コード例 #1
 $localfilename = "/tmp/" . $filename;
 //$result= fetchObjectFromBucket($bucket,$key,$localfilename);
 $result = $client->getObject(array('Bucket' => $bucket, 'Key' => $filename, 'SaveAs' => $localfilename));
 echo '<div class="hero-unit"><h3>Saving the Original Image from the S3 Bucket to Local System</h3></div>';
 #  Now that we have called the s3 object and downloaded (getObject) the file
 # to our local system - lets pass the file to our watermark library
 # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watermark -- using a function
 print "The local file directory where everything is stored is" . $localfilename . PHP_EOL;
 print "The new file location of the updated image is" . $resizedimage . "The image name is" . $resized . PHP_EOL;
 # Create S3 bucket
 $result = createandputS3Bucket($resized, $resized, $resizedimage);
 // this gets all the key value pairs and exports them as system variables making our lives nice so we don't have to do this manually.
 //print_r("The URL exists".isset($result['ObjectURL']));
 $newurl = $result['ObjectURL'];
 # SimpleDB create here - note no error checking
 $result = updatesimplDBwithfinishedURL($mbody, $resized, $newurl, $newurl);
 # Code for sending Mail using Simple Email Service
 $body = 'Thank you for using our web site. Please check out the modified image in this URL' . $newurl;
 $Subject = "Your Resized Image from 544cloudproject site";
コード例 #2
 if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploaded_file']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile)) {
     echo '<div class="hero-unit"><h3>File is valid, and was successfully uploaded.</h3></div>';
     $pathToFile = $uploaddir . $_FILES['uploaded_file']['name'];
     # Create SNS Simple Notification Service Topic for subscription
     #echo $topic[0]."\n";
     #  Service Topic for subscription
     $result = createandsubscribeSNS($topic, $phone);
     # Create S3 bucket
     $key = $_FILES['uploaded_file']['name'];
     $result = createandputS3Bucket($bucket, $key, $pathToFile);
     $url = $result['ObjectURL'];
     echo '<div class="hero-unit"><h3>The S3 Bucket has been created and the Image is put into it</h3></div>';
     # SimpleDB create here - note no error checking
     $fullEmail = $_POST['email'];
     $result = createTableInSimpleDB($itemName, $url, $bucket, $UUID, $fullEmail, $phone, "", $filename, "");
     # SNS publishing of message to topic - which will be sent via SMS
     $result = sendSMStoUser($topicArn, $url);
     # SQS publishing of message to Quiueing which will be used by resize.php.
     $result = createSQSQueue($itemName);