 'federal-v1.1';
                 } else {
                     if ($schema == 'non-federal') {
                         $schema = 'non-federal-v1.1';
                     } else {
                         $schema = 'federal-v1.1';
             $this->schema = $schema;
         if ($schema == 'federal-v1.1' && empty($datajson_decode->dataset)) {
             $errors[] = "This file does not appear to be using the federal-v1.1 schema";
             $response = array('raw_valid_json' => $raw_valid_json, 'valid_json' => $valid_json, 'valid' => false, 'fail' => $errors);
             return $response;
         if ($schema !== 'federal-v1.1' && $schema !== 'non-federal-v1.1') {
             $chunk_size = 500;
             $datajson_chunks = array_chunk((array) $datajson_decode, $chunk_size);
         } else {
             $datajson_chunks = array((array) $datajson_decode);
         $response = array();
         $response['errors'] = array();
         if ($quality !== false) {
             $response['qa'] = array();
         // save detected schema version to output
         $response['schema_version'] = $schema;
         foreach ($datajson_chunks as $chunk_count => $chunk) {
             $chunk = json_encode($chunk);
             $validator = $this->campaign->jsonschema_validator($chunk, $schema);
             if (!empty($validator['errors'])) {
                 if ($chunk_count) {
                     $key_offset = $chunk_size * $chunk_count;
                     $key_offset = $key_offset;
                 } else {
                     $key_offset = 0;
                 $response['errors'] = $response['errors'] + $this->process_validation_errors($validator['errors'], $key_offset);
             if ($quality !== false) {
                 $datajson_qa = $this->campaign->datajson_qa($chunk, $schema, $quality, $component);
                 if (!empty($datajson_qa)) {
                     $response['qa'] = array_merge_recursive($response['qa'], $datajson_qa);
         // Sum QA counts
         if (!empty($response['qa'])) {
             if (!empty($response['qa']['bureauCodes'])) {
                 $response['qa']['bureauCodes'] = array_keys($response['qa']['bureauCodes']);
             if (!empty($response['qa']['programCodes'])) {
                 $response['qa']['programCodes'] = array_keys($response['qa']['programCodes']);
             $sum_array_fields = array('accessURL_present', 'accessURL_total', 'accessLevel_public', 'accessLevel_restricted', 'accessLevel_nonpublic');
             foreach ($sum_array_fields as $array_field) {
                 if (!empty($response['qa'][$array_field]) && is_array($response['qa'][$array_field])) {
                     $response['qa'][$array_field] = array_sum($response['qa'][$array_field]);
             // Sum validation counts
             if (!empty($response['qa']['validation_counts']) && is_array($response['qa']['validation_counts'])) {
                 foreach ($response['qa']['validation_counts'] as $validation_key => $validation_count) {
                     if (is_array($response['qa']['validation_counts'][$validation_key])) {
                         $response['qa']['validation_counts'][$validation_key] = array_sum($response['qa']['validation_counts'][$validation_key]);
         $valid_json = isset($raw_valid_json) ? $raw_valid_json : $valid_json;
         $response['valid'] = empty($response['errors']) ? true : false;
         $response['valid_json'] = $valid_json;
         if ($schema == 'federal-v1.1' or $schema == 'non-federal-v1.1') {
             $response['total_records'] = count($datajson_decode->dataset);
         } else {
             $response['total_records'] = count($datajson_decode);
         if (!empty($datajson_header['download_content_length'])) {
             $response['download_content_length'] = $datajson_header['download_content_length'];
         if (empty($response['errors'])) {
             $response['errors'] = false;
         if ($return_source) {
             $dataset_array = ($schema == 'federal-v1.1' or $schema == 'non-federal-v1.1') ? true : false;
             $datajson_decode = filter_json($datajson_decode, $dataset_array);
             $response['source'] = $datajson_decode;
         return $response;
     } else {
         $errors[] = "This does not appear to be valid JSON";
         $response = array('valid_json' => false, 'valid' => false, 'fail' => $errors);
         if (!empty($datajson_header['download_content_length'])) {
             $response['download_content_length'] = $datajson_header['download_content_length'];
         return $response;