if (AmpConfig::get('userflags')) { ?> <td class="cel_userflag" id="userflag_<?php echo $libitem->id; ?> _playlist"><?php Userflag::show($libitem->id, 'playlist'); ?> </td> <?php } } ?> <td class="cel_action"> <?php if (Access::check_function('batch_download') && check_can_zip('playlist')) { ?> <a rel="nohtml" href="<?php echo AmpConfig::get('web_path'); ?> /batch.php?action=playlist&id=<?php echo $libitem->id; ?> "> <?php echo UI::get_icon('batch_download', T_('Batch Download')); ?> </a> <?php } if (Access::check('interface', '25')) {
} ?> <?php if (AmpConfig::get('share')) { ?> <?php Share::display_ui('album', $c_album->id, false); ?> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <?php if (Access::check_function('batch_download') && check_can_zip('album')) { ?> <a rel="nohtml" href="<?php echo $web_path; ?> /batch.php?action=album&<?php echo $c_album->get_http_album_query_ids('id'); ?> "><?php echo UI::get_icon('batch_download', T_('Download')); ?> </a> <?php } ?> <?php
</td> <td class="cel_random"><?php echo $libitem->random ? T_('Yes') : T_('No'); ?> </td> <td class="cel_limit"><?php echo $libitem->limit > 0 ? $libitem->limit : T_('None'); ?> </td> <td class="cel_owner"><?php echo scrub_out($libitem->f_user); ?> </td> <td class="cel_action"> <?php if (Access::check_function('batch_download') && check_can_zip('search')) { ?> <a rel="nohtml" href="<?php echo AmpConfig::get('web_path'); ?> /batch.php?action=search&id=<?php echo $libitem->id; ?> "> <?php echo UI::get_icon('batch_download', T_('Batch Download')); ?> </a> <?php } if ($libitem->has_access()) {
public static function display_ui_links($object_type, $object_id) { echo "<ul>"; echo "<li><a onclick=\"handleShareAction('" . AmpConfig::get('web_path') . "/share.php?action=show_create&type=" . $object_type . "&id=" . $object_id . "')\">" . UI::get_icon('share', T_('Advanced Share')) . " " . T_('Advanced Share') . "</a></li>"; if (AmpConfig::get('download')) { $dllink = ""; if ($object_type == "song" || $object_type == "video") { $dllink = AmpConfig::get('web_path') . "/play/index.php?action=download&type=" . $object_type . "&oid=" . $object_id . "&uid=-1"; } else { if (Access::check_function('batch_download') && check_can_zip($object_type)) { $dllink = AmpConfig::get('web_path') . "/batch.php?action=" . $object_type . "&id=" . $object_id; } } if (!empty($dllink)) { if (AmpConfig::get('require_session')) { // Add session information to the link to avoid authentication $dllink .= "&ssid=" . Stream::get_session(); } echo "<li><a rel=\"nohtml\" href=\"" . $dllink . "\">" . UI::get_icon('download', T_('Temporary direct link')) . " " . T_('Temporary direct link') . "</a></li>"; } } echo "<li style='padding-top: 8px; text-align: right;'>"; $plugins = Plugin::get_plugins('external_share'); foreach ($plugins as $plugin_name) { echo "<a onclick=\"handleShareAction('" . AmpConfig::get('web_path') . "/share.php?action=external_share&plugin=" . $plugin_name . "&type=" . $object_type . "&id=" . $object_id . "')\" target=\"_blank\">" . UI::get_icon('share_' . strtolower($plugin_name), $plugin_name) . "</a> "; } echo "</li>"; echo "</ul>"; }
ob_end_clean(); //test that batch download is permitted if (!defined('NO_SESSION') && !Access::check_function('batch_download')) { UI::access_denied(); exit; } /* Drop the normal Time limit constraints, this can take a while */ set_time_limit(0); $media_ids = array(); $default_name = "Unknown.zip"; $object_type = scrub_in($_REQUEST['action']); $name = $default_name; if ($object_type == 'browse') { $object_type = $_REQUEST['type']; } if (!check_can_zip($object_type)) { debug_event('batch', 'Object type `' . $object_type . '` is not allowed to be zipped.', 1); UI::access_denied(); exit; } if (Core::is_playable_item($_REQUEST['action'])) { $id = $_REQUEST['id']; if (!is_array($id)) { $id = array($id); } $media_ids = array(); foreach ($id as $i) { $libitem = new $object_type($i); if ($libitem->id) { $libitem->format(); $name = $libitem->get_fullname();
* */ UI::show_box_top(T_('Options'), 'info-box'); ?> <div id="information_actions"> <ul> <li> <?php echo Ajax::button('?action=basket&type=browse_set&browse_id=' . $browse->id, 'add', T_('Add Search Results'), 'add_search_results'); ?> <?php echo T_('Add Search Results'); ?> </li> <?php if (Access::check_function('batch_download') && check_can_zip($_REQUEST['type'])) { ?> <li> <a rel="nohtml" href="<?php echo AmpConfig::get('web_path'); ?> /batch.php?action=browse&type=<?php echo scrub_out($_REQUEST['type']); ?> &browse_id=<?php echo $browse->id; ?> "><?php echo UI::get_icon('batch_download', T_('Batch Download')); ?> </a>