    			return 870; 
    $ci_defaults['featured_full_height'] = intval($fullwidth_width / 3);
    $ci_defaults['featured_full_use_full'] = 'full';
    if (ci_setting('featured_full_use_full') == 'full') {
        add_image_size('ci_featured_full', $fullwidth_width, intval(ci_setting('featured_full_height')), true);
} else {

	<fieldset id="ci-panel-featured-image-fullwidth" class="set">
    _e('Featured Image - Full Width', 'ci_theme');
		<p class="guide"><?php 
    _e('You can select whether the full width page template (if applicable) will use it\'s own image size, or the same configuration as normal posts and pages. If you select its own size, you can only configure the height of the image, as the width will match the width of the page by default. Please note that if you choose the full width and/or change its height, you will need to regenerate your thumbnails.', 'ci_theme');
    $fullwidth_options = array('full' => __('Full width image', 'ci_theme'), 'single' => __('The same as posts/pages', 'ci_theme'), 'disabled' => _x('Disabled', 'featured image is disabled', 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_dropdown('featured_full_use_full', $fullwidth_options, __('Featured image for Full Width template is', 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_input('featured_full_height', __('Full Width featured image height', 'ci_theme'));

コード例 #2
    // Default values for options go here.
    // $ci_defaults['option_name'] = 'default_value';
    // or
    // load_panel_snippet( 'snippet_name' );
    $ci_defaults['newsletter_action'] = '#';
    $ci_defaults['newsletter_email_id'] = 'e_id';
    $ci_defaults['newsletter_email_name'] = 'e_name';
} else {

	<fieldset class="set">
		<p class="guide"><?php 
    echo sprintf(__('This newsletter form can be used in combination with plugins or online providers such as <a href="%1$s">Campaign Monitor</a> and <a href="%2$s">MailChimp</a>. Please refer to their respective documentation if you need to know what the values of <b>Action</b>, <b>field names</b> and <b>field IDs</b> should be. Please note that if the <b>Action URL</b> is blank, then the form will not be displayed.', 'ci_theme'), 'http://www.campaignmonitor.com', 'http://www.mailchimp.com');
    ci_panel_input('newsletter_action', __('Action URL', 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_input('newsletter_email_id', __('"Email" field ID', 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_input('newsletter_email_name', __('"Email" field name', 'ci_theme'));


コード例 #3
    ci_panel_input('twitter_consumer_key', __('API Key', 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_input('twitter_consumer_secret', __('API Secret', 'ci_theme'), array('input_type' => 'password'));

		<p class="guide"><?php 
    _e('<strong>Step 4:</strong> Under the <em>Your access token</em> label, you will find your <strong>Access token</strong> and <strong>Access token secret</strong>. Paste them below.', 'ci_theme');
    ci_panel_input('twitter_access_token', __('Access Token', 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_input('twitter_access_token_secret', __('Access Token Secret', 'ci_theme'), array('input_type' => 'password'));

		<p class="guide"><?php 
    echo sprintf(__('Twitter.com places <a href="%s">limits on the number of requests</a> that you are allowed to make. As multiple -=CI Tweets=- widgets count as discreet requests, and each pageview triggers those requests, we have placed a caching mechanism so that you don\'t reach those limits. For normal use (one widget per page), an update period of one minute should be fine. If you have more than one widget instances, you might need to increase that number.', 'ci_theme'), 'https://dev.twitter.com/docs/rate-limiting/1.1/limits');
    ci_panel_input('twitter_caching_seconds', __('Tweets update period in seconds (min: 60)', 'ci_theme'));

コード例 #4
		<fieldset id="flexslider-slider-autoslide">
    ci_panel_checkbox('slider_autoslide', 'enabled', __('Enable auto-slide', 'ci_theme'));
		<fieldset id="flexslider-slider-effect">
    $slider_effects = array('fade' => _x('Fade', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'slide' => _x('Slide', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_dropdown('slider_effect', $slider_effects, __('Slider Effect', 'ci_theme'));
		<fieldset id="flexslider-slider-direction">
    $slider_direction = array('horizontal' => _x('Horizontal', 'slider direction', 'ci_theme'), 'vertical' => _x('Vertical', 'slider direction', 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_dropdown('slider_direction', $slider_direction, __('Slide Direction (only for <b>Slide</b> effect)', 'ci_theme'));
		<fieldset id="flexslider-slider-speed">
    ci_panel_input('slider_speed', __('Slideshow speed in milliseconds (smaller number means faster)', 'ci_theme'));
		<fieldset id="flexslider-slider-duration">
    ci_panel_input('slider_duration', __('Animation duration in milliseconds (smaller number means faster)', 'ci_theme'));
コード例 #5
        $key = '';
        if (ci_setting('google_maps_api_key')) {
            $key = 'key=' . ci_setting('google_maps_api_key') . '&';
        $google_url = "//maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?" . $key . "v=3.5&sensor=false";
        wp_register_script('google-maps', $google_url, array(), null, false);
} else {

	<fieldset id="ci-panel-google-maps-api" class="set">
		<p class="guide"><?php 
    _e('The Google Maps API must be loaded only once in each page. Since many plugins may try to load it as well, you might want to disable it from the theme to avoid potential errors.', 'ci_theme');
    ci_panel_checkbox('google_maps_api_enable', 'on', __('Load Google Maps API.', 'ci_theme'));

		<p class="guide"><?php 
    echo sprintf(__('Enter here your Google Maps API Key. While your maps will be displayed at first without an API key, if you get a lot of visits to your site (more than 25.000 per day currently), the maps might stop working. In that case, you need to issue a key from <a href="%s">Google Accounts</a>', 'ci_theme'), 'https://code.google.com/apis/console/');
    ci_panel_input('google_maps_api_key', __('Google Maps API Key', 'ci_theme'));

コード例 #6
ファイル: seo.php プロジェクト: sbhambad/TimousDemo
        echo sprintf(__('The <b>%s</b> plugin was detected. Please use the <b>Automatic title</b> setting.', 'ci_theme'), $seo_plugin);
    _e('Use the following on the &lt;title> tag', 'ci_theme');
    ci_panel_radio('use_ci_head_title', 'use_auto_title', 'auto', __('Automatic title', 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_radio('use_ci_head_title', 'use_ci_title', 'enabled', __("Use the theme's default title", 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_radio('use_ci_head_title', 'use_wp_title', 'disabled', __("Use pure WordPress function ( wp_title('') )", 'ci_theme'));

			<p class="guide mt20"><?php 
    _e('The title separator is inserted between various elements within the title tag of each page. Leading and trailing spaces are automatically inserted where appropriate. This only applies when the option "Use the theme\'s default title" above is selected.', 'ci_theme');
    ci_panel_input('title_separator', __('Title separator', 'ci_theme'));

コード例 #7

	<fieldset class="set">
		<p class="guide"><?php 
    _e('Set how many products per page should be displayed on product listing pages (e.g. shop page, category pages, etc). Use <strong>-1</strong> for no limit.', 'ci_theme');
    ci_panel_input('eshop_posts_per_page', __('Products per page', 'ci_theme'));

		<p class="guide"><?php 
    _e('Set additional numbers for viewing more products in product listing pages (e.g. shop page).', 'ci_theme');

    ci_panel_input('eshop_products_view_first', __('First selection (single number, e.g. 20):', 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_input('eshop_products_view_second', __('Second selection (single number, e.g. 50):', 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_checkbox('eshop_products_view_all', 'enabled', __('Enable View All Products Option?', 'ci_theme'));

コード例 #8
    ci_panel_checkbox('slider_autoslide', 'enabled', __('Enable auto-slide', 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_input('slider_timeout', __('Auto-slide timeout (milliseconds)', 'ci_theme'));
    $slider_effects = array('none' => _x('None', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'cover' => _x('Cover', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'uncover' => _x('Uncover', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'fade' => _x('Fade', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'fadeZoom' => _x('Fade Zoom', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'shuffle' => _x('Shuffle', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'toss' => _x('Toss', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'wipe' => _x('Wipe', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'zoom' => _x('Zoom', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'scrollVert' => _x('Scroll Vertically', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'scrollHorz' => _x('Scroll Horizontally', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'scrollLeft' => _x('Scroll Left', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'scrollRight' => _x('Scroll Right', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'scrollUp' => _x('Scroll Up', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'scrollDown' => _x('Scroll Down', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'blindX' => _x('Blind X', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'blindY' => _x('Blind Y', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'blindZ' => _x('Blind Z', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'curtainX' => _x('Curtain X', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'curtainY' => _x('Curtain Y', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'growX' => _x('Grow X', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'growY' => _x('Grow Y', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'slideX' => _x('Slide X', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'slideY' => _x('Slide Y', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'turnUp' => _x('Turn Up', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'turnDown' => _x('Turn Down', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'turnLeft' => _x('Turn Left', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'turnRight' => _x('Turn Right', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_dropdown('slider_effect', $slider_effects, __('Slider Effect', 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_input('slider_speed', __('Slideshow speed in milliseconds (smaller number means faster)', 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_checkbox('slider_sync', 'enabled', __('Enable synchronized sliding', 'ci_theme'));
コード例 #9
    ci_panel_radio('preview_content', 'use_content', 'enabled', __('Use the Content', 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_radio('preview_content', 'use_excerpt', 'disabled', __('Use the Excerpt', 'ci_theme'));

		<fieldset id="ci-panel-excerpt-read-more">
			<p class="guide mt10"><?php 
    _e('You can set what the Read More text will be. This applies to both the Content and the Excerpt.', 'ci_theme');
    ci_panel_input('read_more_text', __('Read More text', 'ci_theme'));

		<fieldset id="ci-panel-excerpt-excerpt-options">
			<p class="guide mt10"><?php 
    _e('You can define how long the Excerpt will be (in words). You can also set the text that appears when the excerpt is auto-generated and is automatically cut-off. These options only apply to the Excerpt.', 'ci_theme');
    ci_panel_input('excerpt_length', __('Excerpt length (in words)', 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_input('excerpt_text', __('Excerpt auto cut-off text', 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_checkbox('excerpt_link_cutoff', 'on', __('Link cut-off text to permalink', 'ci_theme'));
コード例 #10
		<p class="guide">
    echo sprintf(__('Control whether you want the featured image of each post to be displayed when viewing that post\'s page. The featured image can be shown/hidden on each individual post type, with common dimensions. You can define its width and height <em>(defaults to the content width, currently: %d pixels)</em>, and whether you want it aligned on the left, right or middle of the page.', 'ci_theme'), $content_width);
    echo " ";
    _e('Note that if you change the width and/or the height of the featured images, you will need to regenerate all your thumbnails using an appropriate plugin, such as the <a href="https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/regenerate-thumbnails/" target="_blank">Regenerate Thumbnails</a> plugin, otherwise your images may appear distorted.', 'ci_theme');
    $thumb_types = ci_cpt_with_featured_image();
    foreach ($thumb_types as $post_type) {
        $obj = get_post_type_object($post_type);
        ci_panel_checkbox('featured_single_' . $post_type . '_show', 'enabled', sprintf(__('Show featured images on <em>%s</em>', 'ci_theme'), $obj->labels->name));
		<fieldset class="mt10">
    ci_panel_input('featured_single_width', __('Featured image Width', 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_input('featured_single_height', __('Featured image Height', 'ci_theme'));
    $align_options = array('alignnone' => __('None', 'ci_theme'), 'alignleft' => __('Left', 'ci_theme'), 'aligncenter' => __('Center', 'ci_theme'), 'alignright' => __('Right', 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_dropdown('featured_single_align', $align_options, __('Featured image alignment', 'ci_theme'));
コード例 #11

	<fieldset class="set">
    _e('Galleries', 'ci_theme');
		<p class="guide"><?php 
    _e('These settings affect the behaviour of the taxonomy listing pages (i.e. NOT listings created with a page template).', 'ci_theme');
    $options = array();
    for ($i = 1; $i <= 4; $i++) {
        $options[$i] = sprintf(_n('1 Column', '%s Columns', $i, 'ci_theme'), $i);
    ci_panel_dropdown('galleries_columns', $options, __('Galleries listing columns:', 'ci_theme'));
		<fieldset class="mt20 mb20">
    ci_panel_checkbox('galleries_isotope', 'on', __('Enable category filters (isotope effect).', 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_checkbox('galleries_masonry', 'on', __('Enable masonry layout.', 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_input('galleries_per_page', __('Number of galleries per page:', 'ci_theme'));

コード例 #12
    // Default values for options go here.
    // $ci_defaults['option_name'] = 'default_value';
    // or
    // load_panel_snippet( 'snippet_name' );
    $ci_defaults['front_video_posts'] = '4';
    $ci_defaults['front_normal_posts'] = '3';
} else {

	<fieldset class="set">
		<p class="guide"><?php 
    _e("Set how many normal and how many video posts to appear on the homepage. As the video posts are displayed in two columns, it's recommended that you set a multiple of 2 (e.g. 4, 6, 8, etc).", 'ci_theme');
    ci_panel_input('front_video_posts', __('Number of video posts', 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_input('front_normal_posts', __('Number of normal posts', 'ci_theme'));


コード例 #13
    $ci_defaults['archive_year'] = 'enabled';
} else {

	<fieldset id="ci-panel-archive">
    _e('Archive', 'ci_theme');
		<fieldset class="set">
			<p class="guide"><?php 
    _e('The number of the latest posts displayed in the archive page.', 'ci_theme');
    ci_panel_input('archive_no', __('Number of latest posts', 'ci_theme'));
			<p class="guide"><?php 
    _e('Use the following options to display various types of archives.', 'ci_theme');
    ci_panel_checkbox('archive_week', 'enabled', __('Display weekly archive', 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_checkbox('archive_month', 'enabled', __('Display monthly archive', 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_checkbox('archive_year', 'enabled', __('Display yearly archive', 'ci_theme'));
コード例 #14

        ci_panel_checkbox('bg_f_custom_disabled', 'enabled', __('Disable custom footer background', 'ci_theme'), array('input_class' => 'check toggle-button'));

			<div class="toggle-pane">
				<fieldset class="set">
					<p class="guide"><?php 
        _e("You can set the footer's background color of the page here. This option overrides the footer's background color set by the Color Scheme Option (if any), so leave it empty if you want the default. You may select a color using the color picker (pops up when you click on the input box), or enter its hex number in the input box (including a leading #).", 'ci_theme');
        ci_panel_input('bg_f_color', __("Footer's Background Color", 'ci_theme'), array('input_class' => 'colorpckr'));
				<fieldset class="set">
					<p class="guide"><?php 
        _e("When this option is checked, the footer's background image is disabled, whether it's set by the default stylesheets or by you, from the option below.", 'ci_theme');
        ci_panel_checkbox('bg_f_image_disable', 'enabled', __("Disable footer's background image", 'ci_theme'));
コード例 #15
ファイル: audio_options.php プロジェクト: sbhambad/TimousDemo
    ci_panel_checkbox('music_player_autoplay', 'on', __('Enable autoplay on page load?', 'ci_theme'));
	<fieldset class="set">
		<p class="guide"><?php 
    _e('Both Icecast and Shoutcast streams are supported by the player, however you need to find the appropriate stream URL that points to your actual stream, and not a .pls file. If your stream URL contains an IP or it does not seem to work, add a semicolon at the end, e.g. ";".', 'ci_theme');

    ci_panel_input('music_player_stream_url', __('Stream URL:', 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_input('music_player_stream_name', __('Stream Name:', 'ci_theme'));

		<fieldset class="set">
			<p class="guide"><?php 
    _e('You can enable fetching and display of the current playing song from your server. Please note that this is an experimental feature and specifically requires a SHOUTcast server version 2.0 or higher, and your Stream URL to be in the form of IP:port (e.g.; or similar). If your server does not meet the above requirements it is highly advised to keep this option turned off.', 'ci_theme');
    ci_panel_checkbox('music_player_display_current_track', 'on', __('Show the current playing song.', 'ci_theme'));


コード例 #16
    ci_panel_input('read_more_text_cpt_event', __("Events' button text:", 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_input('read_more_text_cpt_discography', __("Discographies' button text:", 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_input('read_more_text_cpt_artist', __("Artists' button text:", 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_input('read_more_text_cpt_gallery', __("Galleries' button text:", 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_input('read_more_text_cpt_video', __("Videos' button text:", 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_input('read_more_text_product', __("Products' button text (requires WooCommerce):", 'ci_theme'));

	<fieldset class="set">
    _e('Section titles', 'ci_theme');
		<p class="guide"><?php 
    _e('Set the titles for the various sections of your website. These titles appear on your blog and post type archives (i.e. NOT listings created with a page template).', 'ci_theme');
    ci_panel_input('title_blog', __('Blog section title:', 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_input('title_discography', __('Discography section title:', 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_input('title_videos', __('Videos section title:', 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_input('title_galleries', __('Galleries section title:', 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_input('title_artists', __('Artists section title:', 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_input('title_events', __('Events section title:', 'ci_theme'));
