コード例 #1
// This variable will hold data to display on the page.
$__pd = array();
// Field settings. Used for validation purposes and setting-up/customising the form.
$fields = array();
$fields['t_name'] = array('type' => 'string', 'label' => _T('IDS_Admin_Tournament_Add_NAME', $config), 'max_length' => '32', 'required' => TRUE, 'width' => 40);
$fields['t_type'] = array('type' => 'string', 'label' => _T('IDS_Admin_Tournament_Add_TYPE', $config), 'max_length' => '15', 'required' => TRUE, 'items' => get_tournament_types($config), 'render_type' => 'select');
$fields['t_playernum'] = array('type' => 'int', 'label' => _T('IDS_Admin_Tournament_Add_COUNT', $config), 'required' => FALSE, 'width' => 10);
$fields['t_cutoffdate'] = array('type' => 'date', 'label' => _T('IDS_Admin_Tournament_Add_CUTOFF', $config), 'required' => TRUE, 'render_type' => 'date', 'width' => 20, 'id' => '_date_cutoff');
$fields['t_startdate'] = array('type' => 'date', 'label' => _T('IDS_Admin_Tournament_Add_START', $config), 'required' => TRUE, 'render_type' => 'date', 'width' => 20, 'id' => '_date_start');
$fields['t_comment'] = array('type' => 'string', 'label' => _T('IDS_Admin_Tournament_Add_COMMENT', $config), 'required' => FALSE, 'render_type' => 'description', 'width' => 30);
$fields['t_status'] = array('type' => 'string', 'label' => _T('IDS_Admin_Tournament_Add_STATUS', $config), 'max_length' => '1', 'required' => TRUE, 'items' => get_status_filters($config), 'render_type' => 'select');
$__pd['fields'] = $fields;
$result = check_form_submit($id, $fields, $oR3DCQuery, $config);
$t = array('t_name' => '', 't_type' => '', 't_playernum' => '', 't_cutoffdate' => date('Y-m-d'), 't_startdate' => date('Y-m-d'), 't_comment' => '', 't_status' => '');
if ($result['submit'] == FALSE) {
    $__pd['tournament'] = $t;
} elseif ($result['submit'] && count($result['errors']) != 0) {
    $__pd['tournament'] = $result['new_values'];
    $__pd['errors'] = $result['errors'];
} else {
    $__pd['tournament'] = $t;
    $__pd['success'] = _T('IDS_Admin_Tournament_Add_CREATED', $config);
// Checks if a form submit occurred. This would be an update request.
// Must validate all values before saving. If there are errors, they are
// returned, along with all the new values entered.
// id - the id of the record. IN this case this is field t_id.
// fields - array of field options.
コード例 #2
    $cnt = mysql_num_rows($result);
    if ($cnt == 0) {
        $__pd['error'] = _T('IDS_Admin_Tournament_Games_Edit_GAMEIDINVALID', $config);
    } else {
        $game = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC);
if (!isset($__pd['error'])) {
    // Field settings. Used for validation purposes and setting-up/customising the form.
    $players = get_active_player_list($oR3DCQuery);
    $fields = array();
    $fields['status'] = array('type' => 'string', 'label' => _T('IDS_Admin_Tournament_Games_Edit_STATUS', $config), 'items' => get_all_status_values($config), 'render_type' => 'select');
    $fields['completion_status'] = array('type' => 'string', 'label' => _T('IDS_Admin_Tournament_Games_Edit_COMPLETION', $config), 'items' => get_all_completion_status_values($config), 'render_type' => 'select');
    $__pd['fields'] = $fields;
    $result = check_form_submit($tid, $gid, $fields, $oR3DCQuery);
    if ($result['submit'] == FALSE) {
        $__pd['game'] = $game;
        $__pd['game']['fen'] = $oR3DCQuery->GetInitialGameFEN($config, $gid);
    } elseif ($result['submit'] && count($result['errors']) != 0) {
        $__pd['game'] = $result['new_values'];
        $__pd['errors'] = $result['errors'];
    } else {
        $__pd['game'] = $result['new_values'];
        $__pd['game']['fen'] = $oR3DCQuery->GetInitialGameFEN($config, $gid);
        $__pd['success'] = _T('IDS_Admin_Tournament_Games_Edit_UPDATED', $config);
// Checks if a form submit occurred. This would be an update request.
// Must validate all values before saving. If there are errors, they are
// returned, along with all the new values entered.
コード例 #3
    } else {
        $t = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC);
        $__pd['tournament'] = $t;
if (!isset($__pd['error'])) {
    // Field settings. Used for validation purposes and setting-up/customising the form.
    $players = get_active_player_list($oR3DCQuery);
    $fields = array();
    $fields['w_player_id'] = array('type' => 'int', 'label' => _T('IDS_Admin_Tournament_Games_Add_WHITE', $config), 'required' => TRUE, 'width' => 40, 'items' => $players, 'render_type' => 'select');
    $fields['b_player_id'] = array('type' => 'int', 'label' => _T('IDS_Admin_Tournament_Games_Add_BLACK', $config), 'required' => TRUE, 'width' => 40, 'items' => $players, 'render_type' => 'select');
    $fields['fen'] = array('type' => 'string', 'label' => _T('IDS_Admin_Tournament_Games_Add_FEN', $config), 'required' => TRUE, 'width' => 70, 'value' => 'rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1', 'id' => 'FEN');
    $fields['timing_mode'] = array('type' => 'string', 'label' => _T('IDS_Admin_Tournament_Games_Add_TIMING', $config), 'required' => TRUE, 'value' => 'C-Normal', 'items' => array('C-Snail' => _T('IDS_CREATE_GAME_OPT_5', $config), 'C-Slow' => _T('IDS_CREATE_GAME_OPT_4', $config), 'C-Normal' => _T('IDS_CREATE_GAME_OPT_3', $config), 'C-Short' => _T('IDS_CREATE_GAME_OPT_2', $config), 'C-Blitz' => _T('IDS_CREATE_GAME_OPT_1', $config)), 'render_type' => 'select');
    $fields['time_controls'] = array('type' => 'time controls', 'label' => __l('Time Controls'), 'id' => 'tc', 'render_type' => 'time controls', 'width' => 4, 'txt_moves' => __l('moves adds'), 'txt_min' => __l('minutes'));
    $__pd['fields'] = $fields;
    $result = check_form_submit($id, NULL, $fields, $oR3DCQuery);
    if ($result['submit'] == FALSE) {
        $__pd['game'] = array();
    } elseif ($result['submit'] && count($result['errors']) != 0) {
        $__pd['game'] = $result['new_values'];
        $__pd['errors'] = $result['errors'];
    } else {
        $__pd['game'] = array();
        $str = _T('IDS_Admin_Tournament_Games_Add_CREATED', $config);
        $__pd['success'] = preg_replace('/\\{id\\}/', $result['game_id'], $str);
// Checks if a form submit occurred. This would be an update request.
// Must validate all values before saving. If there are errors, they are
// returned, along with all the new values entered.
// tid - the id of the tournament record that the game will be associated with.