public function showHypothesisUserLabelsInner($sort, $display, $this_user) { // $sort can be "least_likely", "most_likely", "alpha", and "added". global $base_URL; $this->sortHUser($sort, $this_user->id); for ($j = 0; $j < count($this->hypotheses); $j++) { $this_hypothesis = new Hypothesis(); $this_hypothesis->populateFromId($this->hypotheses[$j]); echo '<th '; if (!$display) { echo 'style="display: none;" '; } echo 'class="hypothesis_colgroup_' . $sort . '" onmouseover="return overlib(\'' . cleanForDisplay($this_hypothesis->description) . '\', CAPTION, \'Hypothesis\');" onmouseout="return nd();"><a href="' . $base_URL . 'project/' . $this->id . '/hypothesis/' . $this_hypothesis->id . '">' . $this_hypothesis->label . '</a> '; echo '<br><i>' . $this->hypotheses_rating_scores_users[$this_user->id][$this_hypothesis->id] . '</i></th>'; } }
$this_hypothesis->populateFromId($active_project->hypotheses[$j]); echo '<th class="hypothesis" onmouseover="return overlib(\'' . cleanForDisplay($this_hypothesis->description) . '\', CAPTION, \'Hypothesis\');" onmouseout="return nd();"><a href="' . $base_URL . 'project/' . $active_project->id . '/hypothesis/' . $this_hypothesis->id . '">' . $this_hypothesis->label . '</a> '; $rating_score = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($active_project->evidence); $i++) { $rating = $compare_user_2->getRating($active_project->evidence[$i], $active_project->hypotheses[$j]); $rating_score += getHypoRatingScore($rating); $rating = $compare_user->getRating($active_project->evidence[$i], $active_project->hypotheses[$j]); $rating_score += getHypoRatingScore($rating); } echo '<br><i>' . $rating_score . '</i></th>'; } echo '</tr></thead><tbody>'; for ($i = 0; $i < count($active_project->evidence); $i++) { $this_evidence = new Evidence(); $this_evidence->populateFromId($active_project->evidence[$i]); echo '<tr><td class="evidence" onmouseover="return overlib(\'' . cleanForDisplay($this_evidence->details) . '\', CAPTION, \'Evidence\');" onmouseout="return nd();"><a href="' . $base_URL . 'project/' . $active_project->id . '/evidence/' . $this_evidence->id . '">' . $this_evidence->name . '</a></td>'; ?> <td class="dcDateAdded" style="display: none;"><?php echo $this_evidence->created; ?> </td> <td class="dcDateOfSource" style="display: none;"><?php echo substr($this_evidence->date_of_source, 0, 10); ?> </td> <td class="dcType" style="display: none;"><?php echo $this_evidence->type; ?> </td> <td class="dcCode" style="display: none;"><?php