コード例 #1
ファイル: bg_hydra.php プロジェクト: tempbottle/Charme
function hunt_postman_fn($job)
    clog("gearman Received hunt_postman command");
    // Send items out
    $col = \App\DB\Get::Collection();
    $res2 = $col->outbox->find();
    // TODO: order by priority
    foreach ($res2 as $resItem) {
        $req21 = new \App\Requests\JSON($resItem["message"]["destination"], $resItem["message"]["source"], $resItem["message"]["payload"]);
        // Remove from collection
        $col->outbox->remove(array("_id" => $resItem["_id"]));
        $req21->send(true, $resItem["priority"], $resItem["tries"]);
コード例 #2
ファイル: Notify.php プロジェクト: tempbottle/Charme
 public static function addNotification($userId, $item)
     $col = \App\DB\Get::Collection();
     $col->users->update(array("userid" => $userId), array('$inc' => array('counter_notify' => 1)));
     $item["owner"] = $userId;
     $item["time"] = new \MongoDate();
     $context = new \ZMQContext();
     // Notifiy events.php which send the notification via web sockets to the client.
     // Send notfication to events.php for push notification to user device.
     $socket = $context->getSocket(\ZMQ::SOCKET_PUSH, 'my pusher');
     $socket->send(json_encode(array("type" => "newNotifications", "owner" => $userId)));
     clog("ADD NOTIGF SENT3");
コード例 #3
ファイル: PublicKeys.php プロジェクト: tempbottle/Charme
 public static function checkX509($object, $pkey)
     //echo 'JSON  JS EXPORTED: {"test":"esr"} vs '.json_encode($object["object"]). "<br><br> SIGNATURE VALUE:". $object["signature"]["hashvalue"]."<br><br>";
     //echo "signature is".($object["signature"]["hashvalue"]);
     // $json = ' {"object":{"test":"esr"},"signature":{"keyRevision":2,"hashvalue":"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"}}';
     clog("sign is: " . hex2bin($object["signature"]["hashvalue"]));
     clog("object is:" . json_encode($object["object"]));
     // JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES is important, as it does not match with the javascript function JSON.stringify otherwise (an will crash signature verification).
     $ok = openssl_verify(json_encode($object["object"], JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES), hex2bin($object["signature"]["hashvalue"]), openssl_pkey_get_public($pkey), "sha1WithRSAEncryption");
     if ($ok == 1) {
         return true;
     } elseif ($ok == 0) {
         return false;
     } else {
         return -1;
コード例 #4
ファイル: JSON.php プロジェクト: tempbottle/Charme
 function send($debug = false, $priority = 1, $tries = 0)
     //clog("SEND PLAYLOAD IS"); clog2($this->payload);
     $dest = explode('@', $this->destination);
     $server = $dest[1];
     $url = $server . "/charme/req.php";
     $data_string = json_encode($this->payload);
     //clog("DATA STRING IS");
     $fields = array('d' => urlencode($data_string), 'receiver' => urlencode($dest[0]), 'sender' => urlencode($this->source));
     $fields_string = "";
     foreach ($fields as $key => $value) {
         $fields_string .= $key . '=' . $value . '&';
     rtrim($fields_string, '&');
     $ch = curl_init();
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, count($fields));
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $fields_string);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 2);
     // 2 seconds timeout, servers have to respond fast!
     // Return result and not status code for curl_exec. This is very important
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
     $result = curl_exec($ch);
     if (curl_errno($ch)) {
         $cha = 0;
         if (isset($ch)) {
             $cha = $ch;
         $this->givePostman($priority, $cha, intval($tries) + 1);
     if ($debug) {
         // Use $plain=true for debugging
         echo str_replace('$', '\\$', $result);
     // Only decode if no local request!!!
     return json_decode($result, true);
コード例 #5
ファイル: log.php プロジェクト: tempbottle/Charme
function clog2($ar, $prefix = "")
    clog($prefix . " " . print_r($ar, true));
コード例 #6
 function execute()
     global $CHARME_SETTINGS;
     // Access Attributes over $_GET[formname]
     $data = $this->data;
     /*$m = new Mongo();
     		$db = $m->charme;
     		$collection = $db->users;
     $arr = array("test" => true);
     $characters = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';
     $randomString = '';
     for ($i = 0; $i < 32; $i++) {
         $randomString .= $characters[rand(0, strlen($characters) - 1)];
      *		Error codes, see jsclient/templates/signup.html:
      *		<div id='error1'>Invalid Registration Code</div>
      *		<div  id='error2'>Invalid characters in username</div>
      *		<div  id='error3'>Username lenght must be between 2 and 30 characters</div>
      *		<div id='error4'>Password lenght must be between 10 and 30 characters</div>
      *		<div id='error5'>Password contains illegal characters</div>
      *		<div id='error6'>Please create a certificate</div>
      *		<div id='error7'>Invalid mail address</div>
      *		<div id='error8'>Invalid server</div>
      *		<div  id='error9'>Name must have between 2 and 30 characters and should not contain special characters</div>
      *		<div  id='error10'>Please accept the terms.</div>
      *		<div  id='error11'>Outdated Charme Client Version. Please update your client software.</div>
      *		error 12: password do not match
      * Validation part:
     if (strlen($data["username"]) < 2 || strlen($data["username"]) > 30) {
         $arr["error"] = 3;
     } else {
         if ($data["rsa"] == "" || !isset($data["rsa"])) {
             $arr["error"] = 6;
     if ($data["pubkey"] == "") {
         // Has to be tested AFTER rsa key test.
         $arr["error"] = 13;
     } else {
         // Insert user into database...
         $arr["success"] = 1;
         // Registration was successful!
         $obj = array("username" => $data["username"], "password" => $data["hashpass"], "userid" => $data["username"] . "@" . $data["server"], "email" => $data["email"], "firstname" => $data["firstname"], "signedData" => $data["signedData"], "lastname" => $data["lastname"], "name" => $data["firstname"] . " " . $data["lastname"], "salt" => $randomString, "publickey" => json_decode($data["pubkey"], true), "keyring" => $data["rsa"]);
         $col = \App\DB\Get::Collection();
         $col->localkeydirectory->insert(array("userid" => $data["username"] . "@" . $data["server"], "publicKey" => json_decode($data["pubkey"], true), "revision" => 1, "pemkey" => $data["pemkey"]));
         // Set session Id
         $_SESSION["charme_userid"] = $data["username"] . "@" . $data["server"];
         // Create some default lists
         $friendListId = \App\CRUD\Lists::CreateList("Friends", $_SESSION["charme_userid"]);
         clog("frid list" . $friendListId);
         $colleagues = \App\CRUD\Lists::CreateList("Colleagues", $_SESSION["charme_userid"]);
         $fellow = \App\CRUD\Lists::CreateList("Fellow students", $_SESSION["charme_userid"]);
         \App\CRUD\Filter::CreateFilterWithList($_SESSION["charme_userid"], "offer", "Local Shop", array($friendListId, $colleagues, $fellow), "This filter shows things your friends and colleagues give away. You can create your own filters by clicking on the plus symbol. ");
         \App\CRUD\Filter::CreateFilterWithList($_SESSION["charme_userid"], "activities", "Activities", array($friendListId), "This filter shows your friends activities. You can create your own filters by clicking on the plus symbol. ");
         \App\CRUD\Collections::Insert($_SESSION["charme_userid"], "Things about me (Public)", "Selfies, Stories and mor of me");
         \App\CRUD\Collections::Insert($_SESSION["charme_userid"], "Music and Videos I like (Public)", "Stuff I like so far...");
     return $arr;
コード例 #7
ファイル: req.php プロジェクト: tempbottle/Charme
 case "collection_delete":
     $col = \App\DB\Get::Collection();
     $realCollectionID = $item["signature"]["object"]["collectionId"];
     if ($col->collections->count(array("owner" => $_SESSION["charme_userid"], "_id" => new MongoId($realCollectionID))) > 0) {
         $col->collections->remove(array("owner" => $_SESSION["charme_userid"], "_id" => new MongoId($realCollectionID)));
         $col->follower->remove(array("collectionId" => new MongoId($realCollectionID)));
         $col->following->remove(array("collectionId" => new MongoId($realCollectionID)));
         //$col->posts->remove(array("collectionId" => new MongoId($item["collectionId"])));
         // TODO: Notify other servers!
         $dbReturn2 = $col->posts->find(array("collectionId" => $realCollectionID));
         foreach ($dbReturn2 as $item_post) {
             $postId = $item_post["_id"];
             // Type is MongoId here
             clog($postId . " is a postId");
             // Delete postkeys
             $col->postkeys->remove(array("postId" => $item_post["_id"]->__toString(), "postOwner" => $_SESSION["charme_userid"]));
             // Delete post local first
         $dbReturn2 = $col->followers->find(array("collectionId" => new MongoId($realCollectionID)));
         foreach ($dbReturn2 as $m_item) {
             // Now we notifiy the followers server
             $data = array("requests" => array(array("id" => "collection_delete_receive", "signature" => $item["signature"], "userId" => $_SESSION["charme_userid"])));
             $req21 = new \App\Requests\JSON($m_item["follower"], $_SESSION["charme_userid"], $data);
             $arr = $req21->givePostman(2);
             // Queue the message. Call Distribute::start() to send it out!
         $returnArray[$action] = array("STATUS" => "OK");
     } else {
コード例 #8
function ok($logfile)
    clog('Form successfully sent', $logfile);
    response(200, 'danke');
コード例 #9
ファイル: sider.php プロジェクト: janerz6/Healty-Bythes

$doctor_id = $_SESSION["user_id"];
$q_get_pacients = "SELECT * FROM patient,doctor,queue WHERE patient.patient_id = queue.patient_id AND doctor.id = queue.doctor_id AND queue.doctor_id = {$doctor_id} ORDER BY queue.wait_idx;";
$res = mysqli_query($dbc, $q_get_pacients);
<div class="sider_label">
	<h4>Waiting patients</h1>
	<button type="button"class="btn btn-success">Next patient</button>	
<ul class="list-group" id="patient_order">	
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res)) {
				<li class="ui-state-default active" id="<?php 
    echo $row['patient_id'];
				  <a href="#" class="onlist_patient list-group-item">
					<h4 class="list-group-item-heading">
						<span class="wait_name"></span>
						<span class="wait_surname"></span>
					<p class="list-group-item-text">
						<span class="wait_age"></span>												
						<span class="wait_gender"></span>	
						<span class="wait_born"></span>