コード例 #1
ファイル: install.install.php プロジェクト: Newman101/Cotonti
 * Sorts selected extensions by their setup order if present
 * @global array $cfg
 * @param array $selected_extensions Unsorted list of extension names
 * @param bool $is_module TRUE if sorting modules, FALSE if sorting plugins
 * @return array Sorted list of extension names
function cot_install_sort_extensions($selected_extensions, $is_module = FALSE)
    global $cfg;
    $path = $is_module ? $cfg['modules_dir'] : $cfg['plugins_dir'];
    $ret = array();
    // Split into groups by Order value
    $extensions = array();
    foreach ($selected_extensions as $name) {
        $info = cot_infoget("{$path}/{$name}/{$name}.setup.php", 'COT_EXT');
        $order = isset($info['Order']) ? (int) $info['Order'] : COT_PLUGIN_DEFAULT_ORDER;
        if ($info['Category'] == 'post-install' && $order < 999) {
            $order = 999;
        $extensions[$order][] = $name;
    // Merge back into a single array
    foreach ($extensions as $grp) {
        foreach ($grp as $name) {
            $ret[] = $name;
    return $ret;
コード例 #2
 * Checks if requirements for installed/used package is satisfied
 * Returns boolean if checking is done or Error message otherwise
 * @param string $target Target (case insensitive). Could be:
 * 	php 		- PHP version or PHP extensions
 * 	core 		- for checking Cotonti (core) version
 * 	system 		- Cotonti system modules (like Admin)
 * 	theme 		- for themes
 * 	plugin 		- for plugin check
 * 	module 		- for module check
 * 	extension	- for checking among both types: plugins and modules
 * Can be in complex notation:
 * 	php_curl 	- for certain php module `curl`
 * 	pfs_module 	- for certain Cotonti module (`PFS`)
 * 	comments_plugin 	- for certain Cotonti plugin (`comments`)
 * All other Target types treats as Cotonti Extension name, see examples below.
 * @param string $constraint Version string or version constraint
 * @param string $package_name (optional) Name of package for checking if not defined in type
 * @param string $ext_active (optional) Requirement to check is Extension installed, `true` by default
 * @return bool | string Result of check or Error message
 * **Note:** result should be checked with strait comparison with === / !== operators,
 *	Examples of use:
 *		cot_requirements_satisfied('core','0.9.19'); // Cotonti version check
 *		cot_requirements_satisfied('PHP','5.4.1'); // Checking for PHP version
 *		cot_requirements_satisfied('PHP','7.0','curl'); // Checking for PHP extension version
 *		cot_requirements_satisfied('plugin','1.2','comments');
 *		cot_requirements_satisfied('module','1.1.3','page');
 *		cot_requirements_satisfied('theme','*','skeletonti'); // any version allowed
 *			// installed theme treats as Default Cotonti theme
 *		cot_requirements_satisfied('module','0.7.15','pfs', false);
 *			// checking Extension is in the system but not is it installed
 *		cot_requirements_satisfied('extension','0.9.18','somename'); // checking among plugins and modules
 *		cot_requirements_satisfied('page_module','0.9.18');
 *			// shorthand for → 'module', 0.9.18, 'page'
 *		cot_requirements_satisfied('test','0.9.18'); → 'extension', 0.9.18, 'test'
 * @uses function cot_version_compare()
function cot_requirements_satisfied($target, $constraint, $package_name = null, $ext_active = true)
    global $cot_plugins_enabled, $cot_modules;
    $target_types = array('core', 'theme', 'admin_theme', 'module', 'plugin', 'system', 'extension');
    $target = strtolower($target);
    if (!$package_name) {
        // tries to extract `package_name` from `target`
        foreach ($target_types as $ttype) {
            $last_part = substr($target, -strlen($ttype));
            if ($last_part == $ttype) {
                $package_name = substr($target, 0, -(strlen($last_part) + 1));
                $target = $last_part;
            $last_part = '';
        if (!$last_part && substr($target, 0, 4) == 'php_') {
            $target = 'php';
            $package_name = substr($target, 4);
    switch ($target) {
        case 'php':
            // PHP version
            $current_version = cot_phpversion($package_name);
            if (is_null($current_version)) {
                return false;
            // ext not found
        case 'core':
            // Cotonti core
            $current_version = cot::$cfg['version'];
        case 'system':
            // Cotonti system modules, like admin
            $sql = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$db_core} WHERE ct_lock = 1");
            while ($row = $sql->fetch()) {
                if ($row['ct_code'] == $package_name) {
                    $active = (bool) $row['ct_state'];
                    $current_version = $row['ct_version'];
            if (!$current_version || $ext_active && !$active) {
                return false;
        case 'admin_theme':
        case 'theme':
            $themefile = cot::$cfg['themes_dir'] . ($target == 'admin-theme' ? '/admin/' : '') . "/{$package_name}/{$package_name}.php";
            if (file_exists($themefile)) {
                $themeinfo = cot_infoget($themefile, 'COT_THEME');
                $current_version = $themeinfo['Version'];
                if (!$current_version) {
                    $themeinfo = cot_file_phpdoc($themefile);
                $current_version = $themeinfo['version'];
            } else {
                return false;
            if ($target != 'theme') {
                $active = cot::$cfg['admintheme'] == $package_name;
            } else {
                $active = cot::$cfg['forcedefaulttheme'] && cot::$cfg['defaulttheme'] == $package_name;
            if ($ext_active && !$active) {
                return false;
        case 'plugin':
        case 'module':
        case 'extension':
            // either plugin or module
        // either plugin or module
            if (!$target) {
                $target = 'extension';
            } elseif (!$package_name) {
                $package_name = $target;
                $target = 'extension';
            if (!$package_name) {
                return cot_rc('req_no_target');
            if ($ext_active) {
                if ($target == 'extension' || $target == 'module') {
                    $active = $current_version = $cot_modules[$package_name]['version'];
                if ($target == 'extension' || $target == 'plugin') {
                    $active || ($active = $current_version = $cot_plugins_enabled[$package_name]['version']);
                if (!$active) {
                    return false;
            } else {
                // checking version from not installed Extension
                $setup_file = cot::$cfg['modules_dir'] . "/{$package_name}/{$package_name}.setup.php";
                if ($target == 'extension' || $target == 'module') {
                    is_file($setup_file) && ($info = cot_infoget($setup_file));
                if ($target == 'extension' || $target == 'plugin') {
                    $info || is_file($setup_file) && ($info = cot_infoget($setup_file));
                if (!$info) {
                    return cot_rc('req_ext_notfound', array('ext' => $package_name));
                $current_version = $info['Version'];
            //end of default
    $meet = cot_version_constraint($current_version, $constraint);
    // as we can get boolean (true | false) or integer (-1 | 0 | 1) respect
    // to operator presence in constraint, we need to change integer to boolean.
    if (is_int($meet)) {
        $meet = $meet == 1 ? true : false;
    return $meet;
コード例 #3
ファイル: functions.php プロジェクト: Andreyjktl/Cotonti
 * Returns Theme/Scheme selection dropdown
 * @param string $selected_theme Seleced theme
 * @param string $selected_scheme Seleced color scheme
 * @param string $name Dropdown name
 * @return string
function cot_selectbox_theme($selected_theme, $selected_scheme, $input_name)
    global $cfg;
    require_once cot_incfile('extensions');
    $handle = opendir($cfg['themes_dir']);
    while ($f = readdir($handle)) {
        if (mb_strpos($f, '.') === FALSE && is_dir("{$cfg['themes_dir']}/{$f}") && $f != "admin") {
            $themelist[] = $f;
    $values = array();
    $titles = array();
    foreach ($themelist as $x) {
        $themeinfo = "{$cfg['themes_dir']}/{$x}/{$x}.php";
        if (file_exists($themeinfo)) {
            $info = cot_infoget($themeinfo, 'COT_THEME');
            if ($info) {
                if (empty($info['Schemes'])) {
                    $values[] = "{$x}:default";
                    $titles[] = $info['Name'];
                } else {
                    $schemes = explode(',', $info['Schemes']);
                    foreach ($schemes as $sc) {
                        $sc = explode(':', $sc);
                        $values[] = $x . ':' . $sc[0];
                        $titles[] = count($schemes) > 1 ? $info['Name'] . ' (' . $sc[1] . ')' : $info['Name'];
            } else {
                $values[] = "{$x}:default";
                $titles[] = $x;
        } else {
            $values[] = "{$x}:default";
            $titles[] = $x;
    return cot_selectbox("{$selected_theme}:{$selected_scheme}", $input_name, $values, $titles, false);
コード例 #4
ファイル: functions.php プロジェクト: Roffun/Cotonti
 * Returns themes info data for all available themes or a specified one
 * @param string $theme_name Name of theme to get info.
 *        Returns list for all themes if no name specified.
 * @return mixed Array of Theme info data or Theme info data or FALSE
function cot_themes_info($theme_name = null)
    require_once cot_incfile('extensions');
    $themes_data = array();
    $themelist = array();
    $handle = opendir(cot::$cfg['themes_dir']);
    while ($f = readdir($handle)) {
        if (mb_strpos($f, '.') === FALSE && is_dir(cot::$cfg['themes_dir'] . "/{$f}") && $f != "admin") {
            $themelist[] = $f;
    if (!is_null($theme_name)) {
        if (!in_array($theme_name, $themelist)) {
            return false;
        } else {
            $themelist = array($theme_name);
    } else {
    foreach ($themelist as $name) {
        if ($theme_name && $theme_name != $name) {
        $themeinfo = array();
        $themeinfo_file = cot::$cfg['themes_dir'] . "/{$name}/{$name}.php";
        if (file_exists($themeinfo_file) && ($info = cot_infoget($themeinfo_file, 'COT_THEME'))) {
            $themeinfo = $info;
            if (!$themeinfo['Title']) {
                $themeinfo['Title'] = $info['Name'] ? $info['Name'] : $name;
            $schemes_list = array();
            if (!empty($info['Schemes'])) {
                $schemes = preg_split('/\\s*,\\s*/', $info['Schemes']);
                foreach ($schemes as $scheme) {
                    list($sc_name, $sc_title) = explode(':', $scheme);
                    $schemes_list[$sc_name] = $sc_title;
            $themeinfo['Schemes'] = $schemes_list;
        if (sizeof($themeinfo) > 0) {
            $themes_data[$name] = $themeinfo;
    if (is_null($theme_name)) {
        return $themes_data;
    } else {
        return $themes_data[$theme_name];
コード例 #5
function cot_get_extensionparams($code, $is_module = false)
    global $cfg, $cot_modules, $cot_plugins_enabled;
    $dir = $is_module ? $cfg['modules_dir'] : $cfg['plugins_dir'];
    if ($is_module) {
        $name = $cot_modules[$code]['title'];
    } else {
        $name = $cot_plugins_enabled[$code]['title'];
    if (empty($name)) {
        $ext_info = $dir . '/' . $code . '/' . $code . '.setup.php';
        $exists = file_exists($ext_info);
        if ($exists) {
            $info = cot_infoget($ext_info, 'COT_EXT');
            if (!$info && cot_plugin_active('genoa')) {
                // Try to load old format info
                $info = cot_infoget($ext_info, 'SED_EXTPLUGIN');
            $name = $info['Name'];
            $desc = $info['Desc'];
        } else {
            $info = array('Name' => $code);
        $name = $info['Name'];
    $icofile = $dir . '/' . $code . '/' . $code . '.png';
    $icon = file_exists($icofile) ? $icofile : '';
    $langfile = cot_langfile($code, $is_module ? 'module' : 'plug');
    if (file_exists($langfile)) {
        include $langfile;
        if (!empty($L['info_name'])) {
            $name = $L['info_name'];
        if (!empty($L['info_desc'])) {
            $desc = $L['info_desc'];
    return array('name' => htmlspecialchars($name), 'desc' => $desc, 'icon' => $icon);
コード例 #6
ファイル: install.update.php プロジェクト: Andreyjktl/Cotonti
 $db->delete($db_core, "ct_code IN ('comments', 'ratings', 'trash')");
 // Set Module versions to Genoa version before upgrade
 $db->update($db_core, array('ct_version' => '0.8.99'), '1');
 // Update modules
 foreach (array('forums', 'index', 'page', 'pfs', 'pm', 'polls', 'users') as $code) {
     $ret = cot_extension_install($code, true, true);
     if ($ret === false) {
         cot_error(cot_rc('ext_update_error', array('type' => $L['Module'], 'name' => $code)));
 // Update installed Siena plugins and uninstall Genoa plugins
 $res = $db->query("SELECT DISTINCT(pl_code) FROM {$db_plugins}\n\t\tWHERE pl_module = 0");
 while ($row = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)) {
     $code = $row[0];
     $setup_file = $cfg['plugins_dir'] . '/' . $code . '/' . $code . '.setup.php';
     if (file_exists($setup_file) && ($info = cot_infoget($setup_file))) {
         // Update
         cot_extension_add($code, $info['Name'], '0.0.0', true);
         cot_extension_install($code, false, true);
     } else {
         // Uninstall
         $qcode = $db->quote($code);
         $db->delete($db_auth, "auth_option = {$qcode}");
         $db->delete($db_config, "config_cat = {$qcode}");
         $db->delete($db_plugins, "pl_code = {$qcode}");
 // Install bbcode and html parsers
コード例 #7
ファイル: admin.extensions.php プロジェクト: Roffun/Cotonti
             $dir = $dep_module ? $cfg['modules_dir'] : $cfg['plugins_dir'];
             foreach (explode(',', $info[$dep_type]) as $ext) {
                 $ext = trim($ext);
                 $dep_installed = cot_extension_installed($ext);
                 if ($dep_obligatory) {
                     $dep_class = $dep_installed ? 'highlight_green' : 'highlight_red';
                     $dependencies_satisfied &= $dep_installed;
                 } else {
                     $dep_class = '';
                 $dep_ext_info = $dir . '/' . $ext . '/' . $ext . '.setup.php';
                 if (file_exists($dep_ext_info)) {
                     $dep_info = cot_infoget($dep_ext_info, 'COT_EXT');
                     if (!$dep_info && cot_plugin_active('genoa')) {
                         // Try to load old format info
                         $dep_info = cot_infoget($dep_ext_info, 'SED_EXTPLUGIN');
                 } else {
                     $dep_info = array('Name' => $ext);
                 $t->assign(array('ADMIN_EXTENSIONS_DEPENDENCIES_ROW_CODE' => $ext, 'ADMIN_EXTENSIONS_DEPENDENCIES_ROW_NAME' => $dep_info['Name'], 'ADMIN_EXTENSIONS_DEPENDENCIES_ROW_URL' => $dep_module && file_exists($cfg['modules_dir'] . '/' . $ext) || !$dep_module && file_exists($cfg['plugins_dir'] . '/' . $ext) ? cot_url('admin', "m=extensions&a=details&{$arg}={$ext}") : '#', 'ADMIN_EXTENSIONS_DEPENDENCIES_ROW_TYPE' => $dep_module ? $L['Module'] : $L['Plugin'], 'ADMIN_EXTENSIONS_DEPENDENCIES_ROW_CLASS' => $dep_class));
             $t->assign(array('ADMIN_EXTENSIONS_DEPENDENCIES_TITLE' => $L['ext_' . strtolower($dep_type)]));
 /* === Hook  === */
 foreach (cot_getextplugins('admin.extensions.details') as $pl) {
     include $pl;
コード例 #8
ファイル: extensions.php プロジェクト: Andreyjktl/Cotonti
 * Returns an array containing meta information for all extensions in a directory
 * @param string $dir Directory to search for extensions in
 * @return array Extension code => info array
function cot_extension_list_info($dir)
    $ext_list = array();
    $dp = opendir($dir);
    while ($f = readdir($dp)) {
        $path = $dir . '/' . $f;
        if ($f[0] != '.' && is_dir($path) && file_exists("{$path}/{$f}.setup.php")) {
            $info = cot_infoget("{$path}/{$f}.setup.php", 'COT_EXT');
            if (!$info && cot_plugin_active('genoa')) {
                // Try to load old format info
                $info = cot_infoget("{$path}/{$f}.setup.php", 'SED_EXTPLUGIN');
            if (empty($info['Category'])) {
                $info['Category'] = 'misc-ext';
            $ext_list[$f] = $info;
    return $ext_list;