コード例 #1

require_once "../../config.php";
require_once 'lib.php';
global $DB;
$id = required_param('id', PARAM_INT);
// course id
$layoutid = required_param('layoutid', PARAM_INT);
// print layout id
if (empty($id) || empty($layoutid)) {
} else {
    $course = get_course($id);
    $validlayout = $DB->record_exists('sebtsprintroster_layouts', array('id' => $layoutid));
    if (!$validlayout) {
/// Require users to be logged in to use this feature but don't auto login as guest.
require_login($course, false);
/// Get the course context and ensure that the logged in user has the required permissions
$context = context_course::instance($course->id);
require_capability('mod/sebtsprintroster:view', $context);
$htmlcontent = create_roster($id, $mode, $layoutid);
echo $htmlcontent;
コード例 #2
/// Require users to be logged in to use this feature but don't auto login as guest.
require_login($course, false);
/// Get the course context and ensure that the logged in user has the required permissions
$context = context_course::instance($course->id);
require_capability('mod/sebtsprintroster:view', $context);
/// Print the header
$PAGE->set_url('/mod/sebtsprintroster/index.php', array('id' => $id, 'mode' => $mode));
$PAGE->set_title('Course: ' . $course->fullname);
if (empty($layoutid) || $layoutid <= 0) {
    $layoutid = get_default_layout($USER->id, $course->id);
$roster = create_roster($course->id, $mode, $layoutid);
$reposturl = new moodle_url("{$CFG->wwwroot}/mod/sebtsprintroster/index.php?id={$id}");
$printurl = new moodle_url("{$CFG->wwwroot}/mod/sebtsprintroster/print.php?id={$id}&layoutid={$layoutid}");
$layoutoptions = get_layout_options();
echo $OUTPUT->header();
echo $OUTPUT->box(get_string('previewinstructions', 'sebtsprintroster'));
echo "<br />";
echo '<div class="previewrosterform">';
echo '<label for="previewrosterform_jump">Print Layout:&nbsp;</label>';
echo $OUTPUT->single_select($reposturl, 'layoutid', $layoutoptions, $layoutid, null, 'previewrosterform');
echo "&nbsp;<a href={$printurl} target='_blank' class='btn'>Send to printer</a>";
echo '</div>';
echo "<hr style='border-width: 8px;' />" . get_string('sampleoutputheading', 'sebtsprintroster');
echo $roster;
echo $OUTPUT->footer();