コード例 #1
ファイル: delete.php プロジェクト: CatBerg-TestOrg/coppermine
function delete_album($aid)
    global $CONFIG, $lang_errors, $lang_delete_php, $LINEBREAK;
    $return = '';
    $query = "SELECT title, category, owner FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS']} WHERE aid ='{$aid}'";
    $result = cpg_db_query($query);
    if (!$result->numRows()) {
        cpg_die(CRITICAL_ERROR, $lang_errors['non_exist_ap'], __FILE__, __LINE__);
    $album_data = $result->fetchAssoc(true);
        if ($album_data['category'] != FIRST_USER_CAT + USER_ID && $album_data['owner'] != USER_ID) {
            cpg_die(ERROR, $lang_errors['perm_denied'], __FILE__, __LINE__);
    $query = "SELECT pid FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} WHERE aid='{$aid}'";
    $result = cpg_db_query($query);
    // Delete all files
    $loopCounter = 0;
    while ($pic = $result->fetchAssoc()) {
        if ($loopCounter / 2 == floor($loopCounter / 2)) {
            $tablecellstyle = 'tableb';
        } else {
            $tablecellstyle = 'tableb tableb_alternate';
        delete_picture($pic['pid'], $tablecellstyle);
        $return .= ob_get_contents();
    // Delete album
    $query = "DELETE FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS']} WHERE aid='{$aid}'";
    if (cpg_db_affected_rows() > 0) {
        $return .= "<tr><td colspan=\"6\" class=\"tableb\">" . sprintf($lang_delete_php['alb_del_success'], $album_data['title']) . '</td></tr>' . $LINEBREAK;
    return $return;
コード例 #2
            // Wrap the IP address into single quotes if populated
        cpg_db_query("INSERT INTO {$CONFIG['TABLE_BANNED']} (user_id, user_name, email, ip_addr, expiry) VALUES ({$post_user_id}, '{$post_user_name}', '{$post_email}', {$post_ip}, {$post_timestamp})");
        $action_output .= '<li style="list-style-image:url(images/icons/ok.png)">' . $lang_banning_php['new_ban_record_created'] . '.</li>';
        if ($superCage->post->keyExists('delete_comment') && $superCage->post->keyExists('comment_id')) {
            $delete_what = $superCage->post->getInt('delete_comment');
            if ($delete_what == 1) {
                // delete the current comment only
                $comm_id = $superCage->post->getInt('comment_id');
                cpg_db_query("DELETE FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_COMMENTS']} WHERE msg_id = {$comm_id}");
                $nb_com_del = cpg_db_affected_rows();
                $action_output .= '<li style="list-style-image:url(images/icons/ok.png)">' . sprintf($lang_banning_php['comment_deleted'], $nb_com_del, $post_user_name) . '.</li>';
            } elseif ($delete_what == 2) {
                //delete all comments by this author
                cpg_db_query("DELETE FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_COMMENTS']} WHERE author_id = {$post_user_id}");
                $nb_com_del = cpg_db_affected_rows();
                if ($nb_com_del != 0 && $post_user_name != '') {
                    $action_output .= '<li style="list-style-image:url(images/icons/ok.png)">' . sprintf($lang_banning_php['comment_deleted'], $nb_com_del, $post_user_name) . '.</li>';
            //no need for an "else" - we don't delete a comment if else, i.e. if "none" has been selected
        // Form fields for a new database record have been submit - let's create a new record --- end
    // Determine wether form data for a new ban has been submit --- end
    // Write the new record into the database --- end
// Processing of form data --- end
// Initialisze vars
$see_all_comments = '';
$checked_single = 'disabled="disabled"';
コード例 #3
ファイル: addfav.php プロジェクト: CatBerg-TestOrg/coppermine
            $ref = str_replace("pid={$pid}", "pid={$new_pid}", $ref);
$data = base64_encode(serialize($FAVPICS));
    setcookie($CONFIG['cookie_name'] . '_fav', $data, time() + CPG_DAY * 30, $CONFIG['cookie_path']);
// If the user is logged in then put it in the DB
if (USER_ID > 0) {
    $sql = "UPDATE {$CONFIG['TABLE_FAVPICS']} SET user_favpics = '{$data}' WHERE user_id = " . USER_ID;
    // User never stored a fav... so insert new row
    if (!cpg_db_affected_rows()) {
        $sql = "INSERT INTO {$CONFIG['TABLE_FAVPICS']} (user_id, user_favpics) VALUES (" . USER_ID . ", '{$data}')";
// Prepare message
if (in_array($pid, $FAVPICS)) {
    $message_id = cpgStoreTempMessage($lang_rate_pic_php['fav_added']);
    $message_icon = 'success';
} else {
    $message_id = cpgStoreTempMessage($lang_rate_pic_php['fav_removed']);
    $message_icon = 'info';
$ref .= strpos($ref, '?') !== FALSE ? '&' : '?';
$ref .= 'message_id=' . $message_id . '&message_icon=' . $message_icon . '#cpgMessageBlock';
$header_location = @preg_match('/Microsoft|WebSTAR|Xitami/', getenv('SERVER_SOFTWARE')) ? 'Refresh: 0; URL=' : 'Location: ';
コード例 #4
     $cid_set .= ')';
     //Check if the form token is valid
     if (!checkFormToken()) {
         cpg_die(ERROR, $lang_errors['invalid_form_token'], __FILE__, __LINE__);
     if ($superCage->post->getAlpha('with_selected') == 'delete') {
         // Delete selected comments if form is posted
         cpg_db_query("DELETE FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_COMMENTS']} WHERE msg_id IN {$cid_set}");
         $nb_com_del = cpg_db_affected_rows();
     } elseif ($superCage->post->getAlpha('with_selected') == 'approve') {
         cpg_db_query("UPDATE {$CONFIG['TABLE_COMMENTS']} SET `approval` = 'YES' WHERE msg_id IN {$cid_set}");
         $nb_com_yes = cpg_db_affected_rows();
     } elseif ($superCage->post->getAlpha('with_selected') == 'disapprove') {
         cpg_db_query("UPDATE {$CONFIG['TABLE_COMMENTS']} SET `approval` = 'NO' WHERE msg_id IN {$cid_set}");
         $nb_com_no = cpg_db_affected_rows();
 // Submit ham samples back to akismet
 if ($CONFIG['comment_akismet_api_key'] != '' && $CONFIG['comment_akismet_enable'] == 0) {
     foreach ($akismet_ham_array as $key) {
         $result = cpg_db_query("SELECT pid, msg_author, msg_body, msg_hdr_ip FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_COMMENTS']} WHERE msg_id='{$key}' LIMIT 1");
         $comment_data = $result->fetchArray(true);
         $akismet_result = cpg_akismet_submit_data($comment_evaluation_array, 'ham');
 $result = cpg_db_query("SELECT count(*) FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_COMMENTS']} WHERE 1");
 $nbEnr = $result->fetchArray(true);
 $comment_count = $nbEnr[0];
 if (!$comment_count) {
     cpg_die(INFORMATION, $lang_reviewcom_php['no_comment'], __FILE__, __LINE__);