コード例 #1
     if (isset($_POST["member_notify"])) {
         $PROCESSED["notify"] = $_POST["member_notify"];
     } else {
         $PROCESSED["notify"] = 0;
     if (!$ERROR) {
         $PROCESSED["updated_date"] = time();
         $PROCESSED["updated_by"] = $ENTRADA_USER->getID();
         if ($db->AutoExecute("community_share_comments", $PROCESSED, "UPDATE", "`cscomment_id` = " . $db->qstr($RECORD_ID) . " AND `csfile_id` = " . $db->qstr($comment_record["csfile_id"]) . " AND `community_id` = " . $db->qstr($COMMUNITY_ID))) {
             $url = COMMUNITY_URL . $COMMUNITY_URL . ":" . $PAGE_URL . "?section=view-file&id=" . $comment_record["csfile_id"] . "#comment-" . $RECORD_ID;
             $ONLOAD[] = "setTimeout('window.location=\\'" . $url . "\\'', 5000)";
             $SUCCESSSTR[] = "You have successfully edited your file comment.<br /><br />You will now be redirected back to this file; this will happen <strong>automatically</strong> in 5 seconds or <a href=\"" . $url . "\" style=\"font-weight: bold\">click here</a> to continue.";
             add_statistic("community:" . $COMMUNITY_ID . ":shares", "comment_edit", "cscomment_id", $RECORD_ID);
             communities_log_history($COMMUNITY_ID, $PAGE_ID, $RECORD_ID, "community_history_edit_file_comment", 0, $comment_record["csfile_id"]);
         if (!$SUCCESS) {
             $ERRORSTR[] = "There was a problem editing this file comment. The MEdTech Unit was informed of this error; please try again later.";
             application_log("error", "There was an error editing a file comment. Database said: " . $db->ErrorMsg());
     if ($ERROR) {
         $STEP = 1;
 case 1:
     $PROCESSED = $comment_record;
コード例 #2
                 if ($notification) {
                     $notification["release_time"] = $PROCESSED["release_date"];
                     $db->AutoExecute("community_notifications", $notification, "UPDATE", "`cnotification_id` = " . $db->qstr($notification["cnotification_id"]));
             $url = COMMUNITY_URL . $COMMUNITY_URL . ":" . $PAGE_URL;
             if (!$COMMUNITY_ADMIN && $PAGE_OPTIONS["moderate_posts"] == 1) {
                 $ONLOAD[] = "setTimeout('window.location=\\'" . $url . "\\'', 15000)";
                 $SUCCESSSTR[] = "You have successfully updated this announcement, however because you are not an administrator your changes must be reviewed before the announcement will appear on the page again.<br /><br />You will now be redirected to the index; this will happen <strong>automatically</strong> in 15 seconds or <a href=\"" . $url . "\" style=\"font-weight: bold\">click here</a> to continue.";
             } else {
                 $ONLOAD[] = "setTimeout('window.location=\\'" . $url . "\\'', 5000)";
                 $SUCCESSSTR[] = "You have successfully updated this announcement.<br /><br />You will now be redirected to the index; this will happen <strong>automatically</strong> in 5 seconds or <a href=\"" . $url . "\" style=\"font-weight: bold\">click here</a> to continue.";
             add_statistic("community:" . $COMMUNITY_ID . ":announcements", "edit", "cannouncement_id", $RECORD_ID);
             communities_log_history($COMMUNITY_ID, $PAGE_ID, $RECORD_ID, "community_history_edit_announcement", 1);
         if (!$SUCCESS) {
             $ERRORSTR[] = "There was a problem updating this announcement in the system. The MEdTech Unit was informed of this error; please try again later.";
             application_log("error", "There was an error updating an announcement. Database said: " . $db->ErrorMsg());
     if ($ERROR) {
         $STEP = 1;
 case 1:
     if (!$COMMUNITY_ADMIN && $PAGE_OPTIONS["moderate_posts"] == 1) {
コード例 #3
                         $notification["release_time"] = $PROCESSED["release_date"];
                         $db->AutoExecute("community_notifications", $notification, "UPDATE", "`cnotification_id` = " . $db->qstr($notification["cnotification_id"]));
                 if (isset($notifications) && $notify_record_exists && COMMUNITY_NOTIFICATIONS_ACTIVE && $_SESSION["details"]["notifications"] && COMMUNITY_NOTIFICATIONS_ACTIVE) {
                     $db->Execute("UPDATE `community_notify_members` SET `notify_active` = '" . ($notifications ? "1" : "0") . "' WHERE `proxy_id` = " . $db->qstr($ENTRADA_USER->getID()) . " AND `record_id` = " . $db->qstr($topic_record["cdtopic_parent"]) . " AND `community_id` = " . $db->qstr($COMMUNITY_ID) . " AND `notify_type` = 'reply'");
                 } elseif (isset($notifications) && !$notify_record_exists && COMMUNITY_NOTIFICATIONS_ACTIVE && $_SESSION["details"]["notifications"]) {
                     $db->Execute("INSERT INTO `community_notify_members` (`proxy_id`, `record_id`, `community_id`, `notify_type`, `notify_active`) VALUES (" . $db->qstr($ENTRADA_USER->getID()) . ", " . $db->qstr($topic_record["cdtopic_parent"]) . ", " . $db->qstr($COMMUNITY_ID) . ", 'reply', '" . ($notifications ? "1" : "0") . "')");
             $url = COMMUNITY_URL . $COMMUNITY_URL . ":" . $PAGE_URL . "?section=view-post&id=" . $topic_record["cdtopic_parent"] . "#post-" . $RECORD_ID;
             $ONLOAD[] = "setTimeout('window.location=\\'" . $url . "\\'', 5000)";
             $SUCCESSSTR[] = "You have successfully updated your discussion post reply.<br /><br />You will now be redirected to this thread; this will happen <strong>automatically</strong> in 5 seconds or <a href=\"" . $url . "\" style=\"font-weight: bold\">click here</a> to continue.";
             add_statistic("community:" . $COMMUNITY_ID . ":discussions", "post_edit", "cdtopic_id", $RECORD_ID);
             communities_log_history($COMMUNITY_ID, $PAGE_ID, $RECORD_ID, "community_history_edit_reply", 0, $topic_record["cdtopic_parent"]);
         if (!$SUCCESS) {
             $ERRORSTR[] = "There was a problem updating this discussion post reply, perhaps there were no changes?. The MEdTech Unit was informed of this error; please try again later.";
             application_log("error", "There was an error updating a discussion post reply. Database said: " . $db->ErrorMsg());
     if ($ERROR) {
         $STEP = 1;
 case 1:
     $PROCESSED = $topic_record;
コード例 #4
             if ((int) $photo_record["photo_active"]) {
                 if (galleries_photo_module_access($RECORD_ID, "move-photo")) {
                     if ($db->AutoExecute("community_gallery_photos", array("cgallery_id" => $gallery_id, "updated_date" => time(), "updated_by" => $ENTRADA_USER->getID()), "UPDATE", "`cgphoto_id` = " . $db->qstr($RECORD_ID) . " AND `community_id` = " . $db->qstr($COMMUNITY_ID))) {
                         if ($photo_record["gallery_cgphoto_id"] == $RECORD_ID) {
                             if (!$db->AutoExecute("community_galleries", array("gallery_cgphoto_id" => 0), "UPDATE", "`cgallery_id` = " . $db->qstr($photo_record["cgallery_id"]) . " AND `community_id` = " . $db->qstr($COMMUNITY_ID) . " AND `cpage_id` = " . $db->qstr($PAGE_ID) . " AND `gallery_cgphoto_id` = " . $db->qstr($RECORD_ID))) {
                                 application_log("error", "Failed to remove the gallery hilite image [" . $RECORD_ID . "] photo from community [" . $COMMUNITY_ID . "]. Database said: " . $db->ErrorMsg());
                         if (!(int) $gallery_record["gallery_cgphoto_id"]) {
                             if (!$db->AutoExecute("community_galleries", array("gallery_cgphoto_id" => $RECORD_ID), "UPDATE", "`cgallery_id` = " . $db->qstr($gallery_id) . " AND `community_id` = " . $db->qstr($COMMUNITY_ID))) {
                                 application_log("error", "Failed to add the gallery hilite image [" . $RECORD_ID . "] photo to community [" . $COMMUNITY_ID . "]. Database said: " . $db->ErrorMsg());
                         @$db->AutoExecute("community_gallery_comments", array("cgallery_id" => $gallery_id, "updated_date" => time(), "updated_by" => $ENTRADA_USER->getID()), "UPDATE", "`cgphoto_id` = " . $db->qstr($RECORD_ID) . " AND `cgallery_id` = " . $db->qstr($photo_record["cgallery_id"]) . " AND `community_id` = " . $db->qstr($COMMUNITY_ID));
                         add_statistic("community:" . $COMMUNITY_ID . ":galleries", "photo_move", "cgphoto_id", $RECORD_ID);
                         communities_log_history($COMMUNITY_ID, $PAGE_ID, $RECORD_ID, "community_history_move_photo", true, $gallery_id);
                     } else {
                         application_log("error", "Failed to deactivate [" . $RECORD_ID . "] photo from community. Database said: " . $db->ErrorMsg());
             } else {
                 application_log("error", "The provided photo id [" . $RECORD_ID . "] is already deactivated.");
             header("Location: " . COMMUNITY_URL . $COMMUNITY_URL . ":" . $gallery_record["page_url"] . "?section=view-gallery&id=" . $gallery_id);
     } else {
         application_log("error", "The provided photo id [" . $RECORD_ID . "] was invalid.");
 } else {
     application_log("error", "No gallery id was provided for moving the photo.");
コード例 #5
                     if (!has_error() && @array_intersect($_POST["update_recurring_fields"], array("event_description", "event_message", "event_objectives"))) {
                         if (!$db->AutoExecute("`events`", $PROCESSED_RECURRING_EVENT, "UPDATE", "`event_id` = " . $db->qstr($recurring_event["event_id"]))) {
                             add_error("There was an error while trying to save changes to the selected <strong>Recurring Event</strong>.<br /><br />The system administrator was informed of this error; please try again later.");
                             application_log("error", "Unable to update an event record while editing a recurring event. Database said: " . $db->ErrorMsg());
                 if (!has_error()) {
                     $query = "\tSELECT b.*\n                                                    FROM `community_courses` AS a\n                                                    LEFT JOIN `community_pages` AS b\n                                                    ON a.`community_id` = b.`community_id`\n                                                    LEFT JOIN `community_page_options` AS c\n                                                    ON b.`community_id` = c.`community_id`\n                                                    WHERE c.`option_title` = 'show_history'\n                                                    AND c.`option_value` = 1\n                                                    AND b.`page_url` = 'course_calendar'\n                                                    AND b.`page_active` = 1\n                                                    AND a.`course_id` = " . $db->qstr($event_info["course_id"]);
                     $result = $db->GetRow($query);
                     if ($result) {
                         $COMMUNITY_ID = $result["community_id"];
                         $PAGE_ID = $result["cpage_id"];
                         communities_log_history($COMMUNITY_ID, $PAGE_ID, $event_info["recurring_id"], "community_history_edit_recurring_events", 1);
                     $SUCCESSSTR[] = "You have successfully edited the recurring events associated with <strong>" . html_encode($event_info["event_title"]) . "</strong> in the system.";
                     application_log("success", "Recurring Events [" . $event_info["recurring_id"] . "] have been modified.");
 case "files":
     $FILE_IDS = array();
     if (!isset($_POST["delete"]) || !is_array($_POST["delete"]) || !count($_POST["delete"])) {
         $ERRORSTR[] = "You must select at least 1 file to delete by checking the checkbox to the left the file title.";
         application_log("notice", "User pressed the Delete Selected button without selecting any files to delete.");
コード例 #6
    $COMMUNITY_ID = (int) trim($_POST["community_id"]);
 * Ensure that the selected community is editable by you.
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `communities` WHERE `community_id` = " . $db->qstr($COMMUNITY_ID) . " AND `community_active` = '1'";
    $community_details = $db->GetRow($query);
    if ($community_details) {
        if ($ENTRADA_ACL->amIAllowed(new CommunityResource($COMMUNITY_ID), 'delete')) {
            if (@$db->AutoExecute("communities", array("community_active" => 0), "UPDATE", "`community_id` = " . $db->qstr($COMMUNITY_ID))) {
                if ($MAILING_LISTS["active"]) {
                    $list = new MailingList($COMMUNITY_ID);
                communities_log_history($COMMUNITY_ID, 0, $COMMUNITY_ID, "community_history_deactivate_page", 1);
                $SUCCESSSTR[] = "<strong>You have just deactiviated " . html_encode($community_details["community_title"]) . ".</strong><br /><br />If there has been a mistake please contact the MEdTech unit directly for assistance.<br /><br />You will now be redirected back to the communities section; this will happen <strong>automatically</strong> in 5 seconds or <a href=\"" . $url . "\" style=\"font-weight: bold\">click here</a> to continue.";
                application_log("success", "Community ID [" . $COMMUNITY_ID . "] has been deactivated.");
            } else {
                $ERRORSTR[] = "<strong>Unable to deactive " . html_encode($community_details["community_title"]) . ".</strong><br /><br />The MEdTech unit has been informed of this error, please try again later. You will now be redirected back to the communities section; this will happen <strong>automatically</strong> in 5 seconds or <a href=\"" . $url . "\" style=\"font-weight: bold\">click here</a> to continue.";
        } else {
            $ERRORSTR[] = "You are not listed as an active administrator of this community, or the community has already been deactivated. If you are having trouble, please contact a community administrator or the MEdTech Unit directly.";
            application_log("error", "The proxy_id [" . $ENTRADA_USER->getActiveId() . " / " . $ENTRADA_USER->getID() . "] is not an administrator of community_id [" . $COMMUNITY_ID . "] was not found or was already deactivated.");
    } else {
        $ERRORSTR[] = "The community identifier that was provided does not exist in our database or has already been deactivated.";
コード例 #7
ファイル: add.inc.php プロジェクト: nadeemshafique/entrada-1x
         $PROCESSED["cpage_id"] = $PAGE_ID;
         if (!$COMMUNITY_ADMIN) {
             $PROCESSED["pending_moderation"] = 1;
         if ($db->AutoExecute("community_announcements", $PROCESSED, "INSERT")) {
             if ($ANNOUNCEMENT_ID = $db->Insert_Id()) {
                 $url = COMMUNITY_URL . $COMMUNITY_URL . ":" . $PAGE_URL;
                 if (!$COMMUNITY_ADMIN && $PAGE_OPTIONS["moderate_posts"] == 1) {
                     $ONLOAD[] = "setTimeout('window.location=\\'" . $url . "\\'', 15000)";
                     $SUCCESSSTR[] = "You have successfully created a new announcement for this page, however because you are not an administrator your post must be reviewed before appearing to all users.<br /><br />You will now be redirected to the index; this will happen <strong>automatically</strong> in 15 seconds or <a href=\"" . $url . "\" style=\"font-weight: bold\">click here</a> to continue.";
                 } else {
                     $ONLOAD[] = "setTimeout('window.location=\\'" . $url . "\\'', 5000)";
                     $SUCCESSSTR[] = "You have successfully added a new announcement to the community.<br /><br />You will now be redirected to the index; this will happen <strong>automatically</strong> in 5 seconds or <a href=\"" . $url . "\" style=\"font-weight: bold\">click here</a> to continue.";
                 communities_log_history($COMMUNITY_ID, $PAGE_ID, $ANNOUNCEMENT_ID, "community_history_add_announcement", $PROCESSED["pending_moderation"] == 1 ? 0 : 1);
                 add_statistic("community:" . $COMMUNITY_ID . ":announcements", "add", "cannouncement_id", $ANNOUNCEMENT_ID);
         if (!$SUCCESS) {
             $ERRORSTR[] = "There was a problem inserting this announcement into the system. The MEdTech Unit was informed of this error; please try again later.";
             application_log("error", "There was an error inserting an announcement. Database said: " . $db->ErrorMsg());
     if ($ERROR) {
         $STEP = 1;
 case 1:
コード例 #8
                         communities_log_history($COMMUNITY_ID, $PAGE_ID, $event_info["recurring_id"], "community_history_edit_recurring_events", 1);
                     $SUCCESSSTR[] = "You have successfully edited the recurring events associated with <strong>" . html_encode($event_info["event_title"]) . "</strong> in the system.";
                     communities_log_history($COMMUNITY_ID, $PAGE_ID, $recurring_event["event_id"], "community_history_edit_learning_event", 1);
                     application_log("success", "Recurring Events [" . $event_info["recurring_id"] . "] have been modified.");
         if (!$ERROR) {
             $query = "\tSELECT b.*\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM `community_courses` AS a\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `community_pages` AS b\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tON a.`community_id` = b.`community_id`\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `community_page_options` AS c\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tON b.`community_id` = c.`community_id`\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE c.`option_title` = 'show_history'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND c.`option_value` = 1\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND b.`page_url` = 'course_calendar'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND b.`page_active` = 1\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND a.`course_id` = " . $db->qstr($PROCESSED["course_id"]);
             $result = $db->GetRow($query);
             if ($result) {
                 $COMMUNITY_ID = $result["community_id"];
                 $PAGE_ID = $result["cpage_id"];
                 communities_log_history($COMMUNITY_ID, $PAGE_ID, $EVENT_ID, "community_history_edit_learning_event", 1);
             $SUCCESSSTR[] = "You have successfully edited <strong>" . html_encode($PROCESSED["event_title"]) . "</strong> in the system.<br /><br />" . $msg;
             $ONLOAD[] = "setTimeout('window.location=\\'" . $url . "\\'', 5000)";
             application_log("success", "Event [" . $EVENT_ID . "] has been modified.");
         if (!empty($stats)) {
             $stats_string = implode(", ", $stats);
             history_log($EVENT_ID, 'edited this learning event in sections: ' . $stats_string, $PROXY_ID);
     } else {
         add_error("There was a problem updating this event in the system. The system administrator was informed of this error; please try again later." . $db->ErrorMsg());
         application_log("error", "There was an error updating event_id [" . $EVENT_ID . "]. Database said: " . $db->ErrorMsg());
コード例 #9
         $PROCESSED["community_id"] = $COMMUNITY_ID;
         $PROCESSED["proxy_id"] = $ENTRADA_USER->getActiveId();
         $PROCESSED["member_active"] = 1;
         $PROCESSED["member_joined"] = time();
         $PROCESSED["member_acl"] = 0;
         if ($db->AutoExecute("community_members", $PROCESSED, "INSERT")) {
             $member_id = $db->Insert_Id();
             if ($MAILING_LISTS["active"]) {
                 $mail_list = new MailingList($COMMUNITY_ID);
             $community_url = ENTRADA_URL . "/community" . $community_details["community_url"];
             $ONLOAD[] = "setTimeout('window.location=\\'" . $community_url . "\\'', 5000)";
             $SUCCESSSTR[] = "<strong>You have successfully joined " . html_encode($community_details["community_title"]) . "!</strong><br /><br />Please <a href=\"" . $community_url . "\">click here</a> to proceed to it or you will be automatically forwarded in 5 seconds.";
             communities_log_history($COMMUNITY_ID, 0, $member_id, "community_history_add_member", 1);
         } else {
             $community_url = ENTRADA_URL . "/communities";
             $ONLOAD[] = "setTimeout('window.location=\\'" . $community_url . "\\'', 5000)";
             $ERRORSTR[] = "<strong>Failed to join " . html_encode($community_details["community_title"]) . ".</strong><br /><br />We were unable to register you in this community. The MEdTech Unit has been informed of this error, please try again later.";
             application_log("error", "Unable to register " . $ENTRADA_USER->getActiveId() . " in community id " . $COMMUNITY_ID . ". Database said: " . $db->ErrorMsg());
 // Display Content
 switch ($STEP) {
     case 2:
コード例 #10
                         $url = COMMUNITY_URL . $COMMUNITY_URL . ":" . $PAGE_URL . "?section=edit-poll&id=" . $RECORD_ID;
                         $SUCCESSSTR[] = "You have successfully added a new question to the " . $terminology . ".<br /><br />You will now be redirected back to edit this " . $terminology . "; this will happen <strong>automatically</strong> in 5 seconds or <a href=\"" . $url . "\" style=\"font-weight: bold\">click here</a> to continue.";
                     } elseif ($_POST["poll_action"] == "add-question") {
                         $url = COMMUNITY_URL . $COMMUNITY_URL . ":" . $PAGE_URL . "?section=add-question&id=" . $PROCESSED["cpolls_id"];
                         $SUCCESSSTR[] = "You have successfully added a new question to the " . $terminology . ".<br /><br />You will now be redirected to add another question to this " . $terminology . "; this will happen <strong>automatically</strong> in 5 seconds or <a href=\"" . $url . "\" style=\"font-weight: bold\">click here</a> to continue.";
                     } else {
                         $url = COMMUNITY_URL . $COMMUNITY_URL . ":" . $PAGE_URL;
                         $SUCCESSSTR[] = "You have successfully added a new question to the " . $terminology . ".<br /><br />You will now be redirected to the index; this will happen <strong>automatically</strong> in 5 seconds or <a href=\"" . $url . "\" style=\"font-weight: bold\">click here</a> to continue.";
                 } else {
                     $url = COMMUNITY_URL . $COMMUNITY_URL . ":" . $PAGE_URL;
                     $SUCCESSSTR[] = "You have successfully added a new question to the " . $terminology . ".<br /><br />You will now be redirected to the index; this will happen <strong>automatically</strong> in 5 seconds or <a href=\"" . $url . "\" style=\"font-weight: bold\">click here</a> to continue.";
                 $ONLOAD[] = "setTimeout('window.location=\\'" . $url . "\\'', 5000)";
                 add_statistic("community_polling", "question_add", "cpquestion_id", $QUESTION_ID);
                 communities_log_history($COMMUNITY_ID, $PAGE_ID, $PROCESSED["cpolls_id"], "community_history_edit_poll", 0);
         if (!$SUCCESS) {
             $ERRORSTR[] = "There was a problem inserting this question into the system. The MEdTech Unit was informed of this error; please try again later.";
             application_log("error", "There was an error inserting a poll. Database said: " . $db->ErrorMsg());
     if ($ERROR) {
         $STEP = 1;
 case 1:
コード例 #11
                             } elseif ($folder_record["allow_member_upload"] == 1) {
                                 $url = COMMUNITY_URL . $COMMUNITY_URL . ":" . $PAGE_URL;
                         } else {
                             if ($folder_record["allow_troll_read"] == 1) {
                                 $url = COMMUNITY_URL . $COMMUNITY_URL . ":" . $PAGE_URL . "?section=view-folder&id=" . $RECORD_ID;
                             } elseif ($folder_record["allow_troll_upload"] == 1) {
                                 $url = COMMUNITY_URL . $COMMUNITY_URL . ":" . $PAGE_URL;
                     $ONLOAD[] = "setTimeout('window.location=\\'" . $url . "\\'', 5000)";
                     $SUCCESSSTR[] = "You have successfully uploaded " . html_encode($PROCESSED["file_filename"]) . " (version 1).<br /><br />You will now be redirected to this files page; this will happen <strong>automatically</strong> in 5 seconds or <a href=\"" . $url . "\" style=\"font-weight: bold\">click here</a> to continue.";
                     add_statistic("community:" . $COMMUNITY_ID . ":shares", "file_add", "csfile_id", $VERSION_ID);
                     communities_log_history($COMMUNITY_ID, $PAGE_ID, $FILE_ID, "community_history_add_file", 1, $RECORD_ID);
 if (!$SUCCESS) {
      * Because there was no success, check if the file_id was set... if it
      * was we need to delete the database record :( In the future this will
      * be handled with transactions like it's supposed to be.
     if ($FILE_ID) {
         $query = "DELETE FROM `community_share_files` WHERE `csfile_id` = " . $db->qstr($FILE_ID) . " AND `cshare_id` = " . $db->qstr($RECORD_ID) . " AND `community_id` = " . $db->qstr($COMMUNITY_ID) . " LIMIT 1";
コード例 #12
                                 $url = COMMUNITY_URL . $COMMUNITY_URL . ":" . $PAGE_URL . "?section=add-question&id=" . $POLL_ID;
                                 $SUCCESSSTR[] = "You have successfully added a new " . $terminology . " to the community.<br /><br />You will now be redirected to add another question to this poll; this will happen <strong>automatically</strong> in 5 seconds or <a href=\"" . $url . "\" style=\"font-weight: bold\">click here</a> to continue.";
                             } elseif ($_POST["poll_action"] == "edit-poll") {
                                 $url = COMMUNITY_URL . $COMMUNITY_URL . ":" . $PAGE_URL . "?section=edit-poll&id=" . $POLL_ID;
                                 $SUCCESSSTR[] = "You have successfully added a new " . $terminology . " to the community.<br /><br />You will now be redirected to edit this poll; this will happen <strong>automatically</strong> in 5 seconds or <a href=\"" . $url . "\" style=\"font-weight: bold\">click here</a> to continue.";
                             } else {
                                 $url = COMMUNITY_URL . $COMMUNITY_URL . ":" . $PAGE_URL;
                                 $SUCCESSSTR[] = "You have successfully added a new " . $terminology . " to the community.<br /><br />You will now be redirected to the index; this will happen <strong>automatically</strong> in 5 seconds or <a href=\"" . $url . "\" style=\"font-weight: bold\">click here</a> to continue.";
                         } else {
                             $url = COMMUNITY_URL . $COMMUNITY_URL . ":" . $PAGE_URL;
                             $SUCCESSSTR[] = "You have successfully added a new " . $terminology . " to the community.<br /><br />You will now be redirected to the index; this will happen <strong>automatically</strong> in 5 seconds or <a href=\"" . $url . "\" style=\"font-weight: bold\">click here</a> to continue.";
                         $ONLOAD[] = "setTimeout('window.location=\\'" . $url . "\\'', 5000)";
                         add_statistic("community_polling", "poll_add", "cpolls_id", $POLL_ID);
                         communities_log_history($COMMUNITY_ID, $PAGE_ID, $POLL_ID, "community_history_add_poll", 1);
         if (!$SUCCESS) {
             $ERRORSTR[] = "There was a problem inserting this " . $terminology . " into the system. The MEdTech Unit was informed of this error; please try again later.";
             application_log("error", "There was an error inserting a poll. Database said: " . $db->ErrorMsg());
     if ($ERROR) {
         $STEP = 1;
 case 1:
コード例 #13
ファイル: add.inc.php プロジェクト: nadeemshafique/entrada-1x
         $PROCESSED["cpage_id"] = $PAGE_ID;
         if (!$COMMUNITY_ADMIN) {
             $PROCESSED["pending_moderation"] = 1;
         if ($db->AutoExecute("community_events", $PROCESSED, "INSERT")) {
             if ($EVENT_ID = $db->Insert_Id()) {
                 $url = COMMUNITY_URL . $COMMUNITY_URL . ":" . $PAGE_URL;
                 if (!$COMMUNITY_ADMIN && $PAGE_OPTIONS["moderate_posts"] == 1) {
                     $ONLOAD[] = "setTimeout('window.location=\\'" . $url . "\\'', 15000)";
                     $SUCCESSSTR[] = "You have successfully created a new event for this page, however because you are not an administrator your event must be reviewed before appearing to all users.<br /><br />You will now be redirected to the index; this will happen <strong>automatically</strong> in 15 seconds or <a href=\"" . $url . "\" style=\"font-weight: bold\">click here</a> to continue.";
                 } else {
                     $ONLOAD[] = "setTimeout('window.location=\\'" . $url . "\\'', 5000)";
                     $SUCCESSSTR[] = "You have successfully added a new event to the community.<br /><br />You will now be redirected to the index; this will happen <strong>automatically</strong> in 5 seconds or <a href=\"" . $url . "\" style=\"font-weight: bold\">click here</a> to continue.";
                 communities_log_history($COMMUNITY_ID, $PAGE_ID, $EVENT_ID, "community_history_add_event", $PROCESSED["pending_moderation"] == 1 ? 0 : 1);
                 add_statistic("community:" . $COMMUNITY_ID . ":events", "add", "cevent_id", $EVENT_ID);
         if (!$SUCCESS) {
             $ERRORSTR[] = "There was a problem inserting this event into the system. The MEdTech Unit was informed of this error; please try again later.";
             application_log("error", "There was an error inserting an event. Database said: " . $db->ErrorMsg());
     if ($ERROR) {
         $STEP = 1;
 case 1:
コード例 #14
                         } else {
                             application_error("error", "Unable to insert a new community member. Database said: " . $db->ErrorMsg());
     if ($member_add_success) {
         $SUCCESSSTR[] = "You have successfully added " . $member_add_success . " new member" . ($member_add_success != 1 ? "s" : "") . " to this community.<br /><br />You will now be redirected back to the Manage Members page; this will happen <strong>automatically</strong> in 5 seconds or <a href=\"" . ENTRADA_URL . "/" . $MODULE . "?section=members&community=" . $COMMUNITY_ID . "\" style=\"font-weight: bold\">click here</a> to continue.";
         communities_log_history($COMMUNITY_ID, 0, $member_add_success, "community_history_add_members", 1);
     if ($member_add_failure) {
         $NOTICESTR[] = "Failed to add or update" . $member_add_failure . " member" . ($member_add_failure != 1 ? "s" : "") . " during this process. The MEdTech Unit has been informed of this error, please try again later.<br /><br />You will now be redirected back to the Manage Members page; this will happen <strong>automatically</strong> in 5 seconds or <a href=\"" . ENTRADA_URL . "/" . $MODULE . "?section=members&community=" . $COMMUNITY_ID . "\" style=\"font-weight: bold\">click here</a> to continue.";
 case "admins":
     if (isset($_POST["admin_action"]) && @in_array(strtolower($_POST["admin_action"]), array("delete", "deactivate", "demote"))) {
         if (isset($_POST["admin_proxy_ids"]) && is_array($_POST["admin_proxy_ids"]) && count($_POST["admin_proxy_ids"])) {
             foreach ($_POST["admin_proxy_ids"] as $proxy_id) {
                 if ($proxy_id = (int) trim($proxy_id)) {
                     $query = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT a.*\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM `" . AUTH_DATABASE . "`.`user_data` AS a\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `" . AUTH_DATABASE . "`.`user_access` AS b\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tON b.`user_id` = " . $db->qstr($proxy_id) . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND b.`app_id` IN (" . AUTH_APP_IDS_STRING . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE a.`id` = " . $db->qstr($proxy_id);
                     $result = $db->GetRow($query);
                     if ($result) {
                         $PROXY_IDS[] = $proxy_id;
コード例 #15
                                                        application_log("error", "Could not connect a course [" . $course["course_id"] . "] to an existing community [" . $community_id . "]. Database said: " . $db->ErrorMsg());
                            if ($MAILING_LISTS["active"] && array_key_exists("community_list_mode", $PROCESSED) && $PROCESSED["community_list_mode"] != $mailing_list->type) {
                            $SUCCESSSTR[] = "<strong>You have successfully updated your community.</strong><br /><br />Please <a href=\"" . $community_url . "\">click here</a> to proceed to it or you will be automatically forwarded in 5 seconds.";
                            communities_log_history($COMMUNITY_ID, 0, $ENTRADA_USER->getID(), "community_history_edit_community", 1);
                            if ($community_details["community_title"] != $PROCESSED["community_title"]) {
                                communities_log_history($COMMUNITY_ID, 0, 0, "community_history_rename_community", 1);
                        application_log("success", "Community ID " . $community_id . " was successfully updated.");
                        if ($NOTICE) {
                            echo display_notice();
                        if ($SUCCESS) {
                            echo display_success();
                        $ONLOAD[] = "setTimeout('window.location=\\'" . $community_url . "\\'', 5000)";
                    case 2:
						<div class="display-notice" style="line-height: 175%">
							<strong>Please review</strong> the following changes that will be made to your community once you press the &quot;Save Changes&quot; button at the bottom of the screen. If you have made a mistake, please press the &quot;Cancel&quot; button, <strong>not</strong> your browsers back button.
コード例 #16
if ($RECORD_ID) {
    if (isset($_GET["share_id"]) && ($share_id = (int) $_GET["share_id"])) {
        $query = "\tSELECT a.*\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM `community_share_files` AS a\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `community_shares` AS b\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tON a.`cshare_id` = b.`cshare_id`\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE a.`csfile_id` = " . $db->qstr($RECORD_ID) . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND a.`community_id` = " . $db->qstr($COMMUNITY_ID) . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND a.`cshare_id` != " . $db->qstr($share_id) . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND b.`cpage_id` = " . $db->qstr($PAGE_ID) . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND b.`folder_active` = '1'";
        $file_record = $db->GetRow($query);
        if ($file_record) {
            $query = "\tSELECT b.`page_url`\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM `community_shares` AS a\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `community_pages` AS b\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tON b.`cpage_id` = a.`cpage_id`\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE a.`cshare_id` = " . $db->qstr($share_id) . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND a.`community_id` = " . $db->qstr($COMMUNITY_ID) . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND a.`folder_active` = '1'";
            $share_record = $db->GetRow($query);
            if ($share_record) {
                if ((int) $file_record["file_active"]) {
                    if (shares_file_module_access($RECORD_ID, "move-file")) {
                        if ($db->AutoExecute("community_share_files", array("cshare_id" => $share_id, "updated_date" => time(), "updated_by" => $ENTRADA_USER->getID()), "UPDATE", "`csfile_id` = " . $db->qstr($RECORD_ID) . " AND `cshare_id` = " . $db->qstr($file_record["cshare_id"]) . " AND `community_id` = " . $db->qstr($COMMUNITY_ID))) {
                            @$db->AutoExecute("community_share_file_versions", array("cshare_id" => $share_id, "updated_date" => time(), "updated_by" => $ENTRADA_USER->getID()), "UPDATE", "`csfile_id` = " . $db->qstr($RECORD_ID) . " AND `cshare_id` = " . $db->qstr($file_record["cshare_id"]) . " AND `community_id` = " . $db->qstr($COMMUNITY_ID));
                            @$db->AutoExecute("community_share_comments", array("cshare_id" => $share_id, "updated_date" => time(), "updated_by" => $ENTRADA_USER->getID()), "UPDATE", "`csfile_id` = " . $db->qstr($RECORD_ID) . " AND `cshare_id` = " . $db->qstr($file_record["cshare_id"]) . " AND `community_id` = " . $db->qstr($COMMUNITY_ID));
                            communities_log_history($COMMUNITY_ID, $PAGE_ID, $RECORD_ID, "community_history_move_file", true, $share_id);
                            add_statistic("community:" . $COMMUNITY_ID . ":shares", "file_move", "csfile_id", $RECORD_ID);
                            $db->AutoExecute("community_history", array("history_display" => 0), "UPDATE", "`community_id` = " . $db->qstr($COMMUNITY_ID) . " AND `module_id` = " . $db->qstr($MODULE_ID) . " AND `record_id` = " . $db->qstr($RECORD_ID));
                        } else {
                            application_log("error", "Failed to move [" . $RECORD_ID . "] file to folder. Database said: " . $db->ErrorMsg());
                } else {
                    application_log("error", "The provided file id [" . $RECORD_ID . "] is deactivated.");
                header("Location: " . COMMUNITY_URL . $COMMUNITY_URL . ":" . $share_record["page_url"] . "?section=view-folder&id=" . $share_id);
        } else {
            application_log("error", "The provided file id [" . $RECORD_ID . "] was invalid.");
コード例 #17
     if (!$ERROR) {
         $PROCESSED["community_id"] = $COMMUNITY_ID;
         $PROCESSED["proxy_id"] = $ENTRADA_USER->getActiveId();
         $PROCESSED["forum_active"] = 1;
         $PROCESSED["updated_date"] = time();
         $PROCESSED["updated_by"] = $ENTRADA_USER->getID();
         $PROCESSED["cpage_id"] = $PAGE_ID;
         if ($db->AutoExecute("community_discussions", $PROCESSED, "INSERT")) {
             if ($FORUM_ID = $db->Insert_Id()) {
                 $url = COMMUNITY_URL . $COMMUNITY_URL . ":" . $PAGE_URL;
                 $ONLOAD[] = "setTimeout('window.location=\\'" . $url . "\\'', 5000)";
                 $SUCCESSSTR[] = "You have successfully added a new discussion forum to the community.<br /><br />You will now be redirected to the index; this will happen <strong>automatically</strong> in 5 seconds or <a href=\"" . $url . "\" style=\"font-weight: bold\">click here</a> to continue.";
                 add_statistic("community:" . $COMMUNITY_ID . ":discussions", "forum_add", "cdiscussion_id", $FORUM_ID);
                 communities_log_history($COMMUNITY_ID, $PAGE_ID, $FORUM_ID, "community_history_add_forum", 1);
         if (!$SUCCESS) {
             $ERRORSTR[] = "There was a problem inserting this forum into the system. The MEdTech Unit was informed of this error; please try again later.";
             application_log("error", "There was an error inserting a discussion forum. Database said: " . $db->ErrorMsg());
     if ($ERROR) {
         $STEP = 1;
 case 1:
コード例 #18
                     if ($db->AutoExecute("community_polls_access", $MEMBERS, "INSERT")) {
                         $SUCCESS = TRUE;
                 if (!$SUCCESS) {
                     $ERRORSTR[] = "There was a problem inserting the specific member permissions for this " . $terminology . " into the system. The MEdTech Unit was informed of this error; please try again later.";
                     application_log("error", "There was an error inserting the specific member permissions to a poll (ID: " . $RECORD_ID . "). Database said: " . $db->ErrorMsg());
             $url = COMMUNITY_URL . $COMMUNITY_URL . ":" . $PAGE_URL;
             $ONLOAD[] = "setTimeout('window.location=\\'" . $url . "\\'', 5000)";
             $SUCCESSSTR[] = "You have successfully updated a " . $terminology . " to the community.<br /><br />You will now be redirected to the index; this will happen <strong>automatically</strong> in 5 seconds or <a href=\"" . $url . "\" style=\"font-weight: bold\">click here</a> to continue.";
             add_statistic("community_polling", "poll_edit", "cpolls_id", $RECORD_ID);
             communities_log_history($COMMUNITY_ID, $PAGE_ID, $RECORD_ID, "community_history_edit_poll", 0);
         if (!$SUCCESS) {
             $ERRORSTR[] = "There was a problem editing this " . $terminology . " in the system. The MEdTech Unit was informed of this error; please try again later.";
             application_log("error", "There was an error editing a poll. Database said: " . $db->ErrorMsg());
     if ($ERROR) {
         $STEP = 1;
 case 1:
     $PROCESSED = $poll_record;
コード例 #19
                     $SUCCESSSTR[] = "You have successfully created your new community; however, it must be approved by an administrator before you can actually access the site.<br /><br />An e-mail has been sent to us and we will review and approve your Commmunity shortly. You will receive an e-mail notification once the Community has been activated.";
                     communities_log_history($community_id, 0, $community_id, "community_history_create_moderated_community", 1);
                 } else {
                     $ERRORSTR[] = "Your new community has been successfully created; however, this community requires an administrator's approval before it is activated and there was an error when trying to send an administrator this notification.<br /><br />The MEdTech Unit has been informed of this error and will contact you shortly.";
                     application_log("error", "Community ID " . $community_id . " was successfully created, but an admin approval notification could not be sent.");
             } else {
                 if ($MAILING_LISTS["active"]) {
                     $mail_list = new MailingList($community_id, $PROCESSED["community_list_mode"]);
                 $community_url = ENTRADA_URL . "/community" . $PROCESSED["community_url"];
                 $ONLOAD[] = "setTimeout('window.location=\\'" . $community_url . "\\'', 5000)";
                 $SUCCESSSTR[] = "<strong>You have successfully created your new community!</strong><br /><br />Please <a href=\"" . $community_url . "\">click here</a> to proceed to it or you will be automatically forwarded in 5 seconds.";
                 communities_log_history($community_id, 0, $community_id, "community_history_create_active_community", 1);
         } else {
             $ERRORSTR[] = "Your community was successfully created; however, administrative permissions for your account could not be set to the new community.<br /><br />The system administrator has been informed of this problem, and they will resolve it shortly.";
             application_log("error", "Community was created, but admin permissions for proxy id " . $ENTRADA_USER->getActiveId() . " could not be set. Database said: " . $db->ErrorMsg());
     } else {
         $ERRORSTR[] = "We encountered a problem while creating your new community.<br /><br />The system administrator has been informed of this problem, please try again later.";
         application_log("error", "Failed to create new community. Database said: " . $db->ErrorMsg());
 if ($ERROR) {
     $STEP = 2;
 } else {
コード例 #20
                     } elseif ($file_record["allow_member_upload"] == 1) {
                         $url = COMMUNITY_URL . $COMMUNITY_URL . ":" . $PAGE_URL;
                 } else {
                     if ($file_record["allow_troll_read"] == 1) {
                         $url = COMMUNITY_URL . $COMMUNITY_URL . ":" . $PAGE_URL . "?section=view-file&id=" . $RECORD_ID;
                     } elseif ($file_record["allow_member_upload"] == 1) {
                         $url = COMMUNITY_URL . $COMMUNITY_URL . ":" . $PAGE_URL;
             $ONLOAD[] = "setTimeout('window.location=\\'" . $url . "\\'', 5000)";
             $SUCCESSSTR[] = "You have successfully added a new revision to " . html_encode($file_record["file_title"]) . " (version " . $PROCESSED["file_version"] . ").<br /><br />You will now be redirected to this files page; this will happen <strong>automatically</strong> in 5 seconds or <a href=\"" . $url . "\" style=\"font-weight: bold\">click here</a> to continue.";
             add_statistic("community:" . $COMMUNITY_ID . ":shares", "revision_add", "csfversion_id", $VERSION_ID);
             communities_log_history($COMMUNITY_ID, $PAGE_ID, $VERSION_ID, "community_history_add_file_revision", 1, $RECORD_ID);
 if (!$SUCCESS) {
      * Because there was no success, check if the file_id was set... if it
      * was we need to delete the database record :( In the future this will
      * be handled with transactions like it's supposed to be.
     if ($VERSION_ID) {
         $query = "DELETE FROM `community_share_file_versions` WHERE `csfversion_id` = " . $db->qstr($VERSION_ID) . " AND `csfile_id` = " . $db->qstr($RECORD_ID) . " AND `cshare_id` = " . $db->qstr($file_record["cshare_id"]) . " AND `community_id` = " . $db->qstr($COMMUNITY_ID) . " LIMIT 1";
     $ERRORSTR[] = "Unable to store the revised file on the server; the MEdTech Unit has been informed of this error, please try again later.";
コード例 #21
     if (!$ERROR) {
         $PROCESSED["community_id"] = $COMMUNITY_ID;
         $PROCESSED["proxy_id"] = $ENTRADA_USER->getActiveId();
         $PROCESSED["folder_active"] = 1;
         $PROCESSED["updated_date"] = time();
         $PROCESSED["updated_by"] = $ENTRADA_USER->getID();
         $PROCESSED["cpage_id"] = $PAGE_ID;
         if ($db->AutoExecute("community_shares", $PROCESSED, "INSERT")) {
             if ($FOLDER_ID = $db->Insert_Id()) {
                 $url = COMMUNITY_URL . $COMMUNITY_URL . ":" . $PAGE_URL;
                 $ONLOAD[] = "setTimeout('window.location=\\'" . $url . "\\'', 5000)";
                 $SUCCESSSTR[] = "You have successfully added a new shared folder to the community.<br /><br />You will now be redirected to the index; this will happen <strong>automatically</strong> in 5 seconds or <a href=\"" . $url . "\" style=\"font-weight: bold\">click here</a> to continue.";
                 add_statistic("community:" . $COMMUNITY_ID . ":shares", "folder_add", "cshare_id", $FOLDER_ID);
                 communities_log_history($COMMUNITY_ID, $PAGE_ID, $FOLDER_ID, "community_history_add_share", 1);
         if (!$SUCCESS) {
             $ERRORSTR[] = "There was a problem inserting this folder into the system. The MEdTech Unit was informed of this error; please try again later.";
             application_log("error", "There was an error inserting a shared folder. Database said: " . $db->ErrorMsg());
     if ($ERROR) {
         $STEP = 1;
 case 1:
コード例 #22
         $PROCESSED["community_id"] = $COMMUNITY_ID;
         $PROCESSED["proxy_id"] = $ENTRADA_USER->getActiveId();
         $PROCESSED["topic_active"] = 1;
         $PROCESSED["updated_date"] = time();
         $PROCESSED["updated_by"] = $ENTRADA_USER->getID();
         if ($db->AutoExecute("community_discussion_topics", $PROCESSED, "INSERT")) {
             if ($TOPIC_ID = $db->Insert_Id()) {
                 if (isset($notifications) && COMMUNITY_NOTIFICATIONS_ACTIVE && $_SESSION["details"]["notifications"]) {
                     $db->Execute("INSERT INTO `community_notify_members` (`proxy_id`, `record_id`, `community_id`, `notify_type`, `notify_active`) VALUES (" . $db->qstr($PROCESSED["proxy_id"]) . ", " . $db->qstr($TOPIC_ID) . ", " . $db->qstr($COMMUNITY_ID) . ", 'reply', '" . ($notifications ? "1" : "0") . "')");
                 $url = COMMUNITY_URL . $COMMUNITY_URL . ":" . $PAGE_URL . "?section=view-post&id=" . $TOPIC_ID;
                 $ONLOAD[] = "setTimeout('window.location=\\'" . $url . "\\'', 5000)";
                 $SUCCESSSTR[] = "You have successfully created a new discussion post.<br /><br />You will now be redirected to this thread; this will happen <strong>automatically</strong> in 5 seconds or <a href=\"" . $url . "\" style=\"font-weight: bold\">click here</a> to continue.";
                 add_statistic("community:" . $COMMUNITY_ID . ":discussions", "post_add", "cdtopic_id", $TOPIC_ID);
                 communities_log_history($COMMUNITY_ID, $PAGE_ID, $TOPIC_ID, "community_history_add_post", 1, $RECORD_ID);
         if (!$SUCCESS) {
             $ERRORSTR[] = "There was a problem inserting this discussion post into the system. The MEdTech Unit was informed of this error; please try again later.";
             application_log("error", "There was an error inserting a discussion forum post. Database said: " . $db->ErrorMsg());
     if ($ERROR) {
         $STEP = 1;
 case 1:
コード例 #23
         } else {
             $ERRORSTR[] = "There was a problem updating the 'allow non-member posts' option for the home page of the community. Please contact the application administrator and inform them of this error.";
             application_log("error", "There was an error updating this page option. Database said: " . $db->ErrorMsg());
     } else {
         if (!$ERROR) {
             $url = ENTRADA_URL . "/community" . $community_details["community_url"] . ":pages";
             $SUCCESSSTR[] = "You have successfully updated the home page of the community.<br /><br />You will now be redirected to the page management index; this will happen <strong>automatically</strong> in 5 seconds or <a href=\"" . $url . "\" style=\"font-weight: bold\">click here</a> to continue.";
             $HEAD[] = "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> setTimeout('window.location=\\'" . $url . "\\'', 5000); </script>";
             application_log("success", "Home Page [" . $PAGE_ID . "] updated in the system.");
 } else {
     communities_log_history($COMMUNITY_ID, $PAGE_ID, 0, "community_history_edit_page", 1);
     if ($PROCESSED["menu_title"] != $page_details["menu_title"]) {
         communities_set_children_urls($PAGE_ID, $PROCESSED["page_url"]);
     if (isset($PROCESSED["page_order"]) && $PROCESSED["page_order"] != $page_details["page_order"]) {
          * Go through this process the second time to ensure each page is in the correct order.
         $query = "SELECT `cpage_id`, `page_order` FROM `community_pages` WHERE `community_id` = " . $db->qstr($COMMUNITY_ID) . " AND `parent_id` = " . $db->qstr($PROCESSED["parent_id"]) . " AND `page_url` != '' ORDER BY `page_order` ASC";
         $results = $db->GetAll($query);
         if ($results) {
             foreach ($results as $key => $result) {
                 $order = $key;
                 if ((int) $order != (int) $result["page_order"]) {
                     $query = "UPDATE `community_pages` SET `page_order` = " . $db->qstr($order) . " WHERE `cpage_id` = " . $db->qstr($result["cpage_id"]);
                     if (!$db->Execute($query)) {
コード例 #24
             if ($db->AutoExecute("community_share_files", $PROCESSED, "UPDATE", "`community_id` = " . $db->qstr($COMMUNITY_ID) . " AND `csfile_id` = " . $db->qstr($RECORD_ID))) {
                     if ($PROCESSED["release_date"] != $file_record["release_date"]) {
                         $notification = $db->GetRow("SELECT * FROM `community_notifications` WHERE `record_id` = " . $db->qstr($RECORD_ID) . " AND `type` = 'file'");
                         if ($notification) {
                             $notification["release_time"] = $PROCESSED["release_date"];
                             $db->AutoExecute("community_notifications", $notification, "UPDATE", "`cnotification_id` = " . $db->qstr($notification["cnotification_id"]));
                 $url = COMMUNITY_URL . $COMMUNITY_URL . ":" . $PAGE_URL . "?section=view-file&id=" . $RECORD_ID;
                 $ONLOAD[] = "setTimeout('window.location=\\'" . $url . "\\'', 5000)";
                 $SUCCESSSTR[] = "You have successfully updated this file.<br /><br />You will now be redirected to this file page; this will happen <strong>automatically</strong> in 5 seconds or <a href=\"" . $url . "\" style=\"font-weight: bold\">click here</a> to continue.";
                 add_statistic("community:" . $COMMUNITY_ID . ":shares", "file_edit", "csfile_id", $RECORD_ID);
                 communities_log_history($COMMUNITY_ID, $PAGE_ID, $RECORD_ID, "community_history_edit_file", 1, $file_record["cshare_id"]);
         if ($ERROR) {
             $STEP = 1;
     case 1:
         $PROCESSED = $file_record;
 // Page Display
 switch ($STEP) {
     case 2:
         if ($NOTICE) {
コード例 #25
     if (!$ERROR) {
         $PROCESSED["community_id"] = $COMMUNITY_ID;
         $PROCESSED["proxy_id"] = $ENTRADA_USER->getActiveId();
         $PROCESSED["gallery_active"] = 1;
         $PROCESSED["updated_date"] = time();
         $PROCESSED["updated_by"] = $ENTRADA_USER->getID();
         $PROCESSED["cpage_id"] = $PAGE_ID;
         if ($db->AutoExecute("community_galleries", $PROCESSED, "INSERT")) {
             if ($GALLERY_ID = $db->Insert_Id()) {
                 $url = COMMUNITY_URL . $COMMUNITY_URL . ":" . $PAGE_URL;
                 $ONLOAD[] = "setTimeout('window.location=\\'" . $url . "\\'', 5000)";
                 $SUCCESSSTR[] = "You have successfully added a new photo gallery to the community.<br /><br />You will now be redirected to the index; this will happen <strong>automatically</strong> in 5 seconds or <a href=\"" . $url . "\" style=\"font-weight: bold\">click here</a> to continue.";
                 add_statistic("community:" . $COMMUNITY_ID . ":galleries", "gallery_add", "cgallery_id", $GALLERY_ID);
                 communities_log_history($COMMUNITY_ID, $PAGE_ID, $GALLERY_ID, "community_history_add_gallery", 1);
         if (!$SUCCESS) {
             $ERRORSTR[] = "There was a problem inserting this gallery into the system. The MEdTech Unit was informed of this error; please try again later.";
             application_log("error", "There was an error inserting a photo gallery. Database said: " . $db->ErrorMsg());
     if ($ERROR) {
         $STEP = 1;
 case 1:
コード例 #26
     if (isset($release_dates["finish"]) && (int) $release_dates["finish"]) {
         $PROCESSED["release_until"] = (int) $release_dates["finish"];
     } else {
         $PROCESSED["release_until"] = 0;
     if (!$ERROR) {
         $PROCESSED["updated_date"] = time();
         $PROCESSED["updated_by"] = $ENTRADA_USER->getID();
         if ($db->AutoExecute("community_shares", $PROCESSED, "UPDATE", "`community_id` = " . $db->qstr($COMMUNITY_ID) . " AND `cpage_id` = " . $db->qstr($PAGE_ID) . " AND `cshare_id` = " . $db->qstr($RECORD_ID))) {
             $url = COMMUNITY_URL . $COMMUNITY_URL . ":" . $PAGE_URL;
             $ONLOAD[] = "setTimeout('window.location=\\'" . $url . "\\'', 5000)";
             $SUCCESSSTR[] = "You have successfully updated the <strong>" . html_encode($PROCESSED["folder_title"]) . "</strong> shared folder.<br /><br />You will now be redirected to the index; this will happen <strong>automatically</strong> in 5 seconds or <a href=\"" . $url . "\" style=\"font-weight: bold\">click here</a> to continue.";
             add_statistic("community:" . $COMMUNITY_ID . ":shares", "folder_edit", "cshare_id", $RECORD_ID);
             communities_log_history($COMMUNITY_ID, $PAGE_ID, $RECORD_ID, "community_history_edit_share", 1);
         if (!$SUCCESS) {
             $ERRORSTR[] = "There was a problem updating this shared folder in the system. The MEdTech Unit was informed of this error; please try again later.";
             application_log("error", "There was an error updating a shared folder. Database said: " . $db->ErrorMsg());
     if ($ERROR) {
         $STEP = 1;
 case 1:
     $PROCESSED = $folder_record;
コード例 #27
                 $db->Execute("INSERT INTO `community_notify_members` (`proxy_id`, `record_id`, `community_id`, `notify_type`, `notify_active`) VALUES (" . $db->qstr($ENTRADA_USER->getID()) . ", " . $db->qstr($photo_id) . ", " . $db->qstr($COMMUNITY_ID) . ", 'photo-comment', '" . (isset($notifications) && $notifications ? "1" : "0") . "')");
             if ($photo_id) {
                 if (communities_galleries_process_photo($_FILES["photo_files"]["tmp_name"][$tmp_photo_id], $photo_id)) {
                     if (!(int) $gallery_record["gallery_cgphoto_id"]) {
                         if (!$db->AutoExecute("community_galleries", array("gallery_cgphoto_id" => $photo_id), "UPDATE", "`cgallery_id` = " . $db->qstr($RECORD_ID) . " AND `community_id` = " . $db->qstr($COMMUNITY_ID))) {
                             application_log("error", "Unable to set the gallery_cgphoto_id to this photo_id when adding the first picture. Database said: " . $db->ErrorMsg());
                     if (COMMUNITY_NOTIFICATIONS_ACTIVE) {
                         community_notify($COMMUNITY_ID, $photo_id, "photo", COMMUNITY_URL . $COMMUNITY_URL . ":" . $PAGE_URL . "?section=view-photo&id=" . $photo_id, $RECORD_ID, $PROCESSED["release_date"]);
                     $SUCCESSSTR[] = "Photo " . $photo_number . " has been successfully uploaded [" . $PROCESSED["photo_title"] . "].";
                     add_statistic("community:" . $COMMUNITY_ID . ":galleries", "photo_add", "cgphoto_id", $photo_id);
                     communities_log_history($COMMUNITY_ID, $PAGE_ID, $photo_id, "community_history_add_photo", 1, $RECORD_ID);
                 } else {
                     $query = "DELETE FROM `community_gallery_photos` WHERE `cgphoto_id` = " . $db->qstr($photo_id) . " AND `cgallery_id` = " . $db->qstr($RECORD_ID) . " AND `community_id` = " . $db->qstr($COMMUNITY_ID) . " LIMIT 1";
                     if (!$db->Execute($query)) {
                         application_log("error", "Failed to remove a newly uploaded photo [" . $photo_id . "] from the community_gallery_photos table in community [" . $COMMUNITY_ID . "]. Database said: " . $db->ErrorMsg());
                     $ERRORSTR[] = "Photo " . $photo_number . ": Unable to store the new photo file on the server; the system administrator has been informed of this error, please try again later.";
                     application_log("error", "Failed to move the uploaded Community photo to the storage directory [" . COMMUNITY_STORAGE_GALLERIES . "/" . $photo_id . "].");
 $photo_uploads[$tmp_photo_id] = array("success" => $error_current ? false : true, "photo_id" => $photo_id ? $photo_id : 0, "title" => $PROCESSED["photo_title"], "description" => $PROCESSED["photo_description"]);
コード例 #28
                             application_log("error", "Failed to set this photo as the gallery thumbnail. Database said: " . $db->ErrorMsg());
                     } elseif ((int) $photo_record["gallery_cgphoto_id"] == (int) $RECORD_ID && (!isset($_POST["gallery_cgphoto_id"]) || (int) trim($_POST["gallery_cgphoto_id"]) != 1)) {
                         if (!$db->AutoExecute("community_galleries", array("gallery_cgphoto_id" => 0), "UPDATE", "`community_id` = " . $db->qstr($COMMUNITY_ID) . " AND `cpage_id` = " . $db->qstr($PAGE_ID) . " AND `cgallery_id` = " . $db->qstr($photo_record["cgallery_id"]))) {
                             $NOTICESTR[] = "Unable to unset this photo as the gallery thumbnail; the MEdTech Unit has been informed of this error, please try again later.";
                             application_log("error", "Failed to unset this photo as the gallery thumbnail. Database said: " . $db->ErrorMsg());
                 $url = COMMUNITY_URL . $COMMUNITY_URL . ":" . $PAGE_URL . "?section=view-photo&id=" . $RECORD_ID;
                 $ONLOAD[] = "setTimeout('window.location=\\'" . $url . "\\'', 5000)";
                 $SUCCESSSTR[] = "You have successfully updated this photo.<br /><br />You will now be redirected to this image; this will happen <strong>automatically</strong> in 5 seconds or <a href=\"" . $url . "\" style=\"font-weight: bold\">click here</a> to continue.";
                 add_statistic("community:" . $COMMUNITY_ID . ":galleries", "photo_edit", "cgphoto_id", $RECORD_ID);
                 communities_log_history($COMMUNITY_ID, $PAGE_ID, $RECORD_ID, "community_history_edit_photo", 1, $photo_record["cgallery_id"]);
             } else {
                 $ERRORSTR[] = "Unable to update this photo at this time; the MEdTech Unit has been informed of this error, please try again later.";
                 application_log("error", "Failed to update a photo. Database said: " . $db->ErrorMsg());
         if ($ERROR) {
             $STEP = 1;
     case 1:
         $PROCESSED = $photo_record;
コード例 #29
         $PROCESSED["csfile_id"] = $RECORD_ID;
         $PROCESSED["cshare_id"] = $file_record["cshare_id"];
         $PROCESSED["community_id"] = $COMMUNITY_ID;
         $PROCESSED["proxy_id"] = $ENTRADA_USER->getActiveId();
         $PROCESSED["comment_active"] = 1;
         $PROCESSED["release_date"] = time();
         $PROCESSED["updated_date"] = time();
         $PROCESSED["updated_by"] = $ENTRADA_USER->getID();
         if ($db->AutoExecute("community_share_comments", $PROCESSED, "INSERT")) {
             if ($COMMENT_ID = $db->Insert_Id()) {
                 $url = COMMUNITY_URL . $COMMUNITY_URL . ":" . $PAGE_URL . "?section=view-file&id=" . $RECORD_ID . "#comment-" . $COMMENT_ID;
                 $ONLOAD[] = "setTimeout('window.location=\\'" . $url . "\\'', 5000)";
                 $SUCCESSSTR[] = "You have successfully added a new file comment.<br /><br />You will now be redirected back to this file; this will happen <strong>automatically</strong> in 5 seconds or <a href=\"" . $url . "\" style=\"font-weight: bold\">click here</a> to continue.";
                 add_statistic("community:" . $COMMUNITY_ID . ":shares", "comment_add", "cscomment_id", $COMMENT_ID);
                 communities_log_history($COMMUNITY_ID, $PAGE_ID, $COMMENT_ID, "community_history_add_file_comment", 1, $RECORD_ID);
         if (!$SUCCESS) {
             $ERRORSTR[] = "There was a problem adding this file comment into the system. The MEdTech Unit was informed of this error; please try again later.";
             application_log("error", "There was an error inserting a file comment. Database said: " . $db->ErrorMsg());
     if ($ERROR) {
         $STEP = 1;
 case 1: