コード例 #1
</a></td><td align="center"><a class="noLink"><?php 
                echo $lang["count"];
</a></td><td align="right">
                while ($DisenchantLootDetail = mysql_fetch_assoc($DisenchantLootQuery)) {
                    switchConnection("armory", REALM_NAME);
                    $item_query = execute_query("SELECT `item_name`, `item_quality`, `item_icon` FROM `cache_item` WHERE `item_id` = " . $DisenchantLootDetail["item"] . " AND `mangosdbkey` = " . $realms[REALM_NAME][2] . " LIMIT 1");
                    if (!($DisenchantItemsDisplay = mysql_fetch_assoc($item_query))) {
                        $item_cache[$DisenchantLootDetail["item"]] = cache_item($DisenchantLootDetail["item"]);
                        $DisenchantItemsDisplay["item_name"] = $item_cache[$DisenchantLootDetail["item"]]["item_name"];
                        $DisenchantItemsDisplay["item_quality"] = $item_cache[$DisenchantLootDetail["item"]]["item_quality"];
                        $DisenchantItemsDisplay["item_icon"] = $item_cache[$DisenchantLootDetail["item"]]["item_icon"];
                    switchConnection("armory", REALM_NAME);
                    if (!mysql_num_rows(execute_query("SELECT `item_id` FROM `cache_item_tooltip` WHERE `item_id` = " . $DisenchantLootDetail["item"] . " AND `mangosdbkey` = " . $realms[REALM_NAME][2] . " LIMIT 1"))) {
コード例 #2
        $visible_item_ids .= "0";
        switchConnection("armory", REALM_NAME);
        $doquery_pls_gm = execute_query("SELECT * FROM `cache_item` WHERE `item_id` IN (" . $visible_item_ids . ") AND `mangosdbkey` = " . $realms[REALM_NAME][2]);
        $item_cache = array();
        while ($result_pls_gm = mysql_fetch_assoc($doquery_pls_gm)) {
            $item_cache[$result_pls_gm["item_id"]] = $result_pls_gm;
        switchConnection("armory", REALM_NAME);
        $doquery_pls_gm = execute_query("SELECT `item_id` FROM `cache_item_tooltip` WHERE `item_id` IN (" . $visible_item_ids . ") AND `mangosdbkey` = " . $realms[REALM_NAME][2]);
        $item_tooltip_cache = array();
        while ($result_pls_gm = mysql_fetch_assoc($doquery_pls_gm)) {
            $item_tooltip_cache[$result_pls_gm["item_id"]] = $result_pls_gm;
        foreach ($Items as $Key => $Data) {
            if (!isset($item_cache[$Data[0]])) {
                $item_cache[$Data[0]] = cache_item($Data[0]);
            $item_icon = $item_cache[$Data[0]]["item_icon"];
            $item_quality = $item_cache[$Data[0]]["item_quality"];
            if (!isset($item_tooltip_cache[$Data[0]])) {
<td><img class="p43" onMouseOut="hideTip();" onmouseover="showTip('<?php 
            echo $lang["loading"];
コード例 #3
    $query_pls_gm .= "0) AND `mangosdbkey` = " . $realms[REALM_NAME][2] . " LIMIT 18";
    $item_cache = array();
    $item_spellstats_cache = array();
    $doquery_pls_gm = execute_query($query_pls_gm);
    while ($result_pls_gm = mysql_fetch_assoc($doquery_pls_gm)) {
        $item_cache[$result_pls_gm["item_id"]] = $result_pls_gm;
execute_query("DELETE FROM `cache_item_char` WHERE `chardbkey` = " . $realms[REALM_NAME][1] . " AND `item_owner` = " . $stat["guid"] . " LIMIT 18");
$setArray = array();
for ($i = 0; $i <= 18; $i++) {
    /* Get my id */
    if (isset($myinventory[$i])) {
        $thisId = $myinventory[$i]["item_template"];
        if (!isset($item_cache[$thisId])) {
            $item_cache[$thisId] = cache_item($thisId);
        $char_item = cache_item_char($thisId, $stat["guid"], $i, $myinventory[$i]["item"], $itemlist);
        // Item Icon //
        $myinventory[$i]["icon"] = $item_cache[$thisId]["item_icon"];
// WEAPON //
$MainMin = floor($stat["meele_main_hand_min_dmg"][1]);
$MainMax = floor($stat["meele_main_hand_max_dmg"][1]);
$MainAttSpe = number_format($stat["meele_main_hand_attack_time"][1] / 1000, 2, ".", "");
if ($MainAttSpe) {
    $MainDPS = number_format(($MainMin + $MainMax) / 2 / $MainAttSpe, 1, ".", "");
} else {
    $MainDPS = 0;