コード例 #1
  * Saves the content of a form editing new or existing records. It returns the same form + status messages rendered into the current view, inherited from ActionController
  * @param array $pa_options Array of options passed through to _initView and saveBundlesForScreen()
 public function Save($pa_options = null)
     if (!is_array($pa_options)) {
         $pa_options = array();
     list($t_subject, $t_ui, $vn_parent_id, $vn_above_id) = $this->_initView(array_merge($pa_options, array('loadSubject' => true)));
     if (!$t_subject) {
         $this->postError(1220, _t('Invalid table %1', $this->ops_table_name), "BaseInterstitalController->Edit()");
         return false;
     if (!is_array($pa_options)) {
         $pa_options = array();
     // Is record of correct type?
     $va_restrict_to_types = null;
     if ($t_subject->getAppConfig()->get('perform_type_access_checking')) {
         $va_restrict_to_types = caGetTypeRestrictionsForUser($this->ops_table_name, array('access' => __CA_BUNDLE_ACCESS_EDIT__));
     if (is_array($va_restrict_to_types) && !in_array($t_subject->get('type_id'), $va_restrict_to_types)) {
         $this->response->setRedirect($this->request->config->get('error_display_url') . '/n/2560?r=' . urlencode($this->request->getFullUrlPath()));
     $pn_placement_id = $this->request->getParameter('placement_id', pInteger);
     // placement_id of bundle that launched interstitial editor
     $ps_primary_table = $this->request->getParameter('primary', pString);
     $pn_primary_id = $this->request->getParameter('primary_id', pInteger);
     // Make sure request isn't empty
     if (!sizeof($_POST)) {
         $va_response = array('status' => 20, 'id' => null, 'table' => $t_subject->tableName(), 'type_id' => null, 'display' => null, 'errors' => array(_t("Cannot save using empty request. Are you using a bookmark?") => _t("Cannot save using empty request. Are you using a bookmark?")));
         $this->view->setVar('response', $va_response);
     // Set type name for display
     if (!($vs_type_name = $t_subject->getTypeName())) {
         $vs_type_name = $t_subject->getProperty('NAME_SINGULAR');
     # trigger "BeforeSaveItem" hook
     $this->opo_app_plugin_manager->hookBeforeSaveItem(array('id' => null, 'table_num' => $t_subject->tableNum(), 'table_name' => $t_subject->tableName(), 'instance' => $t_subject, 'is_insert' => true));
     $t_placement = new ca_editor_ui_bundle_placements($pn_placement_id);
     $pa_bundle_settings = $t_placement->getSettings();
     $va_opts = array_merge($pa_options, array('ui_instance' => $t_ui));
     $vb_save_rc = $t_subject->saveBundlesForScreen($this->request->getParameter('screen', pString), $this->request, $va_opts);
     $this->view->setVar('t_ui', $t_ui);
     $vs_message = _t("Saved changes to %1", $vs_type_name);
     // Regenerate display template for bundle that launched the interstitial editor so it will reflect any changes
     $vs_related_table = $t_placement->getEditorType();
     $vs_template = caGetBundleDisplayTemplate($t_subject, $vs_related_table, $pa_bundle_settings);
     $qr_rel_items = caMakeSearchResult($t_subject->tableName(), array($t_subject->getPrimaryKey()));
     // Handle case of self relationships where we need to figure out which direction things are going in
     $va_bundle_values = array_shift(caProcessRelationshipLookupLabel($qr_rel_items, $t_subject, array('template' => $vs_template, 'primaryIDs' => array($ps_primary_table => array($pn_primary_id)))));
     if ($t_subject->hasField('type_id')) {
         if (method_exists($t_subject, "isSelfRelationship") && $t_subject->isSelfRelationship()) {
             $vn_left_id = $t_subject->get($t_subject->getLeftTableFieldName());
             $vn_right_id = $t_subject->get($t_subject->getRightTableFieldName());
             $va_bundle_values['relationship_typename'] = $t_subject->getRelationshipTypename($vn_left_id == $pn_primary_id ? 'ltol' : 'rtol');
         } else {
             $va_bundle_values['relationship_typename'] = $t_subject->getRelationshipTypename($t_subject->getLeftTableFieldName() == $vs_related_table ? 'rtol' : 'ltor');
         $va_bundle_values['relationship_type_code'] = $t_subject->getRelationshipTypeCode();
     // Report errors
     $va_errors = $this->request->getActionErrors();
     // all errors from all sources
     $va_general_errors = $this->request->getActionErrors('general');
     // just "general" errors - ones that are not attached to a specific part of the form
     if (sizeof($va_errors) - sizeof($va_general_errors) > 0) {
         $va_error_list = array();
         $vb_no_save_error = false;
         foreach ($va_errors as $o_e) {
             $va_error_list[$o_e->getErrorDescription()] = $o_e->getErrorDescription() . "\n";
             switch ($o_e->getErrorNumber()) {
                 case 1100:
                     // duplicate/invalid idno
                     if (!$vn_subject_id) {
                         // can't save new record if idno is not valid (when updating everything but idno is saved if it is invalid)
                         $vb_no_save_error = true;
     } else {
     # trigger "SaveItem" hook
     $this->opo_app_plugin_manager->hookSaveItem(array('id' => $vn_subject_id, 'table_num' => $t_subject->tableNum(), 'table_name' => $t_subject->tableName(), 'instance' => $t_subject, 'is_insert' => true));
     $vn_id = $t_subject->getPrimaryKey();
     $va_response = array('status' => sizeof($va_error_list) ? 10 : 0, 'id' => $vn_id, 'table' => $t_subject->tableName(), 'type_id' => method_exists($t_subject, "getTypeID") ? $t_subject->getTypeID() : null, 'display' => 'relation', 'bundleDisplay' => $va_bundle_values, 'errors' => $va_error_list);
     $this->view->setVar('response', $va_response);
コード例 #2
  * Saves the content of a form editing new or existing records. It returns the same form + status messages rendered into the current view, inherited from ActionController
  * @param array $pa_options Array of options passed through to _initView and saveBundlesForScreen()
 public function Save($pa_options = null)
     list($t_subject, $t_ui, $vn_parent_id, $vn_above_id) = $this->_initView($pa_options);
     if (!is_array($pa_options)) {
         $pa_options = array();
     // Is record of correct type?
     $va_restrict_to_types = null;
     if ($t_subject->getAppConfig()->get('perform_type_access_checking')) {
         $va_restrict_to_types = caGetTypeRestrictionsForUser($this->ops_table_name, array('access' => __CA_BUNDLE_ACCESS_EDIT__));
     if (is_array($va_restrict_to_types) && !in_array($t_subject->get('type_id'), $va_restrict_to_types)) {
         $this->response->setRedirect($this->request->config->get('error_display_url') . '/n/2560?r=' . urlencode($this->request->getFullUrlPath()));
     // Make sure request isn't empty
     if (!sizeof($_POST)) {
         $va_response = array('status' => 20, 'id' => null, 'table' => $t_subject->tableName(), 'type_id' => null, 'display' => null, 'errors' => array(_t("Cannot save using empty request. Are you using a bookmark?") => _t("Cannot save using empty request. Are you using a bookmark?")));
         $this->view->setVar('response', $va_response);
     // Set "context" id from those editors that need to restrict idno lookups to within the context of another field value (eg. idno's for ca_list_items are only unique within a given list_id)
     $vn_context_id = null;
     if ($vs_idno_context_field = $t_subject->getProperty('ID_NUMBERING_CONTEXT_FIELD')) {
         if ($vn_subject_id > 0) {
             $this->view->setVar('_context_id', $vn_context_id = $t_subject->get($vs_idno_context_field));
         } else {
             if ($vn_parent_id > 0) {
                 $t_parent = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableName($this->ops_table_name);
                 if ($t_parent->load($vn_parent_id)) {
                     $this->view->setVar('_context_id', $vn_context_id = $t_parent->get($vs_idno_context_field));
         if ($vn_context_id) {
             $t_subject->set($vs_idno_context_field, $vn_context_id);
     // Set type name for display
     if (!($vs_type_name = $t_subject->getTypeName())) {
         $vs_type_name = $t_subject->getProperty('NAME_SINGULAR');
     # trigger "BeforeSaveItem" hook
     $this->opo_app_plugin_manager->hookBeforeSaveItem(array('id' => null, 'table_num' => $t_subject->tableNum(), 'table_name' => $t_subject->tableName(), 'instance' => $t_subject, 'is_insert' => true));
     $vn_parent_id = $this->request->getParameter('parent_id', pInteger);
     $t_subject->set('parent_id', $vn_parent_id);
     $this->opo_result_context->setParameter($t_subject->tableName() . '_last_parent_id', $vn_parent_id);
     $va_opts = array_merge($pa_options, array('ui_instance' => $t_ui));
     $vb_save_rc = $t_subject->saveBundlesForScreen($this->request->getParameter('screen', pString), $this->request, $va_opts);
     $this->view->setVar('t_ui', $t_ui);
     if (!$vn_subject_id) {
         $vn_subject_id = $t_subject->getPrimaryKey();
         if (!$vb_save_rc) {
             $vs_message = _t("Could not save %1", $vs_type_name);
         } else {
             $vs_message = _t("Added %1", $vs_type_name);
             $this->request->setParameter($t_subject->primaryKey(), $vn_subject_id, 'GET');
             $this->view->setVar($t_subject->primaryKey(), $vn_subject_id);
             $this->view->setVar('subject_id', $vn_subject_id);
             $this->request->session->setVar($this->ops_table_name . '_browse_last_id', $vn_subject_id);
             // set last edited
             // Set ACL for newly created record
             if ($t_subject->getAppConfig()->get('perform_item_level_access_checking')) {
                 $t_subject->setACLUsers(array($this->request->getUserID() => __CA_ACL_EDIT_DELETE_ACCESS__));
     } else {
         $vs_message = _t("Saved changes to %1", $vs_type_name);
     $va_errors = $this->request->getActionErrors();
     // all errors from all sources
     $va_general_errors = $this->request->getActionErrors('general');
     // just "general" errors - ones that are not attached to a specific part of the form
     if (sizeof($va_errors) - sizeof($va_general_errors) > 0) {
         $va_error_list = array();
         $vb_no_save_error = false;
         foreach ($va_errors as $o_e) {
             $va_error_list[$o_e->getErrorDescription()] = $o_e->getErrorDescription() . "\n";
             switch ($o_e->getErrorNumber()) {
                 case 1100:
                     // duplicate/invalid idno
                     if (!$vn_subject_id) {
                         // can't save new record if idno is not valid (when updating everything but idno is saved if it is invalid)
                         $vb_no_save_error = true;
     } else {
     # trigger "SaveItem" hook
     $this->opo_app_plugin_manager->hookSaveItem(array('id' => $vn_subject_id, 'table_num' => $t_subject->tableNum(), 'table_name' => $t_subject->tableName(), 'instance' => $t_subject, 'is_insert' => true));
     $vn_id = $t_subject->getPrimaryKey();
     if ($vn_id) {
         $va_tmp = caProcessRelationshipLookupLabel($t_subject->makeSearchResult($t_subject->tableName(), array($vn_id)), $t_subject);
         $va_name = array_pop($va_tmp);
     } else {
         $va_name = array();
     $va_response = array('status' => sizeof($va_error_list) ? 10 : 0, 'id' => $vn_id, 'table' => $t_subject->tableName(), 'type_id' => method_exists($t_subject, "getTypeID") ? $t_subject->getTypeID() : null, 'display' => $va_name['label'], 'errors' => $va_error_list);
     $this->view->setVar('response', $va_response);
コード例 #3
  * Returns array of users associated with the currently loaded row. The array
  * is key'ed on user user user_id; each value is an  array containing information about the user. Array keys are:
  *			user_id			[user_id for user]
  *			user_name	[name of user]
  *			code				[short alphanumeric code identifying the group]
  *			description	[text description of group]
  * @return array List of groups associated with the currently loaded row
 public function getUsers($pa_options = null)
     if (!($vn_id = (int) $this->getPrimaryKey())) {
         return null;
     if (!($vs_user_rel_table = $this->getProperty('USERS_RELATIONSHIP_TABLE'))) {
         return null;
     $vs_pk = $this->primaryKey();
     if (!is_array($pa_options)) {
         $pa_options = array();
     $vb_return_for_bundle = isset($pa_options['returnAsInitialValuesForBundle']) && $pa_options['returnAsInitialValuesForBundle'] ? true : false;
     $o_dm = Datamodel::load();
     $t_rel = $o_dm->getInstanceByTableName($vs_user_rel_table);
     $vb_supports_date_restrictions = (bool) $t_rel->hasField('effective_date');
     $o_tep = new TimeExpressionParser();
     $o_db = $this->getDb();
     $qr_res = $o_db->query("\n\t\t\t\tSELECT u.*, r.*\n\t\t\t\tFROM {$vs_user_rel_table} r\n\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN ca_users AS u ON u.user_id = r.user_id\n\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\tr.{$vs_pk} = ?\n\t\t\t", $vn_id);
     $va_users = array();
     $va_user_ids = $qr_res->getAllFieldValues("user_id");
     if ($qr_users = $this->makeSearchResult('ca_users', $va_user_ids)) {
         $va_initial_values = caProcessRelationshipLookupLabel($qr_users, new ca_users(), array('stripTags' => true));
     } else {
         $va_initial_values = array();
     while ($qr_res->nextRow()) {
         $va_row = array();
         foreach (array('user_id', 'user_name', 'fname', 'lname', 'email', 'sdatetime', 'edatetime', 'access') as $vs_f) {
             $va_row[$vs_f] = $qr_res->get($vs_f);
         if ($vb_supports_date_restrictions) {
             $o_tep->setUnixTimestamps($qr_res->get('sdatetime'), $qr_res->get('edatetime'));
             $va_row['effective_date'] = $o_tep->getText();
         if ($vb_return_for_bundle) {
             $va_row['label'] = $va_initial_values[$va_row['user_id']]['label'];
             $va_row['id'] = $va_row['user_id'];
             $va_users[(int) $qr_res->get('relation_id')] = $va_row;
         } else {
             $va_users[(int) $qr_res->get('user_id')] = $va_row;
     return $va_users;
  * Returns array of user group ACL entries associated with the currently loaded row. The array
  * is key'ed on user group group_id; each value is an  array containing information about the group. Array keys are:
  *			group_id		[group_id for group]
  *			name			[name of group]
  *			code			[short alphanumeric code identifying the group]
  *			description		[text description of group]
  * @param array $pa_options Supported options:
  *		returnAsInitialValuesForBundle = if set array is returned suitable for use with the ACLUsers bundle; the array is key'ed by acl_id and includes the _display entry required by the bundle
  * @return array List of user group ACL-entries associated with the currently loaded row
 public function getACLUserGroups($pa_options = null)
     if (!($vn_id = (int) $this->getPrimaryKey())) {
         return null;
     if (!is_array($pa_options)) {
         $pa_options = array();
     $vb_return_for_bundle = isset($pa_options['returnAsInitialValuesForBundle']) && $pa_options['returnAsInitialValuesForBundle'] ? true : false;
     $o_db = $this->getDb();
     $qr_res = $o_db->query("\n\t\t\tSELECT g.*, acl.*\n\t\t\tFROM ca_acl acl\n\t\t\tINNER JOIN ca_user_groups AS g ON g.group_id = acl.group_id\n\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\tacl.table_num = ? AND acl.row_id = ? AND acl.group_id IS NOT NULL\n\t\t", $this->tableNum(), $vn_id);
     $va_groups = array();
     $va_group_ids = $qr_res->getAllFieldValues("group_id");
     if ($qr_groups = $this->makeSearchResult('ca_user_groups', $va_group_ids)) {
         $va_initial_values = caProcessRelationshipLookupLabel($qr_groups, new ca_user_groups(), array('stripTags' => true));
     } else {
         $va_initial_values = array();
     $t_acl = new ca_acl();
     while ($qr_res->nextRow()) {
         $va_row = array();
         foreach (array('group_id', 'name', 'code', 'description', 'access') as $vs_f) {
             $va_row[$vs_f] = $qr_res->get($vs_f);
         if ($vb_return_for_bundle) {
             $va_row['label'] = $va_initial_values[$va_row['group_id']]['label'];
             $va_row['id'] = $va_row['group_id'];
             $va_row['access_display'] = $t_acl->getChoiceListValue('access', $va_row['access']);
             $va_groups[(int) $qr_res->get('acl_id')] = $va_row;
         } else {
             $va_groups[(int) $qr_res->get('group_id')] = $va_row;
     return $va_groups;
コード例 #5
 public function Get($pa_additional_query_params = null, $pa_options = null)
     if (!$this->ops_search_class) {
         return null;
     $ps_query = $this->request->getParameter('q', pString);
     $pb_exact = $this->request->getParameter('exact', pInteger);
     $ps_exclude = $this->request->getParameter('exclude', pString);
     $va_excludes = explode(";", $ps_exclude);
     $ps_type = $this->request->getParameter('type', pString);
     $ps_types = $this->request->getParameter('types', pString);
     $pb_no_subtypes = (bool) $this->request->getParameter('noSubtypes', pInteger);
     if (!($pn_limit = $this->request->getParameter('limit', pInteger))) {
         $pn_limit = 100;
     $va_items = array();
     if (($vn_str_len = mb_strlen($ps_query)) > 0) {
         if ($vn_str_len < 3) {
             $pb_exact = true;
         // force short strings to be an exact match (using a very short string as a stem would perform badly and return too many matches in most cases)
         $o_search = new $this->ops_search_class();
         $pa_types = array();
         if ($ps_types) {
             $pa_types = explode(';', $ps_types);
         } else {
             if ($ps_type) {
                 $pa_types = array($ps_type);
         // Get type_ids
         $vs_type_query = '';
         $va_ids = array();
         if (sizeof($pa_types)) {
             $va_types = $this->opo_item_instance->getTypeList();
             $va_types_proc = array();
             foreach ($va_types as $vn_type_id => $va_type) {
                 $va_types_proc[$vn_type_id] = $va_types_proc[$va_type['idno']] = $vn_type_id;
             foreach ($pa_types as $ps_type) {
                 if (isset($va_types_proc[$ps_type])) {
                     $va_ids[$va_types_proc[$ps_type]] = true;
             $va_ids = array_keys($va_ids);
             if (sizeof($va_ids) > 0) {
                 $t_list = new ca_lists();
                 if (!$pb_no_subtypes) {
                     foreach ($va_ids as $vn_id) {
                         $va_children = $t_list->getItemsForList($this->opo_item_instance->getTypeListCode(), array('item_id' => $vn_id, 'idsOnly' => true));
                         $va_ids = array_merge($va_ids, $va_children);
                     $va_ids = array_flip(array_flip($va_ids));
                 $o_search->addResultFilter($this->opo_item_instance->tableName() . '.' . $this->opo_item_instance->getTypeFieldName(), 'IN', join(",", $va_ids));
         } else {
             $va_ids = null;
         // add any additional search elements
         $vs_additional_query_params = '';
         if (is_array($pa_additional_query_params) && sizeof($pa_additional_query_params)) {
             $vs_additional_query_params = ' AND (' . join(' AND ', $pa_additional_query_params) . ')';
         // get sort field
         $vs_sort = '';
         if ($vs_idno_fld = $this->opo_item_instance->getProperty('ID_NUMBERING_SORT_FIELD')) {
             $vs_sort = $this->opo_item_instance->tableName() . ".{$vs_idno_fld}";
         } else {
             if (method_exists($this->opo_item_instance, "getLabelSortField")) {
                 $vs_sort = $this->opo_item_instance->getLabelTableName() . '.' . $this->opo_item_instance->getLabelSortField();
         $vs_hier_parent_id_fld = $this->opo_item_instance->getProperty('HIERARCHY_PARENT_ID_FLD');
         $vs_hier_fld = $this->opo_item_instance->getProperty('HIERARCHY_ID_FLD');
         if ($vs_hier_fld && ($vn_restrict_to_hier_id = $this->request->getParameter('currentHierarchyOnly', pInteger))) {
             $o_search->addResultFilter($this->opo_item_instance->tableName() . '.' . $vs_hier_fld, '=', (int) $vn_restrict_to_hier_id);
         // add filters
         if (isset($pa_options['filters']) && is_array($pa_options['filters']) && sizeof($pa_options['filters'])) {
             foreach ($pa_options['filters'] as $va_filter) {
                 $o_search->addResultFilter($va_filter[0], $va_filter[1], $va_filter[2]);
         // do search
         $qr_res = $o_search->search('(' . $ps_query . (intval($pb_exact) ? '' : '*') . ')' . $vs_type_query . $vs_additional_query_params, array('search_source' => 'Lookup', 'no_cache' => false, 'sort' => $vs_sort));
         $qr_res->setOption('prefetch', $pn_limit);
         $qr_res->setOption('dontPrefetchAttributes', true);
         $va_items = caProcessRelationshipLookupLabel($qr_res, $this->opo_item_instance, array('exclude' => $va_excludes, 'config' => $this->opo_plugin_config));
     if (!is_array($va_items)) {
         $va_items = array();
     $this->view->setVar(str_replace(' ', '_', $this->ops_name_singular) . '_list', $va_items);
     return $this->render('lookup/' . str_replace(' ', '_', 'ajax_' . $this->ops_name_singular . '_list_html.php'));
コード例 #6
  * Given a item_id (request parameter 'id') returns a list of direct children for use in the hierarchy browser
  * Returned data is JSON format
 public function Get($pa_additional_query_params = null, $pa_options = null)
     $ps_query = $this->request->getParameter('term', pString);
     $pb_exact = $this->request->getParameter('exact', pInteger);
     $ps_exclude = $this->request->getParameter('exclude', pString);
     $va_excludes = explode(";", $ps_exclude);
     $ps_type = $this->request->getParameter('type', pString);
     $ps_types = $this->request->getParameter('types', pString);
     $pb_no_subtypes = (bool) $this->request->getParameter('noSubtypes', pInteger);
     $pb_quickadd = (bool) $this->request->getParameter('quickadd', pInteger);
     $pb_no_inline = (bool) $this->request->getParameter('noInline', pInteger);
     $t_object = new ca_objects();
     $t_collection = new ca_collections();
     if (!($pn_limit = $this->request->getParameter('limit', pInteger))) {
         $pn_limit = 100;
     $va_items = array();
     if (($vn_str_len = mb_strlen($ps_query)) > 0) {
         if ($vn_str_len < 3) {
             $pb_exact = true;
         // force short strings to be an exact match (using a very short string as a stem would perform badly and return too many matches in most cases)
         $o_object_search = new ObjectSearch();
         $o_collection_search = new CollectionSearch();
         $pa_types = array();
         if ($ps_types) {
             $pa_types = explode(';', $ps_types);
         } else {
             if ($ps_type) {
                 $pa_types = array($ps_type);
         // Get type_ids
         $vs_type_query = '';
         $va_ids = array();
         if (sizeof($pa_types)) {
             $va_types = $this->opo_item_instance->getTypeList();
             $va_types_proc = array();
             foreach ($va_types as $vn_type_id => $va_type) {
                 $va_types_proc[$vn_type_id] = $va_types_proc[$va_type['idno']] = $vn_type_id;
             foreach ($pa_types as $ps_type) {
                 if (isset($va_types_proc[$ps_type])) {
                     $va_ids[$va_types_proc[$ps_type]] = true;
             $va_ids = array_keys($va_ids);
             if (sizeof($va_ids) > 0) {
                 $t_list = new ca_lists();
                 if (!$pb_no_subtypes) {
                     foreach ($va_ids as $vn_id) {
                         $va_children = $t_list->getItemsForList($this->opo_item_instance->getTypeListCode(), array('item_id' => $vn_id, 'idsOnly' => true));
                         $va_ids = array_merge($va_ids, $va_children);
                     $va_ids = array_flip(array_flip($va_ids));
                 $o_object_search->addResultFilter($this->opo_item_instance->tableName() . '.' . $this->opo_item_instance->getTypeFieldName(), 'IN', join(",", $va_ids));
         } else {
             $va_ids = null;
         // add any additional search elements
         $vs_additional_query_params = '';
         if (is_array($pa_additional_query_params) && sizeof($pa_additional_query_params)) {
             $vs_additional_query_params = ' AND (' . join(' AND ', $pa_additional_query_params) . ')';
         // add filters
         if (isset($pa_options['filters']) && is_array($pa_options['filters']) && sizeof($pa_options['filters'])) {
             foreach ($pa_options['filters'] as $va_filter) {
                 $o_object_search->addResultFilter($va_filter[0], $va_filter[1], $va_filter[2]);
         // do search
         $va_opts = array('exclude' => $va_excludes, 'limit' => $pn_limit);
         if ($vn_restrict_to_hier_id = $this->request->getParameter('currentHierarchyOnly', pInteger)) {
             $o_object_search->addResultFilter('ca_objects.hier_object_id', '=', (int) $vn_restrict_to_hier_id);
         $qr_res = $o_object_search->search('(' . $ps_query . (intval($pb_exact) ? '' : '*') . ')' . $vs_type_query . $vs_additional_query_params, array('search_source' => 'Lookup', 'no_cache' => false, 'sort' => 'ca_objects.idno_sort'));
         $qr_res->setOption('prefetch', $pn_limit);
         $qr_res->setOption('dontPrefetchAttributes', true);
         if (is_array($va_objects = caProcessRelationshipLookupLabel($qr_res, new ca_objects(), $va_opts))) {
             foreach ($va_objects as $vn_object_id => $va_object) {
                 $va_objects[$vn_object_id]['id'] = 'ca_objects-' . $va_objects[$vn_object_id]['id'];
         //if ($vs_hier_fld && ($vn_restrict_to_hier_id = $this->request->getParameter('currentHierarchyOnly', pInteger))) {
         //$o_collection_search->addResultFilter('ca_collections.hier_collection_id', '=', (int)$vn_restrict_to_hier_id);
         // How to restrict objects?
         $qr_res = $o_collection_search->search('(' . $ps_query . (intval($pb_exact) ? '' : '*') . ')' . $vs_type_query . $vs_additional_query_params, array('search_source' => 'Lookup', 'no_cache' => false, 'sort' => 'ca_collections.idno_sort'));
         $qr_res->setOption('prefetch', $pn_limit);
         $qr_res->setOption('dontPrefetchAttributes', true);
         if (is_array($va_collections = caProcessRelationshipLookupLabel($qr_res, new ca_collections(), $va_opts))) {
             foreach ($va_collections as $vn_collection_id => $va_collection) {
                 $va_collections[$vn_collection_id]['id'] = 'ca_collections-' . $va_collections[$vn_collection_id]['id'];
     if (!is_array($va_objects)) {
         $va_objects = array();
     if (!is_array($va_collections)) {
         $va_collections = array();
     if (!sizeof($va_objects) && !sizeof($va_collections)) {
         $va_objects[-1] = _t('No matches found for <em>%1</em>', $ps_query);
     $this->view->setVar('object_list', $va_objects);
     $this->view->setVar('collection_list', $va_collections);
     return $this->render(str_replace(' ', '_', 'ajax_object_collection_list_html.php'));
コード例 #7
 public function Index()
     $t_comm = new ca_commerce_communications();
     $t_user = new ca_users();
     $o_result_context = new ResultContext($this->request, 'ca_commerce_communications', 'basic_search_library');
     $va_options = array();
     $o_db = new Db();
     // filtering options
     foreach (array('created_on' => 'string', 'search' => 'string', 'user_id' => 'int', 'read_status' => 'string') as $vs_f => $vs_type) {
         if (array_key_exists($vs_f, $_REQUEST)) {
             $vm_v = $this->request->getParameter($vs_f, pString);
             $o_result_context->setParameter('caClientCommunicationList_' . $vs_f, $vm_v);
         } else {
             $vm_v = $o_result_context->getParameter('caClientCommunicationList_' . $vs_f);
         switch ($vs_type) {
             case 'int':
                 if (strlen($vm_v)) {
                     $vm_v = (int) $vm_v;
         if ($vs_f == 'read_status') {
             $va_options[$vs_f] = $vm_v;
             switch ($vm_v) {
                 case 'read':
                     $vs_f = 'readOnly';
                     $vm_v = true;
                 case 'unread':
                     $vs_f = 'unreadOnly';
                     $vm_v = true;
         if ($vs_f == 'user_id') {
             if (!$this->request->getParameter('client_user_id_autocomplete', pString)) {
             $o_search = new UserSearch();
             $va_labels = caProcessRelationshipLookupLabel($o_search->search("ca_users.user_id:{$vm_v}"), $t_user, array('stripTags' => true));
             if (sizeof($va_labels)) {
                 $va_label = array_pop($va_labels);
                 $va_options['_user_id_display'] = $va_label['label'];
         if ($vs_f != 'search') {
             $t_comm->set($vs_f, $vm_v);
         $va_options[$vs_f] = $vm_v;
     if ($pn_transaction_id = $this->request->getParameter('transaction_id', pInteger)) {
         // if set load messages for this transaction
         $va_options['transaction_id'] = $pn_transaction_id;
     $this->view->setVar('t_communication', $t_comm);
     $this->view->setVar('filter_options', $va_options);
     $this->view->setVar('message_list', $t_comm->getMessages($this->request->getUserID(), $va_options));
コード例 #8
 public function Get($pa_additional_query_params = null, $pa_options = null)
     header("Content-type: application/json");
     if (!$this->ops_search_class) {
         return null;
     $ps_query = $this->request->getParameter('term', pString);
     $pb_exact = $this->request->getParameter('exact', pInteger);
     $ps_exclude = $this->request->getParameter('exclude', pString);
     $va_excludes = explode(";", $ps_exclude);
     $ps_type = $this->request->getParameter('type', pString);
     $ps_types = $this->request->getParameter('types', pString);
     $pb_no_subtypes = (bool) $this->request->getParameter('noSubtypes', pInteger);
     $pb_quickadd = (bool) $this->request->getParameter('quickadd', pInteger);
     $pb_no_inline = (bool) $this->request->getParameter('noInline', pInteger);
     if (!($pn_limit = $this->request->getParameter('limit', pInteger))) {
         $pn_limit = 100;
     $va_items = array();
     if (($vn_str_len = mb_strlen($ps_query)) > 0) {
         if ($vn_str_len < 3) {
             $pb_exact = true;
         // force short strings to be an exact match (using a very short string as a stem would perform badly and return too many matches in most cases)
         $o_search = new $this->ops_search_class();
         $pa_types = array();
         if ($ps_types) {
             $pa_types = explode(';', $ps_types);
         } else {
             if ($ps_type) {
                 $pa_types = array($ps_type);
         // Get type_ids
         $vs_type_query = '';
         $va_ids = array();
         if (sizeof($pa_types)) {
             $va_types = $this->opo_item_instance->getTypeList();
             $va_types_proc = array();
             foreach ($va_types as $vn_type_id => $va_type) {
                 $va_types_proc[$vn_type_id] = $va_types_proc[$va_type['idno']] = $vn_type_id;
             foreach ($pa_types as $ps_type) {
                 if (isset($va_types_proc[$ps_type])) {
                     $va_ids[$va_types_proc[$ps_type]] = true;
             $va_ids = array_keys($va_ids);
             if (sizeof($va_ids) > 0) {
                 $t_list = new ca_lists();
                 if (!$pb_no_subtypes) {
                     foreach ($va_ids as $vn_id) {
                         $va_children = $t_list->getItemsForList($this->opo_item_instance->getTypeListCode(), array('item_id' => $vn_id, 'idsOnly' => true));
                         $va_ids = array_merge($va_ids, $va_children);
                     $va_ids = array_flip(array_flip($va_ids));
                 $o_search->addResultFilter($this->opo_item_instance->tableName() . '.' . $this->opo_item_instance->getTypeFieldName(), 'IN', join(",", $va_ids));
         // add any additional search elements
         $vs_additional_query_params = '';
         if (is_array($pa_additional_query_params) && sizeof($pa_additional_query_params)) {
             $vs_additional_query_params = ' AND (' . join(' AND ', $pa_additional_query_params) . ')';
         // get sort field
         $vs_sort = '_natural';
         // always sort first on relevance...
         if ($vs_idno_fld = $this->opo_item_instance->getProperty('ID_NUMBERING_SORT_FIELD')) {
             $vs_sort .= ";" . $this->opo_item_instance->tableName() . ".{$vs_idno_fld}";
         } else {
             if (method_exists($this->opo_item_instance, "getLabelSortField")) {
                 $vs_sort .= ";" . $this->opo_item_instance->getLabelTableName() . '.' . $this->opo_item_instance->getLabelSortField();
         $vs_hier_parent_id_fld = $this->opo_item_instance->getProperty('HIERARCHY_PARENT_ID_FLD');
         $vs_hier_fld = $this->opo_item_instance->getProperty('HIERARCHY_ID_FLD');
         if ($vs_hier_fld && ($vn_restrict_to_hier_id = $this->request->getParameter('currentHierarchyOnly', pInteger))) {
             $o_search->addResultFilter($this->opo_item_instance->tableName() . '.' . $vs_hier_fld, '=', (int) $vn_restrict_to_hier_id);
         // add filters
         if (isset($pa_options['filters']) && is_array($pa_options['filters']) && sizeof($pa_options['filters'])) {
             foreach ($pa_options['filters'] as $va_filter) {
                 $o_search->addResultFilter($va_filter[0], $va_filter[1], $va_filter[2]);
         // do search
         $qr_res = $o_search->search($ps_query . (intval($pb_exact) ? '' : '*') . $vs_type_query . $vs_additional_query_params, array('search_source' => 'Lookup', 'no_cache' => false, 'sort' => $vs_sort));
         $qr_res->setOption('prefetch', $pn_limit);
         $qr_res->setOption('dontPrefetchAttributes', true);
         $va_opts = array('exclude' => $va_excludes, 'limit' => $pn_limit);
         if (!$pb_no_inline && ($pb_quickadd || $this->request->user && $this->request->user->canDoAction('can_quickadd_' . $this->opo_item_instance->tableName()))) {
             $va_opts['inlineCreateQuery'] = $ps_query;
             $va_opts['inlineCreateMessageDoesNotExist'] = _t('<em>%1</em> does not exist. Create?', $ps_query);
             $va_opts['inlineCreateMessage'] = _t('Create <em>%1</em>?', $ps_query);
         } else {
             $va_opts['emptyResultQuery'] = $ps_query;
             $va_opts['emptyResultMessage'] = _t('No matches found for <em>%1</em>', $ps_query);
         $va_items = caProcessRelationshipLookupLabel($qr_res, $this->opo_item_instance, $va_opts);
     if (!is_array($va_items)) {
         $va_items = array();
     // Optional output simple list of labels instead of full data format
     if ((bool) $this->request->getParameter('simple', pInteger)) {
         $va_items = caExtractValuesFromArrayList($va_items, 'label', array('preserveKeys' => false));
     $this->view->setVar(str_replace(' ', '_', $this->ops_name_singular) . '_list', $va_items);
     return $this->render(str_replace(' ', '_', 'ajax_' . $this->ops_name_singular . '_list_html.php'));
コード例 #9
 public function Get()
     $ps_query = $this->request->getParameter('term', pString);
     $o_search = new ObjectSearch();
     $qr_res = $o_search->search($ps_query);
     $va_object_ids = array();
     while ($qr_res->nextHit()) {
         $va_object_ids[$qr_res->get('object_id')] = false;
     if (sizeof($va_object_ids)) {
         // get checked out items
         $o_db = new Db();
         $qr_checked_out_items = $o_db->query("\n\t\t\t\t\tSELECT DISTINCT i.object_id, i.loan_due_date\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM ca_commerce_order_items i\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\ti.loan_return_date IS NULL and i.loan_checkout_date > 0 AND i.object_id IN (?)\n\t\t\t\t", array(array_keys($va_object_ids)));
         while ($qr_checked_out_items->nextRow()) {
             $va_object_ids[$qr_checked_out_items->get('object_id')] = $qr_checked_out_items->get('loan_due_date');
         $t_object = new ca_objects();
         $qr_res = $t_object->makeSearchResult('ca_objects', array_keys($va_object_ids));
         $va_items = caProcessRelationshipLookupLabel($qr_res, $t_object, array());
         foreach ($va_items as $vn_object_id => $va_object) {
             if ((int) $va_object_ids[$vn_object_id] > 0) {
                 $vs_due_date_for_display = caGetLocalizedDate($va_object_ids[$vn_object_id], array('format' => 'delimited', 'timeOmit' => true));
                 $va_items[$vn_object_id]['label'] .= ' [<em>' . _t('on loan through %1', $vs_due_date_for_display) . '</em>]';
                 $va_items[$vn_object_id]['due_date'] = $va_object_ids[$vn_object_id];
                 $va_items[$vn_object_id]['due_date_display'] = $vs_due_date_for_display;
     if (!is_array($va_items)) {
         $va_items = array();
     if (!sizeof($va_items)) {
         // nothing found
         $va_items[0] = array('label' => _t('No matches found'), 'type_id' => null, 'object_id' => 0);
     $this->view->setVar('object_list', $va_items);
     $this->view->setVar('object_id_list', $va_object_ids);
     return $this->render('ajax_object_list_html.php');
コード例 #10
 public function Get($pa_additional_query_params = null, $pa_options = null)
     header("Content-type: application/json");
     $o_config = Configuration::load();
     $o_search_config = caGetSearchConfig();
     if (!$this->ops_search_class) {
         return null;
     $ps_query = $this->request->getParameter('term', pString);
     $pb_exact = $this->request->getParameter('exact', pInteger);
     $ps_exclude = $this->request->getParameter('exclude', pString);
     $va_excludes = explode(";", $ps_exclude);
     $ps_type = $this->request->getParameter('type', pString);
     $ps_types = $this->request->getParameter('types', pString);
     $ps_restrict_to_search = trim($this->request->getParameter('restrictToSearch', pString));
     $pb_no_subtypes = (bool) $this->request->getParameter('noSubtypes', pInteger);
     $pb_quickadd = (bool) $this->request->getParameter('quickadd', pInteger);
     $pb_no_inline = (bool) $this->request->getParameter('noInline', pInteger);
     if (!($pn_limit = $this->request->getParameter('limit', pInteger))) {
         $pn_limit = 100;
     $va_items = array();
     if (($vn_str_len = mb_strlen($ps_query)) > 0) {
         if ($vn_str_len < 3) {
             $pb_exact = true;
         // force short strings to be an exact match (using a very short string as a stem would perform badly and return too many matches in most cases)
         $o_search = new $this->ops_search_class();
         $pa_types = array();
         if ($ps_types) {
             $pa_types = explode(';', $ps_types);
         } else {
             if ($ps_type) {
                 $pa_types = array($ps_type);
         // Get type_ids
         $va_ids = array();
         if (sizeof($pa_types)) {
             $va_types = $this->opo_item_instance->getTypeList();
             $va_types_proc = array();
             foreach ($va_types as $vn_type_id => $va_type) {
                 $va_types_proc[$vn_type_id] = $va_types_proc[$va_type['idno']] = $vn_type_id;
             foreach ($pa_types as $ps_type) {
                 if (isset($va_types_proc[$ps_type])) {
                     $va_ids[$va_types_proc[$ps_type]] = true;
             $va_ids = array_keys($va_ids);
             if (sizeof($va_ids) > 0) {
                 $t_list = new ca_lists();
                 if (!$pb_no_subtypes) {
                     foreach ($va_ids as $vn_id) {
                         $va_children = $t_list->getItemsForList($this->opo_item_instance->getTypeListCode(), array('item_id' => $vn_id, 'idsOnly' => true));
                         $va_ids = array_merge($va_ids, $va_children);
                     $va_ids = array_flip(array_flip($va_ids));
                 $o_search->addResultFilter($this->opo_item_instance->tableName() . '.' . $this->opo_item_instance->getTypeFieldName(), 'IN', join(",", $va_ids));
         // add any additional search elements
         $vs_additional_query_params = '';
         if (is_array($pa_additional_query_params) && sizeof($pa_additional_query_params)) {
             $vs_additional_query_params = ' AND (' . join(' AND ', $pa_additional_query_params) . ')';
         $vs_restrict_to_search = '';
         if (strlen($ps_restrict_to_search) > 0) {
             $vs_restrict_to_search .= ' AND (' . $ps_restrict_to_search . ')';
         // get sort field
         $vs_sort = $this->request->getAppConfig()->get($this->opo_item_instance->tableName() . '_lookup_sort');
         if (!$vs_sort) {
             $vs_sort = '_natural';
         $vs_hier_parent_id_fld = $this->opo_item_instance->getProperty('HIERARCHY_PARENT_ID_FLD');
         $vs_hier_fld = $this->opo_item_instance->getProperty('HIERARCHY_ID_FLD');
         if ($vs_hier_fld && ($vn_restrict_to_hier_id = $this->request->getParameter('currentHierarchyOnly', pInteger))) {
             $o_search->addResultFilter($this->opo_item_instance->tableName() . '.' . $vs_hier_fld, '=', (int) $vn_restrict_to_hier_id);
         // add filters
         if (isset($pa_options['filters']) && is_array($pa_options['filters']) && sizeof($pa_options['filters'])) {
             foreach ($pa_options['filters'] as $va_filter) {
                 $o_search->addResultFilter($va_filter[0], $va_filter[1], $va_filter[2]);
         if (!$pb_exact) {
             $ps_query = trim(preg_replace("![" . str_replace("!", "\\!", $o_search_config->get('search_tokenizer_regex')) . "]+!", " ", $ps_query));
         // do search
         if ($vs_additional_query_params || $vs_restrict_to_search) {
             $vs_search = '(' . trim($ps_query) . (intval($pb_exact) ? '' : '*') . ')' . $vs_additional_query_params . $vs_restrict_to_search;
         } else {
             $vs_search = trim($ps_query) . (intval($pb_exact) ? '' : '*');
         $qr_res = $o_search->search($vs_search);
         $qr_res->setOption('prefetch', $pn_limit);
         $qr_res->setOption('dontPrefetchAttributes', true);
         $va_opts = array('exclude' => $va_excludes, 'limit' => $pn_limit);
         if (!$pb_no_inline && ($pb_quickadd || !strlen($pb_quickadd) && $this->request->user && $this->request->user->canDoAction('can_quickadd_' . $this->opo_item_instance->tableName()) && !(bool) $o_config->get($this->opo_item_instance->tableName() . '_disable_quickadd'))) {
             // if the lookup was restricted by search, try the lookup without the restriction
             // so that we can notify the user that he might be about to create a duplicate
             if (strlen($ps_restrict_to_search) > 0) {
                 $o_no_filter_result = $o_search->search(trim($ps_query) . (intval($pb_exact) ? '' : '*') . $vs_type_query . $vs_additional_query_params, array('search_source' => 'Lookup', 'no_cache' => false, 'sort' => $vs_sort));
                 if ($o_no_filter_result->numHits() != $qr_res->numHits()) {
                     $va_opts['inlineCreateMessageDoesNotExist'] = _t("<em>%1</em> doesn't exist with this filter but %2 record(s) match overall. Create <em>%1</em>?", $ps_query, $o_no_filter_result->numHits());
                     $va_opts['inlineCreateMessage'] = _t('<em>%1</em> matches %2 more record(s) without the current filter. Create <em>%1</em>?', $ps_query, $o_no_filter_result->numHits() - $qr_res->numHits());
             if (!isset($va_opts['inlineCreateMessageDoesNotExist'])) {
                 $va_opts['inlineCreateMessageDoesNotExist'] = _t('<em>%1</em> does not exist. Create?', $ps_query);
             if (!isset($va_opts['inlineCreateMessage'])) {
                 $va_opts['inlineCreateMessage'] = _t('Create <em>%1</em>?', $ps_query);
             $va_opts['inlineCreateQuery'] = $ps_query;
         } else {
             $va_opts['emptyResultQuery'] = $ps_query;
             $va_opts['emptyResultMessage'] = _t('No matches found for <em>%1</em>', $ps_query);
         $va_items = caProcessRelationshipLookupLabel($qr_res, $this->opo_item_instance, $va_opts);
     if (!is_array($va_items)) {
         $va_items = array();
     // Optional output simple list of labels instead of full data format
     if ((bool) $this->request->getParameter('simple', pInteger)) {
         $va_items = caExtractValuesFromArrayList($va_items, 'label', array('preserveKeys' => false));
     $this->view->setVar(str_replace(' ', '_', $this->ops_name_singular) . '_list', array_values($va_items));
     return $this->render(str_replace(' ', '_', 'ajax_' . $this->ops_name_singular . '_list_html.php'));