コード例 #1
function update_data($f)
    $new_f = str_replace(".csv", "_FAAA.csv", $f);
    //echo ($new_f)."<br>";
    $fr = fopen($f, 'r');
    $fw = fopen($new_f, 'w');
    $total = 0;
    $touteslettres = "";
    while (!feof($fr)) {
        $l = fgets($fr);
        $ar_l = explode(";", $l);
        if (is_numeric($ar_l[0])) {
            //echo "processing line ".$l."<br />";
            $cf = $ar_l[5] / 100;
            $debut = mysqldateformat($ar_l[6]);
            $fin = mysqldateformat($ar_l[7]);
            $days = (strtotime($fin) - strtotime($debut)) / 86400;
            $months = round($days / 30);
            $ar_l[8] = "DP";
            $ar_l[9] = $months;
            $ar_l[10] = 1600 * $cf;
            $ar_l[11] = $months * 1600 * $cf;
            $ar_l[12] = 0;
            $ar_l[13] = $ar_l[11];
            $ar_l[14] = 0;
            $ar_l[15] = 0;
            $ar_l[16] = $ar_l[11];
            $total += $ar_l[16];
            $touteslettres = chiffre_en_lettre($total);
            $l = join(";", $ar_l);
            fwrite($fw, $l);
            $cps = $ar_l[1];
            if ($ar_l[5] == "100") {
                $status = 15;
            } else {
                $status = 16;
            update_enfant($cps, $status, $fin);
        } else {
            if (substr($l, 0, 3) == ";;;") {
                $l = str_replace("Total;;", "Total;{$total};", $l);
                $l = str_replace("(en toutes lettres) :", "(en toutes lettres) : {$touteslettres}", $l);
                fwrite($fw, $l);
            } else {
                //echo "ignoring line ".$l."<br />";
                fwrite($fw, $l);
    output_file($new_f, substr($new_f, 4), "csv");
コード例 #2
  *  Write the object to document file to disk
  *	@param	Don			$don	        Donation object
  *  @param  Translate	$outputlangs    Lang object for output language
  *	@return	int             			>0 if OK, <0 if KO
 function write_file($don, $outputlangs)
     global $user, $conf, $langs, $mysoc;
     $now = dol_now();
     $id = !is_object($don) ? $don : '';
     if (!is_object($outputlangs)) {
         $outputlangs = $langs;
     if (!empty($conf->don->dir_output)) {
         // Definition of the object don (for upward compatibility)
         if (!is_object($don)) {
             $don = new Don($this->db);
             $ret = $don->fetch($id);
             $id = $don->id;
         // Definition of $dir and $file
         if (!empty($don->specimen)) {
             $dir = $conf->don->dir_output;
             $file = $dir . "/SPECIMEN.html";
         } else {
             $donref = dol_sanitizeFileName($don->ref);
             $dir = $conf->don->dir_output . "/" . $donref;
             $file = $dir . "/" . $donref . ".html";
         if (!file_exists($dir)) {
             if (dol_mkdir($dir) < 0) {
                 $this->error = $langs->trans("ErrorCanNotCreateDir", $dir);
                 return -1;
         if (file_exists($dir)) {
             $formclass = new Form($this->db);
             // This is not the proper way to do it but $formclass->form_modes_reglement
             // prints the translation instead of returning it
             if ($don->modepaiementid) {
                 $paymentmode = $formclass->cache_types_paiements[$don->modepaiementid]['label'];
             } else {
                 $paymentmode = '';
             if ($don->modepaiementid == 7) {
                 $ModePaiement = '<td width="25%"><input type="checkbox"> Remise d\'espèces</td><td width="25%"><input type="checkbox" disabled="true" checked="checked"> Chèque</td><td width="50%"><input type="checkbox"> Virement, prélèvement, carte bancaire</td>';
             } else {
                 if ($don->modepaiementid == 4) {
                     $ModePaiement = '<td width="25%"><input type="checkbox" checked="checked"> Remise d\'espèces</td><td width="25%"><input type="checkbox"> Chèque</td><td width="50%"><input type="checkbox"> Virement, prélèvement, carte bancaire</td>';
                 } else {
                     if ($don->modepaiementid == 2 or $don->modepaiementid == 3 or $don->modepaiementid == 6) {
                         $ModePaiement = '<td width="25%"><input type="checkbox"> Remise d\'espèces</td><td width="25%"><input type="checkbox"> Chèque</td><td width="50%"><input type="checkbox" checked="checked"> Virement, prélèvement, carte bancaire</td>';
                     } else {
                         $ModePaiement = '<td width="25%"><input type="checkbox"> Remise d\'espèces</td><td width="25%"><input type="checkbox"> Chèque</td><td width="50%"><input type="checkbox"> Virement, prélèvement, carte bancaire</td>';
             if (empty($don->societe)) {
                 $CodeDon = '<td width="33%"><input type="checkbox" disabled="true" checked="checked" > 200 du CGI</td><td width="33%"><input type="checkbox" disabled="true" > 238 bis du CGI</td><td width="33%"><input type="checkbox" disabled="true" > 885-0 V bis A du CGI</td>';
             } else {
                 $CodeDon = '<td width="33%"><input type="checkbox" disabled="true" > 200 du CGI</td><td width="33%"><input type="checkbox" disabled="true" checked="checked" > 238 bis du CGI</td><td width="33%"><input type="checkbox" disabled="true" > 885-0 V bis A du CGI</td>';
             // Define contents
             $donmodel = DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . "/core/modules/dons/html_cerfafr.html";
             $form = implode('', file($donmodel));
             $form = str_replace('__REF__', $don->id, $form);
             $form = str_replace('__DATE__', dol_print_date($don->date, 'day', false, $outputlangs), $form);
             //$form = str_replace('__IP__',$user->ip,$form); // TODO $user->ip not exist
             $form = str_replace('__AMOUNT__', $don->amount, $form);
             $form = str_replace('__AMOUNTLETTERS__', chiffre_en_lettre($don->amount), $form);
             $form = str_replace('__CURRENCY__', $outputlangs->transnoentitiesnoconv("Currency" . $conf->currency), $form);
             $form = str_replace('__CURRENCYCODE__', $conf->currency, $form);
             $form = str_replace('__MAIN_INFO_SOCIETE_NOM__', $mysoc->name, $form);
             $form = str_replace('__MAIN_INFO_SOCIETE_ADDRESS__', $mysoc->address, $form);
             $form = str_replace('__MAIN_INFO_SOCIETE_ZIP__', $mysoc->zip, $form);
             $form = str_replace('__MAIN_INFO_SOCIETE_TOWN__', $mysoc->town, $form);
             $form = str_replace('__MAIN_INFO_SOCIETE_OBJECT__', $mysoc->object, $form);
             $form = str_replace('__DONATOR_FIRSTNAME__', $don->firstname, $form);
             $form = str_replace('__DONATOR_LASTNAME__', $don->lastname, $form);
             $form = str_replace('__DONATOR_SOCIETE__', $don->societe, $form);
             $form = str_replace('__DONATOR_STATUT__', $don->statut, $form);
             $form = str_replace('__DONATOR_ADDRESS__', $don->address, $form);
             $form = str_replace('__DONATOR_ZIP__', $don->zip, $form);
             $form = str_replace('__DONATOR_TOWN__', $don->town, $form);
             $form = str_replace('__PAYMENTMODE_LIB__ ', $paymentmode, $form);
             $form = str_replace('__ModePaiement__', $ModePaiement, $form);
             $form = str_replace('__NOW__', dol_print_date($now, 'day', false, $outputlangs), $form);
             $form = str_replace('__DonationRef__', $outputlangs->trans("DonationRef"), $form);
             $form = str_replace('__DonationTitle__', $outputlangs->trans("DonationTitle"), $form);
             $form = str_replace('__DonationReceipt__', $outputlangs->trans("DonationReceipt"), $form);
             $form = str_replace('__DonationRecipient__', $outputlangs->trans("DonationRecipient"), $form);
             $form = str_replace('__DonationDatePayment__', $outputlangs->trans("DonationDatePayment"), $form);
             $form = str_replace('__PaymentMode__', $outputlangs->trans("PaymentMode"), $form);
             $form = str_replace('__CodeDon__', $CodeDon, $form);
             $form = str_replace('__Name__', $outputlangs->trans("Name"), $form);
             $form = str_replace('__Address__', $outputlangs->trans("Address"), $form);
             $form = str_replace('__Zip__', $outputlangs->trans("Zip"), $form);
             $form = str_replace('__Town__', $outputlangs->trans("Town"), $form);
             $form = str_replace('__Object__', $outputlangs->trans("Object"), $form);
             $form = str_replace('__Donor__', $outputlangs->trans("Donor"), $form);
             $form = str_replace('__Date__', $outputlangs->trans("Date"), $form);
             $form = str_replace('__Signature__', $outputlangs->trans("Signature"), $form);
             $form = str_replace('__Message__', $outputlangs->trans("Message"), $form);
             $form = str_replace('__IConfirmDonationReception__', $outputlangs->trans("IConfirmDonationReception"), $form);
             $form = str_replace('__DonationMessage__', $conf->global->DONATION_MESSAGE, $form);
             $frencharticle = '';
             if (preg_match('/fr/i', $outputlangs->defaultlang)) {
                 $frencharticle = '<font size="+1">Article 200, 238 bis et 885-0 V bis A du code général des impôts (CGI)</font>';
             $form = str_replace('__FrenchArticle__', $frencharticle, $form);
             $frencheligibility = '';
             if (preg_match('/fr/i', $outputlangs->defaultlang)) {
                 $frencheligibility = 'Le bénéficiaire certifie sur l\'honneur que les dons et versements qu\'il reçoit ouvrent droit à la réduction d\'impôt prévue à l\'article :';
             $form = str_replace('__FrenchEligibility__', $frencheligibility, $form);
             $art200 = '';
             if (preg_match('/fr/i', $outputlangs->defaultlang)) {
                 if ($conf->global->DONATION_ART200 >= 1) {
                     $art200 = '<input type="checkbox" disabled="true" checked="checked" >200 du CGI';
                 } else {
                     $art200 = '<input type="checkbox" disabled="true">200 du CGI';
             $form = str_replace('__ARTICLE200__', $art200, $form);
             $art238 = '';
             if (preg_match('/fr/i', $outputlangs->defaultlang)) {
                 if ($conf->global->DONATION_ART238 >= 1) {
                     $art238 = '<input type="checkbox" disabled="true" checked="checked" >238 bis du CGI';
                 } else {
                     $art238 = '<input type="checkbox" disabled="true">238 bis du CGI';
             $form = str_replace('__ARTICLE238__', $art238, $form);
             $art885 = '';
             if (preg_match('/fr/i', $outputlangs->defaultlang)) {
                 if ($conf->global->DONATION_ART885 >= 1) {
                     $art885 = '<input type="checkbox" disabled="true" checked="checked" >885-0 V bis du CGI';
                 } else {
                     $art885 = '<input type="checkbox" disabled="true">885-0 V bis du CGI';
             $form = str_replace('__ARTICLE885__', $art885, $form);
             // Save file on disk
             dol_syslog("html_cerfafr::write_file {$file}");
             $handle = fopen($file, "w");
             fwrite($handle, $form);
             if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_UMASK)) {
                 @chmod($file, octdec($conf->global->MAIN_UMASK));
             return 1;
         } else {
             $this->error = $langs->trans("ErrorCanNotCreateDir", $dir);
             return 0;
     } else {
         $this->error = $langs->trans("ErrorConstantNotDefined", "DON_OUTPUTDIR");
         return 0;
     $this->error = $langs->trans("ErrorUnknown");
     return 0;
     // Error by default