コード例 #1
$template->assign('PageTopic', 'Create Universe - Adding Admin (9/10)');
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<dl>';
$db->query('SELECT * FROM game WHERE game_id = ' . $db->escapeNumber($var['game_id']));
if ($db->nextRecord()) {
    $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<dt class="bold">Game<dt><dd>' . $db->getField('game_name') . '</dd>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<dt class="bold">Task:<dt><dd>Adding admins</d>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<dt class="bold">Description:<dt><dd style="width:50%;">';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= 'The universe is up and running so far. Here you have the chance to put all important people in the order you want! MrSpock has to be always the first tho. *fg*</dd>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<dd>**DO NOT FORGET TO ADD ACCOUNT #' . ACCOUNT_ID_NHL . ' (Newbie Help Leader)**</dd>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '</dl>';
$container = array();
$container['url'] = 'universe_create_admin_processing.php';
$container['game_id'] = $var['game_id'];
$PHP_OUTPUT .= create_echo_form($container);
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<p>&nbsp;</p>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<p>Please select the account to add:<br /><br />';
$db2 = new SmrMySqlDatabase();
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<select name="admin_id" id="InputFields" style="padding-left:10px;">';
// check if mrspock was created
$db->query('SELECT player_name
			FROM player
			WHERE account_id = 1
				AND game_id = ' . $db->escapeNumber($var['game_id']));
if ($db->nextRecord()) {
    $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<option value="0">[please select]</option>';
    // get all accounts
    $db->query('SELECT account_id, login
				FROM account
				ORDER BY login');
コード例 #2
ファイル: password_check.php プロジェクト: smrealms/smrv2.0

$template->assign('PageTopic', 'Password Checker');
// create account object
$db2 = new SmrMySqlDatabase();
$db3 = new SmrMySqlDatabase();
$db->query('SELECT count(password) as pwd_count, password FROM account
			GROUP BY password
			HAVING pwd_count > 1
			ORDER BY pwd_count DESC');
if ($db->getNumRows() > 0) {
    $PHP_OUTPUT .= create_echo_form(create_container('skeleton.php', 'password_check.php'));
    $PHP_OUTPUT .= create_submit('Select All');
    $PHP_OUTPUT .= '</form>';
    $PHP_OUTPUT .= create_echo_form(create_container('password_check_processing.php', ''));
    $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<table>';
    $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<tr>';
    $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<th>ID</th>';
    $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<th>Login</th>';
    $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<th>eMail</th>';
    $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<th>Action</th>';
    $PHP_OUTPUT .= '</tr>';
    while ($db->nextRecord()) {
        $db2->query('SELECT * FROM account WHERE password = '******'password')));
        while ($db2->nextRecord()) {
            $curr_account_id = $db2->getField('account_id');
            $db3->query('SELECT * FROM account_is_closed WHERE account_id = ' . $db->escapeNumber($curr_account_id) . ' LIMIT 1');
            $isDisabled = $db3->getNumRows() > 0;
            $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<tr' . ($isDisabled ? ' class="red"' : '') . '>';
            $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<td>' . $db2->getField('account_id') . '</td>';
            $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<td>' . $db2->getField('login') . '</td>';
コード例 #3
ファイル: bar_read_wall.php プロジェクト: smrealms/smrv2.0
    $amount = $db->getInt('message_id') + 1;
} else {
    $amount = 1;
$wall = $_REQUEST['wall'];
if (isset($wall)) {
    $db->query('INSERT INTO bar_wall (sector_id, game_id, message_id, message, time) VALUES (' . $db->escapeNumber($sector->getSectorID()) . ', ' . $db->escapeNumber($player->getGameID()) . ', ' . $db->escapeNumber($amount) . ',  ' . $db->escapeString($wall) . ' , ' . $db->escapeNumber(TIME) . ')');
$db->query('SELECT * FROM bar_wall WHERE game_id = ' . $db->escapeNumber($player->getGameID()) . ' AND sector_id = ' . $db->escapeNumber($player->getSectorID()) . ' ORDER BY time DESC');
if ($db->getNumRows()) {
    $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<table class="standard">';
    $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<tr>';
    $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<th align="center">Time written</th>';
    $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<th align="center">Message</th>';
    $PHP_OUTPUT .= '</tr>';
    while ($db->nextRecord()) {
        $time = $db->getInt('time');
        $message_on_wall = $db->getField('message');
        $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<tr>';
        $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<td align="center"><b> ' . date(DATE_FULL_SHORT, $time) . ' </b></td>';
        $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<td align="center"><b>' . $message_on_wall . '</b></td>';
        $PHP_OUTPUT .= '</tr>';
    $PHP_OUTPUT .= '</table>';
$template->assign('PageTopic', 'Write on the wall');
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<br />';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= create_echo_form(create_container('skeleton.php', 'bar_read_wall.php'));
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<textarea spellcheck="true" name="wall" id="InputFieldsText"></textarea><br /><br />';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= create_submit('Write it');
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '</form>';
コード例 #4
ファイル: planet_ownership.php プロジェクト: smrealms/smrv2.0
$planet =& $player->getSectorPlanet();
$template->assign('PageTopic', 'Planet : ' . $planet->getName() . ' [Sector #' . $player->getSectorID() . ']');
require_once get_file_loc('menu.inc');
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<p>';
if (!$planet->hasOwner()) {
    $PHP_OUTPUT .= 'The planet is unclaimed.';
    $PHP_OUTPUT .= create_echo_form(create_container('planet_ownership_processing.php', ''));
    $PHP_OUTPUT .= create_submit('Take Ownership');
    $PHP_OUTPUT .= '</form>';
} else {
    if ($planet->getOwnerID() != $player->getAccountID()) {
        $PHP_OUTPUT .= 'You can claim the planet when you enter the correct password.';
        $PHP_OUTPUT .= create_echo_form(create_container('planet_ownership_processing.php', ''));
        $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<input type="text" name="password" id="InputFields">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
        $PHP_OUTPUT .= create_submit('Take Ownership');
        $PHP_OUTPUT .= '</form>';
    } else {
        $PHP_OUTPUT .= 'You can set a password for that planet.';
        $PHP_OUTPUT .= create_echo_form(create_container('planet_ownership_processing.php', ''));
        $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<input type="text" name="password" value="' . htmlspecialchars($planet->getPassword()) . '" id="InputFields">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
        $PHP_OUTPUT .= create_submit('Set Password');
        $PHP_OUTPUT .= '</form>';
        $PHP_OUTPUT .= 'You can rename the planet.';
        $PHP_OUTPUT .= create_echo_form(create_container('planet_ownership_processing.php', ''));
        $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<input type="text" name="name" value="' . htmlspecialchars($planet->getName()) . '" id="InputFields">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
        $PHP_OUTPUT .= create_submit('Rename');
        $PHP_OUTPUT .= '</form>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '</p>';
コード例 #5
    $amount = $db->getInt('message_id') + 1;
} else {
    $amount = 1;
$gossip_tell = $_REQUEST['gossip_tell'];
if (isset($gossip_tell)) {
    $db->query('INSERT INTO bar_tender (game_id, message_id, message) VALUES (' . $db->escapeNumber($player->getGameID()) . ', ' . $db->escapeNumber($amount) . ',  ' . $db->escapeString($gossip_tell) . ' )');
$db->query('SELECT * FROM bar_tender WHERE game_id = ' . $db->escapeNumber($player->getGameID()) . ' ORDER BY rand() LIMIT 1');
if ($db->nextRecord()) {
    $PHP_OUTPUT .= 'I heard ';
    $message = $db->getField('message');
    $PHP_OUTPUT .= $message . '<br /><br />';
    $PHP_OUTPUT .= 'Got anything else to tell me?<br />';
} else {
    $PHP_OUTPUT .= 'I havent heard anything recently...got anything to tell me?<br /><br />';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= create_echo_form(create_container('skeleton.php', 'bar_talk_bartender.php'));
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<input type="text" name="gossip_tell" size="30" id="InputFields">';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= create_submit('Tell him');
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '</form><br />';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= 'What else can I do for ya?';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<br /><br />';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= create_echo_form(create_container('skeleton.php', 'bar_buy_drink_processing.php'));
$PHP_OUTPUT .= create_submit('Buy a drink ($10)');
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<br />';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= create_submit('Buy some water ($10)');
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '</form><br />';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= create_echo_form(create_container('skeleton.php', 'bar_talk_bartender.php'));
$PHP_OUTPUT .= create_submit('Talk to bartender');
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '</form>';
コード例 #6
ファイル: shop_goods.php プロジェクト: smrealms/smrv2.0
    $PHP_OUTPUT .= '</tr>';
    $container = array();
    $container['url'] = 'shop_goods_processing.php';
    foreach ($soldGoods as $good) {
        $container['good_id'] = $good['ID'];
        $PHP_OUTPUT .= create_echo_form($container);
        $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<tr class="center">';
        $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<td class="left"><img src="' . $good['ImageLink'] . '" width="13" height="16" title="' . $good['Name'] . '" alt=""> ' . $good['Name'] . '</td>';
        $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<td>' . $good['Amount'] . '</td>';
        $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<td>' . $good['BasePrice'] . '</td>';
        $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<td>' . $ship->getCargo($good['ID']) . '</td>';
        $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<td><input type="number" name="amount" value="';
        if ($good['Amount'] < $ship->getCargo($good['ID'])) {
            $PHP_OUTPUT .= $good['Amount'];
        } else {
            $PHP_OUTPUT .= $ship->getCargo($good['ID']);
        $PHP_OUTPUT .= '" size="4" id="InputFields" class="center"></td>';
        $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<td>';
        $PHP_OUTPUT .= create_submit($good['TransactionType']);
        $PHP_OUTPUT .= '</td>';
        $PHP_OUTPUT .= '</tr>';
        $PHP_OUTPUT .= '</form>';
    $PHP_OUTPUT .= '</table>';
    $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<p>&nbsp;</p>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<h2>Or do you want to:</h2>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= create_echo_form(create_container('skeleton.php', 'current_sector.php'));
$PHP_OUTPUT .= create_submit('Leave Port');
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<form>';
コード例 #7
ファイル: map_show.php プロジェクト: smrealms/smrv2.0
$template->assign('PageTopic', 'Show Map');
if (isset($_REQUEST['game_id'])) {
    SmrSession::updateVar('GameID', $_REQUEST['game_id']);
if (isset($var['GameID'])) {
    $container = create_container('map_show_processing.php');
    $container['game_id'] = $var['GameID'];
    $PHP_OUTPUT .= create_echo_form($container);
    $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<select name="account_id" size="1" id="InputFields">';
    $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<option value="0">[Please Select]</option>';
    $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<option value="all">All Players</option>';
    $db->query('SELECT * FROM player WHERE game_id = ' . $db->escapeNumber($var['GameID']) . ' ORDER BY player_name');
    while ($db->nextRecord()) {
        $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<option value="' . $db->getField('account_id') . '">' . stripslashes($db->getField('player_name')) . ' (' . $db->getField('player_id') . ')</option>';
    $PHP_OUTPUT .= '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;';
    $PHP_OUTPUT .= create_submit('Reveal Map');
    $PHP_OUTPUT .= '</form>';
} else {
    $PHP_OUTPUT .= create_echo_form(create_container('skeleton.php', 'map_show.php'));
    $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<p>Please select a game:</p>';
    $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<select name="game_id" size="1" id="InputFields">';
    $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<option value="0">[Please Select]</option>';
    $db->query('SELECT * FROM game ORDER BY game_id DESC');
    while ($db->nextRecord()) {
        $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<option value="' . $db->getField('game_id') . '">' . $db->getField('game_name') . '</option>';
    $PHP_OUTPUT .= '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;';
    $PHP_OUTPUT .= create_submit('Select');
    $PHP_OUTPUT .= '</form>';
コード例 #8
ファイル: contact.php プロジェクト: smrealms/smrv2.0

$template->assign('PageTopic', 'Report a Bug');
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<span style="font-size:75%;">Please use this form to either send your feedback or<br />';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= 'questions to the admin team of Space Merchant Realms!</span>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= create_echo_form(create_container('contact_processing.php', ''));
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<table>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<tr>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<td class="bold">From:</td>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<td>' . $account->getLogin() . '</td>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '</tr>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<tr>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<td class="bold">To:</td>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<td>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<select name="receiver">';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<option default>support@smrealms.de</option>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<option>multi@smrealms.de</option>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<option>beta@smrealms.de</option>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<option>chat@smrealms.de</option>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '</select>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '</td>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '</tr>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<tr>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<td class="bold">Subject:</td>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<td><input type="text" name="subject" id="InputFields" style="width:500px;"></td>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '</tr>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<tr>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<td class="bold" valign="top">Message:</td>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<td><textarea spellcheck="true" id="InputFields" name="msg" style="width:500px;height:400px;"></textarea></td>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '</tr>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<tr>';
コード例 #9
                        $player->increaseHOF($stat, array('Blackjack', 'Money', 'Win'), HOF_PUBLIC);
                        $player->increaseHOF(1, array('Blackjack', 'Results', 'Win'), HOF_PUBLIC);
                        $message .= 'You have won back your $' . number_format($bet * $winnings) . ' credits!';
                    } else {
                        //AI has BJ already...sorry
                        if (empty($bet)) {
                            $bet = $var['bet'];
                        $player->increaseHOF($bet, array('Blackjack', 'Money', 'Lost'), HOF_PUBLIC);
                        $player->increaseHOF(1, array('Blackjack', 'Results', 'Lost'), HOF_PUBLIC);
                $container = create_container('skeleton.php', 'bar_main.php');
                $container['script'] = 'bar_gambling_processing.php';
                $container['action'] = 'blackjack';
                $container['cards'] = $cards;
                $container['bet'] = $bet;
                $message .= create_echo_form($container);
                $message .= create_submit('Play Some More ($' . $bet . ')');
                $message .= '</form>';
                $message .= '</div>';
    $container = create_container('skeleton.php', 'bar_main.php');
    $container['script'] = 'bar_gambling_bet.php';
    $container['message'] = $message;
    $container['DisableAjax'] = true;
コード例 #10
ファイル: universe_create.php プロジェクト: smrealms/smrv2.0

//get information
$link = array();
$link['url'] = 'skeleton.php';
$link['body'] = '/1.6/universe_create_galaxies.php';
$link['nogid'] = TRUE;
$link['valid_for'] = -10;
<form method="POST" action="<?php 
echo $CreateGalaxiesHREF;
	<table class="standard">
		<td class="right">Game Name</td>
		<td><input type="text" size="32" name="game_name" value=""></td>
		<td class="right">Game Description</td>
		<td><textarea spellcheck="true" name="desc"></textarea></td>
		<td class="right">Game Speed</td>
		<td><input type="number" size="6" name="game_speed" step=".05" value="1.5"></td>
		<td class="right">Max Turns</td>
		<td><input type="number" size="6" name="max_turns" step="5" value="<?php 
コード例 #11
ファイル: beta_apply.php プロジェクト: smrealms/smrv2.0

if (!Globals::isBetaOpen()) {
    create_error('Beta Applications are currently not being accepted.');
$template->assign('PageTopic', 'Apply for Beta');
$PHP_OUTPUT .= 'The information on this page will be used by the beta team leader in choosing applicants.<br />';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= 'You must fill in all fields for your application to be considered.';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= create_echo_form(create_container('beta_apply_processing.php'));
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<table>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<tr>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<td class="bold">Login:</td>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<td>' . $account->getLogin() . '</td>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '</tr>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<tr>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<td class="bold">eMail:</td>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<td>' . $account->getEmail() . '</td>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '</tr>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<tr>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<td class="bold">Account ID:</td>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<td>' . $account->getAccountID() . '</td>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '</tr>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<tr>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<td class="bold">WebBoard Name:</td>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<td><input type="text" name="webboard" id="InputFields" style="width:300px;"></td>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '</tr>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<tr>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<td class="bold">IRC Nick:</td>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<td><input type="text" name="ircnick" id="InputFields" style="width:300px;"></td>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '</tr>';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<tr>';
コード例 #12
ファイル: newsletter_send.php プロジェクト: smrealms/smrv2.0

$template->assign('PageTopic', 'Newsletter');
$PHP_OUTPUT .= 'This uses the last newsletter to be added to the DB!<br />Please enter an eMail address where the newsletter should be sent (* for all):';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= create_echo_form(create_container('newsletter_send_processing.php', ''));
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '<input type="text" name="to_email" value="' . htmlspecialchars($account->getEmail()) . '" id="InputFields" size="25">&nbsp;';
$PHP_OUTPUT .= create_submit('Send');
$PHP_OUTPUT .= '</form>';