<?php require_once 'cart_functions.php'; //add item to cart if (isset($_POST['pid']) && isset($_POST['qty'])) { $pid = $_POST['pid']; $qty = $_POST['qty']; if (isset($_POST['slct'])) { $selection = $_POST['slct']; } else { $selection = false; } } if (isset($pid)) { $item_id = check_product_in_cart($pid, false, $selection); if ($item_id) { update_cart($item_id, $qty); } else { add_to_cart($pid, $selection); } //adds one to the cart } $count = count_items(); echo json_encode(array("count" => "{$count}"));
@($qnty = $_POST['qty']); if ((isset($pID) || isset($cID)) && isset($_POST['qty'])) { if (isset($_POST['visible'])) { // this is used to change the visibility of the update(quantity) button. $visible = $_POST['visible']; //$_POST['visible'] is an array sent from the ajax call already $visible[$cID] = "no"; // this simply turns the update button with the product id of where it came from to "no" } if (isset($_POST['quantArr'])) { // if user has tried to change two quantities at once, after they've updated one the other will remain where they left it until they update that one. $quantarr = $_POST['quantArr']; //this is an array of all of the quantities in the cart sent by the form } if (isset($pID)) { $cID = check_product_in_cart($pID); } if ($cID && $qnty != 0) { update_cart($cID, $qnty); //$qnty is how many to add on to what is already in the cart } else { if ($qnty != 0 && isset($pID)) { add_to_cart($pID); //adds one to the cart } else { if ($qnty == 0 && $cID) { update_cart($cID, $qnty); } } } }