"cnt":"33" }, {"id": "dal20112", "currency":"dally", "sort":"dal20112", "volume":"437", "yr":"11", "mth":"February", "cnt":"19" } ]} */ $input = array('summary.json'); // parameters supplied as array $cclite = cclite_contents($input); $json_array = explode('|', $cclite); // separate the two json structures $balances = json_decode($json_array[0], TRUE); $volumes = json_decode($json_array[1], TRUE); ?> <div style="font-size:small;"> <?php foreach ($balances['data'] as $record) { foreach ($record as $key => $val) { if ($key == 'currency') { $keep_currency = $val; } elseif ($key == 'sum') {
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "{$cclite_base_url}/pay/{$arg_list['1']}/{$arg_list['2']}/{$arg_list['3']}/{$arg_list['4']}"); break; case 'adduser': // direct/adduser/dalston/test1/email using the merchant key, without using individual logon $block_content = "case adduser : {$stuff}/{$key}"; // log_debug("in adduser ", "$cclite_base_url/direct/adduser/$arg_list[1]/$arg_list[2]/$arg_list[3]"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "{$cclite_base_url}/direct/adduser/{$arg_list['1']}/{$arg_list['2']}/{$arg_list['3']}"); break; case 'modifyuser': // direct/modifyuser/dalston/test1/email using the merchant key, without using individual logon // non-working at present... $block_content = "case modifyuser : {$stuff}/{$key}"; // log_debug("in modifyuser ", "$cclite_base_url/direct/modifyuser/$arg_list[1]/$arg_list[2]/$arg_list[3]"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "{$cclite_base_url}/direct/modifyuser/{$arg_list['1']}/{$arg_list['2']}/{$arg_list['3']}"); break; // nothing to display in // elgg specific show summary in spotlight // nothing to display in // elgg specific show summary in spotlight default: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "{$cclite_base_url}/summary"); } $block_content = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); return $block_content; } $cclite = cclite_contents(); echo $cclite; ?>
// elgg specific show summary in spotlight, probably should return 'nothing' // nothing to display in // elgg specific show summary in spotlight, probably should return 'nothing' default: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "{$cclite_base_url}/summary"); } $block_content = curl_exec($ch); // this version now logs off, gateway is 'transactional' doesn't stay connected... curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "{$cclite_base_url}/logoff"); $logoff = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); // modify this at will to debug... if ($params['verbose']) { return "u:{$url}\n b:{$block_content} \n l:{$logoff}"; } else { return $block_content; } } // here are the tests, change these to your values... $api_tests = array('recent' => "recent", 'summary' => "summary", 'block' => "block", 'pay' => "pay,test1,ccliekh_dalston,23,dally", 'adduser' => 'direct,adduser,ccliekh_dalston,test42,bogus\\@bogus.net'); foreach ($api_tests as $k => $v) { $call_params = explode(",", $api_tests[$k]); $contents = cclite_contents($call_params); echo "\nstart of test {$k} <br/>\n"; echo $contents; echo "\nend of test {$k} <br/><br/>\n\n"; } ?>