コード例 #1
ファイル: send.php プロジェクト: BackupTheBerlios/domsmod-svn
            } else {
                if (eregi("^/.*", $tampon) && !eregi("^//.*", $tampon)) {
                    $rez = irc($tampon);
                    if (eregi("^Error.*", $rez)) {
                        $to2 = "{$XUSER['NAME']}:PRIV";
                        sendsysmsgto($rez, $to2);
                } else {
                    $msg = eregi_replace("//", "/", $msg);
                    $submsg = codeparse($msg);
                    $submsg = eregi_replace('"', '\\"', $submsg);
                    $submsg .= "<Br>";
                    if ($XUSER['TIMESTAMP'] == 0) {
                        $timestamp = "[";
                        $temp_timestamp = date("g") + $XUSER['OFFSET'];
                        $timestamp .= $temp_timestamp;
                        $timestamp .= date(":i:s");
                        $timestamp .= "]";
                    $submsg = "<font color=\\\"{$CS['YOURNAME']}\\\"><b>{$XUSER['NAME']}{$timestamp}</b>:</font> &nbsp; " . $submsg;
					<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
					if(window.parent.frames['left_mid'].hasrecieved == 1){
コード例 #2
function getmessages($update)
    global $XUSER, $SERVER, $ROOMS, $txt, $messages, $CS;
    $update = $update - 1;
    $update2 = time();
    $messages = 0;
    $xtest = "";
    if ($XUSER['POPUPPM'] != 1) {
        $xtest = "OR room='{$XUSER['NAME']}:PRIV' AND time>{$update} AND time<{$update2}";
    $q = DoQuery("SELECT * FROM {$SERVER['TBL_PREFIX']}messages WHERE time>{$update} AND time<{$update2} AND room='{$ROOMS['IN_ROOM_NAME']}' {$xtest} OR room='*' AND time>{$update} AND time<{$update2} OR room='{$XUSER['NAME']}:PRIV' AND time>{$update} AND time<{$update2} AND user='******' ORDER BY time ASC");
    while ($row = Do_Fetch_Row($q)) {
        $ignore = 0;
        $q1 = DoQuery("SELECT * FROM {$SERVER['TBL_PREFIX']}ignore WHERE user='******'NAME']}' AND toignore='{$row['2']}'");
        $row1 = Do_Fetch_Row($q1);
        if ($row1[0] == "") {
            $messages = 1;
        } else {
            $ignore = 1;
        if ($row[2] == $XUSER['NAME']) {
            $ignore = 1;
        if ($update == 0) {
            $ignore = 0;
        if ($row[5] == "{$XUSER['NAME']}{$txt['255']}" && $update == 0) {
            $ignore = 1;
        if ($ignore != 1) {
            if ($row[4] != 0) {
                if ($row[2] == $XUSER['NAME']) {
                    print "<b><font color=\"{$CS['YOURNAME']}\">{$row['2']}";
                    if ($XUSER['TIMESTAMP'] == 0) {
                        $timestamp = "[";
                        $temp_timestamp = date("g", $row[3]) + $XUSER['OFFSET'];
                        $timestamp .= $temp_timestamp;
                        $timestamp .= date(":i:s", $row[3]);
                        $timestamp .= "]";
                        print "{$timestamp}";
                    print "</b>:</font> &nbsp; ";
                } else {
                    print "<font color=\"{$CS['OTHERNAME']}\"><b>{$row['2']}";
                    if ($XUSER['TIMESTAMP'] == 0) {
                        $timestamp = "[";
                        $temp_timestamp = date("g", $row[3]) + $XUSER['OFFSET'];
                        $timestamp .= $temp_timestamp;
                        $timestamp .= date(":i:s", $row[3]);
                        $timestamp .= "]";
                        print "{$timestamp}";
                    print "";
                    if ($row[1] == "{$XUSER['NAME']}:PRIV") {
                        print "[{$txt['30']}]</b>:</font> &nbsp; ";
                    } else {
                        print "</b>:</font> &nbsp; ";
                echo codeparse($row[5]);
                print "<Br>";
            } else {
                print "&nbsp; <font color=\"{$CS['SYSMSG']}\"><b><i>{$row['5']}</i></b></font><Br>";
コード例 #3
        $body = $txt[420];
    } else {
        $logsize = @filesize("Logs/{$ROOMS['IN_ROOM_NAME']}.log");
        $maxsize = $SERVER['MAXLOG'];
        $percentage = round($logsize / $maxsize * 100);
        if ($percentage == "") {
            $percentage = 0;
        $txt[423] = eregi_replace("%p", "{$percentage}", $txt[423]);
        if ($percentage >= 100) {
            $spaceinfo = $txt[424];
        } else {
            $spaceinfo = $txt[423];
        $log = readLog($ROOMS['IN_ROOM_NAME']);
        $log = codeparse($log);
        $log = eregi_replace("\n", "<Br>", $log);
        $body = "<div align=\"left\">" . $log . "<Br><Br>{$spaceinfo}<Br><Br><a href=\"index.php\">{$txt['6']}</a>";
} elseif ($action == "roomset") {
    $temp = eregi_replace("\\\\'", "'", $ROOMS['IN_ROOM_NAME']);
    $body = "<Br>\n<form action=\"roomcontrol.php\" method=\"post\">\n<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"0\" bgcolor=\"{$CS['3']}\">\n<Tr><td><div align=\"center\">\n<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"2\" bgcolor=\"{$CS['3']}\">\n<tr valign=\"top\">\n<td width=\"150\" bgcolor=\"{$CS['2']}\">{$txt['27']}</td>\n\n<td width=\"350\" bgcolor=\"{$CS['2']}\">{$temp}</td>\n</tr>\n<tr valign=\"top\">\n<td width=\"150\" bgcolor=\"{$CS['2']}\">{$txt['28']}</td>\n<td width=\"350\" bgcolor=\"{$CS['2']}\">\n<select name=\"type\">\n<option value=\"1\"";
    if ($ROOMS['TYPE'] == "Public") {
        $body .= " SELECTED";
    $body .= ">{$txt['29']}</option>";
    if ($PERMISSIONS['CR_Private'] != 1) {
        $body .= "<option value=\"2\"";
        if ($ROOMS['TYPE'] != "Public") {
            $body .= " SELECTED";