コード例 #1
ファイル: add_memdays.php プロジェクト: ruckfull/taobaocrm
require_once 'config.inc.php';
require_once 'include/utils/utils.php';
require_once 'include/database/PearDatabase.php';
require 'copydirr.inc.php';
require 'modules/Memdays/MemdaysDataPopulator.php';
global $root_directory;
global $adb;
if (isset($_SESSION['authenticated_user_language']) && $_SESSION['authenticated_user_language'] != '') {
    $current_language = $_SESSION['authenticated_user_language'];
} else {
    $current_language = $default_language;
copydirr($root_directory . "modules/Memdays/Smarty/templates/", $root_directory . "Smarty/templates/");
$language_file_path = $root_directory . "cache/application/language/" . $current_language . ".lang.php";
if (!is_file($language_file_path)) {
$language_file_path = $root_directory . "cache/application/language/" . $current_language . ".lang.php";
if (!is_file($language_file_path)) {
if (is_writable($language_file_path)) {
    $custom_app_strings = return_custom_application_language($current_language);
    $custom_applist_strings = return_custom_app_list_strings_language($current_language);
    if (is_array($custom_app_strings) && count($custom_app_strings) > 0 || is_array($custom_applist_strings) && count($custom_applist_strings) > 0) {
        $bk = chr(10);
        // The sign of line break
コード例 #2
$libraries = array('net', 'serial', 'video', 'dxf', 'pdf', 'sound', 'io');
$lib_dir = DISTDIR . 'libraries';
// Create Library index
$index = CONTENTDIR . "api_en/libraries/index.html";
$page = new LocalPage('Libraries', 'Libraries', 'Libraries', '../');
writeFile('distribution/libraries/index.html', $page->out());
// For each Library
foreach ($libraries as $lib) {
    $source = "api_en/LIB_{$lib}";
    $destination = "libraries/{$lib}";
    $index = CONTENTDIR . $source . '/index.html';
    $page = new LocalPage(ucfirst($lib) . ' \\ Libraries', 'Libraries', 'Libraries', '../../');
    writeFile('distribution/' . $destination . '/index.html', $page->out());
if (is_dir(DISTDIR . 'libraries/images')) {
    rmdir(DISTDIR . 'libraries/images');
mkdir(DISTDIR . 'libraries/images', 0755);
copydirr(CONTENTDIR . "api_en/libraries/images", DISTDIR . 'libraries/images');
$benchmark_end = microtime_float();
$execution_time = round($benchmark_end - $benchmark_start, 4);

<h2>Local library generation successful!</h2>
<p>Generated files in <?php 
echo $execution_time;
コード例 #3
 function copy_media()
     if (file_exists($this->data_dir)) {
         if (!copydirr($this->data_dir, EXAMPLESDIR . '/')) {
             echo "Could not copy" . EXAMPLESDIR . '/' . "<br />";
     } else {
         //echo "No data here: " . $this->data_dir . "<br />";
コード例 #4
ファイル: tools.php プロジェクト: ilaro-org/processing-docs

require_once '../config.php';
require_once 'lib/Translation.class.php';
require_once './contributions.php';
$benchmark_start = microtime_float();
$tools_dir = 'reference/tools';
$index = CONTENTDIR . "api_en/tools/index.html";
$page = new Page('Tools', 'Tools', 'Tools');
writeFile($tools_dir . '/index.html', $page->out());
if (!is_dir(BASEDIR . $tools_dir . '/images')) {
    mkdir(BASEDIR . $tools_dir . '/images', 0757);
copydirr(CONTENTDIR . "api_en/tools/images", BASEDIR . $tools_dir . '/images');
// copy over the files for the contributed libraries
copy(CONTENTDIR . "static/tools.html", BASEDIR . $tools_dir . '/tools.html');
$benchmark_end = microtime_float();
$execution_time = round($benchmark_end - $benchmark_start, 4);

<h2>Tool Generation Successful</h2>
<p>Generated files in <?php 
echo $execution_time;
コード例 #5
function copydirr($fromDir, $toDir, $chmod = 0757, $verbose = false)
    //* Check for some errors
    $errors = array();
    $messages = array();
    if (!is_writable($toDir)) {
        $errors[] = 'target ' . $toDir . ' is not writable';
    if (!is_dir($toDir)) {
        $errors[] = 'target ' . $toDir . ' is not a directory';
    if (!is_dir($fromDir)) {
        $errors[] = 'source ' . $fromDir . ' is not a directory';
    if (!empty($errors)) {
        if ($verbose) {
            foreach ($errors as $err) {
                echo '<strong>Error</strong>: ' . $err . '<br />';
        return false;
    $exceptions = array('.', '..');
    //* Processing
    $handle = opendir($fromDir);
    while (false !== ($item = readdir($handle))) {
        if (!in_array($item, $exceptions)) {
            //* cleanup for trailing slashes in directories destinations
            $from = str_replace('//', '/', $fromDir . '/' . $item);
            $to = str_replace('//', '/', $toDir . '/' . $item);
            if (is_file($from)) {
                if (@copy($from, $to)) {
                    chmod($to, $chmod);
                    touch($to, filemtime($from));
                    // to track last modified time
                    $messages[] = 'File copied from ' . $from . ' to ' . $to;
                } else {
                    $errors[] = 'cannot copy file from ' . $from . ' to ' . $to;
            if (is_dir($from)) {
                if (@mkdir($to)) {
                    chmod($to, $chmod);
                    $messages[] = 'Directory created: ' . $to;
                } else {
                    $errors[] = 'cannot create directory ' . $to;
                copydirr($from, $to, $chmod, $verbose);
    //* Output
    if ($verbose) {
        foreach ($errors as $err) {
            echo '<strong>Error</strong>: ' . $err . '<br />';
        foreach ($messages as $msg) {
            echo $msg . '<br />';
    return true;
コード例 #6

require_once '../config.php';
require_once 'lib/Translation.class.php';
$benchmark_start = microtime_float();
$tools_dir = DISTDIR . 'tools';
// Create Tools index
$index = CONTENTDIR . "api_en/tools/index.html";
$page = new LocalPage('Tools', 'Tools', 'Tools', '../');
writeFile('distribution/tools/index.html', $page->out());
// Create folder for images and copy them over
if (is_dir(DISTDIR . 'tools/images')) {
    rmdir(DISTDIR . 'tools/images');
mkdir(DISTDIR . 'tools/images', 0755);
copydirr(CONTENTDIR . 'api_en/tools/images', DISTDIR . 'tools/images');
// Copy file for the contributed Tools
require_once './contributions.php';
copy(CONTENTDIR . "static/tools.html", DISTDIR . 'tools/tools.html');
$benchmark_end = microtime_float();
$execution_time = round($benchmark_end - $benchmark_start, 4);

<h2>Local tool generation successful!</h2>
<p>Generated files in <?php 
echo $execution_time;
コード例 #7
$source = CONTENTDIR;
$path = BASEDIR;
$where = CONTENTDIR;
$there = CONTENTDIR;
putenv('HOME=' . CONTENTDIR);
//`cd $there && /usr/bin/svn update curated.xml`;
//`cd $there && /usr/bin/svn update curated_images/`;
// Switch from SVN to GIT, 14 FEB 2013
// Disabled for now, so we can test generate scripts without pulling latest from repo. -SM
//`cd $path && /usr/bin/git pull https://github.com/processing/processing-docs/`;
// Copy over the images for the tutorials index
if (!is_dir($path . 'exhibition/images')) {
    mkdir($path . 'exhibition/images', '0757');
if (is_dir($path . 'exhibition/images')) {
    copydirr($source . 'curated_images', $path . 'exhibition/images', null, 0757, true);
/******************************************** CURATED ***/
function get_curated($curated, $start = 0, $num = 12)
    // output html
    $html = '<table width="448" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">';
    $j = 0;
    for ($i = $start; $i < $start + $num; $i++) {
        if ($curated[$i]) {
            if ($j % 2 == 0) {
                $html .= '<tr>';
            $html .= '<td>' . $curated[$i]->display() . '</td>';
            if ($j % 2 != 0) {
                $html .= '</tr>';
コード例 #8
ファイル: install.php プロジェクト: patricmutwiri/joomlaclube
* This file is responsible for
* - unpacking the archives inside of the component directories
* - running SQL updates
* - finishing the installation
* @version $Id: install.php 1388 2008-04-23 17:58:17Z soeren_nb $
* @package VirtueMart
* @subpackage core
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2004-2008 soeren - All rights reserved.
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php
* VirtueMart is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant
* to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or
* is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or
* other free or open source software licenses.
* See /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details.
* http://virtuemart.net
function installvirtuemart($install_type, $install_sample_data = false)
    global $database, $mosConfig_absolute_path, $mosConfig_mailfrom, $VM_LANG, $mosConfig_dirperms, $mosConfig_live_site;
    @ini_set('memory_limit', '32M');
    if (empty($mosConfig_mailfrom)) {
        $mosConfig_mailfrom = "*****@*****.**";
    $messages = array();
    $frontend_dir = $mosConfig_absolute_path . "/components/com_virtuemart";
    $frontend_file = $frontend_dir . "/frontend_files.tar.gz";
    $admin_dir = $mosConfig_absolute_path . "/administrator/components/com_virtuemart";
    $admin_file = $admin_dir . "/admin_files.tar.gz";
    // Check if the Archives are there
    if (file_exists($frontend_file) && file_exists($admin_file)) {
        echo '<div align="left" style="max-height:200px;overflow:auto;border:#ccca43;background-color:#fcff88;"><h2>Atualizar Log</h2>';
        /** UNPACK THE ARCHIVES **/
        require_once $mosConfig_absolute_path . "/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/Tar.php";
        // Workaround for Window$
        if (strstr($mosConfig_absolute_path, ":")) {
            $path_begin = substr($mosConfig_absolute_path, strpos($mosConfig_absolute_path, ":") + 1, strlen($mosConfig_absolute_path));
            $mosConfig_absolute_path = str_replace("//", "/", $path_begin);
        // Now let's re-declare the paths for Window$
        $frontend_dir = $mosConfig_absolute_path . "/components/com_virtuemart";
        $frontend_file = $frontend_dir . "/frontend_files.tar.gz";
        $admin_dir = $mosConfig_absolute_path . "/administrator/components/com_virtuemart";
        $admin_file = $admin_dir . "/admin_files.tar.gz";
        $frontend = $backend = false;
        $frontend_archive = new Archive_Tar($frontend_file, "gz");
        $admin_archive = new Archive_Tar($admin_file, "gz");
        /* Don't show errors for either version of Joomla right now
         * The install displays errors even on a successful installation
        		// Don't show errors on Joomla! 1.5 (errors appear even on a successful extraction)
        //		if( !class_exists( 'JConfig' ) ) {
        //			$frontend_archive->setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_PRINT);
        //			$admin_archive->setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_PRINT);
        //		}
        // Extract the files
        $frontend_result = $frontend_archive->extract($frontend_dir . '/');
        $backend_result = $admin_archive->extract($admin_dir . '/');
        // Just say everything went well
        $frontend_result = $backend_result = true;
        // Assume the extraction was successfull for Joomla! 1.5
        if (class_exists('JConfig')) {
            $frontend_result = $backend_result = true;
        if ($frontend_result) {
            $frontend = true;
            $messages[] = "Arquivos do Frontend extraídos com sucesso.";
            if (@unlink($frontend_file)) {
                $messages[] = "Arquivos do Frontend excluídos com sucesso.";
        if ($backend_result) {
            $backend = true;
            $messages[] = "Arquivos do Backend extraídos com sucesso";
            if (@unlink($admin_file)) {
                $messages[] = "Arquivos do Backend excluídos com sucesso.";
        if (!$frontend || !$backend) {
            echo "<span class=\"message\">Ocorreram erros ao decompactar os arquivos.</span>";
    } elseif (!is_dir($frontend_dir . "/js") || !is_dir($admin_dir . "/classes")) {
        die("<span class=\"message\"><strong>ERRO!<br/>\n\t\ta)</strong> No Archive Files and <br/>\n\t\t<strong>b)</strong> no directory structure for VirtueMart.<br/><br/>\n\t\tO que há de errado? Ou você descompacta todos os arquivos e faça upload deles ou (você pode instalar com o Safe Mode em OFF).\n\t\t</span>");
    if (!file_exists($admin_dir . '/classes/ps_database.php') || !file_exists($admin_dir . '/sql/sql.virtuemart.php')) {
        echo '<h2>Erro Crítico:</h2>
		<p class="message">Alguns arquivos principais do VirtueMart estão faltando, mas eles são necessários para instalar e executar o VirtueMart. Se você receber esta mensagem,
		é recomendável a <a href="http://virtuemart.net/documentation/User_Manual/Manual_Installation.html" target="_blank">leitura do Manual de Instalação</a> do VirtueMart!</p>
		<p><a href="index2.php">Clique aqui para retornar ao Joomla!</a></p>';
    require $admin_dir . '/classes/ps_database.php';
    $db = new ps_DB();
    defined('VM_TABLEPREFIX') or define('VM_TABLEPREFIX', 'vm');
     * Query SECTION
    // UPDATE FROM mambo-phpShop 1.1
    if ($install_type == 'update11') {
        include_once $admin_dir . "/sql/sql.update.from.mambo-phpshop-1.1.php";
        include_once $admin_dir . "/sql/sql.update.from.mambo-phpshop-1.2-RC2.to.1.2-stable-pl3.php";
        include_once $admin_dir . "/sql/sql.update.mambo-phpshop-1.2-stable-pl3.to.virtuemart.php";
        include_once $admin_dir . "/sql/sql.update.virtuemart-1.0.x.to.virtuemart-1.0.3.php";
        include_once $admin_dir . "/sql/sql.update.VM-1.0.x_to_VM-1.1.0.php";
    } elseif ($install_type == 'update12') {
        include_once $admin_dir . "/sql/sql.update.from.mambo-phpshop-1.2-RC2.to.1.2-stable-pl3.php";
        include_once $admin_dir . "/sql/sql.update.mambo-phpshop-1.2-stable-pl3.to.virtuemart.php";
        include_once $admin_dir . "/sql/sql.update.virtuemart-1.0.x.to.virtuemart-1.0.3.php";
        include_once $admin_dir . "/sql/sql.update.VM-1.0.x_to_VM-1.1.0.php";
    } elseif ($install_type == 'update12pl3') {
        include_once $admin_dir . "/sql/sql.update.mambo-phpshop-1.2-stable-pl3.to.virtuemart.php";
        include_once $admin_dir . "/sql/sql.update.virtuemart-1.0.x.to.virtuemart-1.0.3.php";
        include_once $admin_dir . "/sql/sql.update.VM-1.0.x_to_VM-1.1.0.php";
    } elseif ($install_type == 'updatevm10x') {
        include_once $admin_dir . "/sql/sql.update.virtuemart-1.0.x.to.virtuemart-1.0.3.php";
        include_once $admin_dir . "/sql/sql.update.virtuemart-1.0.3.to.virtuemart-1.0.5.php";
        include_once $admin_dir . "/sql/sql.update.VM-1.0.x_to_VM-1.1.0.php";
    } elseif ($install_type == 'newinstall') {
        /* Rename the cfg-dist file to cfg */
        $dist_file = dirname(__FILE__) . "/virtuemart.cfg-dist.php";
        $cfg_file = dirname(__FILE__) . "/virtuemart.cfg.php";
        if (!@rename($dist_file, $cfg_file)) {
            $messages[] = "Erro Fatal: Ocorreu um erro ao RENOMEAR o ARQUIVO DE CONFIGURAÇÃO do VirtueMart!";
            $messages[] = "Por favor, renomeie {$dist_file} para {$cfg_file} manualmente!!";
        require_once $admin_dir . '/sql/sql.virtuemart.php';
    if ($install_sample_data) {
        include_once $admin_dir . '/sql/sql.sampledata.php';
    } elseif ($install_type == 'newinstall') {
        /*** Delete the Sample Product - Images ***/
        @unlink($mosConfig_absolute_path . "/components/com_virtuemart/shop_image/product/1aa8846d3cfe3504b2ccaf7c23bb748f.jpg");
        @unlink($mosConfig_absolute_path . "/components/com_virtuemart/shop_image/product/1b0c96d67abdbea648cd0ea96fd6abcb.jpg");
        @unlink($mosConfig_absolute_path . "/components/com_virtuemart/shop_image/product/1ff5f2527907ca86103288e1b7cc3446.jpg");
        @unlink($mosConfig_absolute_path . "/components/com_virtuemart/shop_image/product/7a36a05526e93964a086f2ddf17fc609.jpg");
        @unlink($mosConfig_absolute_path . "/components/com_virtuemart/shop_image/product/8cb8d644ef299639b7eab25829d13dbc.jpg");
        @unlink($mosConfig_absolute_path . "/components/com_virtuemart/shop_image/product/8d886c5855770cc01a3b8a2db57f6600.jpg");
        @unlink($mosConfig_absolute_path . "/components/com_virtuemart/shop_image/product/9a4448bb13e2f7699613b2cfd7cd51ad.jpg");
        @unlink($mosConfig_absolute_path . "/components/com_virtuemart/shop_image/product/520efefd6d7977f91b16fac1149c7438.jpg");
        @unlink($mosConfig_absolute_path . "/components/com_virtuemart/shop_image/product/8147a3a9666aec0296525dbd81f9705e.jpg");
        @unlink($mosConfig_absolute_path . "/components/com_virtuemart/shop_image/product/8716aefc3b0dce8870360604e6eb8744.jpg");
        @unlink($mosConfig_absolute_path . "/components/com_virtuemart/shop_image/product/480655b410d98a5cc3bef3927e786866.jpg");
        @unlink($mosConfig_absolute_path . "/components/com_virtuemart/shop_image/product/578563851019e01264a9b40dcf1c4ab6.jpg");
        @unlink($mosConfig_absolute_path . "/components/com_virtuemart/shop_image/product/a04395a8aefacd9c1659ebca4dbfd4ba.jpg");
        @unlink($mosConfig_absolute_path . "/components/com_virtuemart/shop_image/product/b4a748303d0d996b29d5a1e1d1112537.jpg");
        @unlink($mosConfig_absolute_path . "/components/com_virtuemart/shop_image/product/c3a5bf074da14f30c849d13a2dd87d2c.jpg");
        @unlink($mosConfig_absolute_path . "/components/com_virtuemart/shop_image/product/c70a3f47baf9a4020aeeee919eb3fda4.jpg");
        @unlink($mosConfig_absolute_path . "/components/com_virtuemart/shop_image/product/cca3cd5db813ee6badf6a3598832f2fc.jpg");
        @unlink($mosConfig_absolute_path . "/components/com_virtuemart/shop_image/product/dccb8223891a17d752bfc1477d320da9.jpg");
        @unlink($mosConfig_absolute_path . "/components/com_virtuemart/shop_image/product/e614ba08c3ee0c2adc62fd9e5b9440eb.jpg");
        @unlink($mosConfig_absolute_path . "/components/com_virtuemart/shop_image/product/ffd5d5ace2840232c8c32de59553cd8d.jpg");
     * mambo-phpShop => VirtueMart
     * Section to copy your images,
     * and convert important entries
     * and place redirection files to keep your links
     * like &option=com_phpshop&product_id=1&Itemid=45 alive.
    if ($install_type != 'newinstall' && is_dir($mosConfig_absolute_path . '/components/com_phpshop')) {
        require_once $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/install.copy.php';
        // COPY all Images from /componentes/com_phpshop/shop_image/*
        // TO /components/com_virtuemart/shop_image/*
        $fromDir = $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/components/com_phpshop/shop_image';
        $toDir = $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/components/com_virtuemart/shop_image';
        $perms = 0777;
        copydirr($fromDir, $toDir, $perms, true);
        // COPY templates from /administrator/components/com_phpshop/templates
        // TO /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/templates
        $fromDir = $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/administrator/components/com_phpshop/html/templates';
        $toDir = $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/html/templates';
        copydirr($fromDir, $toDir, $perms, true);
        // COPY&RENAME the configuration file phpshop.cfg.php
        // TO virtuemart.cfg.php AND replace 'com_phpshop' by 'com_virtuemart'
        $fromDir = $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/administrator/components/com_phpshop';
        $toDir = $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/administrator/components/com_virtuemart';
        $config_contents = str_replace('com_phpshop', 'com_virtuemart', file_get_contents($fromDir . '/phpshop.cfg.php'));
        $config_contents .= "<?php\n@define('VM_TABLEPREFIX', 'vm' );\ndefine('VM_PRICE_SHOW_PACKAGING_PRICELABEL', '1' );\ndefine('VM_PRICE_SHOW_INCLUDINGTAX', '1' );\ndefine('VM_PRICE_ACCESS_LEVEL', 'Public Frontend' );\ndefine('VM_SILENT_REGISTRATION', '1');\n?>";
        file_put_contents($toDir . '/virtuemart.cfg.php', $config_contents);
        // BACKUP
        // phpshop.php TO phpshop~.php.
        // AND phpshop_parser.php TO phpshop_parser~.php.
        $fromDir = $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/components/com_phpshop';
        if (!is_writable($fromDir . '/phpshop.php')) {
            @chmod($fromDir . '/phpshop.php', '0777');
        if (!is_writable($fromDir . '/phpshop_parser.php')) {
            @chmod($fromDir . '/phpshop_parser.php', '0777');
        if (!rename($fromDir . '/phpshop.php', $fromDir . '/phpshop~.php')) {
        // CREATE A NEW FILE 'phpshop.php', to handle permanent Redirect to
        // FROM index.php?option=com_phpshop&...
        // TO index.php?option=com_virtuemart&...
        $contents = "<?php\nif( !defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) && !defined( '_JEXEC' ) ) {\n\tdie( 'Acesso direto a '.basename(__FILE__).' não é permitido.' );\n}\n\nglobal \$mosConfig_absolute_path;\n\n\$newURL = str_replace( 'com_phpshop', 'com_virtuemart', \$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] );\n\nheader( 'HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently' );\nheader( 'Location: '.\$mosConfig_live_site.\"/\".basename( \$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ).'?'.\$newURL );\nexit();\n\n?>\n";
        if (file_put_contents($fromDir . '/phpshop.php', $contents)) {
            $messages[] = "Estabelecido o redirecionamento dos links do antigo phpshop para os links do novo virtuemart";
        } else {
            $messages[] = "Aviso: Não foi possível estabelecer o redirecionamento dos links do antigo phpshop para os links do novo virtuemart";
        rename($fromDir . '/phpshop_parser.php', $fromDir . '/phpshop_parser~.php');
        $contents = "<?php\nif( !defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) && !defined( '_JEXEC' ) ) {\n\tdie( 'Acesso direto a '.basename(__FILE__).' não é permitido.' );\n}\nglobal \$mosConfig_absolute_path;\n\ninclude( \$mosConfig_absolute_path.'/components/com_virtuemart/virtuemart_parser.php' );\n\n?>\n";
        if (file_put_contents($fromDir . '/phpshop_parser.php', $contents)) {
            $messages[] = "Conexão estabelecida entre o antigo phpshop_parser e o novo virtuemart_parser";
        } else {
            $messages[] = "Aviso: Não foi possível estabelecer uma conexão entre o antigo phpshop_parser e o novo virtuemart_parser";
        // DELETE the Admin-Link to "mambo-phpShop" in the Backend.
        // Note: You can delete the directories
        // /componentes/com_phpshop
        // AND /administrator/componentes/com_phpshop
        // with the mamboXplorer when no longer needed!
        $database->setQuery('DELETE FROM #__components WHERE link LIKE \'%option=com_phpshop%\'');
    //Check if the VirtueMart component has an Entry in the Administration => Components Menu
    $database->setQuery("SELECT id FROM `#__components` WHERE `link` LIKE '%option=com_virtuemart%'");
    $id = $database->loadResult();
    if (empty($id)) {
        $database->setQuery("INSERT INTO `#__components` ( `id` , `name` , `link` , `menuid` , `parent` , `admin_menu_link` , `admin_menu_alt` , `option` , `ordering` , `admin_menu_img` , `iscore` )\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVALUES ('', 'VirtueMart', 'option=com_virtuemart', '0', '0', 'option=com_virtuemart', 'VirtueMart', 'com_virtuemart', '0', 'js/ThemeOffice/component.png', '0');");
    // Finally insert the version number into the database
    include_once $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/version.php';
    global $VMVERSION;
    $VMVERSION = new vmVersion();
    $database->setQuery('SELECT id FROM `#__components` WHERE name = \'virtuemart_version\'');
    $old_version = $database->loadResult();
    if ($old_version) {
        $database->setQuery('UPDATE `#__components` SET params = \'RELEASE=' . $VMVERSION->RELEASE . '
DEV_STATUS=' . $VMVERSION->DEV_STATUS . '\' WHERE name = \'virtuemart_version\'');
    } else {
        $database->setQuery('INSERT INTO `#__components` (name, parent, params ) VALUES ( \'virtuemart_version\', 9999, \'RELEASE=' . $VMVERSION->RELEASE . '
    if (!empty($messages)) {
        echo '<ul style="list-style-type: disc;list-style-position: inside;">';
        foreach ($messages as $message) {
            echo "<li>{$message}</li>";
        echo '</ul>';
    echo '</div>';
コード例 #9

require_once '../config.php';
require 'lib/Translation.class.php';
$benchmark_start = microtime_float();
// make overview page
$source = CONTENTDIR . "api_en/environment/";
$path = REFERENCEDIR . "/environment/";
make_necessary_directories($path . "images/file");
$page = new Page("Environment (IDE)", "Environment", "Environment", '../../');
$page->content(file_get_contents($source . "index.html"));
writeFile('reference/environment/index.html', $page->out());
copydirr($source . '/images', $path . '/images');
$benchmark_end = microtime_float();
$execution_time = round($benchmark_end - $benchmark_start, 4);

<h2>Environment page generation Successful</h2>
<p>Generated files in <?php 
echo $execution_time;
コード例 #10
function uploadPackage()
    $absolute_path = JPATH_ROOT;
    //echo $absolute_path;
    $userfile = JRequest::getVar('userfile', null, 'files', 'array');
    if (!$userfile) {
    //echo $userfile_name;
    $msg = '';
    move_uploaded_file($userfile['tmp_name'], $absolute_path . '/tmp/' . $userfile['name']);
    //$resultdir = uploadFile( $userfile['tmp_name'], $userfile['name'], $msg );
    $msg = extractArchive($userfile['name']);
    if (file_exists($msg . "/swmenufree.xml")) {
        $upload_version = get_Version($msg . "/swmenufree.xml");
    } else {
        $upload_version = 0;
    //  echo $msg;
    $current_version = get_Version($absolute_path . '/administrator/components/com_swmenufree/swmenufree.xml');
    //echo $upload_version;
    if ($current_version < $upload_version) {
        if (copydirr($msg . "/admin/", $absolute_path . '/administrator/components/com_swmenufree', false)) {
            unlink($absolute_path . '/administrator/components/com_swmenufree/swmenufree.xml');
            unlink($absolute_path . '/administrator/components/com_swmenufree/admin.swmenufree.php');
            copy($msg . "/swmenufree.xml", $absolute_path . '/administrator/components/com_swmenufree/swmenufree.xml');
            $message = _SW_COMPONENT_SUCCESS;
        } else {
            $message = _SW_COMPONENT_FAIL;
    } else {
        $message = _SW_INVALID_FILE;
    unlink($absolute_path . "/tmp/" . $userfile['name']);
    echo "<dl id=\"system-message\"><dt class=\"message\">Message</dt>\n\t\t<dd class=\"message message fade\"><ul><li>" . $message . "</li>\n\t   </ul></dd></dl>\n";
    //editCSS($id, $option);
コード例 #11
//`cd $where && /usr/bin/svn update libraries.html`;
// Switch from SVN to GIT, 14 FEB 2013
`cd {$path} && /usr/bin/git pull https://github.com/processing/processing-web/`;
$libraries = array('net', 'serial', 'video', 'dxf', 'pdf');
$lib_dir = REFERENCEDIR . 'libraries/';
// Create Index
$index = CONTENTDIR . "api_en/libraries/index.html";
$page = new Page('Libraries', 'Libraries');
make_necessary_directories(BASEDIR . $lib_dir . '/images/include.php');
writeFile($lib_dir . 'index.html', $page->out());
if (is_dir($lib_dir . 'images')) {
    rmdir($lib_dir . 'images');
mkdir($lib_dir . 'images', 0755);
copydirr(CONTENTDIR . "api_en/libraries/images", $lib_dir . 'images');
// copy over the file for the contributed libraries
require_once './contributions.php';
copy(CONTENTDIR . "static/libraries.html", $lib_dir . 'libraries.html');
// For each Library
foreach ($libraries as $lib) {
    $source = "api_en/LIB_{$lib}";
    $destination = "libraries/{$lib}";
    make_necessary_directories(REFERENCEDIR . $destination . '/images/include');
    // template and copy index
    $index = CONTENTDIR . $source . '/index.html';
    if ($lib == 'pdf' || $lib == 'dxf') {
        //$page = new Page(strtoupper($lib) . ' \\ Libraries', 'Libraries', 'Library-index');
        $page = new Page(strtoupper($lib) . ' \\ Libraries', 'Libraries');
    } else {
        //$page = new Page(ucfirst($lib) . ' \\ Libraries', 'Library-index');
コード例 #12

require_once '../config.php';
require 'lib/Translation.class.php';
$benchmark_start = microtime_float();
$source = CONTENTDIR . "api_en/environment/";
$path = DISTDIR . "/environment/";
$page = new LocalPage('Environment (IDE)', 'Environment', 'Environment', '../');
$page->content(file_get_contents($source . 'index.html'));
writeFile($path . 'index.html', $page->out());
if (is_dir(DISTDIR . 'environment/images')) {
    rmdir(DISTDIR . 'environment/images');
mkdir(DISTDIR . 'environment/images', 0755);
copydirr($source . 'images', DISTDIR . 'environment/images');
$benchmark_end = microtime_float();
$execution_time = round($benchmark_end - $benchmark_start, 4);

<h2>Local environment page generation successful!</h2>
<p>Generated files in <?php 
echo $execution_time;
コード例 #13
        if ($imgs == 'true') {
            $newpath = $path . 'tutorials/' . $directory . '/imgs';
            if (!is_dir($newpath)) {
                mkdir($newpath, 0757);
            if (is_dir($newpath)) {
                copydirr($source . $directory . '/imgs', $newpath, null, 0757, true);
        if ($code == 'true') {
            $newpath = $path . 'tutorials/' . $directory . '/code';
            if (!is_dir($newpath)) {
                mkdir($newpath, 0757);
            if (is_dir($newpath)) {
                copydirr($source . $directory . '/code', $newpath, null, 0757, true);
$benchmark_end = microtime_float();
$execution_time = round($benchmark_end - $benchmark_start, 4);

<h2>Static page generation Successful</h2>
<h2>Updated <?php 
echo $where;
<p>Generated files in <?php 
echo $execution_time;
コード例 #14
    copydirr($source . 'curves/code', $path . 'learning/curves/code', true, 0757, true);
$page = new Page("Anatomy", "Tutorials");
$page->content(file_get_contents($source . "anatomy/index.html"));
writeFile('learning/anatomy/index.html', $page->out());
if (!is_dir($path . 'learning/anatomy/imgs')) {
    mkdir($path . 'learning/anatomy/imgs', '0757');
if (is_dir($path . 'learning/anatomy/imgs')) {
    copydirr($source . 'anatomy/imgs', $path . 'learning/anatomy/imgs', null, 0757, true);
if (!is_dir($path . 'learning/anatomy/code')) {
    mkdir($path . 'learning/anatomy/code', '0757');
if (is_dir($path . 'learning/anatomy/code')) {
    copydirr($source . 'anatomy/code', $path . 'learning/anatomy/code', true, 0757, true);
$benchmark_end = microtime_float();
$execution_time = round($benchmark_end - $benchmark_start, 4);

<h2>Static page generation Successful</h2>
<h2>Updated <?php 
echo $where;
<p>Generated files in <?php 
echo $execution_time;
<!--<p>Page put here: <?php 
コード例 #15
$page->content(file_get_contents($source . "books.html"));
writeFile('books/index.html', $page->out());
// Copy over the errata file for Processing: A Programming Handbook...
copy($source . 'processing-errata.txt', $path . 'books/processing-errata.txt');
// Copy over the media.zip file for Getting Started with Processing...
copy($source . 'media.zip', $path . 'books/media.zip');
$page = new Page("Copyright", "Copyright");
$page->content(file_get_contents($source . "copyright.html"));
writeFile('copyright.html', $page->out());
// Copy over the images for the shop index
if (!is_dir($path . 'shop')) {
    mkdir($path . 'shop', 0757);
if (!is_dir($path . 'shop/imgs')) {
    mkdir($path . 'shop/imgs', 0757);
if (is_dir($path . 'shop/imgs')) {
    copydirr($source . 'shop/imgs', $path . 'shop/imgs', null, 0757, false);
$page = new Page("Shop", "Shop");
$page->content(file_get_contents($source . 'shop/' . "index.html"));
writeFile('shop/index.html', $page->out());
$benchmark_end = microtime_float();
$execution_time = round($benchmark_end - $benchmark_start, 4);

<h2>Static page generation Successful</h2>
<p>Generated files in <?php 
echo $execution_time;
コード例 #16
ファイル: admin.swmenupro.php プロジェクト: vnishukov/agere
function uploadPackage()
    global $mainframe;
    $absolute_path = JPATH_ROOT;
    //echo $absolute_path;
    $userfile = JRequest::getVar('userfile', null, 'files', 'array');
    if (!$userfile) {
    $userfile_name = $userfile['name'];
    //echo $userfile_name;
    $msg = '';
    move_uploaded_file($userfile['tmp_name'], $absolute_path . '/media/' . $userfile['name']);
    //$resultdir = uploadFile( $userfile['tmp_name'], $userfile['name'], $msg );
    $msg = extractArchive($userfile['name']);
    if (file_exists($msg . "/swmenupro.xml")) {
        $upload_version = get_Version($msg . "/swmenupro.xml");
    } else {
        $upload_version = 0;
    //echo $upload_version;
    //echo $msg."/swmenupro.xml";
    $current_version = get_Version($absolute_path . '/administrator/components/com_swmenupro/swmenupro.xml');
    //echo $current_version;
    if ($current_version < $upload_version) {
        if (copydirr($msg . "/admin/", $absolute_path . '/administrator/components/com_swmenupro', 0757, false)) {
            unlink($absolute_path . '/administrator/components/com_swmenupro/swmenupro.xml');
            copy($msg . "/swmenupro.xml", $absolute_path . '/administrator/components/com_swmenupro/swmenupro.xml');
            $message = _SW_COMPONENT_SUCCESS;
        } else {
            $message = _SW_COMPONENT_FAIL;
    } else {
        $message = _SW_INVALID_FILE;
    unlink($absolute_path . "/media/" . $userfile['name']);
    $mainframe->redirect("index.php?&option=com_swmenupro&task=upgrade", $message);