te("File"); ?> </th> <th><?php te("Associations"); ?> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php $i = 0; /// print actions list while ($r = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $i++; $nlinks = countfileidlinks($r['id'], $dbh); $type = $r['typedesc']; if ($type == "invoice") { $type = "<span style='color:#0076A0'>{$type}</span>"; } if (!($i % 2)) { $cl = "class=dark"; } else { $cl = ""; } echo "\n<tr {$cl} id='trid{$r['id']}'>"; echo "<td><a class='editid' href='{$scriptname}?action=editfile&id=" . $r['id'] . "'>{$r['id']}</a></td>\n"; echo "<td style='padding-left:2px;padding-right:2px;'>{$type}</td>\n"; echo "<td style='padding-left:2px;padding-right:2px;'>{$r['title']}</td>\n"; echo "<td><a class='smaller' target=_blank href='{$uploaddirwww}{$r['fname']}'>{$r['fname']}</a></td>\n"; if (!$nlinks) {
$sql = "insert into items ({$cols}) " . " select {$cols} from items " . " where id={$_GET['cloneid']}"; $sth = db_exec($dbh, $sql); $lastid = $dbh->lastInsertId(); $newid = $lastid; echo "<script>document.location='{$scriptname}?action=edititem&id={$newid}'</script>"; echo "<a href='{$scriptname}?action=edititem&id={$newid}'>Go here</a></body></html>"; exit; } /* delete associated file */ if (isset($_GET['delfid'])) { /* displayed from showfiles() */ //remove file link $sql = "DELETE from item2file where itemid={$id} AND fileid=" . $_GET['delfid']; $sth = db_exec($dbh, $sql); //check if others point to this file $nlinks = countfileidlinks($_GET['delfid'], $dbh); if ($nlinks == 0) { delfile($_GET['delfid'], $dbh); } //echo "$nlinks DELETED ".$_GET['delfid']; echo "<script>window.location='{$scriptname}?action={$action}&id={$id}'</script> "; echo "<br><a href='{$scriptname}?action={$action}&id={$id}'>Go here</a></body></html>"; exit; } //check for arguments if (!isset($_GET['id'])) { echo "edititem:missing arguments"; exit; } /* update item data */ //if came here from a form post, update db with new values
te("Filename"); ?> :</td><td><a target=_blank href="<?php echo $uploaddirwww . $r['fname']; ?> "><?php echo $r['fname']; ?> </a></td></tr> <tr><td title='Number of items/software/invoices/etc which reference this file' class="tdt"><?php te("Associations"); ?> :</td> <td><b><?php if ($_GET['id'] != "new") { echo countfileidlinks($_GET['id'], $dbh); } ?> </b></td></tr> <tr><td class="tdt"><?php te("Uploaded by"); ?> :</td> <td><?php echo $r['uploader']; ?> on <?php if (!empty($r['uploaddate'])) { echo date($dateparam . " H:m", $r['uploaddate']); } ?> </td></tr>