<!-- Employment Row 1 --> <div class="row"> <!-- Left Column --> <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4"> <!-- Employment Status --> <fieldset> <legend class="serif-font no-padding-top">Employment Status: <span class="form-error">*</span><br /> <span class="sub-legend">(Choose one) <?php //if there is an error for this element, print it. otherwise, print an empty string. print empty($errorArray['wiseIntakeEmploymentStatus']) ? '' : '<br />' . $errorArray['wiseIntakeEmploymentStatus']; ?> </span></legend> <?php //create the radio list using the create_radio_checkbox_list function. create_radio_checkbox_list('wiseIntakeEmploymentStatus', $employmentStatusRadio, 'radio', $wiseIntakeEmploymentStatus); ?> </fieldset> </div> <!-- Large Right Column --> <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8"> <fieldset> <legend class="serif-font no-padding-top">If Employed:</legend> <div class="row"> <!-- Left Sub-column --> <div class="col-xs-6"> <!-- Employer Name --> <label for="wiseIntakeEmployerName">Name of Employer <?php //if there is an error for this element, print it. otherwise, print an empty string.
<!-- Education Information Row 2 --> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12"> <!-- Intended Programs --> <fieldset> <legend class="serif-font no-padding-top">Intended Programs:<span class="form-error">*</span><br /> <span class="sub-legend">(check all that apply) <?php //if there is an error for this element, print it. otherwise, print an empty string. print empty($errorArray['wiseIntakeIntendedPrograms']) ? '' : '<br />' . $errorArray['wiseIntakeIntendedPrograms']; ?> </span></legend> <?php //create the checkbox list using the create_radio_checkbox_list function. //the arrays for the lists are defined near the top of this page. create_radio_checkbox_list('wiseIntakeIntendedPrograms', $intendedProgramsCheckboxes, 'checkbox', $wiseIntakeIntendedPrograms); ?> </fieldset> </div> </div> <!-- End Education Information Row 2 --> <!-- Education Information Row 3 --> <div class="row" id="IntendedProgramOtherInput"> <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4"> <!-- Intended Programs "Undecided/Other" Text input --> <label for="wiseIntakeIntendedProgramOther">Specify Intended Program: <span class="form-error">*</span> <?php //if there is an error for this element, print it. otherwise, print an empty string. print empty($errorArray['wiseIntakeIntendedProgramOther']) ? '' : '<br />' . $errorArray['wiseIntakeIntendedProgramOther']; ?>