if (isset($_GET['address'])) { $fAddress = escape_string($_GET['address']); } $fAddress = strtolower($fAddress); if (isset($_GET['domain'])) { $fDomain = escape_string($_GET['domain']); } if (isset($_POST['fGoto'])) { $fGoto = escape_string($_POST['fGoto']); } $fGoto = strtolower($fGoto); if (!(check_owner($SESSID_USERNAME, $fDomain) || authentication_has_role('global-admin'))) { $error = 1; $tGoto = $_POST['fGoto']; $tMessage = $PALANG['pEdit_alias_domain_error'] . "{$fDomain}</span>"; } elseif (!check_alias_owner($SESSID_USERNAME, $fAddress)) { $error = 1; $tGoto = $fGoto; $tMessage = $PALANG['pEdit_alias_result_error']; } $goto = preg_replace('/\\\\r\\\\n/', ',', $fGoto); $goto = preg_replace('/\\r\\n/', ',', $goto); $goto = preg_replace('/[\\s]+/i', '', $goto); $goto = preg_replace('/,*$|^,*/', '', $goto); $goto = preg_replace('/,,*/', ',', $goto); if (empty($goto)) { $error = 1; $tGoto = $_POST['fGoto']; $tMessage = $PALANG['pEdit_alias_goto_text_error1']; } if ($error != 1) {
} print " <td>" . $tAlias[$i]['display_address'] . "</td>\n"; if (stristr($tAlias[$i]['goto'], $fSearch)) { $new_goto = str_ireplace($fSearch, "<span style='background-color: lightgreen'>" . $fSearch . "</span>", $tAlias[$i]['goto']); $tAlias[$i]['goto'] = $new_goto; } print " <td>" . ereg_replace(",", "<br>", $tAlias[$i]['goto']) . "</td>\n"; print " <td>" . $tAlias[$i]['modified'] . "</td>\n"; if ($CONF['special_alias_control'] == 'YES' || authentication_has_role('global-admin')) { $active = $tAlias[$i]['active'] == 1 ? $PALANG['YES'] : $PALANG['NO']; print " <td><a href=\"edit-active.php?alias=" . urlencode($tAlias[$i]['address']) . "&domain=" . $tAlias[$i]['domain'] . "&return=search.php?search=" . urlencode($fSearch) . "\">" . $active . "</a></td>\n"; print " <td><a href=\"edit-alias.php?address=" . urlencode($tAlias[$i]['address']) . "&domain=" . $tAlias[$i]['domain'] . "\">" . $PALANG['edit'] . "</a></td>\n"; print " <td><a href=\"delete.php?table=alias&"; print "delete=" . urlencode($tAlias[$i]['address']) . "&domain=" . $tAlias[$i]['domain'] . "\"onclick=\"return confirm ('" . $PALANG['confirm'] . $PALANG['pOverview_get_aliases'] . ": " . $tAlias[$i]['address'] . "')\">" . $PALANG['del'] . "</a></td>\n"; } else { if (check_alias_owner($SESSID_USERNAME, $tAlias[$i]['address'])) { $active = $tAlias[$i]['active'] == 1 ? $PALANG['YES'] : $PALANG['NO']; print " <td><a href=\"edit-active.php?alias=" . urlencode($tAlias[$i]['address']) . "&domain=" . $tAlias[$i]['domain'] . "&return=search.php?search=" . urlencode($fSearch) . "\">" . $active . "</a></td>\n"; print " <td><a href=\"edit-alias.php?address=" . urlencode($tAlias[$i]['address']) . "&domain=" . $tAlias[$i]['domain'] . "\">" . $PALANG['edit'] . "</a></td>\n"; print " <td><a href=\"delete.php?delete=" . urlencode($tAlias[$i]['address']) . "&domain=" . $tAlias[$i]['domain'] . "\"onclick=\"return confirm ('" . $PALANG['confirm'] . $PALANG['pOverview_get_aliases'] . ": " . $tAlias[$i]['address'] . "')\">" . $PALANG['del'] . "</a></td>\n"; } else { print " <td> </td>\n"; print " <td> </td>\n"; } } print " </tr>\n"; } } print "</table>\n"; } if (sizeof($tMailbox) > 0) {
if ($CONF['vacation'] == "YES") { $result_vacation = db_delete($table_vacation, $fWhere, $fDelete); } $result_domain = db_delete($table_domain, $fWhere, $fDelete); if (!$result_domain || !domain_postdeletion($fDelete)) { $error = 1; $tMessage = $PALANG['pAdminDelete_domain_error']; } else { $url = "list-domain.php"; header("Location: {$url}"); } } elseif ($fTable == "alias" or $fTable == "mailbox") { if (!check_owner($SESSID_USERNAME, $fDomain)) { $error = 1; $tMessage = $PALANG['pDelete_domain_error'] . "<b>{$fDomain}</b>!</span>"; } elseif (!check_alias_owner($SESSID_USERNAME, $fDelete)) { $error = 1; $tMessage = $PALANG['pDelete_alias_error'] . "<b>{$fDelete}</b>!</span>"; } else { if ($CONF['database_type'] == "pgsql") { db_query('BEGIN'); } $result = db_query("DELETE FROM {$table_alias} WHERE address='{$fDelete}' AND domain='{$fDomain}'"); if ($result['rows'] != 1) { $error = 1; $tMessage = $PALANG['pDelete_delete_error'] . "<b>{$fDelete}</b> (alias)!</span>"; } else { db_log($SESSID_USERNAME, $fDomain, 'delete_alias', $fDelete); } if (!$error) { $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {$table_mailbox} WHERE username='******' AND domain='{$fDomain}'");