apc_delete('key1'); echo "1 delete, 2 keys\n"; $info = apc_cache_info('user'); checkInfo($info, 20, 7, 2, true); dumpKeys($info); apc_add('key1', array(true, 10, 4.5678, 'hello', array('a' => 'b', 'c' => 'd'), 'and more')); echo "add again, 3 keys\n"; $info = apc_cache_info(''); checkInfo($info, 100, 10, 3, true); class C { } apc_add('key3', new C()); echo "4 keys\n"; $info = apc_cache_info('user'); checkInfo($info, 110, 14, 4, true); dumpKeys($info); $info = apc_cache_info('filehits'); if ($info == null) { echo "error with filehits\n"; } $info = apc_cache_info('whatever'); if ($info == null) { echo "error random cache info\n"; } echo "done\n"; // the size values are a bit of a difficult thing to check so we use them // // as sort of a lower bound. It's a weak check but unless it gets bad // // it's a useful thing to check function checkInfo($info, $valuesSize, $keysSize, $entriesCount, $checkList) {
} $_POST['Hdep'] = $gg . ":" . $ii; if (!preg_match('/^[0-9]{1,2}$/', $Tab['prix']) || $Tab['prix'] > 100 || $Tab['prix'] < 0) { return "Prix invalide, il doit être compris entre 0 et 99."; } if (nbPlace($Tab['vehicule']) < $Tab['places']) { return "Vous ne pouvez proposer plus de places que votre voiture n'en posséde !"; } return "NoError"; } if ($_POST['send']) { list($villedep, $Pays) = explode(',', $_POST['villedep']); list($villearr, $Pays) = explode(',', $_POST['villearr']); $_POST['villedep'] = $villedep; $_POST['villearr'] = $villearr; $error = checkInfo($_POST); if ($error == "NoError") { $nocig = 1; if ($_POST['nocig'] != "nocig") { $nocig = 0; } $music = 1; if ($_POST['music'] != "music") { $music = 0; } $bag = 1; if ($_POST['bag'] != "bag") { $bag = 0; } $bavar = 1; if ($_POST['talk'] != "talk") {
apc_delete('key1'); echo "1 delete, 2 keys\n"; $info = apc_cache_info('user'); checkInfo($info, 20, 7, 2, true); dumpKeys($info); apc_add('key1', array(true, 10, 4.5678, 'hello', array('a' => 'b', 'c' => 'd'), 'and more')); echo "add again, 3 keys\n"; $info = apc_cache_info(''); checkInfo($info, 48, 10, 3, true); class C { } apc_add('key3', new C()); echo "4 keys\n"; $info = apc_cache_info('user'); checkInfo($info, 90, 14, 4, true); dumpKeys($info); $info = apc_cache_info('filehits'); if ($info == null) { echo "error with filehits\n"; } $info = apc_cache_info('whatever'); if ($info == null) { echo "error random cache info\n"; } echo "done\n"; // The size values are a bit of a difficult thing to check so we use them as // sort of a lower bound. It's a weak check but unless it gets bad it's a // useful thing to check. function checkInfo($info, $valuesSize, $keysSize, $entriesCount, $checkList) {
<?php error_reporting(E_ALL); if (isset($_REQUEST['username'])) { $con = new mysqli('localhost', 'root', 'rooty', 'glossary') or die(mysql_error()); $salt = substr(uniqid(mt_rand(), true), 0, 25); $userInfo = array('username' => $_POST['username'], 'email' => $_POST['email'], 'password' => sha1($_POST['password'] . $salt), 'password_salt' => $salt, 'userType' => 2, 'time' => time(), 'verified' => 0); include "check.php"; $allowCreate = checkInfo($userInfo); if (!mysql_error() && $allowCreate['result']) { $query = "INSERT INTO `users` (username, email, password_hash, user_type, creation_time, password_salt, verified) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; $stmt = $con->prepare($query); $stmt->bind_param('sssiisi', $userInfo['username'], $userInfo['email'], $userInfo['password'], $userInfo['userType'], $userInfo['time'], $userInfo['password_salt'], $userInfo['verified']); $stmt->execute(); $userInfo['user_id'] = mysqli_insert_id($con); include "register.php"; createUserVerify($userInfo); } else { if (!$allowCreate['result']) { $errorMessage = $allowCreate['error']; } } } ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <title>Gloasis Resgister</title> <link rel="stylesheet" tpye="text/css" href="stylesheet.css"> </head> <body>
apc_delete('key1'); echo "1 delete, 2 keys\n"; $info = apc_cache_info('user'); checkInfo($info, 20, 7, 2, true); dumpKeys($info); apc_add('key1', array(true, 10, 4.5678, 'hello', array('a' => 'b', 'c' => 'd'), 'and more')); echo "add again, 3 keys\n"; $info = apc_cache_info(''); checkInfo($info, 48, 10, 3, true); class C { } apc_add('key3', new C()); echo "4 keys\n"; $info = apc_cache_info('user'); checkInfo($info, 85, 14, 4, true); dumpKeys($info); $info = apc_cache_info('filehits'); if ($info == null) { echo "error with filehits\n"; } $info = apc_cache_info('whatever'); if ($info == null) { echo "error random cache info\n"; } echo "done\n"; // The size values are a bit of a difficult thing to check so we use them as // sort of a lower bound. It's a weak check but unless it gets bad it's a // useful thing to check. function checkInfo($info, $valuesSize, $keysSize, $entriesCount, $checkList) {