コード例 #1
include 'updateOrder.php';
//Update Show
include 'updateShow.php';
if ($_GET['code'] == 1) {
    $errMsg = 'Successfully updated.';
//kiem  tra cap nhat thanh cong hay chua
$pageindex = createPage(countRecord($tableUser, $parentWhereConfig), './?act=' . $actUser . '&codeParent=' . $_REQUEST['codeParent'] . '&name=' . $_REQUEST['name'] . '&ma=' . $_REQUEST['ma'] . '&page=', $MAXPAGE, $page, '30', $_lang_A);
//phan trang
$pageindexHtml = $totalItems > $MAXPAGE ? '<td height="30" class="smallfont" align="left" valign="middle" >Page :' . $pageindex . '</td>' : '';
if ($errMsg != '') {
    $errMsgHtml = '<p align=center class="err">' . $errMsg . '<br></p>';
$sql = "select *,DATE_FORMAT(date_added,'%d/%m/%Y %h:%i') as dateAdd,DATE_FORMAT(last_modified,'%d/%m/%Y %h:%i') as dateModify from {$tableUser}";
$result = @mysql_query($sql, $conn);
$i = 0;
while ($row = @mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    $color = $i++ % 2 ? '#d5d5d5' : '#e5e5e5';
    if ($row['status'] == 0) {
        $showNotshow = " <a href=\"./?act=" . $actUser . "&action=notshow&codeParent=" . $_REQUEST['codeParent'] . "&id=" . $row['id'] . "&page=" . $_REQUEST['page'] . "&lang=" . $_lang_A . "\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"images/show.gif\" alt=\"" . TSHOW . "\" height=\"20\"/></a>";
    } else {
        $showNotshow = "<a href=\"./?act=" . $actUser . "&action=show&codeParent=" . $_REQUEST['codeParent'] . "&id=" . $row['id'] . "&page=" . $_REQUEST['page'] . "&lang=" . $_lang_A . "\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"images/notshow.gif\" alt=\"" . TNOTSHOW . "\" height=\"20\"/></a>";
    $processFrameShowHtmlTr .= "\n<tr>\n\t\t<td align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"" . $color . "\" class=\"smallfont\">\n\t\t<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chk[]\" value=\"" . $row['id'] . "\"></td>\n\t\t<td width=\"34\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"" . $color . "\" class=\"smallfont\">\n\t\t\t<a href=\"./?act=" . $actUser . "_m&page=" . $_REQUEST['page'] . "&codeParent=" . $_REQUEST['codeParent'] . "&id=" . $row['id'] . "&lang=" . $_lang_A . "\">" . TEDIT . "</a>\t\t</td>\n        <td width=\"41\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"" . $color . "\" class=\"smallfont\">\n\t\t\t<a \n\t\t\t\tonClick=\"return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete?');\" \n\t\t\t\thref=\"./?act=" . $actUser . "&action=del&page=" . $_REQUEST['page'] . "&codeParent=" . $_REQUEST['codeParent'] . "&id=" . $row['id'] . "&lang=" . $_lang_A . "\"\n\t\t\t>" . TDELETE . "</a>\t\t</td>\n\t    <td bgcolor=\"" . $color . "\" class=\"smallfont\" align=\"center\">" . $row['id'] . "</td>\t\t\t\n\t\t<td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" bgcolor=\"" . $color . "\" class=\"smallfont\">" . $row['name'] . "</td>\t\t\t\n\t\t<td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" bgcolor=\"" . $color . "\" class=\"smallfont\">" . $row['uid'] . "</td>\n\t\t<td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" bgcolor=\"" . $color . "\" class=\"smallfont\">" . $row['phone'] . "</td>\t\t\t\t\n\t\t<td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" bgcolor=\"" . $color . "\" class=\"smallfont\">\n\t\t\n\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"" . $row['id'] . "\" name=\"hID[]\"/>\n        <input type=\"text\" value=\"" . $row['sort'] . "\" size=\"2\" name=\"txtOrder[]\"/>\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t</td>\n\t\t<td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" bgcolor=\"" . $color . "\" class=\"smallfont\">\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t" . $showNotshow . "\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t  </td>\n\t\t<td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" bgcolor=\"" . $color . "\" class=\"smallfont\">" . $row['dateAdd'] . "</td>\n\t\t<td bgcolor=\"" . $color . "\" class=\"smallfont\" align=\"center\">" . $row['dateModify'] . "</td>\n\t</tr>\n";
$processFrameShowHtml = "\n<form method=\"POST\" action=\"./\" name=\"frmForm\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"page\" value=\"" . $page . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"codeParent\" value=\"" . $_REQUEST['codeParent'] . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"act\" value=\"" . $actUser . "\">\n\n\n\n<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\n\t<tr>\n\t\t" . $pageindexHtml . "\n\t\t\n\t</tr>\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n</table>\n\n<table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"2\" bordercolor=\"#C9C9C9\" width=\"100%\">\n\t<tr>\n\t  <th width=\"20\" class=\"title\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chkall\" onClick=\"chkallClick(this);\"></th>\n\t  <th class=\"title\" colspan=\"2\" rowspan></th>\t\t\n\t\t<th width=\"18\" class=\"title\"><a class=\"title\" href=\"" . getLinkSort(1) . "\">ID</a></th>\n\t  <th width=\"235\" align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" class=\"title\"><a class=\"title\" href=\"" . getLinkSort(4) . "\">" . TNAME . "  </a></th>\t\t\t\n\t  <th width=\"115\" align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" class=\"title\"><a class=\"title\" href=\"" . getLinkSort(3) . "\">" . ADUSER . "</a></th>\n\t  <th width=\"126\" align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" class=\"title\"><a class=\"title\" href=\"" . getLinkSort(3) . "\">" . TFTEL . "</a></th>\t\t\t\t\n\t  <th width=\"58\" align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" class=\"title\"><a class=\"title\" href=\"" . getLinkSort(5) . "\"> " . TSORT . "</a></th>\n\t  <th width=\"67\" align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" class=\"title\"><a class=\"title\" href=\"" . getLinkSort(6) . "\">" . TSHOW . "</a></th>\n\t  <th width=\"91\" align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" class=\"title\"><a class=\"title\" href=\"" . getLinkSort(7) . "\">" . TDATEESTABLISHED . "</a></th>\n\t  <th width=\"109\" align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" class=\"title\"><a class=\"title\" href=\"" . getLinkSort(8) . "\">" . TLASTUPDATED . "</a></th>\n    </tr>\n  \n" . $processFrameShowHtmlTr . "\n\n<tr>\n\t  <td width=\"20\"></td>\n\t\t<td colspan=\"2\"></td>\t\t\n\t\t<td width=\"18\"></td>\n\t\t<td></td>\t\t\n\t\t<td></td>\t\t\t\t\n\t\t<td></td>\n\t\t<td>\n\t\t<span class=\"title\">\n\t\t  <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Update\" name=\"btnOrder\" class=\"button\">\n\t  </span>\n\t  </td>\n\n\t\t<td>&nbsp;</td>\n\t\t<td></td>\n\t\t<td></td>\n\t\t\n\t\n\t</tr>\n</table>\n\n<table width=\"100%\">\n\t<tr>\n\t\t<td width=\"30%\">\n<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Delete selected\" name=\"btnDel\" onClick=\"return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete?');\" class=\"button\">\n<input type=\"button\" value=\"Add new\" name=\"btnNew\" onClick=\"window.location='./?act=" . $actUser . "_m&page=" . $_REQUEST['page'] . "&codeParent=" . $_REQUEST['codeParent'] . "&lang=" . $_lang_A . "'\" class=\"button\">\n\t\t</td>\n\t</tr>\n</table>\n\n\n\n</form>\n<script language=\"JavaScript\">\nfunction chkallClick(o) {\n  \tvar form = document.frmForm;\n\tfor (var i = 0; i < form.elements.length; i++) {\n\t\tif (form.elements[i].type == \"checkbox\" && form.elements[i].name!=\"chkall\") {\n\t\t\tform.elements[i].checked = document.frmForm.chkall.checked;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n</script>\n\n\n" . $errMsgHtml . "\n\n<table width=\"100%\">\n\t<tr><td height=\"10\"></td></tr>\n\t<tr><td class=\"smallfont\">Total row : <b>" . countRecord($tableUser, $parentWhereConfig) . "</b></td></tr>\n</table>";

コード例 #2
    while ($Search = mysql_fetch_array($resultSearch)) {
        $Searchname = getRecord($tableCategorySearch, 'id_code=' . $Search['id'] . " and lang='" . $_lang_A . "'");
        $searchHtmlShowCon = "";
        //echo $Search['typeivm'];
        if ($Search['typeivm'] == '0') {
            $rewSearchProduct = getRecord($tableProductSearchId, "id_code=" . $_REQUEST['id'] . " and id_search_parent=" . $Search['id']);
            //echo $rewSearchProduct['id'];
            $arraySourceSearch = getArrayCombo($tableSearchId, 'id', 'name', "parent=" . $Search['id'] . " or id=1");
            $searchHtmlShowCon = comboCategory('ddCatSearch_' . $Search['id'], $arraySourceSearch, 'smallfont', $rewSearchProduct['id_search'], 0);
        } elseif ($Search['typeivm'] == '1') {
            $searchHtmlShowCon = "<table  border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">";
            $sqlSearchCon = "select * from {$tableSearchId} where parent=" . $Search['id'] . " and " . $whereStatus;
            $resultSearchCon = mysql_query($sqlSearchCon, $conn);
            while ($SearchCon = mysql_fetch_array($resultSearchCon)) {
                $SearchConname = getRecord($tableSearch, 'id_code=' . $SearchCon['id'] . " and lang='" . $_lang_A . "'");
                $countSearchProduct = countRecord($tableProductSearchId, "id_code=" . $_REQUEST['id'] . " and id_search_parent=" . $Search['id'] . " and id_search=" . $SearchCon['id'] . " and status_search=1");
                $searchHtmlShowCon .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t <tr>\n    <td class=\"smallfont\" align=\"left\" width=\"15\" valign=\"middle\" height=\"20\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chkSearch" . $Search['id'] . $SearchCon['id'] . "\"  " . ($countSearchProduct > 0 ? "checked" : "") . ">\t</td>\n    <td class=\"smallfont\" align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" height=\"20\">" . $SearchConname['name'] . "</td>\n  </tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t";
            $searchHtmlShowCon .= "</table>";
        $searchHtmlShow .= " <tr>\n                        <td width=\"300\" class=\"smallfont\" align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" style=\"border-bottom:1px dotted #CCCCCC\">" . $searchHtmlShowCon . "</td>\n                        <td align=\"left\" class=\"smallfont\" valign=\"middle\"  style=\"border-bottom:1px dotted #CCCCCC; border-left:1px dotted #CCCCCC; \">&nbsp;" . $Searchname['name'] . "</td>\n                      </tr>";
    $searchHtmlShow .= "  </table></td></tr>";
echo $searchHtmlShow;
コード例 #3

//lay mail mac dinh===================================================================================================================
$whereEmailMemberCreateSendSuccessfully = "id_member=" . $idMember . " and type_email=1 and ldate='" . $strtotimeDmy . "'";
$totalEmailMemberCreateSendSuccessfully = countRecord($tableSendEmailSuccessful, $whereEmailMemberCreateSendSuccessfully);
if ($totalEmailMemberCreateSendSuccessfully < $totalEmailMemberCreateSendOk) {
    //neu so luong e mail thanh vien tu tao con thi gui cua nguoi nay
    //kiem tra email tu tao mac dinh con gui duoc kong
    $whereEmailMemberCreateSendSuccessfullyDefault = "email_id=" . $create_email_id . " and id_member=" . $idMember . " and type_email=1";
    $totalEmailMemberCreateSendSuccessfullyDefault = countRecord($tableSendEmailSuccessful, $whereEmailMemberCreateSendSuccessfullyDefault);
    if ($create_email_id > 0 and $create_email_id != '' and $whereEmailMemberCreateSendSuccessfullyDefault < 99) {
        $rowEmailHost = getRecord($tableEmailId, "id=" . $create_email_id);
        $type_email = 1;
        /*echo $rowEmailHost['name'];
    } else {
        $rowCategoryEmailHost = getRecord($tableCategoryEmailId, "code='EMEMBERCREATE'");
        $idCategoryEmailHost = $rowCategoryEmailHost['id'];
        //THEM TAT CA MAIL NAY VAO BANG SO LUONG MAIL GI DI====================(chi ap dung cho email ko phai cua host)
        $sqlInputSendEmailNumber = "select * from {$tableEmailId} where type_email<>'" . $typeDmailNotdefault . "' and parent=" . $idCategoryEmailHost . " and {$whereStatus}";
        $resultInputSendEmailNumber = @mysql_query($sqlInputSendEmailNumber, $conn);
        while ($rowInputSendEmailNumber = @mysql_fetch_array($resultInputSendEmailNumber)) {
            $idEmailSend = $rowInputSendEmailNumber['id'];
            $parentEmailSend = $rowInputSendEmailNumber['parent'];
            $mail_username = $rowInputSendEmailNumber['email'];
            require_once $ajaxUrlEmail . $folderSendmail . "/insert_email_send_number.php";
        $whereSendEmailNumber = "parent=" . $idCategoryEmailHost . " and id  in (select id_code from {$tableSendNumberEmail} where send_number<99 and ldate='" . $strtotimeDmy . "')";
コード例 #4
             $idModuleTT2 = $rowLeveUser2['id'];
             $nameModuleTT2 = $rowLeveUser2['name'];
             $checkeModuleId2 = countRecord($tableUserLevel, "id_member=" . $oldid . " and parent_level1={$idModuleTT2} and status_level=1");
             $checkeModuleTTShowHtml2 = $checkeModuleId2 > 0 ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
             $showHtmlUserLeve3 = "";
             if (countRecord($tableCategoryConfigId, "parent=" . $idModuleTT2 . " and {$whereStatus}") > 0) {
                 //kiem tra cap 1 co con hay ko
                 $whereleveUser3 = "parent=" . $idModuleTT2;
                 $sqlLeveUser3 = "select * from {$tableCategoryConfigId}  where {$whereleveUser3} and {$whereStatus} {$sortby} ";
                 $resultLeveUser3 = @mysql_query($sqlLeveUser3, $conn);
                 while ($rowLeveUser3 = @mysql_fetch_array($resultLeveUser3)) {
                     //vong while lay tat ca tra co parent =1
                     $idModuleTT3 = $rowLeveUser3['id'];
                     $nameModuleTT3 = $rowLeveUser3['name'];
                     $checkeModuleId3 = countRecord($tableUserLevel, "id_member=" . $oldid . " and parent_level1={$idModuleTT3} and status_level=1");
                     $checkeModuleTTShowHtml3 = $checkeModuleId3 > 0 ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
                     $showHtmlUserLeve3 .= "<tr>\n    <td width=\"30\" align=\"left\"  class=\"smallfont\" valign=\"middle\">\n\t<input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"chkModule" . $idModuleTT3 . "\" name=\"chkModule" . $idModuleTT3 . "\" value=\"on\" " . $checkeModuleTTShowHtml3 . ">\n\t</td>\n    <td align=\"left\"  class=\"smallfont\" valign=\"middle\">" . $nameModuleTT3 . "</td>\n  </tr>";
                 $showHtmlUserLeveAll3 = "\n\t<tr>\n    <td colspan=\"2\" align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" style=\"padding-left:60px;\">\n\t<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n  \t" . $showHtmlUserLeve3 . "</table>\n\t</td>\n  </tr>";
             } else {
                 $showHtmlUserLeveAll3 = "";
             $showHtmlUserLeve2 .= "<tr>\n    <td width=\"20\" align=\"left\"  class=\"smallfont\" valign=\"middle\">\n\t<input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"chkModule" . $idModuleTT2 . "\" name=\"chkModule" . $idModuleTT2 . "\" value=\"on\" " . $checkeModuleTTShowHtml2 . ">\n\t</td>\n    <td align=\"left\"  class=\"smallfont\" valign=\"middle\">" . $nameModuleTT2 . "</td>\n  </tr>\n   " . $showHtmlUserLeveAll3 . "\n  ";
         $showHtmlUserLeveAll2 = "\n\t<tr>\n    <td colspan=\"2\" align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" style=\"padding-left:40px;\">\n\t<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n  \t" . $showHtmlUserLeve2 . "</table>\n\t</td>\n  </tr>";
     } else {
         $showHtmlUserLeveAll2 = "";
     $showHtmlUserLeve1 .= "\n\t<tr>\n    <td width=\"20\" align=\"left\"  class=\"smallfont\" valign=\"middle\">\n\t<input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"chkModule" . $idModuleTT1 . "\" name=\"chkModule" . $idModuleTT1 . "\" value=\"on\" " . $checkeModuleTTShowHtml1 . ">\n\t</td>\n    <td align=\"left\"  class=\"smallfont\" valign=\"middle\">" . $nameModuleTT1 . "</td>\n  </tr>\n  " . $showHtmlUserLeveAll2 . "\n  \n  ";
コード例 #5

$bodytag = str_replace("-", " ", $code_id);
$whereNewAll = "(name like '%" . $bodytag . "%' or tag like '%" . $bodytag . "%')";
$totalNew = countRecord($tableNew, $whereNewAll);
$name_c = TSEARCH;
$name_title_c = $name_c;
include $folderNew . '/new_page.php';
$showHtmlHomeConnert = "<link href=\"" . $serverName . $folderCss . "/details.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" />\n<section class=\"main-4\">\n<div class=\"title_page\">\n<h2 class=\"details-title\"><a href=\"" . $serverName . "\" title=\"Trang chủ\">Trang chủ</a>" . $showHtmlTitlePage . " &nbsp;<img src=\"" . $serverName . "images/icon_4.png\" width=\"7\" height=\"14\" alt=\"\">&nbsp; " . $name_title_c . " </h2>\n</div>\n<div class=\"title_page_search\">\n<div class=\"search\">   <form action=\"" . $serverName . FRAMESASNAME . "/\" method=\"get\" name=\"Search\">\n \n        <input class=\"search-bg-1\" name=\"keyword\" type=\"text\" onFocus=\"if (this.value=='nhập từ khoá tìm kiếm') this.value='';\" onBlur=\"if (this.value=='') this.value='nhập từ khoá tìm kiếm';\" value=\"nhập từ khoá tìm kiếm\" />\n\t\t <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"parent\" value=\"" . $parent_1_c . "\">\n        <input type=\"image\" src=\"" . $serverName . "images/search_bottom.png\" class=\"search_bottom\" alt=\"search\">\n      </form></div>\n</div>\t\n<section class=\"left-col\">\n<div id=\"social-iconall\">\t\n\t\t\t<div class=\"googlelike1\">\n\t\t<!-- Place this tag where you want the +1 button to render. -->\n<div class=\"g-plusone\" data-size=\"medium\" data-href=\"" . $urlFull . "\"></div>\n\n<!-- Place this tag after the last +1 button tag. -->\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n  window.___gcfg = {lang: 'vi'};\n\n  (function() {\n    var po = document.createElement('script'); po.type = 'text/javascript'; po.async = true;\n    po.src = 'https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js';\n    var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s);\n  })();\n</script>\n</div>\n\t </div>\n" . $showHtmlNewHomTop . "\n</section>\n</section>";
コード例 #6

require "../../config/config.php";
require "../../config/common_start.php";
include "../../lib/func.lib.php";
include 'table_act.php';

//  Developed by Roshan Bhattarai
//  Visit http://roshanbh.com.np for this script and more.
//  This notice MUST stay intact for legal use
//this varible contains the array of existing users
//value got from the get metho
$code = $_POST['code'];
$ln = $_POST['ln'];
//checking weather user exists or not in $existing_users array
if (countRecord($tableCategoryConfigId, "code='{$code}'") > 0) {
    //user name is not availble
    echo "0";
} else {
    //user name is available
    echo "1";
コード例 #7

$guest = countRecord("tbl_visitor", "member='n'");
$members = countRecord("tbl_visitor", "member='y'");
$rConfig = getRecord('tbl_config', "code = 'total_visits'");
$total_visits = $rConfig['detail'];
$total = countRecord("tbl_comment_id", "code_module='module_pro'");
<table width="100%">
<table align="center" width="250" cellpadding="5" border="1" bordercolor="#0069A8">
		<td class="smallfont" style="border-right:none;" width="60%">&nbsp;- <?php 
echo ONLINE;
		<td class="smallfont" style="border-left:none;" align="right"><b><?php 
echo $members + $guest;
		<td class="smallfont" style="border-right:none;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;+ <?php 
echo MEMBER;
		<td class="smallfont" style="border-left:none;" align="right"><b><?php 
echo $members;
コード例 #8
ファイル: config.php プロジェクト: ece4u/ece4cWeb
if ($page != '') {
    $p = $page;
$where = '1=1';
if ($_REQUEST['cat'] != '') {
    $where = 'parent=' . $_REQUEST['cat'];
<form method="POST" action="./" name="frmForm" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="hidden" name="page" value="<?php 
echo $page;
<input type="hidden" name="act" value="config">
$pageindex = createPage(countRecord("tbl_config", $where), './?act=config&page=', $MAXPAGE, $page);

if ($_REQUEST['code'] == 1) {
    $errMsg = 'Cập nhật thành công.';

<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
	<tr><td height="30" class="smallfont">Trang : <?php 
echo $pageindex;
コード例 #9
 $array_where1 .= ",'" . $IdMenuProduct4 . "'";
 $array_where2 .= ",'" . $IdMenuProduct4 . "'";
 $array_where3 .= ",'" . $IdMenuProduct4 . "'";
 $nameMenuProduct4 = str_replace($ojer, $ojers, $rowMenuProductNam4['name']);
 $titleMenuProduct4 = str_replace($ojer, $ojers, $rowMenuProductNam4['title_t']);
 $IdMenuProduct4 = $rowMenuProduct4['id'];
 $urlMenuProduct4 = $rowMenuProductNam4['url'];
 $parentMenuProduct4 = $rowMenuProduct4['parent'];
 $parentMenuProduct4_1 = $rowMenuProduct4['parent_1'];
 $imageProduct4 = $rowMenuProduct4['image'];
 $whereProduct4 = "(" . whereParentLevel($tableCategoryNewId, $IdMenuProduct4) . ")";
 $totalProduct4 = countRecord($tableNewId, $whereProduct4);
 //tong sp muc nay
 $totalProductShow4 = $totalProduct4 > 0 ? $totalProduct4 : 0;
 $whereMenuCon_type4 = "parent=" . $IdMenuProduct4;
 $con_type4 = countRecord($tableCategoryNewId, $whereMenuCon_type4);
 //kiem tra danh muc nay co menu con khong
 $con_typeShow4 = $con_type4 > 0 ? $con_type4 : 0;
 //exp parent url=========================================1
 $exp_parent4 = '<?php $' . 'url_c	= "' . $urlMenuProduct4 . '"; $' . 'name_c	= "' . $nameMenuProduct4 . '"; ?>';
 $ft_p4 = "../inc/new/" . $IdMenuProduct4 . $ln . ".inc";
 $ft_p4 = fopen($ft_p4, "w");
 fwrite($ft_p4, $exp_parent4);
 @chmod($ft_p4, 0777);
 $urlCodeUpXml4 = trim(str_replace("-", "", $urlMenuProduct4));
 $exp_url4 = '<?php $' . 'parent_1_c	= "' . $parentMenuProduct4_1 . '"; $' . 'parent_c	= "' . $IdMenuProduct4 . '"; $' . 'name_c	= "' . $nameMenuProduct4 . '"; $' . 'title_c	= "' . $titleMenuProduct4 . '"; $' . 'descriptionMeta_category	= "' . $description4 . '"; $' . 'keywordsMeta_category	= "' . $keywords4 . '"; ?>';
 $ft_u4 = "../inc/new/" . $urlCodeUpXml4 . $ln . ".inc";
 $ft_u4 = fopen($ft_u4, "w");
 fwrite($ft_u4, $exp_url4);
 @chmod($ft_u4, 0777);
 //exp parent url=========================================KET THUC4
コード例 #10
             $urlCode = $urlCodeCode['url'] . '_' . removeVietnamese($urlCode1, " ", "-");
             //lay url tu dong
         //ket thuc xac dinh url-----------------
         $name = isset($_POST['txtName' . $ln]) ? trim($_POST['txtName' . $ln]) : '';
         $subject = isset($_POST['txtSubject' . $ln]) ? trim($_POST['txtSubject' . $ln]) : '';
         $detail_short = isset($_POST['txtDetailShort' . $ln]) ? trim($_POST['txtDetailShort' . $ln]) : '';
         $detail = isset($_POST['txtDetail' . $ln]) ? trim($_POST['txtDetail' . $ln]) : '';
         $sort = isset($_POST['txtSort' . $ln]) ? trim($_POST['txtSort' . $ln]) : 0;
         $status = $_POST['chkStatus' . $ln] != '' ? 1 : 0;
         $fields_arr = array("parent" => "{$codeParent}", "parent_1" => "{$parent_1}", "id_code" => "'{$oldid}'", "code" => "'{$code}'", "type_link" => "'{$type_link}'", "url" => "'{$urlCode}'", "name" => "'{$name}'", "subject" => "'{$subject}'", "detail_short" => "'{$detail_short}'", "detail" => "'{$detail}'", "sort" => "{$sort}", "status" => "{$status}", "date_added" => "now()", "last_modified" => "now()", "lang" => "'{$ln}'");
         $result = insert($tableCategoryConfig, $fields_arr);
         $oldidLn = @mysql_insert_id();
         //lay id vua them vo
         //kiem tra url nay da ton tai hay chua
         if (countRecord($tableCategoryConfig, "url='" . $urlCode . "' and id<>" . $oldidLn) > 0) {
             $urlCodeUp = $urlCode . "-" . $oldidLn;
             $fields_arrUpdateUrl = array("url" => "'{$urlCodeUp}'");
             $resultUrlUpdate = update($tableCategoryConfig, $fields_arrUpdateUrl, "id=" . $oldidLn);
         //ket thuc kiem tra url nay da ton tai hay chua
     /*-----------------------END THEM MOI*/
 /*-----------------------THEM HINH*/
 if ($result) {
     $actConfig = removeVietnamese($defaulName, ' ', '_');
     if (empty($_POST['id'])) {
         $r = getRecord($tableCategoryConfigId, "id=" . $oldid);
     $sqlUpdateField = "";
コード例 #11
ファイル: content_skype.php プロジェクト: ece4u/ece4cWeb
echo $_REQUEST['page'];
echo $_REQUEST['cat'];
'" class="button">
<script language="JavaScript">
function chkallClick(o) {
  	var form = document.frmForm;
	for (var i = 0; i < form.elements.length; i++) {
		if (form.elements[i].type == "checkbox" && form.elements[i].name!="chkall") {
			form.elements[i].checked = document.frmForm.chkall.checked;
if ($errMsg != '') {
    echo '<p align=center class="err">' . $errMsg . '<br></p>';

<table width="100%">
	<tr><td height="10"></td></tr>
	<tr><td class="smallfont"><?php 
echo 'Tổng số hàng : <b>' . countRecord($tableConfig, $firstWhere) . '</b>';
コード例 #12

<script language="JavaScript">
function chkallClick(o) {
  	var form = document.frmForm;
	for (var i = 0; i < form.elements.length; i++) {
		if (form.elements[i].type == "checkbox" && form.elements[i].name!="chkall") {
			form.elements[i].checked = document.frmForm.chkall.checked;

if ($errMsg != '') {
    echo '<p align=center class="err">' . $errMsg . '<br></p>';

<table width="100%">
	<tr><td height="10"></td></tr>
	<tr><td class="smallfont"><?php 
echo UTOTALROW . ' : <b>' . countRecord($tableAdvertisementId, $whereComment) . '</b>';
コード例 #13
ファイル: online.php プロジェクト: bestwishforyou95/rambo2
if (!isset($_SESSION['online'])) {
    @mysql_query("insert into tbl_visitor (session_id, activity, ip_address, url, ldate, user_agent) values ('" . session_id() . "', now(), '{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}', '{$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']}','{$ldate}', '{$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']}')", $conn);
    $_SESSION['online'] = true;
    @mysql_query("insert into tbl_visitor_total (session_id, activity, ip_address, url, ldate, user_agent) values ('" . session_id() . "', now(), '{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}', '{$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']}','{$ldate}', '{$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']}')", $conn);
} else {
    if (isset($_SESSION['member'])) {
        @mysql_query("update tbl_visitor set activity=now(), member='y' where session_id='" . session_id() . "'", $conn);
    } else {
        @mysql_query("update tbl_visitor set activity=now(), member='n' where session_id='" . session_id() . "'", $conn);
$maxtime = 6000;
// 5 Minute time out. 60 * 5 = 300
$deleteOnline = @mysql_query("delete from tbl_visitor where UNIX_TIMESTAMP(activity) < UNIX_TIMESTAMP(now())-{$maxtime}", $conn);
if ($deleteOnline) {
$ldate1 = $ldate - 1 * 24 * 60 * 60;
///hom qua
$ldate7 = $ldate - 7 * 24 * 60 * 60;
///hom qua
$ldate30 = $ldate - 30 * 24 * 60 * 60;
///hom qua
$guest = countRecord("tbl_visitor", "member='n'");
$guestqua = countRecord("tbl_visitor_total", "ldate='{$ldate1}'");
$guesthomnay = countRecord("tbl_visitor_total", "ldate='{$ldate}'");
$guestbayngay = countRecord("tbl_visitor_total", "ldate<{$ldate} and ldate>{$ldate7}");
$guestmotthang = countRecord("tbl_visitor_total", "ldate<{$ldate} and ldate>{$ldate30}");
$members = countRecord("tbl_visitor", "member='y'");
$total_visits = countRecord('tbl_visitor_total', "1=1");
$showHtmlOnline = "\n    <p>- Đang xem: " . $guest . "</p>\n    <p>- Lượt truy cập: " . $total_visits . "</p>";
コード例 #14
ファイル: func.lib.php プロジェクト: bestwishforyou95/tiennam
function whereParentLevel($tableParentLevel, $IdParentLevel)
    global $conn;
    global $whereStatus;
    //$tableParentLevel LA BANG DE TIM KIEM
    $whereParentLevelw = '';
    $rowIdParentLevel = getRecord($tableParentLevel, "id=" . $IdParentLevel . " and " . $whereStatus);
    if ($rowIdParentLevel['parent'] == '1') {
        //kiem tra nau parent cua id duoc cung cap la 1
        $whereParentLevel = 'parent_1=' . $rowIdParentLevel['id'];
    } else {
        // nau parent cua id duoc cung cap kong phai la 1
        if (countRecord($tableParentLevel, "parent=" . $IdParentLevel . " and " . $whereStatus) > 0) {
            //kiem tra no co con hay ko 1
            $sqlParentLevel1 = "select * from {$tableParentLevel} where parent=" . $IdParentLevel . " and " . $whereStatus;
            $resultParentLevel1 = @mysql_query($sqlParentLevel1, $conn);
            while ($rowParentLevel1 = @mysql_fetch_array($resultParentLevel1)) {
                // vong while 1
                $whereParentLevelw .= 'parent=' . $rowParentLevel1['id'] . ' or ';
                if (countRecord($tableParentLevel, "parent=" . $rowParentLevel1['id'] . " and " . $whereStatus) > 0) {
                    //kiem tra no co con hay ko 2
                    $sqlParentLevel2 = "select * from {$tableParentLevel} where parent=" . $rowParentLevel1['id'] . " and " . $whereStatus;
                    $resultParentLevel2 = @mysql_query($sqlParentLevel2, $conn);
                    while ($rowParentLevel2 = @mysql_fetch_array($resultParentLevel2)) {
                        // vong while 2
                        $whereParentLevelw .= 'parent=' . $rowParentLevel2['id'] . ' or ';
                        if (countRecord($tableParentLevel, "parent=" . $rowParentLevel2['id'] . " and " . $whereStatus) > 0) {
                            //kiem tra no co con hay ko 3
                            $sqlParentLevel3 = "select * from {$tableParentLevel} where parent=" . $rowParentLevel2['id'] . " and " . $whereStatus;
                            $resultParentLevel3 = @mysql_query($sqlParentLevel3, $conn);
                            while ($rowParentLevel3 = @mysql_fetch_array($resultParentLevel3)) {
                                // vong while 3
                                $whereParentLevelw .= 'parent=' . $rowParentLevel3['id'] . ' or ';
                                if (countRecord($tableParentLevel, "parent=" . $rowParentLevel3['id'] . " and " . $whereStatus) > 0) {
                                    //kiem tra no co con hay ko 4
                                    $sqlParentLevel4 = "select * from {$tableParentLevel} where parent=" . $rowParentLevel3['id'] . " and " . $whereStatus;
                                    $resultParentLevel4 = @mysql_query($sqlParentLevel4, $conn);
                                    while ($rowParentLevel4 = @mysql_fetch_array($resultParentLevel4)) {
                                        // vong while4
                                        $whereParentLevelw .= 'parent=' . $rowParentLevel4['id'] . ' or ';
                                        if (countRecord($tableParentLevel, "parent=" . $rowParentLevel4['id'] . " and " . $whereStatus) > 0) {
                                            //kiem tra no co con hay ko 5
                                            $sqlParentLevel5 = "select * from {$tableParentLevel} where parent=" . $rowParentLevel4['id'] . " and " . $whereStatus;
                                            $resultParentLevel5 = @mysql_query($sqlParentLevel5, $conn);
                                            while ($rowParentLevel5 = @mysql_fetch_array($resultParentLevel5)) {
                                                // vong while 5
                                                $whereParentLevelw .= 'parent=' . $rowParentLevel5['id'] . ' or ';
                                                if (countRecord($tableParentLevel, "parent=" . $rowParentLevel5['id'] . " and " . $whereStatus) > 0) {
                                                    //kiem tra no co con hay ko 6
                                                    $sqlParentLevel6 = "select * from {$tableParentLevel} where parent=" . $rowParentLevel5['id'] . " and " . $whereStatus;
                                                    $resultParentLevel6 = @mysql_query($sqlParentLevel6, $conn);
                                                    while ($rowParentLevel6 = @mysql_fetch_array($resultParentLevel6)) {
                                                        // vong while 6
                                                        $whereParentLevelw .= 'parent=' . $rowParentLevel6['id'] . ' or ';
                                                        if (countRecord($tableParentLevel, "parent=" . $rowParentLevel6['id'] . " and " . $whereStatus) > 0) {
                                                            //kiem tra no co con hay ko 7
                                                            $sqlParentLevel7 = "select * from {$tableParentLevel} where parent=" . $rowParentLevel6['id'] . " and " . $whereStatus;
                                                            $resultParentLevel7 = @mysql_query($sqlParentLevel7, $conn);
                                                            while ($rowParentLevel7 = @mysql_fetch_array($resultParentLevel7)) {
                                                                // vong while 7
                                                                $whereParentLevelw .= 'parent=' . $rowParentLevel7['id'] . ' or ';
                                                                if (countRecord($tableParentLevel, "parent=" . $rowParentLevel7['id'] . " and " . $whereStatus) > 0) {
                                                                    //kiem tra no co con hay ko 8
                                                                    $sqlParentLevel8 = "select * from {$tableParentLevel} where parent=" . $rowParentLevel7['id'] . " and " . $whereStatus;
                                                                    $resultParentLevel8 = @mysql_query($sqlParentLevel8, $conn);
                                                                    while ($rowParentLevel8 = @mysql_fetch_array($resultParentLevel8)) {
                                                                        // vong while 8
                                                                        $whereParentLevelw .= 'parent=' . $rowParentLevel8['id'] . ' or ';
                                                                        if (countRecord($tableParentLevel, "parent=" . $rowParentLevel8['id'] . " and " . $whereStatus) > 0) {
                                                                            //kiem tra no co con hay ko 9
                                                                            $sqlParentLevel9 = "select * from {$tableParentLevel} where parent=" . $rowParentLevel8['id'] . " and " . $whereStatus;
                                                                            $resultParentLevel9 = @mysql_query($sqlParentLevel9, $conn);
                                                                            while ($rowParentLevel9 = @mysql_fetch_array($resultParentLevel9)) {
                                                                                // vong while 9
                                                                                $whereParentLevelw .= 'parent=' . $rowParentLevel9['id'] . ' or ';
                                                                            //ket thuc vong while 9
                                                                        //kiem tra no co con hay ko 9----------ket thuc
                                                                    //ket thuc vong while 8
                                                                //kiem tra no co con hay ko 8----------ket thuc
                                                            //ket thuc vong while 7
                                                        //kiem tra no co con hay ko 7----------ket thuc
                                                    //ket thuc vong while 6
                                                //kiem tra no co con hay ko 6----------ket thuc
                                            //ket thuc vong while 5
                                        //kiem tra no co con hay ko 5----------ket thuc
                                    //ket thuc vong while 4
                                //kiem tra no co con hay ko 4----------ket thuc
                            //ket thuc vong while 3
                        //kiem tra no co con hay ko 3----------ket thuc
                    //ket thuc vong while 2
                //kiem tra no co con hay ko 2----------ket thuc
            //ket thuc vong while 1
            $whereParentLevel = $whereParentLevelw . " parent=" . $IdParentLevel;
        } else {
            //neu khong co con 1
            $whereParentLevel = 'parent=' . $rowIdParentLevel['id'];
        //kiem tra no co con hay ko 1----------ket thuc
    //kiem tra nau parent cua id duoc cung cap la 1-------------ket thuc
    return $whereParentLevel;
コード例 #15

<script language="JavaScript">
function chkallClick(o) {
  	var form = document.frmForm;
	for (var i = 0; i < form.elements.length; i++) {
		if (form.elements[i].type == "checkbox" && form.elements[i].name!="chkall") {
			form.elements[i].checked = document.frmForm.chkall.checked;

if ($errMsg != '') {
    echo '<p align=center class="err">' . $errMsg . '<br></p>';

<table width="100%">
	<tr><td height="10"></td></tr>
	<tr><td class="smallfont"><?php 
echo UTOTALROW . ' : <b>' . countRecord($tableImageId, $whereComment) . '</b>';
コード例 #16
 if ($name == '') {
 } else {
     $errMsg = '';
 if ($email == '') {
 } else {
     $errMsg = '';
 if (check_email_address($email)) {
     $errMsg = '';
 } else {
 if (!countRecord($tableMemberId, "email='" . $email . "'")) {
     //kiem tra email ton tai hay chua
     $fields_arrId = array("name" => "'{$name}'", "email" => "'{$email}'", "ldate" => "'{$ldate}'", "status" => "0", "date_added" => "now()", "last_modified" => "now()", "lang" => "'{$_lang}'");
     $resultInsertMemberId = insert($tableMemberId, $fields_arrId);
     $oldid = @mysql_insert_id();
     //lay id vua them vo
     $fields_arr = array("id_code" => "{$oldid}", "name" => "'{$name}'", "email" => "'{$email}'", "ldate" => "'{$ldate}'", "status" => "0", "date_added" => "now()", "last_modified" => "now()", "lang" => "'{$_lang}'");
     $resultInsertMember = insert($tableMember, $fields_arr);
 if ($errMsg == '') {
     $whereSendEmail = "SupportRegistrationLoginPassword";
     //lay mail mac dinh===================================================================================================================
     include $ajaxUrlEmail . $folderSendmail . "/sendmail_other_where.php";
     if ($rowEmailHost) {
         $smtpHost = trim($rowEmailHost['smtp']);
         $smtp_ssl_Host = trim($rowEmailHost['smtp_ssl']);
コード例 #17
                                                echo '
<td  height="25" align="left" valign="middle" class="normalfont" style="border-bottom-color:#CCCCCC; font-weight:500; padding-left:' . $padding6 . 'px; padding-right:3px; background:#fff">- 
<a href="./?act=' . $row6['code_module'] . '&codeParent=' . $row6['id'] . '&lang=' . $_lang_A . '">' . $defauName6['name'] . '</a>

                                                ///lay con cua cap 6-----------------------------------------------------------------
                                                $sql7 = "select * from {$tableCategoryConfigId}  where parent=" . $row6['id'] . "  and {$whereStatus} {$sortby} ";
                                                $result7 = @mysql_query($sql7, $conn);
                                                while ($row7 = @mysql_fetch_array($result7)) {
                                                    //vong while lay tat cap 7
                                                    $defauName7 = getRecord($tableCategoryConfig, " id_code=" . $row7['id'] . " and lang='" . $_lang_A . "'");
                                                    $padding7 = 36;
                                                    if (countRecord($tableCategoryConfigId, "parent=" . $row7['id'] . " and {$whereStatus}") > 0) {
                                                        //kiem tra cap 7 co con hay ko
                                                        echo '
<td  height="25" align="left" valign="middle" class="normalfont" style="border-bottom-color:#CCCCCC; font-weight:500; padding-left:' . $padding7 . 'px; padding-right:3px; background:#fff">- 
<a href="./?act=' . $row7['code_module'] . '&codeParent=' . $row7['id'] . '&lang=' . $_lang_A . '">' . $defauName7['name'] . '</a>

                                                    } else {
                                                        //neu cap 7 co khong co con
                                                        echo '
<td  height="25" align="left" valign="middle" class="normalfont" style="border-bottom-color:#CCCCCC; font-weight:500; padding-left:' . $padding7 . 'px; padding-right:3px; background:#fff"> 
- <a href="./?act=' . $row7['code_module'] . '&codeParent=' . $row7['id'] . '&lang=' . $_lang_A . '">' . $defauName7['name'] . '</a>
コード例 #18
ファイル: product_detail0000.php プロジェクト: ece4u/ece4cWeb
<br />

$row = 3;
$col = 4;
${$cat} = 0;
$p = 0;
$per_page = 10;
if ($_REQUEST['p'] != '') {
    $p = killInjection($_REQUEST['p']);
$sql = "select * from tbl_product where status=0 AND id<>'" . $pro['id'] . "' AND parent=" . $pro['parent'] . " order by sort,date_added desc limit " . $per_page * $p . "," . $per_page;
$result = @mysql_query($sql, $conn);
$total = countRecord("tbl_product", "status=0 AND id<>'" . $pro['id'] . "' AND parent=" . $pro['parent']);
if ($total == 0) {

} else {
<hr size="1" style="border-bottom:solid; color:#999999" width="100%"/>
	<span style="font-family:Tahoma; font-size:12px; color:#333333; padding-left:5px;padding-top:10px"><strong>Sản phẩm khác : </strong></span>
<br />
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
    for ($i = 0; $i < $row; $i++) {
コード例 #19
 $openidReturn_to = isset($_POST['openidReturn_to']) ? trim($_POST['openidReturn_to']) : '';
 if (check_email_address($email)) {
     $errMsg = '';
 } else {
 $errMsg				=	'';
 if ($errMsg == '') {
     // kiem tra bao loi
     //up date mat khau moi
     $fields_arrForgotpassUpdate = array("pwd" => "'{$pass}'", "last_modified" => "now()", "lang" => "'{$_lang}'");
     if (countRecord($tableMemberId, "email='" . $email . "' and " . $whereStatus) > 0) {
         //kiem tra da update mat khau duoc chua
         $resultForgotpassUpdate = update($tableMemberId, $fields_arrForgotpassUpdate, "email='" . $email . "' and " . $whereStatus);
         //==========THONG TIN GUI MAI=====================================================================================================
         $whereSendEmail = "SupportRegistrationLoginPassword";
         //lay mail mac dinh===================================================================================================================
         include $ajaxUrlEmail . $folderSendmail . "/sendmail_other_where.php";
         if ($rowEmailHost) {
             $smtpHost = trim($rowEmailHost['smtp']);
             $smtp_ssl_Host = trim($rowEmailHost['smtp_ssl']);
             $smtp_server_Host = trim($rowEmailHost['smtp_server']);
             $portHost = trim($rowEmailHost['port']);
             $mail_username = trim($rowEmailHost['email']);
             $mail_password = trim($rowEmailHost['pass']);
             $typeEmail = $rowEmailHost['type_email'];
             $typeUrlSendEmail = trim($rowEmailHost['code']);
コード例 #20
//share facebook....
$idShareProduct = $idProduct;
$imageShareProduct = $serverName . $image_c;
$urlShareCategoryDetailName = $code_frame;
$urlShareDetailName = $code_id;
$urlShareAll = $urlFull;
if ($config_share == 1) {
    /** Share va comment facebook */
    include $folderShare . "/share_product_index.php";
    $Comment = "<div  style=\" margin-top:20px\"><div id=\"fb-root\"></div>\n<script>(function(d, s, id) {\n  var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];\n  if (d.getElementById(id)) return;\n  js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id;\n  js.src = \"//connect.facebook.net/vi_VN/all.js#xfbml=1&appId=476964002349038\";\n  fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);\n}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));</script>\n\n<div class=\"fb-comments\" data-href=\"" . $urlFull . "\" data-width=\"100%\" data-num-posts=\"2\"></div>\n    </div>";
} else {
    $temp = "<div class=\"temp\"></div>";
$image_c1 = '';
$image_c1a = '';
$countimg = countRecord('tbl_image', 'id_parent=' . $idProduct);
$sql = "select *from tbl_image where id_parent=" . $idProduct;
$query = @mysql_query($sql, $conn);
while ($row = @mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) {
    $image_large_c = $row['image'];
    if ($image_c != '') {
        $image_c1 .= "<img src=\"" . $serverName . $image_c . "\" id=\"multizoom1\" alt=\"" . $namehh . "\"/>";
        $image_c1a .= "<a class=\"img-view\" href=\"" . $serverName . $image_c . "\" data-large=\"" . $serverName . $image_c . "\"><img src=\"" . $serverName . $image_c . "\" width=\"60\" height=\"70\" alt=\"" . $namehh . "\"/></a> ";
    if ($image_large_c != '') {
        $image_large_c1 .= "<a class=\"img-view\" href=\"" . $serverName . $image_large_c . "\" rel=\"lightbox\"><img src=\"" . $serverName . $image_large_c . "\" width=\"270\" height=\"400\" alt=\"" . $namehh . "\"/></a> ";
        $image_large_c1a .= "<a class=\"img-view\"  href=\"" . $serverName . $image_large_c . "\" data-large=\"" . $serverName . $image_large_c . "\"><img src=\"" . $serverName . $image_large_c . "\" alt=\"" . $namehh . "\"/></a> ";
if ($countimg > 0) {
    $showMore = "<div class=\"view-image\">\n        " . $image_large_c1a . "\n      </div>";
コード例 #21
ファイル: news_detail.php プロジェクト: ece4u/ece4cWeb
	<tr><td height="10px"></td></tr>

<table align="center" border="0" width="98%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
$per_page = 5;
$p = 0;
if ($_REQUEST['p'] != '') {
    $p = killInjection($_REQUEST['p']);
$code = $_lang == 'vn' ? 'vn_news' : 'en_news';
$parentWhere = "and parent = (select id from tbl_content_category where code='" . $code . "')";
$sql = "select * from tbl_content where status=0 AND id<>'" . $row['id'] . "' AND parent=" . $row['parent'] . " {$parentWhere} order by sort,date_added desc limit " . $per_page * $p . "," . $per_page;
$result = @mysql_query($sql, $conn);
$total = countRecord("tbl_content", "status=0 and parent=" . $row['parent']);
while ($n = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
		<td width="30"><img src="images/icon_2.gif" border="0" hspace="5" /></td>
		<td width="900" valign="middle">
			<a class="link6" href="./?frame=news_detail&id=<?php 
    echo $n['id'];
    echo $_REQUEST['p'];
    echo $n['name'];
コード例 #22
    if ($rowUserLevelId) {
        $id_code = $rowUserLevelId['id'];
        include 'userConfig/user_config_ajax.php';
        $showModuleParentAllA = $showModuleParentAll;
        $checkeModuleTTShowHtml = 'checked="checked"';
    } else {
        $checkeModuleTTShowHtml = '';
        $id_code = '0';
    $showhtmlModuleTT .= "\n<tr>\n                        <td align=\"left\" class=\"smallfont\" valign=\"top\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type=\"checkbox\" onclick=\"AjaxModule('" . $idModuleTT . "','" . $typeModuleTT . "','" . $id_code . "')\" id=\"chkModule" . $idModuleTT . "\" name=\"chkModule" . $idModuleTT . "\" value=\"on\" " . $checkeModuleTTShowHtml . "> " . $NameModuleTT . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</td>\n                      </tr>\n\n";
    if ($typeModuleTT == '0') {
        $showModuleParentAllA01 = $showModuleParentAllA;
    } elseif ($typeModuleTT == '1' or $typeModuleTT == '2' or $codeModuleTT == 'module_ord') {
        $checkeParentEditId = countRecord($tableUserLevelId, "id_member=" . $oldid . " and code_module='" . $ModuleTT['code_module'] . "' and parent_edit=1");
        $checkeParentDeteleId = countRecord($tableUserLevelId, "id_member=" . $oldid . " and code_module='" . $ModuleTT['code_module'] . "' and paren_delete=1");
        $checkeParentAddnewId = countRecord($tableUserLevelId, "id_member=" . $oldid . " and code_module='" . $ModuleTT['code_module'] . "' and parent_add_new=1");
        $checkeParentEditHtmlId = $checkeParentEditId > 0 ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
        $checkeParentDeteleHtmlId = $checkeParentDeteleId > 0 ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
        $checkeParentAddnewHtmlId = $checkeParentAddnewId > 0 ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
        $showModuleParentAllA01 = "\n<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" align=\"left\">\n<tr>\n<td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" class=\"smallfont\">\n\n<input name=\"parentEditId" . $idModuleTT . "\" type=\"checkbox\"  value=\"" . $idModuleTT . "\" " . $checkeParentEditHtmlId . " />Edit<input name=\"parentDeteleId" . $idModuleTT . "\" type=\"checkbox\"  value=\"" . $idModuleTT . "\" " . $checkeParentDeteleHtmlId . " />Detele\t\t<input name=\"parentAddNewId" . $idModuleTT . "\" type=\"checkbox\"  value=\"" . $idModuleTT . "\" " . $checkeParentAddnewHtmlId . " />Add new\t\t</td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n";
    $showhtmlModuleTT .= "\n<tr>\n                        <td align=\"left\" class=\"smallfont\" valign=\"top\" style=\"padding-left:15px;\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div id=\"div_load" . $idModuleTT . "\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . $showModuleParentAllA01 . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</td>\n                      </tr>\n\n";
    $showModuleParentAllA = "";
    $id_code = "";
					<td width="15%" class="smallfont" align="right">Module</td>
					<td width="1%" class="smallfont" align="center"></td>
					<td width="83%" class="smallfont"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
コード例 #23
ファイル: news.php プロジェクト: ece4u/ece4cWeb
			<input type="submit" value="Sản phẩm đặc trưng" name="btnSpecial" class="button">

<script language="JavaScript">
function chkallClick(o) {
  	var form = document.frmForm;
	for (var i = 0; i < form.elements.length; i++) {
		if (form.elements[i].type == "checkbox" && form.elements[i].name!="chkall") {
			form.elements[i].checked = document.frmForm.chkall.checked;
if ($errMsg != '') {
    echo '<p align=center class="err">' . $errMsg . '<br></p>';

<table width="100%">
	<tr><td height="10"></td></tr>
	<tr><td class="smallfont"><?php 
echo 'Tổng số hàng : <b>' . countRecord($tableConfig) . '</b>';
コード例 #24
     $ldate = @strtotime(date("d-m-Y-g:i a"));
     $no = 10;
     $yes = 30;
     $totalYes = $no;
     $totalNo = $yes;
     include 'comment/countCommentStars.php';
     $fields_arr1 = array("id_parent" => "{$id_parent}", "code_frame" => "'{$code_frame}'", "code_module" => "'{$code_module}'", "ip_computer" => "'{$ip_computer}'", "name" => "'{$name}'", "email" => "'{$email}'", "city" => "'{$city}'", "country" => "'{$country}'", "id_member" => "'{$idMember}'", "name_member" => "'{$nameMember}'", "com_no" => "'{$no}'", "com_yes" => "'{$yes}'", "star" => "'{$sostarComment}'", "star_nua" => "'{$sostarComment1}'", "edit" => "'1'", "ldate" => "'{$ldate}'", "last_modified" => "now()", "date_added" => "now()", "lang" => "'{$_lang}'");
     $result = insert($tableCommentId, $fields_arr1);
     $oldid = @mysql_insert_id();
     //lay id vua them vo
     $fields_arr = array("id_code" => "'{$oldid}'", "id_parent" => "{$id_parent}", "code_frame" => "'{$code_frame}'", "code_module" => "'{$code_module}'", "ip_computer" => "'{$ip_computer}'", "email" => "'{$email}'", "city" => "'{$city}'", "country" => "'{$country}'", "id_member" => "'{$idMember}'", "name_member" => "'{$nameMember}'", "com_no" => "'{$no}'", "com_yes" => "'{$yes}'", "star" => "'{$sostarComment}'", "star_nua" => "'{$sostarComment1}'", "title" => "'{$title}'", "name" => "'{$name}'", "edit" => "'1'", "url" => "'{$urlCode}'", "subject" => "'{$subject}'", "detail_short" => "'{$detail}'", "ldate" => "'{$ldate}'", "date_added" => "now()", "last_modified" => "now()", "lang" => "'{$_lang}'");
     $result = insert($tableComment, $fields_arr);
     $oldidLn = @mysql_insert_id();
     //lay id vua them vo
     //kiem tra url nay da ton tai hay chua
     if (countRecord($tableComment, "url='" . $urlCode . "' and id<>" . $oldidLn) > 0) {
         $urlCodeUp = $urlCode . "-" . $oldidLn;
         $fields_arrUpdateUrl = array("url" => "'{$urlCodeUp}'");
         $resultUrlUpdate = update($tableComment, $fields_arrUpdateUrl, "id=" . $oldidLn);
     //ket thuc kiem tra url nay da ton tai hay chua
     /*$fields_arrreply = array(
     			"totalreply"        		=> "totalreply+1",
     			"last_modified" 			=> "now()",
     		$result = update($tableNew,$fields_arrreply,"id_code=".$id_parent);*/
     echo '<script>window.location="' . $serverName . $code_frame . '/' . $code_id . '/?code=' . md5('ok') . '#com"</script>';
 } else {
     // Captcha verification is wrong. Take other action
     $cap = '';
コード例 #25
$where11 = whereParentLevel($tableCategoryConfigId, $parent_categor);
$sqlcommon_pro = "select * from {$tableConfigId} where {$where11} or id=" . $oldid . " and {$whereStatus}";
$resultcommon_pro = @mysql_query($sqlcommon_pro, $conn);
while ($common_pro = @mysql_fetch_array($resultcommon_pro)) {
    if ($toandanhmuc == '0') {
        $commonDef = $common_pro['id'] == $oldid ? '1' : '0';
    } elseif ($toandanhmuc == '1') {
        $commonDef = 1;
    $id_common_pro = $common_pro['id'];
    $id_common_pro_parent = $common_pro['parent'];
    $fields_arrcommon_pro = array("id_parent" => "{$id_parent}", "id_code" => "'{$oldid}'", "id_pro_common" => "'{$id_common_pro}'", "id_common" => "'{$idcommon}'", "parent_categor" => "'{$id_common_pro_parent}'", "common" => "{$commonDef}", "status" => "0", "date_added" => "now()", "last_modified" => "now()");
    if (!countRecord($tableConfigCommon_product, "id_code=" . $oldid . " and id_common=" . $idcommon . " and id_pro_common=" . $id_common_pro)) {
        //kiem tra neu trong bang chua co thi them moi
        $resultcommon_proInsertDD = insert($tableConfigCommon_product, $fields_arrcommon_pro);
if ($toandanhmuc == '0') {
    //update them moi
    if ($_POST['common' . $idcommon] != '') {
        $wherecommon_pro = '';
        foreach ($_POST['common' . $idcommon] as $idcommon_pro) {
            $resultcommon_pro = @mysql_query("update {$tableConfigCommon_product} set common=1  where id_code=" . $oldid . " and id_pro_common=" . $idcommon_pro . " and id_common=" . $idcommon);
            $wherecommon_pro .= 'id_pro_common<>' . $idcommon_pro . ' and ';
    if ($resultcommon_pro) {
コード例 #26
    } else {
        $showNotshowactivation = " <a href=\"./?act=" . $actOrders . "{$actldate}&action=showactivation&acti=activation&id=" . $row['id'] . "&page=" . $_REQUEST['page'] . "&lang=" . $_lang_A . "\"  title=\"Chưa xác thực\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"images/notshow.gif\" alt=\"Chưa xác thực\" height=\"20\"/></a>";
    if ($row['delivery'] == 1) {
        $showNotshowdelivery = "<a href=\"./?act=" . $actOrders . "{$actldate}&action=notshowdelivery&acti=delivery&id=" . $row['id'] . "&page=" . $_REQUEST['page'] . "&lang=" . $_lang_A . "\"  title=\"Đã giao hàng\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"images/show.gif\" alt=\"Đã giao hàng\" height=\"20\"/></a>";
    } else {
        $showNotshowdelivery = " <a href=\"./?act=" . $actOrders . "{$actldate}&action=showdelivery&acti=delivery&id=" . $row['id'] . "&page=" . $_REQUEST['page'] . "&lang=" . $_lang_A . "\"  title=\"Chưa giao hàng\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"images/notshow.gif\" alt=\"Chưa giao hàng\" height=\"20\"/></a>";
    if ($row['status'] == 0) {
        $showNotshow = " <a href=\"./?act=" . $actOrders . "&action=notshow&" . $urlAll . "id=" . $row['id'] . "&page=" . $_REQUEST['page'] . "&lang=" . $_lang_A . "\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"images/show.gif\" alt=\"" . TSHOW . "\" height=\"20\"/></a>";
    } else {
        $showNotshow = "<a href=\"./?act=" . $actOrders . "&action=show&" . $urlAll . "id=" . $row['id'] . "&page=" . $_REQUEST['page'] . "&lang=" . $_lang_A . "\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"images/notshow.gif\" alt=\"" . TNOTSHOW . "\" height=\"20\"/></a>";
    $type_member = $row['type_member'];
    $processFrameShowHtmlTr .= "\n\n<tr>\n\t\t" . $trDetele_2All . "\n\t\t" . $trEdit_2 . "\n       " . $trDetele_2 . "\n\t    <td bgcolor=\"" . $color . "\" class=\"smallfont\" align=\"center\">" . $row['id'] . "</td>\t\t\t\n\t\t<td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" bgcolor=\"" . $color . "\" class=\"smallfont\">" . $row['phone'] . "</td>\n\t\t<td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" bgcolor=\"" . $color . "\" class=\"smallfont\">" . $row['name'] . "</td>\t\n\t\n\t\t<td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" bgcolor=\"" . $color . "\" class=\"smallfont\">" . $row['email'] . "</td>\n\t\t  \n\t\t  {$countNUMEMAIL}\n\t\t  \n\t\t  \n\t\t  \n\t\t" . $trAddImage . "\n\t\t  \n\t\t" . $trAddComment . "\n\t\t<td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" bgcolor=\"" . $color . "\" class=\"smallfont\">\n\t\t\n\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"" . $row['id'] . "\" name=\"hID[]\"/>\n        <input type=\"text\" value=\"" . $row['sort'] . "\" size=\"2\" name=\"txtOrder[]\"/>\t\t</td>\n\t\t<td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" bgcolor=\"" . $color . "\" class=\"smallfont\">\n" . $showNotshowactivation . "</td>\n\n<td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" bgcolor=\"" . $color . "\" class=\"smallfont\">\n" . $showNotshowdelivery . "</td>\n\t\t<td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" bgcolor=\"" . $color . "\" class=\"smallfont\">\n" . $showNotshow . "</td>\n\n\n\t\t<td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" bgcolor=\"" . $color . "\" class=\"smallfont\">" . $row['dateAdd'] . "</td>\n\t\t<td bgcolor=\"" . $color . "\" class=\"smallfont\" align=\"center\">" . $row['dateModify'] . "</td>\n\t</tr>\n";
//BAT DAU VONG WHILE------------------------------
$processFrameShowHtmlTr .= "\n<tr>\n\t  " . $trDetele_1bottom . "\n\t   " . $trEdit_1bottom . "\n\t  " . $trDetele_1bottom . "\t\n\t\t<td></td>\n\t\t<td></td>\t\t\n\t\t<td></td>\t\t\t\t\n\t\t<td></td>\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t" . $trAddImage_Bottom . "\n\t\t" . $trAddComment_Bottom . "\n\t\t<td valign=\"middle\" align=\"center\">\n\t\t<span class=\"title\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . TUPDATE . "\" name=\"btnOrder\" class=\"button\"></span>\t  </td>\n\n\t\t<td>&nbsp;</td>\n\t\t<td>&nbsp;</td>\n\t\t<td>&nbsp;</td>\n\t\t<td></td>\n        {$td}\n\t\t<td></td>\n\t\n\t</tr>\n\n";
//KET NOI DU LIEU LAY NOI DUNG TRANG=============================[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[=====================]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]=KET THUC
$showSubmitHtmlAddNew		=	"<input type=\"button\" value=\"".TADDNEW."\" name=\"btnNew\" onClick=\"window.location='./?act=".$actOrders."_m&".$urlAll."page=".$_REQUEST['page']."&lang=".$_lang_A."'\" class=\"button\">";

$showSubmitHtmlAddNew = "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Xuất ra file  excel\" name=\"excel\" class=\"button\">";
///SHOW NUT submit========================
//if(($_REQUEST['codeParent']!='') and ($defaulType['type']!='0')) {
$showSubmitHtml = $trDeteleAllbottom . $showSubmitHtmlAddNew;
$processFrameShowHtml = "\n<script src=\"js/ajax_chack_code_jquery.js\" type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"javascript\"></script>\n<script language=\"javascript\">\n//<!---------------------------------+\n//  Developed by Roshan Bhattarai \n//  Visit http://roshanbh.com.np for this script and more.\n//  This notice MUST stay intact for legal use\n// --------------------------------->\n\$(document).ready(function()\n{\n\t\$(\"#txtCode\").blur(function()\n\t{\n\t\t//remove all the class add the messagebox classes and start fading\n\t\t\$(\"#msgbox\").removeClass().addClass('messagebox').text('" . CCHECHING . "').fadeIn(\"slow\");\n\t\t//check the username exists or not from ajax\n\t\t\$.post(\"" . $moduleUrl . "/ajax_chack_code.php\",{ code:\$(this).val() } ,function(data)\n        {\n\t\t  if(data == 0) //if username not avaiable\n\t\t  {\n\t\t  \t\$(\"#msgbox\").fadeTo(200,0.1,function() //start fading the messagebox\n\t\t\t{ \n\t\t\t  //add message and change the class of the box and start fading\n\t\t\t  \$(this).html('" . CTHISCODEALREADY . "').addClass('messageboxerror').fadeTo(900,1);\n\t\t\t});\t\t\n          }\n\t\t  else\n\t\t  {\n\t\t  \t\$(\"#msgbox\").fadeTo(200,0.1,function()  //start fading the messagebox\n\t\t\t{ \n\t\t\t  //add message and change the class of the box and start fading\n\t\t\t  \$(this).html('" . CTHISCODECANNOTUSE . "').addClass('messageboxok').fadeTo(900,1);\t\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t  }\n\t\t\t\t\n        });\n \n\t});\n});\n</script>\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\nfunction show_type_member(type,id)\n{\nvar xmlhttpcity;    \nif (type==\"\")\n  {\n  document.getElementById(\"type_member_div\"+id).innerHTML='<div align=\"center\" style=\"width:100%\"><img src=\"../images/loading-large_boxed._V192195297_.gif\" /></div>';\n  return;\n  }\nif (window.XMLHttpRequest)\n  {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari\n  xmlhttpcity=new XMLHttpRequest();\n  }\nelse\n  {// code for IE6, IE5\n  xmlhttpcity=new ActiveXObject(\"Microsoft.XMLHTTP\");\n  }\nxmlhttpcity.onreadystatechange=function()\n  {\n  if (xmlhttpcity.readyState==4 && xmlhttpcity.status==200)\n    {\n    document.getElementById(\"type_member_div\"+id).innerHTML=xmlhttpcity.responseText;\n    }\n  }\nxmlhttpcity.open(\"GET\",\"chack_type_member_ajax.php?type=\"+type+\"&id=\"+id,true);\nxmlhttpcity.send();\n\n\n}\n\n</script>\n<p id=\"search-advance-order\">Tìm kiếm nâng cao</p>\n<style>\n    .search-advance-order label,#search-advance-order{\n        cursor:pointer;\n    }\n    #search-advance-order{\n        color:blue;\n        font-weight:bold;\n    }\n    #btnsearch-advance-other{\n        padding:5px 20px;\n        font-size:14px;\n        cursor:pointer;margin-top:10px;\n    }\n</style>\n<link type=\"text/css\" href=\"css/jquery.datepick.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\">\n<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"js/jquery-1.11.0.min.js\"></script>\n<script src=\"js/jquery.plugin.js\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>\n<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"js/jquery.datepick.js\"></script>\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n\$(function() {\n\t \$('#datefrom').datepick();\n     \$('#dateto').datepick();\n     \$('.search-advance-order').slideUp('fast');\n     \$('#search-advance-order').click(function(){\n            \$('.search-advance-order').slideToggle();\n        });\n});\n</script>\n<style type=\"text/css\">\n    .datepick,.datepick-month{\n        width:200px!important;\n    }\n    .datepick-nav, .datepick-ctrl{\n        font-size:11px;\n    }\n</style>\n<div class=\"search-advance-order\" style=\"margin-bottom:10px;\">\n<script src=\"js/script_search_advance_order.js\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>\n    <form action=\"./\" method=\"get\">\n    <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"act\" value=\"" . $actOrders . "\"/>\n    <table>\n        <tr>\n            <td>Date:</td>\n            <td>\n                <label>From <input name=\"date-from\" id=\"datefrom\" type=\"text\" placeholder=\"từ ngày\"/></label>\n                <label>To <input name=\"date-to\" id=\"dateto\" type=\"text\" placeholder=\"đến ngày\"/></label>\n                <select name=\"choose-date\" id=\"choose-date\">\n                    <option value=\"0\">Tất cả</option>\n                    <option value=\"1\">Theo ngày/tháng/năm</option>\n                    <option value=\"2\">Theo tháng/năm</option>\n                    <option value=\"3\">Theo năm</option>\n                </select>\n            </td>\n        </tr>\n        <tr>\n            <td width=\"100\">Tình trạng:</td>\n            <td>\n                <label>\n                    <select name=\"choose-authentic\" id=\"choose-authentic\">\n                        <option value=\"0\">Tất cả</option>\n                        <option value=\"1\">Chưa xác thực</option>\n                        <option value=\"2\">Đã xác thực</option>\n                    </select>\n                </label> \n                <label>\n                    <select name=\"choose-delivery\" id=\"choose-delivery\">\n                        <option value=\"0\">Tất cả</option>\n                        <option value=\"1\">Chưa giao hàng</option>\n                        <option value=\"2\">Đã giao hàng</option>\n                    </select>\n                </label>\n                </td>\n        </tr>\n        <tr>\n            <td>Hình thức:</td>\n            <td><label style=\"color:red;\"><span><input name=\"fillemail\" id=\"fillemail\" checked type=\"checkbox\"/> Lọc địa chỉ email trùng</span></label></td>\n        </tr>\n        <tr>\n            <td></td>\n            <td>\n                <input type=\"submit\" id=\"btnsearch-advance-other\" name=\"btnsearch-advance-other\" value=\"Tìm kiếm\"/>\n            </td>\n        </tr>\n    </table>\n    </form>\n</div>\n<form method=\"POST\" action=\"./\" name=\"frmForm\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"page\" value=\"" . $page . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"delivery\" value=\"" . $_REQUEST['delivery'] . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ldate\" value=\"" . $_REQUEST['ldate'] . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"activation\" value=\"" . $_REQUEST['activation'] . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"act\" value=\"" . $actOrders . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"lang\" value=\"" . $_lang_A . "\">\n\n<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\n\t<tr>\n\t\t" . $showPageIndex . "\n\t\t<td height=\"30\" align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" class=\"smallfont\">\n\t\t\t<table width=\"100%\"  border=\"0\" align=\"right\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n  <tr>\n  <td colspan=\"5\" align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" class=\"smallfont\" style=\"padding-right:5px;\">\n  <!--  <span  id=\"msgbox\" style=\"display:none; font-size:12px\"></span>  " . comboCategoryLevel('ddCat', getArrayCategory($tableCategoryConfigId, $tableCategoryConfig, $_lang_A, $whereGetArrayCategory), 'smallfont', $_REQUEST['codeParent'], 1) . "\n\t\t\t<input type=\"button\" value=\"" . TMOVE . "\" class=\"button\" \n\t\t\t\tonClick=\"window.location='./?act=" . $actOrders . "&codeParent='+ddCat.value+'&lang=" . $_lang_A . "'\">--></td>\n  </tr>\n  <tr>\n  <td width=\"61\" align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" class=\"smallfont\" style=\"padding-right:5px;\">\n  " . MECHECKCODE . "  </td>\n  <td width=\"128\" align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" style=\"padding-right:5px;\">\n  \n  <input value=\"" . $CODE_default['code_product'] . $code . "\" type=\"text\" name=\"txtCode\" id=\"txtCode\"  class=\"textbox\" size=\"20\">   </td>\n   <td align=\"left\" width=\"195\" valign=\"middle\" style=\"padding-right:20px;\" class=\"smallfont\" >\n  <span  id=\"msgbox\" style=\"display:none; font-size:12px\"></span>  </td>\n    <td width=\"269\" align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" style=\"padding-right:20px;\"> \n\t<input type=\"text\" name=\"ddName\" />\n\t<input name=\"button3\" type=\"button\" class=\"button\" \n\t\t\t\tonclick=\"window.location='./?act=" . $actOrders . "&name='+ddName.value+'&lang=" . $_lang_A . "'\" value=\"Tìm theo Email\" /></td>\n\n    <td width=\"269\" align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" style=\"padding-right:20px;\"> \n    <input type=\"text\" name=\"ddPhone\" />\n    <input name=\"btnPhone\" type=\"button\" class=\"button\" \n                onclick=\"window.location='./?act=" . $actOrders . "&phone='+ddPhone.value+'&lang=" . $_lang_A . "'\" value=\"Tìm theo Phone\" /></td>\n    <td width=\"383\" align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\"  style=\"padding-right:5px;\"> \n\t<input type=\"text\" name=\"ddMa\" />\n\t <input name=\"button2\" type=\"button\" class=\"button\" \n\t\t\t\tonclick=\"window.location='./?act=" . $actOrders . "&ma='+ddMa.value+'&lang=" . $_lang_A . "'\" value=\"" . MESEARCHCODE . "\" /></td>\n    </tr>\n</table>\n\n\t\t</td>\n\t</tr>\n</table>\n\n\n<table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"2\" bordercolor=\"#C9C9C9\" width=\"100%\">\n\n\n\n" . $processFrameShowHtmlTr . "\n\n\n\n</table>\n\n<table width=\"100%\">\n\t<tr>\n\t\t<td width=\"30%\">\n" . $showSubmitHtml . "\n\t\t</td>\n\t</tr>\n</table>\n\n\n\n</form>\n<script language=\"JavaScript\">\nfunction chkallClick(o) {\n  \tvar form = document.frmForm;\n\tfor (var i = 0; i < form.elements.length; i++) {\n\t\tif (form.elements[i].type == \"checkbox\" && form.elements[i].name!=\"chkall\") {\n\t\t\tform.elements[i].checked = document.frmForm.chkall.checked;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n</script>\n\n<p align=center class=\"err\">" . $errMsg . "<br></p>\n\n<table width=\"100%\">\n\t<tr><td height=\"10\"></td></tr>\n\t<tr><td class=\"smallfont\">" . UTOTALROW . " : <b>" . countRecord($tableOrdersId, $parentWhereConfig) . "</b>" . "</td></tr>\n</table>\n\n\n";
コード例 #27
ファイル: order.php プロジェクト: ece4u/ece4cWeb

<input type="submit" value="Xóa chọn" name="ButDel" onclick="return confirm('Bạn có chắc chắn muốn xóa ?');" class="button">
<script language="JavaScript">
function chkallClick(o) {
  	var form = document.frmForm;
	for (var i = 0; i < form.elements.length; i++) {
		if (form.elements[i].type == "checkbox" && form.elements[i].name!="chkall") {
			form.elements[i].checked = document.frmForm.chkall.checked;
if ($errMsg != '') {
    echo '<p align=center class="err">' . $errMsg . '<br></p>';

<table width="100%">
	<tr><td height="10"></td></tr>
	<tr><td class="smallfont"><?php 
echo 'Tổng số hàng : <b>' . countRecord('tbl_order') . '</b>';
コード例 #28
ファイル: multi.php プロジェクト: ece4u/ece4cWeb
$request = $_REQUEST['frame'];
$code = $_lang == 'vn' ? 'vn_' . $request : 'en_' . $request;
$parentWhere = "and parent = (select id from tbl_content_category where code='{$code}')";
$parentRecord = getRecord("tbl_content", "1=1 " . $parentWhere);
$cat = killInjection($_REQUEST['cat']);
if ($cat == '') {
    $cat = $parentRecord['parent'];
$per_page = 5;
$p = 0;
if ($_REQUEST['p'] != '') {
    $p = killInjection($_REQUEST['p']);
$total = countRecord("tbl_content", "status=0 and parent=" . $cat);
if ($total == 0) {
<table align="center" cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
	<tr><td height="20"></td></tr>
		<td align="center">
			<font color="#993300"><b><?php 
    echo $_lang == "vn" ? 'Dữ liệu đang cập nhật !' : 'Data are being updated !';
	<tr><td height="20"></td></tr>
コード例 #29

require "../../qweasd/hoanghung.php";
require "../../qweasd/common_start.php";
include "../../lib/func.lib.php";
include 'table_act.php';

//  Developed by Roshan Bhattarai
//  Visit http://roshanbh.com.np for this script and more.
//  This notice MUST stay intact for legal use
//this varible contains the array of existing users
//value got from the get metho
$code = $_POST['code'];
$ln = $_POST['ln'];
//checking weather user exists or not in $existing_users array
if (countRecord($tableSupplierId, "code='{$code}'") > 0) {
    //user name is not availble
    echo "0";
} else {
    //user name is available
    echo "1";
コード例 #30

//them moi vo bang tbl_module_pro_category_position
$yahooParent = getRecord($tableCategoryConfigId, "code ='" . $codeSupportYahoo . "'");
$sqlyahoo = "select * from {$tableConfigId} where {$whereStatus} and parent=" . $yahooParent['id'] . " {$sortby} DESC";
$resultyahoo = @mysql_query($sqlyahoo, $conn);
while ($yahoo = @mysql_fetch_array($resultyahoo)) {
    $id_yahoo = $yahoo['id'];
    $fields_arryahoo = array("id_code" => "'{$oldid}'", "id_yahoo" => "'{$id_yahoo}'", "status" => "0", "date_added" => "now()", "last_modified" => "now()");
    if (!countRecord($tableCategorYahoo, "id_code=" . $oldid . " and id_yahoo=" . $yahoo['id'])) {
        //kiem tra neu trong bang chua co thi them moi
        $resultyahoo = insert($tableCategorYahoo, $fields_arryahoo);
    //ket thuc kiem tra
//update moi neu co
if ($_POST['yahoo'] != '') {
    $whereyahoo = '';
    foreach ($_POST['yahoo'] as $idyahoo) {
        $resultyahoo = mysql_query("update {$tableCategorYahoo} set yahoo=1 where id_code=" . $oldid . " and id_yahoo=" . $idyahoo);
        $whereyahoo .= 'id_yahoo<>' . $idyahoo . ' and ';
if ($resultyahoo) {
    $whereyahoo1 = $whereyahoo;
} else {
    $whereyahoo1 = '';
$resultyahoo = mysql_query("update {$tableCategorYahoo} set yahoo=0 where " . $whereyahoo1 . " id_code=" . $oldid . "");
//echo $wherePosition1;