function flood_control($field, $table, $where, $debug = FALSE) { global $userdata, $settings, $locale, $defender; $flood = FALSE; if (!iSUPERADMIN && !iADMIN && (!defined("iMOD") || !iMOD) || $debug) { $result = dbquery("SELECT MAX(" . $field . ") AS last_post FROM " . $table . " WHERE " . $where); if (dbrows($result)) { $time = time(); $data = dbarray($result); if ($time - $data['last_post'] < $settings['flood_interval']) { $defender->stop(); addNotice('warning', sprintf($locale['flood'], countdown($settings['flood_interval'] - ($time - $data['last_post'])))); $flood = TRUE; $result = dbquery("INSERT INTO " . DB_FLOOD_CONTROL . " (flood_ip, flood_ip_type, flood_timestamp) VALUES ('" . USER_IP . "', '" . USER_IP_TYPE . "', '" . time() . "')"); // This should be in settings, "After how many flood offences take action" then a setting for what action to take if (dbcount("(flood_ip)", DB_FLOOD_CONTROL, "flood_ip='" . USER_IP . "'") > 4) { if (!$debug) { if (iMEMBER && $settings['flood_autoban'] == "1") { require_once INCLUDES . "sendmail_include.php"; require_once INCLUDES . "suspend_include.php"; $result = dbquery("UPDATE " . DB_USERS . " SET user_status='4', user_actiontime='0' WHERE user_id='" . $userdata['user_id'] . "'"); suspend_log($userdata['user_id'], 4, $locale['global_440'], TRUE); $message = str_replace("[USER_NAME]", $userdata['user_name'], $locale['global_442']); $message = str_replace("[USER_IP]", USER_IP, $message); $message = str_replace("[USER_IP]", USER_IP, $message); $message = str_replace("[SITE_EMAIL]", $settings['siteemail'], $message); $message = str_replace("[SITEUSERNAME]", $settings['siteusername'], $message); $subject = str_replace("[SITENAME]", $settings['sitename'], $locale['global_441']); sendemail($userdata['user_name'], $userdata['user_email'], $settings['siteusername'], $settings['siteemail'], $subject, $message); } elseif (!iMEMBER) { $result = dbquery("INSERT INTO " . DB_BLACKLIST . " (blacklist_ip, blacklist_ip_type, blacklist_email, blacklist_reason) VALUES ('" . USER_IP . "', '" . USER_IP_TYPE . "', '', '" . $locale['global_440'] . "')"); } } else { addNotice('info', "DEBUG MESSAGE: Triggered flood control action due to repeated offences. This could've resulted in a ban or suspenstion"); } } } } } return $flood; }
<tr><td align="center" valign="middle"><b>' . $lang['over']['0300'] . '</b></td></tr> </table>'; } } else { $parse['build'] = '<table cellspacing="0" style="width:100%;"> <tr><td align="center" valign="middle"><b>' . $lang['over']['0300'] . '</b></td></tr> </table>'; } if ($planetrow['b_tech'] != 0) { HandleTechnologieBuild($planetrow, $user); if ($planetrow['b_tech'] != 0) { $BuildQueue = explode(";", $planetrow['b_tech_id']); $CurrBuild = explode(",", $BuildQueue[0]); $RestTime = $planetrow['b_tech'] - time(); $PlanetID = $planetrow['id']; $Build = countdown('forschung', $RestTime); $Build2 = $lang['tech'][$CurrBuild[0]]; $parse['tech'] = '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="width:100%;"> <tr><td class="sb" align="left" style="width:30%;" valign="top" ><img src="' . $dpath . 'gebaeude/' . $CurrBuild[0] . '.gif" style="width:40px; height:40px;" alt=""></td> <td class="sb" align="center" style="width:70%;" valign="middle" >' . $Build . ' </td></tr> <tr><td class="sb" align="center" style="width:30%;" valign="middle" ><img src="./styl/image/pfeile/rechto.png" alt=""></td> <td class="sb" align="left" style="width:70%;" valign="middle" >' . $Build2 . ' </td></tr> </table>'; } else { $parse['tech'] = '<table cellspacing="0" style="width:100%;"> <tr><td align="center" valign="middle"><b>' . $lang['over']['0300'] . '</b></td></tr> </table>'; } } else { $parse['tech'] = '<table cellspacing="0" style="width:100%;"> <tr><td align="center" valign="middle"><b>' . $lang['over']['0300'] . '</b></td></tr>
</td> <td align="left" > 25000+ Kampfpunkte </td> </tr> <tr align="center" class="standard"> <td colspan="4" align="center" > <br />(Trümmerfelder können erst ab einer<br />grösse von 2500 vom Scanner entdeckt werden.) </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table>'; $file = fopen($path, 'w'); fputs($file, $karte); fclose($file); $karte = str_replace('SID', SID, $karte); $karte = str_replace('%update%', countdown(4 * 3600), $karte); $content .= $karte; mysql_query("UPDATE `user` SET `karte` = '" . date('U') . "' WHERE `omni` = '" . $_SESSION['user']['omni'] . "' LIMIT 1 ;"); } else { $file = @fopen($path, 'r'); $size = filesize($path); $karte = fread($file, $size); $karte = str_replace('SID', SID, $karte); $karte = str_replace('%update%', countdown($time['karte'] + 4 * 3600 - date('U')), $karte); $content .= $karte; } $content = tag2value("onload", 'startCountdown1();', $content); echo $content . template('footer');
?>"> <div class="panel-body"> <b><?= $project->project_name; ?> </b><br /><?= $project->class . ' - ' . $project->term; ?> </div> <div class="panel-body"> <a data-toggle="modal" data-target="#projectModal" href="/admin/instructions/<?= $project->project_id ?>"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-file"></span> Consignes</a><br /> </div> <div class="panel-footer clearfix"> <?php if (countdown($project->deadline)): ?> <span class="label label-info">J - <?= countdown($project->deadline); ?></span> <?php endif ?> <span class="label label-info"><?php if($project->is_activated && countdown($project->deadline)) echo _('En cours'); elseif ($project->is_activated && !countdown($project->deadline)) echo _('Terminé'); elseif (!$project->is_activated) echo _('Désactivé'); ?></span> <div class="dropdown pull-right"> <a data-toggle="modal" data-target="#projectModal" href="/admin/project_management/<?= $project->project_id; ?>" class="btn btn-default btn-xs" role="button"> <?=_('Modifier') ?></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php
$start = $row[fertigstellung]; do { $i++; if ($i < 4) { if ($row[type] >= 1 and $row[type] <= 15) { $content .= '<tr align="left"><td>' . $einh[$row[type]][name] . '</td><td style="width:55px"><center>' . countdown($row[fertigstellung] - date(U)) . '</center></td></tr>'; $stop = $row[fertigstellung]; } if ($row[type] >= 1001 and $row[type] <= 1011) { $row[type] -= 1000; $content .= '<tr align="left"><td>' . $def[$row[type]][name] . '</td><td style="width:55px"><center>' . countdown($row[fertigstellung] - date(U)) . '</center></td></tr>'; $stop = $row[fertigstellung]; } if ($row[type] >= 2001 and $row[type] <= 2006) { $row[type] -= 2000; $content .= '<tr align="left"><td>' . $rak[$row[type]][name] . '</td><td style="width:55px"><center>' . countdown($row[fertigstellung] - date(U)) . '</center></td></tr>'; $stop = $row[fertigstellung]; } } else { if ($row[type] >= 1 and $row[type] <= 15) { $content .= '<tr align="left"><td>' . $einh[$row[type]][name] . '</td><td style="width:55px"><center>' . time2str($row[fertigstellung] - date(U)) . '</center></td></tr>'; $stop = $row[fertigstellung]; } if ($row[type] >= 1001 and $row[type] <= 1011) { $row[type] -= 1000; $content .= '<tr align="left"><td>' . $def[$row[type]][name] . '</td><td style="width:55px"><center>' . time2str($row[fertigstellung] - date(U)) . '</center></td></tr>'; $stop = $row[fertigstellung]; } if ($row[type] >= 2001 and $row[type] <= 2006) { $row[type] -= 2000; $content .= '<tr align="left"><td>' . $rak[$row[type]][name] . '</td><td style="width:55px"><center>' . time2str($row[fertigstellung] - date(U)) . '</center></td></tr>';
} elseif ($row['type'] == 3) { $mission = 'überführen'; } elseif ($row['type'] == 4) { $mission = 'sammeln'; } $i = 0; do { $i++; $size += $row['einh' . $i] * $einh[$i]['size']; } while ($i < 15); if ($size > $ressis['hangar']) { $size = '<font color="red">' . $size . '</font>'; } $newpiece = str_replace('%type%', $mission, $piece); $newpiece = str_replace('%ziel%', $row['ziel'], $newpiece); $newpiece = str_replace('%size%', $size, $newpiece); $newpiece = str_replace('%units%', $row['einh1'] + $row['einh2'] + $row['einh3'] + $row['einh4'] + $row['einh5'] + $row['einh6'] + $row['einh7'] + $row['einh8'] + $row['einh9'] + $row['einh10'] + $row['einh11'] + $row['einh12'] + $row['einh13'] + $row['einh14'] + $row['einh15'], $newpiece); $newpiece = str_replace('%speed%', $row['speed'], $newpiece); $newpiece = str_replace('%ankunft%', date('H:i - d.m', $row['return']), $newpiece); $newpiece = str_replace('%countdown%', countdown($row['return'] - date('U')), $newpiece); $newpiece = str_replace('%mehr%', '<a href="mission.php?' . SID . '&id=' . $row['id'] . '">mehr</a>', $newpiece); $newpiece = str_replace('%link%', 'mission.php?' . SID . '&id=' . $row['id'], $newpiece); $missionr .= $newpiece; $size = 0; } } while ($row); $content = tag2value('return_missions', $missionr, $content); } // generierte seite ausgeben $content = tag2value("onload", $onload, $content); echo $content . template('footer');
<?php function countdown($counter) { while ($counter > 0) { print "{$counter}.."; $counter--; } print "boom!<br>\n"; } $counter = 5; countdown($counter); print "Now, counter is {$counter}";
//countdown(2008,8,8,12+10,0); // Start Time // //countdown(2008,8,10,12+10,0); // Start Time // //countdown(2008,8,24,12+10,0); // Judge End Time // // LD 13 //countdown(2008,12,5,12+10,0); // Start Time // //countdown(2008,12,7,12+10,0); // End Time // //countdown(2008,12,21,12+10,0); // Judge End Time // // LD 14 //countdown(2009,4,17,12+10,0); // Start Time // //countdown(2009,4,19,12+10,0); // End Time // // countdown(2009,5,6,12+10,0); // Judge End Time // // LD 15 //countdown(2009,8,28,12+10,0); // Start Time // // LD16 // countdown(2009,12,11,12+8,0); // start time countdown(2009, 12, 13, 12 + 8, 0); // end time //-------------------------- // author: Louai Munajim // website: // // Note: // Unix timestamp limitations // Date range is from // the year 1970 to 2038 //-------------------------- function countdown($year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute) { // make a unix timestamp for the given date $the_countdown_date = mktime($hour, $minute, 0, $month, $day, $year, -1); // get current unix timestamp
$entfernung += $to_position['y'] + $to_position['z'] * 20 - ($own_position['y'] + $own_position['z'] * 20); } if (!$row) { $content .= '<span style="font-size: 12px";><b>Du kannst diese Mission nicht beschiessen!</b></span><br />'; } else { if ($row['ankunft'] < date('U')) { $content .= '<span style="font-size: 12px";><b>Du kannst diese Mission nicht beschiessen da sie bereits auf dem Rückweg ist!</b></span><br />'; } elseif ($row['ankunft'] < date('U') + 300) { $content .= '<span style="font-size: 12px";><b>Du kannst diese Mission nicht beschiessen da sie bereits weniger wie 5 minuten von deiner Basis entfernt ist!</b></span><br />'; } else { mysql_query("UPDATE `raketen` SET `einh1` = '" . ($raksilo['einh1'] - $_POST['anz1']) . "', `einh2` = '" . ($raksilo['einh2'] - $_POST['anz2']) . "', `einh3` = '" . ($raksilo['einh3'] - $_POST['anz3']) . "', `einh4` = '" . ($raksilo['einh4'] - $_POST['anz4']) . "', `einh5` = '" . ($raksilo['einh5'] - $_POST['anz5']) . "', `einh6` = '" . ($raksilo['einh6'] - $_POST['anz6']) . "' WHERE `omni` = '" . $_SESSION['user']['omni'] . "' LIMIT 1;"); $ankunftK = $row['ankunft'] - date('U'); //$ankunft = (date('U')) + ($ankunftK * $row['speed'] / 666); $entfernung = $entfernung / 100 * ($row['ankunft'] - date('U')) / (($row['ankunft'] - $row['started']) / 100); $ankunft = date(U) + felder2time($entfernung * 10 / 666) - 3600; $content .= '<span style="font-size: 12px";><b>Beschuss gestartet, Einschlag in ' . countdown($ankunft - date('U')) . '.</b></span><br />'; mysql_query("INSERT INTO `beschuss` ( `id` , `start` , `ziel` , `type` , `einh1` , `einh2` , `einh3` , `einh4` , `einh5` , `einh6` , `ankunft` ) VALUES ('', '" . $_SESSION['user']['omni'] . "', '" . $_POST['ziel'] . "', '" . $type . "', '" . $_POST['anz1'] . "', '" . $_POST['anz2'] . "', '" . $_POST['anz3'] . "', '" . $_POST['anz4'] . "', '" . $_POST['anz5'] . "', '" . $_POST['anz6'] . "', '" . $ankunft . "');"); $eid = mysql_insert_id($dbh); $selectResult = mysql_query("INSERT INTO `events` ( `id` , `type` , `eid` , `date` ) VALUES ('', '5', '" . $eid . "', '" . $ankunft . "');"); do { $raksilo['einh' . $i] -= $_POST['anz' . $i]; $i++; } while ($i <= 6); } } } } } do { $count++; $treffer[$count] = $rak[$count]['treffer'] * $gebaeude['raketensilo'];
<span class="label label-success">En cours</span> <?php else: ?> <span class="label label-info">Clôturé</span> <?php endif?> <?php if($project->graded): ?> <span class="label label-primary">Évalué</span> <?php endif ?> </p> </div> <div class="btn-group btn-group-justified" role="group" aria-label="..."> <div class="btn-group" role="group"> <a data-toggle="modal" data-target="#projectModal" href="/projects/instructions/<?= $project->project_id ?>" type="button" class="btn btn-sm btn-default">Consignes</a> </div> <div class="btn-group" role="group"> <a href="<?= (countdown($project->raw_deadline) ? '/projects/submit/' . $project->project_id . '" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#projectModal" ' : '"#"' ) ?> type="button" class="btn btn-sm btn-default" <?= (countdown($project->raw_deadline) ? '' : 'disabled') ?>>Remise</a> </div> <div class="btn-group" role="group"> <a data-toggle="modal" data-target="#projectModal" href="/projects/results/<?= $project->project_id ?>" type="button" class="btn btn-sm btn-default">Résultats</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php if ($projects[$curr]->term !== @$projects[$curr + 1]->term) { echo '</div> <!-- /. row term-->'; }
do { $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); if ($row) { $munition .= '<option value="' . $row['id'] . '">' . $row['damage'] . ' Schaden</option>'; } } while ($row); } $select = "SELECT * FROM `munition` WHERE `omni` = '" . $_SESSION['user']['omni'] . "' AND `finished` > '" . date('U') . "';"; $result = mysql_query($select); $row = @mysql_fetch_array($result); if (!$row) { $munbauen = template('munition_bauen'); } else { $muninbau = 1; $munbauen = template('munition_bauen_countdown'); $munbauen = tag2value('restdauer', countdown($row['finished'] - date('U')), $munbauen); $munbauen = tag2value('schaden', $row['damage'], $munbauen); } if ($muninbau != 1 and $rounds >= ($raumstation['plasma'] - 1) * 2) { $munbauen = template('munition_bauen_voll'); } // scanner if ($_POST['submit'] == "Kosten berechnen") { $to_position = position($_POST['scanbase']); $own_position = position($_SESSION['user']['omni']); $own_pos = $own_position[x] + ($own_position[y] + $own_position[z] * 20); $to_pos = $to_position[x] + ($to_position[y] + $to_position[z] * 20); if ($own_position[x] > $to_position[x]) { $entfernung = $own_position[x] - $to_position[x]; } else { $entfernung = $to_position[x] - $own_position[x];
$parse['anothers_planets'] = $AllPlanets; $parse['max_users'] = $game_config['users_amount']; $parse['metal_debris'] = pretty_number($galaxyrow['metal']); $parse['crystal_debris'] = pretty_number($galaxyrow['crystal']); if (($galaxyrow['metal'] != 0 || $galaxyrow['crystal'] != 0) && $planetrow[$resource[209]] != 0) { $parse['get_link'] = " (<a href=\"?action=internalQuickfleet&mode=8&g=" . $galaxyrow['galaxy'] . "&s=" . $galaxyrow['system'] . "&p=" . $galaxyrow['planet'] . "&t=2\">" . $lang['type_mission'][8] . "</a>)"; } else { $parse['get_link'] = ''; } UpdatePlanetBatimentQueueList($planetrow, $user); if ($planetrow['b_building'] != 0) { $BuildQueue = explode(";", $planetrow['b_building_id']); $CurrBuild = explode(",", $BuildQueue[0]); $RestTime = $planetrow['b_building'] - time(); $PlanetID = $planetrow['id']; $parse['building'] = "<th>" . countdown('gebaude', $RestTime, 'Kontrollzentrum') . "</th><th>" . $lang['tech'][$CurrBuild[0]] . " (Stufe " . $CurrBuild[1] . ") </th>"; } else { $parse['building'] = "<th> </th><th> </th>"; } if ($planetrow['b_tech'] != 0) { HandleTechnologieBuild($planetrow, $user); if ($planetrow['b_tech'] != 0) { $BuildQueue = explode(";", $planetrow['b_tech_id']); $CurrBuild = explode(",", $BuildQueue[0]); $RestTime = $planetrow['b_tech'] - time(); $PlanetID = $planetrow['id']; $parse['tech'] = "<th>" . Countdown("forschung", $RestTime, 'Kontrollzentrum') . "</th><th>" . $lang['tech'][$CurrBuild[0]] . "</th>"; } else { $parse['tech'] = "<th> </th><th> </th>"; } } else {
$select = "SELECT * FROM `fabrik` WHERE `omni` = " . $_SESSION[user][omni] . " ORDER BY fertigstellung ASC;"; $result = mysql_query($select); $rows = mysql_numrows($result); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); $i = 0; if ($row) { do { $i++; if ($row['type'] < 1000) { $fabrik .= '<b>' . $einh[$row['type']]['name'] . ' - ' . countdown($row['fertigstellung'] - date('U')) . '</b><br />'; } elseif ($row['type'] < 2000) { $row['type'] -= 1000; $fabrik .= '<b>' . $def[$row['type']]['name'] . ' - ' . countdown($row['fertigstellung'] - date('U')) . '</b><br />'; } elseif ($row['type'] < 3000) { $row['type'] -= 2000; $fabrik .= '<b>' . $rak[$row['type']]['name'] . ' - ' . countdown($row['fertigstellung'] - date('U')) . '</b><br />'; } $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); } while ($row and $i < 3); } else { $fabrik = '<b>-----</b>'; } $select = "SELECT * FROM `defense` WHERE `omni` = '" . $_SESSION['user']['omni'] . "';"; $result = mysql_query($select); $defender_def = mysql_fetch_array($result); $select = "SELECT * FROM `hangar` WHERE `omni` = '" . $_SESSION['user']['omni'] . "';"; $result = mysql_query($select); $defender = mysql_fetch_array($result); // forschungen $select = "SELECT * FROM `forschungen` WHERE `omni` = '" . $_SESSION[user][omni] . "';"; $result = mysql_query($select);
$myfile = fopen($file, "w") or die("Unable to open file!"); fwrite($myfile, 0); fclose($myfile); $n_battles_ennemy_used = file_get_contents($file); } // n_battles_team_used $file = "n_battles_team_used.txt"; if (file_exists($file)) { $n_battles_team_used = file_get_contents($file); } else { $myfile = fopen($file, "w") or die("Unable to open file!"); fwrite($myfile, 0); fclose($myfile); $n_battles_team_used = file_get_contents($file); } countdown($CTthisYear, $CTthisMonth, $CTthisDay, $CTthisHour, $CTthisMinute, $tot_battles, $n_team_victory, $n_ennemy_victory, $n_battles_team_used, $n_battles_ennemy_used); function countdown($year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $tot_battles, $n_team_victory, $n_ennemy_victory, $n_battles_team_used, $n_battles_ennemy_used) { // make a unix timestamp for the given date $the_countdown_date = mktime($hour, $minute, 0, $month, $day, $year, -1); // get current unix timestamp $today = time(); $difference = $the_countdown_date - $today; if ($difference < 0) { $difference = 0; } $days_left = floor($difference / 60 / 60 / 24); $hours_left = floor(($difference - $days_left * 60 * 60 * 24) / 60 / 60); $minutes_left = floor(($difference - $days_left * 60 * 60 * 24 - $hours_left * 60 * 60) / 60); //echo "<br>"; $color_gdc = "yellow";