<?php defined('IN_DESTOON') or exit('Access Denied'); if (!$MOD['show_html'] || !$itemid) { return false; } $item = $db->get_one("SELECT * FROM {$table} WHERE itemid={$itemid}"); if (!$item || $item['status'] < 3 || $item['islink'] > 0) { return false; } extract($item); $CAT = get_cat($catid); $content_table = content_table($moduleid, $itemid, $MOD['split'], $table_data); $t = $db->get_one("SELECT content FROM {$content_table} WHERE itemid={$itemid}"); $content = $t['content']; if ($lazy) { $content = img_lazy($content); } $CP = $MOD['cat_property'] && $CAT['property']; if ($CP) { require_once DT_ROOT . '/include/property.func.php'; $options = property_option($catid); $values = property_value($moduleid, $itemid); } $adddate = timetodate($addtime, 3); $editdate = timetodate($edittime, 3); if ($voteid) { $voteid = explode(' ', $voteid); } if ($fromurl) { $fromurl = fix_link($fromurl);
$table = $DT_PRE . 'page'; $table_data = $DT_PRE . 'page_data'; if ($itemid) { $item = $db->get_one("SELECT * FROM {$table} WHERE itemid={$itemid}"); if (!$item || $item['status'] < 3 || $item['username'] != $username) { dheader($MENU[$menuid]['linkurl']); } extract($item); $t = $db->get_one("SELECT content FROM {$table_data} WHERE itemid={$itemid}"); $content = $t['content']; if (!$DT_BOT) { $db->query("UPDATE LOW_PRIORITY {$table} SET hits=hits+1 WHERE itemid={$itemid}", 'UNBUFFERED'); } $head_title = $title . $DT['seo_delimiter'] . $head_title; $head_keywords = $title . ',' . $COM['company']; $head_description = get_intro($content, 200); } else { $content_table = content_table(4, $userid, is_file(DT_CACHE . '/4.part'), $DT_PRE . 'company_data'); $t = $db->get_one("SELECT content FROM {$content_table} WHERE userid={$userid}"); $content = $t['content']; $COM['thumb'] = $COM['thumb'] ? $COM['thumb'] : DT_SKIN . 'image/company.jpg'; } $TYPE = array(); $result = $db->query("SELECT itemid,title,style FROM {$table} WHERE status=3 AND username='******' ORDER BY listorder DESC,addtime DESC"); while ($r = $db->fetch_array($result)) { $r['alt'] = $r['title']; $r['title'] = set_style($r['title'], $r['style']); $r['linkurl'] = userurl($username, "file={$file}&itemid={$r['itemid']}", $domain); $TYPE[] = $r; } include template('introduce', $template);
function delete($itemid, $all = true) { global $MOD; if (is_array($itemid)) { foreach ($itemid as $v) { $this->delete($v, $all); } } else { $this->itemid = $itemid; $r = $this->get_one(); if ($MOD['show_html']) { $_file = DT_ROOT . '/' . $MOD['moduledir'] . '/' . $r['linkurl']; if (is_file($_file)) { unlink($_file); } } if ($all) { $userid = get_user($r['username']); if ($r['thumb']) { delete_upload($r['thumb'], $userid); } if ($r['video']) { delete_upload($r['video'], $userid); } if ($r['content']) { delete_local($r['content'], $userid); } $this->db->query("DELETE FROM {$this->table} WHERE itemid={$itemid}"); $content_table = content_table($this->moduleid, $this->itemid, $this->split, $this->table_data); $this->db->query("DELETE FROM {$content_table} WHERE itemid={$itemid}"); if ($MOD['cat_property']) { $this->db->query("DELETE FROM {$this->db->pre}category_value WHERE moduleid={$this->moduleid} AND itemid={$itemid}"); } if ($r['username'] && $MOD['credit_del']) { credit_add($r['username'], -$MOD['credit_del']); credit_record($r['username'], -$MOD['credit_del'], 'system', lang('my->credit_record_del', array($MOD['name'])), 'ID:' . $this->itemid); } } } }
<?php include_once 'ressources/class.templates.inc'; $users = new usersMenus(); if (!$users->AsArticaMetaAdmin) { $tpl = new templates(); echo FATAL_WARNING_SHOW_128("{ERROR_NO_PRIVS}"); die; } if (isset($_GET["content-js"])) { content_js(); exit; } if (isset($_GET["content-table"])) { content_table(); exit; } if (isset($_GET["content-search"])) { content_search(); exit; } if (isset($_GET["unlink-js"])) { unlink_js(); exit; } if (isset($_POST["unlink"])) { unlink_perform(); exit; } if (isset($_GET["search"])) { search();
$sqlv = substr($sqlv, 1); $db->query("INSERT INTO {$table_member} ({$sqlk}) VALUES ({$sqlv})"); $userid = $db->insert_id(); $T['userid'] = $userid; $sqlk = $sqlv = ''; foreach ($T as $k => $v) { if (!in_array($k, $cfs)) { continue; } $sqlk .= ',' . $k; $sqlv .= ",'{$v}'"; } $sqlk = substr($sqlk, 1); $sqlv = substr($sqlv, 1); $db->query("INSERT INTO {$table_company} ({$sqlk}) VALUES ({$sqlv})"); $content_table = content_table(4, $userid, is_file(DT_CACHE . '/4.part'), $table_company_data); $db->query("INSERT INTO {$content_table} (userid,content) VALUES ('{$userid}', '{$content}')"); } else { if ($type == 2) { $sqlk = $sqlv = ''; foreach ($T as $k => $v) { $sqlk .= ',' . $k; $sqlv .= ",'{$v}'"; } $sqlk = substr($sqlk, 1); $sqlv = substr($sqlv, 1); $db->query("INSERT INTO {$DT_PRE}{$tb} ({$sqlk}) VALUES ({$sqlv})"); } } } $total++;
function deluser($table, $user, $name = true, $data = false, $moduleid = 0) { global $DT_PRE, $MODULE; if (!$user) { return; } $fields = $name ? 'username' : 'userid'; if ($data) { $result = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM {$DT_PRE}{$table} WHERE `{$fields}`='{$user}'"); while ($r = $this->db->fetch_array($result)) { $itemid = $r['itemid']; $this->db->query("DELETE FROM {$DT_PRE}{$table} WHERE itemid='{$itemid}'"); $table_data = strpos($table, '_') === false ? $table . '_data' : str_replace('_', '_data_', $table); $table_data = $DT_PRE . $table_data; if ($moduleid) { $table_data = content_table($moduleid, $itemid, is_file(DT_CACHE . '/' . $moduleid . '.part'), $table_data); } $this->db->query("DELETE FROM {$table_data} WHERE itemid='{$itemid}'"); if ($MODULE[$moduleid]['module'] == 'sell') { $this->db->query("DELETE FROM {$this->db->pre}sell_search_{$moduleid} WHERE itemid={$itemid}"); } if ($moduleid && $r['linkurl'] && strpos($r['linkurl'], '://') === false && strpos($r['linkurl'], '.php') === false && strpos($r['linkurl'], 'show-') === false) { $html = DT_ROOT . '/' . $MODULE[$moduleid]['moduledir'] . '/' . $r['linkurl']; if (is_file($html)) { file_del($html); } } } } else { $this->db->query("DELETE FROM {$DT_PRE}{$table} WHERE `{$fields}`='{$user}'"); } }
<?php include_once('ressources/class.templates.inc'); $users=new usersMenus(); if(!$users->AsSystemAdministrator){ $tpl=new templates(); echo FATAL_WARNING_SHOW_128("{ERROR_NO_PRIVS}");die(); } if(isset($_GET["content-js"])){content_js();exit;} if(isset($_GET["content-table"])){content_table();exit;} if(isset($_GET["content-search"])){content_search();exit;} if(isset($_GET["unlink-js"])){unlink_js();exit;} if(isset($_POST["unlink"])){unlink_perform();exit;} if(isset($_GET["search"])){search();exit;} page(); function content_js(){ header("content-type: application/x-javascript"); $tpl=new templates(); $table="snapshots"; $database="artica_snapshots"; $page=CurrentPageName(); $ID=$_GET["ID"];