コード例 #1
function prepare_report($shemaid)
    $fname = tempnam("/tmp", "twrep");
    $fw = fopen($fname, "w");
    fputs($fw, "ts,location,userid,rtc,placecntry,placename\n");
    $row = pg_fetch_row(pg_query("select t_id from scheme where id={$shemaid}"));
    $tag_id = (int) $row[0];
    $res = pg_query("select ts, location, userid, rtc, placecntry, placename from twits where t_id={$tag_id}");
    while ($row = @pg_fetch_assoc($res)) {
        // export row
        $line = array();
        $line[] = convert_to_cps_date($row["ts"]);
        $line[] = $row["location"];
        $line[] = $row["userid"];
        $line[] = $row["rtc"];
        $line[] = $row["placecntry"];
        $line[] = $row["placename"];
        fputcsv($fw, $line);
    $zip = new ZipArchive();
    $filename = "/tmp/twr" . $shemaid . ".zip";
    if ($zip->open($filename, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE) !== TRUE) {
        die("cant open <{$filename}>\n");
    $zip->addFile($fname, "data.csv");
    return $filename;
コード例 #2
ファイル: k-inc.php プロジェクト: digideskio/capsidea-ds
function prepare_report()
    $cntryarr = load_countries_from_csv("./country.csv");
    $category = load_catnames_from_db();
    global $curr;
    $fname = tempnam("/tmp", "krep");
    $fw = fopen($fname, "w");
    fputs($fw, "id,launch_time,till_days,pname, parent_category, goal, pledged, state, state_days, creator_name, bakerscount, category_name,  categoryposition, location_name,  location_state, location_country,days_till_deadline,pledged_pct,year,month,goal_dim, till_days_dim, pct_dim, state_days_dim, pledged_rng, goal_rng\n");
    $res = pg_query("select p.id as id,deadline, currency, pname, goal, pledged, \"state\", to_timestamp(launchedat) as launch_time, ((deadline-launchedat)/86400) as till_days,  ((statechangedat-launchedat)/86400) as state_days, cr.cname as creator_name, bakerscount, cat.cname as category_name , cat.parentid as parent_category, categoryposition, l.lname as loc_name, l.cstate as loc_state, l.ccountry as loc_country from project as p, creator as cr, category as cat, location as l where l.id=p.l_id and cr.id=p.creator_id and cat.id=p.cat_id;");
    while ($row2 = @pg_fetch_assoc($res)) {
        if (0 == $row2['launch_time']) {
        // skip fake projects
        if (100 < $row2['till_days']) {
        // export row
        $line = array();
        $line[] = $row2['id'];
        $line[] = convert_to_cps_date($row2['launch_time']);
        $line[] = $row2['till_days'];
        $line[] = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9\\ \\-]/', '', $row2['pname']);
        $pcat = (int) $row2['parent_category'];
        if (0 == $pcat) {
            $line[] = $row2['category_name'];
        } else {
            $line[] = $category[$pcat];
        $currency = $row2['currency'];
        //process currency
        $goal = $line[] = convert_to_usd($curr, $currency, $row2['goal']);
        $pledged = $line[] = convert_to_usd($curr, $currency, $row2['pledged']);
        // rest of
        $line[] = $row2['state'];
        $line[] = $row2['state_days'];
        $line[] = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9\\ \\-]/', '', $row2['creator_name']);
        $line[] = $row2['bakerscount'];
        $line[] = $row2['category_name'];
        $line[] = $row2['categoryposition'];
        $line[] = $row2['loc_name'];
        $line[] = $row2['loc_state'];
        if (!isset($cntryarr[$row2['loc_country']])) {
            $line[] = "unknown country";
        } else {
            $line[] = $cntryarr[$row2['loc_country']];
        $days_left = floor(($row2['deadline'] - time()) / 86400);
        if (0 > $days_left) {
            $days_left = 0;
        $line[] = $days_left;
        if (0 == $goal) {
            $goal = 1.0E-5;
        $line[] = floor($pledged / $goal * 100);
        $launch_date = strtotime($row2['launch_time']);
        $line[] = date("Y", $launch_date);
        $line[] = date("M", $launch_date);
        $line[] = $goal;
        $line[] = $row2['till_days'];
        $line[] = floor($pledged / $goal * 100);
        $line[] = $row2['state_days'];
        $line[] = get_range($pledged);
        $line[] = get_range($goal);
        fputcsv($fw, $line);
    $zip = new ZipArchive();
    $filename = $fname . ".zip";
    if ($zip->open($filename, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE) !== TRUE) {
        die("cant open <{$filename}>\n");
    $zip->addFile($fname, "data.csv");
    return $filename;
コード例 #3
ファイル: paypal-inc.php プロジェクト: digideskio/capsidea-ds
function generate_application_report_to_cvs($client_dir, $dbconn, $source_id, $cases, &$merchant, $ware, $cntryarr)
    global $dbg;
    $fname = generatehash();
    $report_fname = $client_dir . "/" . $fname . ".csv";
    $fw = fopen($report_fname, "w");
    fputs($fw, "txn_lag,fee,amount,start_ts,stop_ts,status,tcode,currency,case_reason,case_status,case_money_move,due_date,case_type,case_lag,case_date,case_amount,days_before_case_closure,project,country\n");
    $qry = "select * from txn where mid<>'' and amount>0 and refid='' and ikey={$source_id} and stop_ts>(date_trunc('month',CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)- interval '1 month') order by stop_ts;";
    //$qry="select * from txn where mid<>'' and amount>0 and (refid='' or refid is null) and ikey=1591 and (stop_ts>(date_trunc('month',CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)- interval '1 month') or (stop_ts between (date_trunc('month',CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)- interval '13 month') and (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - interval '12 month'))) order by stop_ts;";
    //$qry="select * from txn where mid<>'' and amount>0 and (refid='' or refid is null) and ikey=1591 order by stop_ts;";
    //$dbg=$dbg."\n executing txn qry $qry... ";
    $pgres = pg_query($qry);
    if (false === $pgres) {
        $qr = pg_errormessage($dbconn);
        log_fatal("generate_application_report_to_cvs:  src {$source_id} ERR {$qr} in query: {$qry} ");
    //$dbg=$dbg."($tcount) time ".((get_timer()-$stime)/1)." sec "; // $stime=get_timer();
    $stime = get_timer();
    while ($row = pg_fetch_assoc($pgres)) {
        // process txn row
        $line = array();
        //if (isset($row["txnlag"])) $line["lag"]=$row["txnlag"]; else $line["lag"]="null";
        if (isset($row["txnlag"])) {
            $line["lag"] = $row["txnlag"];
        } else {
            $line["lag"] = "0";
        $line["fee"] = -1 * ((int) $row["fee"] / 100);
        $line["amount"] = (int) $row["amount"] / 100;
        $line["stopts"] = convert_to_cps_date($row["stop_ts"]);
        if (isset($row["start_ts"])) {
            $line["startts"] = convert_to_cps_date($row["start_ts"]);
        } else {
            $line["startts"] = $line["stopts"];
        $line["status"] = (string) $row["status"];
        if (isset($row["tcode"])) {
            $line["tcode"] = (string) $row["tcode"];
        } else {
            $line["tcode"] = " ";
        $line["currency"] = (string) $row["currency"];
        $ppid = $row["ppid"];
        $mid = $row["mid"];
        if (isset($cases[$mid])) {
            $row2 = $cases[$mid];
            $line["creason"] = $row2["creason"];
            $line["cstatus"] = $row2["cstatus"];
            $line["cmm"] = $row2["cmm"];
            $line["cdd"] = convert_to_cps_date($row2["cdd"]);
            $line["ctype"] = $row2["ctype"];
            $line["clag"] = $row2["clag"];
            $line["cdate"] = convert_to_cps_date($row2["cdate"]);
            $line["camount"] = $row2["camount"];
            $line["cdays"] = $row2["cdays"];
        } else {
            // null values
            $line["creason"] = "null";
            $line["cstatus"] = "null";
            $line["cmm"] = " ";
            $line["cdd"] = convert_to_cps_date("0");
            $line["ctype"] = " ";
            $line["clag"] = "0";
            $line["cdate"] = convert_to_cps_date("0");
            $line["camount"] = "0";
            $line["cdays"] = "0";
        // no case - empty values
        if (isset($merchant[$mid])) {
            $row2 = $merchant[$mid];
            $line["prj"] = process_prj_names($ware[$row2[1]]);
            if (!isset($cntryarr[$row2[2]])) {
                //$dbg=$dbg."country not found! '".$row2[2]."' \n";
                $line["country"] = "unknown country";
            } else {
                $line["country"] = $cntryarr[$row2[2]];
        } else {
            $line["prj"] = "null";
            $line["country"] = "null";
        fputcsv($fw, $line);
    // process txn's
    return $report_fname;