コード例 #1
$strregion[21] = "CN";
$strregion[22] = "US";
$strregion[23] = "EU";
$auth_moren = 0;
if ($logincheck == 0) {
    $authaddbyservererrorid = 3;
} else {
    if (check_data("letters_code")) {
        $postcode = db_iconv("letters_code");
        if (md5(strtolower($postcode)) == $_SESSION['letters_code']) {
            if (check_data('authname') && check_data('region') && check_data('selectpic')) {
                $region = db_iconv('region', "post", TRUE, true);
                $authname = db_iconv('authname', "post", TRUE, true);
                $selectpic = db_iconv('selectpic', "post", TRUE, true);
                if (checkauthname($authname) && checkauthregion($region) && checkauthselectpic($selectpic)) {
                    $region = $strregion[$region];
                    try {
                        $auth = @Authenticator::generate($region);
                        $authserial = $auth->serial();
                        $authserect = $auth->secret();
                        $authrestorecode = $auth->restore_code();
                        if (isset($_POST['morenauthset'])) {
                            if ($_POST['morenauthset'] == "on") {
                                $sql = "UPDATE `authdata` SET `auth_moren`=0 WHERE `user_id`='{$user_id}' AND `auth_moren`=1";
                                $auth_moren = 1;
                        if (queryValue("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `authdata` WHERE `user_id`='{$user_id}' AND `auth_moren`=1") == 0) {
                            $auth_moren = 1;
コード例 #2
 if (check_data('authname') && check_data('region') && check_data('authcodeA3') && check_data('authcodeB3') && check_data('authcodeC3') && check_data('authrestore') && check_data('selectpic')) {
     $region = db_iconv('region', "post", TRUE, true);
     $athcode1 = db_iconv('authcodeA3', "post", TRUE, true);
     $athcode2 = db_iconv('authcodeB3', "post", TRUE, true);
     $athcode3 = db_iconv('authcodeC3', "post", TRUE, true);
     $authname = db_iconv('authname', "post", TRUE, true);
     $selectpic = db_iconv('selectpic', "post", TRUE, true);
     $authrestorecode = db_iconv('authrestore', "post", TRUE, true);
     if (checkauthname($authname) && checkauthregion($region) && checkauthselectpic($selectpic) && checkauthselectcode($athcode1) && checkauthselectcode($athcode2) && checkauthselectcode($athcode3) && checkauthselectrestorecode($authrestorecode)) {
         try {
             $region = $strregion[$region];
             $authserial = "{$region}-{$athcode1}-{$athcode2}-{$athcode3}";
             $auth = @Authenticator::restore($authserial, $authrestorecode);
             $authserect = $auth->secret();
             //$authsynctime = $auth->getsync();
             if (checkauthname('morenauthset')) {
                 $morenauthset = db_iconv('morenauthset', "post", TRUE, true);
                 if ($morenauthset == "on") {
                     update("UPDATE `authdata` SET `auth_moren`=0 WHERE `user_id`='{$user_id}' AND `auth_moren`=1");
                     $auth_moren = 1;
             if (queryValue("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `authdata` WHERE `user_id`='{$user_id}' AND `auth_moren`=1") == 0) {
                 $auth_moren = 1;
             if (is_null($authserial)) {
                 $authaddbyrestoreerrorid = 5;
             } else {
                 insert("INSERT INTO `authdata`(`user_id`, `auth_moren`, `auth_name`, `serial`, `region`, `secret`,`restore_code`, `auth_img`) VALUES ('{$user_id}','{$auth_moren}','{$authname}','{$authserial}','{$region}','{$authserect}','{$authrestorecode}','{$selectpic}')");
                 $sql = "SELECT `auth_id` FROM `authdata` WHERE `serial`='{$authserial}' AND `user_id`='{$user_id}' AND `auth_name`='{$authname}'";
                 $rowtemp = queryRow($sql);