$auto_apply_row = $db->getone("select * from " . table("resume_entrust") . " where id={$pid} and uid={$uid} and entrust_end>{$time} "); if (empty($auto_apply_row)) { $setarr_apply['id'] = $pid; $setarr_apply['uid'] = $uid; $setarr_apply['fullname'] = $resume_basic['fullname']; $setarr_apply['entrust'] = 1; $setarr_apply['entrust_start'] = time(); $setarr_apply['entrust_end'] = $time + 3600 * 24 * 3; $setarr_apply['isshield'] = 0; $setarr_apply['resume_addtime'] = $resume_basic['addtime']; $db->inserttable(table("resume_entrust"), $setarr_apply); $db->query("update " . table("resume") . " set entrust=1 where id={$pid} and uid={$uid} "); } } $make = intval($_POST['make']); check_resume($uid, $pid); if ($make == 1) { header("Location: ?act=make1_succeed&pid=" . $pid); } else { header("Location: ?act=resume_list"); } } elseif ($act == 'edit_resume') { $uid = intval($_SESSION['uid']); $pid = intval($_REQUEST['pid']); if ($_GET['make'] == 1) { $title = "创建简历"; } else { $title = "修改简历"; } $smarty->assign('h_title', $title); $_SESSION['send_mobile_key'] = mt_rand(100000, 999999);
function do_import_resume($info, $uid) { global $db, $_CFG, $timestamp; if ($info && $uid) { require_once QISHI_ROOT_PATH . '/include/fun_import.php'; if (empty($info['basicinfo'])) { return false; } $info['basicinfo']['fullname'] = unicode_decode($info['basicinfo']['fullname']); $setsqlarr = iconv_to_gbk($info['basicinfo']); $setsqlarr['uid'] = intval($uid); $setsqlarr['title'] = "未命名简历"; $setsqlarr['display_name'] = 1; $setsqlarr['sex'] = $setsqlarr['sex_cn'] == '男' ? 1 : 2; $experience = match_experience($setsqlarr['experience_cn']); $setsqlarr['experience_cn'] = $experience[1]; $setsqlarr['experience'] = $experience[0]; $setsqlarr['email_notify'] = 1; $setsqlarr['marriage'] = $setsqlarr['marriage_cn'] == '已婚' ? 2 : 1; $intentionjobsarr = explode('、', $setsqlarr['intention_jobs']); $match_jobs_id_arr = array(); $match_jobs_cn_arr = array(); foreach ($intentionjobsarr as $key => $value) { $match_jobs_arr = match_jobs_category($value); if ($match_jobs_arr) { $match_jobs_id_arr[] = $match_jobs_arr['topclass'] . '.' . $match_jobs_arr['category'] . '.' . $match_jobs_arr['subclass']; $match_jobs_cn_arr[] = $match_jobs_arr['category_cn']; } } $setsqlarr['intention_jobs'] = !empty($match_jobs_cn_arr) ? implode(',', $match_jobs_cn_arr) : ''; $intention_jobs_id = !empty($match_jobs_id_arr) ? implode(',', $match_jobs_id_arr) : ''; $tradearr = explode('、', $setsqlarr['trade_cn']); $match_trade_id_arr = array(); foreach ($tradearr as $key => $value) { $match_trade_arr = match_trade($value); if ($match_trade_arr) { $match_trade_id_arr[] = $match_jobs_arr['id']; } } $intentiontrade = !empty($match_trade_id_arr) ? implode(',', $match_trade_id_arr) : ''; $districtarr = explode('、', $setsqlarr['district_cn']); $match_district_id_arr = array(); foreach ($districtarr as $key => $value) { $match_district_arr = match_district($value); if ($match_district_arr) { $match_district_id_arr[] = $match_district_arr['district'] . '.' . $match_district_arr['sdistrict']; } } $intentiondistrict = !empty($match_district_id_arr) ? implode(',', $match_district_id_arr) : ''; $match_current_arr = match_current($setsqlarr['current_cn']); if ($match_current_arr) { $setsqlarr['current'] = $match_current_arr['id']; $setsqlarr['current_cn'] = $match_current_arr['cn']; } $match_nature_arr = match_nature($setsqlarr['nature_cn']); if ($match_nature_arr) { $setsqlarr['nature'] = $match_nature_arr['id']; $setsqlarr['nature_cn'] = $match_nature_arr['cn']; } $match_wage_arr = match_wage($setsqlarr['wage_cn']); if ($match_wage_arr) { $setsqlarr['wage'] = $match_wage_arr['id']; $setsqlarr['wage_cn'] = $match_wage_arr['cn']; } $setsqlarr['refreshtime'] = $timestamp; $setsqlarr['audit'] = intval($_CFG['audit_resume']); $setsqlarr['resume_from_pc'] = 1; $setsqlarr['addtime'] = $timestamp; $pid = $db->inserttable(table('resume'), $setsqlarr, 1); if ($pid) { $searchtab['id'] = $pid; $searchtab['uid'] = $uid; $db->inserttable(table('resume_search_key'), $searchtab); $db->inserttable(table('resume_search_rtime'), $searchtab); add_resume_jobs($pid, $uid, $intention_jobs_id) ? "" : showmsg('保存失败!', 0); add_resume_district($pid, $uid, $intentiondistrict) ? "" : showmsg('保存失败!', 0); add_resume_trade($pid, $uid, $intentiontrade) ? "" : showmsg('保存失败!', 0); if (!get_userprofile($uid)) { $infoarr['realname'] = $setsqlarr['fullname']; $infoarr['sex'] = $setsqlarr['sex']; $infoarr['sex_cn'] = $setsqlarr['sex_cn']; $infoarr['birthday'] = $setsqlarr['birthdate']; $infoarr['residence'] = $setsqlarr['residence']; $infoarr['experience'] = $setsqlarr['experience']; $infoarr['experience_cn'] = $setsqlarr['experience_cn']; $infoarr['householdaddress'] = $setsqlarr['householdaddress']; $infoarr['marriage'] = $setsqlarr['marriage']; $infoarr['marriage_cn'] = $setsqlarr['marriage_cn']; $infoarr['phone'] = $setsqlarr['telephone']; $infoarr['email'] = $setsqlarr['email']; $infoarr['uid'] = intval($uid); $db->inserttable(table('members_info'), $infoarr); } //教育经历 if (!empty($info['eduinfo'])) { foreach ($info['eduinfo'] as $key => $value) { $eduarrsql = iconv_to_gbk($value); $eduarrsql['pid'] = $pid; $eduarrsql['uid'] = $uid; $match_education_arr = match_education($eduarrsql['education_cn']); if ($match_education_arr) { $eduarrsql['education'] = $match_education_arr['id']; $eduarrsql['education_cn'] = $match_education_arr['cn']; } $db->inserttable(table("resume_education"), $eduarrsql); } } //工作经历 if (!empty($info['workinfo'])) { foreach ($info['workinfo'] as $key => $value) { $workarrsql = iconv_to_gbk($value); $workarrsql['pid'] = $pid; $workarrsql['uid'] = $uid; $db->inserttable(table("resume_work"), $workarrsql); } } //培训经历 if (!empty($info['traininginfo'])) { foreach ($info['traininginfo'] as $key => $value) { $trainingarrsql = iconv_to_gbk($value); $trainingarrsql['pid'] = $pid; $trainingarrsql['uid'] = $uid; $db->inserttable(table("resume_training"), $trainingarrsql); } } //语言能力 if (!empty($info['languageinfo'])) { foreach ($info['languageinfo'] as $key => $value) { $languagearrsql = iconv_to_gbk($value); $languagearrsql['pid'] = $pid; $languagearrsql['uid'] = $uid; $match_language_arr = match_language($languagearrsql['language_cn']); if ($match_language_arr) { $languagearrsql['language'] = $match_language_arr['id']; $languagearrsql['language_cn'] = $match_language_arr['cn']; } $match_language_level_arr = match_language_level($languagearrsql['level_cn']); if ($match_language_level_arr) { $languagearrsql['level'] = $match_language_level_arr['id']; $languagearrsql['level_cn'] = $match_language_level_arr['cn']; } $db->inserttable(table("resume_language"), $languagearrsql); } } //证书 if (!empty($info['credentinfo'])) { foreach ($info['credentinfo'] as $key => $value) { $credentarrsql = iconv_to_gbk($value); $credentarrsql['pid'] = $pid; $credentarrsql['uid'] = $uid; $db->inserttable(table("resume_credent"), $credentarrsql); } } check_resume($uid, $pid); write_memberslog($uid, 2, 1101, $_SESSION['username'], "导入了简历"); return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } }
$user_info['education_cn'] = $setsqlarr['education_cn']; $user_info['experience'] = $setsqlarr['experience']; $user_info['experience_cn'] = $setsqlarr['experience_cn']; $user_info['phone'] = $setsqlarr['telephone']; $db->inserttable(table('members_info'), $user_info); // 创建 简历 $setsqlarr['uid'] = $insert_id; $pid = $db->inserttable(table('resume'), $setsqlarr, 1); $searchtab['id'] = $pid; $searchtab['uid'] = $insert_id; $db->inserttable(table('resume_search_key'), $searchtab); $db->inserttable(table('resume_search_rtime'), $searchtab); add_resume_jobs($pid, $insert_id, $_POST['intention_jobs_id']); add_resume_district($pid, $_SESSION['uid'], $_POST['district']); add_resume_trade($pid, $_SESSION['uid'], $_POST['trade']); check_resume($_SESSION['uid'], $pid); // 直接投递简历 $jobsarr = app_get_jobs($_POST['jobsid']); foreach ($jobsarr as $jobs) { $jobs = array_map("addslashes", $jobs); $addarr['resume_id'] = $pid; $addarr['resume_name'] = $setsqlarr['fullname']; $addarr['personal_uid'] = $insert_id; $addarr['jobs_id'] = $jobs['id']; $addarr['jobs_name'] = $jobs['jobs_name']; $addarr['company_id'] = $jobs['company_id']; $addarr['company_name'] = $jobs['companyname']; $addarr['company_uid'] = $jobs['uid']; $addarr['apply_addtime'] = time(); $addarr['personal_look'] = 1; $addarr['is_apply'] = 1;
function createResume($obj) { unset($obj["id"]); if (!$obj["title"]) { $obj["title"] = $obj["fullname"] . "的简历"; } //dump($obj); $obj["sex"] = $obj["sex_cn"] == "男" ? 1 : 2; $nature = getId($obj["nature_cn"], "QS_jobs_nature"); if ($nature) { $obj["nature"] = $nature["c_id"]; } else { $obj["nature"] = 62; $obj["nature_cn"] = "全职"; } $obj["trade_cn"] = "其他行业"; $obj["trade"] = 45; $obj["height"] = 0; $obj["height"] = 0; $obj['marriage'] = 0; $obj['marriage_cn'] = "未婚"; $experience_cn = get_reg($obj["experience_cn"]); if ($experience_cn) { $obj['experience_cn'] = $experience_cn; $obj['experience'] = getId($experience_cn, "QS_experience")["c_id"]; } else { $obj['experience_cn'] = "无经验"; $obj['experience'] = 74; } $wage_cn = get_reg($obj["wage_cn"]); if ($wage_cn) { $obj['wage_cn'] = $wage_cn; $obj['wage'] = getId($wage_cn, "QS_wage")["c_id"]; } else { $obj['wage_cn'] = "面议"; $obj['wage'] = 294; } $education_cn = get_reg($obj["education_cn"]); if ($education_cn) { $obj['education_cn'] = $education_cn; $obj['education'] = getId($education_cn, "QS_education")["c_id"]; } else { $obj['education_cn'] = "初中"; $obj['education'] = 65; } $major_cn = get_reg($obj["major_cn"]); if ($major_cn) { $obj['major_cn'] = $major_cn; $obj['major'] = getId($major_cn, "QS_major")["c_id"]; } else { $obj['major_cn'] = "其他专业"; $obj['major'] = 290; } $obj['tag_cn'] = ""; $obj['tag'] = ""; $obj['specialty'] = ""; $obj['photo_img'] = ""; $obj['addtime'] = time(); $obj['refreshtime'] = time(); $obj['level'] = 1; $obj["current_cn"] = "观望有好的机会再考虑"; $obj["current"] = 243; $obj["word_resume"] = ""; $obj["key"] = ""; $obj["tpl"] = ""; $obj["status"] = 0; // dump($obj); //exit; $new = \ORM::for_table(table('resume'))->create($obj); $a = $new->save(); $searchtab['id'] = $new->id; $searchtab['uid'] = $obj['uid']; $db = Leven::db(); require_once ROOT . 'include/fun_personal.php'; $db->inserttable(table('resume_search_key'), $searchtab); $db->inserttable(table('resume_search_rtime'), $searchtab); check_resume($obj["uid"], $new->id); // dump($a); }
$setsqlarr['agency'] = trim($_POST['agency']) ? trim($_POST['agency']) : exit('请填写培训机构名称!'); $setsqlarr['course'] = trim($_POST['course']) ? trim($_POST['course']) : exit("请填写培训专业名称!"); if (trim($_POST['startyear']) == "" || trim($_POST['startmonth']) == "" || trim($_POST['endyear']) == "" || trim($_POST['endmonth']) == "") { exit("请选择培训时间!"); } $setsqlarr['startyear'] = intval($_POST['startyear']); $setsqlarr['startmonth'] = intval($_POST['startmonth']); $setsqlarr['endyear'] = intval($_POST['endyear']); $setsqlarr['endmonth'] = intval($_POST['endmonth']); if ($id) { $db->updatetable(table("resume_training"), $setsqlarr, array("id" => $id, "uid" => intval($_SESSION['uid']))); exit("ok"); } else { $insert_id = $db->inserttable(table("resume_training"), $setsqlarr, 1); if ($insert_id) { check_resume($_SESSION['uid'], intval($_REQUEST['pid'])); exit("ok"); } else { exit("err"); } } } elseif ($act == "resume_train_del") { $smarty->cache = false; $id = intval($_GET['train_id']); $uid = intval($_SESSION["uid"]); $sql = "delete from " . table("resume_training") . " where id={$id} and uid={$uid} "; if ($db->query($sql)) { exit("ok"); } else { exit("err"); }