コード例 #1
    //class dont exists
    //show textareas with coordinates which are digitized
    if (isset($_REQUEST["withDebug"])) {
        if ($_REQUEST["withDebug"] == '1') {
            $html .= "<input type=\"textarea\" name=\"xCoord\" value=\"0\" id=\"xCoord\"/>\n";
            $html .= "<input type=\"textarea\" name=\"yCoord\" value=\"0\" id=\"yCoord\"/>\n";
    //echo "<a href = 'http://www.geoportal.rlp.de' target='_blank'> <img src = '".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/mapbender/img/geoportal_rlp.png' title=\"GeoPortal Rheinland-Pfalz\" border=0></a>";
    $html .= "<div id='docs'>\n";
    $html .= "\n";
    $html .= "</div>\n";
    //Show coords if wished
    if ($_REQUEST["mb_showCoords"] == '1') {
        //$html.="<div id='srs' class='csrs'>Koordinaten in <a href = '../../../mediawiki/index.php/".$xml->General->BoundingBox['SRS']."' target='_blank'>".$xml->General->BoundingBox['SRS']."</a>:</div>\n"; //only for geoportal.rlp
        $html .= "<div id='srs' class='csrs'>Koordinaten in " . $xml->General->BoundingBox['SRS'] . ":</div>\n";
    $html .= "<div id='showpos'></div>\n";
    $html .= "<div id='attribution'></div>\n";
    if ($_REQUEST['withoutBody'] == '1') {
    } else {
        $html .= "</body>\n";
        $html .= "</html>\n";
    //Print out HTML code
    echo $html;
//end of function createOlfromWMC_id()
createOlfromWMC_id($_GET["wmc_id"], $pointRadius, $fillColor);
コード例 #2
        $html .= "OpenLayers.Event.stop(e);\n";
        $html .= " });\n";
    //end GetfeatureInfo
    $html .= "}\n";
    //End of function
    $html .= "</script>\n";
    $html .= " </head>\n";
    $html .= "<body onload='init()'>\n";
    $html .= "<div id='tags'></div>\n";
    $html .= "<div id='map' class='smallmap'></div>\n";
    //class dont exists
    $html .= "<div id='docs'>\n";
    $html .= "\n";
    $html .= "</div>\n";
    //Show coords if wished
    if ($_REQUEST["mb_showCoords"] == '1') {
        //		$html.="<div id='srs' class='csrs'>Koordinaten in <a href = '../../../mediawiki/index.php/".$xml->General->BoundingBox['SRS']."' target='_blank'>".$xml->General->BoundingBox['SRS']."</a>:</div>\n";
        $html .= "<div id='srs' class='csrs'>Koordinaten in " . $xml->General->BoundingBox['SRS'] . ":</div>\n";
    $html .= "<div id='showpos'></div>\n";
    $html .= "<div id='attribution'></div>\n";
    $html .= "</body>\n";
    $html .= "</html>\n";
    //Print out HTML code
    echo $html;
//end of function createOlfromWMC_id()