コード例 #1
 public static function getUserRecord($uid, $checkSU = TRUE)
     // -- If no $uid, return data for authenticated user
     if (!isset($uid) && self::isAuthenticated()) {
         return array("name" => isset($_SESSION["nwAuth"]["username"]) ? $_SESSION["nwAuth"]["username"] : "", "uid" => isset($_SESSION["nwAuth"]["uid"]) ? $_SESSION["nwAuth"]["uid"] : "", "gecos" => isset($_SESSION["nwAuth"]["gecos"]) ? $_SESSION["nwAuth"]["gecos"] : "");
     if (!isset($uid) || empty($uid)) {
         return FALSE;
     // -- Cleanup
     $uid = (int) $uid;
     // -- This UID may have been processed earlier and stored in auth::$userAccounts
     if (isset(self::$userAccounts[$uid]) && ($au = self::$userAccounts[$uid])) {
         return $au;
     // -- Is this the special robot UID?
     if (self::isRobot($uid)) {
         return array("name" => "nobody", "uid" => $uid, "gecos" => "WebRobot");
     // -- Then check if a translation exists in the special accounts DB table (negative UIDs):
     if (preg_match("/^-\\d+/", $uid)) {
         //	if (preg_match("/^-?\d+/",$uid)) {
         // -- Fetch user data for UID from DB
         if (!class_exists("fromdb_accounts", FALSE)) {
             require_once PATH_CLASSES . "/fromdb/accounts.php";
         if (!isset($GLOBALS["accountClass"])) {
             $GLOBALS["accountClass"] = new fromdb_accounts();
         $record = $GLOBALS["accountClass"]->getSpecialUserRecord($uid);
         if (!empty($record)) {
             $au = array("name" => $record["username"], "uid" => $record["id"], "gecos" => functions::utf8encode($record["full_name"]));
             self::$userAccounts[$uid] = $au;
             return $au;
         // -- Negative UIDs are special UIDs
         //	  if (preg_match("/^-\d+/",$uid)) return FALSE;
     // -- Then check if $uid is an account on the local machine
     if ($localAccount = posix_getpwuid((int) $uid)) {
         $localAccount["gecos"] = functions::utf8encode($localAccount["gecos"]);
         return $localAccount;
     // -- Then optionally check SU accounts via locally kept password files
     //    [probably obsolete]
     if ($checkSU) {
         $commonPasswdFile = array("/afs/physto.se/common/uadmin/passwd/su.se/passwd.common", "/afs/kth.se/admin/passwd/passwd.full");
         foreach ($commonPasswdFile as $pwfile) {
             if (file_exists($pwfile) && is_file($pwfile) && ($l = shell_exec("grep '^.*:.*:" . $uid . ":' " . $pwfile))) {
                 $u = split(":", $l);
                 $su = core2posix($u);
                 if (!empty($su["gecos"])) {
                     return $su;
     // end if ($checkSU)
     // -- Did not find a translation for $uid
     return FALSE;
コード例 #2
function core_getpwnam($login, $appsDB = False)
    global $core_commonPW, $classAuth;
    if (!$login) {
        return False;
    if (!preg_match("/\\w/", $login)) {
        return False;
    if (isset($classAuth) && get_class($classAuth) == 'auth') {
        list($g, $l, $u) = $classAuth->whoAmI();
        if ($l == $login) {
            $a["name"] = $login;
            $a["gecos"] = $g;
            $a["uid"] = $u;
            core_dbg('core_getpwnam', $login, "uid={$u} {$g} (authenticated login)");
            return $a;
    if ($localAccount = posix_getpwnam($login)) {
        $localAccount["gecos"] = core_utf8_encode($localAccount["gecos"]);
        core_dbg('core_getpwnam', $login, $localAccount["uid"] . ' (local)');
        return $localAccount;
    if (get_class($appsDB)) {
        if (!$_SESSION["core_auth_SQL"]["table"]) {
        if ($appsDB->tableExists($_SESSION["core_auth_SQL"]["table"])) {
            $res = $appsDB->query("SELECT * FROM " . $_SESSION["core_auth_SQL"]["table"] . " WHERE " . $_SESSION["core_auth_SQL"]["username"] . "='{$login}'");
            if ($row = $appsDB->next_record($res)) {
                $au["name"] = $row[$_SESSION["core_auth_SQL"]["username"]];
                $au["uid"] = $row[$_SESSION["core_auth_SQL"]["id"]];
                $au["gecos"] = core_utf8_encode($row[$_SESSION["core_auth_SQL"]["name"]]);
                core_dbg('core_getpwnam', $uid, $au["gecos"] . ' (sql account)');
                return $au;
        core_dbg('core_getpwuid SQL unknown', $uid);
    foreach ($core_commonPW as $pwfile) {
        if (file_exists($pwfile) && is_file($pwfile) && ($l = `grep ^{$login}: {$pwfile}`)) {
            $u = split(':', $l);
            $su = core2posix($u);
            core_dbg('core_getpwnam', $login, "uid={$su['uid']} {$su['gecos']} ({$pwfile})");
            if ($su["gecos"]) {
                return $su;
    return False;