コード例 #1
 public function save(&$bill, &$prod, $main_provid = NULL, $main_supid = NULL, $default_warehouse = NULL, $mark_as_closed = false)
     global $code_types;
     if (isset($main_provid) && $main_supid == $main_provid) {
         $main_supid = 0;
     $copay_update = FALSE;
     $update_session_id = '';
     $ct0 = '';
     // takes the code type of the first fee type code type entry from the fee sheet, against which the copay is posted
     $cod0 = '';
     // takes the code of the first fee type code type entry from the fee sheet, against which the copay is posted
     $mod0 = '';
     // takes the modifier of the first fee type code type entry from the fee sheet, against which the copay is posted
     if (is_array($bill)) {
         foreach ($bill as $iter) {
             // Skip disabled (billed) line items.
             if (!empty($iter['billed'])) {
             $id = $iter['id'];
             $code_type = $iter['code_type'];
             $code = $iter['code'];
             $del = !empty($iter['del']);
             $units = empty($iter['units']) ? 1 : intval($iter['units']);
             $price = empty($iter['price']) ? 0 : 0 + trim($iter['price']);
             $pricelevel = empty($iter['pricelevel']) ? '' : $iter['pricelevel'];
             $modifier = empty($iter['mod']) ? '' : trim($iter['mod']);
             $justify = empty($iter['justify']) ? '' : trim($iter['justify']);
             $notecodes = empty($iter['notecodes']) ? '' : trim($iter['notecodes']);
             $provid = empty($iter['provid']) ? 0 : intval($iter['provid']);
             $fee = sprintf('%01.2f', $price * $units);
             if (!$cod0 && $code_types[$code_type]['fee'] == 1) {
                 $mod0 = $modifier;
                 $cod0 = $code;
                 $ct0 = $code_type;
             if ($code_type == 'COPAY') {
                 if ($fee < 0) {
                     $fee = $fee * -1;
                 if (!$id) {
                     // adding new copay from fee sheet into ar_session and ar_activity tables
                     $session_id = idSqlStatement("INSERT INTO ar_session " . "(payer_id, user_id, pay_total, payment_type, description, patient_id, payment_method, " . "adjustment_code, post_to_date) " . "VALUES ('0',?,?,'patient','COPAY',?,'','patient_payment',now())", array($_SESSION['authId'], $fee, $this->pid));
                     $sequence_no = sqlQuery("SELECT IFNULL(MAX(sequence_no),0) + 1 AS increment FROM ar_activity WHERE " . "pid = ? AND encounter = ?", array($this->pid, $this->encounter));
                     SqlStatement("INSERT INTO ar_activity (pid, encounter, sequence_no, code_type, code, modifier, " . "payer_type, post_time, post_user, session_id, " . "pay_amount, account_code) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,0,now(),?,?,?,'PCP')", array($this->pid, $this->encounter, $sequence_no['increment'], $ct0, $cod0, $mod0, $_SESSION['authId'], $session_id, $fee));
                 } else {
                     // editing copay saved to ar_session and ar_activity
                     $session_id = $id;
                     $res_amount = sqlQuery("SELECT pay_amount FROM ar_activity WHERE pid=? AND encounter=? AND session_id=?", array($this->pid, $this->encounter, $session_id));
                     if ($fee != $res_amount['pay_amount']) {
                         sqlStatement("UPDATE ar_session SET user_id=?,pay_total=?,modified_time=now(),post_to_date=now() WHERE session_id=?", array($_SESSION['authId'], $fee, $session_id));
                         sqlStatement("UPDATE ar_activity SET code_type=?, code=?, modifier=?, post_user=?, post_time=now()," . "pay_amount=?, modified_time=now() WHERE pid=? AND encounter=? AND account_code='PCP' AND session_id=?", array($ct0, $cod0, $mod0, $_SESSION['authId'], $fee, $this->pid, $this->encounter, $session_id));
                 if (!$cod0) {
                     $copay_update = TRUE;
                     $update_session_id = $session_id;
             # Code to create justification for all codes based on first justification
             if ($GLOBALS['replicate_justification'] == '1') {
                 if ($justify != '') {
                     $autojustify = $justify;
             if ($GLOBALS['replicate_justification'] == '1' && $justify == '' && check_is_code_type_justify($code_type)) {
                 $justify = $autojustify;
             if ($justify) {
                 $justify = str_replace(',', ':', $justify) . ':';
             $auth = "1";
             $ndc_info = '';
             if (!empty($iter['ndcnum'])) {
                 $ndc_info = 'N4' . trim($iter['ndcnum']) . '   ' . $iter['ndcuom'] . trim($iter['ndcqty']);
             // If the item is already in the database...
             if ($id) {
                 if ($del) {
                     $this->logFSMessage(xl('Service deleted'));
                 } else {
                     $tmp = sqlQuery("SELECT * FROM billing WHERE id = ? AND (billed = 0 or billed is NULL) AND activity = 1", array($id));
                     if (!empty($tmp)) {
                         $tmparr = array('code' => $code, 'authorized' => $auth);
                         if (isset($iter['units'])) {
                             $tmparr['units'] = $units;
                         if (isset($iter['price'])) {
                             $tmparr['fee'] = $fee;
                         if (isset($iter['pricelevel'])) {
                             $tmparr['pricelevel'] = $pricelevel;
                         if (isset($iter['mod'])) {
                             $tmparr['modifier'] = $modifier;
                         if (isset($iter['provid'])) {
                             $tmparr['provider_id'] = $provid;
                         if (isset($iter['ndcnum'])) {
                             $tmparr['ndc_info'] = $ndc_info;
                         if (isset($iter['justify'])) {
                             $tmparr['justify'] = $justify;
                         if (isset($iter['notecodes'])) {
                             $tmparr['notecodes'] = $notecodes;
                         foreach ($tmparr as $key => $value) {
                             if ($tmp[$key] != $value) {
                                 if ('fee' == $key) {
                                     $this->logFSMessage(xl('Price changed'));
                                 if ('units' == $key) {
                                     $this->logFSMessage(xl('Quantity changed'));
                                 if ('provider_id' == $key) {
                                     $this->logFSMessage(xl('Service provider changed'));
                                 sqlStatement("UPDATE billing SET `{$key}` = ? WHERE id = ?", array($value, $id));
             } else {
                 if (!$del) {
                     $this->logFSMessage(xl('Service added'));
                     $code_text = lookup_code_descriptions($code_type . ":" . $code);
                     addBilling($this->encounter, $code_type, $code, $code_text, $this->pid, $auth, $provid, $modifier, $units, $fee, $ndc_info, $justify, 0, $notecodes, $pricelevel);
     // end for
     // if modifier is not inserted during loop update the record using the first
     // non-empty modifier and code
     if ($copay_update == TRUE && $update_session_id != '' && $mod0 != '') {
         sqlStatement("UPDATE ar_activity SET code_type = ?, code = ?, modifier = ?" . " WHERE pid = ? AND encounter = ? AND account_code = 'PCP' AND session_id = ?", array($ct0, $cod0, $mod0, $this->pid, $this->encounter, $update_session_id));
     // Doing similarly to the above but for products.
     if (is_array($prod)) {
         foreach ($prod as $iter) {
             // Skip disabled (billed) line items.
             if (!empty($iter['billed'])) {
             $drug_id = $iter['drug_id'];
             $selector = empty($iter['selector']) ? '' : $iter['selector'];
             $sale_id = $iter['sale_id'];
             // present only if already saved
             $units = max(1, intval(trim($iter['units'])));
             $price = empty($iter['price']) ? 0 : 0 + trim($iter['price']);
             $pricelevel = empty($iter['pricelevel']) ? '' : $iter['pricelevel'];
             $fee = sprintf('%01.2f', $price * $units);
             $del = !empty($iter['del']);
             $rxid = 0;
             $warehouse_id = empty($iter['warehouse']) ? '' : $iter['warehouse'];
             $somechange = false;
             // If the item is already in the database...
             if ($sale_id) {
                 $tmprow = sqlQuery("SELECT ds.prescription_id, ds.quantity, ds.inventory_id, ds.fee, " . "ds.sale_date, di.warehouse_id " . "FROM drug_sales AS ds " . "LEFT JOIN drug_inventory AS di ON di.inventory_id = ds.inventory_id " . "WHERE ds.sale_id = ?", array($sale_id));
                 $rxid = 0 + $tmprow['prescription_id'];
                 if ($del) {
                     if (!empty($tmprow)) {
                         // Delete this sale and reverse its inventory update.
                         $this->logFSMessage(xl('Product deleted'));
                         sqlStatement("DELETE FROM drug_sales WHERE sale_id = ?", array($sale_id));
                         if (!empty($tmprow['inventory_id'])) {
                             sqlStatement("UPDATE drug_inventory SET on_hand = on_hand + ? WHERE inventory_id = ?", array($tmprow['quantity'], $tmprow['inventory_id']));
                     if ($rxid) {
                         sqlStatement("DELETE FROM prescriptions WHERE id = ?", array($rxid));
                 } else {
                     // Modify the sale and adjust inventory accordingly.
                     if (!empty($tmprow)) {
                         foreach (array('quantity' => $units, 'fee' => $fee, 'pricelevel' => $pricelevel, 'selector' => $selector, 'sale_date' => $this->visit_date) as $key => $value) {
                             if ($tmprow[$key] != $value) {
                                 $somechange = true;
                                 if ('fee' == $key) {
                                     $this->logFSMessage(xl('Price changed'));
                                 if ('pricelevel' == $key) {
                                     $this->logFSMessage(xl('Price level changed'));
                                 if ('selector' == $key) {
                                     $this->logFSMessage(xl('Template selector changed'));
                                 if ('quantity' == $key) {
                                     $this->logFSMessage(xl('Quantity changed'));
                                 sqlStatement("UPDATE drug_sales SET `{$key}` = ? WHERE sale_id = ?", array($value, $sale_id));
                                 if ($key == 'quantity' && $tmprow['inventory_id']) {
                                     sqlStatement("UPDATE drug_inventory SET on_hand = on_hand - ? WHERE inventory_id = ?", array($units - $tmprow['quantity'], $tmprow['inventory_id']));
                         if ($tmprow['inventory_id'] && $warehouse_id && $warehouse_id != $tmprow['warehouse_id']) {
                             // Changing warehouse.  Requires deleting and re-adding the sale.
                             // Not setting $somechange because this alone does not affect a prescription.
                             $this->logFSMessage(xl('Warehouse changed'));
                             sqlStatement("DELETE FROM drug_sales WHERE sale_id = ?", array($sale_id));
                             sqlStatement("UPDATE drug_inventory SET on_hand = on_hand + ? WHERE inventory_id = ?", array($units, $tmprow['inventory_id']));
                             $tmpnull = null;
                             $sale_id = sellDrug($drug_id, $units, $fee, $this->pid, $this->encounter, empty($iter['rx']) ? 0 : $rxid, $this->visit_date, '', $warehouse_id, false, $tmpnull, $pricelevel, $selector);
                     // Delete Rx if $rxid and flag not set.
                     if ($GLOBALS['gbl_auto_create_rx'] && $rxid && empty($iter['rx'])) {
                         sqlStatement("UPDATE drug_sales SET prescription_id = 0 WHERE sale_id = ?", array($sale_id));
                         sqlStatement("DELETE FROM prescriptions WHERE id = ?", array($rxid));
             } else {
                 if (!$del) {
                     $somechange = true;
                     $this->logFSMessage(xl('Product added'));
                     $tmpnull = null;
                     $sale_id = sellDrug($drug_id, $units, $fee, $this->pid, $this->encounter, 0, $this->visit_date, '', $warehouse_id, false, $tmpnull, $pricelevel, $selector);
                     if (!$sale_id) {
                         die(xlt("Insufficient inventory for product ID") . " \"" . text($drug_id) . "\".");
             // If a prescription applies, create or update it.
             if (!empty($iter['rx']) && !$del && ($somechange || empty($rxid))) {
                 // If an active rx already exists for this drug and date we will
                 // replace it, otherwise we'll make a new one.
                 if (empty($rxid)) {
                     $rxid = '';
                 // Get default drug attributes; prefer the template with the matching selector.
                 $drow = sqlQuery("SELECT dt.*, " . "d.name, d.form, d.size, d.unit, d.route, d.substitute " . "FROM drugs AS d, drug_templates AS dt WHERE " . "d.drug_id = ? AND dt.drug_id = d.drug_id " . "ORDER BY (dt.selector = ?) DESC, dt.quantity, dt.dosage, dt.selector LIMIT 1", array($drug_id, $selector));
                 if (!empty($drow)) {
                     $rxobj = new Prescription($rxid);
                     $rxobj->set_provider_id(isset($main_provid) ? $main_provid : $this->provider_id);
                     $rxobj->set_start_date_y(substr($this->visit_date, 0, 4));
                     $rxobj->set_start_date_m(substr($this->visit_date, 5, 2));
                     $rxobj->set_start_date_d(substr($this->visit_date, 8, 2));
                     // Remaining attributes are the drug and template defaults.
                     // Set drug_sales.prescription_id to $rxobj->get_id().
                     $oldrxid = $rxid;
                     $rxid = 0 + $rxobj->get_id();
                     if ($rxid != $oldrxid) {
                         sqlStatement("UPDATE drug_sales SET prescription_id = ? WHERE sale_id = ?", array($rxid, $sale_id));
     // end for
     // Set default and/or supervising provider for the encounter.
     if (isset($main_provid) && $main_provid != $this->provider_id) {
         $this->logFSMessage(xl('Default provider changed'));
         sqlStatement("UPDATE form_encounter SET provider_id = ? WHERE pid = ? AND encounter = ?", array($main_provid, $this->pid, $this->encounter));
         $this->provider_id = $main_provid;
     if (isset($main_supid) && $main_supid != $this->supervisor_id) {
         sqlStatement("UPDATE form_encounter SET supervisor_id = ? WHERE pid = ? AND encounter = ?", array($main_supid, $this->pid, $this->encounter));
         $this->supervisor_id = $main_supid;
     // Save-and-Close is currently specific to Family Planning but might be more
     // generally useful.  It provides the ability to mark an encounter as billed
     // directly from the Fee Sheet, if there are no charges.
     if ($mark_as_closed) {
         $tmp1 = sqlQuery("SELECT SUM(ABS(fee)) AS sum FROM drug_sales WHERE " . "pid = ? AND encounter = ? AND billed = 0", array($this->pid, $this->encounter));
         $tmp2 = sqlQuery("SELECT SUM(ABS(fee)) AS sum FROM billing WHERE " . "pid = ? AND encounter = ? AND billed = 0 AND activity = 1", array($this->pid, $this->encounter));
         if ($tmp1['sum'] + $tmp2['sum'] == 0) {
             sqlStatement("update drug_sales SET billed = 1 WHERE " . "pid = ? AND encounter = ? AND billed = 0", array($this->pid, $this->encounter));
             sqlStatement("UPDATE billing SET billed = 1, bill_date = NOW() WHERE " . "pid = ? AND encounter = ? AND billed = 0 AND activity = 1", array($this->pid, $this->encounter));
         } else {
             // Would be good to display an error message here... they clicked
             // Save and Close but the close could not be done.  However the
             // framework does not provide an easy way to do that.
コード例 #2
ファイル: new.php プロジェクト: robertdown/openemr
     if (!$cod0) {
         $copay_update = TRUE;
         $update_session_id = $session_id;
 $justify = trim($iter['justify']);
 # Code to create justification for all codes based on first justification
 if ($GLOBALS['replicate_justification'] == '1') {
     if ($justify != '') {
         $autojustify = $justify;
 if ($GLOBALS['replicate_justification'] == '1' && $justify == '' && check_is_code_type_justify($code_type)) {
     $justify = $autojustify;
 $notecodes = trim($iter['notecodes']);
 if ($justify) {
     $justify = str_replace(',', ':', $justify) . ':';
 // $auth      = $iter['auth'] ? "1" : "0";
 $auth = "1";
 $provid = 0 + $iter['provid'];
 $ndc_info = '';
 if ($iter['ndcnum']) {
     $ndc_info = 'N4' . trim($iter['ndcnum']) . '   ' . $iter['ndcuom'] . trim($iter['ndcqty']);
 // If the item is already in the database...
 if ($id) {