コード例 #1
  * Processes the message (sends by email).
  * @param object $message the message to be sent
 function send_message($message)
     //send an email
     //if fails saved as read message
     //first try to get preference
     $usertoemail = get_user_preferences('message_processor_email_email', '', $message->useridto);
     //if fails use user profile default
     if ($usertoemail == NULL) {
         $userto = get_record('user', 'id', $message->useridto);
         $usertoemail = $userto->email;
     $userfrom = get_record('user', 'id', $message->useridfrom);
     if (email_to_user($usertoemail, $userfrom->email, $message->subject, $message->fullmessage, $message->fullmessagehtml)) {
         /// Move the entry to the other table
         $message->timeread = time();
         $messageid = $message->id;
         //if there is no more processor that want to process this can move message
         if (count_records('message_working', array('unreadmessageid' => $messageid)) == 0) {
             if (insert_record('message_read', $message)) {
                 delete_records('message', 'id', $messageid);
     } else {
         //delete what we've processed and check if can move message
         if (count_records('message_working', 'unreadmessageid', $messageid) == 0) {
             if (insert_record('message_read', $message)) {
                 delete_records('message', 'id', $messageid);
     return true;
コード例 #2
function wiki_check_backup_mods($course, $user_data = false, $backup_unique_code)
    //First the course data
    $info[0][0] = get_string("modulenameplural", 'wiki');
    $info[0][1] = count_records('wiki', "course", "{$course}");
    return $info;
コード例 #3
function game_importsnakes()
    if (count_records('game_snakes_database') != 0) {
    $newrec->name = '8x8 - 4 Snakes - 4 Ladders';
    $newrec->cols = 8;
    $newrec->rows = 8;
    $newrec->fileboard = 'fidaki.jpg';
    $newrec->direction = 1;
    $newrec->headerx = 4;
    $newrec->headery = 4;
    $newrec->footerx = 4;
    $newrec->footery = 4;
    $newrec->width = 487;
    $newrec->height = 487;
    $newrec->data = 'L3-18,S5-19,S8-27,L24-39,L29-53,S32-62,S41-58,L48-63';
    $newrec->name = '6x6 - 3 Snakes - 3 Ladders';
    $newrec->cols = 6;
    $newrec->rows = 6;
    $newrec->fileboard = 'fidaki2.jpg';
    $newrec->direction = 1;
    $newrec->headerx = 8;
    $newrec->headery = 8;
    $newrec->footerx = 8;
    $newrec->footery = 8;
    $newrec->width = 502;
    $newrec->height = 436;
    $newrec->data = 'L2-25,S4-23,L8-18,S16-20,L19-29,S27-33';
コード例 #4
  * this method is only implemented in internal & is used for the header
 public static function unread_count($userid)
     static $unreadcount = array();
     if (!isset($unreadcount[$userid])) {
         $unreadcount[$userid] = count_records('notification_internal_activity', 'usr', $userid, 'read', 0);
     return $unreadcount[$userid];
コード例 #5
 public function __construct($path = SEARCH_INDEX_PATH)
     global $CFG, $db;
     $this->path = $path;
     //test to see if there is a valid index on disk, at the specified path
     try {
         $test_index = new Zend_Search_Lucene($this->path, false);
         $validindex = true;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $validindex = false;
     //retrieve file system info about the index if it is valid
     if ($validindex) {
         $this->size = display_size(get_directory_size($this->path));
         $index_dir = get_directory_list($this->path, '', false, false);
         $this->filecount = count($index_dir);
         $this->indexcount = $test_index->count();
     } else {
         $this->size = 0;
         $this->filecount = 0;
         $this->indexcount = 0;
     $db_exists = false;
     //for now
     //get all the current tables in moodle
     $admin_tables = $db->MetaTables();
     //TODO: use new IndexDBControl class for database checks?
     //check if our search table exists
     if (in_array($CFG->prefix . SEARCH_DATABASE_TABLE, $admin_tables)) {
         //retrieve database information if it does
         $db_exists = true;
         //total documents
         $this->dbcount = count_records(SEARCH_DATABASE_TABLE);
         //individual document types
         // $types = search_get_document_types();
         $types = search_collect_searchables(true, false);
         foreach ($types as $type) {
             $c = count_records(SEARCH_DATABASE_TABLE, 'doctype', $type);
             $this->types[$type] = (int) $c;
     } else {
         $this->dbcount = 0;
         $this->types = array();
     //check if the busy flag is set
     if (isset($CFG->search_indexer_busy) && $CFG->search_indexer_busy == '1') {
         $this->complete = false;
     } else {
         $this->complete = true;
     //get the last run date for the indexer
     if ($this->valid() && $CFG->search_indexer_run_date) {
         $this->time = $CFG->search_indexer_run_date;
     } else {
         $this->time = 0;
コード例 #6
function questionnaire_upgrade_2006031700()
    /// Upgrade the questionnaire_response table to use integer timestamps.
    table_column('questionnaire_response', 'submitted', 'submitted', 'varchar', '20', '', ' ');
    /// This will be heavy on the database....
    if (($numrecs = count_records('questionnaire_response')) > 0) {
        $recstart = 0;
        $recstoget = 100;
        while ($recstart < $numrecs) {
            if ($records = get_records('questionnaire_response', '', '', '', '*', $recstart, $recstoget)) {
                foreach ($records as $record) {
                    $tstampparts = explode(' ', $record->submitted);
                    $dateparts = explode('-', $tstampparts[0]);
                    $timeparts = explode(':', $tstampparts[1]);
                    $time = mktime($timeparts[0], $timeparts[1], $timeparts[2], $dateparts[1], $dateparts[2], $dateparts[0]);
                    set_field('questionnaire_response', 'submitted', $time, 'id', $record->id);
                    if ($record->qtype == 'unlimited') {
                        $qtype = 0;
                    } else {
                        if ($record->type == 'once') {
                            $qtype = 1;
                    set_field('questionnaire_response', 'qtype', $qtype, 'id', $record->id);
            $recstart += $recstoget;
    table_column('questionnaire_response', 'submitted', 'submitted', 'integer', '10');
    /// This will be heavy on the database....
    if (($numrecs = count_records('questionnaire')) > 0) {
        $recstart = 0;
        $recstoget = 100;
        while ($recstart < $numrecs) {
            if ($records = get_records('questionnaire', '', '', '', '*', $recstart, $recstoget)) {
                foreach ($records as $record) {
                    if ($record->qtype == 'unlimited') {
                        $qtype = 0;
                    } else {
                        if ($record->qtype == 'once') {
                            $qtype = 1;
                    set_field('questionnaire', 'qtype', $qtype, 'id', $record->id);
            $recstart += $recstoget;
    /// Modify the qtype field of the 'questionnaire' table to be integer instead of enum.
    table_column('questionnaire', 'qtype', 'qtype', 'integer', '10');
    /// Add response viewing eligibility.
    table_column('questionnaire', '', 'resp_view', 'integer', '2', 'unsigned', '0', 'not null', 'resp_eligible');
    return true;
コード例 #7
ファイル: upgrade.php プロジェクト: r007/PMoodle
 * This test is becuase the RQP question type was included in core
 * up to and including Moodle 1.8, and was removed before Moodle 1.9.
 * Therefore, we want to check whether any rqp questions exist in the database
 * before doing the upgrade. However, the check is not relevant if that
 * question type was never installed, or if the person has chosen to
 * manually reinstall the rqp question type from contrib.
 * @param $result the result object that can be modified.
 * @return null if the test is irrelevant, or true or false depending on whether the test passes.
function question_check_no_rqp_questions($result)
    global $CFG;
    if (empty($CFG->qtype_rqp_version) || is_dir($CFG->dirroot . '/question/type/rqp')) {
        return null;
    } else {
        $result->setStatus(count_records('question', 'qtype', 'rqp') == 0);
    return $result;
コード例 #8
function xmldb_blocktype_textbox_upgrade($oldversion = 0)
    if ($oldversion < 2011082200) {
        // Convert all textbox html content to artefacts
        $tbcount = count_records('block_instance', 'blocktype', 'textbox');
        $sql = '
            SELECT b.id, b.title, b.configdata, b.view,
                v.owner, v.group, v.institution, v.ctime, v.mtime, v.atime
            FROM {block_instance} b JOIN {view} v ON b.view = v.id
            WHERE b.id > ? AND b.blocktype = ?
            ORDER BY b.id';
        $done = 0;
        $lastid = 0;
        if (is_mysql()) {
            $mp = mysql_get_variable('max_allowed_packet');
            $limit = $mp && is_numeric($mp) && $mp > 1048576 ? $mp / 8192 : 100;
        } else {
            $limit = 5000;
        while ($records = get_records_sql_array($sql, array($lastid, 'textbox'), 0, $limit)) {
            // Create the new artefacts
            $values = array();
            foreach ($records as $r) {
                $configdata = unserialize($r->configdata);
                array_push($values, 'html', $r->ctime, $r->mtime, $r->atime, $r->title, isset($configdata['text']) ? $configdata['text'] : '', $r->owner, $r->group, $r->institution, $r->owner > 0 ? $r->owner : null, $r->owner > 0 ? null : '?', $r->id);
                // Dumping the block id in the note column makes it easier to update block_instance later
            $insertsql = "\n                INSERT INTO {artefact}\n                    (artefacttype, ctime, mtime, atime, title, description, owner, \"group\", institution, author, authorname, note)\n                VALUES ";
            $insertsql .= join(',', array_fill(0, count($records), '(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)'));
            execute_sql($insertsql, $values);
            // Update block_instance configdata to point at the new artefacts
            if (is_postgres()) {
                execute_sql("\n                    UPDATE {block_instance}\n                    SET configdata = 'a:1:{s:10:\"artefactid\";i:' || a.id::text || ';}'\n                    FROM (\n                        SELECT id, note FROM {artefact} WHERE artefacttype = 'html' AND note IS NOT NULL\n                    ) a\n                    WHERE blocktype = 'textbox' AND {block_instance}.id::text = a.note");
                // Update view_artefact table
                execute_sql("\n                    INSERT INTO {view_artefact} (view, block, artefact)\n                    SELECT b.view, b.id, a.id\n                    FROM {block_instance} b, {artefact} a\n                    WHERE b.blocktype = 'textbox' AND a.artefacttype = 'html' AND a.note IS NOT NULL AND CAST(b.id AS TEXT) = a.note", array());
            } else {
                if (is_mysql()) {
                    execute_sql("\n                    UPDATE {block_instance}, {artefact}\n                    SET {block_instance}.configdata = CONCAT('a:1:{s:10:\"artefactid\";i:', {artefact}.id, ';}')\n                    WHERE\n                        {artefact}.artefacttype = 'html'\n                        AND {artefact}.note IS NOT NULL\n                        AND {block_instance}.blocktype = 'textbox'\n                        AND {block_instance}.id = {artefact}.note");
                    // Update view_artefact table
                    execute_sql("\n                    INSERT INTO {view_artefact} (view, block, artefact)\n                    SELECT b.view, b.id, a.id\n                    FROM {block_instance} b, {artefact} a\n                    WHERE b.blocktype = 'textbox' AND a.artefacttype = 'html' AND a.note IS NOT NULL AND b.id = a.note", array());
            // Remove the dodgy block id in the note column
            execute_sql("UPDATE {artefact} SET note = NULL WHERE artefacttype = 'html' AND note IS NOT NULL");
            $done += count($records);
            log_debug("Upgrading textbox blocks: {$done}/{$tbcount}");
            $last = end($records);
            $lastid = $last->id;
    return true;
コード例 #9
ファイル: utillib.php プロジェクト: veritech/pare-project
 * Gets the number of groups in a specified grouping
 * @param int $groupingid The grouping specified
 * @param int $courseid The related course.
 * @return int The number of groups in the grouping
function groups_count_groups_in_grouping($groupingid, $courseid)
    if (GROUP_NOT_IN_GROUPING == $groupingid) {
        $groupids = groups_get_groups_not_in_any_grouping($courseid);
        if ($groupids === false) {
            return false;
        return count($groupids);
    } elseif (GROUP_ANY_GROUPING == $groupingid) {
        return count_records('groups_courses_groups', 'courseid', $courseid);
    } else {
        return count_records('groups_groupings_groups', 'groupingid ', $groupingid);
コード例 #10
ファイル: backuplib.php プロジェクト: bjornbe/wwassignment
function wwassignment_check_backup_mods($course, $user_data = false, $backup_unique_code, $instances = null)
    if (!empty($instances) && is_array($instances) && count($instances)) {
        $info = array();
        foreach ($instances as $id => $instance) {
            $info += wwassignment_check_backup_mods_instances($instance, $backup_unique_code);
        return $info;
    //First the course data
    $info[0][0] = get_string("modulenameplural", "wwassignment");
    $info[0][1] = count_records("wwassignment", "course", "{$course}");
    return $info;
コード例 #11
ファイル: lib.php プロジェクト: rrusso/EARS
 function perform_remove($userid)
     // Try to remove the necessary role
     $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM);
     $roleid = $this->check_role();
     // Regardless if the user has the role or not, remove the assignment
     if ($assign = get_record('block_student_' . $this->type, 'path', $this->path, 'usersid', $userid)) {
     $count = count_records('block_student_' . $this->type, 'usersid', $userid) + count_records('block_student_person', 'usersid', $userid);
     // If they don't have any mentor assignments, then remove them from that role
     if ($count == 0) {
         role_unassign($roleid, $userid, 0, $context->id);
コード例 #12
 function get_content()
     global $CFG, $COURSE;
     $daysnb = $CFG->block_graph_stats_daysnb;
     if ($this->content !== NULL) {
         return $this->content;
     $this->content = new stdClass();
     $this->content->footer = '';
     if (empty($this->instance)) {
         $this->content->text = '';
         return $this->content;
     $this->content->text = '<center><font size=1>' . get_string('graphtitle', 'block_graph_stats', $daysnb) . '</center>';
     if (isadmin() or isteacher($COURSE->id)) {
         $name = 'popup';
         $title = get_string('connectedtoday', 'block_graph_stats');
         $url = '/blocks/' . $this->name() . '/details.php';
         $options = 'menubar=0,location=0,scrollbars,resizable,width=400,height=500';
         $fullscreen = 0;
         $linkname = '<img src="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/blocks/' . $this->name() . '/graph.php?course_id=' . $COURSE->id . '" alt="' . get_string('graphtitle', 'block_graph_stats', $daysnb) . '" />';
         $this->content->text .= '<center><a target="' . $name . '" title="' . $title . '" href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . $url . '" ' . "onclick=\"return openpopup('{$url}', '{$name}', '{$options}', {$fullscreen});\">{$linkname}</a></center>";
     } else {
         $this->content->text .= '<center><img src="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/blocks/' . $this->name() . '/graph.php?course_id=' . $COURSE->id . '" alt="' . get_string('graphtitle', 'block_graph_stats', $daysnb) . '" /></center>';
     // Check if we are in a course or on the first page
     if ($COURSE->id > 1) {
         // In a course
         $connections = count_records_select('log', 'time > ' . mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y")) . ' AND action = "view" AND course = ' . $COURSE->id . ' ', 'COUNT(DISTINCT(userid))');
         $this->content->text .= '<center><font size=1>' . get_string('connectedtoday', 'block_graph_stats') . $connections . '</font></center>';
     } else {
         // On the first page
         $connections = count_records_select('log', 'time > ' . mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y")) . ' AND action = "login"', 'COUNT(userid)');
         $this->content->text .= '<center><font size=1>' . get_string('connectedtoday', 'block_graph_stats') . $connections . '</font></center>';
         // Show details
         $users = count_records('user', 'deleted', 0, 'confirmed', 1);
         $courses = count_records('course', 'visible', 1);
         $this->content->text .= '<hr />';
         $this->content->text .= get_string('membersnb', 'block_graph_stats') . $users . '<br />';
         $this->content->text .= get_string('coursesnb', 'block_graph_stats') . $courses . '<br />';
     return $this->content;
コード例 #13
 function validation($data)
     global $CFG;
     $errors = array();
     if (!empty($data['username']) and !empty($data['email']) or empty($data['username']) and empty($data['email'])) {
         $errors['username'] = get_string('usernameoremail');
         $errors['email'] = get_string('usernameoremail');
     } else {
         if (!empty($data['email'])) {
             if (!validate_email($data['email'])) {
                 $errors['email'] = get_string('invalidemail');
             } else {
                 if (count_records('user', 'email', $data['email']) > 1) {
                     $errors['email'] = get_string('forgottenduplicate');
                 } else {
                     if ($user = get_complete_user_data('email', $data['email'])) {
                         if (empty($user->confirmed)) {
                             $errors['email'] = get_string('confirmednot');
                     if (!$user and empty($CFG->protectusernames)) {
                         $errors['email'] = get_string('emailnotfound');
         } else {
             if ($user = get_complete_user_data('username', $data['username'])) {
                 if (empty($user->confirmed)) {
                     $errors['email'] = get_string('confirmednot');
             if (!$user and empty($CFG->protectusernames)) {
                 $errors['username'] = get_string('usernamenotfound');
     if (0 == count($errors)) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return $errors;
コード例 #14
function questionnaire_check_backup_mods($course, $user_data = false, $backup_unique_code, $instances = null)
    global $CFG;
    if (!empty($instances) && is_array($instances) && count($instances)) {
        $info = array();
        foreach ($instances as $id => $instance) {
            $info += questionnaire_check_backup_mods_instances($instance, $backup_unique_code);
        return $info;
    //First the course data
    $info[0][0] = get_string('modulenameplural', 'questionnaire');
    $info[0][1] = count_records('questionnaire', 'course', $course);
    //Now, if requested, the user_data
    if ($user_data) {
        $info[1][0] = get_string('respondents', 'questionnaire');
        $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(qa.id) ' . 'FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . 'questionnaire q, ' . $CFG->prefix . 'questionnaire_attempts qa ' . 'WHERE q.course = ' . $course . ' AND qa.qid = q.id';
        $info[1][1] = count_records_sql($sql);
    return $info;
コード例 #15
function attforblock_restore_mods($mod, $restore)
    global $CFG, $oldidarray;
    $status = true;
    //Get record from backup_ids
    $data = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, $mod->modtype, $mod->id);
    if ($data) {
        //Now get completed xmlized object
        $info = $data->info;
        if (count_records('attforblock', 'course', $restore->course_id)) {
            return false;
        //Now, build the attforblock record structure
        $attforblock->course = $restore->course_id;
        //            $attforblock->teacher = backup_todb($info['MOD']['#']['TEACHER']['0']['#']);
        $attforblock->name = backup_todb($info['MOD']['#']['NAME']['0']['#']);
        if (isset($info['MOD']['#']['GRADE'])) {
            $attforblock->grade = backup_todb($info['MOD']['#']['GRADE']['0']['#']);
        } else {
            $attforblock->grade = 100;
        //The structure is equal to the db, so insert the attforblock
        $newid = insert_record('attforblock', $attforblock);
        if ($newid) {
            //We have the newid, update backup_ids
            backup_putid($restore->backup_unique_code, $mod->modtype, $mod->id, $newid);
            attforblock_restore_attendance_statuses($mod->id, $newid, $info, $restore);
            attforblock_restore_attendance_sessions($mod->id, $newid, $info, $restore);
            //Now check if want to restore user data and do it.
            if (restore_userdata_selected($restore, 'attforblock', $mod->id)) {
                attforblock_restore_attendance_log($mod->id, $newid, $info, $restore);
        } else {
            $status = false;
    } else {
        $status = false;
    return $status;
コード例 #16
 function definition()
     global $USER, $CFG;
     // Create form object
     $mform =& $this->_form;
     // Pass on module ID and assignment ID
     $mform->addElement('hidden', 'id', $this->_customdata['moduleID']);
     $mform->setType('id', PARAM_INT);
     $mform->addElement('hidden', 'a', $this->_customdata['assignmentID']);
     $mform->setType('id', PARAM_INT);
     // Define criteria and repeat
     $repeatarray = array();
     $repeatarray[] =& MoodleQuickForm::createElement('header', '', get_string('criterion', 'assignment_peerreview') . ' {no}');
     $repeatarray[] =& MoodleQuickForm::createElement('text', 'criterionDescription', get_string('citerionwithdescription', 'assignment_peerreview'), array('size' => '80'));
     $repeatarray[] =& MoodleQuickForm::createElement('text', 'criterionReview', get_string('citerionatreview', 'assignment_peerreview'), array('size' => '80'));
     $repeatarray[] =& MoodleQuickForm::createElement('text', 'value', get_string('valueofcriterion', 'assignment_peerreview'), array('size' => '3', 'onkeyup' => 'updateTotal();', 'onchange' => 'updateTotal();'));
     $repeatno = count_records('assignment_criteria', 'assignment', $this->_customdata['assignmentID']);
     $repeatno = $repeatno == 0 ? 3 : $repeatno + 2;
     $repeateloptions = array();
     //$repeateloptions['value']['rule'] = 'numeric';
     $this->repeat_elements($repeatarray, $repeatno, $repeateloptions, 'option_repeats', 'option_add_fields', 2, get_string('addTwoMoreCriteria', 'assignment_peerreview'));
     // Show mark summary
     $mform->addElement('header', 'marksummary', get_string('marksummary', 'assignment_peerreview'));
     $mform->setHelpButton('marksummary', array('marksummary', get_string('marksummary', 'assignment_peerreview'), 'assignment/type/peerreview/'));
     $mform->addElement('static', '', get_string('valueofcriteria', 'assignment_peerreview'), '<span id="totalOfValues" class="markSummaryValue">&nbsp;</span>');
     $mform->addElement('static', '', get_string('rewardforreviews', 'assignment_peerreview', $this->_customdata['reward']), '<div id="rewardCell"><span class="markSummaryValue">' . 2 * $this->_customdata['reward'] . '</span></div>');
     $mform->addElement('hidden', 'reward', $this->_customdata['reward']);
     $mform->addElement('static', '', get_string('totalmarksabove', 'assignment_peerreview'), '<span id="totalOfMarksAbove" class="markSummaryValue">&nbsp;</span>');
     $mform->addElement('static', '', get_string('totalmarksforgrade', 'assignment_peerreview'), '<span class="markSummaryValue">' . $this->_customdata['grade'] . '</span>');
     $mform->addElement('hidden', 'grade', $this->_customdata['grade']);
     $mform->addElement('static', 'difference', get_string('difference', 'assignment_peerreview'), '<span id="peerReviewDifference" class="markSummaryValue">&nbsp;</span>');
     $mform->addElement('html', "\n\t\t\n<style>\n.mform div.felement, .mform fieldset.felement markSummaryValue { text-align:right; width:50px; }\n#rewardCell {border-bottom:1px solid #000000;padding:2px}\n</style>\n\t\t\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n//<![CDATA[\n\nvar numValues = 0;\nwhile(document.getElementById('id_value_'+numValues) != null) {\n\tif(document.getElementById('id_value_'+numValues).value=='') {\n\t\tdocument.getElementById('id_value_'+numValues).value = '0';\n\t}\n    numValues++;\n}\n\nfunction updateTotal() {\n\tvar sum = 0.0;\n\tvar totalMarks = " . $this->_customdata['grade'] . ";\n\tvar rewardMarks = " . 2 * $this->_customdata['reward'] . ";\n\tfor(i=0; i<numValues; i++) {\n\t\tsum += parseFloat(document.getElementById('id_value_'+i).value);\n\t}\n\tif(isNaN(sum)) {\n\t\tdocument.getElementById('totalOfValues').innerHTML = '<span style=\"color:red\">" . get_string('nonNumericCriterionValue', 'assignment_peerreview') . "</span>';\n\t\tdocument.getElementById('totalOfMarksAbove').innerHTML = '<span style=\"color:red\">" . get_string('nonNumericCriterionValue', 'assignment_peerreview') . "</span>';\n\t}\n\telse {\n\t\tdocument.getElementById('totalOfValues').innerHTML = sum;\n\t\tdocument.getElementById('totalOfMarksAbove').innerHTML = sum+rewardMarks;\n\t\tdocument.getElementById('peerReviewDifference').innerHTML = '<span style=\"'+(totalMarks-rewardMarks-sum==0?'color:green;background:#e0ffe0;':'color:red;background:#ffe0e0;')+'\">'+(totalMarks-rewardMarks-sum)+'</span>';\n\t}\n}\n\nupdateTotal();\n\n//]]>\n</script>\n\n\t\t");
     // Buttons for submit, reset and cancel
     $buttonarray[] =& $mform->createElement('submit', 'submitbutton', get_string('saveanddisplay', 'assignment_peerreview'));
     $buttonarray[] =& $mform->createElement('reset', 'resetbutton', get_string('revert'));
     $buttonarray[] =& $mform->createElement('cancel');
     $mform->addGroup($buttonarray, 'buttonar', '', array(' '), false);
コード例 #17
         mtrace("Deleted old cache_text records");
 if (!empty($CFG->notifyloginfailures)) {
     mtrace('Notified login failured');
 mtrace('Synchronised metacourses');
 // generate new password emails for users
 mtrace('checking for create_password');
 if (count_records('user_preferences', 'name', 'create_password', 'value', '1')) {
     mtrace('creating passwords for new users');
     $newusers = get_records_sql("SELECT  u.id as id, u.email, u.firstname, \n                                                u.lastname, u.username,\n                                                p.id as prefid \n                                        FROM {$CFG->prefix}user u \n                                             JOIN {$CFG->prefix}user_preferences p ON u.id=p.userid\n                                        WHERE p.name='create_password' AND p.value=1 AND u.email !='' ");
     foreach ($newusers as $newuserid => $newuser) {
         $newuser->emailstop = 0;
         // send email regardless
         // email user
         if (setnew_password_and_mail($newuser)) {
             // remove user pref
             delete_records('user_preferences', 'id', $newuser->prefid);
         } else {
             trigger_error("Could not create and mail new user password!");
 if (!empty($CFG->usetags)) {
コード例 #18
ファイル: complete.php プロジェクト: kai707/ITSA-backup
 print_box_start('generalbox boxaligncenter boxwidthwide');
 echo '<div align="center"><form name="frm" action="' . $ME . '" method="post" onsubmit=" ">';
 echo '<input type="hidden" name="sesskey" value="' . $USER->sesskey . '" />';
 echo '<table>';
 switch ($feedback->anonymous) {
         echo '<tr><th colspan="3" align="center"><input type="hidden" name="anonymous" value="1" /><input type="hidden" name="anonymous_response" value="' . FEEDBACK_ANONYMOUS_YES . '" />' . get_string('mode', 'feedback') . ': ' . get_string('anonymous', 'feedback') . '</th></tr>';
         echo '<tr><th colspan="3" align="center"><input type="hidden" name="anonymous" value="0" /><input type="hidden" name="anonymous_response" value="' . FEEDBACK_ANONYMOUS_NO . '" />' . get_string('mode', 'feedback') . ': ' . get_string('non_anonymous', 'feedback') . '&nbsp;</td></tr>';
 //check, if there exists required-elements
 $countreq = count_records('feedback_item', 'feedback', $feedback->id, 'required', 1);
 if ($countreq > 0) {
     echo '<tr><td colspan="3"><font color="red">(*)' . get_string('items_are_required', 'feedback') . '</font></td></tr>';
 $itemnr = count_records_select('feedback_item', 'feedback = ' . $feedback->id . ' AND hasvalue = 1 AND position < ' . $startposition);
 foreach ($feedbackitems as $feedbackitem) {
     if (!isset($startitem)) {
         //avoid showing double pagebreaks
         if ($feedbackitem->typ == 'pagebreak') {
         $startitem = $feedbackitem;
     $value = '';
     //get the value
コード例 #19
  * Tests the uninstallation of event handlers from file
 function test__events_update_definition__uninstall()
     $this->assertEqual(0, count_records('events_handlers', 'handlermodule', 'unittest'), 'All handlers should be uninstalled: %s');
コード例 #20
  * Indicates whether this auth instance is parent to another auth instance
  * @return boolean (For backwards-compatibility reasons, it actually returns $this or null)
 public function is_parent_authority()
     if (count_records('auth_instance_config', 'field', 'parent', 'value', $this->instanceid)) {
         return $this;
     } else {
         return null;
コード例 #21
                        $USER->icon = "default.png";
                        $_SESSION['icon'] = "default.png";
            $messages[] = gettext("Your selected icons were deleted.");
if ($action == "icons:add" && logged_on && run("permissions:check", "uploadicons")) {
    $description = optional_param('icondescription');
    $icondefault = optional_param('icondefault');
    // if (!empty($description)) {
    $ok = true;
    if ($ok == true) {
        $numicons = count_records('icons', 'owner', $page_owner);
        if ($numicons >= $_SESSION['icon_quota']) {
            $ok = false;
            $messages[] = gettext("You have already met your icon quota. You must delete some icons before you can upload any new ones.");
    require_once $CFG->dirroot . 'lib/uploadlib.php';
    // TODO passing 0 as maxbytes here as icon_quota is based on number of icons
    // so upload_manager will look at PHP settings instead.
    // not ideal but as good as it can be for the now.
    $um = new upload_manager('iconfile', false, true, false, 0, true);
    $messages[] = gettext("Attempting to upload icon file ...");
    $ul_username = run("users:id_to_name", $page_owner);
    $upload_folder = $textlib->substr($ul_username, 0, 1);
    $dir = $CFG->dataroot . "icons/" . $upload_folder . "/" . $ul_username . "/";
    if ($ok = $um->process_file_uploads($dir)) {
コード例 #22
echo '<p>' . $post->concernset . '</p>';
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
echo '<div class="yui-b">';
echo '<ul>';
echo '<li>' . get_string('setby', 'ilpconcern') . ': ' . fullname($posttutor);
if ($post->courserelated == 1) {
    $targetcourse = get_record('course', 'id', $post->targetcourse);
    echo '<li>' . get_string('course') . ': ' . $targetcourse->shortname . '</li>';
echo '<li>' . get_string('set', 'ilpconcern') . ': ' . userdate($post->timecreated, get_string('strftimedateshort'));
echo '<li>' . get_string('deadline', 'ilpconcern') . ': ' . userdate($post->deadline, get_string('strftimedateshort'));
echo '</ul>';
$commentcount = count_records('ilpconcern_comments', 'concernspost', $post->id);
echo '<div class="commands"><a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/ilpconcern/concerns_comments.php?' . ($courseid > 1 ? 'courseid=' . $courseid . '&amp;' : '') . 'userid=' . $id . '&amp;concernspost=' . $post->id . '">' . $commentcount . ' ' . get_string("comments", "ilpconcern") . '</a> ';
if ($post->status == 0 || has_capability('moodle/site:doanything', $context)) {
    echo ilpconcern_update_menu($post->id, $context, $post->status + 1);
echo '</div>';
if ($post->status == 1) {
    echo '<img class="achieved" src="' . $CFG->pixpath . '/mod/ilpconcern/achieved.gif" alt="" />';
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
if (!$mform->is_cancelled() && ($fromform = $mform->get_data())) {
if ($action == 'delete') {
コード例 #23
ファイル: user.php プロジェクト: sarahjcotton/mahara
 public function can_delete_self()
     if (!$this->get('admin')) {
         if (get_config('alwaysallowselfdelete')) {
             return true;
         // Users who belong to an institution that doesn't allow
         // registration cannot delete themselves.
         $institutions = $this->get('institutions');
         if (empty($institutions)) {
             // only in the no institution
             return get_field('institution', 'registerallowed', 'name', 'mahara');
         } else {
             foreach ($institutions as $i) {
                 if (!$i->registerallowed) {
                     return false;
         return true;
     // The last admin user should not be deleted.
     return count_records('usr', 'admin', 1, 'deleted', 0) > 1;
コード例 #24
if (!($course = get_record("course", "id", $cm->course))) {
    error("Course is misconfigured");
if (!($workshop = get_record("workshop", "id", $cm->instance))) {
    error("Course module is incorrect");
require_login($course->id, false, $cm);
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
$strworkshops = get_string("modulenameplural", "workshop");
$strworkshop = get_string("modulename", "workshop");
// ...and if necessary set default action
if (workshop_is_teacher($workshop)) {
    if (empty($action)) {
        // no action specified, either go straight to elements page else the admin page
        // has the assignment any elements
        if (count_records("workshop_elements", "workshopid", $workshop->id) >= $workshop->nelements) {
            $action = "teachersview";
        } else {
} else {
    // it's a student then
    if (!$cm->visible) {
    if ($timenow < $workshop->submissionstart) {
        $action = 'notavailable';
    } else {
        if (!$action) {
            if ($timenow < $workshop->assessmentend) {
コード例 #25
  * @uses $USER
 function fm_check_user_rights()
     global $USER;
     // Wont display fmanager to those it has been disabled for
     $userinttype = $this->fm_get_user_int_type();
     $systemcontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM, 0);
     $isadmin = has_capability('moodle/site:doanything', $systemcontext);
     $tmp = get_record('fmanager_admin', 'usertype', $userinttype);
     if ($tmp->enable_fmanager == 0) {
         // Still shows shared files
         $sharedlinks = count_records('fmanager_shared', 'userid', $USER->id);
         if ($sharedlinks > 0) {
         if ($isadmin) {
         return $this->content;
コード例 #26
ファイル: backuplib.php プロジェクト: nadavkav/MoodleTAO
 * Return an array of info (name,value) for a single instance
 * @param object $instance Module instance
 * @param int $backup_unique_code Backup code
 * @return array
function pagemenu_check_backup_mods_instances($instance, $backup_unique_code)
    $info[$instance->id . '0'][0] = '<b>' . $instance->name . '</b>';
    $info[$instance->id . '0'][1] = '';
    // Links
    $info[$instance->id . '1'][0] = get_string('links', 'pagemenu');
    $info[$instance->id . '1'][1] = count_records('pagemenu_links', 'pagemenuid', $instance->id);
    return $info;
コード例 #27
function main_upgrade($oldversion = 0)
    global $CFG, $THEME, $db;
    $result = true;
    if ($oldversion < 2003010101) {
        delete_records("log_display", "module", "user");
        $new->module = "user";
        $new->action = "view";
        $new->mtable = "user";
        $new->field = "CONCAT(firstname,\" \",lastname)";
        insert_record("log_display", $new);
        delete_records("log_display", "module", "course");
        $new->module = "course";
        $new->action = "view";
        $new->mtable = "course";
        $new->field = "fullname";
        insert_record("log_display", $new);
        $new->action = "update";
        insert_record("log_display", $new);
        $new->action = "enrol";
        insert_record("log_display", $new);
    //support user based course creating
    if ($oldversion < 2003032400) {
        execute_sql("CREATE TABLE {$CFG->prefix}user_coursecreators (\n                                  id int8 SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,\n                                  userid int8  NOT NULL default '0'\n                                  )");
    if ($oldversion < 2003041400) {
        table_column("course_modules", "", "visible", "integer", "1", "unsigned", "1", "not null", "score");
    if ($oldversion < 2003042104) {
        // Try to update permissions of all files
        if ($files = get_directory_list($CFG->dataroot)) {
            echo "Attempting to update permissions for all files... ignore any errors.";
            foreach ($files as $file) {
                echo "{$CFG->dataroot}/{$file}<br />";
                @chmod("{$CFG->dataroot}/{$file}", $CFG->directorypermissions);
    if ($oldversion < 2003042400) {
        // Rebuild all course caches, because of changes to do with visible variable
        if ($courses = get_records_sql("SELECT * FROM {$CFG->prefix}course")) {
            require_once "{$CFG->dirroot}/course/lib.php";
            foreach ($courses as $course) {
                $modinfo = serialize(get_array_of_activities($course->id));
                if (!set_field("course", "modinfo", $modinfo, "id", $course->id)) {
                    notify("Could not cache module information for course '" . format_string($course->fullname) . "'!");
    if ($oldversion < 2003042500) {
        //  Convert all usernames to lowercase.
        $users = get_records_sql("SELECT id, username FROM {$CFG->prefix}user");
        $cerrors = "";
        $rarray = array();
        foreach ($users as $user) {
            // Check for possible conflicts
            $lcname = trim(moodle_strtolower($user->username));
            if (in_array($lcname, $rarray)) {
                $cerrors .= $user->id . "->" . $lcname . '<br/>';
            } else {
                array_push($rarray, $lcname);
        if ($cerrors != '') {
            notify("Error: Cannot convert usernames to lowercase. \n                    Following usernames would overlap (id->username):<br/> {$cerrors} . \n                    Please resolve overlapping errors.");
            $result = false;
        $cerrors = "";
        echo "Checking userdatabase:<br />";
        foreach ($users as $user) {
            $lcname = trim(moodle_strtolower($user->username));
            if ($lcname != $user->username) {
                $convert = set_field("user", "username", $lcname, "id", $user->id);
                if (!$convert) {
                    if ($cerrors) {
                        $cerrors .= ", ";
                    $cerrors .= $item;
                } else {
                    echo ".";
        if ($cerrors != '') {
            notify("There were errors when converting following usernames to lowercase. \n                   '{$cerrors}' . Sorry, but you will need to fix your database by hand.");
            $result = false;
    if ($oldversion < 2003042700) {
        /// Changing to multiple indexes
        execute_sql(" CREATE INDEX {$CFG->prefix}log_coursemoduleaction_idx ON {$CFG->prefix}log (course,module,action) ");
        execute_sql(" CREATE INDEX {$CFG->prefix}log_courseuserid_idx ON {$CFG->prefix}log (course,userid) ");
    if ($oldversion < 2003042801) {
        execute_sql("CREATE TABLE {$CFG->prefix}course_display (\n                         id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,\n                         course integer NOT NULL default '0',\n                         userid integer NOT NULL default '0',\n                         display integer NOT NULL default '0'\n                      )");
        execute_sql("CREATE INDEX {$CFG->prefix}course_display_courseuserid_idx ON {$CFG->prefix}course_display (course,userid)");
    if ($oldversion < 2003050400) {
        table_column("course_sections", "", "visible", "integer", "1", "unsigned", "1", "", "");
    if ($oldversion < 2003050401) {
        table_column("user", "", "lang", "VARCHAR", "5", "", "{$CFG->lang}", "NOT NULL", "");
    if ($oldversion < 2003050900) {
        table_column("modules", "", "visible", "integer", "1", "unsigned", "1", "", "");
    if ($oldversion < 2003050902) {
        if (get_records("modules", "name", "pgassignment")) {
            print_simple_box("Note: the pgassignment module will soon be deleted from CVS!  Go to the new 'Manage Modules' page and DELETE IT from your system", "center", "50%", "{$THEME->cellheading}", "20", "noticebox");
    if ($oldversion < 2003051600) {
        print_simple_box("Thanks for upgrading!<p>There are many changes since the last release.  Please read the release notes carefully.  If you are using CUSTOM themes you will need to edit them.  You will also need to check your site's config.php file.", "center", "50%", "{$THEME->cellheading}", "20", "noticebox");
    if ($oldversion < 2003052300) {
        table_column("user", "", "autosubscribe", "integer", "1", "unsigned", "1", "", "htmleditor");
    if ($oldversion < 2003072100) {
        table_column("course", "", "visible", "integer", "1", "unsigned", "1", "", "marker");
    if ($oldversion < 2003072101) {
        table_column("course_sections", "sequence", "sequence", "text", "", "", "", "", "");
    if ($oldversion < 2003072800) {
        print_simple_box("The following database index improves performance, but can be quite large - if you are upgrading and you have problems with a limited quota you may want to delete this index later from the '{$CFG->prefix}log' table in your database", "center", "50%", "{$THEME->cellheading}", "20", "noticebox");
        execute_sql(" CREATE INDEX {$CFG->prefix}log_timecoursemoduleaction_idx ON {$CFG->prefix}log (time,course,module,action) ");
        execute_sql(" CREATE INDEX {$CFG->prefix}user_students_courseuserid_idx ON {$CFG->prefix}user_students (course,userid) ");
        execute_sql(" CREATE INDEX {$CFG->prefix}user_teachers_courseuserid_idx ON {$CFG->prefix}user_teachers (course,userid) ");
    if ($oldversion < 2003072802) {
        table_column("course_categories", "", "description", "text", "", "", "");
        table_column("course_categories", "", "parent", "integer", "10", "unsigned");
        table_column("course_categories", "", "sortorder", "integer", "10", "unsigned");
        table_column("course_categories", "", "courseorder", "text", "", "", "");
        table_column("course_categories", "", "visible", "integer", "1", "unsigned", "1");
        table_column("course_categories", "", "timemodified", "integer", "10", "unsigned");
    if ($oldversion < 2003080400) {
        notify("If the following command fails you may want to change the type manually, from TEXT to INTEGER.  Moodle should keep working even if you don't.");
        table_column("course_categories", "courseorder", "courseorder", "integer", "10", "unsigned");
        table_column("course", "", "sortorder", "integer", "10", "unsigned", "0", "", "category");
    if ($oldversion < 2003081502) {
        execute_sql(" CREATE TABLE {$CFG->prefix}scale (\n                         id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,\n                         courseid integer NOT NULL default '0',\n                         userid integer NOT NULL default '0',\n                         name varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',\n                         scale text,\n                         description text,\n                         timemodified integer NOT NULL default '0'\n                      )");
    if ($oldversion < 2003081503) {
        table_column("forum", "", "scale", "integer", "10", "unsigned", "0", "", "assessed");
        // Just to force the default scale to be created
    if ($oldversion < 2003081600) {
        table_column("user_teachers", "", "editall", "integer", "1", "unsigned", "1", "", "role");
        table_column("user_teachers", "", "timemodified", "integer", "10", "unsigned", "0", "", "editall");
    if ($oldversion < 2003081900) {
        table_column("course_categories", "courseorder", "coursecount", "integer", "10", "unsigned", "0");
    if ($oldversion < 2003080700) {
        notify("Cleaning up categories and course ordering...");
    if ($oldversion < 2003082001) {
        table_column("course", "", "showgrades", "integer", "2", "unsigned", "1", "", "format");
    if ($oldversion < 2003082101) {
        execute_sql(" CREATE INDEX {$CFG->prefix}course_category_idx ON {$CFG->prefix}course (category) ");
    if ($oldversion < 2003082702) {
        execute_sql(" INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}log_display (module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('course', 'user report', 'user', 'CONCAT(firstname,\" \",lastname)') ");
    if ($oldversion < 2003091000) {
        # Old field that was never added!
        table_column("course", "", "showrecent", "integer", "10", "unsigned", "1", "", "numsections");
    if ($oldversion < 2003091400) {
        table_column("course_modules", "", "indent", "integer", "5", "unsigned", "0", "", "score");
    if ($oldversion < 2003092900) {
        table_column("course", "", "maxbytes", "integer", "10", "unsigned", "0", "", "marker");
    if ($oldversion < 2003102700) {
        table_column("user_students", "", "timeaccess", "integer", "10", "unsigned", "0", "", "time");
        table_column("user_teachers", "", "timeaccess", "integer", "10", "unsigned", "0", "", "timemodified");
        $db->debug = false;
        $CFG->debug = 0;
        notify("Calculating access times.  Please wait - this may take a long time on big sites...", "green");
        if ($courses = get_records_select("course", "category > 0")) {
            foreach ($courses as $course) {
                notify("Processing " . format_string($course->fullname) . " ...", "green");
                if ($users = get_records_select("user_teachers", "course = '{$course->id}'", "id", "id, userid, timeaccess")) {
                    foreach ($users as $user) {
                        $loginfo = get_record_sql("SELECT id, time FROM {$CFG->prefix}log                                                                                  WHERE course = '{$course->id}' and userid = '{$user->userid}'                                                               ORDER by time DESC");
                        if (empty($loginfo->time)) {
                            $loginfo->time = 0;
                        execute_sql("UPDATE {$CFG->prefix}user_teachers                                                                                      SET timeaccess = '{$loginfo->time}' \n                                     WHERE userid = '{$user->userid}' AND course = '{$course->id}'", false);
                if ($users = get_records_select("user_students", "course = '{$course->id}'", "id", "id, userid, timeaccess")) {
                    foreach ($users as $user) {
                        $loginfo = get_record_sql("SELECT id, time FROM {$CFG->prefix}log \n                                                   WHERE course = '{$course->id}' and userid = '{$user->userid}' \n                                                   ORDER by time DESC");
                        if (empty($loginfo->time)) {
                            $loginfo->time = 0;
                        execute_sql("UPDATE {$CFG->prefix}user_students \n                                     SET timeaccess = '{$loginfo->time}' \n                                     WHERE userid = '{$user->userid}' AND course = '{$course->id}'", false);
        notify("All courses complete.", "green");
        $db->debug = true;
    if ($oldversion < 2003103100) {
        table_column("course", "", "showreports", "integer", "4", "unsigned", "0", "", "maxbytes");
    if ($oldversion < 2003121600) {
        execute_sql("CREATE TABLE {$CFG->prefix}groups (\n                        id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,\n                        courseid integer NOT NULL default '0',\n                        name varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',\n                        description text,\n                        lang varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',\n                        picture integer NOT NULL default '0',\n                        timecreated integer NOT NULL default '0',\n                        timemodified integer NOT NULL default '0'\n                     )");
        execute_sql("CREATE INDEX {$CFG->prefix}groups_idx ON {$CFG->prefix}groups (courseid) ");
        execute_sql("CREATE TABLE {$CFG->prefix}groups_members (\n                        id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,\n                        groupid integer NOT NULL default '0',\n                        userid integer NOT NULL default '0',\n                        timeadded integer NOT NULL default '0'\n                     )");
        execute_sql("CREATE INDEX {$CFG->prefix}groups_members_idx ON {$CFG->prefix}groups_members (groupid) ");
    if ($oldversion < 2003122600) {
        table_column("course", "", "groupmode", "integer", "4", "unsigned", "0", "", "visible");
        table_column("course", "", "groupmodeforce", "integer", "4", "unsigned", "0", "", "groupmode");
    if ($oldversion < 2004010900) {
        table_column("course_modules", "", "groupmode", "integer", "4", "unsigned", "0", "", "visible");
    if ($oldversion < 2004011700) {
        modify_database("", "CREATE TABLE prefix_event (\n                                id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,\n                                name varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',\n                                description text,\n                                courseid integer NOT NULL default '0',\n                                groupid integer NOT NULL default '0',\n                                userid integer NOT NULL default '0',\n                                modulename varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',\n                                instance integer NOT NULL default '0',\n                                eventtype varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',\n                                timestart integer NOT NULL default '0',\n                                timeduration integer NOT NULL default '0',\n                                timemodified integer NOT NULL default '0'\n                             ); ");
        modify_database("", "CREATE INDEX prefix_event_courseid_idx ON prefix_event (courseid);");
        modify_database("", "CREATE INDEX prefix_event_userid_idx ON prefix_event (userid);");
    if ($oldversion < 2004012800) {
        modify_database("", "CREATE TABLE prefix_user_preferences (\n                                id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,\n                                userid integer NOT NULL default '0',\n                                name varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',\n                                value varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''\n                             ); ");
        modify_database("", "CREATE INDEX prefix_user_preferences_useridname_idx ON prefix_user_preferences (userid,name);");
    if ($oldversion < 2004012900) {
        table_column("config", "value", "value", "text", "", "", "");
    if ($oldversion < 2004013101) {
        table_column("log", "", "cmid", "integer", "10", "unsigned", "0", "", "module");
        set_config("upgrade", "logs");
    if ($oldversion < 2004020900) {
        table_column("course", "", "lang", "varchar", "5", "", "", "", "groupmodeforce");
    if ($oldversion < 2004020903) {
        modify_database("", "CREATE TABLE prefix_cache_text (\n                                id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,\n                                md5key varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',\n                                formattedtext text,\n                                timemodified integer NOT NULL default '0'\n                             );");
    if ($oldversion < 2004021000) {
        $textfilters = array();
        for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) {
            $variable = "textfilter{$i}";
            if (!empty($CFG->{$variable})) {
                /// No more filters
                if (is_readable("{$CFG->dirroot}/" . $CFG->{$variable})) {
                    $textfilters[] = $CFG->{$variable};
        $textfilters = implode(',', $textfilters);
        if (empty($textfilters)) {
            $textfilters = 'mod/glossary/dynalink.php';
        set_config('textfilters', $textfilters);
    if ($oldversion < 2004021201) {
        modify_database("", "CREATE TABLE prefix_cache_filters (\n                                id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,\n                                filter varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',\n                                version integer NOT NULL default '0',\n                                md5key varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',\n                                rawtext text,\n                                timemodified integer NOT NULL default '0'\n                             );");
        modify_database("", "CREATE INDEX prefix_cache_filters_filtermd5key_idx ON prefix_cache_filters (filter,md5key);");
        modify_database("", "CREATE INDEX prefix_cache_text_md5key_idx ON prefix_cache_text (md5key);");
    if ($oldversion < 2004021500) {
        table_column("groups", "", "hidepicture", "integer", "2", "unsigned", "0", "", "picture");
    if ($oldversion < 2004021700) {
        if (!empty($CFG->textfilters)) {
            $CFG->textfilters = str_replace("tex_filter.php", "filter.php", $CFG->textfilters);
            $CFG->textfilters = str_replace("multilang.php", "filter.php", $CFG->textfilters);
            $CFG->textfilters = str_replace("censor.php", "filter.php", $CFG->textfilters);
            $CFG->textfilters = str_replace("mediaplugin.php", "filter.php", $CFG->textfilters);
            $CFG->textfilters = str_replace("algebra_filter.php", "filter.php", $CFG->textfilters);
            $CFG->textfilters = str_replace("dynalink.php", "filter.php", $CFG->textfilters);
            set_config("textfilters", $CFG->textfilters);
    if ($oldversion < 2004022000) {
        table_column("user", "", "emailstop", "integer", "1", "unsigned", "0", "not null", "email");
    if ($oldversion < 2004022200) {
        /// Final renaming I hope.  :-)
        if (!empty($CFG->textfilters)) {
            $CFG->textfilters = str_replace("/filter.php", "", $CFG->textfilters);
            $CFG->textfilters = str_replace("mod/glossary/dynalink.php", "mod/glossary", $CFG->textfilters);
            $textfilters = explode(',', $CFG->textfilters);
            foreach ($textfilters as $key => $textfilter) {
                $textfilters[$key] = trim($textfilter);
            set_config("textfilters", implode(',', $textfilters));
    if ($oldversion < 2004030702) {
        /// Because of the renaming of Czech language pack
        execute_sql("UPDATE {$CFG->prefix}user SET lang = 'cs' WHERE lang = 'cz'");
        execute_sql("UPDATE {$CFG->prefix}course SET lang = 'cs' WHERE lang = 'cz'");
    if ($oldversion < 2004041800) {
        /// Integrate Block System from contrib
        table_column("course", "", "blockinfo", "varchar", "255", "", "", "not null", "modinfo");
    if ($oldversion < 2004042600) {
        /// Rebuild course caches for resource icons
    if ($oldversion < 2004042700) {
        /// Increase size of lang fields
        table_column("user", "lang", "lang", "varchar", "10", "", "en");
        table_column("groups", "lang", "lang", "varchar", "10", "", "");
        table_column("course", "lang", "lang", "varchar", "10", "", "");
    if ($oldversion < 2004042701) {
        /// Add hiddentopics field to control hidden topics behaviour
        #table_column("course", "", "hiddentopics", "integer", "1", "unsigned", "0", "not null", "visible");
        #See 'hiddensections' further down
    if ($oldversion < 2004042702) {
        /// Add a format field for the description
        table_column("event", "", "format", "integer", "4", "unsigned", "0", "not null", "description");
    if ($oldversion < 2004043001) {
        /// Add hiddentopics field to control hidden topics behaviour
        table_column("course", "", "hiddensections", "integer", "2", "unsigned", "0", "not null", "visible");
    if ($oldversion < 2004050400) {
        /// add a visible field for events
        table_column("event", "", "visible", "smallint", "1", "", "1", "not null", "timeduration");
        if ($events = get_records('event')) {
            foreach ($events as $event) {
                if ($moduleid = get_field('modules', 'id', 'name', $event->modulename)) {
                    if (get_field('course_modules', 'visible', 'module', $moduleid, 'instance', $event->instance) == 0) {
                        set_field('event', 'visible', 0, 'id', $event->id);
    if ($oldversion < 2004052800) {
        /// First version tagged "1.4 development", version.php 1.227
        set_config('siteblocksadded', true);
        /// This will be used later by the block upgrade
    if ($oldversion < 2004053000) {
        /// set defaults for site course
        $site = get_site();
        set_field('course', 'numsections', 0, 'id', $site->id);
        set_field('course', 'groupmodeforce', 1, 'id', $site->id);
        set_field('course', 'teacher', get_string('administrator'), 'id', $site->id);
        set_field('course', 'teachers', get_string('administrators'), 'id', $site->id);
        set_field('course', 'student', get_string('user'), 'id', $site->id);
        set_field('course', 'students', get_string('users'), 'id', $site->id);
    if ($oldversion < 2004060100) {
        set_config('digestmailtime', 0);
        table_column('user', "", 'maildigest', 'smallint', '1', '', '0', 'not null', 'mailformat');
    if ($oldversion < 2004062400) {
        table_column('user_teachers', "", 'timeend', 'int', '10', 'unsigned', '0', 'not null', 'editall');
        table_column('user_teachers', "", 'timestart', 'int', '10', 'unsigned', '0', 'not null', 'editall');
    if ($oldversion < 2004062401) {
        table_column('course', '', 'idnumber', 'varchar', '100', '', '', 'not null', 'shortname');
        execute_sql('UPDATE ' . $CFG->prefix . 'course SET idnumber = shortname');
        // By default
    if ($oldversion < 2004062600) {
        table_column('course', '', 'cost', 'varchar', '10', '', '', 'not null', 'lang');
    if ($oldversion < 2004072900) {
        table_column('course', '', 'enrolperiod', 'int', '10', 'unsigned', '0', 'not null', 'startdate');
    if ($oldversion < 2004072901) {
        // Fixing error in schema
        if ($record = get_record('log_display', 'module', 'course', 'action', 'update')) {
            delete_records('log_display', 'module', 'course', 'action', 'update');
            insert_record('log_display', $record, false);
    if ($oldversion < 2004081200) {
        // Fixing version errors in some blocks
        set_field('blocks', 'version', 2004081200, 'name', 'admin');
        set_field('blocks', 'version', 2004081200, 'name', 'calendar_month');
        set_field('blocks', 'version', 2004081200, 'name', 'course_list');
    if ($oldversion < 2004081500) {
        // Adding new "auth" field to user table to allow more flexibility
        table_column('user', '', 'auth', 'varchar', '20', '', 'manual', 'not null', 'id');
        execute_sql("UPDATE {$CFG->prefix}user SET auth = 'manual'");
        // Set everyone to 'manual' to be sure
        if ($admins = get_admins()) {
            // Set all the NON-admins to whatever the current auth module is
            $adminlist = array();
            foreach ($admins as $user) {
                $adminlist[] = $user->id;
            $adminlist = implode(',', $adminlist);
            execute_sql("UPDATE {$CFG->prefix}user SET auth = '{$CFG->auth}' WHERE id NOT IN ({$adminlist})");
    if ($oldversion < 2004082600) {
        //update auth-fields for external users
        // following code would not work in 1.8
        /*        include_once ($CFG->dirroot."/auth/".$CFG->auth."/lib.php");
                if (function_exists('auth_get_userlist')) {
                    $externalusers = auth_get_userlist();
                    if (!empty($externalusers)){
                        $externalusers = '\''. implode('\',\'',$externalusers).'\'';
                        execute_sql("UPDATE {$CFG->prefix}user SET auth = '$CFG->auth' WHERE username  IN ($externalusers)");
    if ($oldversion < 2004082900) {
        // Make sure guest is "manual" too.
        set_field('user', 'auth', 'manual', 'username', 'guest');
    /* Just commenteed unused fields out
       if ($oldversion < 2004090300) { // Add guid-field used in user syncronization
               table_column('user', '', 'guid', 'varchar', '128', '', '', '', 'auth');
               execute_sql("CREATE INDEX {$CFG->prefix}user_auth_guid_idx ON {$CFG->prefix}user (auth, guid)"); 
    if ($oldversion < 2004091900) {
        //Modify idnumber to hold longer keys
        set_field('user', 'auth', 'manual', 'username', 'guest');
        table_column('user', 'idnumber', 'idnumber', 'varchar', '64', '', '', '', '');
        execute_sql("DROP INDEX {$CFG->prefix}user_idnumber_idx ;", false);
        // added in case of conflicts with upgrade from 14stable
        execute_sql("DROP INDEX {$CFG->prefix}user_auth_idx ;", false);
        // added in case of conflicts with upgrade from 14stable
        execute_sql("CREATE INDEX {$CFG->prefix}user_idnumber_idx ON {$CFG->prefix}user (idnumber)");
        execute_sql("CREATE INDEX {$CFG->prefix}user_auth_idx ON {$CFG->prefix}user (auth)");
    if ($oldversion < 2004092000) {
        //redoing this just to be sure that column type is text (postgres type changes didnt work when this was done first time)
        table_column("config", "value", "value", "text", "", "", "");
    if ($oldversion < 2004093001) {
        // add new table for sessions storage
        execute_sql(" CREATE TABLE {$CFG->prefix}sessions (\n                          sesskey char(32) PRIMARY KEY,\n                          expiry integer NOT null,\n                          expireref varchar(64),\n                          data text NOT null\n                      );");
        execute_sql(" CREATE INDEX {$CFG->prefix}sessions_expiry_idx ON {$CFG->prefix}sessions (expiry)");
    if ($oldversion < 2004111500) {
        // Update any users/courses using wrongly-named lang pack
        execute_sql("UPDATE {$CFG->prefix}user SET lang = 'mi_nt' WHERE lang = 'ma_nt'");
        execute_sql("UPDATE {$CFG->prefix}course SET lang = 'mi_nt' WHERE lang = 'ma_nt'");
    if ($oldversion < 2004111700) {
        // add indexes- drop them first silently to avoid conflicts when upgrading.
        execute_sql("DROP INDEX {$CFG->prefix}course_idnumber_idx;", false);
        execute_sql("DROP INDEX {$CFG->prefix}course_shortname_idx;", false);
        execute_sql("DROP INDEX {$CFG->prefix}user_students_userid_idx;", false);
        execute_sql("DROP INDEX {$CFG->prefix}user_teachers_userid_idx;", false);
        modify_database("", "CREATE INDEX {$CFG->prefix}course_idnumber_idx ON {$CFG->prefix}course (idnumber);");
        modify_database("", "CREATE INDEX {$CFG->prefix}course_shortname_idx ON {$CFG->prefix}course (shortname);");
        modify_database("", "CREATE INDEX {$CFG->prefix}user_students_userid_idx ON {$CFG->prefix}user_students (userid);");
        modify_database("", "CREATE INDEX {$CFG->prefix}user_teachers_userid_idx ON {$CFG->prefix}user_teachers (userid);");
    if ($oldversion < 2004111700) {
        // add an index to event for timestart and timeduration- drop them first silently to avoid conflicts when upgrading.
        execute_sql("DROP INDEX {$CFG->prefix}event_timestart_idx;", false);
        execute_sql("DROP INDEX {$CFG->prefix}event_timeduration_idx;", false);
        modify_database('', 'CREATE INDEX prefix_event_timestart_idx ON prefix_event (timestart);');
        modify_database('', 'CREATE INDEX prefix_event_timeduration_idx ON prefix_event (timeduration);');
    if ($oldversion < 2004117000) {
        // add an index on the groups_members table- drop them first silently to avoid conflicts when upgrading.
        execute_sql("DROP INDEX {$CFG->prefix}groups_members_userid_idx;", false);
        modify_database('', 'CREATE INDEX prefix_groups_members_userid_idx ON prefix_groups_members (userid);');
    if ($oldversion < 2004111700) {
        //add indexes on modules and course_modules- drop them first silently to avoid conflicts when upgrading.
        execute_sql("DROP INDEX {$CFG->prefix}course_modules_visible_idx;", false);
        execute_sql("DROP INDEX {$CFG->prefix}course_modules_course_idx;", false);
        execute_sql("DROP INDEX {$CFG->prefix}course_modules_module_idx;", false);
        execute_sql("DROP INDEX {$CFG->prefix}course_modules_instance_idx;", false);
        execute_sql("DROP INDEX {$CFG->prefix}course_modules_deleted_idx;", false);
        execute_sql("DROP INDEX {$CFG->prefix}modules_name_idx;", false);
        modify_database('', 'CREATE INDEX prefix_course_modules_visible_idx ON prefix_course_modules (visible);');
        modify_database('', 'CREATE INDEX prefix_course_modules_course_idx ON prefix_course_modules (course);');
        modify_database('', 'CREATE INDEX prefix_course_modules_module_idx ON prefix_course_modules (module);');
        modify_database('', 'CREATE INDEX prefix_course_modules_instance_idx ON prefix_course_modules (instance);');
        modify_database('', 'CREATE INDEX prefix_course_modules_deleted_idx ON prefix_course_modules (deleted);');
        modify_database('', 'CREATE INDEX prefix_modules_name_idx ON prefix_modules (name);');
    if ($oldversion < 2004111700) {
        // add an index on user students timeaccess (used for sorting)- drop them first silently to avoid conflicts when upgrading
        execute_sql("DROP INDEX {$CFG->prefix}user_students_timeaccess_idx;", false);
        modify_database('', 'CREATE INDEX prefix_user_students_timeaccess_idx ON prefix_user_students (timeaccess);');
    if ($oldversion < 2004111700) {
        //add indexes on faux foreign keys  - drop them first silently to avoid conflicts when upgrading.
        execute_sql("DROP INDEX {$CFG->prefix}course_sections_coursesection_idx;", false);
        execute_sql("DROP INDEX {$CFG->prefix}scale_courseid_idx;", false);
        execute_sql("DROP INDEX {$CFG->prefix}user_admins_userid_idx;", false);
        execute_sql("DROP INDEX {$CFG->prefix}user_coursecreators_userid_idx;", false);
        modify_database('', 'CREATE INDEX prefix_course_sections_coursesection_idx ON prefix_course_sections (course,section);');
        modify_database('', 'CREATE INDEX prefix_scale_courseid_idx ON prefix_scale (courseid);');
        modify_database('', 'CREATE INDEX prefix_user_admins_userid_idx ON prefix_user_admins (userid);');
        modify_database('', 'CREATE INDEX prefix_user_coursecreators_userid_idx ON prefix_user_coursecreators (userid);');
    if ($oldversion < 2004111700) {
        // make new indexes on user table.
        fix_course_sortorder(0, 0, 1);
        execute_sql("DROP INDEX {$CFG->prefix}course_category_idx;", false);
        execute_sql("DROP INDEX {$CFG->prefix}course_category_sortorder_uk;", false);
        modify_database('', "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX prefix_course_category_sortorder_uk ON prefix_course(category,sortorder)");
        execute_sql("DROP INDEX {$CFG->prefix}user_deleted_idx;", false);
        execute_sql("DROP INDEX {$CFG->prefix}user_confirmed_idx;", false);
        execute_sql("DROP INDEX {$CFG->prefix}user_firstname_idx;", false);
        execute_sql("DROP INDEX {$CFG->prefix}user_lastname_idx;", false);
        execute_sql("DROP INDEX {$CFG->prefix}user_city_idx;", false);
        execute_sql("DROP INDEX {$CFG->prefix}user_country_idx;", false);
        execute_sql("DROP INDEX {$CFG->prefix}user_lastaccess_idx;", false);
        modify_database("", "CREATE INDEX prefix_user_deleted_idx ON prefix_user (deleted)");
        modify_database("", "CREATE INDEX prefix_user_confirmed_idx ON prefix_user (confirmed)");
        modify_database("", "CREATE INDEX prefix_user_firstname_idx ON prefix_user (firstname)");
        modify_database("", "CREATE INDEX prefix_user_lastname_idx ON prefix_user (lastname)");
        modify_database("", "CREATE INDEX prefix_user_city_idx ON prefix_user (city)");
        modify_database("", "CREATE INDEX prefix_user_country_idx ON prefix_user (country)");
        modify_database("", "CREATE INDEX prefix_user_lastaccess_idx ON prefix_user (lastaccess)");
    if ($oldversion < 2004111700) {
        // one more index for email (for sorting)
        execute_sql("DROP INDEX {$CFG->prefix}user_email_idx;", false);
        modify_database('', 'CREATE INDEX prefix_user_email_idx ON prefix_user (email);');
    if ($oldversion < 2004112200) {
        // new 'enrol' field for enrolment tables
        table_column('user_students', '', 'enrol', 'varchar', '20', '', '', 'not null');
        table_column('user_teachers', '', 'enrol', 'varchar', '20', '', '', 'not null');
        modify_database("", "CREATE INDEX {$CFG->prefix}user_students_enrol_idx ON {$CFG->prefix}user_students (enrol);");
        modify_database("", "CREATE INDEX {$CFG->prefix}user_teachers_enrol_idx ON {$CFG->prefix}user_teachers (enrol);");
    if ($oldversion < 2004112300) {
        // update log display to use correct postgres friendly sql
        execute_sql("UPDATE {$CFG->prefix}log_display SET field='firstname||\\' \\'||lastname' WHERE module='user' AND action='view' AND mtable='user'");
        execute_sql("UPDATE {$CFG->prefix}log_display SET field='firstname||\\' \\'||lastname' WHERE module='course' AND action='user report' AND mtable='user'");
    if ($oldversion < 2004112400) {
        /// Delete duplicate enrolments
        /// and then tell the database course,userid is a unique combination
        if ($users = get_records_select("user_students", "userid > 0 GROUP BY course, userid " . "HAVING count(*) > 1", "", "max(id) as id, userid, course ,count(*)")) {
            foreach ($users as $user) {
                delete_records_select("user_students", "userid = '{$user->userid}' " . "AND course = '{$user->course}' AND id <> '{$user->id}'");
        // drop some indexes quietly -- they may or may not exist depending on what version
        // the user upgrades from
        execute_sql("DROP INDEX {$CFG->prefix}user_students_courseuserid_idx ", false);
        execute_sql("DROP INDEX {$CFG->prefix}user_students_courseuserid_uk  ", false);
        modify_database('', 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX prefix_user_students_courseuserid_uk ON prefix_user_students (course,userid);');
        /// Delete duplicate teacher enrolments
        /// and then tell the database course,userid is a unique combination
        if ($users = get_records_select("user_teachers", "userid > 0 GROUP BY course, userid " . "HAVING count(*) > 1", "", "max(id) as id, userid, course ,count(*)")) {
            foreach ($users as $user) {
                delete_records_select("user_teachers", "userid = '{$user->userid}' " . "AND course = '{$user->course}' AND id <> '{$user->id}'");
        // drop some indexes quietly -- they may or may not exist depending on what version
        // the user upgrades from
        execute_sql("DROP INDEX {$CFG->prefix}user_teachers_courseuserid_idx ", false);
        execute_sql("DROP INDEX {$CFG->prefix}user_teachers_courseuserid_uk  ", false);
        modify_database('', 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX prefix_user_teachers_courseuserid_uk ON prefix_user_teachers (course,userid);');
    if ($oldversion < 2004112401) {
        // some postgres databases may have a non-unique index mislabeled unique.
        fix_course_sortorder(0, 0, 1);
        execute_sql("DROP INDEX {$CFG->prefix}course_category_sortorder_uk  ", false);
        execute_sql("DROP INDEX {$CFG->prefix}course_category_idx  ", false);
        modify_database('', "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX prefix_course_category_sortorder_uk ON prefix_course(category,sortorder);");
        // odd! username was missing its unique index!
        // first silently drop it just in case...
        execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}user DROP CONSTRAINT {$CFG->prefix}user_username_uk;", false);
        execute_sql("DROP INDEX {$CFG->prefix}user_username_uk", false);
        modify_database('', "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX prefix_user_username_uk ON prefix_user (username);");
    if ($oldversion < 2004112900) {
        table_column('user', '', 'policyagreed', 'integer', '1', 'unsigned', '0', 'not null', 'confirmed');
    if ($oldversion < 2004121400) {
        table_column('groups', '', 'password', 'varchar', '50', '', '', 'not null', 'description');
    if ($oldversion < 2004121600) {
        modify_database('', "CREATE TABLE prefix_dst_preset (\n                                id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,\n                                name varchar(48) NOT NULL default '',\n                                apply_offset integer NOT NULL default '0',\n                                activate_index integer NOT NULL default '1',\n                                activate_day integer NOT NULL default '1',\n                                activate_month integer NOT NULL default '1',\n                                activate_time char(5) NOT NULL default '03:00',\n                                deactivate_index integer NOT NULL default '1',\n                                deactivate_day integer NOT NULL default '1',\n                                deactivate_month integer NOT NULL default '2',\n                                deactivate_time char(5) NOT NULL default '03:00',\n                                last_change integer NOT NULL default '0',\n                                next_change integer NOT NULL default '0',\n                                current_offset integer NOT NULL default '0'\n                             );");
    if ($oldversion < 2004122800) {
        execute_sql("DROP TABLE {$CFG->prefix}message", false);
        execute_sql("DROP TABLE {$CFG->prefix}message_read", false);
        execute_sql("DROP TABLE {$CFG->prefix}message_contacts", false);
        execute_sql("DROP INDEX {$CFG->prefix}message_useridfrom_idx", false);
        execute_sql("DROP INDEX {$CFG->prefix}message_useridto_idx", false);
        execute_sql("DROP INDEX {$CFG->prefix}message_read_useridfrom_idx", false);
        execute_sql("DROP INDEX {$CFG->prefix}message_read_useridto_idx", false);
        execute_sql("DROP INDEX {$CFG->prefix}message_contacts_useridcontactid_idx", false);
        modify_database('', "CREATE TABLE prefix_message (\n                               id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,\n                               useridfrom integer NOT NULL default '0',\n                               useridto integer NOT NULL default '0',\n                               message text,\n                               timecreated integer NOT NULL default '0',\n                               messagetype varchar(50) NOT NULL default ''\n                            );\n\n                            CREATE INDEX prefix_message_useridfrom_idx ON prefix_message (useridfrom);\n                            CREATE INDEX prefix_message_useridto_idx ON prefix_message (useridto);\n\n                            CREATE TABLE prefix_message_read (\n                               id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,\n                               useridfrom integer NOT NULL default '0',\n                               useridto integer NOT NULL default '0',\n                               message text,\n                               timecreated integer NOT NULL default '0',\n                               timeread integer NOT NULL default '0',\n                               messagetype varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',\n                               mailed integer NOT NULL default '0'\n                            );\n\n                            CREATE INDEX prefix_message_read_useridfrom_idx ON prefix_message_read (useridfrom);\n                            CREATE INDEX prefix_message_read_useridto_idx ON prefix_message_read (useridto);\n                            ");
        modify_database('', "CREATE TABLE prefix_message_contacts (\n                               id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,\n                               userid integer NOT NULL default '0',\n                               contactid integer NOT NULL default '0',\n                               blocked integer NOT NULL default '0'\n                            );\n\n                            CREATE INDEX prefix_message_contacts_useridcontactid_idx ON prefix_message_contacts (userid,contactid);\n                            ");
        modify_database('', "INSERT INTO prefix_log_display (module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('message', 'write', 'user', 'firstname||\\' \\'||lastname');\n                            INSERT INTO prefix_log_display (module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('message', 'read', 'user', 'firstname||\\' \\'||lastname');\n                            ");
    if ($oldversion < 2004122801) {
        table_column('message', '', 'format', 'integer', '4', 'unsigned', '0', 'not null', 'message');
        table_column('message_read', '', 'format', 'integer', '4', 'unsigned', '0', 'not null', 'message');
    if ($oldversion < 2005010100) {
        modify_database('', "INSERT INTO prefix_log_display (module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('message', 'add contact', 'user', 'firstname||\\' \\'||lastname');\n                            INSERT INTO prefix_log_display (module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('message', 'remove contact', 'user', 'firstname||\\' \\'||lastname');\n                            INSERT INTO prefix_log_display (module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('message', 'block contact', 'user', 'firstname||\\' \\'||lastname');\n                            INSERT INTO prefix_log_display (module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('message', 'unblock contact', 'user', 'firstname||\\' \\'||lastname');\n                            ");
    if ($oldversion < 2005011000) {
        // Create a .htaccess file in dataroot, just in case
        if (!file_exists($CFG->dataroot . '/.htaccess')) {
            if ($handle = fopen($CFG->dataroot . '/.htaccess', 'w')) {
                // For safety
                @fwrite($handle, "deny from all\r\nAllowOverride None\r\n");
                notify("Created a default .htaccess file in {$CFG->dataroot}");
    if ($oldversion < 2005012500) {
        // add new table for meta courses.
        modify_database("","CREATE TABLE prefix_meta_course (
             id SERIAL primary key,
             parent_course integer NOT NULL,
             child_course integer NOT NULL
        modify_database("","CREATE INDEX prefix_meta_course_parent_idx ON prefix_meta_course (parent_course);");
        modify_database("","CREATE INDEX prefix_meta_course_child_idx ON prefix_meta_course (child_course);");
        table_column('course','','meta_course','integer','1','','0','not null');
        // taking this OUT for upgrade from 1.4 to 1.5 (those tracking head will have already seen it)
    if ($oldversion < 2005012501) {
        //fix table names for consistency
        execute_sql("DROP TABLE {$CFG->prefix}meta_course", false);
        // drop silently
        execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}course DROP COLUMN meta_course", false);
        // drop silently
        modify_database("", "CREATE TABLE prefix_course_meta (\n             id SERIAL primary key,\n             parent_course integer NOT NULL,\n             child_course integer NOT NULL\n             );");
        modify_database("", "CREATE INDEX prefix_course_meta_parent_idx ON prefix_course_meta (parent_course);");
        modify_database("", "CREATE INDEX prefix_course_meta_child_idx ON prefix_course_meta (child_course);");
        table_column('course', '', 'metacourse', 'integer', '1', '', '0', 'not null');
    if ($oldversion < 2005020100) {
        fix_course_sortorder(0, 1, 1);
    if ($oldversion < 2005021000) {
        // New fields for theme choices
        table_column('course', '', 'theme', 'varchar', '50', '', '', '', 'lang');
        table_column('groups', '', 'theme', 'varchar', '50', '', '', '', 'lang');
        table_column('user', '', 'theme', 'varchar', '50', '', '', '', 'lang');
        set_config('theme', 'standardwhite');
        // Reset to a known good theme
    if ($oldversion < 2005021700) {
        table_column('user', '', 'dstpreset', 'int', '10', '', '0', 'not null', 'timezone');
    if ($oldversion < 2005021800) {
        modify_database("", "CREATE TABLE adodb_logsql (\n                              created timestamp NOT NULL,\n                              sql0 varchar(250) NOT NULL,\n                              sql1 text NOT NULL,\n                              params text NOT NULL,\n                              tracer text NOT NULL,\n                              timer decimal(16,6) NOT NULL\n                           );");
    if ($oldversion < 2005022400) {
        table_column('dst_preset', '', 'family', 'varchar', '100', '', '', 'not null', 'name');
        table_column('dst_preset', '', 'year', 'int', '10', '', '0', 'not null', 'family');
    if ($oldversion < 2005030501) {
        table_column('user', '', 'msn', 'varchar', '50', '', '', '', 'icq');
        table_column('user', '', 'aim', 'varchar', '50', '', '', '', 'icq');
        table_column('user', '', 'yahoo', 'varchar', '50', '', '', '', 'icq');
        table_column('user', '', 'skype', 'varchar', '50', '', '', '', 'icq');
    if ($oldversion < 2005032300) {
        table_column('user', 'dstpreset', 'timezonename', 'varchar', '100');
        execute_sql('UPDATE ' . $CFG->prefix . 'user SET timezonename = \'\'');
    if ($oldversion < 2005032600) {
        execute_sql('DROP TABLE ' . $CFG->prefix . 'dst_preset', false);
        modify_database('', "CREATE TABLE prefix_timezone (\n                              id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,\n                              name varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',\n                              year integer NOT NULL default '0',\n                              rule varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',\n                              gmtoff integer NOT NULL default '0',\n                              dstoff integer NOT NULL default '0',\n                              dst_month integer NOT NULL default '0',\n                              dst_startday integer NOT NULL default '0',\n                              dst_weekday integer NOT NULL default '0',\n                              dst_skipweeks integer NOT NULL default '0',\n                              dst_time varchar(5) NOT NULL default '00:00',\n                              std_month integer NOT NULL default '0',\n                              std_startday integer NOT NULL default '0',\n                              std_weekday integer NOT NULL default '0',\n                              std_skipweeks integer NOT NULL default '0',\n                              std_time varchar(5) NOT NULL default '00:00'\n                            );");
    if ($oldversion < 2005032800) {
        modify_database('', "CREATE TABLE prefix_grade_category (\n                              id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,\n                              name varchar(64) default NULL,\n                              courseid integer NOT NULL default '0',\n                              drop_x_lowest integer NOT NULL default '0',\n                              bonus_points integer NOT NULL default '0',\n                              hidden integer NOT NULL default '0',\n                              weight decimal(4,2) default '0.00'\n                            );");
        modify_database('', "CREATE INDEX prefix_grade_category_courseid_idx ON prefix_grade_category (courseid);");
        modify_database('', "CREATE TABLE prefix_grade_exceptions (\n                              id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,\n                              courseid integer  NOT NULL default '0',\n                              grade_itemid integer  NOT NULL default '0',\n                              userid integer  NOT NULL default '0'\n                            );");
        modify_database('', "CREATE INDEX prefix_grade_exceptions_courseid_idx ON prefix_grade_exceptions (courseid);");
        modify_database('', "CREATE TABLE prefix_grade_item (\n                              id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,\n                              courseid integer default NULL,\n                              category integer default NULL,\n                              modid integer default NULL,\n                              cminstance integer default NULL,\n                              scale_grade float(11) default '1.0000000000',\n                              extra_credit integer NOT NULL default '0',\n                              sort_order integer  NOT NULL default '0'\n                            );");
        modify_database('', "CREATE INDEX prefix_grade_item_courseid_idx ON prefix_grade_item (courseid);");
        modify_database('', "CREATE TABLE prefix_grade_letter (\n                              id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,\n                              courseid integer NOT NULL default '0',\n                              letter varchar(8) NOT NULL default 'NA',\n                              grade_high decimal(6,2) NOT NULL default '100.00',\n                              grade_low decimal(6,2) NOT NULL default '0.00'\n                            );");
        modify_database('', "CREATE INDEX prefix_grade_letter_courseid_idx ON prefix_grade_letter (courseid);");
        modify_database('', "CREATE TABLE prefix_grade_preferences (\n                              id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,\n                              courseid integer default NULL,\n                              preference integer NOT NULL default '0',\n                              value integer NOT NULL default '0'\n                            );");
        modify_database('', "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX prefix_grade_prefs_courseidpref_uk ON prefix_grade_preferences (courseid,preference);");
    if ($oldversion < 2005033100) {
        // Get rid of defunct field from course modules table
        delete_records('course_modules', 'deleted', 1);
        // Delete old records we don't need any more
        execute_sql('DROP INDEX ' . $CFG->prefix . 'course_modules_deleted_idx;');
        // Old index
        execute_sql('ALTER TABLE ' . $CFG->prefix . 'course_modules DROP deleted;');
        // Old field
    if ($oldversion < 2005040800) {
        table_column('user', 'timezone', 'timezone', 'varchar', '100', '', '99');
        execute_sql(" ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}user DROP timezonename ");
    if ($oldversion < 2005041101) {
        require_once $CFG->libdir . '/filelib.php';
        if (is_readable($CFG->dirroot . '/lib/timezones.txt')) {
            // Distribution file
            if ($timezones = get_records_csv($CFG->dirroot . '/lib/timezones.txt', 'timezone')) {
                $db->debug = false;
                notify(count($timezones) . ' timezones installed');
                $db->debug = true;
    if ($oldversion < 2005041900) {
        // Copy all Dialogue entries into Messages, and hide Dialogue module
        if ($entries = get_records_sql('SELECT e.id, e.userid, c.recipientid, e.text, e.timecreated
                                          FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . 'dialogue_conversations c,
                                               ' . $CFG->prefix . 'dialogue_entries e
                                         WHERE e.conversationid = c.id')) {
            foreach ($entries as $entry) {
                $message = NULL;
                $message->useridfrom = $entry->userid;
                $message->useridto = $entry->recipientid;
                $message->message = addslashes($entry->text);
                $message->format = FORMAT_HTML;
                $message->timecreated = $entry->timecreated;
                $message->messagetype = 'direct';
                insert_record('message_read', $message);
        set_field('modules', 'visible', 0, 'name', 'dialogue');
        notify('The Dialogue module has been disabled, and all the old Messages from it copied into the new standard Message feature.  If you really want Dialogue back, you can enable it using the "eye" icon here:  Admin >> Modules >> Dialogue');
    if ($oldversion < 2005042100) {
        $result = table_column('event', '', 'repeatid', 'int', '10', 'unsigned', '0', 'not null', 'userid') && $result;
    if ($oldversion < 2005042400) {
        // Add user tracking prefs field.
        table_column('user', '', 'trackforums', 'int', '4', 'unsigned', '0', 'not null', 'autosubscribe');
    if ($oldversion < 2005051500) {
        // Add user tracking prefs field.
        table_column('grade_category', 'weight', 'weight', 'numeric(5,2)', '', '', '0.00', '', '');
    if ($oldversion < 2005053000) {
        // Add config_plugins table
        // this table was created on the MOODLE_15_STABLE branch
        // so it may already exist. Therefore we hide potential errors
        // (Postgres doesn't support CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS)
        execute_sql("CREATE TABLE {$CFG->prefix}config_plugins (\n                        id     SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,\n                        plugin varchar(100) NOT NULL default 'core',\n                        name   varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',\n                        value  text NOT NULL default '',\n                        CONSTRAINT {$CFG->prefix}config_plugins_plugin_name_uk UNIQUE (plugin, name)\n                     );", false);
    if ($oldversion < 2005060200) {
        // migrate some config items to config_plugins table
        // NOTE: this block is in both postgres AND mysql upgrade
        // files. If you edit either, update the otherone.
        $user_fields = array("firstname", "lastname", "email", "phone1", "phone2", "department", "address", "city", "country", "description", "idnumber", "lang");
        if (!empty($CFG->auth)) {
            // if we have no auth, just pass
            foreach ($user_fields as $field) {
                $suffixes = array('', '_editlock', '_updateremote', '_updatelocal');
                foreach ($suffixes as $suffix) {
                    $key = 'auth_user_' . $field . $suffix;
                    if (isset($CFG->{$key})) {
                        // translate keys & values
                        // to the new convention
                        // this should support upgrading
                        // even 1.5dev installs
                        $newkey = $key;
                        $newval = $CFG->{$key};
                        if ($suffix === '') {
                            $newkey = 'field_map_' . $field;
                        } elseif ($suffix === '_editlock') {
                            $newkey = 'field_lock_' . $field;
                            $newval = $newval == 1 ? 'locked' : 'unlocked';
                            // translate 0/1 to locked/unlocked
                        } elseif ($suffix === '_updateremote') {
                            $newkey = 'field_updateremote_' . $field;
                        } elseif ($suffix === '_updatelocal') {
                            $newkey = 'field_updatelocal_' . $field;
                            $newval = $newval == 1 ? 'onlogin' : 'oncreate';
                            // translate 0/1 to locked/unlocked
                        if (!(set_config($newkey, addslashes($newval), 'auth/' . $CFG->auth) && delete_records('config', 'name', $key))) {
                            notify("Error updating Auth configuration {$key} to {$CFG->auth} {$newkey} .");
                            $result = false;
                    // end if isset key
                // end foreach suffix
            // end foreach field
    if ($oldversion < 2005060201) {
        // Close down the Attendance module, we are removing it from CVS.
        if (!file_exists($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/attendance/lib.php')) {
            if (count_records('attendance')) {
                // We have some data, so should keep it
                set_field('modules', 'visible', 0, 'name', 'attendance');
                notify('The Attendance module has been discontinued.  If you really want to 
                        continue using it, you should download it individually from 
                        http://download.moodle.org/modules and install it, then 
                        reactivate it from Admin >> Configuration >> Modules.  
                        None of your existing data has been deleted, so all existing 
                        Attendance activities should re-appear.');
            } else {
                // No data, so do a complete delete
                execute_sql('DROP TABLE ' . $CFG->prefix . 'attendance', false);
                delete_records('modules', 'name', 'attendance');
                notify("The Attendance module has been discontinued and removed from your site.  \n                        You weren't using it anyway.  ;-)");
    if ($oldversion < 2005060223) {
        // Mass cleanup of bad postgres upgrade scripts
        execute_sql("DROP TABLE {$CFG->prefix}attendance_roll", false);
        // There are no attendance module anymore
        modify_database('', 'ALTER TABLE prefix_config ALTER value SET NOT NULL');
        modify_database('', 'ALTER TABLE prefix_course ALTER metacourse SET NOT NULL');
        modify_database('', 'ALTER TABLE prefix_course ALTER theme SET NOT NULL');
        modify_database('', 'ALTER TABLE prefix_event ALTER repeatid SET NOT NULL');
        modify_database('', 'ALTER TABLE prefix_groups ALTER password SET NOT NULL');
        modify_database('', 'ALTER TABLE prefix_groups ALTER theme SET NOT NULL');
        modify_database('', 'ALTER TABLE prefix_message ALTER format SET NOT NULL');
        modify_database('', 'ALTER TABLE prefix_message_read ALTER format SET NOT NULL');
        modify_database('', 'ALTER TABLE prefix_groups ALTER theme SET NOT NULL');
        modify_database('', 'ALTER TABLE prefix_user ALTER aim DROP DEFAULT');
        modify_database('', 'ALTER TABLE prefix_user ALTER idnumber DROP DEFAULT');
        modify_database('', 'ALTER TABLE prefix_user ALTER msn DROP DEFAULT');
        modify_database('', 'ALTER TABLE prefix_user ALTER policyagreed SET NOT NULL');
        modify_database('', 'ALTER TABLE prefix_user ALTER skype DROP DEFAULT');
        modify_database('', 'ALTER TABLE prefix_user ALTER theme SET NOT NULL');
        modify_database('', 'ALTER TABLE prefix_user ALTER timezone SET NOT NULL');
        modify_database('', 'ALTER TABLE prefix_user ALTER trackforums SET NOT NULL');
        modify_database('', 'ALTER TABLE prefix_user ALTER yahoo DROP DEFAULT');
        modify_database('', 'ALTER TABLE prefix_user_students ALTER enrol SET NOT NULL');
        modify_database('', 'ALTER TABLE prefix_user_teachers ALTER enrol SET NOT NULL');
    if ($oldversion < 2005071700) {
        // Close down the Dialogue module, we are removing it from CVS.
        if (!file_exists($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/dialogue/lib.php')) {
            if (count_records('dialogue')) {
                // We have some data, so should keep it
                set_field('modules', 'visible', 0, 'name', 'dialogue');
                notify('The Dialogue module has been discontinued.  If you really want to 
                        continue using it, you should download it individually from 
                        http://download.moodle.org/modules and install it, then 
                        reactivate it from Admin >> Configuration >> Modules.  
                        None of your existing data has been deleted, so all existing 
                        Dialogue activities should re-appear.');
            } else {
                // No data, so do a complete delete
                execute_sql('DROP TABLE ' . $CFG->prefix . 'dialogue', false);
                delete_records('modules', 'name', 'dialogue');
                notify("The Dialogue module has been discontinued and removed from your site.  \n                        You weren't using it anyway.  ;-)");
    if ($oldversion < 2005072000) {
        // Add a couple fields to mdl_event to work towards iCal import/export
        table_column('event', '', 'uuid', 'char', '36', '', '', 'not null', 'visible');
        table_column('event', '', 'sequence', 'integer', '10', 'unsigned', '1', 'not null', 'uuid');
    if ($oldversion < 2005072100) {
        // run the online assignment cleanup code
        include $CFG->dirroot . '/' . $CFG->admin . '/oacleanup.php';
        if (function_exists('online_assignment_cleanup')) {
    if ($oldversion < 2005072200) {
        // fix the mistakenly-added currency stuff from enrol/authorize
        execute_sql("DROP TABLE {$CFG->prefix}currencies", false);
        // drop silently
        execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}course DROP currency", false);
        $defaultcurrency = empty($CFG->enrol_currency) ? 'USD' : $CFG->enrol_currency;
        table_column('course', '', 'currency', 'char', '3', '', $defaultcurrency, 'not null', 'cost');
    if ($oldversion < 2005081600) {
        //set up the course requests table
        modify_database('', "CREATE TABLE prefix_course_request (\n           id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,\n           fullname varchar(254) NOT NULL default '',\n           shortname varchar(15) NOT NULL default '',\n           summary text NOT NULL default '',\n           reason text NOT NULL default '',\n           requester INTEGER NOT NULL default 0\n         );");
        modify_database('', 'CREATE INDEX prefix_course_request_shortname_idx ON prefix_course_request (shortname);');
        table_column('course', '', 'requested');
    if ($oldversion < 2005081601) {
        modify_database('', 'CREATE TABLE prefix_course_allowed_modules (
            id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
            course INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,
            module INTEGER NOT NULL default 0
        modify_database('', 'CREATE INDEX prefix_course_allowed_modules_course_idx ON prefix_course_allowed_modules (course);');
        modify_database('', 'CREATE INDEX prefix_course_allowed_modules_module_idx ON prefix_course_allowed_modules (module);');
        table_column('course', '', 'restrictmodules', 'int', '1', '', '0', 'not null');
    if ($oldversion < 2005081700) {
        table_column('course_categories', '', 'depth', 'integer');
        table_column('course_categories', '', 'path', 'varchar', '255');
    if ($oldversion < 2005090100) {
        // stats!
        modify_database('', 'CREATE TABLE prefix_stats_daily (
           id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
           courseid INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,
           timeend INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,
           students INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,
           teachers INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,
           activestudents INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,
           activeteachers INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,
           studentreads INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,
           studentwrites INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,
           teacherreads INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,
           teacherwrites INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,
           logins INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,
           uniquelogins INTEGER NOT NULL default 0
        modify_database('', 'CREATE INDEX prefix_stats_daily_courseid_idx ON prefix_stats_daily (courseid);');
        modify_database('', 'CREATE INDEX prefix_stats_daily_timeend_idx ON prefix_stats_daily (timeend);');
        modify_database('', 'CREATE TABLE prefix_stats_weekly (
           id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
           courseid INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,
           timeend INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,
           students INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,
           teachers INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,
           activestudents INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,
           activeteachers INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,
           studentreads INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,
           studentwrites INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,
           teacherreads INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,
           teacherwrites INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,
           logins INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,
           uniquelogins INTEGER NOT NULL default 0
        modify_database('', 'CREATE INDEX prefix_stats_weekly_courseid_idx ON prefix_stats_weekly (courseid);');
        modify_database('', 'CREATE INDEX prefix_stats_weekly_timeend_idx ON prefix_stats_weekly (timeend);');
        modify_database('', 'CREATE TABLE prefix_stats_monthly (
           id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
           courseid INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,
           timeend INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,
           students INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,
           teachers INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,
           activestudents INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,
           activeteachers INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,
           studentreads INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,
           studentwrites INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,
           teacherreads INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,
           teacherwrites INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,
           logins INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,
           uniquelogins INTEGER NOT NULL default 0
        modify_database('', 'CREATE INDEX prefix_stats_monthly_courseid_idx ON prefix_stats_monthly (courseid);');
        modify_database('', 'CREATE INDEX prefix_stats_monthly_timeend_idx ON prefix_stats_monthly (timeend);');
        modify_database("", "CREATE TABLE prefix_stats_user_daily (\n           id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,\n           courseid INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,\n           userid INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,\n           roleid INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,\n           timeend INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,\n           statsreads INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,\n           statswrites INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,\n           stattype varchar(30) NOT NULL default ''\n         );");
        modify_database("", "CREATE INDEX prefix_stats_user_daily_courseid_idx ON prefix_stats_user_daily (courseid);");
        modify_database("", "CREATE INDEX prefix_stats_user_daily_userid_idx ON prefix_stats_user_daily (userid);");
        modify_database("", "CREATE INDEX prefix_stats_user_daily_roleid_idx ON prefix_stats_user_daily (roleid);");
        modify_database("", "CREATE INDEX prefix_stats_user_daily_timeend_idx ON prefix_stats_user_daily (timeend);");
        modify_database("", "CREATE TABLE prefix_stats_user_weekly (\n           id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,\n           courseid INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,\n           userid INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,\n           roleid INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,\n           timeend INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,\n           statsreads INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,\n           statswrites INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,\n           stattype varchar(30) NOT NULL default ''\n         );");
        modify_database("", "CREATE INDEX prefix_stats_user_weekly_courseid_idx ON prefix_stats_user_weekly (courseid);");
        modify_database("", "CREATE INDEX prefix_stats_user_weekly_userid_idx ON prefix_stats_user_weekly (userid);");
        modify_database("", "CREATE INDEX prefix_stats_user_weekly_roleid_idx ON prefix_stats_user_weekly (roleid);");
        modify_database("", "CREATE INDEX prefix_stats_user_weekly_timeend_idx ON prefix_stats_user_weekly (timeend);");
        modify_database("", "CREATE TABLE prefix_stats_user_monthly (\n           id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,\n           courseid INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,\n           userid INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,\n           roleid INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,\n           timeend INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,\n           statsreads INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,\n           statswrites INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,\n           stattype varchar(30) NOT NULL default ''\n         );");
        modify_database("", "CREATE INDEX prefix_stats_user_monthly_courseid_idx ON prefix_stats_user_monthly (courseid);");
        modify_database("", "CREATE INDEX prefix_stats_user_monthly_userid_idx ON prefix_stats_user_monthly (userid);");
        modify_database("", "CREATE INDEX prefix_stats_user_monthly_roleid_idx ON prefix_stats_user_monthly (roleid);");
        modify_database("", "CREATE INDEX prefix_stats_user_monthly_timeend_idx ON prefix_stats_user_monthly (timeend);");
    if ($oldversion < 2005100300) {
        table_column('course', '', 'expirynotify', 'integer', '1');
        table_column('course', '', 'expirythreshold', 'integer');
        table_column('course', '', 'notifystudents', 'integer', '1');
        $new = new stdClass();
        $new->name = 'lastexpirynotify';
        $new->value = 0;
        insert_record('config', $new);
    if ($oldversion < 2005100400) {
        table_column('course', '', 'enrollable', 'integer', '1', 'unsigned', '1');
        table_column('course', '', 'enrolstartdate', 'integer');
        table_column('course', '', 'enrolenddate', 'integer');
    if ($oldversion < 2005101200) {
        // add enrolment key to course_request.
        table_column('course_request', '', 'password', 'text');
    if ($oldversion < 2006030800) {
        # add extra indexes to log (see bug #4112)
        modify_database('', "CREATE INDEX prefix_log_userid_idx ON prefix_log (userid);");
        modify_database('', "CREATE INDEX prefix_log_info_idx ON prefix_log (info);");
    if ($oldversion < 2006030900) {
        table_column('course', '', 'enrol', 'varchar', '20', '', '');
        if ($CFG->enrol == 'internal' || $CFG->enrol == 'manual') {
            set_config('enrol_plugins_enabled', 'manual');
            set_config('enrol', 'manual');
        } else {
            set_config('enrol_plugins_enabled', 'manual,' . $CFG->enrol);
        require_once "{$CFG->dirroot}/enrol/enrol.class.php";
        $defaultenrol = enrolment_factory::factory($CFG->enrol);
        if (!method_exists($defaultenrol, 'print_entry')) {
            // switch enrollable to off for all courses in this case
            modify_database('', 'UPDATE prefix_course SET enrollable = 0');
        execute_sql("UPDATE {$CFG->prefix}user_students SET enrol='manual' WHERE enrol='' OR enrol='internal'");
        execute_sql("UPDATE {$CFG->prefix}user_teachers SET enrol='manual' WHERE enrol=''");
    if ($oldversion < 2006031000) {
        modify_database("", "CREATE TABLE prefix_post (\n          id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,\n          userid INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,\n          courseid INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,\n          groupid INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,\n          moduleid INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,\n          coursemoduleid INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,\n          subject varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',\n          summary text,\n          content text,\n          uniquehash varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',\n          rating INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,\n          format INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,\n          publishstate varchar(10) CHECK (publishstate IN ('draft','site','public')) NOT NULL default 'draft',\n          lastmodified INTEGER NOT NULL default '0',\n          created INTEGER NOT NULL default '0'\n        );");
        modify_database("", "CREATE INDEX id_user_idx ON prefix_post  (id, courseid);");
        modify_database("", "CREATE INDEX post_lastmodified_idx ON prefix_post (lastmodified);");
        modify_database("", "CREATE INDEX post_subject_idx ON prefix_post (subject);");
        modify_database("", "CREATE TABLE prefix_tags (\n          id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,\n          type varchar(255) NOT NULL default 'official',\n          userid INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,\n          text varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''\n        );");
        modify_database("", "CREATE TABLE prefix_blog_tag_instance (\n          id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,\n          entryid integer NOT NULL default 0,\n          tagid integer NOT NULL default 0,\n          groupid integer NOT NULL default 0,\n          courseid integer NOT NULL default 0,\n          userid integer NOT NULL default 0\n        );");
    if ($oldversion < 2006031400) {
        require_once "{$CFG->dirroot}/enrol/enrol.class.php";
        $defaultenrol = enrolment_factory::factory($CFG->enrol);
        if (!method_exists($defaultenrol, 'print_entry')) {
            set_config('enrol', 'manual');
    if ($oldversion < 2006032000) {
        table_column('post', '', 'module', 'varchar', '20', '', '', 'not null', 'id');
        modify_database('', "CREATE INDEX post_module_idx ON prefix_post (module);");
        modify_database('', "UPDATE prefix_post SET module = 'blog';");
    if ($oldversion < 2006032001) {
        table_column('blog_tag_instance', '', 'timemodified', 'integer', '10', 'unsigned', '0', 'not null', 'userid');
        modify_database('', "CREATE INDEX bti_entryid_idx ON prefix_blog_tag_instance (entryid);");
        modify_database('', "CREATE INDEX bti_tagid_idx ON prefix_blog_tag_instance (tagid);");
        modify_database('', "UPDATE prefix_blog_tag_instance SET timemodified = '" . time() . "';");
    if ($oldversion < 2006040500) {
        // Add an index to course_sections that was never upgraded (bug 5100)
        execute_sql(" CREATE INDEX {$CFG->prefix}course_sections_coursesection_idx ON {$CFG->prefix}course_sections (course,section) ", false);
    if ($oldversion < 2006041100) {
        table_column('course_modules', '', 'visibleold', 'integer', '1', 'unsigned', '1', 'not null', 'visible');
    if ($oldversion < 2006042400) {
        // Look through table log_display and get rid of duplicates.
        $rs = get_recordset_sql('SELECT DISTINCT * FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . 'log_display');
        // Drop the log_display table and create it back with an id field.
        execute_sql("DROP TABLE {$CFG->prefix}log_display", false);
        modify_database('', "CREATE TABLE prefix_log_display (\n                               id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,\n                               module varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',\n                               action varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',\n                               mtable varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',\n                               field varchar(50) NOT NULL default '')");
        // Add index to ensure that module and action combination is unique.
        modify_database('', 'CREATE INDEX prefix_log_display_moduleaction ON prefix_log_display (module,action)');
        // Insert the records back in, sans duplicates.
        if ($rs) {
            while (!$rs->EOF) {
                $sql = "INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}log_display " . "VALUES('', '" . $rs->fields['module'] . "', " . "'" . $rs->fields['action'] . "', " . "'" . $rs->fields['mtable'] . "', " . "'" . $rs->fields['field'] . "')";
                execute_sql($sql, false);
    // add 2 indexes to tags table
    if ($oldversion < 2006042401) {
        modify_database('', "CREATE INDEX tags_typeuserid_idx ON prefix_tags (type, userid);");
        modify_database('', "CREATE INDEX tags_text_idx ON prefix_tags (text);");
    if ($oldversion < 2006050500) {
        table_column('log', 'action', 'action', 'varchar', '40', '', '', 'not null');
    if ($oldversion < 2006050502) {
        // Close down the Dialogue module, we are removing it from CVS.
        if (!file_exists($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/dialogue/lib.php')) {
            if (!count_records('dialogue_conversations')) {
                // no data, drop the extra tables
                execute_sql('DROP TABLE ' . $CFG->prefix . 'dialogue_conversations', false);
                execute_sql('DROP TABLE ' . $CFG->prefix . 'dialogue_entries', false);
                notify("The Dialogue module has been discontinued and removed from your site.  \n                        You weren't using it anyway.  ;-)");
        table_column('course_request', 'password', 'password', 'varchar', '50', '', '');
        table_column('course', 'currency', 'currency', 'varchar', '3');
        modify_database('', 'ALTER TABLE prefix_course_categories
            ALTER COLUMN path SET DEFAULT \'\'');
        table_column('log_display', 'module', 'module', 'varchar', '20');
        modify_database("", "DROP INDEX id_user_idx");
        modify_database("", "DROP INDEX post_lastmodified_idx");
        modify_database("", "DROP INDEX post_subject_idx");
        modify_database('', "DROP INDEX bti_entryid_idx");
        modify_database('', "DROP INDEX bti_tagid_idx");
        modify_database('', "DROP INDEX post_module_idx");
        modify_database('', "DROP INDEX tags_typeuserid_idx");
        modify_database('', "DROP INDEX tags_text_idx");
        modify_database("", "CREATE INDEX {$CFG->prefix}id_user_idx           ON prefix_post (id, courseid);");
        modify_database("", "CREATE INDEX {$CFG->prefix}post_lastmodified_idx ON prefix_post (lastmodified);");
        modify_database("", "CREATE INDEX {$CFG->prefix}post_subject_idx      ON prefix_post (subject);");
        modify_database('', "CREATE INDEX {$CFG->prefix}bti_entryid_idx       ON prefix_blog_tag_instance (entryid);");
        modify_database('', "CREATE INDEX {$CFG->prefix}bti_tagid_idx         ON prefix_blog_tag_instance (tagid);");
        modify_database('', "CREATE INDEX {$CFG->prefix}post_module_idx       ON prefix_post (moduleid);");
        modify_database('', "CREATE INDEX {$CFG->prefix}tags_typeuserid_idx   ON prefix_tags (type, userid);");
        modify_database('', "CREATE INDEX {$CFG->prefix}tags_text_idx         ON prefix_tags (text);");
    // renaming of reads and writes for stats_user_xyz
    if ($oldversion < 2006052400) {
        // change this later
        // we are using this because we want silent updates
        execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}stats_user_daily RENAME COLUMN reads TO statsreads", false);
        execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}stats_user_daily RENAME COLUMN writes TO statswrites", false);
        execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}stats_user_weekly RENAME COLUMN reads TO statsreads", false);
        execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}stats_user_weekly RENAME COLUMN writes TO statswrites", false);
        execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}stats_user_monthly RENAME COLUMN reads TO statsreads", false);
        execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}stats_user_monthly RENAME COLUMN writes TO statswrites", false);
    // Adding some missing log actions
    if ($oldversion < 2006060400) {
        // But only if they doesn't exist (because this was introduced after branch and we could be duplicating!)
        if (!record_exists('log_display', 'module', 'course', 'action', 'report log')) {
            execute_sql("INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}log_display (module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('course', 'report log', 'course', 'fullname')");
        if (!record_exists('log_display', 'module', 'course', 'action', 'report live')) {
            execute_sql("INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}log_display (module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('course', 'report live', 'course', 'fullname')");
        if (!record_exists('log_display', 'module', 'course', 'action', 'report outline')) {
            execute_sql("INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}log_display (module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('course', 'report outline', 'course', 'fullname')");
        if (!record_exists('log_display', 'module', 'course', 'action', 'report participation')) {
            execute_sql("INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}log_display (module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('course', 'report participation', 'course', 'fullname')");
        if (!record_exists('log_display', 'module', 'course', 'action', 'report stats')) {
            execute_sql("INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}log_display (module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('course', 'report stats', 'course', 'fullname')");
    //Renaming lastIP to lastip (all fields lowercase)
    if ($oldversion < 2006060900) {
        //Not needed unded PG because it stores fieldnames lowecase by default
        //Only if it exists (because MOODLE_16_STABLE could have done this work before. Bug 5763)
        //$fields = $db->MetaColumnNames($CFG->prefix.'user');
        //if (in_array('lastIP',$fields)) {
        //    table_column("user", "lastIP", "lastip", "varchar", "15", "", "", "", "currentlogin");
    if ($oldversion < 2006080400) {
        modify_database('', "CREATE TABLE prefix_role (\n                                  id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,\n                                  name varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',\n                                  shortname varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',     \n                                  description text NOT NULL default '',\n                                  sortorder integer NOT NULL default '0'\n                                );");
        modify_database('', "CREATE TABLE prefix_context (\n                                  id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,\n                                  level integer NOT NULL default 0,\n                                  instanceid integer NOT NULL default 0\n                                );");
        modify_database('', "CREATE TABLE prefix_role_assignments (\n                                  id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,\n                                  roleid integer NOT NULL default 0,\n                                  contextid integer NOT NULL default 0,\n                                  userid integer NOT NULL default 0,\n                                  hidden integer NOT NULL default 0,\n                                  timestart integer NOT NULL default 0,\n                                  timeend integer NOT NULL default 0,\n                                  timemodified integer NOT NULL default 0,\n                                  modifierid integer NOT NULL default 0,\n                                  enrol varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',\n                                  sortorder integer NOT NULL default '0'\n                                );");
        modify_database('', "CREATE TABLE prefix_role_capabilities (\n                                  id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,\n                                  contextid integer NOT NULL default 0,\n                                  roleid integer NOT NULL default 0,\n                                  capability varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',\n                                  permission integer NOT NULL default 0,\n                                  timemodified integer NOT NULL default 0,\n                                  modifierid integer NOT NULL default 0\n                                );");
        modify_database('', "CREATE TABLE prefix_role_deny_grant (\n                                  id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,\n                                  roleid integer NOT NULL default '0',\n                                  unviewableroleid integer NOT NULL default '0'\n                                );");
        modify_database('', "CREATE TABLE prefix_capabilities ( \n                              id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,\n                              name varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', \n                              captype varchar(50) NOT NULL default '', \n                              contextlevel integer NOT NULL default 0, \n                              component varchar(100) NOT NULL default ''\n                                );");
        modify_database('', "CREATE TABLE prefix_role_names ( \n                              id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,\n                              roleid integer NOT NULL default 0,\n                              contextid integer NOT NULL default 0, \n                              text text NOT NULL default ''\n                                );");
    if ($oldversion < 2006081000) {
        modify_database('', "CREATE INDEX prefix_role_sortorder_idx ON prefix_role (sortorder);");
        modify_database('', "CREATE INDEX prefix_context_instanceid_idx ON prefix_context (instanceid);");
        modify_database('', "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX prefix_context_levelinstanceid_idx ON prefix_context (level, instanceid);");
        modify_database('', "CREATE INDEX prefix_role_assignments_roleid_idx ON prefix_role_assignments (roleid);");
        modify_database('', "CREATE INDEX prefix_role_assignments_contextidid_idx ON prefix_role_assignments (contextid);");
        modify_database('', "CREATE INDEX prefix_role_assignments_userid_idx ON prefix_role_assignments (userid);");
        modify_database('', "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX prefix_role_assignments_contextidroleiduserid_idx ON prefix_role_assignments (contextid, roleid, userid);");
        modify_database('', "CREATE INDEX prefix_role_assignments_sortorder_idx ON prefix_role_assignments (sortorder);");
        modify_database('', "CREATE INDEX prefix_role_capabilities_roleid_idx ON prefix_role_capabilities (roleid);");
        modify_database('', "CREATE INDEX prefix_role_capabilities_contextid_idx ON prefix_role_capabilities (contextid);");
        modify_database('', "CREATE INDEX prefix_role_capabilities_modifierid_idx ON prefix_role_capabilities (modifierid);");
        // MDL-10640  adding missing index from upgrade
        modify_database('', "CREATE INDEX prefix_role_capabilities_capability_idx ON prefix_role_capabilities (capability);");
        modify_database('', "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX prefix_role_capabilities_roleidcontextidcapability_idx ON prefix_role_capabilities (roleid, contextid, capability);");
        modify_database('', "CREATE INDEX prefix_role_deny_grant_roleid_idx ON prefix_role_deny_grant (roleid);");
        modify_database('', "CREATE INDEX prefix_role_deny_grant_unviewableroleid_idx ON prefix_role_deny_grant (unviewableroleid);");
        modify_database('', "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX prefix_role_deny_grant_roleidunviewableroleid_idx ON prefix_role_deny_grant (roleid, unviewableroleid);");
        modify_database('', "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX prefix_capabilities_name_idx ON prefix_capabilities (name);");
        modify_database('', "CREATE INDEX prefix_role_names_roleid_idx ON prefix_role_names (roleid);");
        modify_database('', "CREATE INDEX prefix_role_names_contextid_idx ON prefix_role_names (contextid);");
        modify_database('', "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX prefix_role_names_roleidcontextid_idx ON prefix_role_names (roleid, contextid);");
    if ($oldversion < 2006081700) {
        modify_database('', "DROP TABLE prefix_role_deny_grant");
        modify_database('', "CREATE TABLE prefix_role_allow_assign (    \n            id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,     \n            roleid integer NOT NULL default '0',   \n            allowassign integer NOT NULL default '0'      \n        );");
        modify_database('', "CREATE INDEX prefix_role_allow_assign_roleid_idx ON prefix_role_allow_assign (roleid);");
        modify_database('', "CREATE INDEX prefix_role_allow_assign_allowassign_idx ON prefix_role_allow_assign (allowassign);");
        modify_database('', "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX prefix_role_allow_assign_roleidallowassign_idx ON prefix_role_allow_assign (roleid, allowassign);");
        modify_database('', "CREATE TABLE prefix_role_allow_override (    \n            id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,     \n            roleid integer NOT NULL default '0',   \n            allowoverride integer NOT NULL default '0'      \n        );");
        modify_database('', "CREATE INDEX prefix_role_allow_override_roleid_idx ON prefix_role_allow_override (roleid);");
        modify_database('', "CREATE INDEX prefix_role_allow_override_allowoverride_idx ON prefix_role_allow_override (allowoverride);");
        modify_database('', "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX prefix_role_allow_override_roleidallowoverride_idx ON prefix_role_allow_override (roleid, allowoverride);");
    if ($oldversion < 2006082100) {
        execute_sql("DROP INDEX {$CFG->prefix}context_levelinstanceid_idx;", false);
        table_column('context', 'level', 'aggregatelevel', 'integer', '10', 'unsigned', '0', 'not null', '');
        modify_database('', "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX prefix_context_aggregatelevelinstanceid_idx ON prefix_context (aggregatelevel, instanceid);");
    if ($oldversion < 2006082200) {
        table_column('timezone', 'rule', 'tzrule', 'varchar', '20', '', '', 'not null', '');
    if ($oldversion < 2006082800) {
        table_column('user', '', 'ajax', 'integer', '1', 'unsigned', '1', 'not null', 'htmleditor');
    if ($oldversion < 2006082900) {
        execute_sql("DROP TABLE {$CFG->prefix}sessions", true);
        execute_sql("\n            CREATE TABLE {$CFG->prefix}sessions2 (\n                sesskey VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL default '',\n                expiry TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,\n                expireref VARCHAR(255),\n                created TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,\n                modified TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,\n                sessdata TEXT,\n                CONSTRAINT {$CFG->prefix}sess_ses_pk PRIMARY KEY (sesskey)\n            );", true);
        execute_sql("\n            CREATE INDEX {$CFG->prefix}sess_exp_ix ON {$CFG->prefix}sessions2 (expiry);", true);
        execute_sql("\n            CREATE INDEX {$CFG->prefix}sess_exp2_ix ON {$CFG->prefix}sessions2 (expireref);", true);
    if ($oldversion < 2006083002) {
        table_column('capabilities', '', 'riskbitmask', 'INTEGER', '10', 'unsigned', '0', 'not null', '');
    if ($oldversion < 2006083100) {
        execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}course ALTER COLUMN modinfo DROP NOT NULL");
        execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}course ALTER COLUMN modinfo DROP DEFAULT");
    if ($oldversion < 2006083101) {
        execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}course_categories ALTER COLUMN description DROP NOT NULL");
        execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}course_categories ALTER COLUMN description DROP DEFAULT");
    if ($oldversion < 2006083102) {
        execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}user ALTER COLUMN description DROP NOT NULL");
        execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}user ALTER COLUMN description DROP DEFAULT");
    if ($oldversion < 2006090200) {
        execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}course_sections ALTER COLUMN summary DROP NOT NULL");
        execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}course_sections ALTER COLUMN summary DROP DEFAULT");
        execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}course_sections ALTER COLUMN sequence DROP NOT NULL");
        execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}course_sections ALTER COLUMN sequence DROP DEFAULT");
    // table to keep track of course page access times, used in online participants block, and participants list
    if ($oldversion < 2006091200) {
        execute_sql("CREATE TABLE {$CFG->prefix}user_lastaccess ( \n                    id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,     \n                    userid integer NOT NULL default 0,\n                    courseid integer NOT NULL default 0, \n                    timeaccess integer NOT NULL default 0\n                    );", true);
        execute_sql("CREATE INDEX {$CFG->prefix}user_lastaccess_userid_idx ON {$CFG->prefix}user_lastaccess (userid);", true);
        execute_sql("CREATE INDEX {$CFG->prefix}user_lastaccess_courseid_idx ON {$CFG->prefix}user_lastaccess (courseid);", true);
        execute_sql("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX {$CFG->prefix}user_lastaccess_useridcourseid_idx ON {$CFG->prefix}user_lastaccess (userid, courseid);", true);
    if (!empty($CFG->rolesactive) and $oldversion < 2006091212) {
        // Reload the guest roles completely with new defaults
        if ($guestroles = get_roles_with_capability('moodle/legacy:guest', CAP_ALLOW)) {
            $sitecontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM);
            foreach ($guestroles as $guestrole) {
                delete_records('role_capabilities', 'roleid', $guestrole->id);
                assign_capability('moodle/legacy:guest', CAP_ALLOW, $guestrole->id, $sitecontext->id);
    if ($oldversion < 2006091700) {
        table_column('course', '', 'defaultrole', 'integer', '10', 'unsigned', '0', 'not null');
    if ($oldversion < 2006091800) {
        delete_records('config', 'name', 'showsiteparticipantslist');
        delete_records('config', 'name', 'requestedteachername');
        delete_records('config', 'name', 'requestedteachersname');
        delete_records('config', 'name', 'requestedstudentname');
        delete_records('config', 'name', 'requestedstudentsname');
    if (!empty($CFG->rolesactive) and $oldversion < 2006091901) {
        if ($roles = get_records('role')) {
            $first = array_shift($roles);
            if (!empty($first->shortname)) {
                // shortnames already exist
            } else {
                table_column('role', '', 'shortname', 'varchar', '100', '', '', 'not null', 'name');
                $legacy_names = array('admin', 'coursecreator', 'editingteacher', 'teacher', 'student', 'guest');
                foreach ($legacy_names as $name) {
                    if ($roles = get_roles_with_capability('moodle/legacy:' . $name, CAP_ALLOW)) {
                        $i = '';
                        foreach ($roles as $role) {
                            if (empty($role->shortname)) {
                                $updated = new object();
                                $updated->id = $role->id;
                                $updated->shortname = $name . $i;
                                update_record('role', $updated);
    /// Tables for customisable user profile fields
    if ($oldversion < 2006092000) {
        execute_sql("CREATE TABLE {$CFG->prefix}user_info_field (\n                        id BIGSERIAL,\n                        name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL default '',\n                        datatype VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL default '',\n                        categoryid BIGINT NOT NULL default 0,\n                        sortorder BIGINT NOT NULL default 0,\n                        required SMALLINT NOT NULL default 0,\n                        locked SMALLINT NOT NULL default 0,\n                        visible SMALLINT NOT NULL default 0,\n                        defaultdata TEXT,\n                        CONSTRAINT {$CFG->prefix}userinfofiel_id_pk PRIMARY KEY (id));", true);
        execute_sql("COMMENT ON TABLE {$CFG->prefix}user_info_field IS 'Customisable user profile fields';", true);
        execute_sql("CREATE TABLE {$CFG->prefix}user_info_category (\n                        id BIGSERIAL,\n                        name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL default '',\n                        sortorder BIGINT NOT NULL default 0,\n                        CONSTRAINT {$CFG->prefix}userinfocate_id_pk PRIMARY KEY (id));", true);
        execute_sql("COMMENT ON TABLE {$CFG->prefix}user_info_category IS 'Customisable fields categories';", true);
        execute_sql("CREATE TABLE {$CFG->prefix}user_info_data (\n                        id BIGSERIAL,\n                        userid BIGINT NOT NULL default 0,\n                        fieldid BIGINT NOT NULL default 0,\n                        data TEXT NOT NULL,\n                        CONSTRAINT {$CFG->prefix}userinfodata_id_pk PRIMARY KEY (id));", true);
        execute_sql("COMMENT ON TABLE {$CFG->prefix}user_info_data IS 'Data for the customisable user fields';", true);
    if ($oldversion < 2006092200) {
        table_column('context', 'aggregatelevel', 'contextlevel', 'int', '10', 'unsigned', '0', 'not null', '');
        /*      execute_sql("ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}context` DROP INDEX `aggregatelevel-instanceid`;",false);
                execute_sql("ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}context` ADD UNIQUE INDEX `contextlevel-instanceid` (`contextlevel`, `instanceid`)",false);  // see 2006092409 below */
    if ($oldversion < 2006092302) {
        // fix sortorder first if needed
        if ($roles = get_all_roles()) {
            $i = 0;
            foreach ($roles as $rolex) {
                if ($rolex->sortorder != $i) {
                    $r = new object();
                    $r->id = $rolex->id;
                    $r->sortorder = $i;
                    update_record('role', $r);
        /*        execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}role DROP INDEX {$CFG->prefix}role_sor_ix;");
                execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}role ADD UNIQUE INDEX {$CFG->prefix}role_sor_uix (sortorder)");*/
    if ($oldversion < 2006092400) {
        table_column('user', '', 'trustbitmask', 'INTEGER', '10', 'unsigned', '0', 'not null', '');
    if ($oldversion < 2006092409) {
        // ok, once more and now correctly!
        execute_sql("DROP INDEX \"aggregatelevel-instanceid\";", false);
        execute_sql("DROP INDEX \"contextlevel-instanceid\";", false);
        execute_sql("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX {$CFG->prefix}cont_conins_uix ON {$CFG->prefix}context (contextlevel, instanceid);", false);
        execute_sql("DROP INDEX {$CFG->prefix}role_sor_ix;", false);
        execute_sql("DROP INDEX {$CFG->prefix}role_sor_uix;", false);
        execute_sql("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX {$CFG->prefix}role_sor_uix ON {$CFG->prefix}role (sortorder);", false);
    if ($oldversion < 2006092410) {
        /// Convert all the PG unique keys into their corresponding unique indexes
        /// we don't want such keys inside Moodle 1.7 and above
        /// Look for all the UNIQUE CONSTRAINSTS existing in DB
        $uniquecons = get_records_sql("SELECT conname, relname, conkey, clas.oid AS tableoid\n                                          FROM pg_constraint cons,\n                                               pg_class clas\n                                         WHERE cons.contype='u'\n                                           AND cons.conrelid = clas.oid");
        /// Iterate over every unique constraint, calculating its fields
        if ($uniquecons) {
            foreach ($uniquecons as $uniquecon) {
                $conscols = trim(trim($uniquecon->conkey, '}'), '{');
                $conscols = explode(',', $conscols);
                /// Iterate over each column to fetch its name
                $indexcols = array();
                foreach ($conscols as $conscol) {
                    $column = get_record_sql("SELECT attname, attname\n                                                 FROM pg_attribute\n                                                WHERE attrelid = {$uniquecon->tableoid}\n                                                  AND attnum   = {$conscol}");
                    $indexcols[] = $column->attname;
                /// Drop the old UNIQUE CONSTRAINT
                execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$uniquecon->relname} DROP CONSTRAINT {$uniquecon->conname}", false);
                /// Create the new UNIQUE INDEX
                execute_sql("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX {$uniquecon->relname}_" . implode('_', $indexcols) . "_uix ON {$uniquecon->relname} (" . implode(', ', $indexcols) . ')', false);
    if ($oldversion < 2006092601) {
        table_column('log_display', 'field', 'field', 'varchar', '200', '', '', 'not null', '');
    //////  DO NOT ADD NEW THINGS HERE!!  USE upgrade.php and the lib/ddllib.php functions.
    return $result;
コード例 #28
  * Reset all submissions
 function reset_userdata($data)
     global $CFG;
     require_once $CFG->libdir . '/filelib.php';
     if (!count_records('assignment', 'course', $data->courseid, 'assignmenttype', $this->type)) {
         return array();
         // no assignments of this type present
     $componentstr = get_string('modulenameplural', 'assignment');
     $status = array();
     $typestr = get_string('type' . $this->type, 'assignment');
     if (!empty($data->reset_assignment_submissions)) {
         $assignmentssql = "SELECT a.id\n                                 FROM {$CFG->prefix}assignment a\n                                WHERE a.course={$data->courseid} AND a.assignmenttype='{$this->type}'";
         delete_records_select('assignment_submissions', "assignment IN ({$assignmentssql})");
         if ($assignments = get_records_sql($assignmentssql)) {
             foreach ($assignments as $assignmentid => $unused) {
                 fulldelete($CFG->dataroot . '/' . $data->courseid . '/moddata/assignment/' . $assignmentid);
         $status[] = array('component' => $componentstr, 'item' => get_string('deleteallsubmissions', 'assignment') . ': ' . $typestr, 'error' => false);
         if (empty($data->reset_gradebook_grades)) {
             // remove all grades from gradebook
             assignment_reset_gradebook($data->courseid, $this->type);
     /// updating dates - shift may be negative too
     if ($data->timeshift) {
         shift_course_mod_dates('assignment', array('timedue', 'timeavailable'), $data->timeshift, $data->courseid);
         $status[] = array('component' => $componentstr, 'item' => get_string('datechanged') . ': ' . $typestr, 'error' => false);
     return $status;
コード例 #29
                 $subtext = get_string('subscribe', 'forum');
             echo '<div class="subscribelink"><a href="mod/forum/subscribe.php?id=' . $newsforum->id . '">' . $subtext . '</a></div>';
         } else {
         forum_print_latest_discussions($SITE, $newsforum, $SITE->newsitems, 'plain', 'p.modified DESC');
     if (isloggedin() and !has_capability('moodle/site:config', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM)) and !isguest() and empty($CFG->disablemycourses)) {
     } else {
         if (!has_capability('moodle/site:config', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM)) and !isguest() or count_records('course') <= FRONTPAGECOURSELIMIT) {
             // admin should not see list of courses when there are too many of them
     print_box_start('generalbox categorybox');
     print_whole_category_list(NULL, NULL, NULL, -1, false);
     print_course_search('', false, 'short');
コード例 #30
// Main admin panel screen
// Site stats
if (logged_on && user_flag_get("admin", $USER->ident)) {
    $run_result .= "<h2>" . __gettext("Site statistics") . "</h2>";
    // Number of users of each type
    $users = count_users();
    if (!empty($users) && is_array($users)) {
        $data = '';
        foreach ($users as $user) {
            $data .= '<h4>' . $user->user_type . ":</h4><p>" . $user->numusers . "</p> ";
        $run_result .= templates_draw(array('context' => 'adminTable', 'name' => "<h3>" . __gettext("Accounts by type") . "</h3> ", 'column1' => '' . $data . '', 'column2' => "&nbsp;"));
    // Number of weblog posts
    $weblog_posts = count_records('weblog_posts');
    $weblog_comments = count_records('weblog_comments');
    $weblog_posts_7days = count_records_select('weblog_posts', "posted > ?", array(time() - 86400 * 7));
    $weblog_comments_7days = count_records_select('weblog_comments', "posted > ?", array(time() - 86400 * 7));
    $run_result .= templates_draw(array('context' => 'adminTable', 'name' => "<h3>" . __gettext("Weblog statistics") . "</h3> ", 'column1' => "<h4>" . __gettext("All-time:") . "</h4><p>" . sprintf(__gettext("%u weblog posts,\n %u comments"), $weblog_posts, $weblog_comments) . "</p><h4>" . __gettext("Last 7 days:") . "</h4><p>" . sprintf(__gettext("%u weblog posts,\n %u comments"), $weblog_posts_7days, $weblog_comments_7days) . "</p>", 'column2' => "&nbsp;"));
    // Number of files
    $files = get_record_sql('SELECT COUNT(ident) AS numfiles,SUM(size) AS totalsize FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . 'files');
    $files_7days = get_record_sql('SELECT COUNT(ident) AS numfiles, SUM(size) AS totalsize FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . 'files WHERE time_uploaded > ?', array(time() - 86400 * 7));
    $run_result .= templates_draw(array('context' => 'adminTable', 'name' => "<h3>" . __gettext("File statistics") . "</h3> ", 'column1' => "<h4>" . __gettext("All-time:") . "</h4> <p>" . sprintf(__gettext("%u files (%s)"), $files->numfiles, size_readable($files->totalsize)) . "</p><h4>" . __gettext("Last 7 days:") . "</h4><p>" . sprintf(__gettext("%u files (%s)"), $files_7days->numfiles, size_readable($files_7days->totalsize)) . "</p>", 'column2' => "&nbsp;"));
    // DB size
    $totaldbsize = 0;
    if ($CFG->dbtype == 'mysql') {
        if ($dbsize = get_records_sql('SHOW TABLE STATUS')) {
            foreach ($dbsize as $atable) {
                // filter on prefix if we have it.
                if (!empty($CFG->prefix) && strpos($atable->Name, $CFG->prefix) !== 0) {