コード例 #1
 function render_pane_content(&$pane)
     $content = parent::render_pane_content($pane);
     // Ensure that empty panes have some content.
     if (empty($content->content)) {
         // Get the administrative title.
         $content_type = ctools_get_content_type($pane->type);
         $title = ctools_content_admin_title($content_type, $pane->subtype, $pane->configuration, $this->display->context);
         $content->content = t('Placeholder for empty "@title"', array('@title' => $title));
         $pane->IPE_empty = TRUE;
     return $content;
コード例 #2
  * Prepare the list of panes to be rendered, accounting for visibility/access
  * settings and rendering order.
  * This method represents the standard approach for determining the list of
  * panes to be rendered that is compatible with all parts of the Panels
  * architecture. It first applies visibility checks, then sorts panes into
  * their proper rendering order, and returns the result as an array.
  * Inheriting classes should override this method if that renderer needs to
  * regularly make additions to the set of panes that will be rendered.
  * @param array $panes
  *  An associative array of pane data (stdClass objects), keyed on pane id.
  * @return array
  *  An associative array of panes to be rendered, keyed on pane id and sorted
  *  into proper rendering order.
 function prepare_panes($panes)
     // Override parent::prepare_panes, so that any access-controls are not
     // applied to ESI panes. This ensures that panes are al
     // Use local variables as writing to them is very slightly faster
     $first = $normal = $last = array();
     // Prepare the list of panes to be rendered
     foreach ($panes as $pid => $pane) {
         if (empty($this->admin)) {
             // TODO remove in 7.x and ensure the upgrade path weeds out any stragglers; it's been long enough
             $pane->shown = !empty($pane->shown);
             // guarantee this field exists.
             // If this pane is not displayed, skip out and do the next one.
             // Do not handle user-access controls here for ESI panes (handle in the
             // ESI rendering).
             if (!$this->pane_should_be_rendered($pane)) {
         $content_type = ctools_get_content_type($pane->type);
         // If this pane wants to render last, add it to the $last array. We allow
         // this because some panes need to be rendered after other panes,
         // primarily so they can do things like the leftovers of forms.
         if (!empty($content_type['render last'])) {
             $last[$pid] = $pane;
         } else {
             if (!empty($content_type['render first'])) {
                 $first[$pid] = $pane;
             } else {
                 $normal[$pid] = $pane;
     $this->prepared['panes'] = $first + $normal + $last;
     return $this->prepared['panes'];
コード例 #3
 function render_pane_content(&$pane)
     if (!empty($pane->shown) && panels_pane_access($pane, $this->display)) {
         $content = parent::render_pane_content($pane);
     // Ensure that empty panes have some content.
     if (empty($content) || empty($content->content)) {
         if (empty($content)) {
             $content = new stdClass();
         // Get the administrative title.
         $content_type = ctools_get_content_type($pane->type);
         $title = ctools_content_admin_title($content_type, $pane->subtype, $pane->configuration, $this->display->context);
         $content->content = t('Placeholder for empty or inaccessible "@title"', array('@title' => html_entity_decode($title, ENT_QUOTES)));
         // Add these to prevent notices.
         $content->type = 'panels_ipe';
         $content->subtype = 'panels_ipe';
         $pane->IPE_empty = TRUE;
     return $content;
コード例 #4
  * Prepare the list of panes to be rendered, accounting for visibility/access
  * settings and rendering order.
  * This method represents the standard approach for determining the list of
  * panes to be rendered that is compatible with all parts of the Panels
  * architecture. It first applies visibility & access checks, then sorts panes
  * into their proper rendering order, and returns the result as an array.
  * Inheriting classes should override this method if that renderer needs to
  * regularly make additions to the set of panes that will be rendered.
  * @param array $panes
  *  An associative array of pane data (stdClass objects), keyed on pane id.
  * @return array
  *  An associative array of panes to be rendered, keyed on pane id and sorted
  *  into proper rendering order.
 function prepare_panes($panes)
     // Use local variables as writing to them is very slightly faster
     $first = $normal = $last = array();
     // Prepare the list of panes to be rendered
     foreach ($panes as $pid => $pane) {
         if (empty($this->admin)) {
             // TODO remove in 7.x and ensure the upgrade path weeds out any stragglers; it's been long enough
             $pane->shown = !empty($pane->shown);
             // guarantee this field exists.
             // If this pane is not visible to the user, skip out and do the next one
             if (!$pane->shown || !panels_pane_access($pane, $this->display)) {
         $content_type = ctools_get_content_type($pane->type);
         // If this pane wants to render last, add it to the $last array. We allow
         // this because some panes need to be rendered after other panes,
         // primarily so they can do things like the leftovers of forms.
         if (!empty($content_type['render last'])) {
             $last[$pid] = $pane;
         } else {
             if (!empty($content_type['render first'])) {
                 $first[$pid] = $pane;
             } else {
                 $normal[$pid] = $pane;
     $this->prepared['panes'] = $first + $normal + $last;
     return $this->prepared['panes'];
コード例 #5
   * AJAX entry point to edit a pane.
  function ajax_edit_pane($pid = NULL, $step = NULL) {
    if (empty($this->cache->display->content[$pid])) {
      ctools_modal_render(t('Error'), t('Invalid pane id.'));

    $pane = &$this->cache->display->content[$pid];

    $content_type = ctools_get_content_type($pane->type);
    $subtype = ctools_content_get_subtype($content_type, $pane->subtype);

    $form_state = array(
      'display' => &$this->cache->display,
      'contexts' => $this->cache->display->context,
      'pane' => &$pane,
      'display cache' => &$this->cache,
      'ajax' => TRUE,
      'modal' => TRUE,
      'modal return' => TRUE,
      'commands' => array(),

    $form_info = array(
      'path' => $this->get_url('edit-pane', $pid, '%step'),
      'show cancel' => TRUE,
      'next callback' => 'panels_ajax_edit_pane_next',
      'finish callback' => 'panels_ajax_edit_pane_finish',
      'cancel callback' => 'panels_ajax_edit_pane_cancel',

    $output = ctools_content_form('edit', $form_info, $form_state, $content_type, $pane->subtype,  $subtype, $pane->configuration, $step);

    // If $rc is FALSE, there was no actual form.
    if ($output === FALSE || !empty($form_state['cancel'])) {
      // Dismiss the modal.
      $this->commands[] = ctools_modal_command_dismiss();
    else if (!empty($form_state['complete'])) {
      $this->commands[] = ctools_modal_command_dismiss();
    else {
      // This overwrites any previous commands.
      $this->commands = ctools_modal_form_render($form_state, $output);
コード例 #6
 function render_pane_content(&$pane)
     $content = parent::render_pane_content($pane);
     // Ensure that empty panes have some content.
     if (empty($content) || !is_object($content) || empty($content->content)) {
         if (!is_object($content)) {
             $content = new StdClass();
         // Get the administrative title.
         $content_type = ctools_get_content_type($pane->type);
         $title = ctools_content_admin_title($content_type, $pane->subtype, $pane->configuration, $this->display->context);
         $content->content = t('Placeholder for empty "@title"', array('@title' => $title));
         // Add these to prevent notices.
         $content->type = 'panels_ipe';
         $content->subtype = 'panels_ipe';
         $pane->IPE_empty = TRUE;
     return $content;
コード例 #7
 function edit_form(&$form, &$form_state)
     ctools_include('plugins', 'panels');
     // If the plugin is not set, then it should be provided as an argument:
     if (!isset($form_state['item']->plugin)) {
         $form_state['item']->plugin = $form_state['function args'][2];
     parent::edit_form($form, $form_state);
     $form['category'] = array('#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Category'), '#description' => t('What category this layout should appear in. If left blank the category will be "Miscellaneous".'), '#default_value' => $form_state['item']->category);
     ctools_include('display-edit', 'panels');
     // Provide actual layout admin UI here.
     // Create a display for editing:
     $cache_key = 'builder-' . $form_state['item']->name;
     // Load the display being edited from cache, if possible.
     if (!empty($_POST) && is_object($cache = panels_edit_cache_get($cache_key))) {
         $display =& $cache->display;
     } else {
         $content_types = ctools_content_get_available_types();
         panels_cache_clear('display', $cache_key);
         $cache = new stdClass();
         $display = panels_new_display();
         $display->did = $form_state['item']->name;
         $display->layout = $form_state['item']->plugin;
         $display->layout_settings = $form_state['item']->settings;
         $display->cache_key = $cache_key;
         $display->editing_layout = TRUE;
         $cache->display = $display;
         $cache->content_types = $content_types;
         $cache->display_title = FALSE;
     // Set up lipsum content in all of the existing panel regions:
     $display->content = array();
     $display->panels = array();
     $custom = ctools_get_content_type('custom');
     $layout = panels_get_layout($display->layout);
     $regions = panels_get_regions($layout, $display);
     foreach ($regions as $id => $title) {
         $pane = panels_new_pane('custom', 'custom');
         $pane->pid = $id;
         $pane->panel = $id;
         $pane->configuration = ctools_content_get_defaults($custom, 'custom');
         $pane->configuration['title'] = 'Lorem Ipsum';
         $pane->configuration['body'] = $this->lipsum;
         $display->content[$id] = $pane;
         $display->panels[$id] = array($id);
     $form_state['display'] =& $display;
     // Tell the Panels form not to display buttons.
     $form_state['no buttons'] = TRUE;
     $form_state['no display settings'] = TRUE;
     $form_state['cache_key'] = $cache_key;
     $form_state['content_types'] = $cache->content_types;
     $form_state['display_title'] = FALSE;
     $form_state['renderer'] = panels_get_renderer_handler('editor', $cache->display);
     $form_state['renderer']->cache =& $cache;
     $form = panels_edit_display_form($form, $form_state);
     // If we leave the standard submit handler, it'll try to reconcile
     // content from the input, but we've not exposed that to the user. This
     // makes previews work with the content we forced in.
     $form['preview']['button']['#submit'] = array('panels_edit_display_form_preview');
コード例 #8
  * Render all panes in the attached display into their panel regions, then
  * render those regions.
  * @return array $content
  *    An array of rendered panel regions, keyed on the region name.
 function render_regions()
     // First, render all the panes into little boxes. We do this here because
     // some panes request to be rendered after other panes (primarily so they
     // can do the leftovers of forms).
     $panes = $first = $normal = $last = array();
     foreach ($this->display->content as $pid => $pane) {
         $pane->shown = !empty($pane->shown);
         // guarantee this field exists.
         // If the user can't see this pane, do not render it.
         if (!$pane->shown || !panels_pane_access($pane, $this->display)) {
         $content_type = ctools_get_content_type($pane->type);
         // If this pane wants to render last, add it to the $last array. We allow
         // this because some panes need to be rendered after other panes,
         // primarily so they can do things like the leftovers of forms.
         if (!empty($content_type['render last'])) {
             $last[$pid] = $pane;
         } else {
             if (!empty($content_type['render first'])) {
                 $first[$pid] = $pane;
             } else {
                 $normal[$pid] = $pane;
     foreach ($first + $normal + $last as $pid => $pane) {
         $panes[$pid] = $this->render_pane($pane);
     // Loop through all panels, put all panes that belong to the current panel
     // in an array, then render the panel. Primarily this ensures that the
     // panes are in the proper order.
     $content = array();
     foreach ($this->display->panels as $panel_name => $pids) {
         $panel_panes = array();
         foreach ($pids as $pid) {
             if (!empty($panes[$pid])) {
                 $panel_panes[$pid] = $panes[$pid];
         $content[$panel_name] = $this->render_region($panel_name, $panel_panes);
     // Prevent notices by making sure that all panels at least have an entry:
     $panels = panels_get_regions($this->plugins['layout'], $this->display);
     foreach ($panels as $id => $panel) {
         if (!isset($content[$id])) {
             $content[$id] = NULL;
     return $content;
コード例 #9
  * AJAX entry point to edit a pane.
 function ajax_edit_pane($pid = NULL, $step = NULL)
     if (empty($this->cache->display->content[$pid])) {
         ctools_modal_render(t('Error'), t('Invalid pane id.'));
     $pane =& $this->cache->display->content[$pid];
     // Check if we should skip pane translation.
     if (_mlpanels_pane_skip($pane->type, $pane->subtype)) {
         // Pass to default renderer.
         return parent::ajax_edit_pane($pid, $step);
     $content_type = ctools_get_content_type($pane->type);
     $subtype = ctools_content_get_subtype($content_type, $pane->subtype);
     $settings = _mlpanels_settings();
     if (empty($step)) {
         $messages[] = t('You can translate settings for different languages,
   but you must set %renderer as display renderer in order to see result.', array('%renderer' => t('Multilingual Standard')));
     if ($settings['show_types']) {
         $messages[] = t('Pane type to disable %type', array('%type' => $pane->type . '::' . $pane->subtype));
     // Get language.
     $path = explode('/', $_GET['q']);
     $tmp = explode('_', end($path));
     if ($tmp[0] == 'mlpanels') {
         $conf_lng = $tmp[1];
     if (empty($conf_lng)) {
         $conf_lng = LANGUAGE_NONE;
     // Prepare language dependent config.
     if (!empty($pane->configuration['mlpanels'])) {
         $ml_config = $pane->configuration['mlpanels'];
         $ml_config[LANGUAGE_NONE] = $pane->configuration;
     } else {
         $ml_config[LANGUAGE_NONE] = $pane->configuration;
     if (!empty($ml_config[$conf_lng])) {
         $configuration = $ml_config[$conf_lng];
     } else {
         $messages[] = t('No configuration exists for this language yet, using default.');
         $configuration = $ml_config[LANGUAGE_NONE];
     // Safety check.
     if (isset($configuration['mlpanels'])) {
     // Change finish button text.
     $finish_text = t('Finish');
     if ($conf_lng != LANGUAGE_NONE) {
         if (_mlpanels_settings('keep_window')) {
             $finish_text = t('Save Translation and Continue');
         } else {
             $finish_text = t('Save Translation and Finish');
     $form_state = array('display' => &$this->cache->display, 'contexts' => $this->cache->display->context, 'pane' => &$pane, 'display cache' => &$this->cache, 'ajax' => TRUE, 'modal' => TRUE, 'modal return' => TRUE, 'commands' => array());
     $form_info = array('path' => $this->get_url('edit-pane', $pid, '%step', 'mlpanels_' . $conf_lng), 'show cancel' => TRUE, 'finish text' => $finish_text, 'next callback' => 'panels_ajax_edit_pane_next', 'finish callback' => 'panels_ajax_edit_pane_finish', 'cancel callback' => 'panels_ajax_edit_pane_cancel');
     // This is used to get our form in form alter.
     if ($conf_lng != LANGUAGE_NONE) {
         $form_info['untranslate text'] = t('Remove Translation');
         $form_info['untranslate hidden'] = empty($ml_config[$conf_lng]);
     // Building form.
     $output = ctools_content_form('edit', $form_info, $form_state, $content_type, $pane->subtype, $subtype, $configuration, $step);
     // Add language links to the form.
     $languages = array(LANGUAGE_NONE => (object) array('name' => t('Default'), 'language' => LANGUAGE_NONE)) + language_list();
     foreach ($languages as $lng) {
         $class = array('ctools-use-modal');
         $class[] = $lng->language;
         if (empty($ml_config[$lng->language])) {
             $class[] = 'empty';
         if ($conf_lng == $lng->language) {
             $class[] = 'current';
         $links[] = l($lng->name, $this->get_url('edit-pane', $pid, $form_state['step'], 'mlpanels_' . $lng->language), array('attributes' => array('class' => $class), 'html' => TRUE));
     $output['mlpanels'] = array('#markup' => theme('item_list', array('items' => $links, 'attributes' => array('class' => array('mlpanels_lnd_list')))));
     $output['mlpanels_messages'] = array('#markup' => '<div class="message-target"></div>');
     // If $rc is FALSE, there was no actual form.
     if ($output === FALSE || !empty($form_state['cancel'])) {
         // Dismiss the modal.
         $this->commands[] = ctools_modal_command_dismiss();
     } elseif (!empty($form_state['clicked_button']) && $form_state['clicked_button']['#wizard type'] == 'untranslate') {
         // Unset surrent translation.
         // Update pane configuration.
         $form_state['pane']->configuration = array('mlpanels' => $ml_config) + $ml_config[LANGUAGE_NONE];
         // References get blown away with AJAX caching. This will fix that.
         $this->cache->display->content[$pid] = $form_state['pane'];
         if (_mlpanels_settings('keep_window') && $conf_lng != LANGUAGE_NONE) {
             drupal_set_message(t('Translation removed.'));
             $this->commands[] = ajax_command_remove('#modal-content .messages');
             $this->commands[] = ajax_command_html('#modal-content .message-target', theme('status_messages'));
             $this->commands[] = ajax_command_invoke('#modal-content input.pane-untranslate', 'hide');
             $this->commands[] = ajax_command_invoke('.mlpanels_lnd_list a.' . $conf_lng, 'addClass', array('empty'));
         } else {
             $this->commands[] = ctools_modal_command_dismiss();
     } elseif (!empty($form_state['complete'])) {
         // Save our settings for selected language.
         $ml_config[$conf_lng] = $configuration;
         // Update pane configuration.
         $form_state['pane']->configuration = array('mlpanels' => $ml_config) + $ml_config[LANGUAGE_NONE];
         // References get blown away with AJAX caching. This will fix that.
         $this->cache->display->content[$pid] = $form_state['pane'];
         if (_mlpanels_settings('keep_window') && $conf_lng != LANGUAGE_NONE) {
             drupal_set_message(t('Translation updated.'));
             $this->commands[] = ajax_command_remove('#modal-content .messages');
             $this->commands[] = ajax_command_html('#modal-content .message-target', theme('status_messages'));
             $this->commands[] = ajax_command_invoke('#modal-content input.pane-untranslate', 'show');
             $this->commands[] = ajax_command_invoke('.mlpanels_lnd_list a.' . $conf_lng, 'removeClass', array('empty'));
         } else {
             $this->commands[] = ctools_modal_command_dismiss();
     } else {
         // Show messages.
         if ($settings['show_messages']) {
             if (isset($messages)) {
                 foreach ($messages as $msg) {
         // This overwrites any previous commands.
         $this->commands = ctools_modal_form_render($form_state, $output);
         array_unshift($this->commands, array('command' => 'mlpanels_ckefix'));