コード例 #1
ファイル: ophandlers.php プロジェクト: xtha/salt
function updateRow()
    assertUIntArg('location_id', TRUE);
    commitUpdateObject($_REQUEST['row_id'], $_REQUEST['name'], NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    global $pageno;
    if ($pageno == 'row') {
    $rowData = spotEntity('row', $_REQUEST['row_id']);
    // location_id was submitted, but no link exists - create it
    if ($_REQUEST['location_id'] > 0 && !$rowData['location_id']) {
        commitLinkEntities('location', $_REQUEST['location_id'], 'row', $_REQUEST['row_id']);
    // location_id was submitted, but it doesn't match the existing link - update it
    if ($_REQUEST['location_id'] > 0 && $_REQUEST['location_id'] != $rowData['location_id']) {
        commitUpdateEntityLink('location', $rowData['location_id'], 'row', $_REQUEST['row_id'], 'location', $_REQUEST['location_id'], 'row', $_REQUEST['row_id']);
    // no parent_id was submitted, but a link exists - delete it
    if ($_REQUEST['location_id'] == 0 && $rowData['location_id']) {
        commitUnlinkEntities('location', $rowData['location_id'], 'row', $_REQUEST['row_id']);
    showFuncMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'OK', array($_REQUEST['name']));
コード例 #2
ファイル: api.php プロジェクト: xtha/salt
     if (!isset($workingRacksData[$rack_id])) {
         $rackData = spotEntity('rack', $rack_id);
         $workingRacksData[$rack_id] = $rackData;
     // It's zero-U allocated to this rack in the API request, but not in the DB.  Mount it.
     if (in_array($rack_id, $zeroURacksNew) && !in_array($rack_id, $zeroURacksOld)) {
         error_log("zero-u mounting object id: {$object_id} from rack id: {$rack_id}");
         commitLinkEntities('rack', $rack_id, 'object', $object_id);
     // It's not zero-U allocated to this rack in the API request, but it is in the DB.  Unmount it.
     if (!in_array($rack_id, $zeroURacksNew) && in_array($rack_id, $zeroURacksOld)) {
         error_log("zero-u UN- mounting object id: {$object_id} from rack id: {$rack_id}");
         commitUnlinkEntities('rack', $rack_id, 'object', $object_id);
 foreach ($workingRacksData as &$rd) {
     applyObjectMountMask($rd, $object_id);
 // quick DB operation to save old data for logging
 $oldMolecule = getMoleculeForObject($object_id);
 foreach ($workingRacksData as $rack_id => $rackData) {
     $rackchanged = FALSE;
     for ($position = $rackData['height']; $position > 0; $position--) {
         for ($locidx = 0; $locidx < 3; $locidx++) {
             $atom = $loclist[$locidx];
             // atom can't be assigned to, skip.
             //     XXX: maybe should warn if attempted? (UI similarly ignores)
コード例 #3
function initRackTablesObject($rackDatas)
    // zabbix host data
    $params = array('output' => 'extend');
    $result = doPost('host.get', $params);
    $hosts = isset($result['result']) ? $result['result'] : array();
    $objectDatas = array();
    foreach ($hosts as $host) {
        $object_type_id = 4;
        $object_name = isset($host['host']) ? $host['host'] : "";
        $object_label = "";
        $object_asset_no = "";
        $taglist = array();
        $has_problems = $host['status'] == 0 ? 'no' : 'yes';
        $object_id = commitAddObject($object_name, $object_label, $object_type_id, $object_asset_no, $taglist);
        usePreparedUpdateBlade('Object', array('has_problems' => $has_problems), array('id' => $object_id));
        $objectDatas[$host['hostid']] = $object_id;
        // set hostgroup
        $params = array('output' => array('name'), 'hostids' => array($host['hostid']));
        $result = doPost('hostgroup.get', $params);
        $hostgroups = isset($result['result']) ? $result['result'] : array();
        $rack_ids = array();
        $_REQUEST = array();
        foreach ($hostgroups as $hostgroup) {
            if (isset($rackDatas[$hostgroup['name']])) {
                $rack = $rackDatas[$hostgroup['name']];
                array_push($rack_ids, $rack['id']);
                $height = $rack['height'];
                for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
                    for ($j = $height; $j > 0; $j--) {
                        if ($rack[$j][$i]['state'] == 'F') {
                            # state == "T" : mounted
                            $_REQUEST['atom_' . $rack['id'] . "_{$j}" . "_{$i}"] = 'on';
                            break 2;
        $_REQUEST['object_id'] = $object_id;
        $_REQUEST['rackmulti'] = $rack_ids;
        $object = spotEntity('object', $object_id);
        $changecnt = 0;
        // Get a list of rack ids which are parents of the object
        $parentRacks = reduceSubarraysToColumn(getParents($object, 'rack'), 'id');
        $workingRacksData = array();
        foreach ($_REQUEST['rackmulti'] as $cand_id) {
            if (!isset($workingRacksData[$cand_id])) {
                $rackData = spotEntity('rack', $cand_id);
                $workingRacksData[$cand_id] = $rackData;
            } else {
                $rackData = $workingRacksData[$cand_id];
            $is_ro = !rackModificationPermitted($rackData, 'updateObjectAllocation', FALSE);
            // It's zero-U mounted to this rack on the form, but not in the DB.  Mount it.
            if (isset($_REQUEST["zerou_{$cand_id}"]) && !in_array($cand_id, $parentRacks)) {
                if ($is_ro) {
                commitLinkEntities('rack', $cand_id, 'object', $object_id);
            // It's not zero-U mounted to this rack on the form, but it is in the DB.  Unmount it.
            if (!isset($_REQUEST["zerou_{$cand_id}"]) && in_array($cand_id, $parentRacks)) {
                if ($is_ro) {
                commitUnlinkEntities('rack', $cand_id, 'object', $object_id);
        foreach ($workingRacksData as &$rd) {
            applyObjectMountMask($rd, $object_id);
        $oldMolecule = getMoleculeForObject($object_id);
        foreach ($workingRacksData as $rack_id => $rackData) {
            $is_ro = !rackModificationPermitted($rackData, 'updateObjectAllocation', FALSE);
            if ($is_ro || !processGridForm($rackData, 'F', 'T', $object_id)) {
            // Reload our working copy after form processing.
            $rackData = spotEntity('rack', $cand_id);
            applyObjectMountMask($rackData, $object_id);
            $workingRacksData[$rack_id] = $rackData;
        if ($changecnt) {
            // Log a record.
            $newMolecule = getMoleculeForObject($object_id);
            global $remote_username, $sic;
            usePreparedInsertBlade('MountOperation', array('object_id' => $object_id, 'old_molecule_id' => count($oldMolecule) ? createMolecule($oldMolecule) : NULL, 'new_molecule_id' => count($newMolecule) ? createMolecule($newMolecule) : NULL, 'user_name' => $remote_username, 'comment' => empty($sic['comment']) ? NULL : $sic['comment']));
        // set IP
        $params = array('output' => 'extend', 'hostids' => $host['hostid']);
        $result = doPost('hostinterface.get', $params);
        $hostinterfaces = isset($result['result']) ? $result['result'] : array();
        foreach ($hostinterfaces as $interface) {
            if (isset($interface['ip']) && $interface['ip'] != '') {
                $allocs = getObjectIPAllocations($object_id);
                $current_ips = array();
                foreach ($allocs as $alloc) {
                    $ip = $alloc["addrinfo"]["ip"];
                    $current_ips[$ip] = $ip;
                $ip = $interface['ip'];
                if (!in_array($ip, array_values($current_ips))) {
                    // new IP
                    $ip_bin = ip_parse($ip);
                    if (null == getIPAddressNetworkId($ip_bin)) {
                        // if ip is not exists, adding it into RackTables IPv4Prefix.
                        $range = substr($ip, 0, strripos($ip, '.')) . '.0/24';
                        $vlan_ck = NULL;
                        $net_id = createIPv4Prefix($range, 'admim', isCheckSet('is_connected'), $taglist);
                        $net_cell = spotEntity('ipv4net', $net_id);
                        if (isset($vlan_ck)) {
                            if (considerConfiguredConstraint($net_cell, 'VLANIPV4NET_LISTSRC')) {
                                commitSupplementVLANIPv4($vlan_ck, $net_id);
                    bindIPToObject($ip_bin, $object_id, "", "");
    return $objectDatas;
コード例 #4
ファイル: ophandlers.php プロジェクト: peter-volkov/RackTrack
function updateObjectAllocation()
    global $remote_username, $sic;
    if (!isset($_REQUEST['got_atoms'])) {
        return buildRedirectURL(NULL, NULL, $_REQUEST);
    $object_id = getBypassValue();
    $rf1 = $_REQUEST['rfid'];
    if (isset($_REQUEST['rfid'])) {
        //	$rf1 = 1000000;//$_REQUEST['rfid'];
        $result = usePreparedSelectBlade("SELECT object_id FROM objecttorf WHERE rf_id = ?", array($rf1));
        $row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
        if (isset($row)) {
            $object_id = $row['object_id'];
        //получить значение из базы где rf1=njvenj
        //showError ('Permission deniedddddddd, "' . $object_id . '" left unchanged');
    $changecnt = 0;
    // Get a list of all of this object's parents,
    // then trim the list to only include parents that are racks
    $objectParents = getEntityRelatives('parents', 'object', $object_id);
    $parentRacks = array();
    foreach ($objectParents as $parentData) {
        if ($parentData['entity_type'] == 'rack') {
            $parentRacks[] = $parentData['entity_id'];
    $workingRacksData = array();
    foreach ($_REQUEST['rackmulti'] as $cand_id) {
        if (!isset($workingRacksData[$cand_id])) {
            $rackData = spotEntity('rack', $cand_id);
            $workingRacksData[$cand_id] = $rackData;
        // It's zero-U mounted to this rack on the form, but not in the DB.  Mount it.
        if (isset($_REQUEST["zerou_{$cand_id}"]) && !in_array($cand_id, $parentRacks)) {
            commitLinkEntities('rack', $cand_id, 'object', $object_id);
        // It's not zero-U mounted to this rack on the form, but it is in the DB.  Unmount it.
        if (!isset($_REQUEST["zerou_{$cand_id}"]) && in_array($cand_id, $parentRacks)) {
            commitUnlinkEntities('rack', $cand_id, 'object', $object_id);
    foreach ($workingRacksData as &$rd) {
        applyObjectMountMask($rd, $object_id);
    $oldMolecule = getMoleculeForObject($object_id);
    foreach ($workingRacksData as $rack_id => $rackData) {
        if (!processGridForm($rackData, 'F', 'T', $object_id)) {
        // Reload our working copy after form processing.
        $rackData = spotEntity('rack', $cand_id);
        applyObjectMountMask($rackData, $object_id);
        $workingRacksData[$rack_id] = $rackData;
    if ($changecnt) {
        // Log a record.
        $newMolecule = getMoleculeForObject($object_id);
        usePreparedInsertBlade('MountOperation', array('object_id' => $object_id, 'old_molecule_id' => count($oldMolecule) ? createMolecule($oldMolecule) : NULL, 'new_molecule_id' => count($newMolecule) ? createMolecule($newMolecule) : NULL, 'user_name' => $remote_username, 'comment' => empty($sic['comment']) ? NULL : $sic['comment']));
    showFuncMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'OK', array($changecnt));