コード例 #1
ファイル: cron.php プロジェクト: toXel/churchtools_basic
 * main cron function
 * @return string
function cron_main()
    global $config;
    // always send reminders and reminders
    if (getVar("standby")) {
        // email with feedback image
        if ($id = getVar("mailqueue_id")) {
            db_query("UPDATE {cc_mail_queue} \n                SET reading_count = reading_count + 1 \n                WHERE id=:id", array(":id" => $id));
        // Check if it's time to do a normal cron job
        if (getConf("cronjob_delay") > 0) {
            $last_cron = db_query("SELECT value old,  UNIX_TIMESTAMP() act \n                             FROM {cc_config} \n                             WHERE name='last_cron'")->fetch();
            if ($last_cron) {
                if ($last_cron->act - $config["cronjob_delay"] > $last_cron->old) {
                    db_query("UPDATE {cc_config} \n                    SET VALUE= UNIX_TIMESTAMP() \n                    WHERE name='last_cron'");
        header('Content-Type: image/gif');
        //tiniest transparent GIF, credit: http://probablyprogramming.com/2009/03/15/the-tiniest-gif-ever
    } else {
        if (getVar("manual")) {
            return " ";
コード例 #2
ファイル: cron.php プロジェクト: lhaselauer/churchtools_basic
function cron_main()
    global $config;
    // Mails sollen jedes mal gesendet werden!
    if (isset($_GET["standby"])) {
        // E-Mail with feedback image
        if (isset($_GET["mailqueue_id"])) {
            db_query("update {cc_mail_queue} set reading_count=reading_count+1 where id=:id", array(":id" => $_GET["mailqueue_id"]));
        // Check if is time to do a normal cron job
        if (isset($config["cronjob_delay"]) && $config["cronjob_delay"] > 0) {
            $last_cron = db_query("select value old,  UNIX_TIMESTAMP() act from {cc_config} where name='last_cron'")->fetch();
            if ($last_cron != false) {
                if ($last_cron->act - $config["cronjob_delay"] > $last_cron->old) {
                    db_query("update {cc_config} set value= UNIX_TIMESTAMP() where name='last_cron'");
            } else {
                db_query("insert into {cc_config} (name, value) values ('last_cron', UNIX_TIMESTAMP())");
        header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');
        echo file_get_contents(ASSETS . '/img/1x1.png');
    } else {
        if (isset($_GET["manual"])) {
            return " ";
コード例 #3
function login_main()
    global $q, $config;
    $txt = "";
    if (isset($config["admin_message"]) && $config["admin_message"] != "") {
    if (isset($_GET["message"]) && $_GET["message"] != "") {
    // Sicherstellen, dass keiner eingelogt ist!
    if (!userLoggedIn()) {
        if (isset($config["login_message"])) {
            addInfoMessage($config["login_message"], true);
        $model = new CTForm("LoginForm", "prooveLogin", "Login");
        $model->setHeader(t("login.headline"), t("please.fill.following.fields"));
        $model->addField("email", "", "INPUT_REQUIRED", t("email.or.username"), true);
        $model->addField("password", "", "PASSWORD", t("password"));
        if (!isset($config["show_remember_me"]) || $config["show_remember_me"] == 1) {
            $model->addField("rememberMe", "", "CHECKBOX", t("remember.me"));
        $model->addButton(t("login"), "ok");
        if (isset($_GET["newpwd"])) {
            $res = db_query("select count(*) c from {cdb_person} where email='" . $_GET["email"] . "' and archiv_yn=0")->fetch();
            if ($_GET["email"] == "" || $res->c == 0) {
                $txt .= '<div class="alert alert-error"><p>Bitte ein g&uuml;ltige EMail-Adresse angeben, 
          an die das neue Passwort gesendet werden kann! 
          Diese Adresse muss im System schon eingerichtet sein.
          <p>Falls die E-Mail-Adresse schon eingerichtet sein sollte, 
          wende Dich bitte an <a href="' . variable_get("site_mail") . '">' . variable_get("site_mail") . '</a>.</div>';
            } else {
                $newpwd = random_string(8);
                $scrambled_password = scramble_password($newpwd);
                db_query("update {cdb_person} set password='******' where email='" . $_GET["email"] . "'");
                $content = "<h3>Hallo!</h3><p>Ein neues Passwort wurde f&uuml;r die E-Mail-Adresse <i>" . $_GET["email"] . "</i> angefordert: {$newpwd}";
                churchcore_systemmail($_GET["email"], "[" . variable_get('site_name') . "] Neues Passwort", $content, true, 1);
                $txt .= '<div class="alert alert-info">Hinweis: Ein neues Passwort wurde nun an <i>' . $_GET["email"] . '</i> gesendet.</div>';
                ct_log("Neues Passwort angefordert " . $_GET["email"], 2, "-1", "login");
        } else {
            if (isset($_POST["email"]) && isset($_POST["password"]) && isset($_POST["directtool"])) {
                include_once CHURCHCORE . "/churchcore_db.php";
                $sql = "select * from {cdb_person} where email=:email and active_yn=1 and archiv_yn=0";
                $res = db_query($sql, array(":email" => $_POST["email"]))->fetch();
                if ($res == false) {
                    drupal_json_output(jsend()->fail("Unbekannte E-Mail-Adresse"));
                } else {
                    if (user_check_password($_POST["password"], $res)) {
                        ct_log("Login durch Direct-Tool " . $_POST["directtool"] . " mit " . $_POST["email"], 2, "-1", "login");
                    } else {
                        drupal_json_output(jsend()->fail("Falsches Passwort"));
            } else {
                if (isset($_GET["loginstr"]) && $_GET["loginstr"] != "" && isset($_GET["id"])) {
                    // L�sche alte cc_loginurrls die �lter sind als 14 tage
                    db_query("delete from {cc_loginstr} where DATEDIFF( current_date, create_date ) > 13");
                    $sql = "select * from {cc_loginstr} where loginstr=:loginstr and person_id=:id";
                    $res = db_query($sql, array(":loginstr" => $_GET["loginstr"], ":id" => $_GET["id"]))->fetch();
                    if ($res == false) {
                        $txt .= '<div class="alert alert-info">Fehler: Der verwendete Login-Link ist nicht mehr aktuell und kann deshalb nicht mehr verwendet werden. Bitte mit E-Mail-Adresse und Passwort anmelden!</div>';
                    } else {
                        // Nehme den LoginStr heraus, damit er nicht mi�braucht werden kann.
                        $sql = "delete from {cc_loginstr} where loginstr=:loginstr and person_id=:id";
                        $res = db_query($sql, array(":loginstr" => $_GET["loginstr"], ":id" => $_GET["id"]));
                        ct_log("Login User " . $_GET["id"] . " erfolgreich mit loginstr ", 2, "-1", "login");
                        $res = churchcore_getPersonById($_GET["id"]);
        $txt .= $model->render();
        $txt .= '<script>jQuery("#newpwd").click(function(k,a) {
         if (confirm("' . t('want.to.receive.new.password') . '")) {
           window.location.href="?newpwd=true&email="+jQuery("#LoginForm_email").val()+"&q=' . $q . '";
    } else {
        // Wenn man sich ummelden m�chte und zur Familie geh�rt (also gleiche E-Mail-Adresse)
        if (isset($_GET["family_id"])) {
            if (isset($_SESSION["family"][$_GET["family_id"]])) {
                $txt .= '<div class="alert alert-info">Ummelden erfolgreich! Du arbeitest nun mit der Berechtigung von ' . $_SESSION["user"]->vorname . ' ' . $_SESSION["user"]->name . '.</div>';
            } else {
                $txt .= '<div class="alert alert-info">Ummelden zu Id:' . $_GET["family_id"] . ' hat nicht funktioniert, Session ist leer!</div>';
        } else {
            $txt .= '<div class="alert alert-info"><i>Hinweis:</i> Du bist angemeldet als ' . $_SESSION["user"]->vorname . ', weiter geht es <a href="?q=home">hier</a>!</div>';
    return $txt;
コード例 #4
ファイル: login.php プロジェクト: toXel/churchtools_basic
function login__newpwd()
    $txt = "";
    if ($email = getVar("email")) {
        $res = db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) c FROM {cdb_person}\n                     WHERE email=:email AND archiv_yn=0", array(':email' => $email))->fetch();
        if ($res->c == 0) {
            $txt .= '
      <div class="alert alert-error">
          <p>' . t('login.error.longtext', '<a href="mailto:' . getConf("site_mail") . '">' . getConf("site_mail") . '</a>') . '
        } else {
            $newpwd = random_string(8);
            // TODO: not needed to send passwords by email, use one time login key instead
            // TODO: use email template
            $scrambled_password = scramble_password($newpwd);
            db_query("UPDATE {cdb_person}\n                SET password='******'\n                WHERE email=:email", array(':email' => $email));
            $content = "<h3>" . t('hello') . "</h3>\n        <p>" . t('new.password.requested.for.x.is.y', "<i>{$email}</i>", $newpwd) . "</p>";
            churchcore_systemmail($email, "[" . getConf('site_name') . "] Neues Passwort", $content, true, 1);
            $txt .= '<div class="alert alert-info">' . t('new.password.was.sent.to.x', "<i>{$email}</i>") . '</div>';
            ct_log("Neues Passwort angefordert: {$email}", 2, "-1", "login");
    } else {
        return "No email in parameter";
    $txt .= '<a href="?q=login&email=' . $email . '" class="btn">' . t("back.to.login") . '</a>';
    return $txt;