//echo $_SESSION[$_GET['project']]['root'].' / '.md5($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . $super[1]); function L($s) { return str_replace('_', ' ', $s); } if (!isset($super) || isset($_GET['project']) && isset($_SESSION[$_GET['project']]['root']) && $_SESSION[$_GET['project']]['root'] == md5($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . $super[1])) { if (is_writable('../')) { // save Settings to File if (isset($_POST['pass'])) { $templates = glob('./tpl_*.php'); $tpl = array(); foreach ($templates as $template) { $tpl[] = basename($template); } $salt = substr(md5(mt_rand()), 0, 12); $crpt = explode(':', crpt($_POST['pass'], $salt)); // save the Settings to inc/global_configuration.php file_put_contents('../global_configuration.php', '<?php // auto-generated: do not edit! $super = array(\'' . $salt . '\', \'' . array_pop($crpt) . '\'); $config = array( \'theme\' => array(\'' . $_POST['theme'] . '\'), // default jQuery-UI-theme \'template\' => array(\'' . $_POST['template'] . '\'), // default backend-template \'autolog\' => ' . (strlen($_POST['pass']) > 0 ? 'false' : 'true') . ', // automatic login without password \'login\' => \'' . $_POST['login'] . '\', // use login-extension ); '); chmod('../global_configuration.php', 0776); echo '<div id="wrapper"> <h2>' . L('Password_saved') . '!</h2> <a href="../../">' . L('Login-Page') . '</a></div>';
/** * @param $projectPath * @param $projectName */ function verifyUser($mysession, $post, $projectPath, $projectName) { global $log, $objects, $action, $mysession; // Array containing Hook-Names to be processed (should be filled in hooks.php) $loginHooks = array(); // set the Check-Variable to false $log = false; // dummy $filter = ''; $super = array(); // includes $includes = array(array(true, 'inc/global_configuration.php'), array(true, $projectPath . '/objects/__model.php'), array(true, $projectPath . '/objects/__filter.php'), array(true, $projectPath . '/objects/__database.php'), array(false, 'extensions/default/hooks.php'), array(false, $projectPath . '/extensions/default/hooks.php')); foreach ($includes as $a) { if ($a[0] && file_exists($a[1]) != $a[0]) { exit('"' . $a[1] . '" is missing'); } //echo $a[1].'<br>'; @(include $a[1]); } $mainConfig = $config; $_CONF = $projectName . '\\Configuration'; // define/reset the main Session-Array $mysession = array('sys_secret' => md5($_CONF::SECRET), 'usr_secret' => md5($post['pass']), 'login' => time(), 'special' => array(), 'lang' => $post['lang'], 'client' => json_decode(stripcslashes(htmlspecialchars_decode($post['client'])), true), 'filter' => $filter, 'sort' => array(), 'fields' => array(), 'messages' => array(), 'settings' => array('interface' => array('theme' => $mainConfig['theme'], 'default' => $mainConfig['template']), 'templates' => array('default' => array('columns' => array(55, 200, 200, 20, 1))), 'objects' => array('sort' => array()))); //$projectConfiguration = new $i(); //$_SESSION[$projectName]['projectConfiguration'] = ; // collect global backend templates from backend and -optional- project $templateFolders = glob('{templates/*,../projects/' . $projectName . '/templates/*}', GLOB_ONLYDIR | GLOB_BRACE); $mainConfig['templates'] = array(); foreach ($templateFolders as $templatePath) { if (file_exists($templatePath . '/backend.php')) { $mainConfig['templates'][basename($templatePath)] = $templatePath; } } // load configs foreach (array('extensions/default/config/config.php', $projectPath . '/extensions/default/config/config.php') as $configFile) { if (include $configFile) { $mainConfig = array_merge_recursive($mainConfig, json_decode($config, true)); // print_r($mainConfig);exit(); // test if config is merged correctly (swap $configFiles above) } } $mysession['config'] = $mainConfig; // check for superroot ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (crpt(substr($post['pass'], 0, 200), $super[0]) === $super[0] . ':' . $super[1] && (in_array($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], array('localhost', '')) || isset($_SESSION['captcha_answer']) && $post['name'] == $_SESSION['captcha_answer']) || end($mainConfig['autolog']) === 1) { // try to load a previously saved configuration @(include $projectPath . '/extensions/default/config/superroot.php'); // define User as "Super-Root" and put some infos into the user-array $mysession['root'] = md5($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . $super[1]); // if the super-password is older than 2 months if (time() - filemtime('inc/global_configuration.php') > 5259487) { $mysession['messages'][] = 'Hello admin: please refresh your super-password!'; } // settings $mysession['settings'][0] = array('default' => array('objects' => array())); $mysession['special']['user'] = array('id' => 0, 'username' => 'superroot', 'prename' => 'superroot', 'lastname' => 'superroot', 'profiles' => array(0 => 'superroot'), 'lastlogin' => 0, 'logintime' => time(), 'wizards' => array(), 'fileaccess' => array(array('driver' => 'LocalFileSystem', 'path' => 'files/', 'tmbPath' => 'files/.tmb'))); $log = true; } // super-root END // (try to) call Login-Hooks foreach ($loginHooks as $hook) { if (function_exists($hook)) { $mysession = call_user_func($hook, $mysession); } } // // collect Admin-Wizards from backend and -optional- project if (isset($mysession['root'])) { $mysession['adminfolders'] = array(); foreach (glob('{admin/*,../projects/' . $projectName . '/admin/*}', GLOB_ONLYDIR | GLOB_BRACE) as $f) { $bf = basename($f); // Admin-Wizards beginning with "_" are for Super-Admins only if ($mysession['root'] != 1 || substr($bf, 0, 1) != '_') { $mysession['special']['user']['wizards'][] = array('name' => $bf, 'url' => $f . '/index.php?project=' . $projectName); } } } // login failed if (!$log) { $errormsg = 'please_log_in'; goToIndex($projectName, $errormsg); } else { // Login-Check was successful $mysession['objects'] = $objects; $mysession['loginTime'] = time(); // create Check to prevent Session-Hijacking in crud.php $mysession['user_fingerprint'] = md5($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . date('z')); } // reset Captcha-Answer if exists if (isset($_SESSION['captcha_answer'])) { unset($_SESSION['captcha_answer']); } return $mysession; }