$admin = new admin('Media', 'media_upload', false); if (!$admin->checkFTAN()) { $admin->print_header(); $admin->print_error($MESSAGE['GENERIC_SECURITY_ACCESS']); } // After check print the header $admin->print_header(); // Target location $requestMethod = '_' . strtoupper($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']); $target = isset(${$requestMethod}['target']) ? ${$requestMethod}['target'] : ''; // Include the WB functions file $directory = $target == '/' ? '' : $target; $dirlink = 'index.php?dir=' . $directory; $rootlink = 'index.php?dir='; // Check to see if target contains ../ if (!check_media_path($target, false)) { $admin->print_error($MESSAGE['MEDIA_TARGET_DOT_DOT_SLASH']); } // Create relative path of the target location for the file $relative = WB_PATH . $target . '/'; $resizepath = str_replace(array('/', ' '), '_', $target); // Find out whether we should replace files or give an error $overwrite = $admin->get_post('overwrite') != '' ? true : false; // Get list of file types to which we're supposed to append 'txt' $get_result = $database->query("SELECT value FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "settings WHERE name='rename_files_on_upload' LIMIT 1"); $file_extension_string = ''; if ($get_result->numRows() > 0) { $fetch_result = $get_result->fetchRow(); $file_extension_string = $fetch_result['value']; } $file_extensions = explode(",", $file_extension_string);
return round($size / pow(1024, $i = floor(log($size, 1024))), 1) . $filesizename[$i]; } // Setup template object, parse vars to it, then parse it // Create new template object $template = new Template(dirname($admin->correct_theme_source('media_browse.htt'))); $template->set_file('page', 'media_browse.htt'); $template->set_block('page', 'main_block', 'main'); // Get the current dir $currentHome = $admin->get_home_folder(); $directory = ($currentHome and !array_key_exists('dir', $_GET)) ? $currentHome : $admin->strip_slashes($admin->get_get('dir')); if ($directory == '/' or $directory == '\\') { $directory = ''; } $dir_backlink = 'browse.php?dir=' . $directory; // Check to see if it contains ../ if (!check_media_path($directory)) { // $admin->print_header(); $admin->print_error($MESSAGE['MEDIA']['DIR_DOT_DOT_SLASH']); } if (!file_exists(WB_PATH . MEDIA_DIRECTORY . $directory)) { // $admin->print_header(); $admin->print_error($MESSAGE['MEDIA']['DIR_DOES_NOT_EXIST']); } // Check to see if the user wanted to go up a directory into the parent folder if ($admin->get_get('up') == 1) { $parent_directory = dirname($directory); header("Location: browse.php?dir={$parent_directory}"); exit(0); } if ($_SESSION['GROUP_ID'] != 1 && $pathsettings['global']['admin_only']) { // Only show admin the settings link
* @link http://websitebaker.org/ * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * @platform WebsiteBaker 2.8.3 * @requirements PHP 5.3.6 and higher * @version $Id: thumb.php 5 2015-04-27 08:02:19Z luisehahne $ * @filesource $HeadURL: https://localhost:8443/svn/wb283Sp4/SP4/branches/wb/admin/media/thumb.php $ * @lastmodified $Date: 2015-04-27 10:02:19 +0200 (Mo, 27. Apr 2015) $ * */ require '../../config.php'; include_once 'resize_img.php'; require_once WB_PATH . '/framework/functions.php'; if (isset($_GET['img']) && isset($_GET['t'])) { $image = addslashes($_GET['img']); // Check to see if it contains .. if (!check_media_path($image)) { $admin->print_error($MESSAGE['MEDIA']['DIR_DOT_DOT_SLASH'], WB_URL, false); } $type = addslashes($_GET['t']); $media = WB_PATH . MEDIA_DIRECTORY; $img = new RESIZEIMAGE($media . $image); if ($img->imgWidth) { if ($type == 1) { $img->resize_limitwh(50, 50); } else { if ($type == 2) { $img->resize_limitwh(200, 200); } } $img->close(); } else {