コード例 #1
ファイル: options.php プロジェクト: Tavalon/credit-tracker
 * Flickr: metadata
function credittracker_get_flickr_metadata($number)
    $parser = new CTFlickr(credittracker_get_single_option('ct_auth_flickr_apikey'));
    return $parser->execute($number);
コード例 #2
function credit_tracker_caption_shortcode_filter($val, $attr, $content = null)
    extract(shortcode_atts(array('id' => '', 'align' => 'aligncenter', 'width' => '', 'caption' => '', 'text' => '', 'type' => 'caption'), $attr));
    $ct_override_caption_shortcode = credittracker_get_single_option('ct_override_caption_shortcode');
    if ((bool) $ct_override_caption_shortcode) {
        $id_orig = $id;
        if ($id) {
            $id = esc_attr($id);
        // extract attachment id
        preg_match("/\\d+/", $id, $matches);
        if (!empty($matches)) {
            $id = $matches[0];
        // find attachment
        $request = array('size' => 'thumbnail', 'include' => $id);
        $images = credittracker_get_images($request);
        if (empty($images)) {
            return $val;
        $image = reset($images);
        $ct_copyright_format = credittracker_get_source_copyright($image['source']);
        if (empty($ct_copyright_format)) {
            $ct_copyright_format = credittracker_get_single_option('ct_copyright_format');
        // override image caption via 'text' attribute
        if (!empty($text)) {
            $image['caption'] = $text;
        $ct_copyright = htmlspecialchars_decode(credittracker_process_item_copyright($image, $ct_copyright_format));
        $content = str_replace('<img', '<img itemprop="contentUrl"', $content);
        $style = '';
        if ((int) $width > 0) {
            $style = 'style="width: ' . (int) $width . 'px"';
        $ret = '<div id="' . $id_orig . '" class="wp-caption credit-tracker-caption ' . esc_attr($align) . '" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/ImageObject" ' . $style . '>';
        $ret .= do_shortcode($content);
        $ret .= '<p class="wp-caption-text" itemprop="copyrightHolder">' . $ct_copyright . '</p>';
        $ret .= '<meta itemprop="name" content="' . $image['title'] . '">';
        $ret .= '<meta itemprop="caption" content="' . $image['caption'] . '">';
        $ret .= '<meta itemprop="author" content="' . $image['author'] . '">';
        $ret .= '<meta itemprop="publisher" content="' . $image['publisher'] . '">';
        $ret .= '</div>';
        return $ret;
    } else {
        return $val;
コード例 #3
 public function get_attachment_fields($form_fields, $post)
     $selected_source = get_post_meta($post->ID, "credit-tracker-source", true);
     $ct_retriever_enabled = credittracker_get_single_option('ct_feature_retriever');
     $form_fields["credit-tracker-ident_nr"] = array("label" => __('Ident-Nr.', CREDITTRACKER_SLUG), "input" => "text", "value" => get_post_meta($post->ID, "credit-tracker-ident_nr", true), "helps" => __("The original object number at the source", CREDITTRACKER_SLUG));
     if ($ct_retriever_enabled == '1') {
         $btn_state = '';
         $link_activate = "";
     } else {
         $btn_state = 'disabled';
         $link_activate = "<a href='" . admin_url('options-general.php?page=credit-tracker') . "'>" . __("activate", CREDITTRACKER_SLUG) . "</a>";
     // Note: only attachment (media edit) page is enabled at the moment for the media data retrieval
     $screen = get_current_screen();
     $ct_btn_allowed_screens = array("attachment");
     if (isset($screen) && in_array($screen->id, $ct_btn_allowed_screens)) {
         $btn_retriever_code = "&nbsp;&nbsp;<button id='ct-mediadata' type='button' " . $btn_state . ">" . __("GET MEDIA DATA", CREDITTRACKER_SLUG) . "</button>" . "&nbsp;" . $link_activate;
     } else {
         $btn_retriever_code = '';
     $form_fields["credit-tracker-source"] = array("label" => __('Source', CREDITTRACKER_SLUG), "input" => "html", "value" => $selected_source, "html" => "<select name='attachments[{$post->ID}][credit-tracker-source]' id='attachments-{$post->ID}-credit-tracker-source'>" . credittracker_get_combobox_options(credittracker_get_sources_names_array(), $selected_source) . "</select>" . $btn_retriever_code, "helps" => __("Source where to locate the original media", CREDITTRACKER_SLUG));
     $form_fields["credit-tracker-author"] = array("label" => __('Author', CREDITTRACKER_SLUG), "input" => "text", "value" => get_post_meta($post->ID, "credit-tracker-author", true), "helps" => __("Media author/owner", CREDITTRACKER_SLUG));
     $form_fields["credit-tracker-publisher"] = array("label" => __('Publisher', CREDITTRACKER_SLUG), "input" => "text", "value" => get_post_meta($post->ID, "credit-tracker-publisher", true), "helps" => __("Media publisher (e.g. image agency)", CREDITTRACKER_SLUG));
     $form_fields["credit-tracker-license"] = array("label" => __('License', CREDITTRACKER_SLUG), "input" => "text", "value" => get_post_meta($post->ID, "credit-tracker-license", true), "helps" => __("Media license", CREDITTRACKER_SLUG));
     $form_fields["credit-tracker-link"] = array("label" => __('Link', CREDITTRACKER_SLUG), "input" => "text", "value" => get_post_meta($post->ID, "credit-tracker-link", true), "helps" => __("Media link", CREDITTRACKER_SLUG));
     return $form_fields;