コード例 #1
function update_user($user_id)
    global $CONFIG;
    global $lang_usermgr_php, $lang_register_php, $icon_array;
    $superCage = Inspekt::makeSuperCage();
    $user_name = $superCage->post->getEscaped('user_name');
    $user_password = $superCage->post->getEscaped('user_password');
    $user_email = $superCage->post->getEscaped('user_email');
    $profile1 = $superCage->post->getEscaped('user_profile1');
    $profile2 = $superCage->post->getEscaped('user_profile2');
    $profile3 = $superCage->post->getEscaped('user_profile3');
    $profile4 = $superCage->post->getEscaped('user_profile4');
    $profile5 = $superCage->post->getEscaped('user_profile5');
    $profile6 = $superCage->post->getEscaped('user_profile6');
    $user_active = $superCage->post->getAlpha('user_active');
    $user_group = $superCage->post->getInt('user_group');
    $group_list = $superCage->post->keyExists('group_list') ? $superCage->post->getInt('group_list') : '';
    if ($user_id == 'new_user') {
        cpg_db_query("INSERT INTO {$CONFIG['TABLE_USERS']} (user_regdate, user_profile6) VALUES (NOW(), '')");
        $user_id = mysql_insert_id();
        log_write('New user "' . $user_name . '" created', CPG_ACCESS_LOG);
        // Create a personal album if corresponding option is enabled
        if ($CONFIG['personal_album_on_registration'] == 1) {
            $catid = $user_id + FIRST_USER_CAT;
            cpg_db_query("INSERT INTO {$CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS']} (`title`, `category`) VALUES ('{$user_name}', {$catid})");
    $sql = "SELECT user_id FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_USERS']} WHERE user_name = '{$user_name}' AND user_id != {$user_id}";
    $result = cpg_db_query($sql);
    if (mysql_num_rows($result)) {
        cpg_die(ERROR, $lang_register_php['err_user_exists'], __FILE__, __LINE__);
        return false;
    if (utf_strlen($user_name) < 2) {
        cpg_die(ERROR, $lang_register_php['username_warning2'], __FILE__, __LINE__);
    if ($user_password && utf_strlen($user_password) < 2) {
        cpg_die(ERROR, $lang_register_php['password_warning1'], __FILE__, __LINE__);
    // Save old user data (we need it later to determine if we need to send the activation confirmation email)
    $user_data = mysql_fetch_assoc(cpg_db_query("SELECT user_name, user_active, user_email, user_actkey FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_USERS']} WHERE user_id = '{$user_id}'"));
    if (is_array($group_list)) {
        $user_group_list = '';
        foreach ($group_list as $group) {
            $user_group_list .= $group != $user_group ? $group . ',' : '';
        $user_group_list = substr($user_group_list, 0, -1);
    } else {
        $user_group_list = '';
    $sql_update = "UPDATE {$CONFIG['TABLE_USERS']} SET " . "user_name = '{$user_name}', " . "user_email = '{$user_email}', " . "user_active = '{$user_active}', " . "user_group = '{$user_group}', " . "user_profile1 = '{$profile1}', " . "user_profile2 = '{$profile2}', " . "user_profile3 = '{$profile3}', " . "user_profile4 = '{$profile4}', " . "user_profile5 = '{$profile5}', " . "user_profile6 = '{$profile6}', " . "user_group_list = '{$user_group_list}'";
    if (!empty($user_password)) {
        require 'include/passwordhash.inc.php';
        $sql_update .= ', ' . cpg_password_create_update_string($user_password);
    if ($user_active == 'YES') {
        $sql_update .= ", user_actkey = ''";
    $sql_update .= " WHERE user_id = '{$user_id}'";
    // Update comments' author name
    cpg_db_query("UPDATE {$CONFIG['TABLE_COMMENTS']} SET msg_author = '{$user_name}' WHERE author_id = {$user_id}");
    // If send login data checkbox is checked then send the username and password to the user in an email
    if ($superCage->post->keyExists('send_login_data') && trim($user_email)) {
        require 'include/mailer.inc.php';
        $template_vars = array('{SITE_NAME}' => $CONFIG['gallery_name'], '{SITE_LINK}' => $CONFIG['site_url'], '{USER_NAME}' => trim($user_name), '{USER_PASS}' => trim($user_password));
        if (!cpg_mail(trim($user_email), $lang_usermgr_php['send_login_email_subject'], nl2br(strtr($lang_usermgr_php['send_login_data_email'], $template_vars)))) {
            cpg_die(CRITICAL_ERROR, $lang_usermgr_php['failed_sending_email'], __FILE__, __LINE__);
    } elseif ($user_data['user_actkey'] && $user_data['user_active'] == 'NO' && $user_active == 'YES') {
        // send activation confirmation email (only once)
        require 'include/mailer.inc.php';
        $template_vars = array('{SITE_LINK}' => $CONFIG['site_url'], '{USER_NAME}' => $user_data['user_name'], '{SITE_NAME}' => $CONFIG['gallery_name']);
        cpg_mail($user_data['user_email'], sprintf($lang_register_php['notify_user_email_subject'], $CONFIG['gallery_name']), nl2br(strtr($lang_register_php['activated_email'], $template_vars)));
コード例 #2
 public function login($username = null, $password = null, $remember = false)
     global $CONFIG;
     // Create the session_id from concat(cookievalue,client_id)
     $session_id = $this->session_id . $this->client_id;
     // Check the login method (username, email address or both)
     switch ($CONFIG['login_method']) {
         case 'both':
             $sql_user_email = "(user_name = '{$username}' OR user_email = '{$username}')";
         case 'email':
             $sql_user_email = "user_email = '{$username}'";
         case 'username':
             $sql_user_email = "user_name = '{$username}'";
     $sql = "SELECT user_password, user_password_salt, user_password_hash_algorithm, user_password_iterations FROM {$this->usertable} WHERE {$sql_user_email} AND user_active = 'YES' LIMIT 1";
     $result = $this->query($sql);
     if (!$result->numRows()) {
         return false;
     require 'include/passwordhash.inc.php';
     $password_params = $result->fetchAssoc(true);
     // Check for user in users table
     $sql = "SELECT user_id, user_name, user_password FROM {$this->usertable} WHERE {$sql_user_email} ";
     if (!$password_params['user_password_salt']) {
         $sql .= "AND BINARY user_password = '******'";
     } elseif (!cpg_password_validate($password, $password_params)) {
         return false;
     $sql .= " AND user_active = 'YES' LIMIT 1";
     $result = $this->query($sql);
     if (!$result->numRows()) {
         return false;
     $USER_DATA = $result->fetchAssoc(true);
     // Update lastvisit value and salt password if needed
     $salt_password = !$password_params['user_password_salt'] ? ', ' . cpg_password_create_update_string($password) : '';
     $sql = "UPDATE {$this->usertable} SET user_lastvisit = NOW() {$salt_password} WHERE user_id = {$USER_DATA['user_id']}";
     // If this is a 'remember me' login set the remember field to true
     if ($remember) {
         $remember_sql = ",remember = '1' ";
         // Change cookie life time to 2 weeks
         if (CPG_COOKIES_ALLOWED) {
             setcookie($this->client_id, $this->session_id, time() + CPG_WEEK * 2, $CONFIG['cookie_path']);
     } else {
         $remember_sql = '';
         // Kill the cookie when closing the browser
         if (CPG_COOKIES_ALLOWED) {
             setcookie($this->client_id, $this->session_id, 0, $CONFIG['cookie_path']);
     // Update guest session with user's information
     $sql = "UPDATE {$this->sessionstable} SET ";
     $sql .= "user_id = {$USER_DATA['user_id']} ";
     $sql .= $remember_sql;
     $sql .= "WHERE session_id = '" . md5($session_id) . "'";
     return $USER_DATA;
コード例 #3
 $sql = "SELECT null FROM {$cpg_udb->sessionstable} WHERE session_id = '" . md5($CLEAN['key'] . $CLEAN['id']) . "'";
 $result = cpg_db_query($sql);
 if (!$result->numRows()) {
     cpg_die($lang_forgot_passwd_php['forgot_passwd'], $lang_forgot_passwd_php['illegal_session']);
 $sql = "SELECT {$cpg_udb->field['username']}, {$cpg_udb->field['email']} FROM {$cpg_udb->usertable} WHERE {$cpg_udb->field['user_id']} = {$CLEAN['id']}";
 $result = cpg_db_query($sql);
 if (!$result->numRows()) {
     cpg_die($lang_forgot_passwd_php['forgot_passwd'], $lang_forgot_passwd_php['err_unk_user']);
 $row = $result->fetchAssoc(true);
 // Reset Password
 $new_password = $cpg_udb->make_password();
 require 'include/passwordhash.inc.php';
 $sql = "UPDATE {$cpg_udb->usertable} SET " . cpg_password_create_update_string($new_password) . " WHERE {$cpg_udb->field['email']} = '{$row['user_email']}'";
 $template_vars = array('{USER_NAME}' => $row['user_name'], '{PASSWORD}' => $new_password, '{SITE_LINK}' => $CONFIG['ecards_more_pic_target'] . (substr($CONFIG["ecards_more_pic_target"], -1) == '/' ? '' : '/') . 'login.php', '{SITE_NAME}' => $CONFIG['gallery_name']);
 // send the password
 if (!cpg_mail($row['user_email'], sprintf($lang_forgot_passwd_php['passwd_reset_subject'], $CONFIG['gallery_name']), nl2br(strtr($lang_forgot_passwd_php['reset_email'], $template_vars)))) {
     cpg_die(CRITICAL_ERROR, $lang_forgot_passwd_php['failed_sending_email'], __FILE__, __LINE__);
 $sql = "DELETE FROM {$cpg_udb->sessionstable} WHERE session_id = '" . md5($CLEAN['key'] . $CLEAN['id']) . "'";
 // output the message
 pageheader($lang_forgot_passwd_php['forgot_passwd'], "<META http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"3;url=login.php\">");
 $referer = 'login.php';
 msg_box($lang_forgot_passwd_php['forgot_passwd'], sprintf($lang_forgot_passwd_php['email_sent'], $row['user_email']), $lang_common['continue'], $referer);
 $USER_DATA['user_password'] = '******';
コード例 #4
    $current_pass = get_post_var('current_pass');
    $new_pass = get_post_var('new_pass');
    $new_pass_again = get_post_var('new_pass_again');
    if (utf_strlen($new_pass) < 2) {
        cpg_die(ERROR, $lang_register_php['password_warning1'], __FILE__, __LINE__);
    if ($new_pass != $new_pass_again) {
        cpg_die(ERROR, $lang_register_php['password_verification_warning1'], __FILE__, __LINE__);
    require 'include/passwordhash.inc.php';
    $sql = "SELECT user_password, user_password_salt, user_password_hash_algorithm, user_password_iterations FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_USERS']} WHERE user_id = '" . USER_ID . "' LIMIT 1";
    $result = cpg_db_query($sql);
    $password_params = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
    $sql = "UPDATE {$CONFIG['TABLE_USERS']} SET " . cpg_password_create_update_string($new_pass) . " WHERE user_id = '" . USER_ID . "' ";
    if (!$password_params['user_password_salt']) {
        $sql .= "AND BINARY user_password = '******'";
    } elseif (!cpg_password_validate($current_pass, $password_params)) {
        cpg_die(ERROR, $lang_register_php['pass_chg_error'], __FILE__, __LINE__);
    $result = cpg_db_query($sql);
    if (!mysql_affected_rows($CONFIG['LINK_ID'])) {
        cpg_die(ERROR, $lang_register_php['pass_chg_error'], __FILE__, __LINE__);
    $title = sprintf($lang_register_php['x_s_profile'], stripslashes(USER_NAME));
    $redirect = $CPG_PHP_SELF . "?op=edit_profile";
    cpgRedirectPage($redirect, $title, $lang_register_php['pass_chg_success'], 3, 'success');
switch ($op) {