コード例 #1
ファイル: func_options.php プロジェクト: aberrios/WEBTHESGO
function cs_optionsave($mod, $save)
    $condition = "options_mod = '" . $mod . "' AND options_name = ";
    $cells = array('options_value');
    foreach ($save as $options_name => $options_value) {
        $values = array($options_value);
        cs_sql_update(__FILE__, 'options', $cells, $values, 0, $condition . "'" . $options_name . "'");
    cs_cache_delete('op_' . $mod);
コード例 #2
ファイル: apc.php プロジェクト: aberrios/WEBTHESGO
function cs_cache_save($name, $content, $ttl = 0)
    $token = empty($ttl) ? $name : 'ttl_' . $name;
    if (is_bool($content)) {
        cs_error($name, 'cs_cache_save - It is not allowed to just store a boolean');
    } else {
        apc_store($token, $content, $ttl);
    return $content;
コード例 #3
ファイル: file.php プロジェクト: aberrios/WEBTHESGO
function cs_cache_save($name, $content, $ttl = 0)
    $token = empty($ttl) ? $name : 'ttl_' . $name;
    global $cs_main;
    if (is_bool($content)) {
        cs_error($name, 'cs_cache_save - It is not allowed to just store a boolean');
    } elseif (is_writeable('uploads/cache/')) {
        $store = serialize($content);
        $cache_file = 'uploads/cache/' . $token . '.tmp';
        $save_cache = fopen($cache_file, 'a');
        # set stream encoding if possible to avoid converting issues
        if (function_exists('stream_encoding')) {
            stream_encoding($save_cache, $cs_main['charset']);
        fwrite($save_cache, $store);
        chmod($cache_file, 0755);
    } elseif ($cs_main['mod'] != 'install') {
        cs_error('uploads/cache/' . $token . '.tmp', 'cs_cache_save - Unable to write cache file');
    return $content;
コード例 #4
ファイル: thread_remove.php プロジェクト: aberrios/WEBTHESGO
    $query = "DELETE FROM {pre}_comments WHERE comments_mod='board' AND ";
    $query .= "comments_fid=" . (int) $thread_id;
    cs_sql_query(__FILE__, $query);
    $query = "DELETE FROM {pre}_abonements WHERE threads_id=" . (int) $thread_id;
    cs_sql_query(__FILE__, $query);
    $query = "DELETE FROM {pre}_boardfiles WHERE threads_id=" . (int) $thread_id;
    cs_sql_query(__FILE__, $query);
    $query = "DELETE FROM {pre}_boardvotes WHERE threads_id=" . (int) $thread_id;
    cs_sql_query(__FILE__, $query);
    $query = "DELETE FROM {pre}_voted WHERE voted_mod='board' AND ";
    $query .= "voted_fid=" . (int) $thread_id;
    cs_sql_query(__FILE__, $query);
    // Delete Ghostlinks
    $query = "DELETE FROM {pre}_threads WHERE threads_ghost_thread = " . (int) $thread_id;
    cs_sql_query(__FILE__, $query);
    # Update board entry to get correct threads and comments count
    include_once 'mods/board/repair.php';
    # Remove attached boardreports if there are any
    cs_sql_delete(__FILE__, 'boardreport', $thread_id, 'threads_id');
    cs_redirect($cs_lang['del_true'], 'board', 'listcat', 'where=' . $cs_thread['board_id']);
if (isset($_POST['cancel'])) {
    cs_redirect($cs_lang['del_false'], 'board', 'thread', 'where=' . $thread_id);
} else {
    $data['head']['body'] = sprintf($cs_lang['del_thread_rly'], cs_secure($cs_thread['threads_headline']));
    $data['thread']['id'] = $thread_id;
    echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $data, 'board', 'thread_remove');
コード例 #5
ファイル: accessedit.php プロジェクト: aberrios/WEBTHESGO
    $data['value']['dir'] = $dir;
    $cells = 'access_id, access_name, access_clansphere, access_' . $dir;
    $data['access'] = cs_sql_select(__FILE__, 'access', $cells, 0, 'access_clansphere ASC', 0, 0);
    $sel = 'selected="selected"';
    $count_access = count($data['access']);
    for ($run = 0; $run < $count_access; $run++) {
        $data['access'][$run]['sel0'] = '';
        $data['access'][$run]['sel1'] = '';
        $data['access'][$run]['sel2'] = '';
        $data['access'][$run]['sel3'] = '';
        $data['access'][$run]['sel4'] = '';
        $data['access'][$run]['sel5'] = '';
        if (isset($_GET['activate'])) {
            $data['access'][$run]['sel' . $data['access'][$run]['access_clansphere']] = $sel;
        } else {
            $data['access'][$run]['sel' . $data['access'][$run]['access_' . $dir]] = $sel;
    echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $data, 'modules', 'accessedit_1');
} else {
    $dir = $_POST['dir'];
    $access = cs_sql_select(__FILE__, 'access', 'access_id', 0, 'access_clansphere ASC', 0, 0);
    $cells = array('access_' . $dir);
    foreach ($access as $level) {
        $values = array($_POST['access_' . $level['access_id']]);
        cs_sql_update(__FILE__, 'access', $cells, $values, $level['access_id']);
        cs_cache_delete('access_' . $level['access_id']);
    $data['url']['continue'] = cs_url('modules', 'roots');
    echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $data, 'modules', 'accessedit_2');
コード例 #6
ファイル: import.php プロジェクト: aberrios/WEBTHESGO
    $result = array_values(array_diff($all_smileys, $act_smileys));
    if (!empty($result)) {
        $counter = 0;
        for ($run = 0; $run < count($result); $run++) {
            $data['file'][$run]['name'] = $result[$run];
            $data['file'][$run]['preview'] = cs_html_img('uploads/abcode/' . $result[$run]);
            $data['file'][$run]['run'] = empty($data['file'][$run]['run']) ? '' : $data['file'][$run]['run'];
            $data['file'][$run]['order'] = empty($_POST['order_' . $counter]) ? '' : (int) $_POST['order_' . $counter];
            $data['file'][$run]['counter'] = $counter;
} else {
    for ($run = 0; $run < count($data['file']); $run++) {
        $sql_cells = array('abcode_func', 'abcode_pattern', 'abcode_file', 'abcode_order');
        $sql_saves = array('img', $data['file'][$run]['run'], $data['file'][$run]['name'], $data['file'][$run]['order']);
        cs_sql_insert(__FILE__, 'abcode', $sql_cells, $sql_saves);
    cs_redirect($cs_lang['changes_done'], 'abcode', 'manage');
if (empty($data['file'])) {
    $data['if']['no_smileys'] = true;
    $data['if']['smileys'] = false;
} else {
    $data['if']['no_smileys'] = false;
    $data['if']['smileys'] = true;
echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $data, 'abcode', 'import');
コード例 #7
ファイル: roots.php プロジェクト: aberrios/WEBTHESGO

// ClanSphere 2010 - www.clansphere.net
// $Id$
$cs_lang = cs_translate('modules');
# clear old cache content to get actual results
$languages = cs_checkdirs('lang');
foreach ($languages as $ln) {
    cs_cache_delete('mods_' . $ln['dir']);
$data = array();
$modules = cs_checkdirs('mods');
$mod_all = count($modules);
$data['if']['wizard'] = FALSE;
$data['head']['count'] = $mod_all;
$data['head']['getmsg'] = cs_getmsg();
if ($account['access_wizard'] == 5) {
    $wizard = cs_sql_count(__FILE__, 'options', "options_name = 'done_mods' AND options_value = '1'");
    if (empty($wizard)) {
        $data['if']['wizard'] = TRUE;
        $data['wizard']['roots'] = cs_link($cs_lang['show'], 'wizard', 'roots');
        $data['wizard']['task_done'] = cs_link($cs_lang['task_done'], 'wizard', 'roots', 'handler=mods&amp;done=1');
$cs_access = cs_sql_select(__FILE__, 'access', '*', 0, 0, 0, 0);
$groups = count($cs_access);
$run = 0;
foreach ($modules as $mod) {
    $data['mod'][$run]['icon'] = empty($mod['icon']) ? '' : cs_icon($mod['icon']);
    $data['mod'][$run]['name_url'] = empty($mod['name']) ? '' : cs_link($mod['name'], 'modules', 'view', 'dir=' . $mod['dir']);
    $data['mod'][$run]['version'] = empty($mod['version']) ? '' : $mod['version'];
コード例 #8
ファイル: welcome.php プロジェクト: aberrios/WEBTHESGO

// ClanSphere 2010 - www.clansphere.net
// $Id$
$cs_lang = cs_translate('wizard');
$turn = (isset($_GET['turn']) and $_GET['turn'] == 'off') ? 0 : 1;
$opt_where = "options_mod = 'wizard' AND options_name = ";
$def_cell = array('options_value');
$def_cont = array($turn);
cs_sql_update(__FILE__, 'options', $def_cell, $def_cont, 0, $opt_where . "'welcome'");
cs_redirect(empty($turn) ? $cs_lang['turn_off'] : $cs_lang['turn_on'], 'users', 'home');
コード例 #9
ファイル: lang_list.php プロジェクト: aberrios/WEBTHESGO

// ClanSphere 2010 - www.clansphere.net
// $Id$
$cs_lang = cs_translate('clansphere');
# clear old cache content to get actual results
$languages = cs_checkdirs('lang');
foreach ($languages as $ln) {
    cs_cache_delete('lang_' . $ln['dir']);
$languages = cs_checkdirs('lang');
$lng_all = count($languages);
$activate = isset($_GET['activate']) ? $_GET['activate'] : 0;
$allow = 0;
if (!empty($activate)) {
    foreach ($languages as $mod) {
        if ($mod['dir'] == $activate) {
$data['lang']['body'] = sprintf($cs_lang['languages_list'], $lng_all);
$data['link']['cache'] = cs_url('clansphere', 'cache');
$data['if']['done'] = false;
if ($account['access_wizard'] == 5) {
    $wizard = cs_sql_count(__FILE__, 'options', "options_name = 'done_lang' AND options_value = '1'");
    if (empty($wizard)) {
        $data['if']['done'] = true;
        $data['link']['wizard'] = cs_link($cs_lang['show'], 'wizard', 'roots') . ' - ' . cs_link($cs_lang['task_done'], 'wizard', 'roots', 'handler=lang&amp;done=1');
コード例 #10
ファイル: create.php プロジェクト: aberrios/WEBTHESGO
    if (empty($cs_main['rte_html'])) {
        $data['abcode']['features'] = cs_abcode_features('news_text', $abcode[3], 1);
        $data['abcode']['smileys'] = cs_abcode_smileys('news_text', 1);
        $data['abcode']['features_readmore'] = cs_abcode_features('news_readmore', $abcode[3], 1);
        $data['abcode']['smileys_readmore'] = cs_abcode_smileys('news_readmore', 1);
        $data['if']['rte_html'] = false;
        $data['if']['abcode'] = true;
    } else {
        $data['if']['rte_html'] = true;
        $data['if']['abcode'] = false;
        $data['rte']['html'] = cs_rte_html('news_text', $cs_news['news_text']);
        $data['rte']['html_readmore'] = cs_rte_html('news_readmore', $cs_news['news_readmore']);
    $data['news']['loop'] = $run_loop;
    $data['news']['news_readmore_active'] = $cs_news['news_readmore_active'] == 1 ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
    $data['news']['news_close'] = $cs_news['news_close'] == 1 ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
    $data['news']['news_public'] = $cs_news['news_public'] == 1 ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
    $data['news']['news_attached'] = $cs_news['news_attached'] == 1 ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
    $data['news']['check_publish'] = !empty($cs_news['news_publishs_at']) ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
    $data['news']['news_publishs_at'] = cs_dateselect('date', 'unix', !empty($cs_news['news_publishs_at']) ? $cs_news['news_publishs_at'] : cs_time(), 1995);
    echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $data, 'news', 'create');
} else {
    $news_cells = array_keys($cs_news);
    $news_save = array_values($cs_news);
    cs_sql_insert(__FILE__, 'news', $news_cells, $news_save);
    if (!empty($cs_news['news_public'])) {
        include_once 'mods/news/rss.php';
    cs_redirect($cs_lang['news_created'], 'news');
コード例 #11
ファイル: mail.php プロジェクト: aberrios/WEBTHESGO
} elseif (!empty($error)) {
    $data['lang']['head'] = cs_icon('important') . cs_html_br(1);
    $data['lang']['head'] .= $errormsg;
} else {
    $data['lang']['head'] = $cs_lang['success'];
if (!empty($error) or !isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    $data['if']['form'] = TRUE;
    $data['if']['done'] = FALSE;
    $categories_data = cs_sql_select(__FILE__, 'categories', '*', "categories_mod = 'contact'", 'categories_order ASC, categories_name', 0, 0);
    foreach ($mail as $key => $value) {
        $data['mail'][$key] = cs_secure($value);
    $data['mail']['categories_id'] = cs_dropdown('categories_id', 'categories_name', $categories_data, $mail['categories_id']);
    if (!empty($captcha)) {
        $data['if']['captcha'] = 1;
} else {
    $data['if']['form'] = FALSE;
    $data['if']['done'] = TRUE;
    $categories_data = cs_sql_select(__FILE__, 'categories', 'categories_name', "categories_id = '" . $mail['categories_id'] . "'");
    $message = sprintf($cs_lang['mailtxt'], date('d.m.Y'), date('H:i'), $ip, $mail['name'], $mail['firm'], $mail['icq'], $mail['email'], $categories_data['categories_name'], $mail['why'], $mail['text']);
    settype($mail['icq'], 'integer');
    $mail_cells = array('mail_name', 'mail_time', 'mail_ip', 'mail_email', 'mail_icq', 'mail_jabber', 'mail_firm', 'categories_id', 'mail_subject', 'mail_message');
    $mail_save = array($mail['name'], cs_time(), $ip, $mail['email'], $mail['icq'], $mail['jabber'], $mail['firm'], $mail['categories_id'], $mail['why'], $mail['text']);
    cs_sql_insert(__FILE__, 'mail', $mail_cells, $mail_save);
    cs_mail($cs_contact['def_mail'], $mail['why'], $message, $mail['email']);
$data['captcha']['img'] = cs_html_img('mods/captcha/generate.php?time=' . cs_time());
echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $data, 'contact', 'mail');
コード例 #12
ファイル: sec_func.php プロジェクト: aberrios/WEBTHESGO
function cs_cspnews($all = 0)
    $remote_url_secnews = 'http://www.clansphere.net/clansphere/updates.txt';
    $remote_url_newsid = 'http://www.clansphere.net/index/news/view/id/';
    $timeout = 5;
    $content = '';
    global $cs_lang, $cs_main;
    $cs_lang = cs_translate('clansphere');
    $id = empty($_GET['sec_news']) ? 0 : (int) $_GET['sec_news'];
    $data['if']['one'] = false;
    $data['if']['all'] = false;
    $allow_url_fopen = ini_get('allow_url_fopen');
    if (empty($allow_url_fopen)) {
        $error = $cs_lang['need_url_fopen'];
    } else {
        if (!empty($id) and empty($all)) {
            $opt_where = "options_mod = 'clansphere' AND options_name = 'sec_last'";
            cs_sql_update(__FILE__, 'options', array('options_value'), array($id), 0, $opt_where);
        } else {
            $opt_where = "options_mod = 'clansphere' AND options_name = 'sec_time'";
            cs_sql_update(__FILE__, 'options', array('options_value'), array(cs_time()), 0, $opt_where);
            ini_set("default_socket_timeout", $timeout);
            $rfp = fopen($remote_url_secnews, 'r');
            if (is_resource($rfp)) {
                stream_set_timeout($rfp, $timeout);
                $content = fread($rfp, 4096);
            if (!empty($content)) {
                $content = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), '', $content);
                $news = explode(';', $content);
                $content = explode('@', $news[0]);
                if ($content[0] > $cs_main['sec_news']) {
                    $opt_where = "options_mod = 'clansphere' AND options_name = 'sec_news'";
                    $sec_news = (int) $content[0];
                    cs_sql_update(__FILE__, 'options', array('options_value'), array($sec_news), 0, $opt_where);
                if (empty($all)) {
                    if ($content[0] > $cs_main['sec_last']) {
                        $url = $remote_url_newsid . $content[0];
                        $data['info']['text'] = htmlentities($content[1], ENT_QUOTES, $cs_main['charset']);
                        $data['info']['view'] = cs_html_link($url, $cs_lang['view']);
                        $data['info']['read'] = cs_link($cs_lang['read'], 'clansphere', 'sec_news', 'sec_news=' . $content[0]);
                        $data['info']['showall'] = cs_link($cs_lang['showall'], 'clansphere', 'sec_news');
                        $data['if']['one'] = true;
                        $data['if']['all'] = false;
                        return cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $data, 'clansphere', 'news');
                } else {
                    $data['if']['one'] = false;
                    $data['if']['all'] = true;
                    $count = count($news) - 1;
                    for ($run = 0; $run < $count; $run++) {
                        $content = explode("@", $news[$run]);
                        $data['infos'][$run]['text'] = cs_secure($content[1]);
                        $url = $remote_url_newsid . $content[0];
                        $data['infos'][$run]['view'] = cs_html_link($url, $cs_lang['view']);
                    return cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $data, 'clansphere', 'news');
コード例 #13
ファイル: metatags.php プロジェクト: aberrios/WEBTHESGO
        cs_sql_update(__FILE__, 'metatags', $def_cell, $def_cont, 0, $opt_where . "'keywords'");
        $def_cont = array($_POST['language'], $active_language);
        cs_sql_update(__FILE__, 'metatags', $def_cell, $def_cont, 0, $opt_where . "'language'");
        $def_cont = array($_POST['author'], $active_author);
        cs_sql_update(__FILE__, 'metatags', $def_cell, $def_cont, 0, $opt_where . "'author'");
        $def_cont = array($_POST['designer'], $active_designer);
        cs_sql_update(__FILE__, 'metatags', $def_cell, $def_cont, 0, $opt_where . "'designer'");
        $def_cont = array($_POST['publisher'], $active_publisher);
        cs_sql_update(__FILE__, 'metatags', $def_cell, $def_cont, 0, $opt_where . "'publisher'");
        $def_cont = array($_POST['robots'], '1');
        cs_sql_update(__FILE__, 'metatags', $def_cell, $def_cont, 0, $opt_where . "'robots'");
        $def_cont = array($_POST['distribution'], '1');
        cs_sql_update(__FILE__, 'metatags', $def_cell, $def_cont, 0, $opt_where . "'distribution'");
        $data['head']['action'] = $cs_lang['metatags'];
        $data['link']['continue'] = cs_url('clansphere', 'system');
        cs_redirect($cs_lang['success'], 'clansphere', 'system');
} else {
    $sel = 'selected="selected"';
    $select = 'metatags_id, metatags_name, metatags_content';
    $where = '';
    $order = 'metatags_name';
    $cs_metatags = cs_sql_select(__FILE__, 'metatags', $select, $where, $order, 0, 0);
    $count_metatags = count($cs_metatags);
    for ($run = 0; $run < $count_metatags; $run++) {
        $data['metatags'][$cs_metatags[$run]['metatags_name']] = $cs_metatags[$run]['metatags_content'];
    $data['selected']['robots_all'] = $data['metatags']['robots'] != 'index,follow' ? '' : $sel;
    $data['selected']['robots_no'] = $data['metatags']['robots'] == 'index,follow' ? '' : $sel;
    $data['selected']['distribution_global'] = $data['metatags']['distribution'] != 'global' ? '' : $sel;
コード例 #14
ファイル: remove.php プロジェクト: aberrios/WEBTHESGO

// ClanSphere 2010 - www.clansphere.net
// $Id$
$cs_lang = cs_translate('joinus');
$cs_get = cs_get('id,agree,cancel');
$joinus_id = empty($cs_get['id']) ? 0 : $cs_get['id'];
if (isset($cs_get['agree'])) {
    cs_sql_delete(__FILE__, 'joinus', $joinus_id);
    cs_redirect($cs_lang['del_true_join'], 'joinus');
if (isset($cs_get['cancel'])) {
    cs_redirect($cs_lang['del_false'], 'joinus');
$joinus = cs_sql_select(__FILE__, 'joinus', 'joinus_name', 'joinus_id = ' . $cs_get['id'], 0, 0, 1);
if (!empty($joinus)) {
    $data = array();
    $data['head']['body'] = sprintf($cs_lang['remove_entry'], $cs_lang['mod_name'], $joinus['joinus_name']);
    $data['url']['agree'] = cs_url('joinus', 'remove', 'id=' . $joinus_id . '&amp;agree');
    $data['url']['cancel'] = cs_url('joinus', 'remove', 'id=' . $joinus_id . '&amp;cancel');
    echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $data, 'joinus', 'remove');
} else {
    cs_redirect('', 'joinus');
コード例 #15
ファイル: remove.php プロジェクト: aberrios/WEBTHESGO

// ClanSphere 2010 - www.clansphere.net
// $Id$
$cs_lang = cs_translate('fightus');
$cs_get = cs_get('id,agree,cancel');
if (isset($cs_get['agree'])) {
    cs_sql_delete(__FILE__, 'fightus', $cs_get['id']);
    cs_redirect($cs_lang['fight_del_true'], 'fightus');
if (isset($cs_get['cancel'])) {
    cs_redirect($cs_lang['del_false'], 'fightus');
$fightus = cs_sql_select(__FILE__, 'fightus', 'fightus_nick', 'fightus_id = ' . $cs_get['id'], 0, 0, 1);
if (!empty($fightus)) {
    $data = array();
    $data['head']['body'] = sprintf($cs_lang['remove_entry'], $cs_lang['mod_name'], $fightus['fightus_nick']);
    $data['url']['agree'] = cs_url('fightus', 'remove', 'id=' . $cs_get['id'] . '&amp;agree');
    $data['url']['cancel'] = cs_url('fightus', 'remove', 'id=' . $cs_get['id'] . '&amp;cancel');
    echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $data, 'fightus', 'remove');
} else {
    cs_redirect('', 'fightus');
コード例 #16
ファイル: temp_list.php プロジェクト: aberrios/WEBTHESGO

// ClanSphere 2010 - www.clansphere.net
// $Id$
$cs_lang = cs_translate('clansphere');
# clear old cache content to get actual results
$languages = cs_checkdirs('lang');
foreach ($languages as $ln) {
    cs_cache_delete('templates_' . $ln['dir']);
$templates = cs_checkdirs('templates');
$tpl_all = count($templates);
$activate = isset($_GET['activate']) ? $_GET['activate'] : 0;
$activate = $activate == 'install' ? 0 : $activate;
$allow = 0;
if (!empty($activate)) {
    foreach ($templates as $mod) {
        if ($mod['dir'] == $activate) {
    if (!empty($allow)) {
        $cond = "options_mod = 'clansphere' AND options_name = 'def_tpl' AND options_value = '" . $activate . "'";
        $already = cs_sql_count(__FILE__, 'options', $cond);
        if (!empty($already)) {
            $allow = 0;
$data['if']['done'] = false;
if ($account['access_wizard'] == 5) {
コード例 #17
ファイル: edit.php プロジェクト: aberrios/WEBTHESGO
    foreach ($modules as $mod) {
        $acc_dir = 'access_' . $mod['dir'];
        if (array_key_exists($acc_dir, $cs_access) and $mod['dir'] != 'clansphere') {
            if (!empty($mod['icon'])) {
                $data['access'][$run]['icon'] = cs_icon($mod['icon']);
            } else {
                $data['access'][$run]['icon'] = '';
            $data['access'][$run]['name'] = cs_link($mod['name'], 'modules', 'view', 'dir=' . $mod['dir']);
            $data['access'][$run]['select'] = cs_html_select(1, $acc_dir);
            $levels = 0;
            while ($levels < 6) {
                $cs_access[$acc_dir] == $levels ? $sel = 1 : ($sel = 0);
                $data['access'][$run]['select'] .= cs_html_option($levels . ' - ' . $cs_lang['lev_' . $levels], $levels, $sel);
            $data['access'][$run]['select'] .= cs_html_select(0);
    $data['access2']['id'] = $access_id;
    $data['if']['warning'] = $access_id < 6 ? 1 : 0;
    $data['data']['warning_detail'] = empty($data['if']['warning']) ? '' : $cs_lang['warning_id_' . $access_id];
    echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $data, 'access', 'edit');
} else {
    $access_cells = array_keys($cs_access);
    $access_save = array_values($cs_access);
    cs_sql_update(__FILE__, 'access', $access_cells, $access_save, $access_id);
    cs_cache_delete('access_' . $access_id);
    cs_redirect($cs_lang['changes_done'], 'access');
コード例 #18
ファイル: profile.php プロジェクト: aberrios/WEBTHESGO
    foreach ($cs_country as $short => $full) {
        $data['country'][$run]['short'] = $short;
        $data['country'][$run]['selection'] = $short == $cs_user['users_country'] ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
        $data['country'][$run]['full'] = $full;
    echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $data, 'users', 'profile');
} else {
    settype($cs_user['users_height'], 'integer');
    settype($cs_user['users_icq'], 'integer');
    $cs_user['users_hidden'] = implode(',', $hidden);
    if ($cs_user['users_nick'] != $account['users_nick']) {
        change_nick($account['users_id'], $account['users_nick']);
    $users_cells = array_keys($cs_user);
    $users_save = array_values($cs_user);
    cs_sql_update(__FILE__, 'users', $users_cells, $users_save, $account['users_id']);
    $data['link']['continue'] = cs_url('users', 'home');
    $data['lang']['head'] = $cs_lang['profile'];
    echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $data, 'users', 'done');
    if ($account['access_wizard'] == 5) {
        $wizard = cs_sql_count(__FILE__, 'options', "options_name = 'done_prfl' AND options_value = '1'");
        if (empty($wizard)) {
            $data['wizard']['show'] = cs_link($cs_lang['show'], 'wizard', 'roots');
            $data['wizard']['task_done'] = cs_link($cs_lang['task_done'], 'wizard', 'roots', 'handler=prfl&amp;done=1');
            echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $data, 'users', 'wizard');
コード例 #19
ファイル: themes_list.php プロジェクト: aberrios/WEBTHESGO

// ClanSphere 2010 - www.clansphere.net
// $Id$
$cs_lang = cs_translate('clansphere');
# clear old cache content to get actual results
$languages = cs_checkdirs('lang');
foreach ($languages as $ln) {
    cs_cache_delete('themes_' . $ln['dir']);
$themes = cs_checkdirs('themes');
$themes_count = count($themes);
if (!empty($_GET['activate'])) {
    foreach ($themes as $try) {
        if ($try['dir'] == $_GET['activate']) {
            require_once 'mods/clansphere/func_options.php';
            $save['def_theme'] = $_GET['activate'];
            cs_optionsave('clansphere', $save);
            $current = $_GET['activate'];
$current = empty($current) ? $cs_main['def_theme'] : $current;
$data['lang']['body'] = sprintf($cs_lang['themes_listed'], $themes_count);
$data['link']['cache'] = cs_url('clansphere', 'cache');
$run = 0;
if (empty($themes)) {
    $data['themes_list'] = '';
foreach ($themes as $theme) {
    $data['themes_list'][$run]['name'] = $theme['name'];