} // make a directory in the output folder for each language foreach ($language_files as $l) { if (!file_exists($output_base . $l)) { mkdir($output_base . $l, 0777, true); } } foreach ($language_files as $key => $l) { $index_files = array(); rewind($fh); $header = fgetcsv($fh); // move cursor past header row // iterate through all rows of the csv $lfh = false; while ($line = fgets($fh, 9999999)) { $line = csvstring_to_array($line, ',', '"', "\n"); if (!sizeof($line)) { continue; } // this is a blank line between groups $index_file_name = basename($file, ".csv"); $key_name = $line[0]; // have we see this before? no == make new file if (!in_array($index_file_name, $index_files)) { $index_files[] = $index_file_name; // no -- make new file, close existing if open (not 1st) if ($lfh !== false) { write($lfh, "?>"); fclose($lfh); } $lfh = fopen($output_base . $l . '/' . $index_file_name . '.php', 'w');
ELSE // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- { fseek($h,0); // $categories = strict_query("SELECT id, abbr FROM categories"); $cats = array(); while ($rcat=cased_mysql_fetch_array($categories)) $cats[$rcat["abbr"]] = $rcat["id"]; // $ncomp = 0; $nimp = 0; $errors = ""; $headersdone = FALSE; while (($line = fgets($h))!==FALSE) { $line = csvstring_to_array(trim($line)); if (!$headersdone) { $col = 0; foreach ($line as $value) { $value = strtolower($value); if (isset($headers[$value])) $headers[$value] = $col; elseif (isset($cats[$value])) { $cats[$col] = $cats[$value]; addEve($cats[$value]); } $col++;